Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124645 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #375 on: December 28, 2014, 07:41:00 PM »
@HelenP  Merry Christmas to you! Gosh, wouldn't that have been some xmas... to have as much fun as my sims! lol My mind is boggling!!!  :P  ;)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #376 on: December 28, 2014, 11:54:37 PM »
Chapter 90 Ash Leaves Us

So, whatcha doing Trinity?
Trinity: Talking to the plants.
Riiiight, 'cos that's a 'thing', yeah?
Trinity: Totally. It actually helps the plant to feel valued while I get to skill up my gardening ability as I chat.
K, then. I'll, ummm, leave you to it I guess.

Oh, that's so pretty!
Trinity: Yeah, it means the plant is evolving Watcher.
Right. So how come it hasn't moved then?
Trinity: Moved? what do you mean by moved?
You said those twirly lights meant the plant was evolving... right? So it hasn't. It is still in exactly the same place it was before.
Trinity: Eeeevolving. lol Not RRRRrevolving.
I knew that.

What does that do for the plants?
Trinity: Nothing, just sending a selfie to dad. So he can check out my awesome garden in the background.
Right, or he could just come out here and see it in the real.
Trinity: Wouldn't be the same.

Ash: The plants are in top shape. She's doing so well.
I know! She's out here all the time!
Ash: That's good. A good garden needs constant care. I'm proud of what she has achieved. It looks great!

Good grief! What the heck?
Dude: Fireball trick.
Far out! It makes such a loud noise. Bad for my nerves.
Dude: I'll stop for a bit seeing as you're such a sensitive wee soul.
I hate it when you're sarcastic.

Lily: Ohhh such a pretty top you're wearing!
Random Townie that will probably be culled tonight: Thank you so much! how kind of you to notice!

Ash: Remember what we've agreed on Dude?
Dude: You bet Ash, you bet. You hang in there. I'm going to cook up your favourite dinner.

Woah! That's one awesome knife trick!

Woo! Go Dude. That rocks!
Dude: lol, It's a bit dodgy to do though, one slip and all that.

OOOoooo! Impressive!

Dude: Wow, I've actually done something that impresses you for once.
You do lots of things that impress me. I just don't tell you.
Dude: I thought you hated me doing knife tricks!
Well, I do, you know, just incase you stab someone...

Dude: Don't tempt me!

Hmmm. Very funny!
Dude: Ahh, you'll be right. You know it's all jokes. Anyway, this'll be ready in two minutes so can you go round up everyone?

Oh no.. Ash!
Ash: It's all right. I'm just tired. I must have overdone it in the motion gaming rig.
No Ash, this is it. It's time. I'm so sorry. <gulp>
Ash: So peaceful, just tired..... keep your.....  promise.
I will. I will Ash. I promise. <big sobs>

Grim: I see this one is another special case?
Yes. Ash is another one I need you to look after until the end of the Dynasty.
Grim: Too many more of these and I'll be out of business. The After-Life does need residents you know.
I know <sniff> Not this one though as per our deal. K?
Grim: I will keep to the agreement as laid out in the policy.
K then. <huge tears and sobs> Right then, you know, do it.

Oh I can't bear much more of this. Look! Ash's desk with all his stuff still on it. And poor Lily. They spent so long here, together with Ash always blowing her kisses... and... and... <sniff>. I'm going to miss him so bad. Oh, who's going to tell the others?

Dude? Leave the dishes... I need you to come upstairs.
Dude: It's happened hasn't it?

Dude: Hey Grim.
Grim: Hey Dude.

Dude: I know, thanks. It's hard for all of us.
Grim: Coming to your house really brings me down you know.
Dude: It brings us all down Grim.
Both: <sigh>

Dude: See ya, keep well.
Grim: Till next time Dude.

Jamel: Hmm, that's a strange cloud...
Lily: Granddad! What's happened?
Shall I break the sad news to her Dude? Or you?
Dude: I'll tell her.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #378 on: December 29, 2014, 12:02:06 AM »
Oh that last shot is heartbreaking!  I'm tearing up!  I'm tellin' ya, watching the helpers, particularly the spouses dying while the others live is the hardest part of any ID, at least to me.  I get so attached... including to other Watchers' sims XD

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #379 on: December 29, 2014, 12:11:32 AM »
Thanks guys. So I haven't played for some days as I knew that as soon as I fired up my game Ash would die. <sigh> Maybe Trinity will choose a sim I don't like, might make it all easier.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #380 on: December 29, 2014, 12:18:11 AM »
That's always a hope.  But even when that happens, I've found that I still feel sorry for the Sims left behind and I've noticed 4 is even more realistic about things.  My legacy... one sim keeps going and mourning.  He'll drop everything and go and do that, then be sad for hours again.  The other sims mourn, but not as often.  It really brings their personalities out.  Which makes it more heartbreaking for us XD

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #381 on: December 29, 2014, 12:25:15 AM »
Oh, no! That’s horrible. Does Lily already finish her requirements? Her face is exposed, quick hide that face if she doesn’t, at least censor the face using any kind of mask. #wrong focus #slapped

…I wished that he could stay until she finished her requirements, having talk like Dude and Zest but I suppose his place will be taken with another one. Or maybe his Ghost would be there for her.

I hope so.

Yea, it’s hard to lose someone—but the memories, especially the jubilant things are what count. You’re an awesome Dad, Ash! You need your own story. How kewl is that ;D

It’s maybe lot easier; however is that what you really want? Think again. We play to have fun aren’t we? Why we choose something that we don’t like :) ?
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #382 on: December 29, 2014, 12:58:34 AM »
Chapter 91: Trinity!!!

Trinity: So how did you get to be so good at writing Zest:
Zest: Just by doing what you are doing hun. Practice, practice, practice.
Trinity: Well, thanks for mentoring me. It's great to get a boost up!
Zest: You're welcome. It's really nice to be able to help still.

Lily: I don't think I can go on alone Granddad.
Dude: you're not alone sweet, I'm here for you, all the way to the end.
Me too... I mean that Lily. I'll do whatever I can to make it as easy as possible.
Lily: Thanks, <sniff> I just don't know what to do next now. Ash was always there to organize me...
Dude: We'll figure it out together, one step at a time.

Oh cool! You guys grooving on down?
Trinity: Err, something like that Watcher.

Have you, you know Zest, told her ?
Zest: Nope, that's your job.

Dude: It just doesn't get any easier Watcher.
I know. <sigh> I know. Silly question, but are you alright?
Dude: Yeah. Just my heart aches a bit, you know.
Yep. I know.

Dude: So, I suppose that noise is Trinity?
Yeah. She didn't take the news too well.
Dude: Right, well. Lets have a group chat then eh. Give her some hope and direction.

Trinity: I just can't seem to breath.
Dude: Take it slow hun. It's always a terrible shock.
Zest: I'll look after your dad for you Trinity. He'll be fine with... us.... until the dynasty ends.
Trinity: Problem is you can't 100% guarantee that can you? No one can.

Dude: Trin's got a point. I mean I'm always so glad to see you back for a visit Zest.
I know. But look everyone. I have an agreement with Grim in place now so everyone is in a much safer position than in the early days.

Trinity: Well that's all just fine and dandy, but I'm not doing it how you guys have all done it. I refuse to marry and fall in love just to have my heart ripped out. Look at mum, she can't even sleep without crying. I'm NOT doing it. I'm just NOT.
Dude: Umm, I understand your pain...
Trinity: NO YOU DON'T. I've already lost good friends, now my <voice wavers> dad. No more. I'm doing it my way or forget it.

Dude: Ummm Zest? Some help here.
Zest: I get it Trinity. I do. But I'm telling you that if you give up then all our sacrifices so far will have been in vain. All our pain just brushed aside as if meaningless? Come on love, I know that's not what you want or mean.
Trinity: It's not Zest... that's not what I mean.

Trinity: I've made my mind up. I will not marry. I will have a nooboo with Jamel and then there will be no heart ache or pain.
Dude: <stunned pause> Umm, have you talked about this with Jamel?
Trinity: No.
That could be a problem then Trinity. I mean, you know... err nooboos do take... ummm two sims to happen <blush>
Dude: Darling, I know you're hurting. It is hard... but the pain lessens and then you can breath again. Life goes on and we cope.

Trinity: NO. You DON'T know how I feel, no one does and I WON'T be told what to do anymore. I'm growing up and I demand my freedom.
Dude: <Gasp>

Dude: sweetheart, you know we're on your side don't you?
Trinity: It's not the point. I'm the one that is facing nothing but heartache for the rest of my life.
But there is fun to be had too Trinity. Your mum and dad loved each other. Look at the time they spent together, in fact they were hardly ever apart!
Trinity: Yeah Watcher <sarcastic tone> Gee... that's a real comfort to mum right now isn't it.

Trinity: I've had enough of being lectured to about how I should feel and what I should do. I'm outta here.

Trinity: I've got gardening to do. At least I can keep doing that in memory of dad. I hate you two.

Well, I think that went quite well. You?
Dude: I need a drink.

R.I.P Ash. You rocked!

And boy were you a romantic fool over your wife! Commitment phobic or not!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #383 on: December 29, 2014, 01:01:29 AM »
@arimau , lol, actually her requirements are finished apart from friends as they keep getting culled. I wanted that pic in as it was the only one that made sense with how game-play actually yeah, a sneak peek I guess.  :P It's not a very bright or clear screenshot so her 'reveal' will still be nice.  :)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #384 on: December 29, 2014, 03:10:09 AM »
Oh poor Trinity... I really can't blame the poor thing though.  Even still, I couldn't help the choking laughter when she said something about having a nooboo with Jamel...

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #385 on: December 29, 2014, 05:04:52 AM »
LOL, I knew it! You’re not a meanie, Big Sis. Aww, how sweet to give us reader some sneak peek :P

Yeah! I hate this silly glitches and bugs that ruined Lily and Trinity’s life. Give Ash back to us you silly Grim and your silly tasks! Trinity still needs her Dad and Lily needs her husband! *starts a revolt*

Wonder if Jamel could take some actions to soften Lily’s heart.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #386 on: December 29, 2014, 05:10:55 AM »
Ahh yes, poor Trinity. <sigh> Well I guess teenagers are somewhat volatile at times. I'm sure after some time to reflect on her melt-down she'll be right. Let's hope so anyway!!

Yeah.. about her nooboo idea, not sure Jamel's going to be that chuffed seeing as he's an adult and really Lily's friend. <Awkward>
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #387 on: December 29, 2014, 05:14:10 AM »
Aww, poor Ash. Or poor Lily and Trinity, I suppose I should say, as they're the ones dealing with this. :( This really is the sucky part of playing these challenges, isn't it?
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #388 on: December 29, 2014, 05:15:03 AM »
I meant, well there's a case like this. When you want to get your beloved heart, capture her parents’ heart first. Dunno where it comes from. But it will fit for Trinity who valued her family. For her the most important person in her life is Lily beside Ash. Could Jamel up to the task?
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #389 on: December 29, 2014, 11:04:25 PM »
Chapter 92: A Second Chance?

Dude: I think you better give Jamel the heads up on Trinity's nooboo plan.
Lily: Oh plumbob! How embarrassing your own children can be.
Dude: Tell me about it.
Lily: Oh Granddad! I'll be glad once Trinity becomes an adult.
Dude: Not long now.
Lily: No, a few more days. Let's hope they pass without further melt-downs!
I'll second that!

Lily: So she isn't being serious, but I thought you should know how the conversation went.
Jamel: Right, well. Let's hope she get's over this quickly. Maybe it's time for the 'woohoo' talk Lily.
Lily: I guess so <sigh>.

Beth: Well Jamel, I here you're hot property right now!
Jamel: lol, How unflattering! Poor kid, she'll be fine in a few days.
Beth: She needs to get out, take a break from all this focus on skilling up. Let her be a teen while she still has time.

Lily: Hmmm, mum's idea was pretty good actually. Wanna come watcher?
Sure. Where to?
Lily: The Big Park. Thought we could 'case' out some potential friends for Trinity.
K then.

Oh darn it! Lily... this isn't a good idea. Just leave him.
Lily: Like plumbob! I want a chance of getting Ash back.

Lily: I want to challenge you to a game of chess. If I win...
Grim: ...yes, I know<sigh> you'll want your husband back.
Lily: Right!

Lily: Here's the rules; new game, hands in plain sight at all times and no cheating. Once you touch a piece, you have to make a move with that piece.
Grim: Agreed. If I win....
Lily: You get to leave the park feeling proud.
Grim: Hmmm, seems like you have everything to win and nothing to lose.
Lily: Apart from having to live with the knowledge that I was not able to use my genius when it really counted.
Grim: O.K. Thats sounds better, least then you will beat yourself up with undeserved guilt for a few weeks with a measure of self-loathing thrown in. Sounds good.

Grim: Hmmm, The queen's gambit.... or the Alekhine defense... hmmmm. Nope <gleefully> The Ruy lopez. Your turn!

Lily: I'm warning you, no cheating Grim. That was clearly The Sicilian Defense... I'm watching you.

Lily: What the heck? <points>
Grim: <Startled> What? ? ?

Grim: I can't see anything...

Lily: Hmm! Unfathomable!
Townie: That was a good move Lily.

Grim: Oh my GOSH! Look at that kid!

Lily: What?
Grim: I'm sure he just opened with the Queens IndianDefense!
Lily: Impossible.. how could he even know how to.... wait a minute... <turns around to look at the child>

Lily: Is there something funny going on?
Townie Elder: I didn't see anything.
Dark Haired Townie: Couldn't say, wouldn't want to sway the game one way or the other really.
Lily: You're all chicken.

Dark Haired townie: I'm not the one staging a big show down with Grim in the park lady.
Lily: WHAT? That is not what I'm doing, I'm trying to win my husbands life back.
Chill Lily! Keep your calm on. Come on, focus hunny.
Grim: Butt out Watcher... this is her battle.

Grim: I'm telling you, that kid is smashing through the tough moves.
Oh for crying out loud... again??? <under the breath muttering> Now I know where the expression 'you can't cheat death' comes from...

Lily: If I find out you've been cheating...
Grim: You'll what?
Lily:..errr... um report you?
Grim: To whom?
Dark Haired Townie: Hmm, that's a good question, to whom does one report a misbehaving Grim Reaper too.
Lily: Oh go muse somewhere else mush brain!
Elder: Wow, that was rude!

Flatter him Lily.... you need to break his concentration.
Lily: Well, I must say your outfit is quite charming Grim.
Grim: Oh! Really? You think so? How lovely of you to say so. I'm never too sure if this shade of grey suits me.

Lily: Meck Chate!

Grim: Actually, I think you'll find it's... check. Game over Lily Hollingsworth. Enjoy your self-loathing. Mwhahaaahaa

Lily: What? How... where did that...? I didn't even see that coming. What happened?

Lily: He cheated! He must have. I haven't lost a game of chess in years... I don't get it.
Oh Lily. He broke your concentration so many times, and those pesky townies didn't help overly either.

Where are you going?
Lily: <sniff> I'm just going away... just for a minute or two. I'll be ok, in a minute. <sniff>

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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