Amazingly, Moonlight Falls provided a really good babysitter, although he looked a little worried by the whole looking-after-a-toddler business.
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He had an unconventional dress sense, as well. (Jacket and tie with ripped jeans?) Maybe that was why Mel wished to retire as soon as she had her elder birthday, so that she could take care of Blake herself.
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Dorian’s career was going well, even if the piano opportunities were still noticeable by their absence. I always forget how fast the business career goes at the higher levels and Dorian caught me out by being promoted to CEO while I was watching Mel teaching Blake to walk. By the time I’d moved the camera across town, the numbers over his head had disappeared.
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I also missed him becoming a power broker two days later

. At least I did manage to capture the moment later that evening when he reached level 10 of the piano skill.
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Blake aged up to child and chose his lifetime wish about thirty seconds later. Progress was slow at first: with all objects that might tempt Dorian to pick up another skill banned from the house, Blake had to practise painting at the fire station.
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He had a cake on the morning of his teen birthday…
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…so that he could legitimately take the day off school and spend the time being skill-tutored by Mel instead (something she kept rolling wishes to do).
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The following day, Blake had a mood swing. I’ve never been so please to indulge a ‘dye or cut hair’ wish. He changed it to black and, later, to a custom dark brown without even a suspicion of green.
After what seemed roughly like forever, Brett finally became a celebrity psychic…
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…and promptly joined his wife in retirement.
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Late in life, they’d discovered they really were very fond of each other but were running out of time to indulge their sudden flurry of romantic wishes. Mel cooked a celebration dinner – or, at least, she started to and I failed to notice that she’d wandered off to play her violin instead.
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And Dorian had another opportunity! This one was to play for tips and he completed it almost immediately.
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Realistically, though, I had to accept that a piano supermax had become vanishingly unlikely. It had been nearly five weeks since the previous opportunity and Dorian was now in late adulthood. His chances of getting even one more were very slim. So House Thirteen would be the first where nobody supermaxed a skill.
I’m not going to give up on the game at this point – after all, the rules do say that only one instrument has to be supermaxed (although I wrote that before I bought Late Night, expecting that I’d either use just the guitar skill or do all of the instruments in the same house). After two musical houses in a row, I’m going to concentrate on different skills for a generation or two and then do drum and bass later, either together or separately – and I’ll try not to mind if I can’t supermax them either

A quiet Sunday at the Haskills'. The boys are jamming together (no surprise there)…
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…while Brett has voluntarily gone outdoors, just so that he can harass a poor innocent pillar…
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…and Mel… (camera suddenly pans across)…
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Mel has unblocked her last toilet. RIP, Melody Haskill. Hopefully you’ll be able to do whatever you want in the afterlife and not have to remember anything.
The rest of the family found some comfort in their music.
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Mel had tutored Blake to level nine in both violin and piano and that night, as the zombies gathered outside, he maxed his first skill.
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With the difficulty several recent heirs have had in finding mates, I wasn’t going to leave anything to chance with Blake. The family had been burgled several times since their arrival in Moonlight Falls and the same policewoman, Donella Cuffs, had turned up every time. She’d never managed to catch the thieves but had partially made up for it by becoming a best friend of both Mel and Brett and one of Dorian’s most generous tippers. As a fairy, she was still young, so Brett invited her over and she and Blake got acquainted.
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They were so busy chatting about books and painting that she was still there when the birthday sparkles arrived…
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…and Donella realised that, now he was legal, Blake was really rather attractive. I hope this bodes well for the next house.
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Blake graduated as valedictorian and was voted Most Likely to Become a Rock Star. Another one.
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Some of Mel’s absentmindedness seemed to have rubbed off on Brett and Dorian. They didn’t actually make it into Commonwealth Court for the ceremony but stood outside gossiping instead. Then they went home and left Blake to graduate on his own.
It’s been a while since a Haskill went to university.
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Blake became the first Fine Artist in the family.
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Asking one of your lecturers to pose nude on your first afternoon isn’t exactly a conventional approach to study but it didn’t seem to do Blake any harm. He graduated with an A, maxed-out nerd influence and a job offer. After a quick reunion with the family, he moved out.
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Now to settle into his own place and invite Donella over…
House 13 summarySkills: piano and violin
MelodyCareer: Music (Symphonic)
LTW: Hit Movie Composer
Level 10 handiness, guitar, charisma, logic, piano and violin
Traits: athletic, frugal, unlucky, hates the outdoors)
Career: Fortune Teller (Scam Artist)
LTW: Celebrity Psychic
Level 10 charisma, logic and piano
DorianTraits: (adventurous, coward, loves the outdoors), ambitious, virtuoso
Career: Business
LTW: CEO of a Mega-Corporation
Level 10 piano (plus two challenges)
BlakeTraits: artistic, virtuoso, bookworm, supernatural fan, family-oriented, gatherer (nerd influence), great kisser (degree)
Career and LTW to be finished in next house
Level 10 piano and violin
Building/property: Aleister’s Elixirs and Sundries
Unique rewards: Nerd influence, Philosopher’s Stone
Skull cuts of the three Supernatural gems (found, cut and transfigured by Dorian) were left behind in the old house.
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