Thank you. I liked the name too. More about Sarah coming right up.
King HenryHenry hardly ever thought of Sarah anymore.
Now and then a wisp of a memory would intrude into his thoughts but it evoked no more passion than the recollection of a fine meal, a glass of excellent wine or a favourite horse he had once owned.

For many years though, his every waking thought had been consumed by her.
In the beginning it had been love. A helpless, hopeless love.
How his heart had quickened its beat at the sparkle in her eyes and the mischief in her dimpled smile.
How entrancing the sweet curve of her body tightly laced into her bodice, the quirk of an eyebrow, the scent of her hair, the joyful music of her laughter.

How he had marvelled at his big clumsy hands almost circling her tiny waist as he lifted her down from her horse.
She, as light as fairy-dust in his arms, would smile up at him, her cheeks flushed pink from the exercise and the nearness of their contact.
They would draw back then. Move to put a decorous distance between themselves ever aware that their control could evaporate like mist in the sun.
But she was always slowest to move.
How she had teased him with those lowered eyelashes.
Poor dull Henry. Always so honourable.
He had loved her and despaired. Later she had disgusted him.
Queen IrisThe Queen strode into her dressing room accompanied by her ladies maid, the ever-reliable Susan.
'I have no interest in this Ball.' She sighed.

'My lady will be the Belle for certain,' Susan said firmly, taking the frothy gown from the wardrobe.
'Ah Susan. Your words are sweet even if you are a terrible liar,' Laughed Iris.

'I don't think I would ever have been the Belle of the Ball even when I was young and carefree. Now the years have weighed heavily on my shoulders, and alas, my waistline. Do you think you can cinch me in a little more? Work your magic, Susan for I need all the help I can get.'
'I could never compete with her in looks or for his affections.' Iris mused to herself but kept her silence even in front of her most trusted maid servant.
She had carried the heartache all her married life and was not about to confess her bitterness now.

Would-be Queens don't expect to marry for love. Iris had been bartered like a prized cow for her lands and riches and the strength of an alliance with her father's court.
The winner of her hand, was Henry. Handsome, dashing Henry with his long lean limbs and a smile that lit fires in her blood.
Charming, captivating Henry who was in love with a ward of his court, Sarah of Wintersong.
Sarah, who had no money and no lands, no claim to anything but a distant blood tie and the key to his heart.
Prince EdmundTonight is the Ball.
My parents are hoping I will find my future bride so they do not have to go to the trouble of finding one for me. I think they grow impatient with my indecision. I'm guessing already which likely prospects have been invited and I am not keen. I could list them on my fingers, big noses, buck teeth, pointed chins, no chins at all, dull, boring, ugly. Need I go on? We will wear masks until midnight and then I must act surprised when whoever the lucky girl is I am then dancing with reveals her lack of good fortune. I will wager I can name each and every girl before the unmasking. I hope I don't die of boredom first.