Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124635 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #120 on: November 21, 2014, 01:16:23 AM »
Chapter 29: Skilling and Fishing

Don: Woah, unfathomable!

Oh you're just a big softie, look at you all 'helping with homework'.
Don: Go away.
You love it really. As soon as your done Abi we're all heading to the park. Your welcome to come Don, if you want.
Don: Well, with an invitation like that who could resist.

Abi: I'm just going to sit here and read some books for a while.
K pumpkin. What are you going to do squirt... Oh, right.

Beth: Will you be my boyfriend?
Terrence: It's not like I haven't thought about it...

Terrence: I think that would be great!

Beth: squeeeee
Terrence: lol, it is pretty exciting for sure!

Abi: I'm glad you were able to join us mum, sometimes I think you're working too hard towards your mixology goal.
Cassandra: Well hun, my elder birthday's just round the corner so I really want to get there before that happens. I'm only one promotion away form the top.

Cassandra: Quick game of chess to help your nerd brain goals?
Abi: Sure!
Cassandra: Where's Beth got to.
She's just over there, behind you, talking to Colton.
Cassandra: He's a nice wee fellow.
Yep, probably due a birthday soon I'd imagine.

Wow, flying fish!
Dude: No, just caught it... landing it now.
I knew that.

You know we gotta problem again, right?
Dude: Oh, do tell.
Take a look where your bait is... now look where the angelfish are.... put the two together...
Dude: Are you trying to tell me how to fish? ??
If the cap fits...

Many, many hours later....
Dude: Finally.
Woo. <Yawn>
Dude: Are the girls still here?
Dunno, I'll go see <yawn> Oh so tired... standing around watching you fish didn't used to be so exhausting.
Dude: It's called 'old age'.
No, I'm just bored.
Dude: That's an impossibility when you've got me to look at.... how could anyone be bored looking at this fine example of...
Oh stow it. I'm gonna go see what the girls are up to.
Dude: You wouldn't be saying that if I were Don.
<perking  up> Is Don here?
Dude: <snort> See?

Terrence: Oh is that your dad?
Sabastian: <snigger>

Beth: Oh... err, I can't see him.

Terrence: Just by the tree...
Sabastian: Lol

Beth: I still can't see him.
Sabastian: lol, neither can I.
Terrence: Hmm! Oh well. Your move.
Lol Terrence, you're a boy after my own heart.
Terrence: Thanks watcher.

Beth: Hey! did you swap stuff around?
Terrence: If ya didn't see it, it never happened.
Beth: Sabastian, did he swap stuff around?
Sabastian: If ya didn't see it, it never happened.
Beth: Oh you boys always back each other up.
Sorry to break up a fun time guys but it's nearly 1.00am, time for home.

Dude: Come inside man, lets talk it through.
Zest: Thanks.

Dude: See, doesn't it feel better now?
Zest: Yep.
Don't stay away Zest. We're all still here for you, now matter what, when or who... just come on in. This is your home still you know.

Dude: It's really hard seeing Zest like this.
I know, it keeps bringing the pain of losing him back to the surface.
Dude: I just wanted him to be happy...
I think he is, mostly. I'm pretty sure when he's hanging with us he's ok.
Dude: Maybe we should put his urn downstairs?
Remind me to ask Zest next time he visits.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #121 on: November 21, 2014, 02:00:11 AM »
Chapter 30: Oh, Love?

Terrence: Oww, you shot my heart.
Abi: <giggle> Gottcha.

Terrence: Mmmwhaaa

Abi: Umm,

Abi: <sigh>
Terrence: Oh! <sigh>

Terrence: I think you're great Abi.
Abi: Me too, I mean, I think you're great too.

A bit later...
Abi: Dad, ummm. What's woohoo exactly?

Dude: well, it's really for adults darling.... <blah blah etc etc>

Dude: This doesn't get any easier.
What I want to know is how come Cassandra's never here when the girls ask this question.
Dude: Well planned I suspect.
Abi: Gosh embarrassing, much.

Abi: So are you going fishing today dad?
Dude: Good change of subject hun. lol Probably some time later on.

Hey Terrence, you're looking pleased with yourself.
Terrence: Got a great girl, why wouldn't I be happy.
Aww, so cute...
Beth: Zip it Watcher.
Mind your manners or you might find yourself in an awkwardly embarrassing situation one of these days.
Beth: Faker, I'm too important to the dynasty for you to do that.
I wouldn't count your eggs before they're hatched little miss.

Dude: I'm more than happy to have you move in Terrence, but there are some rules and things you need to know.....

Terrence: Wow, that's a lot to take in...
Dude: Well, it's better you know now so you know exactly what you're letting yourself in for.
Terrence: I'm still keen.
Done deal then. Welcome to our dynasty home Terrence.

Terrence: I'm glad that you're happy Beth.
Beth: I'm happy that you're happy.
I'm still surprised that you two have made this kind of comittment.
Terrence: I'm happy to wait. It's not long now till you're a young adult Beth.

Terrence: And, well, when it's true love, it can't be denied.

Trouble is, being The Watcher, I know stuff that no-one else knows....

Casey: I can't believe you just did that?
Beth: Wanna be my boyfriend?
Casey: Sure.

Beth: Oh wait... I think I've changed my mind.

Beth: Yeah, totally changed my mind. It's over. I just remembered that day in the park when you were mean as.

Casey: Actually, I'm fine with it. You're so not my type.
Beth: And what types that Casey?
Casey: The type that goes around kissing everything that breathes. Let's hope Terrence doesn't find out what you're really like... ay?

Beth: Watcher?
Don't look at me girl. I told you this aspiration was like playing with fire.
Beth: But you've got to protect me otherwise the dynasty fails.
True, to a certain extent, but there's nothing like learning from one's own mistakes.
Beth: He's cute.
He's also too old for you.

Beth: Not for too much longer....

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #122 on: November 21, 2014, 03:09:10 AM »
Ohh no beth what are you doing, please watch yourself, you end up getting hurt.!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #123 on: November 21, 2014, 06:57:30 AM »
I smell a Don in the future!!!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #124 on: November 21, 2014, 05:24:39 PM »
@ LenaLJ, it's all teenage fun.... for now!
@sdhoey, how well you read my mind... unfortunately Don passed away just before Beth could visit him  :'(
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #125 on: November 21, 2014, 05:40:21 PM »
Oh no!!! I love Don!! Shhh don't tell Colt!!!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #126 on: November 21, 2014, 10:17:34 PM »
Great updates.. but wait.. Don is gone?? Nope.. not happening...  Beth is doing so well with her requirements and doing good on a difficult aspiration.. Did you pick that or are you rolling them? Also meant to mention that I love the outfits the girls are wearing, they are really nice. More updates please!! (no Don deaths thank you very much! haha)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #127 on: November 21, 2014, 11:41:10 PM »
 :-X Don's passing doesn't make it into my story... but boy do I miss him, he's always the last townie to go apart from Olivia.

I'm not rolling the aspirations as I wasn't sure if that would break the rules but I'm trying to mix the aspirations/traits/skills and jobs all up just to make it a bit harder. I think having played every aspiration but one in my legacy, it feels too easy to pair everything up. Don't remind me I said that if this fails though!  ::)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #128 on: November 22, 2014, 12:55:11 AM »
Chapter 31: Cassandra's Elder Birthday

You're so talented Abi.
Abi: Thanks Watcher, well the weeding needed done but I didn't want to miss out on all the gossip.
Dude: That's my girl, not a genius for nothing!

Beth: Hi, yes I'd like to order a birthday party. Yeah, yeah, I know the drill, what kind of impossible goal do I want. I'll go for the 'no impossible goal' option please. Huh? Yeah, we do have a bar.

Dude: Go for it love, just watch out for your back when you come out of the twirly sparkly bit.

Cassandra: Oww, oh you weren't kidding.

Dude: I'm surprised you didn't have any 'extra advice' to add Watcher.
What? Me? Oh hush.

Well, Birthday girl, you're dancing and everyone else is eating your cake all up.
Cassandra: That's ok, I'm going to have to really watch what I eat now, a moment on the lips and all that.
I've never believed that particular saying... I haven't seen a single fat person rub any food on their lips, they always shove it down their throats like it's the last meal they'll ever have.
Cassandra: Umm, well that's what that saying means.
What? That fat people should rub food on their lips? ? ?
Cassandra: <sigh>

Dude: Oh Terrence, you're a neat sim! Oh boy I'm gonna love having you live here.
Terrence: I love cleaning!
Told you I knew what I was doing, oh ye of little faith.
Dude: Considering your track record for inviting food hogs into our house I think it's pretty understandable how reticent I am about newbies.

Dude: Go ahead Terrence, make the toast.
Terrence: Thanks Mr H. <ahem> Here's to the birthday girl, may her elder years be blessed with fun, laughter and lots of grandchildren!
Everyone: Cassandra!
Oh, he's a keeper for sure.

Beth: What?
Cassandra: I don't think it's that suitable.
Don: I must admit I'm a little shocked.
I am keeping an eye on her.
Beth: It's only teenage high-jinx.
Don: Hmmm
Cassandra: Well, that aspiration is playing with fire.
I told her that.
Don: Hmmm

Aww, Looks like someone's found an admirer.
Abi: <giggle> He's pretty dreamy Watcher. Don't you think so?
Oh, totally... very handsome Abi. <nods>

And as usual we have the 'oh my gosh, head for a mirror before you die of hysteria' moment just towards the end of the party.
You'll get used to this Terrence, least you're under control now.
Terrence: Breath in... breath out..... Thinking calming unfunny thoughts.

Lucky for you Terrence is a bit preoccupied.

I don't get how you juggle them all in the same house at the same time girl.
Beth: Its 'cos dad talks to everyone, keeps them busy so I can get busy.
<Shocked uncomfortable moment> So.... you inadvertently make your dad a partner in crime to your...
Beth: Kissing, yes, I'm kissing... OoO go call the emotion police. Sheesh.
<Grumbling> Well, I'm gonna make sure that's all you do kiddo.

Beth: Oh good, I need 3 more.
I can't believe I'm helping you. Terrence better NEVER find out.
Beth: Keep your hair on.

Sabastian: Gosh you're doing so well with your mixology skills!
Beth: Oh, thanks Sabastian.
Terrence: Those tricks you do rock. Hey, were's Abi?
Beth: I think she's upstairs playing chess... go up, she'll be keen to challenge you.
Good to see you've got some friends that are only that... you know, friends.
Beth: Shhh.
Sabastian: What's the Watcher saying?
Beth: Nothing.

Terrence: How you doing squirt? I feel like I never see you now I've moved in.
Beth: Woah, when did you get so ripped?
Terrence: Oh, your dad's been mentoring me weight lifting... Your mum said it was better then him working out..
Beth: <cough> Oh, yes, I see.
Wow... thats' umm, really nice of you Terrence, to help out like that. Don't over do it though, we wouldn't want you to pull one of those muscles of yours.

<Eyeballs popping> Umm, where's your shirt?
Terrence: Don't know, I just seem to have lost it somewhere.
Dude: Keep your pace even.
Not that I'm complaining... <cough>

Beth: It's my young adult birthday tomorrow, do I really need to do my homework?
Zest: Yep, imagine if you slipped from an A after all your hard work!
You tell her Zesty babe, she doesn't listen to a thing I say these days.
Beth: What's that noise? Is it windy outside?
Zest: I wouldn't push it too hard there squirt, I've heard some stories about what Watchers can do to their charges since passing on <shudder>. You wouldn't believe what some Watchers do...
Beth: Urban myths, I don't believe those stories.
Zest: Seen the results with my own eyes darling.... it's all true and more.
Beth: Oh.

Terrence: How long do I need to sit in this filth Watcher? <Bottom lip trembling>
Just a little bit longer... I'm sure you'll hit your writers block any minute now.
Several hours later......

Dude: It's worth more than any of my museum pieces!
I don't care. Clowns are creepy. Sell it.

Beth: And then Uncle Zest said that some Watchers burn their charges to death.... and film it while waiting for them to die!
Alex: Sad but true, welcome to the real world squirt.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #129 on: November 22, 2014, 01:46:20 AM »
Chapter 31: The Twins Become Young Adults

Nice to see everyone up so early <yawn>
Beth: Morning Watcher, did you sleep well.
Yes thanks, you're all sweetness and light this morning.
Terrence: I think the girls growing up, eh squirt.
Beth: <blush, mumble>

Go easy there Abi, last time you were dazed for hours... remember the rule.
Abi: Go to bed if you get zapped.

Make it a good wish, one that counts.

Wow, that's a really high leap! Happy Birthday Beth.

Abi: I wish for  'mumble mumble'
Dude: PaAaAAAArp!
Alex: Woo!
Terrence: Yeah.
Oh really? Why is it you guys always get noisy when I'm trying to listen to the birthday wish!

Happy Birthday Abi!

Abi: Oh YEAH! First trip into space.

Terrence: I'm a patient man but I'm not waiting one more moment.

Terrence: You're all mine now my little Beth. I love you to bits.

Dude: Again? ? ?
Yep, seems like you are on a ten day cycle. Two warnings from Grim, bubbly age bar.... eat it.
Dude: Yuk, I'm starting to hate the taste of this stuff.
What I can't seem to figure out is how come other elders get about 20ish days before the bubbly age bar.... you, my dear friend, are lucky to get 10.

<Sigh> Surely we're nearly there now Beth?
Beth: <muffled> can't be too many more kisses now.
You're gonna have to lay it on with a trowel hun, you need five strong romantic relationships...

Beth: How many have I got now?
Umm, need two more. Well, one more counting this lucky guy.
Beth: Are you coming inside?
Nope. If I don't see it, it never happened.

Not one of your most glorious moments.
Beth: I'm just going for the stats, it's not an affair of the heart.

Oh good lawd, I think you might have overdone it Beth.
Beth: Hmmm? <snore>

Oh noooo. Oh this is just awful. Oh the poor man. BETH! WAKE UP!

Beth: <giggle> How YOU doing Grim?
<Slaps forehead> Oh for crying out loud! Flirting with Grim! I'm feeling slightly nauseous.

You're looking pleased with yourself.
Dude: Hmmm? Oh! well, you know, both kids grown up... it's a good feeling.
Oh! Yes, right. of course it is. Umm, I've just got this thing that I've got to, err do, yeah....

Beth: So I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date?
Terrence: You bet!
Perhaps find a shirt before you go eh?

Terrence: Ohhh, lol, so ticklish.
Beth: I love that you're ticklish.

Terrence: Mww..
Oh my! Arghhh, Beth... get moving NOW. Err, random guy that you've kissed heading your way now.

<Silently> Oh lawdy, that was close.
Terrence: That's my girl, man she's pretty.
Beth: Just down here Terrence, it's so beautiful in the moonlight.

<Huge sigh of relief> Oh thanks goodness, and with that kiss, Beth dear, you have completed your first aspiration.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #130 on: November 22, 2014, 02:06:06 AM »
Chapter 33: A New Chapter and a New Leaf

Terrence: Beth, my darling. I've loved you since I was a little kid in the playground and I never thought I'd ever have the chance to show you.

Terrence: And it feels like I've waited a life time to be able to ask you to please be my wife and friend for the rest of our lives.

Terrence: I know without a shadow of doubt that you are the most lovely, talented, special girl I've ever met. Make me happy?
Beth: <gasp> Yes.

Beth: It's so beautiful, how did you know my birthstone?
Terrence: I've had a long time to get to know you, you know. lol

Terrence: You do like it, don't you?
Beth: Oh yes, Terrence, if it was a bit of twisted wire I'd still be the luckiest girl in the simverse.

Beth: <shyly> I love you so much, I do, I really do.

Terrence: Ohhh! LOL
Beth: Heup!

Terrence: Good thing I've been working out!
Beth: LOL Oh I love you Terrence!

Terrence: I can't wait to be married.

Terrence: But there's one thing you must know... I won't stand for any betrayals. I've been hurt before and I won't share you, ever.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #131 on: November 22, 2014, 05:12:44 AM »
You did it! That horrid aspiration done and Beth finished it with style.. although the cliffhanger at the end is a little troublesome.. Great screenshots and really good story telling.  ;D

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #132 on: November 22, 2014, 08:23:58 AM »
"Watchers burn their charges" LOL That was priceless!!

Poor guy, at least he went happy right? Not like Nina!! LOL "Cardiac Explosion" I still can get over that one.

I can wait to see how it plays out with her and Terrence..

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #133 on: November 22, 2014, 01:10:29 PM »
@ KTK10, thanks, I definitely think I'm getting much better at managing that aspiration. If there had been more teens I think I could have finished it while Beth was still a teen, which was my original goal. As for Terrence, well, Terrence is one of those 'give my heart forever' kinda guys... just gets a tad possessive now and then.

@ sdhoey, had to get Beth to toe the line somehow, the 'fame' of being the next heir was starting to swell her ego somewhat  ;)
I guess the old guy was happy... I did feel a small moment of guilt... I mean he sits in his house his entire life, ignored by the principal family of the world... just to, well, you know the rest!
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #134 on: November 22, 2014, 02:08:57 PM »
Terrence is lovely, if you do hurt him Beth i will be mad at you for all eternity! And that is a long time when you are immortal you know!

