Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124596 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #165 on: December 05, 2014, 09:30:50 AM »
I was starting to get withdrawals from having no Hollingsworth's or Fox's.. phew!!!  I am crushing big time on Lily.. her personality is so great! And I  can't wait for Beth to finish her stuff... want to see her face!! And Terrance is such a perfect Dad.. I can picture my husband doing exactly same thing with our daughter when she gets older!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #166 on: December 05, 2014, 02:54:22 PM »
I just got caught up with everybody -- so great that you've moved Alexander in. I think the early generations of an Immortal Dynasty are more fun because you can do things like that.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #167 on: December 06, 2014, 12:43:12 AM »
Thanks everyone. It's nice to be back!  :)
Alexander and Olivia (Spencer-Kim-Lewis) are nice additions to the house. They don't do much being elders with hardly any skills but I felt like it was the least we could do... the last of the original townies and all that.
MrVoncreep, I'll PM you some instructions after I post my next few chapters. It's too long to explain it all here!  :)

K, on with the show!  :D
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #168 on: December 06, 2014, 12:54:05 AM »
It really is great to have the Hollingsworths back!  Oh, and Play... my new attempt at the ID, I moved Zest in... and realized after I had done it, that I gave Zest a very similar makeover to what you do XD At least the cowboy outfit.  I actually started rereading your story and realized it XD But he looks so good as a cowboy!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #169 on: December 06, 2014, 01:37:37 AM »
It really is great to have the Hollingsworths back!  Oh, and Play... my new attempt at the ID, I moved Zest in... and realized after I had done it, that I gave Zest a very similar makeover to what you do XD At least the cowboy outfit.  I actually started rereading your story and realized it XD But he looks so good as a cowboy!

lol, that's cool, zest looks awesome all cowboy!  :P I'm looking forward to reading your new story!

Chapters uploading soon... my internet's being difficult, to say the least!  >:(
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #170 on: December 06, 2014, 02:28:57 AM »
Chapter 44: Lily and A Little Rex

So, that's it then?
Lily: Yes. Completed my aspiration.
Kudos to you hun.
Lily: Thank you, now I'm going to complete my next aspiration.
Oh! That's cool and all, only you might want to go say hi to Rex before you start.

Rex: Afternoon Mr Flood.
Terrence: Rex.

Terrence: You're looking very cheerful this afternoon. Are you up to mischief?
Rex: Oh no Mr Flood, I wouldn't do anything like that.
Oh for pete's sake, the poor boy, you're scaring the pants off him! Lighten up a little. tell him a story, go on.

Terrence: So the monster rose from the murky depths and...
Rex: OOOOOoooohhhhh..... crickey. That was one scary story Mr Flood. I feel all antsy now.
Oh good job Terrence <sarcastic tone>

Rex: Blah blah fun of adults blah blah
Dude: What the watcher! Crickey young man, much more of that and I'll be having a serious talk with you.
Terrence: Hmm, you may have had a point there Watcher. Perhaps I did go a little over the top on the scary story.

Terrence: I think you may have learnt a valuable lesson there Rex.
Rex: <embarrassed squirming> Yes sir. I'm sorry Mr Hollingsworth, it sounded funny in my head.... yeah...
Dude: It's ok Rex, that's how we learn kid, through our mistakes.

Terrence: See, no harm done Rex.

Olivia: So I spent the afternoon swimming and weeding the garden, just lovely.
Dude: That's great. I quite enjoy the pool myself from time to time.
Lily: So my dad's not so scary after all, is he?
Rex: No, he's actually pretty cool.

Sabastian: Well Rex, it was nice chatting.
Rex: Yep, thanks for hanging out with me but it's time I went now.
Lily: Bye Rex, see ya tomorrow. Don't forget your extra credit homework's due tomorrow!

Sabastian: Wow, you're so quick with your homework now Lily!
Lily: Yep, it's a breeze.

Lily: <Big breath> Whew! Ok so everyone, I've only got another 7 stories to tell, ready?
Dude/Sabastian and Great Uncle Alex: Sure, we're ready, go ahead.

Dude: Pffffft, that's one goofy story sweetie!

Lily: Then the bar tender turned around and said to the zebra owner, "Hey buddy you can't just walk out and leave that lyin' there". To which the man replied, "it aint a lion it's a zebra!".
Dude: <groan> Oh Lily, how many more love?

Ahh, it's so nice and quiet out here.
Beth: Lily still telling goofy stories.

Hahaha, didn't take you long to slip away!
Dude: Well, I listened to more than you!
True: Anyway, Terrence is looking for you. I'll finish weeding here.

Dude: Man it's nice out here <deep breath> Something about the desert air.

Dude: I've got an idea.
Abi: Don't let The Watcher hear you say that Dad.
Terrence: Hmm, you have caught my attention Mr H.

Did you call me Abi?
Abi: No... I was just saying... errr, what a nice night it is.
Dude: <whispering> Over here.

Wait! What are you two up to?
Dude: <mumble, whisper, mumble>
Huh? I can't hear you....
Terrence: Lol, perfect! <mumble mumble>
Right, fine, have your "boy" secrets then...

How are you Olivia?
Olivia: Just fine thank you. Here, have a drink. Terrence.K is just telling us a story.

Oh! No offense Terrence, but I think I'm a bit 'storied' out!

He's quite lovely really.
Abi: I know. Are you sure we can't fit him in anywhere?
I'll have another big think about it all, I can't promise more than that Abi.

Lily: Thank you Great Uncle Alex for listening to ALL my stories, you're the best!
G.U.Alex: You are very welcome Lily, it was my pleasure.

Terrence.K: Thanks for inviting me to stay over for the night.
Abi: I just wish... <sigh> I love you Terrence.
Terrence: Love you too Abi.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #171 on: December 06, 2014, 03:23:18 AM »
Chapter 45: A Rather Unwelcome Secret

Alex: Morning Watcher, I was just explaining to Olivia The basic mechanic of flight.
K then.

Abi: I love you.

Morning. Oh! What's wrong?
Terrence: It's the... <shudder> filth in my ensuite...
Huh? I'll go take a look for you.

LOL, oh that's funny!  ;D Neat sims!  ::)

So, I think you need to let some steam off with Terrence.
Dude: How's that?
Well, he's a bit tense <lol> from all the ginormous amounts of filth and squalor we live in.
Dude: Oh, does his en-suite toilet need cleaning again?
Dude: LOL
By the way..
Dude: Don't say it. I know, not one of my best... selling it now.

Terrence: Have a good day at school sweetie.
Lily: Will do, bye dad, bye Auntie Abi.

Well, there's a sight for sore eyes.
Terrence: Did Beth... you know?
Yep, all cleaned.

Oh! Are we all having a cleaning spree?
Dude: Well for some reason every time I make a drink the bar becomes filthy! Go figure.

I think Abi needs an extra pair of hands in the garden, again.
Dude: It's times like this I actually miss Plant Girl.
Yeah, least with her awesome gardening skills the plants stayed weeded and watered for a decent length of time.

Umm... did you just FLIRT with Terrence K there Olivia? ? ?
Olivia: Oh, well, yes.. errr, harmless fun.
<goes and checks relationship panel> Oh My Golly GOSH <stunned silence>
Terrence Flood (Beths Husband): Well, that's certainly put the cat amongst the pigeons.
Terrence.K (Abi's boyfriend): To be fair...
I think you have probably said enough... I'm going to go away and have a think.

Abi darling... I think we need to have just a small little chat, perhaps just over here?

Abi: Is it true?
Terrence.K: Yes, but it's not what you think it is.

Abi: But you should have told me... I feel like a fool. How COULD you?
Terrence: Wait! Please let me explain.

Terrence: Look it's been really awkward. it happened at one of your sister's parties. The Watcher need 3 flirty people and I got roped in... We never even touched. Promise Abi. I wouldn't do that to you.
Abi: Why did Olivia flirt with you then?
Terrence: I guess it's just one of those horrible autonomous reactions that just can't be predicted or stopped. Please Abi, I'm so sorry.

Terrence: Don't say we're over Abi, I couldn't stand to lose you.
Abi: I don't want to lose you either. I think those parties have been far more trouble to our family than anyone would ever believe.

Terrence: I promise you that we have never even held hands. Nothing. Ever.
Abi: I believe you Terrence. I just wish you'd told me.
Terrence: I would have, only to be honest I never ever even think about Olivia in that way. I just don't.

Abi: Oh Terrence, how horrible for both of us.
Terrence: <sniff> I'm so sorry Abi. I never meant to hurt you.

Dude: Oh lawdy, <sigh> I better go sort it all out.
Terrence: No, leave it Mr H, knowing Terrence.K as well as I do, I'm sure that there is a reasonable explanation.
Dude: She's my daughter.
Terrence: I know, but Abi's also nearly a fully grown adult. She can sort this out for herself. Besides, you know she'll come running to you if she needs help. Right?
Dude: <sigh> Right.

Beth: You o.k. Dad?
Dude: Yes. Well, it's all part of growing up in a dynasty house I guess.
Beth: We've got each other dad. It'll work out.

You O.K.?
Abi: Totally fine.
Good. Was it the party thing?
Abi: Yep.
<sigh> Won't be long before it all starts again with Lily too.
Abi: I know. <sigh>
Beautiful painting. One of my all time favourites.
Abi: I know, I'm painting it for you.
Oh Abi, that's so darn sweet of you. I don't know what to say. Especially after the day you've had.
Abi: Wasn't so bad. After all I got to really find out just how Terrence really feels about me. And making up is pretty fun, you know.

Dude: So, Olivia. Desert life getting a little hot under the collar for you then?
Olivia: Very funny Winston.
Alex: I don't know what that means.
Olivia: It's just our mutual friends rather pointed sense of humour. If you think about it, it is actually all your fault for agreeing to the rules etc that your Watcher insists are paramount to your dynasty success. Most of us manage just fine without such wild shenanigans.
Dude: Only teasing, look I've been there myself. You'll get over it. In fact I wouldn't even give it another thought. There is a funny side to it.
Alex: Umm, is it your turn?

Goodness me! What ARE you doing Lily?
Lily: I'm being naughty.
Oh! Why?
Lily: Just to see what it feels like. Everyone else seems to have been naughty so I thought I'd experiment.
I see. And what is your opinion?
Lily: The planning and anticipation are far more enjoyable than the actual event.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #172 on: December 06, 2014, 09:18:39 AM »
OH MY!!! LOL You those flirty parties!! You get your sims in so much trouble!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #173 on: December 06, 2014, 10:36:23 AM »
I'm so much luckier than you it is very rare for me to get flirty requirements unless it is a date so no emotional drama mostly in my household.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #174 on: December 06, 2014, 11:07:51 AM »
I love Lily's reaction to playing in the trash, lol.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #175 on: December 06, 2014, 12:51:11 PM »
I'm so much luckier than you it is very rare for me to get flirty requirements unless it is a date so no emotional drama mostly in my household.

Wow! EVERY party the Hollingsworths throw has that flirty requirement... I mean every single party!  :o It leads to rather awkward situations, as you can see!

Thanks dethdukk. Lily's pretty cute. I'm so enjoying playing her.

sdhoey! I know, not really my fault though... it's really Winstons fault, as Olivia pointed out!  ;) :P

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #176 on: December 06, 2014, 12:54:20 PM »
lol!  Oh my goodness.  That's too funny.  Poor things XD I get the flirty requirements on occasion, but I normally have a couple romantic pairs I can use lol so it's not an issue normally.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #177 on: December 06, 2014, 01:07:49 PM »
Usually the requirement comes right at the end and it's a mad scramble to find anyone at all... I don't care who, to fill the requirement! However, these days, having experienced the chaos that can ensue, I plan for the flirty requirement!  :)

I had no idea that other players weren't having the same thing happen until Margerita said! I even get flirty requirements when its all household members that are related! Then I just go drag a sim off the road into the house and use them! Golly... the morals!  ::)
Maybe my games glitched? ? ? I've even held parties at the park and it's happened. Makes for some very 'happy' homeless simdudes!
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #178 on: December 06, 2014, 01:43:44 PM »
Chapter 46: Well, That Sucks

Abi: You're so good at playing chess, I don't even know why I am trying to mentor you.
Lily: Yes, I can play it with my eyes closed.

Dude: So, you in?
Ahh.. No. He's not. And neither are you.
Dude: You always listen in to others private conversation?
Yep. 'specially when they involve you sneaking into the gym and nearly dying from exhaustion.
Dude: Party pooper
Ohhh, don't get me started on parties. Did you know that other dynasty house parties don't get that flirty requirement at every party like we do?
Dude: They don't? Wow, we must be like the studs of Oasis Springs.
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. I think that it's darn unfair and/or glitched and weird.
Terrence: With all due respect, I do have some work to do today.

So, is it me or are you really happy these days?
Dude: I am pretty happy actually.
And what's with this new found love of reading?
Dude: I don't know really... just something I seem to want to do
Fair enough. Seen Beth?
Dude: Nope.

There you are! What are you doing?
Beth: Playing a game on my phone while waiting for you to tell me what to do next, seeing as you like to be so bossy. I figured you must have forgotten about me.
Yes, well sort of. Anyway, what were we doing?
Beth: Getting crystals. You said I might as well make them my museum pieces.
Oh that's right. Well, it was going to be those really expensive mixology drinks. However when it comes to your museum worth, they are actually worth nothing. Besides that with Zesty ghost and a neat sim both around I think the chances of them remaining in the museum is probably zero.
Beth: Why crystals though?
Couldn't think of anything else.
Beth: Shouldn't you have a plan?
Probably but seeing as you're still a young adult and we've done nearly everything else I figured this could wait. Anyway, chop chop!

The view is just breath taking.
Beth: Well, I couldn't say from down here in the dirt.

Bad day Lily?
Lily: The worst, someone saw me with a bib.
Rex is here, he's in the lounge.

Awww, that's nice of you Olivia, to tell Rex some jokes while everyone else was busy.
Rex: Olivia tells the funniest jokes!
That's because deep down she's a goofball.

Olivia: Yes, I got my joke telling ability from my mother who was childish. I think the two of us drove my father mad some days!
Rex: I know what you mean. I'm a bit untidy at times and things seem to break just after I use them. It drives everyone in my house a bit mad too.
Lily: Maybe you should become a handy sim when you grow up Rex, that way you could fix your own messes and get satisfaction points at the same time.
Wow Lily, you sure are one smart kid!

G.U Alex: Actually Pi equals the circumference divided by the diameter of a circle. Pi (π), the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet, is used to represent the most widely known mathematical constant. By definition, pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
Lily: Yes, I got that, thanks. But what I wanted to know is why is it always estimated to just two digits?
Dude: Well, that would be to make it more manageable for easy calculation.
<eyes glazing over> Are you nearly finished your extra credit work Lily?

Lily: I still think it's a bit redundant to reduce Pii down to two digits. It just doesn't make sense to me.
I've got a thing I need to do... be right back. <yawn>

Oh no, well that sucks.

Olivia... oh. I'm so sorry...

Make sure you are kind to her in the afterlife. Olivia was a very kind, sweet sim.
Grim: I know how to do my job thank you.
Wow, you're a bit stuffy today. Are you not feeling well?

Ummm, why are we in here? More importantly, why are YOU in here? <looks around at the empty bathroom>
Grim: I'm waiting for someone
Ohh... is this a two-for-one week?

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #179 on: December 06, 2014, 02:01:36 PM »
When grim hangs around colts it is usually two for one!!!

