Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124539 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #105 on: November 18, 2014, 10:23:54 AM »
Awesome!  That was genius!  Now that's what I call teamwork!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #106 on: November 18, 2014, 04:29:38 PM »
@ SpiritPink, thanks, it sure took some wrangling to get completed! Good luck for your own dynasty.  :)

@ KTK10, I couldn't believe how many children aged up either! Every child friend of Beth became a teen before I could complete the milestone. It was so frustrating that it became funny. That shot of her after Terrence aged in front of her with a now teen Sabastian... priceless, that was an automated response from her that pretty much summed up how I was feeling! LOL

@ Margerita, thanks, I have to admit that I dislike the social butterfly aspiration a lot. Which is why I thought I'd do it first and get it over and done with. I don't even like it when I play with aging off etc. It certainly is a challenge but now that I've figured out a plan of attack it should be a lot easier if I ever have the misfortune of having to do it again, <shudder> horrid aspiration.

@ imiayu94, thanks for reading. I know, first immortal! Woo! And enough said about the most horrible aspiration in the entire simverse imo  ;)

@ Wolf, lol, had to come up with a workable plan, poor girl's only got 2 more days before aging up. Poor thing has lived on a diet of health potions and sleep replacements.  :o
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #107 on: November 19, 2014, 03:10:57 AM »
@ Tipi, thanks! lol, I've lost posts before, it's so annoying!  :)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #108 on: November 19, 2014, 03:34:58 PM »
Chapter 25: Teens

Zest: Look Dude, we both knew the day would come.
Dude: I'm just not ready.
Zest: Short of breaking the dynasty, which I'm not prepared to do, there isn't anyway of stopping it.
I'd break the dynasty if you wanted me to. I'm good with that.
Zest: No way, I'm ready, mostly.

Dude: I still think it's rude of Grim to tell you to make the most of your last days...
Zest: Least I won't have to hear any of his terrible jokes!
lol, trust you to look on the bright side of things Zest.

Cassandra: Thanks for giving me a hand Zest.
Zest: No problem, it's nice out here today, not too hot.

Cassandra: Well girls, today we have nothing planned, no skilling, no jobs. The days yours to do as you please.
That goes for me too. I'll help you if you get stuck or something but today you get to do whatever you want without any interference.
Girls: Coooool!
Zest: Are you not going to control them at all Watcher?
Nope, nor you. You guys have all earned the right to do as you please, as long as it's not dangerous.
Zest: Hmmm, nice.

Abi: Right then, I'm going to clean up all the dirty dishes.

You're a good girl, it's a nice day outside though....
Abi: You said I could do whatever I wanted too.
Abi: Well, that's what I'm doing.
K then.

Beth: Gottcha.
Abi: <giggle> I'm glad you directed us out here Watcher, even though you said you wouldn't.
Good, well I was getting a bit bored with you two watching you tidy your toys and washing dishes. All good things to do, but this is your day off!

Beth: I'm going to give dad a hug.
Abi: K

Beth: Oh! Hi Terrence's and Sabastian. I see your working out dad. Mum said you weren't to do that.
Dude: Hi squirt. I'm only jogging, it will be fine.
Better be. I'm regretting my 'hands off day' policy.

Beth: 8, 9 ...
Dude: Come on Sabastian, dig deep.
Zest: Hi Olivia, you should totally work out.

Bella: Hard to believe my little granddaughters will be teens this time tomorrow.
Dude: Tell me about it.
Zest: I think we might need to beat all the boys off with sticks, them being the only girls in the world their age.
Dude: <worried look> Gosh, that's an unpleasant thought. I'm sure both Beth and Abi will be sensible.
Bella: Hello! Teenage girls and sensible are two words that don't fit in the same sentence dude.
Dude: <suddenly thinking of Cassandra> Oh <cough> hmmm. Errr
Zest: LOL

Alexander: Cassy, I'm not trying to stick my nose in or anything, but the girls do seem to have a lot of boy friends...
Cassandra: Yes, it's unfortunate but there just aren't any other girls, apart from them, at the moment.
Alexander: Thank goodness you had twin girls then, otherwise it would be very lonely.
Cassandra: Hmmm, lonely isn't quite the emotional state I'm worrying about. Time for bed girls, big day tomorrow.

Dude: <whispering> Oh they are the sweetest little girls in the Simverse.
<Whispering> I agree. You and Cassy have done a remarkable job bringing them up. Do you know that neither of them have ever said a cross word their entire childhood.
Dude: <still whispering> I know, I'm so proud of them. Nite little darlings. <Closes the door softly>

You two still spinning yarns?
Dude: Yep, lol Zest, that's totally unbelievable.

Dude: So now that you're nearly all grown up I want to talk to you about boys.
Beth: O.K.
Dude: Well, it's really nice that you have so many friends but I want it to stay that way.
Beth: Huh?
Dude: You need to stay being friends with your friends.
Beth: O.K Sure thing dad. <Thinking to herself, Dad must want me to hang out with the boys a lot>
Dude: You're a good girl, sensible to.

Dude: I love you so much squirt. I'm one very proud father.

Told you not to work out. Silly old sod, go to bed and sleep it off.
Zest: Haha, got busted.
You too Zest: You're too old to be doing this.
Dude: <snort... YYyyyyaaaaaaaaawn>

Hi Cassy, those men of ours are drawn to the gym like a moth to a flame.
Cassandra: Oh, not again?
Yep. I need a door lock.

Zest: O.K. So I've made back-ups of all my books and labelled it 'Zest's Best Sellers'. It's right here on the desk top.
Dude: O.K. <sigh>
Zest: Just getting my things in order.
Dude: I know, I know. It's just that <gulp> I'm going to miss you terribly, you know.
Zest: Still here! Come on, birthday time.

All set squirt?
Beth: Can't wait.

Beth: Oh my birthday suit is U.G.L.Y. Quick, to the dresser....
Abi: LOL Happy Birthday sis.

Your turn pumpkin.

Abi: Wait for me sis, major wardrobe malfunction....
Cassandra: Happy birthday darling.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #109 on: November 19, 2014, 07:43:08 PM »
I love this family so much, Play!  They are awesome!  *sniffle* I don't wanna think about Zest being gone!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #110 on: November 19, 2014, 08:00:43 PM »
I can't even think of Zest not being in it going forward.  :'( He's great. Maybe Colt needs some Zest in his life. LOL

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #111 on: November 19, 2014, 09:37:30 PM »
The girls look good apart from the wardrobe malfunctions, like the others i too will be sad when Zest finally leaves this world.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #112 on: November 19, 2014, 09:40:26 PM »
Oh no.. how is it that I always get so attached to your sims?? I can't imagine Dude without Zest now.. Hopefully he still has a few days. Can't wait to see what the girls look like all 'grown' up. You are doing such a great job Playalot.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #113 on: November 20, 2014, 12:17:46 AM »
Thanks guys, I totally agree Dude without Zest... <sigh> I don't think I'll ever get used to playing with aging on.  ::)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #114 on: November 20, 2014, 01:08:49 AM »
Chapter 26: Is It Love?

Beth: Good friend selfie Don?
Don: For sure squirt.

Beth: Oh these darn hypothetical questions. Why do teachers have to set such unrealistic scenarios?
Dude: Least you know that with getting a head start on your homework you'll be an A student in no time.

Beth: Hmmm, yes...ohhh, no. <giggle>

Zest: Just a wee cooking tip there squirt, when you've got stuff actually on the oven you probably want to keep a close eye on it, you know, fire hazard etc. I'm sure Angry Birds can wait for 5 minutes.
Beth: I was watching it, well, sort of.

Beth: Uncle Zest, how do you actually know all this extra credit math stuff?
Zest: It's just common sense most of it really.
Beth: I mustn't have any of that. <sigh>
Zest: Zip it Watcher.
I wasn't going to say anything.
Zest: Oh yes you were.
Well, maybe ... still, you were thinking it to.
Zest: Nope, just know you too well now.

Abi: Gosh, it's beautiful out here dad.
Dude: I know, desert sunrises are simply stunning. I love living here.
This is like one of those mornings you just want to last forever, its quite perfect.

Abi: What you thinking about Uncle Zest? You look like you were a million miles away.
Zest: Just that it would be nice if time stopped, even just for a while.
We are all becoming very philosophical and deep in our old age.
Dude: Yep.
Zest: Agreed.

Abi: Well, life's for living, right? That's what you always say.
Zest: Yes it is pumpkin, and for living at full throttle too with no regrets. Right?
Abi: Right.
Zest: In that case you better get yourself off to school, pronto! Before you're late! Have a great day pumpkin.
Abi: Will do Uncle Zest.

So what have you boys got planned for today then?
Dude: Don't know about you Zest, but I'm hearing the call of my easel.
Zest: lol, Not for me... but wait! Is that the call of the treadmill I hear?

Cassandra: Oh Yeah! Woo.
Zest: Getting in the zone.
Well Zesty babe, you certainly have stayed in very good shape.
Zest: Well, thank you very much, now go away and do something.
Isn't watching you doing something?
Zest: Don't ever change Watcher, you're just good as you are.

I'm going to miss him so bad that I think my heart might rip in two.
Dude: I can't think about it. It doesn't bear thinking about.
I'm sorry I put us in this situation.
Dude: I'm not.
How come?
Dude: If you hadn't put us here then we would have never met Zest, never had a chance to get to know him, to love him. I don't regret a single moment.
When did you become so wise?
Dude: You sound surprised.
Yeah, no. No not surprised, just ... I don't know. It's just that...
Dude: What? What are you trying to say?
<talking really quickly> I love you. O.K. I got stuff to do. Got to go meet Beth at the park after school. Bye.
Dude: <talking to himself> I already knew that.

Beth: So do you want to meet me here?
<Muffled voice over the phone>
Beth: K then.
Who ya meeting?
Beth: Mind your own business.
I'm going to find out in a minute anyway so you might as well tell me.
Beth: ------
Fine, well I'm going fishing so I'll be watching you from over there.
Beth: K. You'll forget about me the moment your bait hits the water.
You wish sunshine.

Beth: So you are ticklish!
Terrence: No <laughs> No I'm not... arghhh. Ok, Ok I give in!

Beth: Hmmm
Terrence: Oh, this is nice. You are nice.

Terrence: Oh Beth, I don't want to get you in trouble.
Beth: There's no one to see us!
Terrence: Apart from your all watching all seeing Watcher.
Beth: She's busy fishing, she can't even see us at the moment.
Terrence: Well, in that case then...

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #115 on: November 20, 2014, 02:02:03 AM »
Chapter 27: Oh Zest

Just keep that smile plastered on your face dude. Don't over react or she'll just dig her toes in.
Dude: I think I just cracked my back teeth.
Beth: So we're not like dating, I just like him. O.K?
Dude: That's fine darling, but I do expect you home earlier than 3.00am. It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that your mum and I want to know where you are etc. So next time, txt, ok?
Beth: K
Whew! Way to go Dude.
Dude: And what were you doing that you 'lost' them?
Oh... er, I went fishing... sorry.
Dude: Hmmff.
Beth: Well, if we're done here I've got homework to do...
Oh cripes, where did The Attitude come from?
Dude: <sigh>Beats me.

Just then.....
Oh Zest... No.....Dude? <choked sob> Dude? Get in here...

<A terrible silence>

Dude: Oh please..
NO, Dude, no, we mustn't....
Dude: <sob>

Dude: I'll never ever forget you....
<sob> Zest, you were the most amazing sim ever.

<Whispers> Take your time Winston. Say goodbye properly.

Dude: Zest told me that he wanted us to mourn him and then get right back to living.
<crying and laughing at the same time> Oh, that's so like Zest. Come on then, let's do what he wanted.

Abi: Thanks for playing with me dad. I've got a few games to win so I can get on with my Nerd Brain aspiration.
Dude: That's ok pumpkin.

Dude: Oh, that was a tricky, surprising move!
Abi: I think I surprised myself with that one!

Abi: Ohhh, and check mate! Gotcha!
Dude: So you have, so you have.

I think it might be time for you to go Grim. The last thing we need is for the girls to see you.
Grim: You're going to have to tell them at some stage.
<sarcastic snippy tone> Yes. I'm aware of that thank you.
Grim: I love Downton Abbey.
Yeah, me too.

Terrence: So was your mum and dad ok with 'us'?
Beth: Yep.
Terrence: I'm glad, I don't want to stop seeing you.

Terrence: Just one cornetto.... <to the tune of O Sole mio>

Dude, I think you might need to come down here and have a talk to daughter number one.
Dude: Coming.
Your face hasn't changed in the last four minutes since you took your last selfie squirt.
Beth: Funny.

Dude: Beth darling, let's have a wee chat while you eat your breakfast eh.
Beth: <sigh> If we have to.

Dude: Now, when you get old enough you can start thinking about serious relationships...
Beth: Oh not this talk.
Dude: <Blah blah blah woohoo blah blah blah>

Oh geez, that's so embarrassing.
Dude: You're telling me.
Beth: Oh good heavens....

Beth: So is that what you and mum....?? Oh ... ahhh.
Lol, oh no.... sheesh.
Dude: Go away. You're making it worse than it needs to be.

Beth: Ummm... so is that why Terrence....<blah blah blah>
Dude: Errr... <Blah blah do that and you're grounded for ever Blah blah blah>
<shaking with silent laughter, tears rolling down cheeks mmwahhhaahahaa> Your face LOL

Dude: O.K. That's enough questions for now.
Beth: K, right, embarrassing but good to know dad.

Dude: Have a good day at school.
Beth: Yep, see ya.
Well, I think that went quite well. Do you?
Dude: One of these days you might find yourself choking on your laughter, and I won't be rushing to give you the The Heimlich Maneuver...
LOL. Hahahaha.

Well, you know what Dude, Zest would have been laughing with me today.
Dude: <nodding> Yes he would've.
You know this is the last autonomous interaction Zest ever made. I think we should end the chapter with this.
Dude: I agree. R.I.P Zest. The best friend a man could ever wish for.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #116 on: November 20, 2014, 02:13:09 AM »
 :'( so sad.. bye bye Zest. The family made him proud by continuing on their day.. You wrote his farewell so beautifully. What a great character you made Zest to be.. *sniff sniff*

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #117 on: November 20, 2014, 03:36:35 AM »
Ohhh no Zest. I will miss you so much.

And here I was getting all used to see their faces, and then bam, not again, but if she looks just half as good as her sister, she is gorgerous.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #118 on: November 20, 2014, 01:35:14 PM »
@ KTK10, Thanks, I really, really enjoyed Zest. He's totally become one of my favourite townies.

@ LenaLJ, Abi certainly is very pretty, as for Beth, well.... I guess if she makes it to immortality we might find out.  ;)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #119 on: November 20, 2014, 02:15:47 PM »
Chapter 28: A Party Just Because

Beth: So I'm throwing a party just because I need to mix some drinks for my next aspiration milestone. Wanna come?
Terrence: Sure, sounds fun.

Beth: Hello? I'd like to order up a House Party. What? Hang on. Dad, they want to know how many impossible goals I want?
Dude: Tell them to knock themselves out, we're not aiming for a gold so maybe if we get them all out the way the next party might be smooth sailing.
Beth: As many as you like to add. Sure, that sounds lovely.

Right, you just concentrate on mixing those drinks, we'll worry about everything else.
Beth: Oh what a good idea, I hadn't thought of that.
<Stunned silence> Wow, better watch you don't cut your lip on that sharp tongue of yours squirt.

Dude: Well it's pretty relaxing being a guest for a change.
Abi: I love this song.
Terrence: Me too.

Abi: Hi, I'm Abi.
Terrence: Hi I'm Terrence.
Abi: Hi.
Terrence: Hi <giggle>
Oh for crying out loud <rolls eyes>

Abi: So it's nice of you to help with the flirty goal.
Terrence: Uh huh.
Abi: Are you single?
Terrence: Uh huh. You?
Abi: Yes....

Terrence: Woah, arghh, tickling is banned around me.
Abi: Make me stop.

Alex: Yes, so my sister is married to squirts father.
How many more squirt?
Beth: Millions....
Keep at it, we can always throw another party if it doesn't happen...
Beth: Like hang, I hate losing.

Hi Don, looking very gorgeous as always.
Don: Hi Watcher, I'm like a fine wine that just keeps getting better and better.
Dude: Just keep telling yourself that buddy.
Don: Works on most of the ladies.
Working on me <fans herself>
Dude: Oh really... geez <rolls eyes>

Cassandra: Oh Zest, I miss you so much.
Zest: Couldn't stay away too long, had to check that you were all well.
ZEST! Come in... don't stay out there, come in, come in.
Zest: lol, still as bossy as ever <wink>

Abi: Uncle Zest I think I've met someone.
Zest: Better be good to you or I'll haunt him forever.
Abi: <Giggle>

Terrence: I would have given this party a gold.
Abi: Yeah, I've enjoyed it to. Which goal didn't Beth get done Watcher?
Talk to 12 sims. She got to 11 and time ran out.
Abi: She was so close!
Yep, I thought she might just squeak in but kudos to her 'cos the important mixology goal was completed and that's what we were aiming for. Well, Terrence, probably time for you to head for home, dawn soon and all that.

Abi: Thanks Uncle Zest, it's just not the same when mum tries to help.
Zest: No worries pumpkin. Oh, that should be a 2 not a 3..
Abi: got it.

Dude: Really? Again?
Yep, your age bars all bubbly and Grim's given you two warnings now. Eat it.
Dude: We're gonna need a lot more angel fish than we've got.
Yep, and that can only mean one thing.
Together: Fishing trip. Woo.

Dude: Oh is that a cobweb up there... eww.
Cassandra: Eww, where?

Dude: <really loudly> ROAR
Cassandra: <Squeallllll>

Dude: Hahaha, your face...

Cassandra: I see that you thought that was funny in which dimension? Far out, my heart's racing madly.

Cassandra: Here's something to get your old heart racing...
Dude: Ztztttzzttttzz

Cassandra: Oh, my... lol, too funny <gasp> your

Dude: I'll tell you what does get my heart racing, that's being alone in the house with you for the first time in years....

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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