Author Topic: The Fox Legacy  (Read 215820 times)

Offline Tigerskin

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #150 on: October 11, 2014, 05:17:03 AM »
Aw RIP Kendra.

I haven't played Kayleigh's aspiration yet so I'm intrigued as to how it'll play out.

The family is definitely one of my favourites  :D Fab writing as always.

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #151 on: October 11, 2014, 09:07:30 AM »
Wow, you have advanced a lot in your legacy and story lately - had a lot of catching up to do. You are still doing great with the story and have gotten really great with the pictures, too. There were many that I liked a lot, like the ones where you are playing with different angles.

RIP Joe, Kendra and Cassandra. Did Kendra die of old age?

Kayleigh is so pretty and her aspiration must be fun to play. The sudden getting fat glitch after she grew up is really strange. I have had that too in my legacy, twice, but only in reverse. My sims have gotten from fat to freakishly skinny. I wonder what is going on in the game...

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Offline Playalot

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #152 on: October 11, 2014, 04:12:23 PM »
@ Ferretmania, yeah, I'm officially 'over' Grim.  >:(

@ Tigerskin, thanks. I haven't played Serial Romantic either, iit's proving a challenge. I'll explain why below.

@ Tipi, thanks for the feedback. I'm trying to catch better pictures and think about it from the readers perspective, which is so different from being the player! Yes, Kendra died of old age.  :)

Update: Well both my worlds are now utterly and totally empty of residents. I tried moving in some families and single sims from #Legacyloves as per Pinstars rules, but I could only get one family to 'take' and another three single sims that I can't marry etc as they are sims from my own library. When I go to 'manage worlds' I have four townies.  :-[ I don't know what I am doing wrong but apart from the Foxes there is basically no townies, and no residents.

I have the check box ticked for the game to fill empty homes. It's been set that way since the beginning of the save file. When I started the game there was a whole screen full of townies under manage worlds so I don't understand why I can't add to this as there is obviously 'room' for more sims.

If you have any suggestions or advice please PM me as unless I can get some more sims in my game I guess that's the end of the Fox Legacy.  Darn it!
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Offline justproud2b

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #153 on: October 11, 2014, 04:20:18 PM »
@ Ferretmania, yeah, I'm officially 'over' Grim.  >:(

@ Tigerskin, thanks. I haven't played Serial Romantic either, iit's proving a challenge. I'll explain why below.

@ Tipi, thanks for the feedback. I'm trying to catch better pictures and think about it from the readers perspective, which is so different from being the player!

Update: Well both my worlds are now utterly and totally empty of residents. I tried moving in some families and single sims from #Legacyloves as per Pinstars rules, but I could only get one family to 'take' and another three single sims that I can't marry etc as they are sims from my own library. When I go to 'manage worlds' I have four townies.  :-[ I don't know what I am doing wrong but apart from the Foxes there is basically no townies, and no residents.

I have the check box ticked for the game to fill empty homes. It's been set that way since the beginning of the save file. When I started the game there was a whole screen full of townies under manage worlds so I don't understand why I can't add to this as there is obviously 'room' for more sims.

If you have any suggestions or advice please PM me as unless I can get some more sims in my game I guess that's the end of the Fox Legacy.  Darn it!

The moving townies it doesn't work. I manually do it and manage the worlds myself. I also when get a child started going around and using cas to genertically make ppl around have a kid my kids age. Then I randomly couple people up who aren't interacting with my sim. Basically I do the story progression sort of from manage worlds with the cas full edit cheat on. I never have to actually play a sim to do any of it and for traits I use pinstars trait generator to keep everything random.

edit: I think for the most part the rules are made more for keeping it random so you don't "make the perfect spouse" and so on. So i just keep it random but honestly do what I want with the town and ppl in it. It keeps my game/story interesting and I don't really think breaks the challenge instead adds more to it. I will use names since I know you follow my story but Pace and his wife would never have any more kids if I didn't make them. Which is odd for the character I've given him :)

Offline Indira

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #154 on: October 11, 2014, 04:55:34 PM »
You churn chapters faster than I can read! Haha. I wish I have your dedication.

My heart breaks at kendra's passing. Cassandra's didnt affect me as much as her story hasnt been a focus. And to have 2 deaths almost one on top of the other must have been hard for you too.

Kayleigh and her aspiration is interesting though. It certainly gives your story a whole lot of color. ;D

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #155 on: October 11, 2014, 05:06:38 PM »
@ justproud2b, how do you actually get people into the empty homes though, cos all the sims you make only have 20k and most of the houses are more than that, in particular the larger Willow Creek homes. Do they just have to stay empty for the rest of my legacy?

@Indira, I was so surprised to see Grim again so soon, especially as Grim and Jake had become friends at the gym... I thought he had 'connections' you know!  :P
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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #156 on: October 11, 2014, 05:49:43 PM »
Great! Thanks for everyone's help, I've now got some sims back in the worlds... so, update soon!  :)
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Offline Devin

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #157 on: October 11, 2014, 05:51:10 PM »
Freerealestate on will allow you to move any family into any home regardless of the worth of the home. Maybe you got that answer already, but I figured I'd drop it in here for you.

Offline arimau

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #158 on: October 11, 2014, 07:08:54 PM »
@ arimau. Kayleigh's aspiration is "Serial Romantic". She has to have at least 5 serious romantic relationships going at the same time, so many dates/kisses etc and break up with so many sims. Not very pleasant for a young lady.  ::) So I guess she's going to be flirtalot.  :P

Not... very pleasant... indeed... ::)

Back on track again~

It's a very nice touch at Chapter 31 *point the last picture*. Rest in Peace, Kendra. May you re-united with your beloved one. Looking into another perspective of life always interesting, there are so many stories untold and that’s priceless depend on what we want to see XD Jake is very family-oriented. Family is the precious thing in this world; it’s like the heaven in earth :)

I hope your problem will be solved and this wonderful legacy could go on again. *fingers crossed*
Sorry, I couldn’t help you (I don’t have knowledge on this) :(
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Offline Playalot

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #159 on: October 11, 2014, 08:03:29 PM »
@ Devin, thanks for that suggestion. I guess I'm so used to reading legacy's (ts3) where cheats are a no-no that I forgot to think about that side of things! I'll muck around with that in another save file just in case something goes wrong! lol

@ arimau, I agree, for Jake it's always been about family. I've got townies sorted now so that's really good  :)

Thanks everyone.
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Offline Devin

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #160 on: October 11, 2014, 08:04:45 PM »
It should be temporary and just allow you to place families. Everything in build mode will cost exactly what it always has.

Offline justproud2b

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #161 on: October 11, 2014, 09:27:11 PM »
Yea I forgot to mention that I do what Devin suggested and use the freerealestate  so I can place them in anything. If I need new sims I typically just grab random ones from the gallery or make new ones. I've started doing this from the beginning so I can typically keep my town going from the beginning generated ones.

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #162 on: October 11, 2014, 10:23:34 PM »
Cool, sounds good. I guess I just expected the houses to fill up like the devs said they would. I didn't notice until the same 4 people kept turning up at the gym and since you have to mentor 15 different sims I was like... What? How's that supposed to work?? Then I literally had no-one in a house apart from The Foxes! A literal ghost town as two of the four townies were ghosts!  >:( 
I still don't understand why legacy's have to be played with the residents aging. I mean we can't marry them anayhoo so at least if aging for them was off I would have sims in the nightclub/bar/gym. I thought for a second I was playing The Sims 3  ;) Jokes!

I hate having to technical things... and for me going into 'Manage Worlds' is technical.  ::) Honestly, the first lots of sims I put into my world just disappeared. I have no idea where they went. The second lot seemed to have moved into houses 'cos there is a marker over the house, but when The Foxes go visiting it says that no-one lives there.  :-\

I guess I'll notch this legacy attempt up as a learning curve.
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Offline justproud2b

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #163 on: October 12, 2014, 01:04:04 AM »
Cool, sounds good. I guess I just expected the houses to fill up like the devs said they would. I didn't notice until the same 4 people kept turning up at the gym and since you have to mentor 15 different sims I was like... What? How's that supposed to work?? Then I literally had no-one in a house apart from The Foxes! A literal ghost town as two of the four townies were ghosts!  >:( 
I still don't understand why legacy's have to be played with the residents aging. I mean we can't marry them anayhoo so at least if aging for them was off I would have sims in the nightclub/bar/gym. I thought for a second I was playing The Sims 3  ;) Jokes!

I hate having to technical things... and for me going into 'Manage Worlds' is technical.  ::) Honestly, the first lots of sims I put into my world just disappeared. I have no idea where they went. The second lot seemed to have moved into houses 'cos there is a marker over the house, but when The Foxes go visiting it says that no-one lives there.  :-\

I guess I'll notch this legacy attempt up as a learning curve.

The only reason they have the rule of you can't marry townies is because the default ones who live in the houses have skills and jobs set to them by the devs. If you have those people make a child using cas they wont gain skills or anything until you play them. So I even consider a baby of of like the landgraabs made in cas are free game. They wont come in with money or skills or anything of that sort. Townies are kind of like pre-determined scenarios your supposed to be able to play like "I wonder if I can get bob pancake to the top of his career" I even added more houses for people to live in.

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Fox Legacy
« Reply #164 on: October 12, 2014, 01:50:15 AM »
Yeah, I get that.... <obviously> but there's no reason to have the residents (Goths Landgraabs etc) aging because we don't marry them. It's probably a pretty defunct rule now.
If you think about it... the very fact that we DONT marry the Goths etc makes it pretty silly to have aging on. they really are just interesting sims to have in the background... as far as legacy's go that it.
It was different in TS3 when you married the residents and had them as viable partners in your legacy... with TS4, it doesn't make any difference if they age or not. In some ways for the story it would make more sense to have aging OFF (for residents, not random townies)as your sim could have arrived in the immortal worlds and have to go through a 'legacy' so that they too can become immortal like the Goths etc... hmmm, that's a pretty cool story idea!
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