Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124540 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #285 on: December 14, 2014, 01:13:39 AM »
So many updates.. too many comments to make... ;D Please give us one little shot of Trinity!! Please?? Your writing of this family is so loving and connected - well done.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #286 on: December 14, 2014, 02:11:40 AM »
Congrats on starting gen 4!  It's really impressive that you've kept going with all the issues you've had.  Have you decided for sure to continue?
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #287 on: December 14, 2014, 02:24:08 AM »
@ dethdukk, Funny you should ask...I'm literally sitting here with pen and paper trying to work out if I've got enough do-able aspirations, you know, ones that don't require neighbors or so many sinks unblocked etc. I think I can do it. I've also being trying out some little tricks for stopping certain sims from being culled even if it's just long enough to claim them as friends for ambrosia, and for career promotions.

I think that if you get a female sim pregnant then she doesn't get culled while pregnant. I can't be 100% sure but three out of three pregnant sims weren't culled while pregnant, and indeed are still in the game days after their children have been born. I knew that sims with living children weren't culled, so I assumed that would be pregnant sims too. So, basically I'm trying to figure out ways to stop out-of-homes sims from being culled to allow those careers that need so many sims for a promotion etc, to be available to my dynasty.

So, I'm fairly confident, scratch that, hopeful that I can complete the dynasty, barring any stupid watcher mistakes. It will still be really tricky as out-of-homes sims don't always 'travel with you' or come over when asked, so maintaining a high level of friendship is still a bit of a gamble. Before Beth ate ambrosia I had been trying all day to get one of her friends over as they had slipped to 'friends'. Luckily she eventually came over and it only took one interaction before they were good friends again, but a friend is not a good friend!

I'll post about the tricks I'm using once I know they are not just 'flukes' but pretty reliable tricks, just incase anyone else ends up with 'empty town syndrome'.

The best, best thing to do though is what MarionT is doing in her dynasty. (I hope MarionT won't mind me sharing but it is all in her story for anyone to read....MarionT? ) Basically getting all the in-house sim ladies pregnant to keep the houses populated. If you do that, then you should have no problems at all. (Apart from the usual glitches etc).

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #288 on: December 14, 2014, 02:52:24 AM »
I think I may be to late for Marion's trick.  Something that might help if you haven't done so already is to bind voodoo dolls to Sims.  I haven't been able to figure out if it stops cullings yet, but you can summon them anytime with it.  There's no promise they will stay afterwards, but it will make it easier to maintain at least.
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #289 on: December 14, 2014, 02:59:00 AM »
Yeah, I've tried that, they get culled anyway.  :( It's still a really handy tip though... and fun to use!  If at all possible, as in if you have any lady sims in houses in your game it would be so worthwhile for you to get them with-nooboo. It will save you a lot of wrangling later on!
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #290 on: December 14, 2014, 08:38:46 AM »
I'm impressed that you were able to get several cute shots of Trinity as a baby. The babies do have expressions, but you have to get close enough to see them, and I just don't have the patience to fiddle with the camera as much as I need to. And I loved the bit with the ghost house!
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #291 on: December 14, 2014, 03:12:35 PM »
Yippee, loads of updates.  The expressions that Beth pulls are so funny, but I'm not sure I could look at them all day either. Well done for getting her to Immortal. Good luck with the rest of the game, I feel you may need it.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #292 on: December 15, 2014, 01:59:55 AM »
Thanks MarionT and HelenP.
I really love the nooboos now, their little yelly-screamy actions are just so cute. I'm almost tempted to let them get hungry or poopy just to see it!
Beth's facial expressions just plain bug me. I don't think her and I will ever really be friends, it's more like an agreement to not fight in front of the cameras.  ;)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #293 on: December 15, 2014, 02:50:39 AM »
Chapter 70: Everybody Busy

Terrence: You look like you're enjoying your dinner love.
Trinity: Oh yum! I am grandpa. It's super delicious.

Trinity: So what's it like being old grandpa?
Terrence: Well, it's pretty good when you get gorgeous grandkids like you hunny.

Trinity: I love you heaps.
Terrence: I love you more.

Dude: Gosh no! All art is good. Never feel like you have to compare your art to anyones. If you love it, then that is all that matters.

Trinity: So greatgranddad, have you lived, like, forever?
Dude: No, lol, not forever, but I am pretty old.

Trinity: So, Grandpa is really old.... and you are even older... dad's pretty old too... in fact everyone is quite old...
Dude: I can see you're trying to figure it all out, but you know, some things need to be experienced to understand.
Trinity: Well, with everyone being so old, you're probably all pretty smart, so I'll ask everyone in turn to help me with my homework and then I'll get pretty smart too.

Trinity: I think I've melted my brain.
Dude: Oh hunny, such a lot of deep thinking so early in the morning.  How about you tell me one of your imaginary stories?

Trinity: And then the bear ROARED out of his cave and ate them all up!
Dude: lol, that's a good story! See? It's a lot of fun to use your imagination, especially when you are a creative sim like you are.

Trinity: You're still giggling about my story!
Dude: I know, your facial expressions were hilarious!
Trinity: <giggle> I'm glad you're my greatgranddad forever.

Dude: Me too sweetheart, me too.

Morning Terrence. How's the skilling going?
Terrence: Morning, good thanks, nearly to the next level.

Dude: What are you doing?
Just trying to get all 'artistic' with my screenshots.
Dude: O..kay then.

Ash: I have a little something for you....
Lily: I love surprises.

Ash: There are definite benefits to having 'stay-at-home' dates.
Lily: Hmm mm <giggle>

Trinity: Oh! Gosh, I'm sorry you are having such a bad day. I'll see you later on at school, maybe we can talk more then?
Pearl: Thanks Trinity, that would be great. See ya!

Trinity: <blah blah goofy story>
Terrence: Lol, good one Trinity!

Lily: Have a great day at school... work hard sweetie.

Trinity: Ohhh, I've got the jitters! <energizer bunny walk>
Trinity: Don't laugh Watcher... it's not funny.'s just your eyes... errr,  have a good day Trinity. <smothered laughter>

Terrence: Love you Abi.
Abi: ohhh, love you too Terrence. <squeezy hug>
Dude: <happy sigh> Ahhh, what a lovely day.

Terrence: Winston, I know I don't need to have this conversation with you... but I need to make sure...
Dude: I know son, I will take care of Beth once your <swallow> gone. I know it's going to be soon. I'm going to miss you terribly but you know that I will always, always remember you and keep you part of our family for as long as I'm alive.

Terrence: Thank you. I might be lucky enough to come back for visits.
Dude: That would be the best and once this is all over I'll get the Watcher to bring you back.

Lily: Grandad, I don't think I can continue with the dynasty.
Dude: Oh Lily! Why? What's going wrong?
Lily: I just can't bear all the heartbreak. I can't bear the thought of losing dad... especially when we have the answer lying around the house all over the place.
Dude: I understand, I do. I lost your grandma so I know what you're talking about,  but this is what we do, this is what gives us purpose.
Lily: Can't dad just have even one plate of ambrosia? Maybe The watcher wouldn't see... i could keep her busy and no-one would know.
Dude: Lily.
Lily: <sniff> I know, I just had to ask.
Dude: It's ok love. When it's all finished we will bring your dad back.
Lily: If he hasn't been taken away forever by The Great Watcher.
Dude: Let's just hope that doesn't happen.

Lily: You're looking great dad.
Terrence: Thanks Lily. You ok?
Lily: Sure! Works going well... nearly completed both my aspirations, bought all my rewards, done all my parties. Yep, it's all just absolutely dandy.

Terrence: I won't be gone forever, I promise. Watcher?
Yes Terrence?
Terrence: Please tell Lily your plan.
I'm going to bring your dad back Lily, so when this is all over, you guys ca be reunited. Promise.
Lily: O.K. That helps. I'm glad.
Terrence: See, our goodbye is not forever, you keep doing your part of the dynasty and we'll be back together again one day soon. You'll see. K love?
Lily: Yes dad... much better. I do love you so much.
Terrence: Me too, and I'm proud of you.

What the ...? Terrence, what are you doing?
Terrence: is that a trick question?
NO... look, you're supposed to be taking it easy. You know... making your days last as long as possible, not racing around getting exhausted.
Terrence: I'm fine! I'll stop in a minute.
You better!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #294 on: December 15, 2014, 03:29:39 AM »
Chapter 71: Happy Days

Hi Trinity, how was school?
Trinity: Good, actually, great. I got a B.
Well done! Going to celebrate with making some more art?
Trinity: Nope... I'm going to learn the violin.
Oh!.. great, I've just got a thing I've goto to go... and do, yeah.

Terrence: Wonderful! Good job Trinity.
Lily: <wince> Lovely... well done love.

Ash: Just lovely Trinity. Practice makes perfect! <zoning out>

Trinity: Thanks for inviting pearl over dad. It's fun playing together.
Oh good plan Ash, the violin certainly sounds better when Trinity's nowhere near it.
Ash: Yeah, have to agree with you there Watcher.

Lance: What do you think Trin?
Trinity: Huh? Oh, sorry I was watching the cartoons.

So.... that little tiny, teeny bit of stirfry is enough for 8 servings?
Dude: Yep.
How does that work again?

Ash: It's time to do your homework.
Trinity: Don't want to.
Ash: Well, that's too bad hun because it isn't about what you want to do... it's about what you have to do.
Trinity: Can't make me.
Ash: Well, actually I can.
Dude: <sigh> Here we go again! Man girls are temperamental.
I'm a girl.
Dude: As I was saying....

Terrence: Ohh, great pacing! Keep it going...

Terrence: I just love this gym, it's been the best Watcher.
I'm glad, you've fulfilled a lot of whims today, most to do with this room!
Terrence: i know, it's been a really happy day.

Do you know what Ash is doing out there?
Terrence: Hmm?

Terrence: Good heaven's, what was that noise?

Beth: <shudder> Ohhh, that's a terrible epic story. It's far too scary to be repeated, I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight.

Thanks for doing the cleaning up Terrence. Go and chill out now though.
Terrence: No problem, I'm having fun.
Yes, you are too... unfathomable!
Dude: So you've been a foodie for all these years Sabastian and you've only just told me! Wow... have I told you my latest recipe for stir fry?

Terrence: So that's what was happening out there in the foyer! Gosh Ash, your story telling is becoming legendary.
Beth: Terrifying, more like!

Ash: Then the Maria Celeste was found, floating on the sea... devoid of all life. Not a crew member on board and yet the dinner table was set....for a crew that had mysteriously vanished!
Terrence: <Gasp>
Beth: Whew! Not quite as scary the second time around. Still curiously freaky though.

Terrence: Have I told you how beautiful you are today?

Oh Trinity, why so sad?
Trinity: I'm going to lose my grandpa soon...
Dude? Can you come here for a sec?

Trinity: I feel much better now greatgranddad. Thanks for explaining all that stuff.
Dude: Good. That's what family is for Trinity, you're never alone.

O.K., whim fulfilled... you can stop now.
Terrence: In a minute Watcher.
<sigh> Thing is, your minute seems a lot longer than my minute.

Terrence: Have you seen Beth?
I think she's just getting home now.

Oh, a bit tired are we?
Beth: Exhausted and starving.
Well, maybe next time I tell you to eat then go to bed you'll do just that... instead of mixing endless drinks at the bar hmm?

Terrence: Feel better now?
Beth: Yes thanks love. That was a lovely dinner you cooked.

I think we're going to have some badly broken hearts soon Dude.
Dude: I know, poor Abi, this is the hard part eh?
<sigh> Yep, then it will get better again.
Dude: Until the next time...

Lily dear, Ash wants you.
Lily: Oh I'm too busy Watcher... I've got to get my next promotion tomorrow to stay on track.
Lily.... it can wait, seriously, go spend some time with your husband.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #295 on: December 15, 2014, 04:12:08 AM »
Chapter 72: Lily Finishes Her Aspiration

Someone doesn't like their job very much.
Post Lady: Go away Watcher.

Well Dude, looks like everyone's enjoying themselves.
Dude: Yep, there's a peacefulness about the house that is quite lovely.
It's nice when everyone's happy and there's no drama and stress from skilling or deadlines etc.
Dude: I know, I'm almost not looking forward to Trinity aging up.
Hmmm, makes things pretty busy for sure.

Terrence: Gosh! That's crazy! Are you sure that's what your new job entails?
River: Hmm hm, totally sure.

Terrence: You look quite lovely today Beth.
Abi: <thinking to herself> Gosh my Terrence is so handsome.

Dude: Ok, while it's really great to see you Zest... it would be quite good if you remember to NOT float through bathroom walls!
Zest: Opps! Sorry there Dude!

Dude: How you doing Abi?
Abi: Good thanks dad. Thanks for all the extra things you've been doing recently so that I could spend more time with Terrence.
Dude: My pleasure, don't mention it.

If that knife slips and stabs you in the chest, and then you bleed out all over the floor, and then if I have to call for help, and then if you die and I have to start this all over again, I'm going to kill you Dude.
Dude: O.K. fair enough.

Dude: Looking good! You're nearly there Trinity. Remember that texture makes all the difference.
Trinity: K, greatgranddad.
Dude: I like how you say that!
Trinity: What?
Dude: Great granddad, you sort of run it all together and it sounds funny.

Trinity: Greatgranddad, look at the stars I can make now!
Dude: Quite beautiful!

Congratulations Trinity, you've just finished your aspiration!
Trinity: Thanks! It feels awesome!

But in the kitchen a heart was breaking...
Terrence: Oh! Goodbye my love, I love you my dear, dear Abigail.

Abi, I'm sorry, so sorry from the bottom of my heart.

Oh No. Terrence. Not's too soon.
Terrence: It's time Watcher, let me go with dignity, it's not forever...

Lily: Dad <heart wrenching sobs>
Terrence: <so quietly>I love you, daughter of my heart. Take care of your mum.
Lily: I will, I love you. <sobs and sobs>.

Be kind to my Terrence.K.
Grim: I will honor your request Watcher.

Oh, take care of Terrence. Keep him safe ....<sob>  :'(
Grim: He will be honored.

That night, Abi cried herself to sleep alone, in the room she used to share with the husband of her dreams.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #296 on: December 15, 2014, 04:52:53 AM »
Oh no, not both Terrences on the same day, that just too much  :'(.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #297 on: December 15, 2014, 04:53:17 AM »
Chapter 73: Grief Slows The House Down

Lily: <whispering to Ash> Personally I just want 'Him' to go.
Ash: <whispering back> I know... but there isn't anything we can do. Just try to focus on your work babe. It will help to take your mind off your sadness.

Morning Beth, are you alright?
Beth: I just don't want to get out of bed Watcher. I can't find anything worth getting up for...
Oh Beth, you do, you have a lovely little grand daughter who can't quite understand what is going on. She needs you.
Beth: I just can't... <pulls the covers over her head and sobs>.

What are you looking at Trinity?
Trinity: Well, sort of these elements but really I don't want to look at 'Him'. It's freaky. Why doesn't "He" go away?
I'm not quite sure. Maybe he's lonely.
Trinity: I think I want my dad.

Ash: Better baby?
Trinity: Hmm mm. Getting better dad.
Ash: Good. It's nearly school time.
Trinity: Oh I'm too sad... don't make me go to school, please can't I stay home? Dad, please?
Ash: You have to sweetheart. Just think about all the fun you can have when you get home, you don't have to work on any more skills unless you want to.
Trinity: So I can just play?
Ash: Sure can! Love you little lady.

Grim: Thanks for the Shadow Realm's. My favorite drink.
Beth: <sniff> That's ok.

Wow! That's some mess!

Grim: Time you were home Zest. You've been breaking the rules quite a bit recently, visiting day and night.
Zest: <Racing for his urn> Sorry about that, it won't happen again.

A few hours later when Ash was in the park....
Oh Sabastian, we were trying to find you.... Oh goodbye dear Sabastian.

Sabastian was farewelled sadly by River and Brandon.

I can't pretend that I was anything but pleased to see The Grim Reaper finally leave the sim realm, hopefully for many, many days to come.

Beth: Oh Terrence, I'm so glad you are ok.
Terrence: I'm fine, I miss you my love but I will visit as often as I can.

Terrence: So it's ok, really, it actually is. I mean I'd much rather be here with you all but when I'm not here, time doesn't really exist for me.
Dude: I miss you son, a lot.
Beth: I'm glad you came back so soon, it makes it easier. It's so hard without you.
Come back often Terrence... as often as you possibly can.
Terrence: I will, I really will.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #298 on: December 15, 2014, 04:54:34 AM »
Oh no, not both Terrences on the same day, that just too much  :'(.

Tell me about it. It was horrible.  :(
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #299 on: December 15, 2014, 06:47:35 AM »
*goes back to bed and pulls cover over head and cries*  :'(

