Author Topic: The Fox Legacy  (Read 215771 times)

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #195 on: October 15, 2014, 01:17:29 AM »
@ mkileya, thanks! It is pretty hard to save the cash to build in a legacy. That's why I started with a painter as he can basically paint all day and night until there is some money to build. As long as you don't have nooboos too soon a painter can make a fair bit. Also why Kendra started by writing as the royalties can really add up.  :)

@ Shewolf13, aww, thanks. I was really sad to see Joe and Kendra go to. I had Kendra paused just as she started lying down to die and I couldn't unpause it. I was just looking at the screen thinking "Noooooo".

@ arimau,  no... no more threads. lol. I can hardly keep up with myself on this one!  ;)   Jon is great, right. <sigh> If only we could have 10 sims in a house then he could have a full life.
Haha, you and Kalani's clothes! Teehee, my taste is so different. And no, I am not a fitness freak. how could I be? I spend all my spare time here (points to her desk and pc.) It's just I like looking at my sims all fit and yummy. I also really love the way they work out, it's so cool. The running on the treadmill action is wicked and the way they can run all day! Wow, it's like having superman, batman and the bionic man all wrapped in one. And that's what is so great about TS4, it doesn't have to in any way, shape or form, mirror real life.  :D

So, update soon. I have been spending time making friends for The Foxes after all their friendships got wiped out by a glitch. So there has not really been many story opportunities while I've been doing that. It's quite time consuming as I'm relying on people randomly walking past the house so I can jump them, meeting sims in the park, or waiting for others to hopefully visit. I haven't found a work-around for the doorbell glitch or the inability to invite sims over. But it's not over until it's over and The Foxes are still going strong.  :)
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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #196 on: October 16, 2014, 05:17:34 AM »
I am so far behind... "Poor girl, I think she's pushing herself to hard to become proficient at the guitar" yeah, sure that's what we'll go with haha. It's probably bad to admit but I actually enjoyed the breakup part just because of all the comments. Great job as usual :)

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #197 on: October 16, 2014, 09:25:42 AM »
I just caught up with the rest of the chapters. All your sims are gorgeous and I think Kaiden has turned out pretty well, I almost wish I had S4 now  ;)
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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #198 on: October 17, 2014, 11:19:38 AM »
What a fun little update. Rhys is very expressive.

Sorry to hear about all the glitches in your game, I hope you get them sorted out.

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #199 on: October 17, 2014, 01:40:51 PM »
-I so adore the way you do your challenge, feel like we are in a reality show.

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #200 on: October 18, 2014, 01:50:55 PM »
@ justproud2b, well she's sure getting proficient at something!
@ Brooke, thanks! Well, I have to admit I'm finding it pretty hard to go back and play TS3 now, and I loved TS3. It's just the sims from TS4 are just so much better.
@ Tipi, Thanks. The one glitch that is a real killer is the inability to visit neighbours. It makes it so hard to get anything done with anyone's story/aspiration goal as all I've got now are the public spaces... it's pretty hard to kiss 10 sims when all your boyfriends are at the same park and come running over stamping their feet at you! Poor Kayleigh she's got nearly as many enemies as friends-with-benefits.  :(
@ LenaLJ, thanks! lol, I think that the chaos from the mix of aspirations in this one household is enough to drive anyone to melodramatic behaviour!!
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Offline Playalot

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #201 on: October 18, 2014, 02:38:10 PM »
Chapter 39: Uncle Jon's Birthday

The Watcher said that I can do this chapter. I think it's because everyone else is so busy that if I don't do it, then it'll never get done. I'm good with that.
Well this is my mum and my big sister Kayleigh and they took me and my friend to the park so I could make even more friends my own age.

I think they brought us to the park because my friend and I had been making so much noise that Kayleigh couldn't practice her piano.

I didn't meet anyone really apart from this guy and I only chatted to him for a short while and then he said he had to go. My friend and I just hung about on the monkey bars until it was going home time. It was really nice not to be doing homework or extra credit work, which is about all I get to do during the week.

Kayleigh chatted to one of our neighbours, his wife couldn't make it to the picnic so there was a lot of food left over.

It was pretty late when we got home. This is me with my mum. She's so pretty and gives the best cuddles in the world, I love her so much.

Uncle Jon was mopping the grass. I was going to ask him why but mum said it was because he liked his garden neat and tidy. That makes sense, I guess.

Dad was cooking his famous roast chicken as it was nearly time for Uncle Jon's adult birthday party.

It took Uncle Jon two tries to blow out his candles. I guess that's what happens when you start to get really old.

Kayleigh partied up a storm and I snuck off to my hiding spot at the top of the stairs 'cos I wanted to see what happens when I'm supposed to be in bed. You can just see me there in the background sneaking off. Pretty cool spy move. My dad's a top spy so I know what I'm talking about.

Dad chatted to one of Kayleighs friends-who-are-boys. I really, really like him and I hope that one day he will marry Kayleigh. When I asked her about it her face all crumpled up like she was going to cry only she didn't, she sort of laughed instead.

The I saw Kayleigh blow a kiss to our other neighbour.

He got really embarrassed and told Kayleigh that his wife was just over there.

She was sitting talking to Uncle Jon and mum.

Then it was Kayleigh's turn to be embarrassed. I guess she'd drunk too many Granny Smashes. Even dad only drinks one of those.

The next morning Kaiden got up early to clean up the huge mess.

And I caught Kalani doing this.... lol

And talking to himself in the mirror.  ;D
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Offline Playalot

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #202 on: October 18, 2014, 03:08:03 PM »
Chapter 40: From Teen to Young Adults

Before I knew it Kalani was celebrating becoming a young adult. Both Nia and I are really proud of how well our little family have done.

He didn't look much different but now he knew it was time to get a job and start thinking about his future.

Kayleigh made small talk in the kitchen.

I hope that girl knows what she is doing.

The next morning Kalani bet me to the kitchen and made breakfast for everyone.

Kaiden tried out one of his new jokes on me. He is actually hilarious. I think it's partly because he tells his jokes with such a serious face that the punch line really catches you unawares. I nearly choked on my food and Kaiden ended up having to pound on my back!

Kalani has grown into a fine looking young man. Nia and I had been a bit worried as their were rumors of a strange face-altering bug in other parts of Willow Creek. Luckily we seem to be safe.

Kaiden and Cara get on really well. He is very protective of her, which is lovely to see. Despite all that goofing around, Kaiden has his head on straight.

Here's Kalani heading off to his first day as a trainee mixologist. He has to take basic chef training first before he can branch out, but that's good.

Kaiden thinks he's fallen in love.

I guess it's hard to know your own head when you're a hormonal teen. But really? Kisses over breakfast. <sigh>

Later that afternoon, once Cara was home from school, Jon took her and Kaiden to the park in Oasis Springs. Jon's taken up fishing, he says it helps him to relax.

Cara met some new friends but she told me later that one of the girls was really mean.

Luckily she did manage to make a new friend.

Apparently Kaiden caught up with an old friend he hadn't seen since he was a kid.

I suppose this will be his 'new' love of his life!

They all got home just as I'd finished baking his birthday cake.

That's both my boys, young men now. I wonder what the future will hold for them.

I found time for a quick work out. All this cake keeps going straight to my waist.

I hadn't found time to chat to Kayleigh today. She usually comes and works out with me so I must catch up with her tomorrow at breakfast and ask her how everything is going.

The next day at breakfast she wasn't awake yet. I wonder what she's up to? Kalani and Kaiden were planning a fishing trip later that day and I think they'll wait and take Cara with them too. They both like to help her with her homework so she's managed to become an 'A' student, keeping the Fox legacy for top students going strong.
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Offline Playalot

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Re: The Fox Legacy Chpt 39 & 40
« Reply #203 on: October 18, 2014, 09:12:20 PM »
Chapter 41: A  Lot of Change

I spent some time making Cara her own wee space, Like a hideaway where she could go to play or experiment with her science table.

She loved it and would often go in there first thing in the mornings even before she had eaten breakfast.

I managed to catch up with Kayleigh very briefly before she went to work but before I could really quiz her...

she said she was really late and that she had to go to work right then.

Later on that morning was really sad for Nia and I.

As Kalani branched out on his own we just hugged each other tightly. We wished him well and told him to not be a stranger... and that there would always be a bed for him here if he ever wanted to come home. I know your kids are supposed to grow up and leave home... I just didn't expect it to feel so empty.

I went back inside and spent some quality time with Cara, she's growing up far too quickly.

I told her how proud I was of her grades.

And told her that she was very precious to her mum and me.

Kaiden had headed to the park to try out some of his new comedy routines. Kalani meet up with him there to give him some moral support.

Kaiden said it was one of the hardest things he'd done and that most of his audience were so bored that they read books instead of listening to him.

Luckily with a bit of practice his fourth routine made him enough money so he could get a promotion.

Kayleigh came home with a promotion too.

She's now only one step away from being at the top of her musical career. So she spent the night writing a song that she hoped would be her crowning glory.

I came home from work a whole lot older. I had enjoyed a celebratory lunch with my work colleges.

Because today was Cara's special day and I didn't want to crowd it.

A big wish...

Then ...welcome teenage angst.

I soon got to grips with Cara's new 'thing'. She's developed a bit of a mean streak that I'm hoping will mellow as she ages. But until then I guess we've all got to weather it through her teen years. <sigh>

Kayleigh invited Eric around to share her Big News that was now way too big to hide anymore. He was pretty stunned.

But judging by the look of love on his face as Kayleigh recited him poetry in her bunny slippers...

And the surprise engagement offer with a rose later.... I think that they will be just fine together.

And just think.... the little nooboo will be mine and Nia's first grandnooboo!

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Re: The Fox Legacy Chpt 39, 40 & 41
« Reply #204 on: October 18, 2014, 09:48:03 PM »
Grandnooboo, hurrah! Time to add another lovely addition to the Fox family :D
Great updates, and still looking forward to more!!

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Re: The Fox Legacy Chpt 39, 40 & 41
« Reply #205 on: October 18, 2014, 10:25:50 PM »
I must have missed a few chapters somewhere. I remember the kids still being teenagers. o.O

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Fox Legacy Chpt 39, 40 & 41
« Reply #206 on: October 18, 2014, 11:04:00 PM »
@ nil, thanks for reading along. I know, wow, generation 4 on the horizon!  :)
@ Devin, you probably haven't missed any. I've had to really condense the boys teen years as most of it was spent catching up to where the family was in terms of friendships and relationships before that glitch wiped them all out. So really instead of a few chapters they really only got a few photos.

Also, just letting you know that I've updated the stats page. I think I'm generally heading in the right direction points wise. The Foxes have got 62 Potions of Life 9/10, and all the consumable rewards bought, and the Food challenges have been completed 10/10, and nearly all the careers (both branches) have been done ; apart from Criminal, Nature and Astronaut. I've got 6 skills left still to get to Level 10 by some sim. I've had no penalty points (so far!).
So, fingers crossed by the end of gen 5 I should be on track for being party central and completing all the collections.  :)
7/10 for Aspirations, 6/10 Knowledge, 6/10 Fortune, and I've nearly planted every plant with nearly most being pristine heading for perfect. Whew, no wonder it's been hard work!

If you're not sure what I'm talking about head to Pinstar's legacy scoring page!
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Re: The Fox Legacy Chpt 39, 40 & 41
« Reply #207 on: October 19, 2014, 12:29:15 AM »
So much has happened..! I'm so sorry you are getting so many glitches in game - it makes playing more frustrating than fun sometimes.  All your sims are so loveable. Keep going if you can, it's too good not to!

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Re: The Fox Legacy Chpt 39, 40 & 41
« Reply #208 on: October 19, 2014, 12:55:29 AM »
@ KTK10, thanks for the encouragement. Yeah, the glitches... I now realize that inadvertently I caused most of the problems when I left 'testingcheats on' on after I moved new townies into houses etc from the gallery. Because I didn't really know what I was doing I forgot to type 'testingcheats off'.... and so the resulting glitches. However, least I know better now, and hopefully other people won't make the mistake that I made after reading about my bloopers! lol
I will keep going as I really want to make it to the end, these little sims have a way off getting into your mind.  I've found a few work-arounds and have found that if I invite a townie to another lot rather than to our home lot they nearly always show up so at least I don't need to loiter around outside their homes in the hope of catching them!  ::)
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Re: The Fox Legacy Chpt 39, 40 & 41
« Reply #209 on: October 19, 2014, 01:39:58 AM »
Great updates as ever!:) That picture of fishing in the park is gorgeous.

Your stats are impressive! I have not even tried to keep tally of mine. But I am waaaay behind of you.