Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124543 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #180 on: December 06, 2014, 03:23:06 PM »
Chapter 47: A Double Take

What? NO, You can't take Terrence.
Terrence: Umm, a little embarrassing having you both in here as I ... err, you know.

Terrence: Anyway, I don't think we've been officially introduced. Hi! I'm Terrence.

Grim: Hi <sigh> I'm having a really bad, sad day.
Terrence: Oh, that's no good.

Terrence: Woah, feeling good.. yeah!

Grim: So as I was saying, my day has really sucked.
Terrence: Hhm mmh.

Terrence: Have you thought about changing careers? Sometimes a change is as good as a holiday.
Why are you even washing the dishes in here?
Beth: Why is everyone squeezed into my en-suite?
Grim: Why does everyone suggest I change jobs? I can't I'm stuck doing this for eternity <huge big sad sigh>

Terrence: Perhaps you just need to go and do something that you really enjoy doing. You know, get your fun meter up.
Grim: Hmm mmh, I see what you mean. <sigh>

Terrence: Come on, it's not so bad. Think about all the people you get to meet and all the places you get to see.

Grim: Well, I am starting to feel a little better now. I guess It's just that there are times when  there is nothing to do at work and I get so lonely sitting around in the office, by myself, with nothing to do.
Terrence: Being alone is not good for any sim. We were made for relationship you know. Maybe you could take up a hobby for the quiet times?

Grim: Awww, thaks Terrence. You're such a great guy.
Terrence: Aww, shucks, just doing what any other sim would do. You keep your chin up and have a good day.

Terrence: Nite Grim.
Grim: Sleep deeply but not too deeply Terrence.

Alex: So, yes, poor Olivia's time had come.
Beth: I'm so sorry I didn't get a chance to say good bye.
Zest: I'll keep a watch out for her. It will be ok Dude.
Dude: Thanks Zest, I appreciate that.

Oh! Still here then?
Grim: Just catching up on the latest sports news.

Woah! What did you say to Grim Abi?
Abi: Just told him a vampire joke.
I hope he's not going to go all 'exorcist' on us <shudder>

Lily: So will Olivia live with Zest now?
Dude: I guess something like that happens.
Lily: Hmmm

<nervous swallow> hehehe, still here then?
Grim: Yes, thought I'd just do a quick search for the soon-to-be-dead while I was here.
Hehehe, make yourself at home.

Beth: Yep.

Oh thank heavens, Grim's gone then.
Lily: He went downstairs I think.

Oh dang it. Darn, darn, darn, darn, darn it... Good bye Alex, Oh you will be missed. The last original townie.

Just get on with it will you. It's too sad when you take forever to put their souls at rest. R.I.P Alexander Goth.
Grim: Now this is what I call fun. Reaping an historic sim in an historic moment. Whoahahahahaha ha

Sorry to break up your boys night... but I think there's something you need to see Winston.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #181 on: December 06, 2014, 06:53:12 PM »
Awwwww, the fact that Grim stayed afterward just reap Alex is sad :(

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #182 on: December 06, 2014, 09:24:40 PM »
@ sdhoey, yep, a 2 for 1 day!
@ Wolf, yes, both Olivia and Alex had received their final warnings but I hate it how Grim always takes elders in the P.J's. It's so undignified to be in P.J's for all eternity.  >:(
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #183 on: December 06, 2014, 09:57:37 PM »
Chapter 48: Twins Become Adults

You sure are hyped up Lily!
Lily: Yep, I'm going to smash two more aspiration in the next two days.
Okay then... well, good luck with that.

Terrence: Are you sure you don't just want to relax over the weekend now you have finished your first aspiration?
Lily: No way! I'm going for broke dad.
Terrence: O.K. then. Your mum and I will be in the gym if you need help.

Terrence: Oh, uh uh. Nope. Don't think so.
Sonja: Oh! Errr, <cringe>

Terrence: Don't do that again please. I'm a very happily married man.
Good for you Terrence. I mean, really? Flirting with your good friends husband. Sheeh. Argh.

Terrence: Hi love.
Beth: Hi hun.
Terrence: I'm not sorry to see Sonja leave Beth.
Beth: Why? What happened.
Terrence: Let's just say that once you've eaten ambrosia I think that is one friendship that can fall by the wayside.

If you work hard this should be your last day that you will actually ever need to go to work again in your entire life.
Beth: The promotions bound to happen today.
Good luck! Come straight home 'cos it's your adult birthday today and I don't want you aging up on the side of the road or anything.

Again Dude?
Dude: Yep, final warning from Grim so I'm not mucking around.
Final warning? When did that happen?
Dude: Yesterday just after Grim took Alex and Olivia.
Oh My Gosh! How did I miss that... quick! Get cooking.
Dude: I am, calm down.

Quit with the fancy moves Dude... come ON!
Dude: Relax, Grim's not going to snatch me away just as I'm cooking ambrosia.
Oh gawd... he might. I'm a nervous wreck.

Good golly! That sure looks gross.

Dude: Look, stop watching me like that, it makes me all self conscious.
Just EAT IT will you.... come on, come on, come on..
Dude: Shhhhh, for crying out loud. Get a grip of your nerves woman.

What did you call me?
Dude: Lol, well you were shooting off at the mouth like a semi-automatic. I mean, come on! It's all under control.
Look Winston, will you please just quit talking and EAT the ambrosia? Please?

Dude: I think I'm becoming quite addicted to this stuff. Each time I eat it, it seems to taste better.
<foot tapping, fingers drumming>

Dude: Ooooh, that feels good!
Oh thank goodness. <huge sigh of relief> I'm going to have grey hair by the time this is all over.

How's it going Lily?
Lily: Nearly there actually. I'm also working on the other aspiration at the same time. Multi-tasking at it's best.
I see, well. Good job!

Terrence: Stressed from work you say? I can fix that....

I'm actually quite proud of you.
Beth: Thanks. I nailed the mysterious hermit work opportunity so now I can make...
Together: Snaggle Flusters. Woo!
That was totally worth blowing your promotion for! Way to go Beth!

Awww, nice to see you two hanging out. Life's been pretty busy lately.

Anyhoo, birthday time. Happy Birthday Beth, may your adult days be filled with fun and laughter.

Abi, may your adult days grant you your hearts desire.

Aww, Lily, you missed out on all the fun.
Lily: That's ok Watcher. If I nail this then I'm going to be so happy. It is going to make my dream of being an inventor so much closer. Mind you, I quite like the idea of making computer games. This one could do with a bit of tweaking...
Good luck hun. Whatever you decide I'm sure you'll succeed.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #184 on: December 06, 2014, 10:08:59 PM »
Just a note for you all.... I have squished two or three days all together for the last chapter and then next, as the days were just filled with skilling -up hard out and nothing much happened.

Beth actually scored the Mysterious Hermit work opp the night before and on the day of her adult birthday she completed her work requirement by getting her last promotion. I had held her back at level 9 of her job just to see if we could get the work opp to happen... and bingo! Success!

Go here if you don't know what the Snaggle Fluster is:,22386.msg397320.html#msg397320

Lily actually started working on the other 2 child aspirations ages ago. I had planned to see if she could smash 3 of them considering what I want her to do as a teen/ young adult/ and adult I figured I could really do with the boosts that those childhood aspiration reward traits give you.

You'll have to read through the next chapter to see if she succeeded.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #185 on: December 06, 2014, 10:14:41 PM »
Your making my want to push Colt clan hard!! LOL But do that. He'd die on me.

Congrats on all the skill ups and age ups ...

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #186 on: December 06, 2014, 10:33:34 PM »
Chapter 49: Lily Becomes A Teen

Nice to see you relaxing Lily. I think you've been working too hard.
Terrence: I agree.
Dude: Hehhe, your jokes are becoming really funny now Rex.

Rex: Are you sure you don't have time to play?
Lily: Nope! I've just come up with a brilliant idea so I'm going to have to start work on it Rex. Sorry. Maybe tomorrow? Or later?

Lily: And thats the Artistic Prodigy aspiration completed!
Wow! good job Lily. What's next?

Terrence: A chat with dad. Look Lily, all this study and skilling's not very good for you. When's the last time you actually slept in your bed?
Lily: Ages dad. I've been using the Sleep Replacement drinks. I'm fine.
Terrence: Please be careful not to over do it darling. At least eat some food before you start again.

Beth: I love you Lily. I know how hard you are working and I'm sure you will benefit from all this hard work.

How much longer to go?
Lily: I'm at level 7 and 3/4 of my motor skills and I've got to get to level 10.
K.  It's going to be tight, your birthday is today and your age bar is all bubbly!

Oh! gosh, don't slip!
Lily: I'm ok.

You know, I get that the starry night one is a masterpiece, but that other one... the one that looks like.
Dude: Yes, I know, we've been through this before.
It's just that it looks like dog vomit... thats been smeared around.. and then..
Dude: One day...
Dude: Nothing. But you're driving me nuts. Go away and do something.

Well, as long as you don't tell your dad... these will totally help you reach your goal. Well, it should make it all a bit easier.
Lily: K. Here goes then.

Lily: Hey, Watcher! I'm nearly there.
So close Lily, so close.

Aaaannnnd, bam! Completed! Way to go. Would have been rather more spectacular had you not fallen at the last moment, but hey! An aspiration completed is an aspiration completed.
Lily: Thanks Watcher. I'm sooo hungry though.
Right, birthday cake time.

We made it Lily! Well, I should say YOU made it. Well done. Make a good wish, you deserve it.

Wow! That's blinding! Happy Birthday Lily, let's hope your teen years will be calm, peaceful and filled with fun.

Terrence: Happy Birthday darling.
Lily: Thanks dad. Once I've eaten my cake I'll go change.... just a bit too hungry right now.
Abi: I think you look lovely anyway!
Dude: So do I, you look gorgeous!
Lily: Awww, you are all biased.

Final promotion?
Beth: Yep
Woo! Everyone's through there, we saved you some birthday cake.

Zest: I think your new make-over looks lovely.
Lily: Thanks!
Beth: Happy Birthday darling.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #187 on: December 06, 2014, 10:38:07 PM »
@ sdhoey, thanks! quite an eventful few sim days. Nice that things are moving along.  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #188 on: December 07, 2014, 12:06:30 AM »
Wow!  Three child aspirations!?  Dang!  I bow to you, Play!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #189 on: December 07, 2014, 12:09:19 AM »
Gotta agree with wolf, 3 child aspirations is pretty amazing.  Can I ask how many Sleep Replacements you drank?
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #190 on: December 07, 2014, 12:17:10 AM »
Thanks guys.
I have no idea how many sleep replacements Lily used as she never slept her entire childhood! I should have kept count but I was too busy planning and plotting each day that it never occurred to me to keep count!
I used Alex and Olivia's points to fund her sleep replacements so that it wouldn't have too much of an overall impact on the dynasty ambrosia requirements. So both Alex and Olivia were spun through as many of the first steps of each aspiration as possible. They got enough points between them to fund those last days of non-stop skilling. Before that Abi was pushed through gardening and painting aspirations, which she has nearly mastered, and I used those points for Lily's sleep replacements.

It was interesting to do but it was honestly down to the very, very last minutes! I won't be doing it again I don't think as it's pretty intensive playing as each moment counts! Although, I do get bored when there isn't a full-on goal to work towards! lol

* Edited, actually Lily did sleep one night... I think she slept the whole night but I may have woken her up early and fed her a sleep replacement! I honestly can't quite remember!!!
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #191 on: December 07, 2014, 12:30:51 AM »
I'm in absolute awe... it just wouldn't be you without an almost impossible challenge to accomplish!! Well done Lily! I'm also getting the feeling we will not be seeing her face until her immortal duties are over.. Farewell to Alex and Olivia and I'll be interested to know how much advantage Lily gets from all those completed aspirations.  Well  done Playalot! ;D

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #192 on: December 07, 2014, 12:32:14 AM »
Wow... I'd almost feel sorry for the poor thing, but... I'm just too flabbergasted lol

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #193 on: December 07, 2014, 12:42:18 AM »
I actually did feel sorry for her during those last three days. She stopped smiling as much and looked unwell! It was crazy! However... I promise to make up for it during her teen days.  :)

I'm hoping that those childhood reward traits really make a difference. If so, we could be onto a 'thing'.  ;)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #194 on: December 07, 2014, 12:45:01 AM »
lol!  Wow.  Definitely poor kid.  Yeah, I'm really anxious to see what kind of a difference it makes.  *contemplates what may be in store for my poor Gen 2 heir depending on your findings* lol