Author Topic: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family) [graveyard :( please ]  (Read 69532 times)

Offline justproud2b

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Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family) [graveyard :( please ]
« on: September 28, 2014, 12:05:37 PM »
Hey everyone! This is the beginning of my First Legacy Challenge (well technically my second but my first family I basically made it as easy as possible and got bored so I am not counting that). This is however my first time doing a story along with a legacy challenge so any input is greatly appreciated. I hope my vivid imagination makes it interesting for you guys to read rather than going too far off track. If I do start to go too far off track please let me know and I’ll tweak my writing in the next chapter released!

This Character is brand new I just tried to think of an interesting back story to get things going.

Succession Laws I will be Using

Gender Law - Equality  (Red's all about equal rights)
Bloodline Law - Traditional (I don't see Red running out and adopting but hey I've had Sims surprise me before)
Heir Law - Strength (I thought this fit well with her back story)

Quick Note: I'm going to begin linking to my blog instead of here just due to double posting on top of a lot of things is becoming tons of work in itself. I will however keep giving updates here of when the story has been updated and teasers when possible. Feel free to comment here or the site I will respond to both! If for some reason majority wants me to continue posting here instead of clicking the link let me know and I will go back to the way I used to do it.

The Story (Stats / Family Tree)
-BackStories Red | Gideon |

-Day 1: Here at Last
-Day 2: Cereal?
-Day 3: Fred's Crazy
-Day 4: Something Off
-Day 5: It was Me or Them
-Day 6: They are Watching Me...
-Day 7: Just Putting it Out There
-Day 8: A Lot has Happened Today
-Day 9: Dear Jane
-Day 10: Promotions
-Day 11: What If
-Day 12: It's a We Thing
-Day 13: What a Suprise
-Day 14: Surprise
-Day 15: It's Almost Rose Day
-Day 16: Rose-day is Here!
-Day 17: Living with a Child
-Day 18: Ahh, Push it
-Day 19: Astronomy is pretty fun
-Day 20: Adventures at the Park
-Day 21: My Parents are Boring
-Day 22: No Promotion Today
-Day 23: He had it coming
-Day 24: Making Room
-Day 25: Gideon’s Birthday
-Day 26: Red’s an Adult

Offline justproud2b

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« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2014, 12:06:50 PM »
As far back as I can remember I have always been a bit different. Growing up in the middle of Bridgeport as a girl, my mother used to tell me to try to blend in as much as possible (one of the very few pieces of advice she ever gave me; I’ll get to that later) because it would help me to stay out of trouble and warned me of all the dangerous people who lurked in the night. The only problem is I am obsessed with red and I grew to love the things that went bump in the night.

(This is me as a Child adorable right?!)

My actual name is Ella Starr but no one has called me that pretty much ever. I have always been known as “Red”. I don’t know if it was because of me being hot-headed or my obsession with red but I never really questioned it because honestly… I like it. Growing up my single mother was always pre-occupied with one gentleman or another. Being one of the oldest children (of many) we started to refer to our mothers friends as wolves probably because they always seemed to be friendly with all of us hoping she would keep them around.

We called every new baby “lil’ pigs” till they were old enough to talk because remembering all the names became a task in itself.  We even had a running a joke between the kids that it seemed like our mother was doing some kind of baby challenge. I typically spent my time trying my hardest to get out of my house, taking care of my siblings, or my favorite scaring out my mother’s wolves. I must admit after growing up the way I did I don’t really like children much and I’ve been called insane but wouldn’t you be if you grew up with so many siblings that you mentally can’t remember every one? I swore to never be like my mother when I grew up.

(My mother winning mother of the year award... I think I had just scared a wolf off)

My birthday is today and I can’t believe I’m finally a young adult. I quickly grabbed my money I had stashed in all of my hiding spots. I grabbed my bus ticket that I had purchased last week and had my brother read it out loud just so we could believe this was actually happening. He stood in front of my siblings and my then said firmly, “One way, Willow Creek.” I know you might think it would be a sad thing for my siblings but I was there hope they could get out too. So they were just as excited as me that I was leaving. We even talked about it (a lot) calling it “Grandmothers house” so our mother never knew what we were talking about. I placed the ticket in my pocket and looked around the room. 

My brother chimed in, “She’ll be home soon you better leave.”  I nodded and turned to walk out the door but something inside wouldn’t let me leave. This wasn’t right to just leave without saying bye even if we all agreed no tears or long goodbyes. I opened the door and stepped out on the front porch as I was shutting the door I stopped and said, “Goodbye My Lil’ Piggy’s, be careful of the Wolves. “

I arrived at the bus station with a coffee in my hand and the clothes on back. After locating my bus I handed in my ticket and found myself a seat. As the bus began to drive I knew this was it, I was finally free!  It was time for me to start my own Legacy and maybe even find my own Wolf...

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2014, 12:37:55 PM »
That was a really great chapter! I will read.

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2014, 04:48:52 AM »
Interesting prologue. Love the shot of Red as a child, quite cute.
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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2014, 10:18:19 AM »
One of my favorite sims, born into the Thank You For Your Service challenge family in sim3 3, is named Ella Starr. Looks nothing like your Red, but the name caught my eye. Great start. I'll be reading.

Offline justproud2b

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2014, 12:21:10 PM »
Interesting prologue. Love the shot of Red as a child, quite cute.
That was a really great chapter! I will read.

Glad you liked it! It's been a blast to do. I hope the rest stays interesting I'm trying my own unique way of doing this so I hope people here enjoy it.

One of my favorite sims, born into the Thank You For Your Service challenge family in sim3 3, is named Ella Starr. Looks nothing like your Red, but the name caught my eye. Great start. I'll be reading.

No idea why but I've always liked the name Ella it's like the perfect twist of nice and not nice. Starr was actually a randomly generated name by the game it was the first one I thought went with Ella :) Glad you enjoyed it.

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Day One
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2014, 12:35:11 PM »
To My Lil’ Piggy’s,

I finally got here it’s already Sunday. As the bus pulled into Willow Creek I took a deep breath, it was more beautiful than any of the pictures we had seen!  I quickly found my way to Sim-Reality and began looking at houses. They were all so beautiful and then I saw it. Such a great piece of Land with a beautiful house and it was a steal because of the price.

(My future home isn't it beautiful!)

I quickly hurried and purchased the home then began my travel to my new home. I was so excited to step foot through my front door and be in my very first home, to my surprise upon arriving to the property… I had no door. Now in hindsight, the realtor’s slogan was “We’ve always got the best angle for picture perfect homes” and it now made sense. My home was literally a mail box and land. Being hot-headed my first thought was to throw my mailbox. Luckily I thought it through and decided not to (truth is I tried but no matter what I did I couldn’t get the sucker off my property it was like a boomerang it just kept coming back!)

Not having the best of days I decided to go ahead and use my phone to order a bed. You’d think because of the fact that I have very little money to my name that I would have bought a small bed. I have been sleeping in small beds all my life though and if I wasn’t going to have a door I was getting one of the best beds I could afford. Although it left me with $410 to my name I didn’t care because it was mine and I was going to make the best of this whole mess. I know bills will come in soon (right to my nightstand… at least that’s convenient) so I should probably find a Job.

(Oh yea, I'm moving up in the world now!)

Other than scaring off wolves I really have no skills so while looking through jobs available I decided on the Criminal Career path. Although I don’t consider myself a bad person I was just hoping they might have more wolves to scare and I’d have some idea of what to do. I was hired! My role was Tough Gal, I thought back to the many wolves running from our house and snickered (seemed about right). After reading the job description I knew I would need to perfect my abilities at mischief. Now seemed a better time as any seeing the day I was having.

 There was my target, a blonde haired man who seemed to have this way about him like he thought he was better than others (you all know the type). I quickly ran over and introduced myself. Geoffrey was his name, I really didn’t want much more details as I knew what I was about to do. I tried to trick him with a hand buzzer but right along with the rest of my day it back fired and I got shocked instead.

(Don't worry I stopped stuttering after about 5 mins)

At this point I had enough I could feel it I was losing my cool, instead of yelling at Geoffrey (even though I had already started and it felt so good) I decided going to the gym and having a raged filled run would be more productive.  Even at the gym on the treadmill I just kept yelling at everyone who passed. Then it hit me I was being exactly like Mom, and I rushed up stairs to calm myself down in the mirror. Since I don’t exactly have a chef styled kitchen (who am I kidding I don’t even have a kitchen). I decided to head off to the park. There I could grill, make some friends (maybe… my interaction with people hasn’t been the greatest so far), and just enjoy the fresh air.

(Well Helloooo Nurse!)

I’m not exactly sure if this is a cruel joke from fate but I met I guy. I have no idea if he likes me but he’s really fun to be around. The shocker of it all he has red hair too! It was so strange to be at the park with this guy and not be the only fiery red head there.  It was wonderful we sat and chatted I even did my crazy eye trick and he thought it was really funny. His name is Pace Longoria, it’s such an interesting name. Everything about him makes me want to get to know him more. I’m not going to say he’s my Wolf yet but I think I might be hunting him some. I did however have a Cinderella moment so it may have helped with his mysterious ways. He was there and we were chatting then he just got up and ran off. I don’t think it was anything I did cause I texted him and he seemed ok. I guess only time will tell with that.

(At least I still look cute when I'm yelling and I don't get that vein Mom does)

I guess there’s a time limit for me being in places because it wasn’t long after he left that some old woman in pink flannel and a fishing outfit came over and started impishly pestering me. You all know how I handle that so needless to say I think I’ve worked on my mischief enough for work. Somehow I even managed to drop my drink in her face (I really need to work on my coordination). I was hungry and knew I didn’t have anything at home so I made some food, put the leftovers in my purse and headed home. It was a long day. I will however say this is going to be fun; I make my own rules and my own mistakes. I will write again tomorrow! 


P.S. Pace just texted me and let me know he does have a wife. I guess now I need to figure out if that should stop me. Write back if you can, I won't turn down the advice!

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2014, 03:49:55 PM »
Awesome start... "know bills will come in soon (right to my nightstand…" <<< too funny. And, yeah, him being married, I know what any unlawful criminal gal would do  ;)
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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2014, 06:05:02 PM »
Very nice start, justproud2B! I like that your founder has spunk.

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2014, 10:02:09 PM »
Red is quite the colourful character! I'm sensing she is going to break up a marriage soon...
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Offline justproud2b

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2014, 10:22:22 PM »
Awesome start... "know bills will come in soon (right to my nightstand…" <<< too funny. And, yeah, him being married, I know what any unlawful criminal gal would do  ;)

Glad your enjoying it! Oh I know what a criminal gal would do but I'll have to see. Red's hot-headed it'll take a special man to be with her!

Very nice start, justproud2B! I like that your founder has spunk.
Red is quite the colourful character! I'm sensing she is going to break up a marriage soon...

Glad your all enjoying it I'm having fun keeping my head in such a fun character! My first legacy family I got bored with due to me playing logically you know best traits for a job/family etc. (which is why I wanted to story tell now). So this time I picked every trait that is the worst for this challenge. Then said ok let's see if this can make it work. It's been a blast so far!

Oh man I just realized I have never posted what stats she has! I'll post a stats page in a few minutes

Offline justproud2b

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« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2014, 10:28:50 PM »
Founder: Ella "Red" Starr
Traits: Hot Headed | Insane | Hates Children | Business Savvy (from Aspiration)
Aspiration; Mansion Baron
Skills: Mischief (5) | Charisma (3) | Comedy (2) | Cooking (3) | Fitness (2) | Video Gaming (2) | Fitness (2) | Gardening (1) | Programming (2)
Career: Criminal - Level 4 (Felonius Monk)
Dates: Bronze=0 Silver=0 Gold=0
Parties: Bronze=0 Silver=0 Gold=0
Used anti ageing: no
Partner: Gideon Franco

Founders Husband: Gideon Franco
Traits: Bookworm | Outgoing| Neat | Quick Learner (from Aspiration)
Aspiration; Nerd Brain
Skills: Logic (2) | Handiness (1) | Charisma (1) | Comedy (1) | Cooking (3) | Fitness (2) | Video Gaming (2) | Fitness (1) | Gardening (1)
Career: Criminal - Level 4 (Felonius Monk)
Dates: Bronze=0 Silver=0 Gold=0
Parties: Bronze=0 Silver=0 Gold=0
Used anti ageing: no
Partner: Ella "Red Starr

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2014, 11:55:02 PM »
That’s a wonderful prologue, justproud. Reading her story made me think: ‘Being in a bad place doesn’t always mean be a bad person :)’ I love the little touch that you did to beneath the screenshots and the last one, the image of Red’s signature. I’d like to read more, please! :D
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Day Two
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2014, 01:18:43 AM »
To My Lil' Piggy's,

Living off of cereal doesn't sound like a bad idea right now because today I began my day feasting on the spoiled food left in my purse. As I sat there eating I looked around my home (well property I think I need walls for a home) and realized that although I may only have a bed I have one of the most beautiful scenes around.  So today starts my first day of work and I wanted to be as ready as possible so I decided to go to the bar (no I didn't want a drink I wanted a bathroom that burger wasn't settling with me very well). Even though my stomach was turned a bit I decided to go ahead and invite Pace. I still haven’t decided if I want to try anything but a friend never hurt anyone (although the next burger might; I decided to throw them away). 

(Oh the smell)

Once arriving to the bar I immediately saw Pace, I tried my hardest to not let on my stomach was turning more than a ship in the middle of storm. Not being sure why Pace enjoyed my company I figured I’d test the waters to see if he went running for the hills. I flat out lied to him about my job then followed that up with giving him some fake confidence. This should do it he’ll leave now. He began laughing then returned the favor back. So now it all made sense! I've seen this before he has a mean streak. This could be fun! I do enjoy a good challenge and he does remind me a bit of those wolves mom always warned me about.

(Oh my your gorgeous and witty!)

I decided to go ahead and get a drink as I had been there almost all day. The bartended took ages to make my drink. I sat there patiently then decided to ask her if she got paid by the conversation or the drink. She laughed and said, “Girl, you’re funny!” My first thought was “I’ll show you funny” but work was starting soon and I really didn’t want to get dirty before work (even though I think my boss would have enjoyed the story).  So instead I gritted my teeth and said “hah, yea that’s me a comedian” as I looked around the room.

(I Would have bit my lip but that would mess up my lipstick)

So 20 days later I got my drink and I headed back over to find out how Pace was doing. He said he has watched 30 shows on the television and wanted to know what took so long. As he stood up and ordered his own drink he soon turned and looked at me and laughed then yelled across the bar “Now I get it!” I finished my liquid courage and decided might as well see where he and I stand. So I walked over and flirted with him. He didn’t seem to like it much at all but then quickly started doing the pee dance. So I’m really not sure if it was me or the need to go! Work was starting soon and in the last letter you asked me for a closer shot of Pace so I went ahead and asked him to take a picture with me when he came back. Sorry about the finger my phones still new to me.

(Oh one day I'm getting those glasses off one way or another)

I decided not to test my luck tonight with flirting again so I said my goodbye’s and headed to the gym for a quick energizing shower before work. My boss may not mind me being bruised from a fight but I’m pretty sure if I smell it may bug him.

I came home from work pretty angry so I decided to use all that aggression and go around near my house gathering what I could find in hopes that I could buy a fridge. I found some interesting things and was able to gather up enough money from work and my running around to get a fridge. I thought about getting a lot of things but decided the fridge was best so I could stop going out just to eat. I sat down and ate a wonderful bowl of cereal. My night was getting a whole lot better I was starting to get used to all of this. Then it hit me, maybe I should have bought the toilet instead!

(I was afraid to move!)

I rushed off to the closest bathroom I could find then went to bed. It’s been a long day! I know it’s early but I really hope I get a promotion soon I could really use a bathroom and shower. I will write again soon!


P.S. I think I’m going to have spray paint my fridge I know I may have no walls but even a brown fridge looks odd to me.

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2014, 01:54:15 AM »
<wipes coffee off her screen> That last picture is totally hilarious.  ;D
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