Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124567 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #30 on: November 13, 2014, 02:23:39 AM »
Chapter 9: A Trio Of Birthdays

Yeah, hello? I'd like to order a party. One of those ones that are just about impossible to win at because your party company makes the host do all the work? Hmm hm. Yep. That's right. Oh and could you throw in a few of those goals that are impossible to do because I really like the stress they bring. Yep. That's everything thanks.
What's that? No we don't have a bar so you're going to have to think of something else to make as the impossible goal. O.K. Thanks. Bye.

Ok Have three people play a game together. Check. 'K, thanks guys!

Blow out candles... getting organised now.

Wait, I can't see you... hang on, swingin the camera around now.

O.K. Go for it. What? Aww, get out the way!

Woo! Happy birthday dude! You're an adult now.

O.K. Zest hunny, your turn. Make a wish.

Nice 'rocking it' moves! Lol. Happy Birthday Zest. May all your adult days be filled with joy.

Don: Happy birthday dude.
Thanks, how's the cake?
Don: Good, excellent actually.
Three.... come on..... come on..... COME ON.. Four! Check four people eat cake. Whew, nearly at gold guys.

O.K, two goals to go.... people DANCE, like now... oh the stress... quick!

O.K. Plant Girl make it quick. We're still only at Silver.
Don: Woo

Oh, yeah! You're an elder!

O.K.  Zest we need four compliments to the birthday dude.
Zest: I love your outfit.
Oh No... it's glitched, say it again.
Zest: I love your outfit, really.
NOTHING <runs around the room in ever decreasing circles saying bad words>
Zest: Your turn Plant Girl, quick.
Plant Girl: I really, really love your outfit. Honestly.

<Very awkward realization>
Right everyone else just wait in here, you can dance if you want to but don't move. Dude and Zest, with me out to the back garden.

Zest: What are we doing? There's literally about five minutes left of the party!

Tell him romantically that you like how he looks.... DO IT.... please Zest...

Dude:What? No, Zest, don't do it.

He has to, it's the only way. We are still on silver and we need this gold medal.

Dude: Don't you dare turn that camera on <muffled sounds>

I wont, ouch, let go dude.

Zest: <ahem>  I find the way you look very cute.

Yes! 1 out of 4, say it again!

Zest: I quite like your face.

2 out of 4

Dude: This is embarrassing.

Shhh, come on... two more. Nobody will ever know.

Zest: I quite like your um er, body too.


Zest: Actually, now that I think about it, dude, you're one hot guy.

YES four out of four! WOO we've done it... a gold medal.  Guys? ? ?? ?

Dude: Great, now we are romantically involved. Well Cassandra's just going to love that. <Bitter, sarcastic tone>

Oh, well that's awkward. Just don't be in the same room as each other for a while.

Dude: This has to be the worst birthday party in THE entire record of the Simverse. EVER.

I'm so, so sorry... it was the 'party glitch'. I don't know what to say.

Dude: Just don't say anything. Ever.

Wait. Where's Zest?
Zest: I think you should move in Cassandra.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #31 on: November 13, 2014, 06:45:07 AM »
That was hilarious!! Romantically involved  :-X Then he runs and tells Cassandra she needs to move in. That was priceless.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2014, 08:12:24 AM »
Ha ha, what a way to be complimented on his birthday  ;D
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #33 on: November 13, 2014, 09:39:37 AM »
That was so funny, I actually had my husband asking me to read it out to him too.  Great birthday party and you are also giving Zest such a wonderful personality.  ;D

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2014, 01:35:46 PM »
Thanks everyone, I was actually a bit nervous about that chapter, but, well... that's what happened! It was a totally impossible party requirement that must have triggered because Dude and Cassandra are romantically involved, but seeing as I wasn't controlling Cassandra I had no way of fulfilling it. The other strange things was that usually you can get away with not doing one of the requirements and still get gold but until that 'compliment the birthday sim' was done we stayed at silver. And obviously I had left it to last thinking that once we had all danced it would be a 'gold' party. Well, the rest is history.
Now for dealing with the outcome without damaging any friendships... wish me luck.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #35 on: November 13, 2014, 02:15:53 PM »
Chapter 10: Fishing

Soooo, morning after your party. How you feeling?
What do you think.

Right, so still not very perky then.
Go away.

Is that breakfast dear? Lovely, knock yourself out. The more skills you learn the better. What's that?
Cassandra: I thought I might like to learn mixology
Oh, sure, that's a great idea. I'll get a bar organised for you. Actually, that might be a blessing in disguise...
Cassandra: Why do you say that?
Oh, nothing, Watcher, other Realm-y stuff. Don't worry about it.

Zest: I don't want to talk about it.

O.K. I'll go elder spotting, it's like train spotting only much easier 'cos being elders they're as slow as snails.
Zest: K

Wow, a whole town of elders. Be a ghost town soon.

Dude: Bye Cassy, have a great first day at work.
Cassandra: Thanks! Bye!
I didn't know she had a job, what's she doing?
Dude: Chef training for mixology.
Oh, that's right. Cassy did say that earlier.
Dude: Where've you been?
Elder spotting.

I love our fishing trips. Only another 48 hours to go then you've cracked your second aspiration.
You do realize I can't do that in one day.
'Course you can, you're amazing.
Thanks for the vote of confidence but there is only 24 hours in one day.
And your point is?
Sheesh, your math sucks.

I see one! Over here.

Got them. Why don't you go have a look round the park while I get sorted.

Oh Zest, don't be like that. It will all come right eventually.
Zest: I'm going to play chess.
There's only elders to play with.

Zest: Wow, there really are only elders.
Yep. And your gorgeous simself of course.
Zest: Flattery won't make me feel better you know.

Wow. That is one impressive first catch of the day! Imagine an angelfish that size, it could make enough ambrosia for 100 feeds!

How's Zest?
O.K.-ish. You could go ask him yourself.
I'm busy.

Yuk, that's one ugly fish. last time you actually need to catch anything with bait though, another milestone ticked off. Woo

Good job
Wish it was an
Together: Angelfish <sigh>

What are doing up there?
I got a bit bored so I thought I'd climb up and take a look
What do you see?
Well, it's pretty much just a forest really. Quite beautiful. You look tiny.

Oh my gosh! you hooked one. I'm coming back down.

Together: Finally!
Darn these little suckers are hard to catch
Tell me about it. We've been fishing for hours and hours.
And hours.
Still, least we got one more.

Is it my imagination or is it getting a little bit lighter?
No, it's starting to get lighter. It's about 2.00am
Time for a change of location?

You can actually see those slippery Angelfish jumping here.
I think it makes it worse. It's like even they're tormenting me.
Oh Dude. I feel bad, I really do.
I just don't know how I'm going to tell Cassy. I can't really look at her in the face, you know.
Maybe you shouldn't tell her. It happened before she moved in so it does really fall under the old 'don't rake up the past' rule.

What rule's that?
The golden relationship rule of not letting the past get in the way of a new relationship.
Yeah, but we're all living together.
Stay in different rooms.
For how long. It's just those darn autonomous little flirty things that keep happening.
Tell me about it. I keep cancelling them, I do.

We've made it through worse you know.
Remind me.
Like the time when you thought Hanks wife was single... and you were like best friends forever with him.
Oh yeah, that was bad. She should have told me.
Then there was that time you got the major hots for Cornelia and wouldn't listen to my advise. Hmm, so that was Cassy's grandmother... is that right?
WHAT??? No, oh, er, ewww. This alternative time dimension thingy is way creepy. Let's just focus on 'now'.

We should head home really.
I don't want to.
You really are down in the dumps. Come on, what your imagining is probably twice as bad as reality.
I've got a vivid imagination. It's so nice out here though.
Well if you get this aspiration under your belt you'll have forever to enjoy it.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #36 on: November 13, 2014, 02:50:19 PM »
This is the first time I've come across this. It's really good, and I'm impressed with how you're able to capture so many shots of Dude without showing his face. Hope he and Zest work it out -- it's going to be tough not being able to move Zest out.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #37 on: November 13, 2014, 03:22:07 PM »
Chapter 11: Relationship Pressure

So did she stay the night or is she just an early morning stalker?
Early morning visitor actually.
It's great that you make all these friends each time you go to the gym...

But, wow, her teeth dude!

How you feeling today Zesty baby?
Zest: Much better thanks
Have you two actually spoken yet?
Zest: No, we're mutually just giving it some cooling off time.

Oh! Cassy, do you have some news for us?

Cassandra: Yes, I don't like the handy skill very much.
Oh! I see, no. Quite.

Gosh, everyone is up so early today!
Cassandra: It's these beautiful desert sunrises. They are to die for.
Speaking of death, I wonder where Plant Girl is.

Oh Good morning Mortimer.
Mortimer: Morning Watcher.

Mortimer: Ah, there you are young man <looking at Dude> I think we need to talk.
Zest: <thinking to himself> Act casual, he can't know. OMG

Mortimer: I want to know when you're going to make an honest women of my little girl.
Zest: <full blown panic mode> Choke, cough.
Dude: I didn't want to rush things Mortimer.
Mortimer: I think sonny, it's a little late for sentiments like that, if I'm frank.

Mortimer: I'm sorry to sound sceptical.
Dude: No, honestly I have nothing but respect for Cassy. We are just dating, nothing else. We haven't, umm, taken the next step yet. I wouldn't do that without your permission.

Mortimer: Sonny, I think you need to marry my daughter and put a stop to all the rumours that are flying around.
Dude: I have my heart in the right place Mortimer. I Love your daughter to bits and I don't care to listen to rumours nor do I intend to live my life being dictated to by the opinions of others.
Mortimer: I'll be proud to call you my son-in-law. Just perhaps a little more urgency is required.
Zest: <thinking to himself> OMG This has to be one of the most awkward situations I have ever been in. Good golly, act casual... look at gym-bunny.

Gym-Bunny: Oh young love! Is there anything more sweet and innocent than two people who are committed to honesty and love? <sigh>
Zest: hehehe no, that would be right.
Dude: <silently communicating to Watcher> Get Cassandra in here now.
On it.
Mortimer: What a lovely sentiment.

Cassy, you're needed inside. Go talk to your dad.
Cassandra: Oh, lovely. I didn't realize he was here.

Cassandra: Dad! how lovely.

Mortimer: I need to know that he's going to make you his wife Cassy. I don't hold for these new fangled relationships where there's no commitment or effort to stay honest.
Cassandra: Oh dad, I'm not a little girl anymore. Besides, we've done nothing to be ashamed of.

Mortimer: but are you happy? Really happy?
Cassandra: Dad, he is my soul mate.

Cassandra: I think that if anything were to happen to him I would be less of a person. Like somehow a part of me would die. Does that sound silly?
Mortimer: No, that is how it is with your mother and I. I'm so very happy for you my dear.
Cassandra: Just be a little happier when I've got a ring eh dad?

Cassandra: <lost in thought> I don't want to live without him.

Meanwhile, Zest has completed his writing aspiration.
Good job Zest. you have a right to looking so proud. Well done.
Zest: Thank you, thank you very much <grin>.

Another night's fishing then?
Yep. Need some space.
Feeling the pressure?
A little.
You're getting quite chubby.
I'm not listening. I'm in the fishing zone, getting one with the fishies.

Dawn is so pretty here.

Wow. Maybe we should have lived here. Mind you I wanted the challenge of having to travel every time we needed to fish.
You did? Why?
Well, once we've built the house we will have so much money rolling in so I thought I'd make it all a bit trickier having work requirements, aspiration tasks and fishing all happening in different places.
You're being sarcastic aren't you.
Yep. I didn't think it all through properly. Just wanted a change from my legacy story setting.
You're doing a story with some one else?
Should I be jealous?
Na, you're still my number one boy.

I'll tell you what though. You're totally getting chubby. You've got a gut.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #38 on: November 13, 2014, 03:27:32 PM »
@ MarionT, Thank you very much. Yes, it is very challenging trying to monitor everyone's interactions with each other. I think because 'Dude's' and Zest's friendship bar is at maximum their 'romantic' bar isn't dropping at all.  ::)  :-\ What a pickle!
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #39 on: November 13, 2014, 03:30:06 PM »
Wow, and I thought Colt got moody..

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #40 on: November 13, 2014, 04:01:10 PM »
Oh wow... ok, I feel awful, but I laughed WAY too hard about the whole party thing... I'm sorry Dude and Zest!  I really am... but that was just too funny!  I hope it all works out with Cassie and Dude, though.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #41 on: November 13, 2014, 04:39:39 PM »
Chapter 12: Is that? Are you actually...?

I love you.
Cassandra: I love you too.

I think we make a really great couple, don't you?

Cassy, there's something I want to ask you.

Will you make me the happiest man in the Simverse and marry me?

Cassandra: Yes, yes I will, of course I will.

Cassandra: Oh my gosh, it's beautiful. Gosh, I feel all tearful.

As long as they're tears of joy Cassy. You are so beautiful. Put the ring on darling, make it official that I'm crazy in love with you.

Oh! Crikey!

A little warning next time love.
Cassandra: Kiss me quick you gorgeous man.

My pleasure.

I love you so very much, but you know it's not always going to be easy?
Cassandra: I know but my heart tells me that this is where I'm supposed to be.
I promise you now, that I will love you until your last breath.

Cassandra: Turn around, let me ease some of that pressure. Besides that, I've been dying to get my hands on you!
Dude: lol, feels good.

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:

I'm going to love you and leave you darling
Cassandra: Are you not staying? I thought, well.
No sweet, not till we are married. I want to do things right by you.

Have you something to tell me dude?
I asked Cassy to marry me last night.
Ohhh, so that's where you were. And?
And what?
Dude I'll sick that killer bee on you if you don't hurry up and spill.
She said yes, of course.

<sigh> That's just perfect. I'm so happy for you. Congratulations.
Another dawn, wow, so symbolic. For you it's the dawn of a new chapter in your life.
You getting all deep and sentimental?
Doubt it.
Sounds like it from where I'm standing.
Hahaha, cat got your tongue?

No, but I'll have your guts for garters if you don't... Wait! Is that another...
Together: Woo

Oh my gosh! Hold it up. Look how stunning it is in the morning sunlight. Wow!

Ha! Got cha' little fishy. How much longer to go?
About one hour.

Why you taking a photo now?
Because, my most wonderful gorgeous sim dude in the entire Simverse. You just smashed your second aspiration.

* Poem = Shakespeare's Sonnet xviii
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #42 on: November 13, 2014, 04:44:31 PM »
Awww!  I love Cassie and Dude together.  Also... I don't think I can call him anything else anymore.  He will forever be Dude Founder...

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #43 on: November 13, 2014, 04:55:37 PM »
Thank you everyone for your great comments.
I'm so torn right now, I so want to show his face but I'm thinking that this really needs to be the 'faceless dynasty' right until the end where Ill post a whole lot of 'face shots' of all the heirs etc. It was a killer not showing some of his facial expressions during the proposal, they were great!
Ohhhh, the decisions!  :P

Lol @ Dude founder Wolf! What a name!!!

@ sdhoey, well, poor Dude had been through quite a bit in his last three days.  :)

@ Brooke and KTK10, thanks for reading along as always.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #44 on: November 13, 2014, 10:07:19 PM »
You have such a great theme of not showing his face..! It would be great for story telling, but he is so handsome and you are right, it would be great to see some of his facial expressions. How about when he is immortal?  That might be a compromise? Anyway, what a gorgeous proposal and I love the interactions with Mortimer!  ;D