Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124592 times)

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #390 on: December 29, 2014, 11:21:15 PM »
Awww!  *sniffle*  Poor Lily... I did love the device of the chess game with Grim though, Play.  It's just so darn sad!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #391 on: December 29, 2014, 11:47:17 PM »
Chapter 92: A New Friend

Oh, there you are. Better?
Lily: Yep. I'll be ok. I'm going to focus on Trinity, she needs some friends so thats what I'm going to do, find her some friends.
K then. She might be better finding her own though..
Lily: What?
Just saying.

Oh lordy, blondie's an evil goofball and slob, hat dude is a insane mean, child hating sim. Can we just not do this please?

Glasses Guy: Oh, what a sad time of it you've been having.
Lily: I know, its been really tough...

Oh! he reminds me of Ash... now I feel sad.
Lily: Casey's actually really nice.
Hmmm, non-committal, child hating glutton... with such a handsome face though... K. Done deal.

Dude: Check out these puppies.
Casey: Oo o ooo. Impressive!
Dude: I could show ya how to get a pair of these in a day if you want.
Oh <deep sigh> some things just never change eh Dude.
Dude: <snort> As if you're going to be complaining at the resulting eye candy!
What? I don't <indignant choking> look at you all like that...

Terrence: How you coping Lily?
Lily: O.K. dad. Have you seen Ash?
Terrence: Sure have, he's fine and he told me to tell you, that he'll come for a visit as soon as he possibly can.

Lily: Thanks for sitting with me dad, I haven't been able to work since Ash left.
Terrence: No worries love, you just carry on.

Trinity: Thanks for helping me Granma
Beth: Of course! My pleasure darling.

Trinity: I feel like such a fool, everyone must be hating me.
Beth: Oh no, we all love you so much. We know how hard it is and Jamel isn't the least bit angry. It's all part of growing up and it does get easier, you'll see.

So how's it going Casey?
Casey: Good, getting results I think.
Yeah... I think so too.
Dude: Told you.

Oh! Muscles and all sweaty... cripes!
Dude: Haven't you got something else to go and watch?

Trinity: Oh my gosh... mUuuum, I know about woohoo...
Lily: heh <cringe>

Lily: Well, it's important to get all the facts, you know.
Trinity: Oh embarrassing much!

Casey: So thanks for inviting me to live with you guys. I'm just stoked to be able to jam out all day long.
Lily: Oh you're a muso?
Casey: I live for my music doll.

AAAAsh!   ;D
Ash: Hi Watcher! How's it going?
Good... oh it's so good to see you again.
Ash: You know it.

Ash: So how have my two best girls been?

Lily: Ohhh. Picard is soooo the best captain.
Ash: I agree.... oooo, so exciting to be able to talk about this again with you babe.

So... you know, dead husband comes back and you guys talk about gaming?
Lily: <contented sigh> I know, right. So good.

Ash: pffff, that's so funny Babe, poor Jamel!
Lily: I know, funny now but it was a bit awkward there for a moment or two.

Ash: So, you know babe, I've been thinking. Maybe next time I'll come back and we can have a date for old times sake...?
Lily: <giggle>

Ash: I've got to go. I'll be back as soon as I can my love.
Lily: I know. I miss you, take care.

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #392 on: December 29, 2014, 11:54:29 PM »
ASH!  That was too cute!  I do love seeing the family members back ^^

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #393 on: December 30, 2014, 12:01:44 AM »
Thanks wolf! Got a few more chapters to go tonight, had a big day playing! It was so funny when the first thing Ash and Lily did was to debate best captains! lol Man these sims crack me up!
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #394 on: December 30, 2014, 12:11:28 AM »
lol, makes sense, though, if you think about it.  That's how their relationship was in life.  Why would death change that?

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #395 on: December 30, 2014, 12:54:28 AM »
Chapter 94: Trinity Falls In Love

Trinity: Hey.
I think it's time you spoke to Jamel.
Trinity: It's way too embarrassing.
No, it's not. You just gotta get on with it. Making it right, ya know?
Trinity: True. K then.

Jamel: Hey kid, how's it going?
Trinity: Good thanks. Sorry about being silly and all that.
Jamel: No worries. So, are we 'over it' now?
Trinity: <shy laugh> Sure! That would be good. I'm meeting mum at the park, do you want to come?
Jamel: Thanks, but I'm nearly finished another book so I'll pass this time.

Brendan: Good grief! That's terrifying!
Adrian (white dress): That's just not even possible. Hh hm, don't believe it.
Hahaha, good work Lily, scare 'em into being good friends with you. That's my girl!

Trinity: Hi, my names Trinity.
Zach: Hi Trinity, that's a pretty name. I'm Zach.

Trinity: So I really love being outdoors and writing.
Zach: Oh, that's so interesting. I'm really confident that whatever I end up doing I'll do well.

Oh! Well, that was unexpected! I guess someone's falling in love then?

Trinity: I, ummm, really like you Zach.
Zach: The feelings mutual Trinity. I've never met anyone like you before.

Casey: Well Brendan, looks like everyone has been meeting new friends tonight!
Brendan: How nice, I love it when everyone is nice to each other.
Casey: Oh! So you're a good sim at heart then? You guys want to come back home for some drinks?

Zach: I think I'm falling for you Trinity.
Oh dear grand watcher please don't cull Zach from our lives...

Beth: Hi Zach, nice to meet you.
Zach: Hi. You sure do have a big house here!
Dude: <quietly to Beth> He seems really nice, I think our little Trin is growing up!

Trinity: Zach, um, would you like to errr, go steady with me?
Zach: <embarrassed squirming> Oh

Zach: You bet I would! Ooo, do I have to catch you? Oh, I can do that!

Zach: It's so exciting,  Oh Trinity...
Trinity: <breathlessly> Oh Zach!

Trinity: So, I thought we could, like, become promised to each other, if you want to?

I take it thats a 'yes' then.

Trinity: Please come back tomorrow Zach, don't leave me.
Zach: I won't leave you I promise. I'll come straight over after school. Trust me, I'll always do the right thing by you Trinity.

Beth: Well I suppose that's our new house member to be then?
Dude: I couldn't be more thrilled for her. Ash will be just as pleased, Zach's a really good kid.
Beth: Let's just hope that Zach's family doesn't have to leave unexpectedly, I don't think Trinity could cope with another heart break.

The next Afternoon...

Hi Casey! How's the music going?
Casey: Really good thanks, this in one hot song I'm writing here, it's going to be one of my best I'm sure.
Yeah, it looks pretty hot from where I'm standing too.
Casey: Don't cha mean 'sounds' hot watcher?

Jamel: Hi Zach, go straight in. Trinity's just got home so good timing.
Zach: Thanks Jamel.

Trinity: Haha, you are ticklish!

Trinity: It's my birthday today Zach.
Zach: Oh so soon?
Jamel: When's your birthday Zach?
Zach: Not for another ten whole days!
Jamel: They'll fly past, honest. It will feel like no time at all.

Hahahaha, Oh! So sorry Casey <snort> I got carried away watching the kids, so cute.
Casey: Hmmffff.... desperate...
Actually, from through in the lounge it looked like you were doing a retro 80's dance move LOL.

Trinity: Hi Mr Rice, its nice to meet you.
Dude: I'm glad you brought your dad around to meet us all Zach. Make yourself welcome Loty, you've got one great son here in Zach.

Dude: So Loty, I've been thinking; we don't have room for you all but we definitely have room for Zach and we can give him all the opportunities he needs to meet his life's goals.
Loty: That is very generous of you Dude.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #396 on: December 30, 2014, 12:59:01 AM »
Awww, Zach and Trinity are adorable!  Your couples are just so sweet!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #397 on: December 30, 2014, 01:31:39 AM »
Chapter 95: Trinity Becomes A Young Adult

Zach: So it's nearly time for your birthday Trinity.
Trinity: I know, I don't want it to be.
Zach: You can't go through life wishing it away. Come on, we'll be fine. Like Jamel said, before you know it we will be the same age again.

Zach: You're the best girl here Trinity.

Zach: And don't you forget it!

Zach: I do love you.
Trinity: I love you too.

Zach: Right, time to call up your first dynasty party. We can do this!

Zach: <thinking to himself> Oh the watcher, she's so beautiful I can't look at her. This is going to be so difficult.
Trinity: <thinking to herself> Oh, Zach won't look at me...whats wrong with me? Maybe Zach doesn't like the way I look in this dress.

Make a wish Trinity.

Jamel: Happy birthday Trinity.
Happy Birthday Trinity, may all your young adult days be filled with joy.

Well, this has to be one of the calmest, least flirty and weird party we have ever had. Well done Trinity! We've all eaten the food and eaten the cake. Done. Easy peasy

Have musical instruments played for one hour. Check, thanks Casey.
Casey: You're welcome.

Your music is actually absolutely beautiful and so calming and classy. Well done!

This is the most outlandish thing to happen so far!
Dude: Yep. Jamel's getting a bit excited about his new ideas.

Jamel: Here's to you Trinity, may all your days be filled with fun and laughter!

Zach: That was a fun game... and you've just thrown your first gold medal party! Awesome!

Thanks for kinda cleaning up Zest!
Zest: No problem... although I keep getting distracted tonight for some reason.

Ahhh, cleaning to epic ballads. I like your style Casey.
Jamel: It's really good sounds Casey. I could listen all night long.
Dude: Agreed!

See ya next time Zesty baby.
Zest: Away!!!!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #398 on: December 30, 2014, 01:45:19 AM »
It never gets old seeing Zest ^^ I love seeing all the others come back.  I had to roll my eyes at the exchange with Trinity and Zach, though, about him being unable to look at her and her thinking it's because there's something wrong with her lol.  Definitely a teenage thing XD

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #399 on: December 30, 2014, 01:55:09 AM »
I'm just so pleased that Zest, Terrence and Ash haven't been (dare I say it) culled. It would really rip me if that happened. I'm so pleased that we 'got' Zach before he vanished too. Looks like it should be a bit of fun for a few chapters instead of all the grieving and sadness etc. I definitely don't enjoy the death of a spouse, it's like you said a few posts ago, it really is the hard part of a dynasty. So yeah! Woo... looking forward to the next few days of play!  :)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #400 on: December 30, 2014, 02:01:15 AM »
Woot!  Have fun with it!  I need to get back to playing.  Haven't gotten a chance much due to the holidays.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #401 on: December 30, 2014, 08:33:56 AM »
What a great handful of updates! I wondered what would have happened if Lily had won that game against Grim. Also, Zach and Trinity are awesome together - I'm so glad he wasn't culled! Same with the ghosts, actually. I remember you mentioned Cassandra was lost (though she at least should be easy enough to move over from an "Alternate Reality" when you do finish - Zest too, for that matter, though I know it wouldn't be the same).

You make so much progress, lol. Between computer performance issues and just plain me getting distracted I don't move nearly so quickly in my game. :P
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #402 on: December 30, 2014, 10:30:51 AM »
The chess game was great -- so sad about Ash, though. He was a wonderful spouse.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #403 on: December 30, 2014, 01:41:27 PM »
@Whirligig thanks! The game of chess with Grim was just a story device, you can't actually win anyone's 'soul' back but I've wanted to 'play' that for so long that I was thrilled to see Grim at the park. Just to good to be true! And boy! Does he cheat... a lot! lol I've tried playing chess with Grim at the dynasty house so often but for some reason it can't happen there. I feel like the progress comes in fits and starts. Long times of nothing happening where I invent an outing for the sake of sanity! Then suddenly a lot will happen all at once.

@MarionT, Yeah, I really enjoyed playing the chess scene and I totally agree about Ash, such a fun sim and so cute with Lily.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #404 on: December 30, 2014, 09:10:12 PM »
What fantastic updates - I always try to leave your Dynasty until last because it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! And again, you have succeeded! Happy New Year Playalot.  ;D