Author Topic: Household Skills Project Mk 3  (Read 96643 times)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #75 on: May 23, 2015, 04:53:49 AM »
Ama emerged unscathed after her night in the Cursed Sarcophagus of the Kings, merely feeling oddly powerful and with an athletic skill to match her sister’s – but maybe she should sleep in her bed in future.  (In fact, I had to put the sarcophagus into the family inventory because they all seemed to be irresistibly attracted to it.  I’d have thought a comfortable bed would be a far more appealing sleeping place.)

Lara was determined to prepare herself thoroughly for any future encounters with mummies, working out whenever she got the chance and, on their next trip to China, visiting the Academy to start learning martial arts.

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Ama had registered as a self-employed photographer just after her teen birthday and less than a week later she reached the top of the career.

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There wasn’t much point in continuing with schooling.  Lara was close to ageing up anyway and Ama joined in with the early birthday cake.

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Those are Lara’s work clothes, by the way – she’d rolled a wish to get a part-time job and so was temporarily working at the mausoleum.  The girl behind Ama, on the left of the screenshot, is a babysitter who’d been called to look after Fleur several days before.  She was asked to hang out so that Ama could get the ‘Babysitter’ photo and had somehow failed to go home again.

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Both girls had chosen their lifetime wishes long before and Lara was looking as though she’d finish hers pretty quickly.  She’d already explored six tombs in Egypt and six in China with her father.  Now she took a solo trip to France to polish off the final six.  Except it wasn’t that easy.  By this stage, the game was getting pretty buggy from all of the travelling and it hit Lara in a very big way.  After her first day in France, she was no longer able to do anything in tombs other than ‘use stairs’, even when there weren’t any.  Research online showed that this isn’t that unusual a bug, even though I hadn’t seen it before, and suggested that the first day of any given trip was likely to be OK, even if the Sim was affected by the glitch otherwise.  So Lara cut short her holiday, went home to recover from the travelling and then back to France as soon as the moodlet had faded.  With the aid of a teleporter in their holiday home, she rushed around getting to the final room of various tombs as fast as possible and managed to complete the sixth before the day was over.

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Marco was fast approaching his elder birthday and still hadn’t completed his own lifetime wish.  He was having a real problem with the James Vaughan Command Centre: the family who lived in the house above were always out until late at night, even though they had young children, and then insisted it was too late to visit when they did come home.  It took two trips to Egypt just to catch them in – and then Marco couldn’t find one of the codes.  He’d used the loo and turned on the stereo but where was the book with the final number?

Maybe I’d remembered the wrong bookcase….  No, there only seemed to be one.  Finally, after pausing the game for an inordinately long time, it occurred to me that Marco might not be able to interact with the bookcase because it only contained basic skill books and he was a pretty skilled Sim by this point.  Fortunately, Ama was along on this trip, getting another set of Egyptian photos, since her original ones had forgotten where they’d been taken as soon as she arrived back home.  I sent her over to the house and, yes, there were skill books in the bookcase that she could read – and, in the first one she picked up, the missing code.  Now Marco could start exploring the tomb.

Or not, as it turned out.  The family decided that Ama was acting inappropriately and kicked them both out.  And then it was too late to visit again.  And then the family went back to being out all the time.  And then Marco’s visa ran out.

Finally, on his next visit, he was able to complete the tomb and continue with the adventure chain.  After that, he whizzed through the remaining tombs, picking up his final visa level and achieving his lifetime wish on the way.

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(I didn’t managed to get a screenshot of the big numbers over his head, because there was a pop-up about the next stage of the adventure in the way.)

The day after his return home, Marco aged up to elder and, immediately afterwards, Grim came for Crystal.

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(You’ll notice that Marco, like his twin, tended to revert to minionhood when he aged up.)

I wasn’t sorry to lose Crystal.  She and Marco had never managed to repair their marriage.  Their relationship bar was still maxed out, thanks to Marco’s charisma challenges, but they acted as though they were only acquaintances.  And then there was her other odd behaviour. In the last few days of her life, Crystal had taken to wandering to the front edge of the lot and just standing there – for hours, if I didn’t notice and tell her to do something else.  Sometimes she needed resetting.  Given the number of things I was trying to do in this house, I was quite glad not to have to keep an eye on her any more.

Time passed.  Inigo and Fleur aged up to teen and were both taken travelling by their dad.  Fleur spent most of her trip to France either photosynthesising…

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…or hanging out with plants in Tuatha’s Garden and the cellars of the Landgraab château.

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Soon after her return, Fleur reached an ‘A’ in school and took the chance to overtake her elder brother.

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She chose the Bottomless Nectar Cellar LTW…

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…and achieved it at once, thanks to the venerable vintages Marco had collected in his travels.

The entire cellar was sold immediately thereafter.  I wasn’t sure whether the existing bottles would count towards the self-employed nectar-making career but I wanted Fleur to do it on her own anyway.

Fleur turned out to have inherited the mascot trait, even though she’s not genetically related to Crystal and Marco.

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That costume looks really odd with a green face  :-\.

The morning after her birthday, she went down to the cellar and started on her new skill.

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Ama was still trying to complete her supermax and lifetime wish.  I’d thought, in my out-of-date Simming innocence, that ‘Pleading to the Sphinx’ would be the only tricky shot in the ‘Sims in Motion’ collection.  Wrong.  Last time I tried it, rifling through bins was dead easy.  I assume it was the University patch that took it back to where it was in the early days of Sims 3, when only police, journalists and private eyes could do it.  Well, if dumpster diving had become something you did in actual dumpsters, maybe they’d also updated the requirement for the photo.…  No, apparently not.  I got several family members to try but ‘Dumpster Diving’ failed to register on Ama’s camera.  OK, then, why not put someone into a job where searching through bins was desirable?  So Lara became an investigator.

It seemed to take a long time to get a suitable case but, in the meantime, she was asked to investigate an outbreak of hacking by her Aunt Chi.  It was nice to see her again.

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Finally, a case required searching a bin and mailbox for clues.  I called Ama over… and nothing happened.  Again, the photo was only ‘Family Member’.  Once that stage of the job was finished, I randomly tried clicking on the neighbours’ bin to see whether Lara could interact with it.  She could.

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And the photo registered!  Ama now only needed two more shots to complete the collection and her supermax.
Marco had now completed all of the tombs in the game apart from the Dragon Cave.  Repeated visits to Shang Simla hadn’t improved the situation – the assorted locals who became the target Sim still insisted he had to go to China to continue the quest even though he was already there.  I sent the whole family on holiday there again and this time, I used testing cheats.  After all, Marco and Lara had completed their lifetime wishes – it was only my desire for completeness that was keeping the explorations going.  So I went into Edit Town and put an unlocked door next to the locked one.  Marco finished the tomb in a few hours – although he continued to be plagued by phone calls from Chinese Sims inviting him to travel out there and continue the quest.

With everything explored, Marco returned to the family’s holiday home to spend time with his children – and maybe with a few other people as well.  He was showing signs of turning into the Merry Widower, chatting up every attractive female in town and providing Ama with several missing romantic photos.  He’d already acquired a naughty reputation thanks to the flirtatious relic dealer in Al Simhara, so maybe he thought he should just make the most of it.

One evening, the garden suddenly acquired a cheap fireplace and a pile of rugs, which soon needed the attentions of a brave Sim.

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‘Fighting Fire’ was the last shot that Ama needed.

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Although I have had a couple of other Sims who have supermaxed photography, this was the first time that I’ve managed to get all five challenges to register simultaneously, so I had to take a screenshot.  :D

After clearing up the mess, I left them mostly on free will for a few days.   I felt they (and I) deserved a break.  Then the unexpected happened again.  I’d had the camera on Inigo, who was taking photos at the Academy, when the view suddenly panned back across town to their holiday home.  It was Marco.  Just like his big sister, he seemed to have spent too long diving – and now it was too late for a rescue.  Grim was already on the lot.  Making the best of a terrible situation, I told Inigo to teleport home at once.  Ama was already there.  And so they became my first Sims to successfully snap ‘Death on Vacation’.

Depressed, I sent the survivors home immediately afterwards, only to find that another bug had bitten.  I could see them arriving home.  I could see Lara playing Gnubb and Fleur tending the garden but I couldn’t look inside the house.  In fact, they were no longer the active family.  Nor was anyone else.

After a few restarts and no improvement, I concluded that the death of the Sim who’d booked the holiday had probably messed up the whole travelling mechanism and that the only thing to do was to go back to an earlier save, before Marco had drowned.

This time, I fenced off the pool.

All of the travelling, as well as bloating the file to a ridiculous extent (after two generations, it was bigger than most of my dynasties), caused quite a few glitches.  The family tree got totally messed up at one point: Inigo was the only one of the kids that still registered as the offspring of both parents.  Lara was now unrelated to Crystal, while Fleur was recorded as Crystal’s daughter rather than Marco's.  Poor Ama was unrelated to anyone else, which was genetically accurate but didn’t reflect the emotional reality.  Laura had disappeared from the family tree altogether, while Damien was suddenly a resident of Champs les Sims, which he’d never even visited.  I used Master Controller Cheats to correct most of the errors but was unable to sort out Damien’s nationality or to rescue Laura from oblivion.

Possibly the oddest effect was on the imaginary friends.  Riverview had been an IF-free zone until Inigo was born but both he and Fleur were sent dolls by obscure relatives.  Inigo’s doll became a fully-fledged IF as soon as he aged up to child, mostly because I wanted to try to complete the Generations photo collection…

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…but when he travelled for the first time, Puzzle became just a doll again – and a second IF doll appeared in his inventory.  By moving time, he had four of them.  Fleur’s doll, Pat, had remained just a doll – but when she came back from France, Fleur found she had an almost-real imaginary friend, called Buddy.

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Pat was still in inventory and was later joined by another doll.  All very odd.

And is this a Chinese imaginary friend?  She’s just a random Sim the family met in Shang Simla but that hair colour looks very IF-like.

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Offline Alex

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 23 May
« Reply #76 on: May 23, 2015, 06:34:43 AM »
I often have that problem with IF dolls getting replaced - usually after travel, and occasionally completely random  :-\ Annoying, isn't it?

Where's Ama's teen dress from? So pretty!

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Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 23 May
« Reply #77 on: May 23, 2015, 09:05:55 AM »
I often have that problem with IF dolls getting replaced - usually after travel, and occasionally completely random  :-\ Annoying, isn't it?

Very.  I like IFs but often feel they're more trouble than they're worth.

Where's Ama's teen dress from? So pretty!

Island Paradise.  It's available from teen to elder and is one of my favourites.

Offline Alex

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 23 May
« Reply #78 on: May 23, 2015, 10:53:09 AM »
Very.  I like IFs but often feel they're more trouble than they're worth.

Me too - simbots as well.

Island Paradise.  It's available from teen to elder and is one of my favourites.

Oh :( I thought it probably was, and I don't have that one.

Offline Malley

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 23 May
« Reply #79 on: May 23, 2015, 11:24:50 AM »
Wow! Kudos to you on sticking to the challenge despite all of those nasty bugs and glitches.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 23 May
« Reply #80 on: May 25, 2015, 02:57:07 AM »
Me too - simbots as well.

I've hardly played with SimBots - most of my inventor Sims have been members of dynasties and so had to release them into the wild at once.  Apart from the Twinbrook ghosts, I've nearly always played with human Sims.  Experimenting with other life states is one of the things I wanted to do with this project.

Wow! Kudos to you on sticking to the challenge despite all of those nasty bugs and glitches.

Thanks :).  It really was the buggiest household ever.  I thought I was going to have to give up on the game a couple of times, which would have been quite upsetting, ten generations in.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #81 on: May 31, 2015, 03:53:20 PM »
At the second attempt, the Haskills managed to finish off their Chinese break uneventfully.  Shortly after arriving home, Lara moved out.  I was realising that there was still a lot to do in this house and time was running out.  I really needed to concentrate on the family members who still had things to do.

Fleur was progressing well with the nectar-making skill but had only completed Mix Master of the challenges.  So I divided up the garden: grapes on one side, to be tended by Fleur, and everything else on the other, for Marco to look after.

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With help from a gardening station and flagrant moodlet manager abuse, Fleur was making good progress towards Vizard of Vine.

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Inigo had his young adult birthday and was given hydrophobic as his last trait – I wasn’t going to risk losing another heir.

And then the game crashed.

Back to teenaged Inigo.  Back to mad grape harvesting.  Rinse and repeat.  Rather a lot.

Eventually, I realised that the crashes were always caused by Marco or Fleur trying to get through the other’s garden gate, resetting and then becoming unresponsive.  So the fence in the middle of the garden was deleted, along with a lot of high-quality plants, both gates were unlocked and Marco moved out into the bungalow once occupied by his mother.

Fleur harvested and squished lots of grapes, reached level ten…

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…and, a surprisingly short time afterwards, supermaxed.

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Now all that was left was her career.  Although some of her grape recipes were high-valued, they probably wouldn’t be enough.  So I switched her over to pomegranate and life fruit and turned my attention to Ama, who had changed somewhat since her return from Shang Simla.

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(I’d put the sarcophagus in her room – which was, appropriately enough, the Egyptian Room – since she had effectively finished her requirements and I needed a mummy in the family somewhere.  It didn’t take any encouragement: she happily ignored her bed and slept in the sarcophagus instead.)

Now that Fleur was on the last lap, I emptied Ama’s camera and hung all of the photos in the sub-basement, where the collection had been growing since shortly after Marco moved in.  I kept stopping, camera on Ama, waiting for the numbers to appear over her head.  Nothing.  I’d kept the photos sorted by location, so it was relatively easy to check through and see what the problem was.  The value must have been way in excess of the requirement but somehow there were only nine photos that registered as being from Al Simhara – and only six from Champs les Sims.

So Ama-the-mummy took two more solo holidays, snapping considerably more pictures than should have been needed – which was just as well.  In the end, her lifetime wish was completed with something like fifteen photos from each location.

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Suddenly, moving day was in sight.  I sold off the cellar again and Fleur got to level ten of her career, although, sadly, yet another glitch meant that she missed out on her trophy.  Inigo (still in random clothes and hair, since I’d got fed up of doing his YA make-over repeatedly) found some more oddments in the chest…

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…and constructed another sarcophagus.

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After sleeping inside for two whole days(!), Ama emerged, returned to her old self.  Well, almost.

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She and Fleur moved out together…

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…Inigo got his somewhat delayed new look…

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…and he also moved house.

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Three large tombstones were left behind in Riverview: Damien, Laura and Crystal.  Chi died shortly before the move, and had also earned a large tombstone, but it disappeared from inventory almost as soon as Ama collected it.  The twins were both still alive.

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The family had also amassed a pretty impressive set of collections, which were left behind in an attempt to reduce the excessive file size:

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                                                             the Chinese Tomb Symbols and the Chinese Vases,

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                                                                  the Egyptian Tomb Sigils and the Gold Figurines,

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                                                                    the Canopic Jars and the French Tomb Signets,

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                                                                                    the Dangerous Creatures,

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                                                                                          the Zodiac Animals…

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                                                                                          the Dropa Stones...

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                                                       …and Marco’s certificates of partnership with all three destinations.

They also collected all of the beetles from the base game and WA, plus a plasma bug from UL…

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…and all of the base game/WA butterflies.

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As well as collecting, the family (and especially Crystal) experimented extensively with transfiguration.

Large ingots:

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                                                                  Compendium   Woohooium   Supernovium
                                                                          Iridium  Titanium   Platinum   Gold
                                                                            Copper   Mummitomium   Iron
                                                                      Plutonium   Palladium   Silver   Mercury

Large skull-cut gems:

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                                                                       Amethyst    Topaz    Ruby    Quartz
                                                                            Alabaster  Tiberium  Tanzanite
                                                         Opal   Rainbow Gem   Pink Diamond   Septarian Nodule

                                                             Yellow Sapphire   Turquoise  Geode  Soulpeace
                                                                         Jade   Luminorious Gem   Citrine
                                                             Lapis Lazuli  Smoky Quartz   Diamond   Emerald

(Fluorite will have to wait until later, along with gems and metals from later expansions – they only have two cut fluorite gems so far.)

House 10 summary
Skills: photography  and nectar-making

 LTW: Seasoned Traveller
Supermaxed gardening; level 10 athletic, martial arts, charisma, photography, handiness, collecting and homework (and 16 skill challenges completed, together with all of the challenges in the Adventure Journal).
He was also by far the happiest member of the family to date – when he moved out he had almost 600,000 happiness points, most of them unspent.

(Traits: flirty, commitment issues, daredevil, clumsy, party animal, kleptomaniac – yes, she arrived with six traits.  I suppose it makes sense, given that she was already a level 9 jock.)
LTW: Private Museum
Level 10 photography (and Gnubb)

Traits: athletic, brave, photographer’s eye, adventurous, disciplined
LTW: Great Explorer
Level 10 photography, athletic and martial arts

Traits: artistic, good, photographer’s eye, charismatic, hydrophobic
Level 10 photography
Career to be finished started  ;) in next house.
LTW to be finished in next house.
Building/property: Sunflower Spa
Unique rewards: Inappropriate but in a Good Way, Body Sculptor

Traits: (artistic, ambitious, photographer’s eye), evil, childish
Career: Photographer
LTW: World-Class Gallery
Supermaxed photography
I needn’t have worried so much about Shutternut, as it turned out.  Ama eventually completed eight collections: Plants & Flowers, Architecture & Buildings, Animal Kingdom, Still Life, Sims in Motion, Travel, Everyday Moments and Collectables (with help from a mod to correct the faulty code that stops the Dropa Stones collection from registering).

Traits: (friendly, couch potato), neat, green thumb, natural cook
Career: Nectar Maker
LTW: Bottomless Nectar Cellar
Supermaxed gardening and nectar-making

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Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 31 May
« Reply #83 on: June 01, 2015, 03:46:04 PM »
Thanks :).

Marco was an amazing Sim; really easy to look after (when he wasn't unexpectedly drowning, that is  ::)) and with an endless enthusiasm for learning new things.  He also completed all of the adventure challenges - I've just gone back and edited that in.  The rest of the family weren't bad, either - although I intend to take it easy with a small family in the next house.  This one did get pretty manic at times.

I realised on re-reading that I'd somehow lost the screenshot of the Dropa Stones.  I was really proud of them, too: this was the first time I'd managed to complete the collection.  I've now added the pic, along with a better-lit screenshot of the beetles.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #84 on: August 01, 2015, 11:45:35 AM »
House 11

Inigo arrived in Sunset Valley and joined his chosen profession at last.  Since I wasn’t in a building mood, he moved into a slightly adapted version of Linden’s house from the previous attempt.

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He immediately started working on ideas to improve it.

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His drawing skills were excellent but he definitely needed a lot more practice with a paintbrush  :P.

One of the nice things about playing in Sunset Valley after a long break is seeing what all the old familiar Sims are getting up to.  Inigo went to the park in search of potential spouses and I noticed that Jamie Jolina had acquired a family of horses, which must have been quite hard to cope with in her little house…

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…and the senior Clavells were as devoted as ever, despite Buster’s new scales.

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NPCs, though, were notably absent.  Still, he was only a young adult and I didn’t intend him to have a large family.  He could concentrate on his career for now and find a wife later.

Except that, as his adult birthday approached, he still hadn’t met anyone.  I took to spending a lot of time roaming around the map while he was painting and eventually noticed something.  I thought I’d removed all of the Showtime lots, because they were occupying several of my favourite building plots.  It seemed I’d missed one, though.  There was still a Performance Park.  I dragged Inigo away from his drawing board and sent him over to look for the proprietor.

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It was Narcissa Vatos – and Inigo was immediately smitten, to my considerable relief.  Before long, they were watching the stars together.

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The following morning, instead of talking to clients or sketching out new furnishing ideas, he went back to the park to carry on from where they’d left off.

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Then he asked her to move in.

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I normally like to leave the Sunset Valley townies looking like themselves (with the obvious exception of Agnes) but Narcissa’s dress is so unflattering that it had to go.

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After her makeover, she stayed on at the salon to join the stylist profession.  She wasn’t altogether happy at first – she really wanted to be a five-star chef.

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The original plan for this household was for one of Inigo’s children to become the stylist but Narcissa, friendly schmoozer that she was, seemed like a good match for the career.  Of course, that did mean I’d be playing two professions at once, which wasn’t quite the relaxing game I’d had in mind.  In fact, it worked out reasonably well – Inigo could build his performance by ignoring jobs for now and working on his painting skill instead, while Narcissa drove around Sunset Valley making over the populace.

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Some more sympathetically than others.  Thornton Wolff, a notably picky but oddly frequent customer, started off with a minor hair recolour and slightly different suit, which he hated, but became more bizarre-looking with each makeover.  Oddly, he quite liked some of his more outrageous outfits.

In the evenings, Narcissa joined Inigo in the studio and worked on design ideas.

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Career-wise, they were both doing well but I felt their relationship needed a nudge.  So they ignored their clients for a day and went out on a date instead.  After a romantic meal at the bistro, Inigo proposed.

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The wedding took place on the following Sunday, the only day of the week when they were both off work.

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The honeymoon was mostly spent in their studio.  (In fact, they both sneaked off there even before the guests had left and I found them companionably painting in their wedding finery.  They did eventually get ‘first woohoo’ wishes – but not until their current artworks were finished  ::).)

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Inigo maxed the painting skill and achieved his lifetime wish the day after the wedding…

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..which was also his adult birthday.

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He promptly threw a midlife crisis wish to grow a beard.  Narcissa was only too keen to contribute styling advice.

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Just before returning to work, he became a Dictator of Design.

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Now he could make a serious start on the renovations…

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…and he and Narcissa could start a family.

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I don’t think the mayor was impressed by Inigo’s new facial hair  ;D.

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 31 July
« Reply #85 on: August 01, 2015, 11:56:03 AM »
The mayor was certainly not impressed with Inigo's facial fair. That face said it all.

Offline Alex

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 31 July
« Reply #86 on: August 01, 2015, 12:13:35 PM »
I love their painting room - and the mayor's face. She may have a point about that beard :D

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 31 July
« Reply #87 on: August 01, 2015, 02:24:01 PM »
The mayor was certainly not impressed with Inigo's facial fair. That face said it all.
I love their painting room - and the mayor's face. She may have a point about that beard :D

Believe it or not, I actually thought the beard looked pretty good in CAS  :-[.  From the front, it suits his face.  Pretty silly from the side, though (but then, lots of the beards look daft from the side - I hate the way the fuller beards don't meet up with their hair unless you choose exactly the right combination of styles).

The painting room is a revamp of Linden's dogs' room, using all of the lovely arty bits and pieces from UL.

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #88 on: January 27, 2016, 04:21:49 PM »
Inigo and Narcissa’s daughter was born at home.  They named her Harmony.

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Even as a toddler, the resemblance to her mother was striking.  She’d inherited the Haskill hair but otherwise was a little clone of Narcissa.

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She was very much a mummy’s girl – which was probably inevitable, given that Inigo was spending most of his days rushing around Sunset Valley carrying out renovations.  His achievements were recognised with a second presentation at City Hall.

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(He was my first architect to earn the empirical building model.)

Harmony had another birthday…

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…and started school, leaving Narcissa free to resume her career as a stylist.  In quick succession, she reached level 10 of painting…

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…and became a Fashion Phenomenon.

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Inigo aged up to elder and retired.

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Now he’d stay at home, painting and doing the housework, while Narcissa took her turn as the darling of Sunset Valley.

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Harmony grew up into a somewhat unusual teenager.  She was voted prom queen, despite having only just started high school and turning up to the event in her workout clothes, which included rather interesting tights (aka mermaid scales – they somehow turned up as an option in CAS, despite her human life state and I thought they suited her.  When I changed my mind they were no longer a CAS option, which means she’s probably stuck with scaly-legged athletic clothes for the rest of her life :P).

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As the heir presumptive, she learned the basics of several useful survival skills…

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…but, like her parents, she was happiest in front of an easel.

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Towards the end of Harmony’s teens, Narcissa, now an elder, was summoned to City Hall again, to be presented with a Dazzling Looking Glass.

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On her next day at work, she reached fifty makeovers.  She gracefully accepted her award ribbon and then retired to spend more time flirting with Inigo.

It was looking as though Harmony might become the first heir to move on her young adult birthday, since Inigo had unexpectedly supermaxed painting during his retirement and she was rapidly approaching level ten.   Then I noticed their age bars.  Harmony was due to age up on the same day that Inigo would hit 90 – and he still needed a graduation photo to compete the Generations collection (plus, he had a wish to see his only child graduate).

So Harmony had an early cake.

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She graduated as valedictorian – but also Most Likely to Offend Others.  I wish I’d been able to hear her speech  :-\.

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She’d chosen her lifetime wish and had joined her career as a teen, so there was nothing left for her to do in this house but carry on painting until she maxed the skill.

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Right on cue (sorry  :-[), Inigo passed away at 90 days.

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Since he was in the games room anyway, Grim took the opportunity to have a go at table football…

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…at least, until Harmony gave him an earful about inappropriate behaviour.

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Despite grieving for her father, Harmony carried on painting and, less than a day later, had reached level ten.

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It was time for another move.

House 11 summary
Skill: painting

Career: Architectural Designer

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LTW: Visionary
Supermaxed painting; level 10 photography, charisma and handiness (also Gnubb and homework)
Photo collections completed: Collectables, Around Town,  Architecture and Buildings, Home Sweet Home, Still Life, Generations.

(Traits: friendly, flirty, lucky, schmoozer, virtuoso)
Career: Stylist

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LTW: Fashion Phenomenon
Level 10 painting

Traits: artistic, virtuoso, insane, perfectionist, avant garde
Career and LTW to be finished in next house
Level 10 painting
Building/property: Llama Memorial Stadium
Unique rewards: Extra Creative, Perfect Host

Offline Malley

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 27 January
« Reply #89 on: January 27, 2016, 08:40:18 PM »
Glad you're still working on this story, Hazel!

She graduated as valedictorian – but also Most Likely to Offend Others.  I wish I’d been able to hear her speech

I definitely would have wanted to hear her speech too. I'm sure it would have actually been pretty entertaining.