Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124541 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #90 on: November 17, 2014, 02:09:10 PM »
Chapter 20: Meeting With Death

No you don't. I refuse to just let you take him... STOP...Are you even listening to me? I'm The Watcher, everyone must obey me Dang it, why don't these doors have locks.

I'm warning you if you... wait! Where you going? ? ?

Oh NOOooo. Not Plant Girl. Oh Plant Girl I'm so sorry for being mean to you ... Na not really. Good call Grim, help yourself.

That's her name there, third from the bottom.

Grim: Are you sure?
Yep, just go for it, don't muck around man, I've got things to do. Chop! Chop!


Nearly done....Boy, you sure know how to draw it out Grim. Isn't there, like, an express reap or something?

Aaaand, there we have it. Nice job Grim!

Dude: Whew, you had me going there for a minute Grim.
Zest: Yeah, I thought you were coming for us!
Grim: Hohohahaha
Woah! You sound uncannily like Santa there Grim!

Grim: That reminds me of a joke:

The inmate on death row is scheduled to be put to death by firing squad. He doesn't request a last meal or anything special for his last day.
As he stands before the firing squad he says, "Actually, music is my life. One thing I would really like would be to sing my favorite song, one whole time through, with no interruptions."
The guard nods solemnly and tells him to go ahead.
The inmate starts, "One million billion bottles of beer on the wall... ."

Dude: That's not really that funny..

Zest: Try this one Grim...
A little boy goes up to his grandad and says, ‘Grandad, can you make a sound like a frog?’ ‘Well I suppose I could if I tried,’ replies Grandad. ‘Great!’ replies the boy, ‘because Grandma said we can all go to Disneyland when you croak.’

Dude: Well, I guess that one's worth a grimace!

Grim: O.K. This one I usually save for important events....
A little boy is in his back garden filling in a hole. A neighbour looks over the fence and asks what he’s doing. ‘I’m burying my pet goldfish,’ says the little boy. ‘That’s a big hole for a little goldfish, isn’t it?’ comments the neighbour. ‘Not really,’ replies the little boy. ‘It’s inside your pet cat.’
Dude: Hmm, maybe stick to your day job?

Abi: I'm just going to keep on walking...Nothing to see, nothing to see.

Dude: And then Grim made us listen to all his really bad jokes about death! I know!
Zest: You'd have thought he'd have some real rippers by now.
Ah well, all's well that ends well.
Abi: What does that mean.
I don't know, I just say it when I've got no idea what else to say.

Beth: I'm so glad that we're going to be best friends forever.
Sabastian: Me too.
Beth: That's another milestone checked off.
That's my girl!

Whatcha doing?
Dude: Is that a trick question?

I have no idea why people always assume I'm trying to trick them.
Dude: Cooking some fish tacos <sigh> Sometimes I'm sure you're blonde.

Better watch what you're doing with those fancy knife tricks of yours, you might get another visit from Grim if one of those goes wrong.
Dude: As long as he doesn't tell anymore jokes.

Well Zest: Elder birthday in 10, 9, 8, 7....

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #91 on: November 17, 2014, 03:07:17 PM »
Chapter 21: Getting On... In Years

Hey Zest, it's time for....  :o What are even doing?

Zest: I'm saying a cheerful hello to Sabastian. What do you think I'm doing?
...Err, it's like, more where you're doing it? ? ?Like, how is that even possible?

Zest: Look I just wanted to recapture my youth, just for a moment before.. well you know.
<nods with jaw dropping>

Zest: So, you were about to say..?

Zest: Watcher?
Oh, right. Ummm, well Dude's just about to blow out his candles. Thought you might want to be there.
Zest: K. Coming Sabastian?
Sabastian: Thanks but I better be getting home now.

Dude: What to wish for, what to wish for...

Dude: how 'bout a reprieve from being an elder...

Dude: Yeah, thought that was a long shot. Ow, ooo, my back. Cripes!
Join the club Dude. I slipped over yesterday and can hardly sit long enough to make a chapter.
Yeah, but least your sore back will go away.
True. Happy Birthday Dude.

Your turn Zesty babe.

Zest: Hmm, I wish for <muffled sound>
Dude: <loud horn noise>
Beth: Yay!
Oh for crying out loud, I was trying to hear Zest's wish.

Oh now you use the rattle.

Zest: Oh my...
Dude: Yeah, it's not good ay.
Happy birthday Zest.

Oh well, still handsome anyhoo.
Dude: Not much we could do anyway.
Nope, short of shooting you.
That's not even a thing Watcher.
I know <sigh>

So, here's the plan.

You make some ambrosia, I'll store it on the roof.
Why on the roof?
So you can't get it.
Doesn't that defeat the purpose of having me make it in the first place?
Just shhh, I'm trying to explain my plan.
Sounds stupid.
You haven't even heard it yet.
Well, hurry up already, don't have forever you know.
Actually, you do.
Well not if your going to put this stuff on the roof I don't.

As I was saying, you make it, I'll put it on the roof so no one else accidently eats it. If I see your friends turning into elders or whatever I'll get it down so you can eat it asap.
I could just eat it now and take away all the angst.
Wow, you look super creepy when you do your 'stern' face now that you've got grey hair. Anyway, stick with the plan. Ambrosia doesn't go off... least I don't think it goes off.
Well, we'll soon find out won't we?

Nice to be painting in the quiet of the night.
Specially after the craziness of today.
Yep. I suppose we better start focusing on little Beths goals and aspirations.
Sounds like a plan, and by that I mean a plan that actually makes sense.
Oh give it break.

You're up early Zest.
Zest: Anyone for a serving of freshly made pancakes?
Dude: I'll pass, don't want to be the size of a whale by the time the weekend comes round.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #92 on: November 17, 2014, 03:55:41 PM »
You are a cruel, cruel person XD  Bravo! lol You about gave us all a heart attack though hehehehe

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #93 on: November 17, 2014, 04:13:44 PM »
Chapter 22: Looking For Friends, Not Having Much Luck

Abi: And after that Mum's going to take me to meet our new neighbours, then I'm coming home and we're going swimming. Then mum said we could bake a cake together. What are you going to do today?
Beth: Work on my aspiration.
Abi: That doesn't sound like much fun. Do you want to come with us?
Beth: Yes. But I can't.
Abi: Oh.

Beth: Oh Dad <sob> everyone else has so much more fun than me. It's not fair... <sniffle, sob>
Dude: Oh darling, it's only for a short while and then it all changes. The trick is to learn how to have fun a long the way.
Beth: I gotta go do my extra credit homework. That's so unfair, I'm already an A student and I'm still doing extra credits... <big sniff>
Dude: You go get it done and We'll go to the park after. That way you get to play while you're making friends. See, having fun along the way squirt. Come on, Love you little darling, you can do this.

Beth: I just don't get why you can't split infinitives. It's a stupid rule.
Cassandra: Come on, only one more question and you're done for the day.

Dude: K, I can see two new friends for you to make over there, and Sabastian. Go get 'em tiger.
Beth: My name's squirt.

Beth: So Terrence, now that we're good friends do you want to come over to my house and play?
Terrence: Sure, that would be great... only I feel a little strange... maybe I ate too much, or maybe I'm hungry...

Beth: Woah!

Beth: I'm dreaming... I must be.
Terrence: Oh that's what I'm talking about. I look hot.
Beth: I've just lost a friend from my milestone requirements. I'm back to one.

So how's the chess going?
Good, its so nice just sitting here doing basically nothing.
I think your daughters not going to make her aspiration milestones....

Beth: Well, umm, happy birthday Terrence.
Terrence: Thanks squirt.
Beth, you ok? You're looking a bit stunned hun.
Beth: I still need four more friends... and time's running out.
Yeah, I know. Go introduce yourself to that other wee kid... go get 'em tiger.
Beth: My name's squirt.

Beth: Bye Terrence, see ya round.
Terrence: See ya squirt.

Beth: What? That's just mean.
Casey: Well, it was supposed to be funny.
Terrence: Do you need me to hang around for a bit squirt?

Beth: Arghh, I'm not going to be your friend if you say mean things.
Umm.. actually, we kinda need him...

Dude: So how was your day Abi?
Abi: it was great....<long list of really fun things etc>
Beth: Mine sucked. I made a new friend only to have him grow up and become a teen. So I'm back to needing four more friends.
There's always Casey...
Beth: He's annoying. And I'm already counting him.
Dude: You can do it. Remember if you don't succeed at first, just keep trying.
Beth: Thanks dad, that was really helpful.

Wow, Don! Still going for early morning jogs at your age?
Don: Shut it Watcher.

I know I'm probably the 100th person to tell you this, but that itsy bitsy top ain't doing it for you grandma.
Shut it Watcher.

Zest: Hey squirt, where you off to?
Beth: Morning Uncle Zest. I'm off to make 2 adult friends and 4 kid friends and I'm not quitting till I'm done.
Zest: Way to go squirt. Sing out if you want help.
Beth: Thanks Uncle Zest. Love you.
Zest: Love you to squirt.

Beth: So now that we're good friends I think we should celebrate with a selfie. K?
Malcolm: Sweet.

Well, nice choice of friends there Beth.
Beth: I'm on a mission and I don't have time to be picky. Besides, he's actually got a nice side to him.
I think that's only 'cos you didn't let him get a word in edgewise!

Beth: So your name is Terrence too?
Terrence Flood: Yep!
Beth: Sabastian? Is that you? ? ?

Sabastian: Yes, I'm so sad, noone remembered my birthday.
Terrence Flood: Oh, I feel strange.
Beth: Oh no...

Beth: Aaaahhhh. I can't do this.
Terrence Flood: Woah, calm down squirt.
Sabastian: Wow, that's freaky, It'll be ok squirt.
Casey: Typical girl.

Casey: Still got me as a friend. Right?
Beth: Yep, still got one friend for my aspiration milestone. Woo <nervous giggle bordering on hysteria>
Terrence F.: Wow, I look good.
Sabastian: I'm so sad.

Beth: So grandma, what's it like being old? And what am I going to do if I can't find anymore kids in the world? I've looked everywhere...
Bella: Well, being old is much like being young, only everything aches and for some reason your bladder .. well, never mind about that. As for making friends your own age. Well, I suppose you'll just need to accept that it has become as impossibility.
Beth: I hate losing. That sucks.
Bella: Least you won the game of chess. Right?

Quick, eat that Ambrosia now.
Dude: I am, err, it tastes very strange.

Dude: What was the major hurry anyway?
Everyone was aging up all over town today. You know what that means?
Dude: Grim starts reaping the elders?
Yep, and now nearly a quarter of your good friends are elders I'm not keen to take chances.
Dude: Why did nothing happen? Has it gone off?
I don't know...maybe it takes a moment.
<long pause>
I guess that's that then. You're officially an immortal.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #94 on: November 17, 2014, 04:16:50 PM »
@ Wolf, lol, I actually meant to post the next chapter last night but I had a minor accident (hurt my back) and just couldn't sit in the chair long enough to post! I'm much better this morning with the help of pain killers so no worries! Sorry 'bout the cliff hanger that, well, hung on a little long!  ;)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #95 on: November 17, 2014, 04:54:40 PM »
@ Wolf, lol, I actually meant to post the next chapter last night but I had a minor accident (hurt my back) and just couldn't sit in the chair long enough to post! I'm much better this morning with the help of pain killers so no worries! Sorry 'bout the cliff hanger that, well, hung on a little long!  ;)

*Hugs* I'm sorry to hear that hun!  I hope you feel better now!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #96 on: November 17, 2014, 09:25:22 PM »
Yay! Congrats on your first immortal! I'll have to use that trick of putting things on the roof. I currently have a stockpile of potions of youth hiding in the back hard surrounded in fences  :P

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #97 on: November 17, 2014, 10:31:07 PM »
Thanks Artsygirl. I make all my houses with flat roofed porches or verandah's and put everything up there on them! lol. looks a bit strange but works a treat. I've got all my angelfish in bowls up there, potions etc . The reason I put the fish up there is that when they turn foul they bring the rooms decorated bonus down.  :) It's a workable solution to not having storage cases etc like in TS3.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #98 on: November 18, 2014, 12:22:25 AM »
Chapter 23: Still Looking For Friends.

Beth: What are we doing here Watcher? I thought we were going to the park to find some more friends.
Beth: Yes what?
We are going to the park to find some more friends.
Beth: Is there an echo in here.
Keep it up Hun, you’re going to need all the sass you’ve got to get this aspiration done.

Wait, hang on Beth. There’s a wee kid over there....
Beth: On it.

Beth: Umm, didn’t seem to dig my cheerful intro.
Try telling him a story.

Oh good, scare him into liking you. Way to go.

Beth: ...and so that’s the tale of how the sasquatch got it’s big feet.
Kid: Wow, that’s really wicked.

Beth: I’m super pumped. Hip bump?
How’d you get so energized? ?
Beth: Beats me, but it feels great. Woo.

Beth: Good friend selfie time?
Kid: You betcha.

Beth: Oh yeah, I’m feeling great. Hhmm hm.
Oh Beth, you are so like your dad in so many ways. lol

Beth: Are we visiting Grandma and Uncle Alex?
Nope. Head for the park. Still need three more friends wee hunny bunny.
Beth: Name’s squirt.

Beth: It’s getting late, maybe no-one will be there.
Don’t panic, let’s go look anyway.

Ok let’s panic.
Beth: We could try the big park in Willow Creek?
K, let’s give that a shot.

Beth: Hey Terrence.
Terrence: Hi squirt, you’re out late.
Beth. It’s ok, I’ve got The Watcher with me.
Terrence: Oh, hey Watcher, I didn’t see you there. Actually I still can’t see you but you know what I mean.
Hi Terrence. I’ll leave you guys to have a wee chat, just want to catch up with Don.

Hey Don.
Don: Watcher.
So... looking good there, for your age.
Don: Thank you, thank you very much. What do you want?
Nothing, just looking.
Don: Hmmff.

Terrence: Wow, someone’s sure pumped!
Beth: 13, 14, 15
O.K. Energizer bunny, let’s head to the Big Park. See ya Terrence.

Beth: Gotta do some sit ups!

I feel like I’m in a series of The Twilight Zone. What’s got into you girl?
Beth: I don’t know but I’m super dooper energized. Yeah! Woo! Alright!

Ok. enough already, get cracking with your homework and I’ll scan around see if there’s any kids anywhere.
Beth: K. super pumped, racing through my homework, wanna do sit-ups, racing through my homework... super pumped...
Wow. O.K. little lady, let’s just calm down. Home time for you I think. Maybe you’ve drunk too many Health Potions. We definitely need to come up with a much better plan for finding you some more friends... ‘cos this sure aint working.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #99 on: November 18, 2014, 02:01:53 AM »
Chapter 24: A Much Better Plan

Abi: You’re playing's getting much better sis. You better hurry up though, only two hours before we go to school.
Beth: Thanks. I’ll just try to get this level up than it should be school time.
Abi: Why you working on your creativity anyways?
Beth: I’ve got to have a ‘fall back plan’ incase I can’t find more kids to be friends with.
Abi: Well I’m sure you’ll do it and if there’s anything I can do just let me know.

Cassandra: I’m so proud of you Abi. Every time I look at you you’re supporting your sister.
Abi: Thanks mum. I love you.

Cassandra: I love you so much pumpkin.

Dude: There’s my girl. All set for school?
Abi: Yep.
Dude: Love you sweetie, have a good day.

Dude: <crrraack> Oww.
Was that your back? ?
Dude: Yep.
Dude: What’s this new plan of yours?
Right. Well. You’re going to make as many kiddies friends as possible while Beth’s at school. Then I’m going to go get her and add her into your chat with all the kids you’re going to round up. Then she’s going to do the ‘‘travel with’ kidnap plan B’ trick and bring them all home. From there she can dance with them all until they are all friends. Then you’re going to feed them all and send them home happy.... and Beth will have completed her aspiration.
Dude: Right, Is this actually going to work?
No idea. It’s got to be a better plan than running madly around each world trying to meet people who aren’t there.
Dude. K. Where did you come up with the idea.
From watching a TV doco on dolphins.
Dude: Huh?
Well dolphins work together rounding up all these fish... then they herd them into the designated eating place... and boom! Game over.
Dude: And this relates to kids how?
Think about it.
Dude: Your brain is a scary place.
Incoming kids at 11o'clock and 2 o'clock, game on!

Dude: Hey boys <chit chat etc>
Boys: Hi <excited chit chat back>
Gosh, thats Casey there...grown up into a teenager. That means we now need 5 more friends. Keep rounding ‘em up Dude. The stakes have just got higher.

Dude: Good grief, they’re as slippery as eels. The blue shirted one’s getting away...

Dude: Calm down little dudes. I can only hear you if you don’t all speak at once.
Casey: This conversations boring.
Dude: Any more lip from you boy and I’ll be phoning your parents. Now keep a civil tongue in that head of yours or you might just find yourself getting a lesson in manners.

Dude: How much longer Watcher, they keep escaping.
Only another 30 mins till schools out.
Dude: I’ve lost two of them.
I can see them, it’s ok. I’ll get Beth to introduce herself to them then bring them all over.

Beth: Thanks dad, I’ve got it from here.
Dude: Whew, just in time.

Right operation ‘‘travel with’ kidnap plan B’ trick time. O.K apart from the random fish that are spawning in the middle of our road, and the fact that your dad has time-travelled on top of one of your new acquaintances, it all seems to be going surprisingly well.

O.K. Beth, head for the stereo.

Beth: I don’t think it’s working.
It will, just give the boys enough time to get here.
Dude: I’ll round up any stragglers, you can do this Beth, start cracking the jokes squirt.

Zest: So kiddies are you having fun?
Kiddies in general: Yeah, cool, giggle etc
Beth: So did you hear the one about the elephant?
Cassandra: Dinner’s nearly ready.
Dude: Well, young man that sounds like a very good sort of dream indeed.

Tell them the one about the one legged cat.
Beth: So, there was this one legged cat...
Good job on catching those potential runners Dude! Not long to go now Beth, you’re nearly there, one more friend to go.

And.... you’ve done it! Five new friends, aspiration milestone requirement completed! Woo. Good job everyone, That was one impressive example of teamwork.
Cassandra: Well done Beth.
Zest: Way to go squirt.

Beth: Let’s eat guys.

Well Beth, I think you might have quite a fun teenage-hood with all these friends that are boys.
Zest: Don’t let Dude hear you say that Watcher!

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #100 on: November 18, 2014, 02:11:51 AM »
Congrats on getting that aspiration done!

Love the story. It's got me hooked, and itching to continue my attempt. :)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #101 on: November 18, 2014, 02:47:24 AM »
Well done  ;D What a great idea getting them all together like that.  I can't believe how many of the kids aged into teenagers! You must have been so frustrated!! So congrats again  ;D

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #102 on: November 18, 2014, 04:02:11 AM »
I made a long post, but somehow managed to lose it. So, won't bother with it anymore :) . I'm going to say just this: Congratulations on your first immortal!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #103 on: November 18, 2014, 04:32:11 AM »
Well done on your Immortal and getting those friends for Beth.

The issues you had with getting 5 friends is the reason why I'm not ever going to do the social ambition for any of my heirs, even if they need it. Way too much of a hassle I think...

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #104 on: November 18, 2014, 07:29:10 AM »
Hi Playalot! Just visiting and updated (finally!) with your immortal dynasty! Congratulations on the first immortal and that wretched social butterfly aspiration. :D
“With great power... comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.”

