Author Topic: The Ghostly Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 4 (3/18) BACK!  (Read 17036 times)

Offline Lisa46

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The Ghostly Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 4 (3/18) BACK!
« on: January 06, 2015, 08:22:57 PM »
Chapter One - Starting a Dynasty

Watchers are people with great importance. That is why they often have multiple assistants, to keep track of all the different game files.

The watcher and her assistants lived in a special file that had aging off. It was peaceful and full of happy, healthy, immortal sims. But the watcher's favorite assistant was still not content. The watcher was constantly forcing poor, innocent people to complete dynasties. This particular assistant had been born into a dynasty family and used as an art slave, and now she held a deep-seated grudge against all dynasties - especially the immortal kind.

The watcher realized that the assistant was unhappy, so she decided to change that. Unfortunately, the watcher mistook Violet's feelings as jealousy of dynasty founders. So the watcher made Violet a sim, and prepared her for the immortal dynasty challenge.

That wasn't exactly what Violet wanted, sure, but how bad it could it be?


Violet was a great dynasty sim. She had maxed photography before her older brother maxed his supermax skill. That's why the watcher decided to have her supermax photography again.

Violet was very excited.

Violet: Thanks for choosing this skill!
Alize: Glad you like it!
Violet: The sooner you start my supermax, the sooner you realize how stupid you are and give up on my dynasty.
Alize: Not gonna happen. You are completing this skill if it kills you.
Violet: ...I would prefer not to die...
Alize: You'll start out dead, then.

Violet: That is not what I meant!
Alize: Too bad. It's happening anyway. I can do whatever I want.
Violet: Just do one thing for me? Change my name. Otherwise this dynasty will either be more color names or it will be V names. Neither is a good thing.
Alize: Ok! How about A names?
Violet: What? No!
Alize: I think Amara would be nice for you.
Amara: That's not a theme at all!
Alize: It is. You'll see.
Amara: Just tell me.
Alize: I'm trying to keep suspense here, jeez! Ok, load up Moonlight Falls and let's do this.
Amara: Wait! I want a cat.
Alize: I can relate. Here, Ella can go with you. She's the daughter of your first cat.

Offline KRae

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Re: The Futuristic and Ghostly (yes both) Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 1
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2015, 02:39:01 AM »
Well, this should be fun. It's good to see people still working the TS3 challenges. I'm doing another Decadynasty myself, but not posting. However, I do love reading what you post, so thanks.

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Offline Annabec

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Re: The Futuristic and Ghostly (yes both) Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 1
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2015, 12:24:27 PM »
What a fun and unique idea for a dynasty! Definitely looking forward to reading more!

Offline CeresIn

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Re: The Futuristic and Ghostly (yes both) Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 1
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2015, 04:26:28 PM »
Good beginning! Glad to have another immortal dynasty to read. :D

Offline Lisa46

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Re: The Futuristic and Ghostly (yes both) Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 1
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2015, 06:21:04 PM »
Well, this should be fun. It's good to see people still working the TS3 challenges. I'm doing another Decadynasty myself, but not posting. However, I do love reading what you post, so thanks.

I actually am currently working on the adulthood of generation 2 and my founder is already immortalized. I figured it was time to post now.

What a fun and unique idea for a dynasty! Definitely looking forward to reading more!

Thank you! I remembered reading that you could technically do a immortal dynasty with ghosts so I decided to try one because as far as I know, no one else has done one yet.

Great to see you're doing another dynasty, Lisa!  Looking forward to this one  ;D


Good beginning! Glad to have another immortal dynasty to read. :D

I realized that the dynasty boards weren't going to be active much longer so I should post sooner rather than later.

Authors note: Violet was blinking in that photo, which I'm sorry about. She has gorgeous eyes.
Violet was born to my first immortal dynasty founder and her husband Gobias. She was a spare and I got super attached to her, so I planned on having her found a legacy at some point. Then I realized I was thinking about starting another dynasty. This is my fourth immortal dynasty one of which has succeeded and one of which has run into bugs. The first dynasty I ever started is actually still technically playable, but I hadn't done any townie genes or museum value stuff and I got bored of it. 
One more time - she is gorgeous. She has her mother's facial features, her own unique hair color, random but very pretty blue eyes, and her father's lips. I put her on the rainbow slider for this dynasty because I am no longer capable of making normal sims.

Offline Lisa46

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Re: The Futuristic and Ghostly (yes both) Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 1
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2015, 08:07:15 PM »
Chapter 2 - Amara Creates Problems

Olivia Goth: Ewww, a ghost.
Amara: Oooh, you're hot.
Alize: This does not bode well.
Amara: Move in with me!

Sam Goth: God, I hate ghosts. They cause me pathing issues.
Violet Slymer: I don't really fancy you either, mate.

Sam: Now you will! I just got you a ton of cash.

Frida: Hey, I get to learn a new skill! I'm sure I won't be forced into slavery over it later.

Frida: Sculpting? Why would I want to learn sculpting?

Frida: And why would I want to kiss him?

Frida: Are you trying to compliment my genes? It's not working.

Amara: Can't I kiss Olivia herself? Or anyone other than Olivia's ex-husband?
Alize: Didn't expect so many forced romances.
Amara: I expect something in return, lady.

Amara: Ooh, that works!

Amara: Oh, so that's why I had to woohoo a guy.

Frida: Amara! Check out my way of discovering pregnancy! It's so much cooler than yours.

Alize: Sam, I know that's just Gator Wolff. But he looks like an alien through you.
Sam: My ghost type is so great that way.
Alize: Hope your daughter isn't like that.
Sam: I'm having a kid? With Amara?
Alize: You two really don't like each other? That sucks, but you're still getting married so that you can take My Ghostly Spouse as her YA photo.
Sam: I hate being a watched sim.
Amara, Olivia, Frida, and Violet: We do not blame you...

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Offline Malley

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Hey, I get to learn a new skill! I'm sure I won't be forced into slavery over it later.

Guess she doesn't know how a dynasty works  ;)

Offline Lisa46

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Guess she doesn't know how a dynasty works  ;)

Apparently not!

I had a ton of fun with the fact that the household contained a gay guy and three lesbian women. Only one straight woman. It cracked me up!

Offline dontmindme

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lol, this is awesome, I can't wait to see more. I wish you luck and many, many girls who can marry the graveyard ghosts/Peanut.

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Re: The Futuristic and Ghostly (yes both) Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 2 (1/17)
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2015, 08:05:00 PM »
Apparently not!

I had a ton of fun with the fact that the household contained a gay guy and three lesbian women. Only one straight woman. It cracked me up!

Sounds like my kind of household!

Fingers crossed for Frida to give birth to a ghost and not break the theme. :P
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Re: The Futuristic and Ghostly (yes both) Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 2 (1/17)
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2015, 05:59:15 PM »
You are brilliant and so funny, I would love to see a whole generation of immortal ghosts.
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Offline Lisa46

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Re: The Futuristic and Ghostly (yes both) Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 2 (1/17)
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2015, 12:40:11 AM »
lol, this is awesome, I can't wait to see more. I wish you luck and many, many girls who can marry the graveyard ghosts/Peanut.

Yes, this dynasty will have a whole lot of girls. There just aren't enough women in the cemetery - there are two and one is elderly.

Sounds like my kind of household!

Fingers crossed for Frida to give birth to a ghost and not break the theme. :P

It's a really fun household to play. I also just love the fact that while I generally get about 90% bisexual sims, this household is on the third generation and there have been none.

The finger crossing was definitely necessary. I was praying for a ghost boy, preferably a rainbow one.

You are brilliant and so funny, I would love to see a whole generation of immortal ghosts.

Well, once they eat ambrosia, they will come back to life. But until then they get to be ghosts!

Thanks so much for the compliments! 

Offline Lisa46

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Re: The Futuristic and Ghostly (yes both) Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 2 (1/17)
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2015, 03:12:58 PM »
Chapter 3 - The Night Where Everything Happened. (Literally, everything.)

Alize: I don't think I ever mentioned Smokey, Ella's mate. They had a kitten!
Violet: Awww, Cheezburger.

Frida: It hurrrts!
Alize: I'll just go check on someone else.

Amara: It hurrrts!
Alize: Ok, I'll just go check on Violet, I'm sure she's not....

Violet: Oooh, sparkles!
Alize: Oh my god. STOP.

Frida: He's so cute!
Alize: He's not a rainboo. Or a ghost.

Alize: But that one is!
Amara: Wait, is it just me, or is my newborn barfing sparkles?

Amara: Sooo cute!

Alize: Forced marriage. So sweet.
Amara: I don't love you, but you're a good friend.
Sam: I don't love you, but you're a good friend.
Together: Take the photo and let's break up.


Note: Seriously, guys, everything happened. Three different sims in labor plus a birthday and then someone got married. Poor Olivia was just stuck painting, with no life events.

Sam and Amara did not love each other, but they liked each other in a friendship way. They always wanted to chat with each other but never wanted to kiss or watch the stars or anything.

Frida didn't like males much, but she wasn't attracted to too many females either. Olivia was attracted to lots of women but never wanted to kiss anyone. Amara was attracted to just about every girl in town, and didn't mind an occasional fling at all. She is an endless source of amusement even now.

Offline dontmindme

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Re: The Ghostly Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 3 (1/31)
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2015, 04:44:30 PM »
aww, too bad about the completely normal baby boy. He's going to grow up so weird as the only fleshy person in household. But yay for a jelly baby! Oh, quick note! If you're using pollinators, the game won't allow any ghost babies born outside the house to age up. They just get written out of the game, though they remain in the tree.

