Author Topic: Emotions and Items/Actions That Influence Them  (Read 347604 times)

Offline justproud2b

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Emotions and Items/Actions That Influence Them
« on: September 26, 2014, 08:53:22 PM »
This is a compiled list of items, actions, and situations that influence emotions. This list was originally started by Andeleisha and a lot of the community contributed to it. I have started the new list to keep it up to date.  If you have any additions please post and I will add them to the list as soon as possible. I will also be adding the addition of information for each emotional state and trying to categorize more as needed.

Quick Emotion List

The Sims 4 is an emotionally based game. Emotions have an affect on job performance, wishes, and general interactions. ArthurHeng made a great post on the basics of how emotions work so I would recommend checking there if you need more info on how the emotion system works.

This list has been updated till this post

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« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2014, 08:54:01 PM »
This is generally referred to as a negative emotion although Sims going for the "Public Enemy Aspiration" will consider this a good place to be. Normally it is caused by negative conversations/interactions with other Sims. Sims with the Hot-Headed trait generally become angry more than other Sims. Like with most emotions there are unique things that you can do while Angry such as creating an Angry Painting and having an Angry Workout. It also seems that you can gain Mischief skills through anger actions as well.

-Declaring Enemy

-Yelled At (being yelled at and insulted)
-Being Around Children (if you have Hates Children trait)
-Flarn (random from insane trait) / +1 3hrs
-Having a bad day at work

-Angry Painting (Good) / +1
-Angry Painting (Excellent) / +1
-Angry Painting (Masterpiece) / +2

Ways to Reduce
-Tea Magic Personal Brewer / Calming Chamomile
-Cold Shower

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« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2014, 08:54:42 PM »

-Browse Intelligence (Possible Outcome... available from Secret Agent Career on computer)
-Reading a skill book below your skill level

-Dull Conversation (caused by repeats in conversation)
-Boring Work (Random From Work) / +1 4hrs


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« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2014, 08:55:02 PM »

-Brush Teeth
-Practice Speech (in mirror)
-Psych Self Up (in mirror)
-Cook something at level 2 cooking or higher (random) / +1 4hrs
-Finishing a book
-Inspiring Artist (finishing a painting with high skill) / +1 for 4 hours
-Mentor someone (Mentoring requires maximum skill level)
-Winning a Chess Game
-Win a fight
-Put out a fire
-Competent Cook
-Catching a great fish
-Drink "Sea of Fire" ($80 mixology lvl 4) / +1
-Drink "Hot and Smoky" ($125 mixology lvl 8 ) / +2
-Commando Training (on a Punching Bag)
-Finding a Collectible (from geek trait)
-Take sample slide (from geek trait)
-Confident potion +100 (drink bar, master mixologist aspiration completed,1000$)
-Mixing Drinks (Mixology Level 5-9) / +1
-Pretty Handy (upgrading an object with high handiness skill) / +1 for 4 hours

-Being praised for grades (available for children when adult praises them) / +1 3hrs

-Reward Lamp: Showtime / Aura
-Reward Lamp: World Adventures / Aura
-Tea Magic Personal Brewer / Earl Grey, Hot / +2
-Confident Painting (Good) / +1
-Confident Painting (Excellent) / +1
-Confident Painting (Masterpiece) / +2
-Dead Aliens

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« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2014, 08:55:24 PM »

-drinking 'Snaggle Fluster' / +3 3hrs

-Lose a fight
-Have a VooDoo doll used on you
-Be told a Weaponized Joke by a Comedian Sim
-Be shocked when repairing something
-Crashed rocketship
-Green Skill Drink (need name)
-Caffeine Jitters! (after 2 cups of coffee) / +1 4hrs

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« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2014, 08:55:45 PM »

-Browse Intelligence "Seeing Sensitive Information" (Possible Outcome... available from Secret Agent Career on computer)
-Spying on Neighbors (possible outcome | using telescope - mischief lvl 4 required) /

-Painting an okay painting if Sim has the Perfectionist trait
-Practicing an instrument at low skill level
-Walking in on Sim in bathroom
-Rejected Romantic Interactions
-Getting lost in the Secret Glade
-Bad Jokes
-Bladder Failure / +5
-Schmooze with Boss while at work (has a chance for this)
-Talk/Ask about Woohoo (teen/adult - random)
-Getting Demoted at Work
-Performed Poorly (from woohoo)  / +1 ?hrs
-Blogging Plagiarist (writing career chance card) / + 1 8hrs
-Strange Reflection (from admiring self in mirror) / +1 3hrs
-Caught hacking work performance (failing at hacking) / +2 for 4 hours
-Embarrassed from Work (random) / +1 for 4 hours

-Hat of Shame (Sombrero from Life of the Party content) / +2 5hrs

Ways to Reduce
-Hide from the World (available by clicking bed)

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« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2014, 08:56:54 PM »

-Get a pep talk from an Active Sim
-Shower / Brisk Shower
-Tea Magic Personal Brewer / Run Oolong / +2
-Eating "High Energy Protein Plate" (made while energized)
-Drink "Protein Shake" $30 (required level 5 fitness skill) /  +2 for 4hrs
-Drink "Vigorator" +2 ( and +2 happy) ( drink bar,mixology lvl 8, need to be energized to mix, 100$)
-Energize potion +100 (drink bar, master mixologist aspiration completed,1000$)
-Research fitness tips +2 ( computer interaction once you have fitness skill 3)
-Drink Energy Drink (available by to sims with high metabolism trait by clicking on them) / +1 3hrs

-All Crystals
-Tulips (in bloom) / Aura / +2
-Tulips (harvested) / Aura / +1
-Rock of Ages Stereo Aura +1 ( entertainer career, lvl 4 reward)
-You've got talent award Aura +5 ( can be quickly be admired for +1) (comedian career lvl 6)
-Studio Equity Track lightning kit Aura +2 ( comedian career lvl 7)
-What a Star you are mirror Aura +5 ( comedian career lvl 8.)
-Off the charts music award Aura +5 ( can be quickly admired for +1) (musician career lvl 6)

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« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2014, 08:57:21 PM »

-Having no other emotions (any new emotion will override this neutral state)


-Asleep (overrides all other emotions) / +10,000

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« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2014, 08:57:54 PM »

-Multiple Romance options
-Eating Flirty Heart Cookies (made while flirty)
-Research Pickup Lines (using computer)
-Drink "Cupids Juice" (made when flirty lvl 1 mixology) / +1
-Drink "Love Potion #4" (made when flirty lvl 7 mixology) / +2 (Also gives Happiness +2 Bonus)
-Flirty Potion (mixologist aspiration completed $1000)
-Try out Outfits (available by clicking dresser)
-Elicanto Whirly (from insane trait "the voices are talking in the language of love") / +1 3hrs
-Fantasizing about Wedding (clicking on wedding arch) / +1 4hrs

-Mirror / Freshen Up
-Reward Lamp: Late Night / Aura
-Rose Bushes / Aura
-Shower / Steamy Shower
-Tea Magic Personal Brewer / Steamy Ginseng / +2
-VIP Bucket / Aura (Earned by scoring Gold on a date or wedding)
-Flirty Painting (Good) / +1
-Flirty Painting (Excellent) / +1
-Flirty Painting (Masterpiece) / +2
-Cherry Blossom Trees
-Weeping Trees
-Flirty Statuette (made with woodworking while flirty)

Ways to Reduce
-Cold Shower

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« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2014, 08:58:39 PM »

-In Awe of the Cosmos (using telescope) / +1 for 4 hours
-Be Tutored
-Ponder Moves (on a chess table)
-Playing Chess
-Browse Simpedia (on a computer)
-Tea Magic Personal Brewer / Pitch Black / +2
-Drink "Amygdelight" ($100 Requires Mixology, Level 1 ) / +2 also gives Happy +2
-Browse Intelligence "Possible Lead" (Possible Outcome... available from Secret Agent Career on computer) / +1 (last 2 days or until promoted)
-Study a Fossil
-Research Gardening (available by clicking computer - required gardening lvl 3+)
-Try Telepathy (kids only | required mental skill lvl ?)


-Mathematical Diagram (Focused Painting - Good) / +1
-All Elements
-Citrine Gem / Aura / +2
-Sapphire Gem / Aura / +3
-Ready to Study (from future cube) / +2

Career Promotion Rewards
-Astro Solar System Light / Aura (Astronaut, Level 2)
-Astro Model Rocket / Aura (Astronaut, Level 3)
-Computer Hard drive / Aura (Tech Guru, Level 3)
-The Sentinal Wall Clock / Aura (Tech Guru, Level 4)
-The Hipster Hugger Couch / Aura (Tech Guru, Level 5)
-Stack of CDs / Aura (Tech Guru, Level 7, eGamer branch)
-"Revanne" Poster / Aura / +9 (Tech Guru, Level 8, eGamer branch)

Sim 3 Expansion Rewards
-Reward Lamp: Into the Future / Aura
-Reward Lamp: University / Aura

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« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2014, 08:59:17 PM »
Although being Happy is a mood it works differently than most as it's job (for the most part) is to boost whatever positive mood you have or act as a general mood. Happy can over power negative emotions in the game as well by being more Happy than you are Sad will make Happy your active mood. It is affected by a lot of things that your Sims does daily, the environment your Sim is in, and just general needs being met. Sims with the Cheerful trait are most likely to get happy while those with the Gloomy trait experience this much less. There are other ways to boost your "Happy" level and those will be listed below.

-Call Sad Hotline (only available when Sad) / +2
-New Friends
-Chatting on a Phone
-Feeling Great (From High Needs) / +2
-Pregnant (3rd Trimester) / +1
-Epic Game (from playing a modded computer game)
-Moving on Up (from promotion) / +1 8hrs
-Cooking on stove with heat sensor (random) / +1 2hrs
-Engaged (from Engagement) / +3 24hrs
-Comfy (from comfortable furniture) / +1 2hrs
-Great Relief (from performing 1 of 2 interactions from Soulmate Aspiration Reward) / +1 4hrs
-New Baby (from having a new baby) / +3 ?hrs
-Just Married (after vows exchanged or eloped) / +3 for 48 hours
-Renew Vows (can be done using wedding arch gives Just Married Benefit) / +3 for 48 hours
-Home Builder (Repairing Doll House) / +1 for 4 hours
-Fresh Air! (while outside - from Loves the Outdoors) / +2
-Peaceful Waking (Waking outside with the Loves the Outdoors trait) / +1 for 4 hours
-Pleasantly  Satisfied (Couple woohoo with good relationship) / +1 for 4 hours

Consumables (Food and Drinks)
-Essence of Life: Happiness / +3 for 48 hours
-Pretty Tasty (Cooking Lvl 1-3) / +1 4hrs (Sims with Foodie Trait get no boost from this)
-Delicious Dish (Cooking Lvl 4-6 / Gourmet Lvl 1-3) / +1 4hrs
-Fantastic Food (Cooking Lvl 7-10 / Gourmet Lvl 4-6) / +2 5hrs (Sims with Foodie Trait it is called Scrumptious! and get +3)
-Epic Meal (Gourmet Lvl 7-10) / + 3 for 6 hours (Sims with Foodie trait it is call Delectable and get +4)
-Tea Magic Personal Brewer / Healthy Green / +2
-Ambrosia (requires Gormet Lvl 10) / +2 for 4 hours
-Eating a Harvestable / +3 for 4 hours

-Bidet Made (Bidet upgrade on toilet when used) / +1 for 3 hrs
-Jet upgrade on bath (when used)
-Fancy Soap (Auto Soap Dispenser upgrade on sink when used) / +1 for 2 hours
-Upgraded Fridge (How Fresh!) / +1 for 4 hours
-Awesome Light Show (from Let there be Light! Laser Show) / +1
-Night Owl Reward
-Morning Sims Reward
-Comfy (while sitting on expensive chair) / +1

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« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2014, 08:59:56 PM »

-Thoughtful shower / +1 4hrs
-Computer / Research Art References (Requires Painting, Level 2) / +1
-Painting / Admire Art
-Painting / Critically Assess Art (Requires Painting, Level 4)
-Watch Cooking Show for Ideas (Requires 'Foodie Trait') / +2 4hrs
-Search for cooking ideas (computer interaction for foodies) / +2 4hrs
-Bow for Inspiration / +1 8hrs
-Browsing art (Computer -> Web-> Browse Art) / +1 4hrs
-Making tea with Tea Magic Personal Brewer (after being upgraded, effect is random) / +2 4hrs
-Drink "Prose and Pop" ($80 Requires Mixology, Level 5) / +2 also gives Happy +2
-Practice bar tricks / +1 4hrs
-Mixing drinks (at level 10 Mixology) / +2 4hrs
-Research Advanced Cooking Techniques (available by clicking computer - requires gourmet cooking lvl 8+) / +2 4hrs
-Research Art Reference (chance of Tense moodlet instead) / +1 8hrs
-Finishing a Painting (low levels painting skill 1-4) / +2 4hrs
-Finishing a Book (low levels writing skills 1-4) / +2 3hrs
-Pluck for inspiration (available on guitar at lvl ?) /  +1 8hrs
-Plunk for inspiration (available on ? at lvl ?)  / +1 8hrs
-View Inspiring Art (quick interaction with career rewards culinary/writing/painting) / +1 4hrs
-Fascinated by Science (after a longer microscope interaction) / +1 4hrs
-View Bonsai (if the bonsai was shaped while inspired) / +1  4hrs
-Inspiring Potion (Potion Master reward trait , lvl 10 mixology , 1000$)  / +100 4hrs
-Daydream (kids only | required creative skill lvl ?) /
-Lump of Clay (item is portable making it convenient - inspiring blob) / +1 4hrs

-Picture Perfect Art Lighting (Reward for promotion to painter, level 2)
-Reward Lamp: Ambitions / Aura
-Reward Lamp: Supernatural / Aura
-Postcards (regardless the amount of them) / +1

Career Awards (Painter)
-Study of the Human Form / Aura (Reward from promotion to painter, level 3)
-Painting Canvas Storage Rack clutter /aura +5 (painter career reward,lvl 5)
-Artiste Supply Taboret statue /aura+8 ( painter career , both branches, lvl 7)
-Pre-Owned Painter's Easel / aura +4 ( patron of arts branch, level 8 )
-Stack of Canvases clutter /aura +9 ( patron of arts branch,lvl 9)
-Rustic Dream Bed /aura +6 ( patron of arts branch,lvl 10)
-Flegel Studio Floor Lamp /aura +3 ( master of the real branch, lvl 10)

Career Awards (Culinary)
-Umber Kitchen Sink / Aura +2 (Reward from promotion in culinary career, level 4)
-Positronic Pro Magnetic Knife Rack / Aura +4(Reward from promotion in culinary chef branch, level 6)
-Icebox of Steel by Krampft Industries Fridge / Aura +5 ( chef branch reward , level 8 )
-Pancake Pro Free-Standing Griddle Stove/aura +4 ( chef branch reward, lvl 10)
-Vinoteca Bottle Rack /aura +4 ( mixologist branch reward, level 8 )
-Lemonade on a Sunny Day Torchiere /aura+2 (mixologist branch reward,lvl 9)
-Bar Setters Bar /aura +5 ( mixologist branch reward, lvl 10)

Career Awards (Writer)
-Milton Word Processor /aura +2 ( computer as a reward for writer career level 2 !!)
-Still Life with Apple and Pitcher and Books and Bottles and Flowers!/aura +4 ( painting as a reward for writer career lvl 3)
-An Open Book - Framed- wall decoration/aura +5 ( writer career reward , lvl 5)
-Antique Tomes clutter /aura +5 ( writer career,author branch reward , lvl 6)
-Antique Writer's Desk/aura +5 ( writer career, journalist branch reward, lvl 7)
-The Where Should I Go? Ball -misc decoration/aura +8 (writer career,journalist branch reward , lvl 8 )
-Antique Typewriter statue /aura+8 ( writer career,journalist branch reward , lvl 9)
-Deep Thoughts Bookcase /aura +8 (writer career,journalist branch reward , lvl 10)
-Nom de Plume Quill Pen clutter/aura+6 (writer career,author branch reward , lvl 8 )
-The Muse Bookcase /aura +8 (writer career,author branch reward , lvl 9)

Career Awards (Music)
-Classical Genius Antique Piano /aura +6 ( entertainer career, musician branch, lvl 7)
-Rock Legend Signed Guitar /aura +6 ( entertainer career, musician branch, lvl 10)

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« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2014, 09:00:35 PM »

-Sevel Funny Actions in a row
-Bubble Bath (available from tub) / +2 4hrs
-Watch Comedy Channel (available by using tv) / +1 3hrs
-Eating Silly Gummy Bear Pancakes (made while playful) / 4hrs
-Minor Accidents while working out (from Clumsy Trait)
-Play in Jets (available by using tub - teen+ requires playful to show)
-Make Silly Faces in Mirror (playful required teen+)
-Play in Puddle
-Read a Funny Book

-Reward Lamp: Pets / Aura
-Reward Lamp: Island Paradise / Aura
-My Sims Trophies
-Playful Paintings (Good Quality) / +1
-Playful Paintings (Excellent Quality) / +1
-Playful Paintings (Masterpiece Quality) / +2
-"I otter be a star pop art" ( playful aura +7, entertainer career rank 5 - comedy branch)
-"Captain Rodrigo de Pablo Cask" ( playful aura+2, culinary career rank 6 - mixologist branch)
-longer microphone interaction - comedy gold / +2

Ways to Reduce
-Calm Self Down (available by clicking mirror)

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« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2014, 09:01:06 PM »

-Low Needs
-Disappointing Drinks (Foodies will get this from Low quality drinks)
-Cold in the Middle (from Microwaved Food) / +1
-Unpleasant surroundings (from bad environment. Most sims hate being surrounded by filth and squalor.) / +1
-Sore back (from cheap bed) / +1 4hrs


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« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2014, 09:01:59 PM »

-Sad Painting (Good) / +1
-Sad Painting (Excellent) / +1
-Sad Painting (Masterpiece) / +2

-Death of a Friend (need exact name)
-Death of a Nearby Sim (need exact name)
-Angry Workmates
-Broken Dollhouse (happens to children) / +1
-Forgotten Birthday (if you use a cake you avoid this - you do not need a party)
-Bleak Romantic Future (from future cube) / +1
-Bring to Tears (someone used the interaction on the sim with an instrument) / +2 ?hrs

Ways to Reduce
-Call Sad Hotline (using phone)