Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124625 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #150 on: November 23, 2014, 11:07:14 PM »
Now I have to go to bed and cry like a baby. You write so beautiful. I'm jealous!! That was a great update. My heart is breaking for Dude!!  :'(

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #151 on: November 24, 2014, 02:11:07 AM »
Thanks everyone, dang Grim and his reaping business.  >:( 
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #152 on: November 24, 2014, 02:59:12 AM »
Chapter 39: A birthday and a Visit

Dude: Thank goodness for Lily.
You look so tired today dude.
Dude: I can't quite seem to find the energy to do anything.

Hush little nooboo don't you cry, watchers gonna buy you a... oh what's the next dang word... stupid songs, stupid dang...

Argh! Help, Lily's losing the plot...

Dude: She's just hungry, I've got her.
Whew, I tried singing, but the I forgot the words and then I got angry.
Dude: I know, I'm angry too, you just gotta let it go.
Don't want to.
Dude: Well, being angry's not going to bring Cassy back.
It's not fair, stupid rules, stupid <mutter mutter>...

<Sigh> Lily's so cute.
Dude: Try changing her diaper as you say that!

Is it time? Already?
Terrence: Yep, time for Lily to become a little lady. Ready love?
Beth: No, yes, ohh, I feel all sad and nervous and excited all at once.

Lily: Wheeeeeeh! Whoop!

Lily: Oh, well, I'll certainly need to change my birthday suit, this one really doesn't reflect my personality at all.

Terrence: Happy birthday little lady.
Lily: Oh dad! I love you.

Beth: Happy birthday darling.
Guess who's got her daddy's eyebrows.
Lily: Thank you Watcher, I appreciate that giving compliments is one of your personal challenges, however, I am also aware that what you have just said is heartfelt nonetheless.
Terrence: That's my genius!
Wow, hand me a dictionary! I've got a feeling I'm going to be needing it fairly soon.

Lily: Grandad, I just want you to know that I've loved you from the first moment you cuddled me.

Dude: Well, little lady, you better give your old granddad a cuddle again then. I love you Lily.

Dude: <whispering> Wow, Lily's amazing.
I've got a feeling that she's going to have us all round her little finger in the blink of an eye!
Dude: Agreed.
She's one smart little cookie.
Dude: A real Whiz Kid for sure. Nite Lily.

Abi: Hi mum.
Cassandra: Hi darling. How's your dad?
Abi: He's ok, sort of. The watcher's been looking after him for you.

Cassandra: Do you want some mentoring while I'm here dear?
Terrence: That would be great! I'm nearly at level 10 but it's that last bit that's the hardest.

Terrence: What do you think about that last paragraph?
Cassandra: Maybe just tighten up the last sentence, it a bit long winded, you know?

Cassandra: It's not so much about length, it's more to do with repeating key words or pronouns, or by using similar sentence patterns.
Terrence: Hmmm, I see. thanks!

Dude: That's great Lily, you're really picking up some key artistic elements.
Lily: I think my use of color and line are pretty good... what do you think Granddad?
Dude: Yep, remember to add in some texture...

Lily: Thanks for helping me, I need to play five games for my aspiration.
Dude: You're very welcome Lily.
Lily: Oh! What's THAT?

Dude: What?

Dude: What did you see sweetheart?
Lily: I don't know what it was, it looked a bit scary...

Dude: There's nothing scary here sweetie.
Maybe it was one of those giant bees?
Lily: Yes, maybe Watcher.
Abi: I think you'll find they are not oversized Watcher, it's really just a trick of perspective..
Oh my gosh! All these genius sims!  ::)

Have a great first day Lily.
Lily: Thanks, I feel really hyperactive!
It's that energizing shower.
Lily: Hmm, I'm not sure I'll be able to concentrate on my school work feeling like this!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #153 on: November 24, 2014, 03:41:33 AM »
Chapter 40: A Change is as Good as a Holiday

Dude: Again?

Let's go somewhere.
Dude: Where? Not the gym?
No, let's visit Alex. I've been worrying about him a bit now that...
Dude: I know, me too.

Alex: Oh, it's great to see you dude.
Dude: You too Alex, you too. I thought I might just, pop upstairs for a moment...
Alex: Of course, help yourself.

Oh, here you are. I didn't know where you'd gone!
Dude: There's Cassy's old school bag... it's all still the same. Part of me feels like she's going to walk in through that door any minute now.
<Nods sadly>

Dude: Well, there's no use wishing for the moon, come on, I've got a plan.

Oh Alex looks so sad.
Dude: Won't for much longer.

Dude: So I've been thinking Alex...

I'm confused.
Dude: What's new?

What are we doing here?
Dude: I would have thought even you could work that out! lol
Funny! Obviously you are fishing.
Dude: Awesome powers of deduction!
<snort> You know what I mean.

Dude: We, dear Watcher, are having a holiday!

Beth: Hi Lily, did you have a good day?
Lily: I did, how long are we staying with Great Uncle Alex?
Beth: A few days I think. I'm going to nip down and see if Granddad's caught anything.
Lily: I'm going to stay here and talk to G.U. Alex.

Lily: Granddad said there are salmon this big in the river. Have you seen any?
Alex: I do remember my father talking about the large salmon in the river when I was just a boy your age.

Beth: Oh, that's a bit of a let down.

Lily: Hmmm,  no, wait, yes... good move.
Lily: Yes watcher?
Oh, nothing, you just looked so like your grandmother for a second there.

Who's your new friend?
Dude: Shhh, I can't introduce you 'cos I can't remember his name.
Embarrassing much.

Thats some fancy cooking moves you've got going on their dude.
Dude: just whipping up some fresh salmon.

Abi! What on earth are you doing?
Abi: I thought I'd upgrade this old fireplace. Can't have people catching alight now can we?
No, quite.

Lily: How on earth is anyone supposed to remember all these grammar rules? I'm still struggling with basics, you know, a singular subject requires a singular predicate... <sigh>
Alex: It gets easier actually, the more you know, the more confident you become and so on.

You could sit down while you read Abi.
Abi: Oh, this book is so fascinating. I was going to get a drink but I couldn't quite put the book down.
Well, thats a nice change, usually I'm chasing around after you making you finish all your half read books.

Poor you Terrence, you look exhausted!
Beth: Lol, he does doesn't he. <giggle>
Night you two, see you in the morning.

Oh, before I forget, before you go to sleep could you.... Oh, pardon me... oh. How embarrassing <cringe> I guess Terrence perked up then.
Beth: Shut the door behind you. NOW.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #154 on: November 24, 2014, 04:44:37 AM »
Chapter 41: A Lovely Holiday

You are up very early Lily.
Lily: Yes, I have so many things I want to do before it's time to go back home again. Besides that G.U. Alex and granddad woke me up with all their laughing and joking.

Welcome to the "Hollingsworth Special" Rex.
Rex: It's simply terrifying.
I know, and strangely true. They all do it.
Rex: Gosh!

Lily: And that's how the Bermuda Triangle claimed it's last victim.
Rex: <shudder> That's too scary Lily. It can't be true!
Lily: That would be telling!

You can see for miles from here.
Lily: I know, well technically not miles Watcher, probably more like..
Yes, I get your point. Thanks.

Lily: Oi be Barbossa, the deadliest pirate of the seven seas... hand me your pieces of eight or forfeit your life.

Dude: So, you in?
Terrence: Hmm, yep, you bet!

Terrence: This is great!
Dude: First bite wins the bet!

Dude: Fish on.... Ah! False alarm.

Dude: Haha! Gotcha!
Terrence: Well, that sucks.

Lily: Dawn here is so pretty. I'm heading home for some breakfast. I feel the need for some protein.
Some... right. Of course. I think most kids would settle for cereal.
Lily: Well, if you want to be ordinary then, sure.

Is that cereal?
Lily: Nope its twelve vitamins and minerals.

How was the fishing trip?
Terrence: Good, I left Mr H down there.
Are you ever going to use his name?
Terrence: Nope, I think Mr H suits just fine.

Terrence: I could get used to living like this.
It certainly is nice for a change. I do prefer modern though.
Terrence: I wonder if Alex will miss his old family home.

There you are Abi. Hi Terrence!
Terrence.K: Hi Watcher.
I'll see you later.

Terrence.K: Wow, how'd you scare the Watcher off so fast?
Abi: She's scared to overhear us talking incase she's forced into a decision like letting you move in.
Terrence: Oh, well, that would be nice, you know. For us to live together....
Abi: I know. <sigh>

Nearly home time?
Dude: Soon. It's been great. I've felt really close to Cassy these last few days.
That's good. I'm sorry her urn became empty. It's all I seem to be doing these days, Dude, apologizing to you.
Dude: It's ok, I understand. I know that you can't control the whole world.
It just all seems so unfair.
Dude: Welcome to the real world. Despite everything I am happy you know.

Hi Alex. Are you nearly ready?
Alex: Yes, just clearing out the fridge. Wouldn't want the next family to find anything rotten.
I know Winston and you have discussed this in detail, but, are you quite sure?
Alex: Quite sure. Positive in fact.

Lily: <giggle> I can hardly see you daddy, all the way down there!

Terrence: If I shout and wave my arms around, does that help?
Lilly: LOL, you know what I mean!

Terrence: Hi gorgeous, how's your day been?
Beth: It just got a whole lot better!

Lily: I love that my parents are in love.
Oh! That's a big opinion for such a little girl.
Lily: Don't be silly. If they weren't in love it would be terrible.
Umm, sure.
Lily: Silly Watcher.

Abi: Time to put the fire out, everyone's ready to go.
Dude: Good job pumpkin.
Abi: Oh, you haven't called me that since I was a kid!

The end of an era. No regrets?
Dude: No regrets. Remember our motto? Don't cry because it's over...
Smile because it happened.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #155 on: November 24, 2014, 06:36:34 AM »
What a fantastic idea having them stay at the Goth house... then move Alex in.. How sad that no more Goths will live there though.  Lily is just wonderful, smart, pretty and funny!  I'm also laughing knowing that the twins have picked men with the same name.. hahaha! Not confusing at all!!  ;D

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #156 on: November 24, 2014, 11:18:24 AM »
Awwww!  I love that they stayed in the Goth house and that Alex is going to join them.  I'm just in love with Lily!  She's too cute!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #157 on: November 26, 2014, 05:09:34 PM »
Loving the story, just read it all the way through.  Tomorrow I'll look up your Legacy one and see how many lol moments I get from that.  ;D

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #158 on: December 04, 2014, 10:14:28 PM »
Thanks guys, next chapters up very soon. And yeah, the two Terrence's, I honestly didn't plan it that way, but how appropriate for the twins!
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #159 on: December 04, 2014, 11:20:17 PM »
Chapter 42: Terrence Becomes An Adult

Good job, your first masterpiece!
Terrence: Thanks! It's good to finally have this aspiration under my belt, just a few more royalty checks and I'll be done.

Lily: Auntie Abi, could you help me with my extra credit homework please?
Abi: Sure, you're pretty keen doing extra work on the weekend Lily!
Lily: Yeah, but it's part of my aspiration requirement too. Besides that, I just really enjoy the mental stimulation that study brings.
You lost me at 'Yeah'. <glazed look on face>

How you doing Alex?
Alexander: Good thanks. You've got a good library here.
Hmm. Hang on a sec. <faint typing and rustling sounds> There you go.
Alex: Oh! Wow! That's great, you've just bought nearly every book ever written in my favorite genre.
You're welcome. Well, we want you to just put your feet up and enjoy your retirement, you know? Besides, book lovers are easily pleased...

Lily: Hi Watcher, look at me!
You're racing across those bars like a ... err... monkey!
Lily: I took an energizing shower before hand so now I'm pumped.
LOL, where did you here that expression?
Lily: Dad and granddad use it all the time! Woo!

Made those three extra friends yet?
Beth: Nope.
Didn't think so. Well you've got four hours before your next work shift and you NEED those three extra's to get your friend quota up to 12 for your next promotion...
Beth: Yes. Thanks for pointing that out for the fourth time.
You're welcome, anything to be helpful.

Samara (old lady): Yeah, it's a Hollingsworth Special.
Malaysia (Red Cap): A what? ? ?
Samara: They all do it... you know, tell horrifyingly scary yet true tales.
Malaysia: I don't know whether to be horrified or captivated....

Good lawd! What on earth are you doing Lily?
Lily: Falling....
Oh! Good job then, keep it up.
Lily: Umm, some help please. Watcher? ?

That sounds just lovely Alex.
Alex: Thank you. I've always wanted to learn but somehow I just never found the time.

Lily: Thanks for catching me granddad.
Dude: Well, that's what granddads are for, right?
Lily: Hmm, ummm. I have a topic of some importance that I'd like to discuss with you.
Dude: Gosh! O.K. Shoot.
Lily: Seeing as I'm the next heir after mummy, does that mean I will have to meet all the same requirements as you both?
Dude: Yep, all part of the road to ambrosia.
Lily: I see.

Lily: Well, I've decided that I would like to skip the requirement that says I have to marry and have children.
Dude: <muffled laughing turned into a cough> I see. Why's that darling?
Lily: Because all boys want to do is play around and I want to be a great inventor and I won't have any time for playing when I'm a big adult.

Oh thank goodness, you've finally cracked the friendship level. Far out! Anybody would think that you haven't maxed out charisma for all the good it did with these two.
Beth: Well, seeing as I have absolutely nothing in common with either of them I'm not surprised.
Ohhh... quick. Incoming at 1.00  O'clock! Go make her your third friend. The fat one with the really hideous glasses.
Beth: You are SO rude!
It's called being a realist.

I don't believe it.
Dude: True.
No way!
Dude: Seriously.
Unbelievable. What even IS it?
Dude: A masterpiece surreal interpretation of..
A cat with it's head shoved through a hole in a piece of toast! What the heck?
Dude: No! <slightly offended> It's..
A hamster with it's head...
Dude: NO. Look, forget it, I'll just sell it.
Good thinking.

Beth: Tell me about it!
You might as well push on and make Sonja a good friend.
Beth: K.
By the way, thats little Rex zooming along the road there. He's gonna be Lily's husband.
Beth: WHAT? Have you told Terrence that? He won't like it one little bit.
Naaaaa, he'll be sweet.
Beth: Try him.

Hi Terrence. Good cake?
Terrence: Hmm! Delicious!
Just letting you know that Lily's husband to be is about to knock on the door.

Terrence: I'll be the judge of that.
Oh! <surprised pause> Errrr, well anyway umm, Rex is knocking on the door so you might want to go let him in.
Terrence: Good idea. I've got quite a few questions for this young man.

Ohh, the poor boy's dying of embarrassment over here. Call him over Terrence for pity's sake.

There you are Lily! <gushing in an over the top relieved way>
Lily: What's up Watcher?
Rex is here. He might need rescuing from your dad-come-sargent-major-interrogation-master.
Lily: Oh, what did you say to upset him?
Nothing! Why does everyone always think I've said something?
Lily: Well?
I said that Rex was going to be... nothing. Adult stuff. Moving on.

Lily: Hi dad. Well, you're certainly on fire today.
Terrence: And so this would-be boyfriend found himself in another world far, far away.
Lily: Hehehe, good joke dad.

Rex: I sense some sort of tension here. Did I say something wrong?
Lily: No. Just keep smiling, we'll go upstairs soon.
Rex: K

Terrence: While I'm not that happy with you at all Watcher, the fact that Rex is also a slob just adds insult to injury.

Beth: Bye dear, don't take it all to heart.
Terrence: Have a good shift love.
NO! You can't scold Lily. That's not even fair. I'm stopping you from doing that.
Terrence: Well, you started this and I can discipline my child as I please.
Look. I made a mistake, o.k.? I just thought they looked cute together.
Terrence: They are children. Don't you have any morals or standards at all?
<Slight pause> Umm, no. Well, yeah. But no, not really.
Terrence: Case closed then. I'll bring my own child up thank you.

Rex: These little dolls are actually pretty fun!
Lily: I know! You can make up all sorts of stories and make them do pretty much whatever you like. I like setting them up in a perfect world where no-one ever ages and life is always happy.
Rex: I get that. How come there are no princes though? I thought every castle needed a prince.
Lily: Hmmm, I hadn't noticed that I only had princesses. Maybe I'll ask dad to get me a prince for getting good grades at school
Ummm, yeah. I'd probably ask granddad Lily. Dad's a bit touchy on that subject.

Are you all ready to become an adult?
Terrence: Yep.
Dude: Sure you don't want a party?
Terrence: Yes thanks Mr.H. Beth's at work and everyone else is busy, besides, to be honest, I'm a little partied out!

Yeah... wooo! Happy Birthday Terrence.

Dude: Happy Birthday Terrence. Thanks for being such a great son-in-law. I appreciate the hard work you do around the place son.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #160 on: December 05, 2014, 12:16:32 AM »
Awww, Dude is still so sweet!  Love the family dynamics, Play!  I cracked up with Terrance and Rex.  Reminds me of my own Papa!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #161 on: December 05, 2014, 12:59:06 AM »
Lol, my pater too! I nearly cracked up when I saw Terrence's autonomous interaction to 'scold' Lily! Talk about reality sims!
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #162 on: December 05, 2014, 01:41:52 AM »
Chapter 43: A New House Member

Terrence: You're not supposed to eat the shell love.
Lily: Hmm, thank goodness. I was finding it all rather crunchy and unappetizing.
Terrence: Just scoop out the soft middle stuff.
Lily: K dad.

Dude: So I've been thinking Olivia...
Olivia: Woo!

Have I told you how much I appreciate your tidying up Terrence?
Terrence: Yes, and I forgive you too. It's just Lily's too special to me to see her thrown into an unhappy marriage just for the sake of your points or rules.
I get that, loud and clear Terrence. But just so we're clear on one thing... I wouldn't put Lily with anyone other than her soul mate.
Terrence: As long as there is a discussion. K?

Lily: This better be a happy ending. It's a happy ending, right?
Abi: Shhhh... wait and see.

Lily: So The Watcher says these fish tacos have zero calories. That is actually inaccurate.
Terrence: I see.
Lily: Yes, for food to have a zero calorie count would be technically impossible. Water is the only food type that has a zero calorie count. However, these fish tacos do have a very low calorie count, so that is probably where The Watcher got a bit mixed up.

Don't look at me! You're the one who made her!

Terrence: Come on, I'll read with you too. We'll see who can read the quickest.
Lily: Deal. Ready, steady, read!
Whatcha doing?
Both: Shhhhhh
Lily: I'm reading my three books for my aspiration.

So, how's the gardening going Olivia?
Olivia: Good thanks. I love being in the fresh air, out under the stars or the sun. It's all the same to me, just as long as it's outside.
Well, that's really fortunate as the garden's getting way out of control and Abi can't manage all by herself.

Abi: Hi Uncle Zest.
Zest: Hi Pumpkin, hows life?

Lily: Now if I add two grams of oblick...

Lily: Hmmm, I see.
Ohhh, what do you see? What's happening? Come on, don't hog the microscope!
Lily: Nothing's happening.
Lily: No chemical reaction at all.
Ohh, that's disappointing.
Lily: No, that's perfect, just what I hypothesized.

Dude: Come on! While everyone's busy and Beth's still at work!

Terrence: I'm keen if you are!

Oh for the sake of everything that is right in the simverse. Will you NOT be told Dude?
Terrence: Arghhhhh. I told you we would be caught!
Dude: You're too nosey for your own good. <grunt>

OOOooohhh. Pretty!
Lily: Yes isn't it. 5 and a half grams and here's what you get.
Well done Lily, you are quite the bright spark.
Lily: lol, good pun Watcher.

Side issue. Have you seen how creepy that pre-pre-sims head fossil is? Actually, on second thoughts, don't look Lily. It's horrid.
Lily: I'm a bit busy at the moment Watcher....

....and now's the moment I say...
Dude: I don't care. I think I'm dying.
Oh my lawd! Go sleep you silly man... quick smart! You'll be o.k. once you wake up. <sigh> I do wish you wouldn't keep doing this.

How'd your shift go? Get the promotion?
Beth: Nope.
What? Aw, how come, everything was maxed out and your mood was great!
Beth: Beats me. I'm discouraged. Where's Terrence?
In the gym.

So, feeling better are we? And while we're on the subject of your health. You do know, don't you, that Lobster has 800 calories. So if you eat that you'll get super fat, to the point where you won't even fit through the doors.... and then I'll need to change them all to double archways just so you can.....What?  What? Well there's no point you getting all grumpy at me....

Hmmmfff. I know when I'm not wanted. <stalks off>

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #163 on: December 05, 2014, 03:17:25 AM »
LOL!  Play, your relationship with your Sims cracks me up!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #164 on: December 05, 2014, 08:03:16 AM »
I got worried that you had left the forum then I found your immortal dynasty YAY!

Question how do you do the links to separate chapters and stories?

