Yeah I really liked Joanne a lot, in some ways it's a shame she was an unborn baby as that particular sim wont ever exist in another DV game, out of all my couples, excluding Seth and Donna, Kiran and Joanne were by far the sweetest and most affectionate, they really adored each other.
Generation 2 - LaylaLayla was an Amin by name but an O'Reilly by nature, she did at least get her hair colour from her grandfather Seth, other than that she looked just like her mother albeit a pink version.

Her father was going through a bit of a non mid life crisis during her early years, when the tattoo had failed to make him stay young he had drunk one of his potions instead, but this new lease of life had made him feel liberated in an unusual way.

For his parents though time was marching on, if Seth turned out to be anything like his father and grandfather then his was fast running out.

Layla's birthday arrived and at first all went as expected.

That was until Kiran got up to his tricks again. No little girl needs to see her dad like that.

But it wasn't Kiran who upset her birthday celebrations, Seth had held on until it was over and the plates had been cleaned away but he could hold it back no longer, it was time to go.

He had been immortal once but had given that all up to have a life and family with Donna knowing that Grim would be punctual as ever, little girls birthdays mean nothing to Grim when he has a job to do.

Donna did her best to carry on without him, spending as much time as she could with Layla.

But soon it was her time to go as well.

It had been a rough start to her childhood but thanks to grandma's help she had got her A grade in school anyway, and she had also made a decision, one that altered things a little but that in the long run worked out fine, she wanted to be a doctor when she grew up.

But being a doctor wasn't enough, learning logic was fine but she needed another skill for her requirements, so back to plan A for that, sculpting.

Kiran once again had his adult birthday and entered into a real mid life crisis, he did keep his clothes on this time though.

Having got her A and attended her romance free prom it was time for Layla to grow up.

First thing she did was run over to the hospital and apply for a job. She worked hard and got steady promotions, in her spare time she continued sculpting and doing opportunities such as delivering sculptures to those naughty criminals.

One of her co-workers was an elderly man named Aiden O'Connell, he was an old friend of her mothers so when he invited Joanne to a party at his place both Layla and Kiran tagged along, Layla decided it might be a good time to throw one her fathers potions at this old man, you know to keep him around for a bit for future generations.

But whatever thoughts Layla had about future generations soon vanished when Aiden made it clear in no uncertain terms that he wasn't interested in that, no he was interested in Layla and didn't care who knew it, not even his fiancee who was standing right behind him.

Party over the guests left one by one, her parents going home without her, she really should have gone home with them it being her mothers birthday and all, but somehow she just didn't wish to leave and seeing as Aiden's fiancee already disliked Layla there seemed little reason not to go the full hog so she asked Aiden to break it off and go steady with her instead, he agreed to both without any hesitation.

Kiran had finally got over his naturist tendancies and had now developed an obsession with toadifying Joanne, I suppose it's preferable to love charms but only just.

Layla received two opportunities in Egypt so she booked herself a trip and went to meet her ancestors, literally. Little Imsety of course had no idea who she was but it was a strange moment coming face to face with her grandfathers grandfather and his family.

She arrived home in time for Kiran's elder birthday. Thanks to his use of the fountain of youth he had ended up younger than Joanne by some days. Then shortly after it was her own turn.

Old age didn't stop Kiran's misbehaving, but he loved Joanne no matter what she looked like which was actually rather sweet. Or maybe he just had a frog fetish, who knows.

Layla was doing well at work and had started giving neighbourhood clinics, during one such clinic she had to vaccinate Aiden who surpisingly for such a big strong man turned out to be a real baby.

Before long she had maxed her career and finished her requirements, Aiden gladly moved in when she asked him to and soon after they were married.

Would the next generation be another little witch? and would they be a rainboo as well?

Well as it turned out it was a yes to both, and as if having a new grandaughter wasn't nice enough, Tara was Kiran's favourite colour too.
Generation 2 - Layla AminTraits: Excitable, friendly, lucky, savvy sculptor, genius
Lifetime Wish: Become a world renowned surgeon
Unique Maxed Career: Medical
Two Unique Best Friends: Teague McMillan, Leonardo Browne
Three Unique Skill Challenges: Chiselmeister, Master Sculptor, Prolific Sculptor
Four Black Ops: An Old Ruse, Scarab Ecology, Senet Strategy, Sculpt A Suspect
Spouse - Aiden O'Connellloves the outdoors, vehicle enthusiast, schmoozer, athletic, friendly
I just have to add that Kiran must be the best looking elder I think I've ever had, he has such good bone structure it's stood up really well to the ravages of old age. At first I wasn't totally sure about Tara's skin tone it's subtle but it's definitely orange.
As for Aiden well it was a very spur of the moment thing, he was old, very old, and I didn't want him to die during his party so I threw a fountain of youth at him, I certainly never expected him to then start hitting on Layla but he wouldn't stop so I just went along with it and Layla was more than happy to do so.