Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124577 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #135 on: November 22, 2014, 08:15:48 PM »
Wow I had a lot to catch up on! I'm absolutely shocked you were able to complete that aspiration. Congrats!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #136 on: November 22, 2014, 08:46:15 PM »
Kill a man and flirt with Grim! A fabulous thing to remember for eternity. :D
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #137 on: November 22, 2014, 11:54:41 PM »
I missed so much!  I don't even know where to start... oh wait, yes I do... ZEST, NO!  *cries* I'm going to miss him... though loved the fact that he came back as a ghost.  I laughed a bit too much at the "burning their charges" line.  Because it's sooo true XD

I love Terrance!  And bravo on completing that aspiration.  Also... I laughed a bit too hard at the killing the poor man and then flirting with Grim XD

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #138 on: November 23, 2014, 12:29:04 AM »
@ LenaLJ, Beth hears ya! I'm pretty sure she's turned a new leaf.  ;)

@ Artsygirl, Thanks, it certainly takes perseverance! That and fast 'travel with' reaction times!!!  ::)

@ Trip, lol, yep ,I don't think she'll ever live that one down!  8)

@ wolf, I know, I miss Zest still, luckily he visits often. Terrence is lovely, his autonomous actions are so sweet, he always wants to ask Dude how his day was etc and hug Beth... awww, so cute.

Thank you everyone for reading and encouraging.  :)  Got about 3 or 4 chapters to update with tonight, had a bit of an epic playing day so stay tuned!
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #139 on: November 23, 2014, 01:01:32 AM »
Chapter 34: Terrence and Beth Get Married

You're looking pretty chirpy there.
Terrence: Yep <grin> Beths ordering up our wedding party.
Oh I'm so pleased for you!

Well, she's not your little girl any longer dude.
Dude: Nope, I couldn't have hoped for a nicer guy.
I know, right! Isn't Terrence just awesome?
Dude: You know what? He actually is.

Beth: I suddenly feel incredibly nervous.
Terrence: So do I. You haven't changed your mind have you?
Beth: Gosh no!

Terrence: Oh thank goodness. I love you.

Terence: Right, everyone's just about here... ready?

Cassandra: I think we've done very well darling.
Dude: Well so do I love.
Cassandra: I feel rather proud!

Terrence: So I place this ring on your finger as a symbol of our love; no beginning, no ending, the continuity of everlasting love and binding together of our two souls.

Collective sighs and gasps from everyone as well as a few quiet tears.

May I now present Mr Terrence and Mrs Bethany Flood-Hollingsworth.

Terrence: <gag> Ohh, <cough> lol, nearly stabbed my tonsils! Crickey!
Beth: <giggle> Sorry, hands are a bit shaky.

Well, Terrence, everyone is having a wonderful time.
Terrence: Hmm, thanks for helping Watcher.
You're very welcome. It was a wonderful wedding. You could probably slip away, I don't think anybody would notice!
Terrence: Oh, thanks watcher, you're the best. <grin>
Nice to be appreciated.

Terrence: Well, wife, have you enjoyed your day?
Beth: Hmm hm.

Terrence: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. **

Oh for crying out loud, not you too?

Terrence: Sorry about everyone walking in...
Beth: It's ok, I guess that's what happens in a busy household.

Terrence: Least we've got some good news!
Beth: <giggle>

** How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnet 43) by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #140 on: November 23, 2014, 01:48:44 AM »
Chapter 35: A Whirl Of Parties

Dude: Oh my! Congratulations my darling! You too Terrence! Gosh, generation 3.... oh wow.
Terrence: I know, right! I'm so happy.

Whatcha doing?
Dude: Going fishing.
Oh! Is that like some bait or something?
Dude: Oh lol, you just never change!
Dude: It's a Black and White Cake for Beth's party.
Ohhhhh. I knew that.

What was that noise?
Dude: My back.
Gosh, eww, why does it make that sound?
Dude: It's called old age.
Beth: Yep, uhuh. Mmmm. No. O.K. Yeah. Sure. No thanks. Yes, we do have a bar.

Cassandra: Oh, thats awkward, Watcher, you've put us in the same dress!
Abi: Oh that's ok mum. I don't mind. lol. I think we look cute.

What's the first task?
Dude: Prawn cocktail something or rather.
Oh, heaps better than taco casserole. My, you look handsome in a tux. Where's the entertainer Beth hired?
Dude: Dunno, didn't even know she'd hired anyone!

Terrence: I don't mind helping out with the flirty goals, but I put my foot down at having to actually flirt with anyone. Unless it's my wife of course.
No, that's fine.... you just need to sit there hun, the paintings will do the rest.

Well, that's the easiest Black and White party we've ever thrown. Shrimps, cake, four sims eating, three sims drinking, three sims flirty at same time, two sims playing chess.... talk about black and white things. Bingo!
Dude: yeah, it went surprisingly well!
Terrence: Does it not usually go so smoothly?
Dude: Umm, no, we've had a few, err, unfortunate moments.
Olivia: Oh do tell us! It sounds scandalous!
Dude: Oh, no, nothing like that. Besides it all happened a long time ago.
Cake anyone?

Terrence. K: Wow, smooth dance moves there Abi!
Abi: <giggle> you should try it, it's the latest craze. It's called the 'If I can't see It, It Never Happened' Groove.
Sabastian: I'd probably strangle myself if I tried it.

Thanks everyone. Well, by that I mean thank you everyone EXCEPT the hired entertainer.
Entertainer: What? I was entertained very well!
Ummm... yeah, you're supposed to DO the entertaining not BE entertained. Sheesh.

Beth: Yep, round two please. Make it an incognito please. Yes.... WE HAVE A BAR. Far out!
Abi: Wow, I haven't even got time to clean up!
Chop chop people, time to get into fun costumes! Woo !

Bret: Oh, I'm so confused, I don't know wether I'm coming or going!
LOL, well if you stomp along the road like that Hotdog guy, you'll probably dislocate your knee caps.

Terrence: Wow, you two look amazing!

Dude: Thanks, I'm not so sure if I like my wife dressed up as grim though! <Shudder>
Yeah, might be tempting fate.

Wow, Alex! Look like you Goths have a thing for death! You look positively medieval.

Thanks for making a taco casserole. Just leave it on the table, no one will eat it but we'll throw it out at the end.
Dude: Okey dokey.

Oh, my bad. No, go ahead, tuck in!

I see you have developed a penchant for unbelievable yet terrifyingly true stories Abi.

Aww, Beth. You just can't help yourself.
Beth: But it's SO exciting Watcher. I just want everyone to know my Big News.

Alexander: Oh my! That's so exciting! I'm going to be a great-uncle!
Of course you are, you're already a great uncle
Alexander: No I mean a great-uncle.
I know, that's what I said.
Dude: I'd just agree with her Alex, this has the beginnings of a very long conversation otherwise.

Oh what a beautiful moonlit night. Just lovely.
Terrence: Yep.

Terrence: Congratulations love, that was the last gold party you need.

Ohh, I hope you make it home Mrs Flood.
Terrences Mum: Me too. <clenched teeth>

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #141 on: November 23, 2014, 02:31:54 AM »
Chapter 36: It's a.... Nooboo

How's the mentoring going?
Dude: Yeah, good. She's a natural.

Oh very prettty Abi!

Wow, look what happens when you sell a painting!
Abi: So beautiful.

Thanks for helping out with the gardening, you're so busy Abi, I don't know how you have time for everything!
Abi: That's ok. I like being busy. These mushrooms grow like... er, well mushrooms.
I'm hearing you.

Abi: You.... light up my life.... lalala laaaa.
Terrence.K: Oh wow <melt> What a welcome.

Abi: Umm, Watcher?
Yes hun?
Abi: Like scram!
Oh, sure... er, just got a thing to do. See ya Terrence.

Terrence: I think I'm falling for you in a big way Abi.
Abi: I'm already there.

Beth: Mum's gonna kill you if she catches you weight training dad.
Terrence: Don't start hen-pecking your father. He knows what he's doing.

<snort> You boys just don't grow out of that do you!

Beth: I don't feel too flash.
Aww, I'm sure it's just karma for your past sins.
Beth: @@@# ^^7###**@
Now, now, be a lady.

Terrence: AAArrggggjh. You ok hun.. arggg.
Dude: Dig deep, do it.
Beth: Yes, fine, no thanks to you.
Lol, little miss snippy.

Zest: Awww, congratulations squirt. How amazing.
Beth: Thanks Uncle Zest. I can't wait to met my little nooboo.

Terrence: Umm, Watcher?
Terrence: What's with the green see-through guy touching my wife.
Down boy! Thats just Zest.
Terrence: Oh! I didn't recognize him.

Terrence: You know I love you, you shouldn't even need to ask!
Beth: I do know, I just... it must be hormones, I'm all over the place.

Terrence: It won't be long now. You are doing so well my love. Hi little nooboo in there. It's your daddy talking.
Beth: Lol <sniff>

Oh my! I'm not sure that's very safe in your condition! Anyway, you've mastered mixology so perhaps give it a rest until the nooboo arrives, yeah?

Terrence: There you go, does that feel better?
Beth: Yea, thanks. <sigh> I'm so over this.
Terrence: Are you sure you actually want to go to work?
Beth: Yep, don't want to miss out on my promotion.

Hi Beth. Have a good shift?
Beth: Yep, and nailed my promotion.
Way to go. Man I hope you're not carrying twins in there. You're huge
Beth: Nice.

Terrence: I'm here. I'm here. I'm here....
So you're here then?
Beth: <snort> OOOOoooooo NOOBOO.

Terrence: On good grief, that sounds terrible. I can't bear to hear you in pain...
Umm. That's probably not helping Terrence.

Terrence: K, I'm too school for cool now.
LOL. Hahaha, you've been listening to 'Pink' again haven't you?
Terrence: yeah, I love her music.
Yeah, me too. Have you heard that one she released...
Beth: HELLOOOoooo woman in labour here.

Terrence: Ohhhh, it's like magic. Beth, you're the most amazing woman in the whole simverse. Oh, nooboo!

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Offline LenaLJ

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #142 on: November 23, 2014, 03:19:57 AM »
Congratulations, on the most lovely husband I the world, and generation 3.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #143 on: November 23, 2014, 03:36:35 AM »
Chapter 37: Shameless Nooboo Spamming

Terrence: She's just amazing.
She is. Have you decided on a name yet?
Terrence: Yep, Lily. Lily Flood-Hollingsworth.

Cassandra: Oh what a little cutie pie you are.

Dude: It's like a dream!
Cassandra: Isn't it just. There you go little Lily.

Dude: Finally! My turn. Come to grandpa cutie pie.

Dude: She certainly likes her food.
Oh, don't wish that on anyone.
Dude: No, not like that, lol.

Well, grandparents, how do you feel?
Together: Old!
Dude: Lol, you took the words out of my mouth dear.
Cassandra: It's just such a special feeling. The next generation. Amazing.

Oh good job dude, now that's what I like, someone who can put the baby to sleep.  High Five!

Oh yuk! What's that mess?
Dude: Umm, well, its an expression of..
Dog vomit.... yuk! Scrap it.
Dude: don't hold back there will you.

Don't you over do it Cassy.
Cassandra: No, I won't just a quick dip. I do love swimming in the moonlight.

So you've written 7 excellent books and not a single one has counted against the aspiration requirements! Typical! Just as things were going along so well.
Terrence: I can't understand it.... I'm doing everything correctly.
Don't worry about it. I'm sure Carl will have a solution somewhere on his forum.
Terrence: Thank goodness for that. I'm a bit over writing books for hours on end when they don't even count for anything.
Nice paragraphing by the way.
Terrence: Thanks.

Beth: Such a beautiful morning.
Agreed. How's Lily?
Beth: Just fine. Perfect. Aren't you darling?

Whatcha doing?
Terrence: Cooking Beth breakfast.

Terrence: Oh my turn. What a scrummy yummy little lady you are....
Ordinarily I'd probably throw up at that, but somehow from you Terrence, it just seems right.
Terrence: Oh, um, thanks, I think.

Terrence: She is pretty amazing though.
Early days.... but yeah, Lily's pretty special.
Terrence: See, that didn't hurt.
What didn't hurt?
Terrence: Admitting that you like nooboos.

So, how are you Cassy?
Cassandra: Just perfect thanks. If Grim came tomorrow I couldn't care less as life is just as it should be.
Oh, don't tempt fate Cassy. So, I guess it's safe to say that you are pretty happy then?
Cassandra: Totally. I married the most perfect man, have two beautiful, lovely daughters. I have a darling of a granddaughter. I've topped my career and conquered my aspiration. What more could I possibly want?

Cassandra: Isn't life just great?
Dude: Sure is love, sure is.

Cassandra: I Love you and only you....
Dude: Oh, Cassy...

Dude: You are my world, you always have been, and you always will be, from now and for all eternity.
Cassandra: I love you.

Well, you two, I think you should be very proud with what you have achieved! You guys rock!

Dude: So has this old grandpa still got what it takes?
Cassandra: Oh my <fans herself> lol, I should think so....

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #144 on: November 23, 2014, 06:08:55 AM »!!!!!! I was delighted when I noticed you had loads of updates - feeling very spoilt! First of all, welcome little Lily, can not wait to see what she looks like (mind you.. haven't seen Beth yet  ;))  How great are Dude and Cassy as grandparents? And congrats on finishing the party requirements.. have to say you are the party queen.  Quick question though - do you have to actually change them into their black and white or incognito costumes, or does the game do that automatically?  I actually haven't done a single party in my game yet  :o. Did I mention I love this family too??  :D

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #145 on: November 23, 2014, 01:14:10 PM »
@ LenaLJ, thanks. I had been hoping for a boy, but, there you have it!  ::) I guess that's one of those challenge things, you don't get to pick and choose.

@ KTK10, the party outfits happen automatically so you just dial 'em up and <poof> everyone changes. Sometimes you have to cancel an action for a sim to change but it usually takes care of itself. Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about parties. I now hire an entertainer and since doing that I haven't had those silly tasks that can't be completed. For example 3 sims listen to the piano: which is actually impossible as the game won't allow you to do that! I think the key is to do as many of those smaller tasks as soon as the party starts. Usually within about 4/5 game mins I've done the first three smaller tasks. Then three more pop up, so I do those. After that I start working on the big goal. Weddings I do the other way around. Marry/take first slice/kiss bride... then the other small tasks. most parties I end early as once I hit gold I want to roll through another party.
And thanks! I quite like this family too. Funny thing is that Beth drives me nuts but I always feel like that about any sim I've done the Serial Romantic aspiration with. Her and I will grow to like each other again now she's happily married. As for Abi, oh I wish she'd been born first. I feel another story all about Abi forming sometime down the line...
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #146 on: November 23, 2014, 02:22:02 PM »
Chapter 38: Cassy Dear

Cassandra: More like a high energy snack for that silly old man of mine that just won't stop lifting weights every time my back is turned.
I know, right. Still, as long as he stops when he's tired it should be ok.

Abi: Well, least it's not weights today dad.
Dude: Yep <grunt>

Cassy... No. Oh ... <gulp> Dude?

Oh how am I going to tell him. Oh Cassy, dear Cassy.

Oh Sabastian, how are we going to tell Dude?
Sabastian: Cassandra was so wonderful... Oh it's just not fair.

Dude: No more pictures. I want Cassy's <voice breaks> last moments to be dignified.

A long silent pause, broken only by the sound of grief.

Dude: It's ok Sabastian, Cassandra would have wanted you to remember her as she was alive, full of fun and enthusiasm.

The house seems very large, very empty and very quiet.

Terrence: Maybe I should go see if Mr.H is ok.
No, leave him. Dude's asked for some time alone.<sniff>
Terrence: Here's a tissue.

Why are you out here?
Beth: I can't stand being cooped up, I don't want to go <sob> home.
<tearing up> Oh Beth...

It was a good idea to come here.
Terrence: yep, well  we couldn't have you crying over everything. It's not good for your keyboard you know.
I'm glad we are the only people here <laughs self consciously> I always look terrible when I cry.

Terrence: Come on, join me in a workout. It always makes you feel better, right?
You know, I think I will.

Are you ready for a trip down memory lane?
You were so funny with young Cassy.
I knew I loved her even then.

She loved you too, right from the first 'hello'.

I didn't know you took these shots!
Yep, you guys were just too beautiful for me not to capture the moment.
I remember this like it was just yesterday. I was so nervous.

Cassy seemed to take forever to decide.
No, she wasn't deciding, she was just so happy she couldn't speak.

Why this picture?
Because your face says it all. It shows just how much love you two shared.
I thought I'd died and gone to heaven, she was so beautiful that night.

Oh <sob> Isn't she beautiful.
Yes, yes she is. I wish I'd been able to save her for you. I'm so sorry...<cries>

You have saved her. Don't you know? Cassy dear is forever in my heart.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #147 on: November 23, 2014, 02:27:48 PM »
Nooo not Cassy :'( very great, heartbreaking update.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #148 on: November 23, 2014, 09:49:59 PM »
That last screenshot is breathtaking. So sad that Cassy has gone. What a nice way to end this chapter of her life with such a lovely walk down memory lane.  :'(

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #149 on: November 23, 2014, 10:58:51 PM »
*blubbers like baby* No... not Cassy... *sniffles* I hate it when the spouse dies!  Hate it sooo much!

