Chapter 45: Telling JokesLater that afternoon, once all the mess was cleaned up after Kayleigh and Erik's wedding, mum and I went to the park to met Juliana there.
Mum adores Juliana.
She's such a sweet kid.
I told my 99th joke.
Then we headed home to find one of dad's bar tricks had backfired.
Kalani and Uncle Jon had found that pretty funny.
And then, I began to tell my 100th joke.
It was a rather terrifying tale...
...with an hilarious ending. Right? Right guys? Huh?
"Hehe, yeah" Kalani chuckled nervously.
Kennedy came home with a promotion.
So did mum.
And I chilled a bit playing Blic Bloc.
Dad slowly got to master mixology while he chatted to mum, who was only half listening as she was totally engrossed in her latest favourite authors new release.
Cara was making a new friend.
So far so good
Umm, yeah, maybe not quite such a good move.
Oh goodness, much more of this and I'll need to go downstairs and stop the girl. Cara is such a meanie sometimes, it gets embarrassing.
Maniacal laughter? Right, I stopped the gaming rig and started downstairs. Whatever's going on can't be good.
Only by the time I had made it downstairs Cara had disappeared. I asked Dad if he'd seen her but he was away in his own wee world painting in blissful ignorance to the chaos Cara was creating.
I checked in on mum who had been chatting to Kayleigh. neither of them had seen Cara. They were just about to do a workout so I said that I'd keep looking so they could carry on.
I went back outside but Kennedy said that she'd been out here showing Mitchell the constellations now for some time and that Cara hadn't been with them. Mitchell looked a bit under the weather so I asked him if he was ok. He replied that he had a bad case of pins and needles but he was ok.
Sighing I headed back inside. Maybe Cara had just gone to bed and I was imagining things. One last check in the gym. Nope, just mum and dad chatting.
Oh well, I guess it was my imagination. You can't blame me though because Cara really is a trickster. I should know. I've been on the blunt end of quite a few of her 'jokes'. I headed off to bed, work tomorrow and I still had a few routines to write up early tomorrow before my gig that night.