Author Topic: Household Skills Project Mk 3  (Read 96644 times)

Offline Lisa46

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 14 Dec
« Reply #30 on: December 14, 2014, 09:42:41 PM »
I love the gold slider and the babies it produces.

Offline Trip

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 14 Dec
« Reply #31 on: December 14, 2014, 09:57:08 PM »
I love the gold slider and the babies it produces.

Yeah, their colors really play well with the red and black or blue and white. It's cool!

It also took me a few read-throughs to realize that Gwennie and Jo have really dark brown hair instead of black. It's a nice shade of brown.
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Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 14 Dec
« Reply #32 on: December 17, 2014, 12:45:41 PM »
Congrats on completing another household!  Paige and Jo were both pretty rainboos  :)  Can't wait to see what you're doing next.

Thanks :).  What I'm doing at the moment is housebuilding.  I suddenly got an urge to build, so the game is on hold until Paige's new place is finished.

I love the gold slider and the babies it produces.

Me too.  I'm amazed it's still going this far into the game - and in fact seems to be getting stronger with each generation.

Yeah, their colors really play well with the red and black or blue and white. It's cool!

It also took me a few read-throughs to realize that Gwennie and Jo have really dark brown hair instead of black. It's a nice shade of brown.

Their favourite colours don't work so well, though.  Paige's is hot pink - definitely not a good colour for an all-orange Sim :).

I though they had black hair, too.  I'll have to go back into an old save and check.

Edit: We're both right.  Black roots and tips, very dark brown base with dark brown highlights.  A really nice combination, in fact: far better than either of the usual black hair colours.  I'll have to save it as a custom hair.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #33 on: December 22, 2014, 02:22:45 PM »
House 6

In the interests of trying out everything in this game, I spent a day or two messing about with blueprint mode but failed to come up with anything that really worked as a house – and I didn’t even get the Savvy Builder badge.  Then I went back to building the old-fashioned way and ended up with a suitably Christmassy house, although I have no idea what something so suburban-English is doing in Monte Vista.  Maybe it was built by a homesick expat  ::).

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Paige left her desk and drove up into the walled city to meet the townsfolk.  Funnily enough, the first people she met were Gino Ferrari and the GilsCarbos.  I’d have thought they’d want to steer clear of my Sims.

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She popped into the library to unlock charisma, introduced herself to some more people and, when she felt peckish, crossed the square to the Public Pizzeria to put her single cooking skill point to good use.

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The following day, she went back and did more of the same.

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Then she visited the salon and the Showtime venues in search of townies.  She managed to complete two charisma challenges but there was no sign of a potential husband.  Monte Vista seemed to be full of female NPCs.  Then, as she was driving back past Port-a-Party, I noticed a figure lurking in the shadows.  A male-type figure.  Paige walked over to say hello and oh-my-gosh-I-really-fancy-you.  He mumbled much the same.

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She discovered that he was a magician.  Then they found that they both hated the outdoors: obviously a match made in heaven.  The skill for this house is gardening, by the way  :P.

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According to SimsWiki, Giuseppe Esposito comes with five points in gardening but also two in logic, which isn’t unlocked yet.  I gave it another day or two but no better spouse material appeared, so I decided to ignore the logic skill points (but not let him learn any more) and told Paige to invite him over.

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He stayed for dinner: her grandfather’s French toast, straight from the fridge.  Yum!

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Then she invited him to sit and watch the stars (squeezed into the narrow strip of grass between the house and garage.  Maybe it felt less outdoorsy there.)

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Once they were safely back inside, she asked him to move in and they both rolled wishes to kiss for the first time.

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By the end of the evening (i.e. about 4am), they were going steady…

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…and the following day, Paige wished to propose.

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Giuseppe’s lifetime wish turned out to be the Perfect Aquarium, which didn’t exactly seem ideal for a Sim who prefers to stay indoors.  It’s a pity Master Magician has already gone: starting at level 7 ought to make that one pretty easy.  Still, he does have the athletic trait and the acrobat career was still free.  He swapped jobs and then headed off to the gym…

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…followed by a short jog (until all that raw nature got a bit much for his delicate sensibilities).

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He was soon getting promotions as a result of his increasing athletic skill, although the actual performing wasn’t going too well.

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The reviews for his first gig were uniformly terrible, probably because he spent so much time standing at the front of the stage with his head in his hands.

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The next wasn’t much better.

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Still, his personal life was going well.  Paige, showing a previously unexpected romantic streak, was continuing to roll wishes about Giuseppe (and had embarked on a series of romantic novels).  When she wished to get married, I looked around Monte Vista for a suitable location for an indoor wedding but failed to find one.  So, ignoring their personal preferences, they headed off for a private ceremony at Seafood Hideaway.

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The occasion was slightly spoilt when an acquaintance rang up and, with astonishingly bad timing, invited the bride out on a date.  She turned him down in no uncertain terms.

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After that, the ceremony went smoothly...

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…and the newlyweds hurried back home and indoors.

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Offline Malley

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 22 Dec
« Reply #34 on: December 22, 2014, 06:05:17 PM »
Congrats to the happy couple  ;D  The house looks really nice.  I like it!

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #35 on: December 24, 2014, 02:50:17 PM »
Thanks :).

Giuseppe competed in a SimFest at the Port-a-Party Mini-Warehouse and became my first Sim to take part in a fest without winning.  Note to self: not being a natural-born performer really is a huge disadvantage.

A very familiar-looking Sim was in the audience:

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In fact, when I moused over, it turned out that she was called Paige Haskill – but my Paige Haskill was over at the spa, indulging in their most expensive package.  How odd.

That evening, Paige the First found out why she’d been sent off for a treat.

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She carried on working through her pregnancy, in a fairly low-key way.  I still wanted that vaudeville novel.

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The baby was born at home.

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They named him Basil.  (It was only when I updated the family tree that I realised ‘Basil Haskill’ doesn’t work very well but I’m too used to that being his name to change it now.)  When he aged up into a toddler, he turned out to have Faye and Rex’s blue eyes, which had skipped a generation, along with Giuseppe’s hair colour and Paige’s skin tone.

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Giuseppe continued to plod through his career.  Maxing athletic had only taken him to level 7 and playing for tips or performing at the lower-level venues wasn’t fun for an outdoors-hating Sim.  He'd have had an easier time at Mick's but kept messing up auditions.  After buying the ‘That Was Deliberate’ and ‘Engaging’ rewards, he improved slightly and did manage to win the SimFest at the coffeehouse – watched, again, by Paige’s doppelgänger, who now appeared to have become an acrobat.

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Finally, over halfway through adulthood, he became a Master Acrobat.

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Now he could really concentrate on his gardening.  It had occurred to me that the current household’s skill was being sadly neglected (in fact, Paige still hasn’t started to learn gardening.  I’ll have to send her off for a long session in the library at some point.)  I’d built the house with a conservatory on the back, because it suited the style and it seemed like the ideal place for hate-the-outdoors Sims to raise plants.

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Unfortunately, it turned out to be insufficiently indoors, possibly because of the split levels.  It seems to be sort of half-outdoors: Giuseppe gets plagued by nature when he’s in the conservatory but his wish to go inside isn’t granted if he goes straight into the main part of the house.

Both parents were keen to spend time with their adorable little son.

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Giuseppe taught Basil to use the potty and then Paige took a break from writing and taught him to walk and talk…

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…although she couldn’t understand why he kept wanting to talk about plants.  He seemed to find her enthusiasm for books and technology equally baffling.

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Maybe it did have some effect: the first thing he did after aging up again was to ask Giuseppe for a bedtime story, although Legend of the Sports Agent probably wasn’t exactly what he had in mind.

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With no need to learn skills yet, Basil spent his childhood playing in the sprinkler and practising for when he had a place of his own, with the riffraff kept at a respectful distance.

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Paige and Giuseppe rolled wishes to have a second child.  Who am I to deny my Sims?

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Paige had gone back to her writing once Basil had learned his toddler skills and maxed the career during her second pregnancy.

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The writer career was one of the things I was least looking forward to in this game.  The only time I’d maxed it before was in my Legacy and that took almost a whole Sim lifetime.  Maybe it’s been made easier on one of the many patches since then.  Either that or it’s just the effect of lots of practice with writers.  Whatever the reason, it really wasn’t a problem: it’s definitely one of the harder self-employment careers but nowhere near as difficult as I’d remembered.

Paige has now written every genre apart from historical novels, which she will tackle in old age, and books that require Supernatural or particular careers.  She’s written two vaudeville novels, one to prove that I could do it and the other for an opportunity, and her autobiography, which I’m pretty sure is also a first.

I forgot to say when writing about the last household that one of my reasons for doing writing as an early skill was that none of my Sims had had the ‘life story’ career opp.  That’s no longer true: Rex was asked to write a political memoir in his old age.

The family’s second child was born in hospital.  Paige was in the middle of cooking when she went into labour.  By sending her to the Sanatorium, I was hoping that she’d drive off in her motive mobile and cure her hunger that way, which she very obligingly did.  There wasn’t time for Giuseppe to join her – in fact, she probably gave birth in the reception area.

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I thought at first that Kelvin had a ‘normal’ skin tone but that turned out to be a trick of the Monte Vistan light.  He’s yet another goldboo.

Paige took him to the cake early on his first birthday.  She was the only member of the family not due to age up that day and spreading out the celebrations seemed like a good idea.

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And the red hair persists for another generation  :D.

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Happy Christmas from the Haskills!

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Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #36 on: December 31, 2014, 10:48:36 AM »
Basil’s snobbishness hadn’t been particularly obvious as a child but with the onset of teenage hormones he suddenly felt the urge to spend hours in front of the mirror, squeezing spots or admiring himself.

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He was delighted to discover the tea set in the conservatory.

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At least he wasn’t totally self-absorbed.  He was devoted to his little brother…

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…although with an unfortunate tendency to leave him in the garden when he had to go to school.

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Kelvin didn’t mind.  He loved the outdoors too – and Galileo was always there to play with.

Basil’s hidden nurturing trait found a new outlet partway through his teens, when he found a wild rat on his way home from completing an opportunity.

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After a whole evening of playing with his new friend, he installed Manuel in a cage in his bedroom.

Kelvin had another birthday.

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Unlike Basil, who was concentrating on gardening to the exclusion of everything else (well, apart from when he picked up a cooking point while I was concentrating on other members of the family), Kelvin would benefit from having a range of skills.

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Some needed more practice than others  ::).

He was also showing a definite fondness for pranks.  With his mischief and Basil’s occasional mood swings, using chairs, plumbing or computers became rather more eventful than usual.

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Basil grew up.

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He picked the Perfect Garden as his lifetime wish…

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…and achieved it immediately, even before he’d sorted out his hair and clothes.

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Kelvin aged up that evening without a cake.

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The practical joking was about to get a lot worse.  In the meantime, there was a graduation to attend.

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Afterwards, the class valedictorian tossed his diploma, his father chatted up the prettiest of the new graduates…

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…and his young brother, overcome with embarrassment at his father’s behaviour and terror at the prospect of driving lessons, had a panic attack.

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Two random screenshots: the Monte Vistan dead gnome plague has struck again…

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…and the mascot who visited when Kelvin aged up to teen had an unfortunate encounter with the hall floor.

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #38 on: January 01, 2015, 06:13:17 AM »
Congrats to Basil on completing his LTW so quickly  :D

It was rather unexpected.  I only just managed to get the screenshot, even though I already had the camera on him.

I wasn't expecting a reply to the post either - this was meant to be a double update but I got interrupted partway through and didn't manage to post the second half yesterday.  Since I hadn't changed the date in the title, I didn't think anyone would notice the update.  So thanks for being such an attentive reader :D.

Halfway through Kelvin’s teens, Basil woke up to find that Manuel had died in the night.

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Worse was to come.

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The family dealt with their grief by throwing themselves into their work.  Paige, who was only a few days younger than her husband, wanted to write eighty books before her own appointment with Grim and Basil now had to care for their large garden almost unaided.  Kelvin helped out at the weekend but was too busy with school and clubs to do much on weekdays.

Basil’s hard work paid off with his promotion to Agricultural Mastermind…

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…and it began to look as though Kelvin would be able to move almost as soon as he aged up.  He had an early birthday cake so that Paige could get her wish to see him graduate.

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Like his older brother, he was valedictorian.

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Basil wasn’t impressed.

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“Well, yes, he might be top of the class but ‘Most Likely to get Electrocuted’?  What kind of a title is that?  Now I was voted ‘Most Likely to be a Millionaire’ – and I am one.  That’s a real achievement.”

It was at about this point that I realised that Super Green Thumb, which I’d given Kelvin as a unique reward, was likely to be needed by future heirs as well – and I was running out of cheap rewards available with the current set of expansions.  He’d better stick around in Monte Vista for a while after all and rack up some more happiness points.

He’d wanted to be a scientist since his early teens but didn’t seem to be a natural at the career.  He kept just missing promotions.  Fortunately, his boss proved amenable to persuasion.

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Now that Basil had maxed his career, he’d stopped replacing plants as they died off and caring for the garden was taking up less of his day.  He started rolling wishes to meet new people – and fell for almost every woman he met.  Unfortunately, he was hopeless at romance.

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About halfway through young adulthood, Kelvin fulfilled a flurry of big wishes and suddenly had more than enough points to buy two more rewards.  Unexpectedly, Paige, still sprightly at 106, was around to see her younger son complete his requirements.

They moved Giuseppe’s tombstone to the cemetery and said goodbye.

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Kelvin had one of his panic attacks at the prospect of moving to a new town by himself…

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…but Paige calmed him down.

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Basil’s farewell was, of course, less reassuring.

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Kelvin reminded them (again) about the importance of checking the taps and cooker regularly…

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…and then called the estate agent before he lost his nerve.

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The collection of Showtime rewards stayed behind in Monte Vista, since it’s unlikely that anyone will add to it now.  I was hoping for a complete set but Giuseppe didn’t get another chance at a private venue SimFest – he arrived just too late to compete in one and the next was scheduled for the day after his death.

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House 6 summary
Skill: gardening

Career: Self-employed writer
Supermaxed writing, level 10 gardening (entirely learned from books)

(Traits: hates the outdoors, friendly, light sleeper, athletic, ambitious)
Career: Acrobat
LTW: Master Acrobat
Supermaxed gardening, level 10 athletic

Traits: loves the outdoors, light sleeper, snob, green thumb, hot-headed
Career: Self-employed gardener
LTW: The Perfect Garden
Supermaxed gardening

Traits: loves the outdoors, neurotic, never nude, handy, angler
(Career and LTW to be finished in next house)
Level 10 handiness and gardening
Building/property: Teatro Fantastico
Unique rewards: Born to Cook, Dusty Old Lamp

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #39 on: January 04, 2015, 11:55:33 AM »
House 7

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Kelvin moved to Sunlit Tides and found his watcher had come over all Sim Family Robinson.

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His new house had a waterfall-fed stream…

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…powering a water wheel.  (I picked up the Brunch at the Old Mill set on sale as an advance Christmas present.)

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Other eco features include a bank of solar panels and a couple of wind turbines, not to mention the madly assorted furnishings, which all look as though they were rescued from skips and jumble sales.  It’s a pity I didn’t make him eco-friendly.  Well, maybe next generation.  It will be a good chance to study the effect on the household bills, though.

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Note the old-style windmill in the foreground of the next screenshot.  It was put in purely for set-dressing purposes but is about to become A Major Plot Point.

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Kelvin’s long-sleeved shirt and dungarees weren’t exactly appropriate to a tropical island, so his first priority after moving in was to get a new everyday outfit.

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That’s better!

Then he cooked himself dinner and sat down to admire the sunset views from the house, which were pretty spectacular.

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With a new set of colleagues to meet, not to mention a new boss to schmooze, an early night seemed a good idea.

Best-laid plans and all that…  Just after midnight, the burglar music started up.  It took me a while to find her.  I thought she’d be heading for the door designated as ‘front’, or at least another enclosed part of the treehouse, all of which had burglar alarms.  Instead, she seemed to be sneaking her way around a tour of the grounds.

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And it appeared she fancied Kelvin, even though they’d not yet met (he was four floors above her and fast asleep).  I woke him up and told him to phone the police and then sent him after her.

Too slow.  I didn’t realise something as large as a windmill could be stolen.

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The police arrived just too late to stop the theft.

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According to the officer in charge, the papers were full of the recent spate of cunning burglaries.  Clearly, a criminal mastermind was at work.

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Kelvin was impressed and texted Jessie the burglar to say so.

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Then he thanked the nice, if ineffective, officer and went back to bed.

The sunrise was just as pretty as the previous evening’s sunset had been.

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After work, Kelvin invited Jessie Goth over for a chat.  He was very keen to ask about her career.  (Sims are so slow sometimes.)

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They chatted…

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…and then he asked her to sleep over, hastily purchasing a sleeping bag as a guest bed while she was in the loo.

Things progressed in a Simlish-romantic fashion from then on.  A pillow fight…

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…a hesitant admission of attraction…

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…watching the stars together…

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…and, finally, a serious kiss.

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I actually had my eye on Joy Choi, one of the Sunlit Tides maids, as the next spouse, but the game clearly had other ideas.  Jessie has good traits, a non-clone face and a couple of points each in cooking and fishing, so I'm happy with the way it worked out.

I'm also ridiculously pleased with the house, although it may turn out to be a pain to play in, with all of those floors, stairs and ladders.  Not to mention the likely devastation if a meteor hits...

Offline Malley

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 4 Jan
« Reply #40 on: January 04, 2015, 01:11:35 PM »
The scenery is so pretty!  The sunrises and sunsets were stunning  :)  Congrats to Kelvin on his new place.  I love the fact that he was able to text the burglar to tell her she did well.  Got to love sims!

So thanks for being such an attentive reader :D.

You're very welcome  ;D

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #41 on: January 11, 2015, 11:29:41 AM »
The scenery is so pretty!  The sunrises and sunsets were stunning  :)

It's a beautiful town.  I haven't played there nearly as much as it deserves, although at least the Haskills will be there for two generations.

I forgot to say that I’ve now added Island Paradise.  I was hoping that boats would be useful for crossing the central lagoon but the Sims seem to prefer taking the long route around by car.

Jessie, it seems, really likes windmills.  I didn’t notice until I started Kelvin on a round of upgrades but she seems to have stolen the wind turbines as well as the old windmill.  That was a pretty expensive night’s work.  It’s just as well that the family is rich enough now for it not to matter much.

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A few days after asking Jessie to move in, Kelvin popped the question…

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…and they were married the following weekend, surrounded by colleagues and friends (or at least, the subset of guests who actually bothered to sit down and watch the ceremony).

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I’m not sure whether Jessie’s being all adoring and wifely in that screenshot or merely keeping a careful eye on what Kelvin's doing with that knife  ;).

The newlyweds spent their honeymoon touring the island’s fishing spots.  Kelvin’s fishing skill was still lagging behind his job requirements and his bride, despite not being an angler, seemed keener on fishing than he was.

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Oddly for a former burglar, Jessie had arrived with a wish to become a forensic scientist, which wasn’t a possibility at this stage of the game.  She joined the police briefly but then registered as a self-employed angler and appeared to forget her DNA analysis dreams at once.  Soon, she had enough happiness points from her constant fishy wishes to change her LTW to Jack (Jill?) of All Trades.

I normally give Sims cars in their favourite colour, even if they're wearing different colours.  This time there was a slight problem in that they both had the same favourite and Kelvin already had a pink motive mobile.  So Jessie got one with a distinctly individual paint job  :).

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Soon after returning to work, Kelvin achieved his lifetime wish.

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Jessie had reached level 5 of the angler career that morning and, a few hours later, had knocked out self-employed gardener as well.  It seemed like a good time to start a family.

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While she was throwing up at regular intervals but still able to apply for jobs, Jessie sought out the proprietor at Totally Tropical Performance Park and registered as an acrobat.  (Mick’s was the only Showtime venue placed by the game but I’d added small custom performance park and coffeehouse lots when Kelvin moved in).

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It occurred to me at about this point that a treehouse isn’t the ideal residence for a pregnant Sim but Jessie seemed to manage OK anyway.

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She spent her pregnancy working on skills, dealing with leftover wishes from her first two careers…

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…and not-exactly-jogging to start advancing in the current one.

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But she was taking it easy in their living area when the contractions started.

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Rod grew up into another red-headed, yellow-skinned toddler, with Jessie’s stunning dark blue eyes.  (Since she mostly wears sunglasses, it took me a while to notice her eye colour - and her freckles.)

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His parents took turns to stay at home, keep an eye on their little son and teach him his toddler skills.  Jessie used the treadmill she’d installed in the nursery to work on her career while Rod was asleep and went out to perform for tips while Kelvin was on duty.

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An opportunity to perform at Serenity Retreat gave her career progress enough of a nudge that she reached level 5, even though no-one turned up to watch.  She hurried over to City Hall to register as a lifeguard.

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Patrolling the beaches turned out to be an easy task – the locals all stuck to splashing in the shallows and nobody needed rescuing.  Even the journalist who managed to capsize her dinghy in spectacular fashion insisted that everything was fine and she could sort it out on her own, thanks.

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So Jessie jogged up and down the beach and eventually got in some sailing practice of her own.

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Working out at home and learning charisma at the library did her career much more good and within a couple of days she’d achieved her lifetime wish.

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It was time to expand the family again.  I’d just realised that I’d never tried out sauna woohoo, with its ‘try for girl/boy’ options, so Jessie called a babysitter and set off for the Relaxation Station.  Kelvin joined her after work but didn’t seem to see any reason to change out of his work clothes, despite the steam.  I think he’s getting into this ‘mad scientist’ thing a bit too much  :P.

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Since I had no particular preference for the sex of the next heir (the name was picked out but would suit either), I let them try both options.  Several times.  No lullaby chimes.

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These two seem to have a minor fertility problem – Rod’s conception also took several attempts.  At last, they gave up and went home, stopping off for one more try in the kids’ treehouse.  Success!

During Jessie’s second pregnancy, Rod aged up to child and became an angler (he’s the intended supermaxer for this house).  His birthday was on Friday, so he had the whole weekend to work on his new skill without being interrupted by school, although the results weren’t very impressive yet.

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Jessie wanted a girl and Kelvin wanted a boy, so I left it up to the game to decide.

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And we have yet another yellowboo.  Welcome, (female) Casey!

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 11 Jan
« Reply #42 on: January 11, 2015, 12:02:17 PM »
I've had trouble getting my sims to conceive while using the sauna too. :(

I also want to pick up and hug Rod. I love those deep blue eyes!
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Offline Malley

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 11 Jan
« Reply #43 on: January 11, 2015, 03:28:23 PM »
I’m not sure whether Jessie’s being all adoring and wifely in that screenshot or merely keeping a careful eye on what Kelvin's doing with that knife

Good question  :o

The shot with the journalist in the capsized boat was too funny! Welcome to Rod and Casey too  :)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 11 Jan
« Reply #44 on: January 17, 2015, 07:42:07 AM »
I've had trouble getting my sims to conceive while using the sauna too. :(

I also want to pick up and hug Rod. I love those deep blue eyes!

Oh.  Buggy premium content?  Well, at least they enjoyed themselves ;)

He was a very cute toddler.  He makes a pretty good-looking young adult as well (he's just aged up in-game).  The stages in between, not so much.  It's odd how that seems to happen with some Sims.

Good question  :o

The shot with the journalist in the capsized boat was too funny! Welcome to Rod and Casey too  :)

I don't know how the boat managed to get into that position - or out of it, come to that.  An odd routing issue, I assume, like the flying cars in the 4x4.

