Author Topic: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 (Complete)  (Read 58730 times)

Offline Turoskel

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Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 (Complete)
« on: January 18, 2015, 04:08:04 AM »
Welcome to my 4x4 tale, I wasn't at all sure if I would get to the end of this dynasty, especially when I had a surprise incident half way through but Trip kindly let me continue, so thank you very much for that Trip  ;D

I had no story in mind while playing this, each world and generation seemed so different and their stories so individual to me it was too hard to weave into something consistent so this is more of a narrative tale based on events that happened than any overarching storyline.

General Dynasty Set Up

Expansions: World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Supernatural, Seasons.
Stuff Packs: All up to Master Suite Stuff
Various Store Items

I own all EP's but turned some off for various reasons, performance, annoying interactions, mermaid invasions etc. The only one I really regretted was Pets as I would have liked the plastic surgery option a couple of times when my heirs had a few issues, weight being the primary one, one of my poor boys was a bag of bones while his grandmother was constantly ballooning up to Judy Bunch proportions, no amount of body sculpting or exercise could fix those two as they would just revert back, luckily they didn't pass it on.


I am dreadful at naming sims, I can never think of anything so generally resort to baby name sites, this time I decided to have a sort of theme, the Amin name comes from Seth's grandfather who was Egyptian so I decided to use that as a basis for naming along with Sanskrit names as I found far more of those than Egyptian, I then added others depending on the world, so for example in Dragon Valley I included Irish and Celtic names in my search. I mostly stuck to two sites, I did notice different places sometimes list different origins for names so some may not be totally accurate to what I was intending depending where you look.

Baby Gender

I made a self imposed rule for this and only deviated from it once. Basically it was wish based and went like this:

Mother and father both wish for the same gender, wish is granted.
One parent wishes for a boy, the other parent rolls no wishes, the wish is granted.
Nobody rolls a wish or they roll opposite wishes, baby gender is left to chance.

In the case of my deviation father wanted a boy, mother didn't care but I wanted a girl as it made my life easier, in the end I left it up to chance and lucky for me I got my wish granted, they had a girl.


Dragon Valley

Generation 1 - Kiran
Generation 2 - Layla
Generation 3 - Tara
Generation 4 - Shani
Goodbye To Dragon Valley

Monte Vista

Generation 5 - Eliana
Generation 6 - Jay
Generation 7 - Lucie
Generation 8 - Leon
Arrivederci to Monte Vista

Lucky Palms

Settling In
Generation 9 - Stephanie
Generation 10 - Rohan
Generation 11 - Isaac
Generation 12 - Aiya
Farewell to Lucky Palms

Aurora Skies

Journeys End
Generation 13 - Aaren
Generation 14 - Joren
Generation 15 - Lynae
Generation 16 - Soren

*Warning this link contains spoilers*

Read at your peril or you know just if you are feeling nosey  :P

Amin Family Tree

World 1 Dragon Valley

Dragon Valley Game Settings

Seasons: All, 14 days each
Population: Fairies on all others off
Fixed moon phase

Founders - Seth & Donna

Seth Amin
Traits: loves the outdoors, family oriented, virtuoso, schmoozer, angler
Lifetime Wish: swimming in cash

Donna Amin
Traits: slob, commitment issues, family oriented, kleptomaniac, athletic
Lifetime Wish: swimming in cash

If you have read my immortal dynasty you might remember these two, Seth was generation eight and Donna was his prom assigned babysitter clone girlfriend. That description really doesn't do her justice as personality wise I actually rather liked Donna and Seth was totally besotted with her.

My only objection to her was her generic face so I tweaked it a little, not too much else she wouldn't be Donna, just enough to get rid of any zero sliders and make her less generic. She is also now a witch.

Other than that they are as they have always been, no trait changes but a lifetime wish change to swimming in cash for them both. One that soon got fulfilled after Seth found a tiberium in a dumpster and Donna also managed to convert an apple into another one.

I chose a house in the center of town nestled between the grocery store and business office and opposite the cemetery, that proved to be an interesting choice when the ghosts started wandering over to make use of the facilities.

So that's about it as far as they are concerned, they lived a very happy life together and left me with a nice home and two large tombstones towards the moving requirements.

Offline Turoskel

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 1
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2015, 05:06:18 AM »
Generation 1 - Kiran

When Kiran was born his parents were living in an empty shell of a house using the toilet for a seat as there were no others and dumpster diving for a bit of cash and furniture.

But then their luck changed when they got the tiberium, it wasn't soon enough though and it became obvious that the baby would arrive before the house was rebuilt, they did at least invest in a new crib.

Kiran wasn't born at home because Donna decided she was going to walk to the hospital while having contractions, give birth, then walk home again with the baby.

By now the tiberium had grown and been sold, both their lifetime wishes were complete and the house was given a makeover while they took Kiran for a stroll, the general footprint remained but the inside had been gutted, downstairs now had just two rooms, kitchen and living room, a new upstairs had three bedrooms and two bathrooms and the attic had space for whatever they wanted to do up there.

Days passed and Kiran grew up, it was already pretty clear he was a mix of both parents, mother's hair and witch powers, dad's eyes and square jaw, but he had been spared the Amin nose, a gift from Seth's grandfather.

Toddler training was a breeze thanks to his family oriented parents, not even his father's abysmal violin skills could put him off.

Childhood arrived and the first thing his dad did was take him fishing, Seth has three passions in life, Donna, music and fishing. Fishing is not in Kiran's future though so it's more of a father and son bonding thing than a serious hobby.

Kiran wasn't the only baby born around that time, this was a good thing as it meant he had kids to attend school with, even better they were all girls.

Debbie Mithrilen, Joanne O'Reilly and Gretchen Eames, a colourful trio of little girls but one in particular caught Kiran's eye even at that tender age. Perhaps because her hair was his favourite colour maybe?

Teenage years were spent working on his alchemy skills up in the attic when he wasn't at school.

And turning a few townies into werewolves and vamps with his elixirs.

His birthday fell on prom night, he wasn't going to miss it though so he had his birthday alone on the side of the road when it was over, even so it turned out to be the best birthday ever after he spent the night dancing with a certain someone.

Kiran had to wait for his new love to have her birthday as well but as soon as she did he went round to see her and make things more official.

He could have chosen any of the girls that night at prom but he chose Joanne O'Reilly, that little girl who had so entranced him with her bright orange hair.

Most of his time was spent in the attic making elixirs, maxing the career had been easy but making 150 elixirs was rather time consuming but he did get out on occasion. One such outing was to a party that Joanne also happened to be attending, for Kiran it seemed the perfect moment to pop the question.

Completing his requirements had been a doddle, partly because he was the first to do so and also because he'd picked an easy career and skill, he finished on his adult birthday and decided to celebrate by getting a tattoo, he choose to have an orange haired grey skinned lady tattooed on his upper right arm in honour of his future wife. His birthday though decided that no tattoo was going to stop it from arriving so he still got older.

Joanne dislikes the outdoors so they chose to have the wedding inside, setting the wedding arch up inside the living room.

It wasn't long before Joanne was expecting, she was so excited to tell her big sister Morrigan, the only vampire in town thanks to a teenage Kiran.

The days passed and Joanne grew larger, Donna and Seth were quite old now but both desperately wanted to meet their grandchild, they still had plenty of time Grim willing.

Then the moment arrived, Joanne decided on a home birth, well it meant she didn't have to go outside for one thing.

She gave birth to a little pink baby girl to go with her pink blanket, they named her Layla, she's a witch just like her father.

So now Kiran's work was done and the torch, or wand if you prefer, was passed on to his little girl.

Generation 1- Kiran Amin
Traits: Slob, friendly, good sense of humour, born salesman, family oriented
Lifetime Wish: LTW Alchemic Artisan
Unique Maxed Career: Alchemist
Two Unique Best Friends: Tera Wagoner, Laurel Carrier
Three Unique Skill Challenges: Excellent Elixirs, Master Alchemist, Alchemists Anonymous
Four Black Ops: Add It Up, Alchemis Mastery, Frequent Fatigue, No Sweat

Spouse - Joanne O'Reilly
Hates the outdoors, great kisser, disciplined, good, excitable

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2015, 10:03:32 AM »
I'm glad to see Seth get a second life!

The house looks cool. :D
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Offline Malley

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2015, 12:44:20 PM »
Hooray for another 4x4 dynasty and for Seth continuing the dynasty line! Can't wait to see how Layla turns out  :)

Offline Turoskel

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2015, 01:29:05 PM »
Thank you both  :D

I don't know how you feel about it but I always feel like the last generation gets cut off in their prime so to speak, to me Seth's story was unfinished in my mind as he never got his wedding to Donna, never had a family of his own, I just really wanted to give him that chance, of course now I feel the same way about gen 16 of this one, it's a never ending cycle of guilt playing dynasties  :P

I think the Dragon Valley house was the easiest one for me, where I grew up there were quite a few old Tudor buildings in the local area so that kind of architecture is very familiar and I've always really liked it, I did find some odd glitches though with some of the Dragon Valley items, the roof ridge despite being way above them in the attic kept stopping them from getting at stuff so I took it off in the end, and I put Bonehilda up there as well, sometimes she'd exit into the roof space instead of in the room and get stuck, or she'd end up over by city hall instead  ::)

Definitely my favourite house of the challenge though.

Offline Lisa46

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2015, 06:38:44 PM »
Joanne is gorgeous! And hooray for the little girl, she is such a pretty color!

Offline Turoskel

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 2
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2015, 02:50:50 AM »
Yeah I really liked Joanne a lot, in some ways it's a shame she was an unborn baby as that particular sim wont ever exist in another DV game, out of all my couples, excluding Seth and Donna, Kiran and Joanne were by far the sweetest and most affectionate, they really adored each other.

Generation 2 - Layla

Layla was an Amin by name but an O'Reilly by nature, she did at least get her hair colour from her grandfather Seth, other than that she looked just like her mother albeit a pink version.

Her father was going through a bit of a non mid life crisis during her early years, when the tattoo had failed to make him stay young he had drunk one of his potions instead, but this new lease of life had made him feel liberated in an unusual way.

For his parents though time was marching on, if Seth turned out to be anything like his father and grandfather then his was fast running out.

Layla's birthday arrived and at first all went as expected.

That was until Kiran got up to his tricks again. No little girl needs to see her dad like that.

But it wasn't Kiran who upset her birthday celebrations, Seth had held on until it was over and the plates had been cleaned away but he could hold it back no longer, it was time to go.

He had been immortal once but had given that all up to have a life and family with Donna knowing that Grim would be punctual as ever, little girls birthdays mean nothing to Grim when he has a job to do.

Donna did her best to carry on without him, spending as much time as she could with Layla.

But soon it was her time to go as well.

It had been a rough start to her childhood but thanks to grandma's help she had got her A grade in school anyway, and she had also made a decision, one that altered things a little but that in the long run worked out fine, she wanted to be a doctor when she grew up.

But being a doctor wasn't enough, learning logic was fine but she needed another skill for her requirements, so back to plan A for that, sculpting.

Kiran once again had his adult birthday and entered into a real mid life crisis, he did keep his clothes on this time though.

Having got her A and attended her romance free prom it was time for Layla to grow up.

First thing she did was run over to the hospital and apply for a job. She worked hard and got steady promotions, in her spare time she continued sculpting and doing opportunities such as delivering sculptures to those naughty criminals.

One of her co-workers was an elderly man named Aiden O'Connell, he was an old friend of her mothers so when he invited Joanne to a party at his place both Layla and Kiran tagged along, Layla decided it might be a good time to throw one her fathers potions at this old man, you know to keep him around for a bit for future generations.

But whatever thoughts Layla had about future generations soon vanished when Aiden made it clear in no uncertain terms that he wasn't interested in that, no he was interested in Layla and didn't care who knew it, not even his fiancee who was standing right behind him.

Party over the guests left one by one, her parents going home without her, she really should have gone home with them it being her mothers birthday and all, but somehow she just didn't wish to leave and seeing as Aiden's fiancee already disliked Layla there seemed little reason not to go the full hog so she asked Aiden to break it off and go steady with her instead, he agreed to both without any hesitation.

Kiran had finally got over his naturist tendancies and had now developed an obsession with toadifying Joanne, I suppose it's preferable to love charms but only just.

Layla received two opportunities in Egypt so she booked herself a trip and went to meet her ancestors, literally. Little Imsety of course had no idea who she was but it was a strange moment coming face to face with her grandfathers grandfather and his family.

She arrived home in time for Kiran's elder birthday. Thanks to his use of the fountain of youth he had ended up younger than Joanne by some days. Then shortly after it was her own turn.

Old age didn't stop Kiran's misbehaving, but he loved Joanne no matter what she looked like which was actually rather sweet. Or maybe he just had a frog fetish, who knows.

Layla was doing well at work and had started giving neighbourhood clinics, during one such clinic she had to vaccinate Aiden who surpisingly for such a big strong man turned out to be a real baby.

Before long she had maxed her career and finished her requirements, Aiden gladly moved in when she asked him to and soon after they were married.

Would the next generation be another little witch? and would they be a rainboo as well?

Well as it turned out it was a yes to both, and as if having a new grandaughter wasn't nice enough, Tara was Kiran's favourite colour too.

Generation 2 - Layla Amin
Traits: Excitable, friendly, lucky, savvy sculptor, genius
Lifetime Wish: Become a world renowned surgeon
Unique Maxed Career: Medical
Two Unique Best Friends: Teague McMillan, Leonardo Browne
Three Unique Skill Challenges: Chiselmeister, Master Sculptor, Prolific Sculptor
Four Black Ops: An Old Ruse, Scarab Ecology, Senet Strategy, Sculpt A Suspect

Spouse - Aiden O'Connell
loves the outdoors, vehicle enthusiast, schmoozer, athletic, friendly

I just have to add that Kiran must be the best looking elder I think I've ever had, he has such good bone structure it's stood up really well to the ravages of old age. At first I wasn't totally sure about Tara's skin tone it's subtle but it's definitely orange.

As for Aiden well it was a very spur of the moment thing, he was old, very old, and I didn't want him to die during his party so I threw a fountain of youth at him, I certainly never expected him to then start hitting on Layla but he wouldn't stop so I just went along with it and Layla was more than happy to do so.

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2015, 05:09:28 AM »
First off, congratulations on finishing the challenge! Kiran is definitely a very young looking elder, so glad Seth's nose isn't passed down I've always hated it, lol.
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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2015, 01:00:31 PM »
Yes me too, at certain angles it's not quite so bad but head on it just totally dominates his face, and when they get old their noses get even bigger! I really wasn't sorry to see that go  ;D

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2015, 02:40:02 PM »
Congrats to Layla on finishing her requirements! Kiran is still quite handsome for an elder  :D

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 3
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2015, 03:20:17 AM »
Generation 3 - Tara

The O'Reilly genes were strong, Tara was like a little peachy orange version of her mother only with her grandfathers black hair.

The festival grounds were just across the street from their house so the family visited often, although the current face painter could do with a bit more training.

And the food merchant didn't even have a uniform, you would think just for food hygiene purposes they would make Dillon Lawless cover those hairy arms, after all werewolves always joke about how much they shed their fur and who wants that in their food.

It's also a good moment to take a family portrait, something to remember them all by when they are gone, it seemed that very thought was on Tara's mind.

And it turned out she was right.

Joanne found some comfort from an understanding source, Donna knows what it's like to lose the only man you ever loved.

But she can at least still smile about her grandaughter, boasting about how Tara takes after Donna in being a kleptomaniac.

Even though elementary School was short Tara had no trouble getting her A grade, before she retired Joanne was the school principal and so was very helpful when it came to tutoring.

Like her father Tara is athletic, Dragon Valley is a very pretty place to go jogging and Tara spent hours doing just that.

Kiran had died on his 52nd birthday the same as his father before him, Joanne lasted much longer but even she couldn't evade Grim forever, finally at 60 he came to collect.

Winter arrived and with it the winter festival.

For Layla and Aiden though it turned into an emergency situation, I Imagine when the poor girl mentioned she felt poorly she never expected not one but two doctors to rush to her rescue.

Tara had her young adult birthday so now she could really start to work on her requirements. At first glance she appears much like her mother, a little plump but not really overweight, but in reality she is 100% muscle just like her father was before he got old and lost it.

For Tara her choice of career was obvious, what else would an athletic Kleptomaniac do? she was born for this work.

So now it was a case of work, exercise, more work and even more exercise.

Since their meeting when Tara was a child she has remained friends with Dillon, although she found him attractive she wasn't really interested in him other than as a friend. But even that got tested at times when he growled at her.

In fact the circumstances of her meeting her future husband were rather bizarre, the family's maid Bonehilda was rather prone to going walkabout, more often than not they would spot her wandering around outside city hall, but today she had decided to try a bit of ice skating, scaring the life out of poor old Riordan Mithrilin.

So Tara and Layla went over to collect her but while Layla was trying to get Bonehilda to go home Tara found herself face to face with the man of her dreams, unfortunately he was older than she'd imagined but that was easy to fix.

Fountains of youth have a strange sense of humour at times and chose to dress Riordan in swimming trunks and flippers, much to Layla's amusement.

Both Aiden and Layla wished to see their little girl get married but Aiden never got that chance, he was 52 as well, sometimes I think Grim really hates the men of this family.

For Tara work was becoming a grind, not that she minded too much as she was a workaholic but promotions were slow, some nights they would claim she hadn't shown up when she had, other nights they didn't tell her there was an extra shift on her day off until last minute, it was holding her back so she took to asking her boss for promotions whenever possible and spending her time off chained to the computer working from home.

Eventually by spring she was done, Riordan had got himself a job at the festival so she hung about with her mother till his shift ended then armed with a cure elixir she asked him to move in.

His wings weren't the only thing he ditched, the mullet hair went too! They married in the garden under the same arch as her parents with a proud Layla watching.

And so the cycle continues to the next generation once more, a blue father and an orange mother what would this mean for the next little rainboo?

How about Hot Pink!

Generation 3 - Tara Amin
Traits: Athletic, Genius, Kleptomaniac, Night Owl, Workaholic
Lifetime Wish: LTW Become a Master Thief
Unique Maxed Career: Criminal - Thief branch
Two Unique Best Friends: Sherrie Boyer, Jamie Lajoie
Three Unique Skill Challenges: Marathon Runner, Body Builder, Fitness Nut
Four Black Ops: Welcome To The Family, Adonis In The Making, Simoleons Under The Table, The Complete Circuit

Around the time of Shani's birth I suffered a severe migraine that laid me up in bed for a day and for a week or two afterwards a dull pain hung about and my eyes were really oversensitive, to me Shani's skintone was an assault on my poor eyes, which aren't that great to begin with having been born with poor eyesight, and I honestly could not bear to look at her for long so did my best not to and when she became a child I covered her up from head to toe just so I could play. As she got older I started giving her suntans to make her skintone a little less painful for me to look at, It's a shame really but her generation was a real trial to me as I couldn't bear to look at her.

She was also my sim with the yo-yo weight issues so screenshot continuity in the next chapter will be rather lacking, pink then purple then pink again, fat to thin to fat and so on, hopefully not too confusing though. I really didn't understand that as Riordan is a stick insect and Tara is super fit yet Shani's natural weight level is almost at full on the slider. I honestly thought Riordan was on the blue slider as his whole family including sister Debbie born at the start of the game were blue, I guess it goes to show that unless you check in CAS you never can tell.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2015, 08:30:00 AM »
Oh, sorry to hear about your eyesight, I can't imagine what it must have been like for you to play during Shani's play through. Poor Tara, that face painting reminds me of a few festival disaster I've seen in the past few years, lol. The men in your dynasties are really unfortunate, I've never had that happen to me.
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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Generation 4
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2015, 03:48:25 AM »
It got better after the move, I think partly as my eyes felt better and also the different lighting in the next town, and yes the men of Dragon Valley were cursed to an early grave if they married my family, every single one of them died the day their bar filled up, that got better as well a bit, the women did well though, at 60 Joanne was my longest lived sim until world four, this is just looking at the number of days shown not counting any life extension tricks mind you, I'm sure technically many lived far longer than that.

Two chapters coming up today, Shani and the move.

Generation 4 - Shani

Shani's favourite colour was hot pink which I guess was handy seeing as so was she.

The last days of spring were spent collecting eggs, Layla had already found three fancy ones for the family collection and the first one Shani collected turned out to be the fourth.

Most of her childhood was spent dressed as an alien, even going to school like it.

When she became a teen it really was about time to ditch the mask though.

Most of the colourful residents of Dragon Valley were long gone now, of those that remained two were family, vampiric Morrigan O'Reilly and fairy Debbie Mithrilen, and then there were the two Lawless brothers and their adopted sister Cara, still alive because they rarely changed out of their werewolf forms. Everybody else in town including her school friends were decidedly average looking.

Layla never retired from her job, instead she worked right up till the end helping the sick and needy. She didn't live quite as long as her mother but she was close.

Summer arrived and with it the tanning booth.

Although Shani's first try went a little bit wrong and made her look more like a vampire than a witch.

In the middle of Tara's birthday the doorbell went, the family rarely got visitors but this was an old friend.

Dillon had come to pay his respects to his friend and co-worker.

Shani redeemed some of the families festival tickets and got herself a home tanning booth before summer ended, when it worked right she turned a deep purple colour. Joanne put in an appearance for her birthday celebrations.

Shani is a natural cook so applied for a job at the Diner next door, between shifts she practiced cooking at home filling the fridge with salads.

And learned every recipe she could to complete her lifetime wish of culinary librarian.

She got an opportunity phone call from Orion Lawless one day, he was throwing a party and wanted some very nice food for his guests, he had heard about her cooking skills from his girlfriend who happened to be Shani's boss.

She soon became best friends with both the Lawless boys, like her Orion was a natural cook.

Unfortunately he was also a tad on the grumpy side and would often lash out at Shani, but he would also apologise afterwards which was a bit unusual.

Shani wasn't having any of it though. Truth is she quite liked Orion but she liked her career more and she wasn't about to upset her boss when she needed those promotions.

But then she was also very fond of Dillon as well, for Shani making a choice between them was at the moment impossible so she just stayed friends for now.

Despite her workaholic tendencies Tara decided to retire, both Riordan and herself were getting on now and she wanted to spend as much time with her husband as they had left.

It didn't prove to be very long at all, it was getting dark by the time Grim came for him on his 52nd day, he actually thought he might live past it this time, but no such luck.

Adulthood arrived for Shani and she had a bit of a mid life crisis, she took to visiting the local pub down the road with her mother where they drowned their sorrows together.

But eventually her mother found some solace in her fathers nightly visits. And Shani got over her crisis with a nice cup of tea.

Time moved on and Shani drew ever closer to her final goal, maxing her career, but then a phone call from a distraught Orion changed things a little and threw a curve ball at her, her boss had just died.

She rushed round to comfort her old friend while all the time hoping this wouldn't affect her chances of promotion, she was so close to the finish now.

Thankfully for Shani by working her socks off on her next shift she still got that final promotion regardless of her new boss not really knowing her.

Now with her requirements over Shani had to make some decisions about her future.

Generation 3 - Shani Amin
Traits: Friendly, loves the heat, ambitious, natural cook, great kisser
Lifetime Wish: Culinary Librarian
Unique Maxed Career: Culinary
Two Unique Best Friends: Jenelle Britton, Jared Engel
Three Unique Skill Challenges: Menu Maven, Star chef, World class chef
Four Black Ops: Very Nice!, Muscle Showdown, Overtime Hours, Insider Dining

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4 Move One
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2015, 04:02:04 AM »
Goodbye to Dragon Valley

A couple of days after Shani got her final promotion Tara passed away.

At least dad was there to comfort her.

But now she had some decisions to make, a move was on the cards but should she go alone or should she finally make a choice between those Lawless brothers.

On the one hand you had Dillon, sweet and charming and always ready with a bunch of flowers to brighten her day.

Then on the other hand you had Orion, he was grumpy.

and argumentative.

But for some reason she just couldn't leave him alone, when he asked her out on a date she agreed, but then he did something quite unexpected.

But even though it upset him and put a dent in their friendship she had to say no.

They didn't speak for a while after that until they met once more at a costume party hosted by Morrigan.

At this point Dillon was looking far more appealing and far less scary.

But since then time had passed and things had changed, Orion was a heartbroken old man, Dillon now had a girlfriend and Shani found herself alone.

Any attempts to console Orion got thrown back in her face.

So did attempts at affection.

But eventually a promise of a new start won him round, much to Dillon's delight.

A potent cure and a fountain of youth later and Orion was like a new man. A lot of his general demeanor had come from his lycanthropy more than his grumpiness, once that was gone he became far less stroppy.

He also finally got his wish to move in with Shani even if it was to her house instead of his.

But soon it was time to leave so Orion said goodbye to his brother, while Shani said goodbye to her aunts.

So that was it, they were off to a far sunnier climate with little more than the clothes on their backs and some money in their pockets to make a fresh start, together at last.

Family Museum Total = 78,726

Collection 1 - Elixirs - 2114 each = 8456
Collection 2 - Sculptures - 5975, 7731, 5900, 12390 = 31996
Collection 3 - Festival eggs - 592, 561, 612, 579 = 2344

Collection 4 - Wedding Presents - 600, 3750, 1490, 30000 = 35840

Career Rewards - Globe Statue - Criminal lvl 8, Insouciance No.12 - Criminal lvl 9, Fox statue, Medical trophy of honor

Tombstones - Seth Amin, Donna Amin, Kiran Amin, Layla Amin

All properties and buildings owned and upgraded, one vacation used.

Goodbye from Dragon Valley, see you again in Monte Vista!

Offline Lisa46

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Re: Around The Worlds ~ The Amin 4x4
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2015, 08:24:25 AM »
Shani is totally gorgeous! Are you going to add her to the swap shop?