The scenery is so pretty! The sunrises and sunsets were stunning 
It's a beautiful town. I haven't played there nearly as much as it deserves, although at least the Haskills will be there for two generations.
I forgot to say that I’ve now added Island Paradise. I was hoping that boats would be useful for crossing the central lagoon but the Sims seem to prefer taking the long route around by car.
Jessie, it seems,
really likes windmills. I didn’t notice until I started Kelvin on a round of upgrades but she seems to have stolen the wind turbines as well as the old windmill. That was a pretty expensive night’s work. It’s just as well that the family is rich enough now for it not to matter much.
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A few days after asking Jessie to move in, Kelvin popped the question…
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…and they were married the following weekend, surrounded by colleagues and friends (or at least, the subset of guests who actually bothered to sit down and watch the ceremony).
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I’m not sure whether Jessie’s being all adoring and wifely in that screenshot or merely keeping a careful eye on what Kelvin's doing with that knife

The newlyweds spent their honeymoon touring the island’s fishing spots. Kelvin’s fishing skill was still lagging behind his job requirements and his bride, despite not being an angler, seemed keener on fishing than he was.
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Oddly for a former burglar, Jessie had arrived with a wish to become a forensic scientist, which wasn’t a possibility at this stage of the game. She joined the police briefly but then registered as a self-employed angler and appeared to forget her DNA analysis dreams at once. Soon, she had enough happiness points from her constant fishy wishes to change her LTW to Jack (Jill?) of All Trades.
I normally give Sims cars in their favourite colour, even if they're wearing different colours. This time there was a slight problem in that they both had the same favourite and Kelvin already had a pink motive mobile. So Jessie got one with a distinctly individual paint job

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Soon after returning to work, Kelvin achieved his lifetime wish.
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Jessie had reached level 5 of the angler career that morning and, a few hours later, had knocked out self-employed gardener as well. It seemed like a good time to start a family.
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While she was throwing up at regular intervals but still able to apply for jobs, Jessie sought out the proprietor at Totally Tropical Performance Park and registered as an acrobat. (Mick’s was the only Showtime venue placed by the game but I’d added small custom performance park and coffeehouse lots when Kelvin moved in).
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It occurred to me at about this point that a treehouse isn’t the ideal residence for a pregnant Sim but Jessie seemed to manage OK anyway.
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She spent her pregnancy working on skills, dealing with leftover wishes from her first two careers…
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…and not-exactly-jogging to start advancing in the current one.
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But she was taking it easy in their living area when the contractions started.
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Rod grew up into another red-headed, yellow-skinned toddler, with Jessie’s stunning dark blue eyes. (Since she mostly wears sunglasses, it took me a while to notice her eye colour - and her freckles.)
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His parents took turns to stay at home, keep an eye on their little son and teach him his toddler skills. Jessie used the treadmill she’d installed in the nursery to work on her career while Rod was asleep and went out to perform for tips while Kelvin was on duty.
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An opportunity to perform at Serenity Retreat gave her career progress enough of a nudge that she reached level 5, even though no-one turned up to watch. She hurried over to City Hall to register as a lifeguard.
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Patrolling the beaches turned out to be an easy task – the locals all stuck to splashing in the shallows and nobody needed rescuing. Even the journalist who managed to capsize her dinghy in spectacular fashion insisted that everything was fine and she could sort it out on her own, thanks.
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So Jessie jogged up and down the beach and eventually got in some sailing practice of her own.
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Working out at home and learning charisma at the library did her career much more good and within a couple of days she’d achieved her lifetime wish.
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It was time to expand the family again. I’d just realised that I’d never tried out sauna woohoo, with its ‘try for girl/boy’ options, so Jessie called a babysitter and set off for the Relaxation Station. Kelvin joined her after work but didn’t seem to see any reason to change out of his work clothes, despite the steam. I think he’s getting into this ‘mad scientist’ thing a bit too much

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Since I had no particular preference for the sex of the next heir (the name was picked out but would suit either), I let them try both options. Several times. No lullaby chimes.
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These two seem to have a minor fertility problem – Rod’s conception also took several attempts. At last, they gave up and went home, stopping off for one more try in the kids’ treehouse. Success!
During Jessie’s second pregnancy, Rod aged up to child and became an angler (he’s the intended supermaxer for this house). His birthday was on Friday, so he had the whole weekend to work on his new skill without being interrupted by school, although the results weren’t very impressive yet.
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Jessie wanted a girl and Kelvin wanted a boy, so I left it up to the game to decide.
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And we have yet another yellowboo. Welcome, (female) Casey!