Author Topic: Household Skills Project Mk 3  (Read 96645 times)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 4 Oct
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2014, 02:56:19 PM »
Thanks  ;D.  I'm enjoying the change from Dynasty-type projects.  I'm really trying to get everything into this run-through: the spreadsheet is reaching ridiculous proportions.

It's going slowly just now, though; partly through planning ahead and, in particular, building the next house, but mostly because of the Cold From Hell.  It's easier to cope with books than screens at the moment  ??? :-[.  Imagine a red-eyed, sniffly emoticon going through a box of tissues every hour and you're about there  :-[ :'(.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2014, 01:28:14 PM »
House 3 – Part 2

With his essential toddler skills learnt, Ben had an early birthday cake.  This had the advantage that he’d now age up on Saturdays rather than Tuesdays, making school achievement a little simpler.

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Since I’m trying to do everything in this game, Ben spent all of his free time playing with the kids’ oven.  By the end of the week, he’d become the first member of the family to make the honour roll as a child, despite tutoring being banned at the moment, and had made every muffin, biscuit, pie and cake that was available.

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As a teenager, his horizons were considerably broadened…

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…and it turned out that he had an interesting ability that had been hidden until now.

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I knew, from looking with Master Controller, that Stella had inherited Sam’s immunity to fire.  I’d been vaguely hoping to get a pyromaniac Sim but assumed it wasn’t going to happen in this game.  I didn’t know it could skip a generation, so it was a surprise when teenaged Ben suddenly had the option to burn something nearby.  It cost 500 Simoleons for wasting the Fire Brigade’s time but it was worth it :D.  (There was an alarm in the living room in case of fireplace malfunctions and the burning fern set it off.)

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Being able to turn apples into flame fruit could come in very useful for a chef.  It almost makes up for Ken's lack of pizza appreciation.  I was rather enjoying that in the last run-though and it was looking to be a very dominant trait.

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Stella had aged up into an elder the day before Ben’s teen birthday.  Since she was still on maternity leave (!) she was at something of a loose end and looked likely to spend the rest of her life in the rocking chair, so I made her adopt a new interest.

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Misty the kitten and Stella were soon BFFs.

Ken had been working hard at his career and achieved his LTW of becoming a master thief during his son’s teens.

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Ben was having an unusually uneventful life.  He had a couple of low-key mood swings, when the odd piece of plumbing got sabotaged, and became Prom King after the standard two or three fights, but mostly he stayed quietly at home and practised cooking.

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His graduation was the best-attended I’ve seen in ages.

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He was voted Valedictorian but Most Likely to be Mediocre.  (You win some, you lose some, I suppose.)

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After the ceremony, he walked across the square to get a job at the diner, as a kitchen scullion.

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A few days later, Stella was about to have a shower when she was surprised by sparkles.  Despite her athletic supermax, she only made it to 94.

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Her menfolk (and cat) mourned but gradually settled into life without her.  Ken was asked out on a date by Jessica Willow but the relationship stalled when it turned out that she already had a romantic partner.  Ben concentrated on his job and his supermax…

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…with the odd interruption.

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Fortunately, the car pool was already waiting…

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…and he was sitting in it by the time the meteor hit.

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(And how does a plastic water slide produce scrap?!)

Misty was making good progress in the hunting skill.  She’d finished the fishing challenge but the others were proving more… well… challenging.  At least half of the small animal spawners in Hidden Springs seem to be either inside boulders or, like this one, inaccessible for no obvious reason.

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Without Stella’s constant attention, she was growing lonely and her ‘Beloved Pet’ reward didn’t seem to be helping much, if at all.  The solution was to adopt some company.

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And so Foggy, a fluffy genius with a fondness for napping on kitchen worktops, joined the family.

Ben supermaxed cooking halfway through young adulthood but stayed in the house for another week to build up his happiness points enough to buy a really useful reward.  Finally, two days before his adult birthday, he was ready to move on.

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Ken was in his late eighties by this point, so I could have hung on for a few more days and waited for old age to catch up with him, but they had plenty of cash: they could afford to buy two houses (and I was vaguely worried about the cats intervening with Grim, like Linden’s dogs).  So Ken moved into Francisca Vanderburg’s old place and Ben bought the large empty lot next door – and then everyone went into stasis while his new house was built.

House 3 summary
Skill: cooking

LTW: Become an Astronaut
Supermaxed handiness and athletic; level 10 cooking and hopscotch

(Traits: none)
Career: Criminal (Thief)
LTW: Become a Master Thief
Level 10 cooking and athletic

X Benedict
Traits: easily impressed, heavy sleeper, neat, natural cook, over-emotional
Career and LTW to be finished in next house
Supermaxed cooking
Building/property: Angela’s Bistro
Unique rewards:  Food Replicator, Speedy Cleaner

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Offline Malley

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 26 Oct
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2014, 12:56:54 PM »
RIP Stella  :'(  The new kitties are so cute.  And, wow, yet another meteor in your game  :o

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 26 Oct
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2014, 11:20:57 AM »
Ridiculous, isn't it?  I swear my Sims are meteor magnets.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #19 on: November 15, 2014, 04:53:47 AM »
House 4 - Part 1

It’s been a while between updates.  That’s partly due to real-life busyness and partly because of a major change of plan.  I’d intended to move Ben into my autumnal log house and do writing as the next skill but then I changed my mind.  I’d forgotten to give Ben bookworm as his last trait, so he’d have a harder time learning the skill, and the house, much as I love it, was just too big and expensive, given that chefs have relatively low pay and the current lack of World Adventures means there’s no avoiding the bills.  Besides, I’d had a look at the number of lifetime wishes and skills I now have available and decided I’d rather combine skills in more houses than the one or two I’d originally planned for, so that I could play some larger families and get more variety into the game.  This will mean only playing one generation in some towns, especially as I think the new computer should be able to cope with Union Cove and so I can add it to the list.  The towns I used for the 4x4 were the obvious candidates for one-generation stays, which meant it was time for Ben to move on.

I used Edit Town to move Misty in with Ken, who’d become her BFF since Stella’s death.  Misty had become a real problem.  Her social bar was constantly plummeting, possibly because of her proud trait.  She needed a lot more looking after than Foggy or any of the cats in my previous games – she rarely did anything to address her social need autonomously and at this stage in the game I really couldn’t spare the attention.  I could have put her up for adoption but it seemed kinder to leave her and Ken to keep each other company.

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Ben placed Stella’s tombstone in the garden, overlooking the lake, and he and Foggy set off for their new home.

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They moved into the House to the Future in Starlight Shores and Ben hired a singer to celebrate the occasion.

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He and Faylene Landrey were immediately attracted, so he invited her round again almost as soon as she’d left.

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After a few hours of chatting, he asked her to move in.

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Faylene had a quick makeover, then put her flirty trait to good use.

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Very good use…

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…with the usual legacy/dynasty-type result.

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(It’s probably not obvious in the screenshot but she chose to give birth on one of the walkways over the swimming pool.  Not terribly sensible  ::).)

Both new parents popped wishes to marry, so the baby was tucked into her cot and they went up to the roof terrace for a private ceremony.

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Immediately afterwards, the bride changed back into her everyday clothes and went off in search of a proprietor.  Although she’d been working as a singer when she met Ben, Faylene had lost her job when she moved in.  Since she was already an adult and wanted to become a Vocal Legend, there was no time to waste.  I was fairly sure I’d have to change her lifetime wish, given how long it had taken Ellie Gold to get through the singer career, even with her ideal traits and enough LTHPs from her happy childhood to buy both of the performers’ rewards right at the start.  However, Faye (her stage name and the way I now think of her) was very lucky with the Sing-a-Gram jobs.  Either that, or the 4x4 was even more bugged than I realised at the time.  Ellie had been lucky to get one or two jobs in a day; Faye had a constant stream of requests.

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Within a day or two she was starting to get gigs – and then being offered spots in bigger and better venues.

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Little Teresa, meanwhile, was growing up.

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With Faye so busy, Ben took charge of the baby care and toddler training, with the occasional call for a babysitter when he had to go to work.

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He’d been at level 8 in his career when he moved from Hidden Springs and soon achieved his lifetime wish.

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Terry had another birthday.

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She was a self-possessed little thing, always doing her homework as soon as she got in from school and then amusing herself by presiding over the royal court and watching TV in her finery.  Maybe she’d inherited some tendencies from her diva, couch potato mother.

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Faye was still progressing well through her career – apart from the odd hiccup.

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As she and Ben approached the end of adulthood, she was close enough to the top that she could afford some time off to have another child.

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(And I forgot to customise her maternity outfits again – but at least these default ones suited her better than the first set.)

Rex was born the day before his big sister’s teen birthday and Faye managed to pick a more conventional location this time.

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Ben wasn’t there to witness his son’s birth.

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Since he’d maxed both his career and charisma, the skill for this house, Ben had turned his attention to handiness.  Like his mother and grandmother, he’d finished the plumber challenge without trying and was now concentrating on upgrades, with mixed success.

Rex wasn’t the only new addition to the family.  Breeze had been adopted as company for Foggy the previous week.  She was chosen purely on the basis of looks; her only trait was clueless.

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Fortunately, she turned out to be a quick learner and had soon added several more useful traits.  She and Foggy were inseparable, always spontaneously playing, socialising or grooming one another…

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…and, a few hours after Rex was born, Breeze produced triplets.

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Life was about to get hectic.

Edit: I forgot to say that I've now enabled Showtime - although it's pretty obvious, given that the family's currently in Starlight Shores - and Master Suite.

Next chapter

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 15 Nov
« Reply #20 on: November 15, 2014, 01:58:12 PM »
Teresa is so pretty :)  The picture of Breeze literally going head over, paws was too cute!

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 15 Nov
« Reply #21 on: November 16, 2014, 05:23:52 AM »
Teresa is so pretty :)

I love the combination of Faye's red hair and those golden-brown eyes (which are random variation, I think).  Rex is also a redhead, although he inherited Faye's blue eyes as well as her hair colour.

The picture of Breeze literally going head over, paws was too cute!

That was funny.  I just happened to move the camera over and found her like that.  Had she fallen off the bed, maybe?  Whatever it was, I had to pause the game and take a screenshot :).

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #22 on: November 22, 2014, 10:40:13 AM »
House 4 (Part 2)

There was a round of birthdays.  Teresa aged up to teen, her parents aged up to elder…

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…and Rex became a toddler.

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The kittens got on with creating mayhem.  Well, two of them did.  Raine (the fluffier mostly-tabby on the left of their birth picture) was born with the non-destructive trait and left the furniture alone.   She had a really sweet personality and quickly became everyone’s favourite.  Her sisters were quite a different matter.

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It’s just as well that Sims can’t be killed by being run over.  Lightning and Chinook were always playing chase in the road (when they weren’t destroying chairs).

With her maternity leave over, Faye threw herself back into her career, performing…

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…singing for tips…

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…and selling albums.

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A few days into elderhood, she achieved her lifetime wish.

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Not that she seemed all that excited about it.

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The warning popped up that Rex was about to age up again and I panicked.  I’d been so busy with Faye that he’d spent most of his time playing with Peaches, his IF doll, and his toddler skills had been largely neglected.  For the next two days, his parents and sister frantically took turns teaching him skills and he qualified for a free choice of child trait with an hour to spare.  Phew!  After all that, I seem to have missed taking a screenshot of his actual birthday.

With Rex now a child, Peaches turned into a fully-fledged imaginary friend.

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(Incidentally, I thought the default IF names were all gender-neutral.  Peaches seems distinctly girly to me – and I’m pretty sure from the voice that it/he’s male.)

Teresa grew up into an attractive young woman…

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…and everyone took the day off to see her graduate as valedictorian and Most Likely to Burn Down Her Own House (because she’d inherited Ben’s pyromania?)

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She followed her mother into showbiz, taking the stage name Miss Terry.

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While she made an early start on her career metrics, the rest of the family returned home – to find they had an unwelcome visitor.

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RIP, Foggy.  He’d only just reached the end of the standard cat lifespan.  If he’d lasted another day or two he’d have been my first cat to supermax hunting – he was four rare creatures short of the target.

The whole family was deeply upset by his death.  The other cats were the worst affected, of course, but the humans were also obviously miserable.  Rex, who was considerably less academically-inclined than his big sister, struggled at school, Faye moped in front of the telly and Ben, despite now having maxed handiness, lost concentration during an upgrade and got badly singed again.

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Even Teresa’s magic tricks seemed to fail more often.

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Ben and Faye were also approaching the end of their lives.  Even though they were both still working, Faye cancelled most of her gigs and they spent as much time as possible together…

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…but Ben was at work when time caught up with his wife.

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Ben lasted just long enough for the mourning period for Faye to have expired before Grim came for him as well.

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #23 on: November 22, 2014, 10:41:21 AM »
House 4 (Part 2 continued)

Life went on.  Miss Terry became a bona fide Sim of Mystery and was offered a gig at the coffeehouse.

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Between performances, she worked on her charisma skill.

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(This was one of those We’re so alike! moments.  The hats, presumably :P.)

I was starting to regret not giving her a good sense of humour.  She’d made very little progress on the Comedian challenge but finished the other four remarkably quickly – long before reaching level ten.  As it was, Rex was the designated supermaxer for this generation.  Since he and Peaches both had good senses of humour, they spent every free moment telling jokes and pulling faces and he’d made good progress towards Comedian before he’d even unlocked the skill.

Life quietened down for a while.  Teresa progressed through her career.  Rex went to school and came home to tell Peaches all about it.  Raine was adored by everyone and the other cats worked on their hunting skill.

At last, Rex grew up.

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He graduated as valedictorian through sheer persistence and, unsurprisingly, was voted Class Clown.  (Was that why he chose the backwards cap rather than a mortarboard?)

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He went straight back into the City Government Complex after the ceremony and signed up as a Podium Polisher.

That evening, Grim came for Breeze.

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She’d lived well into her sixties, far longer than any of my previous Sim cats, and the house felt empty without her.

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Time passed.  Teresa had her adult birthday onstage.  She was having a harder time than her mother in getting through her career (Showtime doesn’t seem to be set up for multi-generational games, judging by this and the 4x4).  Promotions came slowly and her props kept going missing and having to be replaced.  Maybe that was why her birthday plunged her into a raging midlife crisis.  Despite everything, she kept going and won her first gigs at the big venues…

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…and the chance to try the really dangerous tricks.  Whether it was the new stage set or the daringly upgraded act, the crowds suddenly loved her.  Just as her crisis came to an end, she reached the top of the career…

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…and, the next day, Rex and Lightning supermaxed their respective skills.  It was time to move on again.

Teresa called the limo…

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…and, oddly, drove it herself.

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The cats sat in luxury in the back, although Chinook, for one, didn’t look too happy about it.

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Not that I blame her – I’ve heard of soft upholstery but that’s just ridiculous.

Terry and the cats reached their destination and moved into their new house.

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Rex stopped off at the cemetery on his way home and added four new graves.

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Then he too made a few calls.

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He hurried outside and summoned his car, leaving Peaches behind.  (Fortunately he(?) did reappear later.)

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Then he set out for a new town.

House 4 summary
Skill: charisma

X Benedict
Career: Culinary
LTW: Celebrated Five-Star Chef
Supermaxed cooking; level 10 handiness and charisma

(Traits: diva, friendly, couch potato, flirty, frugal)
Career: Singer
LTW: Vocal Legend
Level 10 charisma

Traits: excitable, friendly, ambitious, social butterfly, natural-born performer
Career: Magician
LTW: Master Magician
Level 10 charisma and homework

Traits: good, friendly, good sense of humour, charismatic
(Career and LTW to be finished in next house)
Supermaxed charisma
Building/property: C-Ment Shoe Factory
Unique rewards: Motive Mobile. Complimentary Entertainment

The Cats
Misty (in the previous house) reached level 8 of the cat hunting skill
Foggy: level 10
Breeze: level 10
Chinook: level 10 (born with level 7)
Lightning: supermaxed (born with level 7)
Raine: level 3 (born without skill points)

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 22 Nov
« Reply #24 on: November 22, 2014, 09:23:48 PM »
I didn't know that cats could ride in the limo like that! Cool.

I also didn't notice the same effects on Showtime careers in my own game, but I think it depends on the amount of sims in town, and I tend to artificially keep those numbers up. Stinks. :(
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Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 22 Nov
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2014, 04:11:43 AM »
I didn't know that cats could ride in the limo like that! Cool.

Neither did I :).  I was expecting them to go by taxi.

I also didn't notice the same effects on Showtime careers in my own game, but I think it depends on the amount of sims in town, and I tend to artificially keep those numbers up. Stinks. :(

That's interesting.  I wonder whether it's playing two Showtime careers in a row? (In fact, they overlapped slightly in this case.)  In both this and the 4x4, the first performer was fine but the second one had problems, although not the same ones.  Ellie in the 4x4 had a shortage of jobs and audiences, probably because there didn't seem to be many Sims in town.  This time, the population was OK, partly because a lot of the original inhabitants seemed to live for a very long time.  The disappearing props were infuriating, though.  Terry even lost her Box of Danger near the end but it reappeared when I re-started the game.

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #26 on: December 09, 2014, 04:46:48 PM »
House 5

This will be the first house with two skills: writing and social networking.  (I’ve now enabled University).

After a few hiccups caused by the first bugs of this game, Rex moved to Barnacle Bay.  Looking through the local NPCs on SimsWiki, one woman had stood out as the obvious choice of mate.  Not only did she have some writing skill and a lifetime wish to match but her surname was Peach.  Although, come to think of it, “You remind me of my imaginary friend” doesn’t really work all that well as a chat-up line  :P.

After a quick trip into town to meet some of his new constituents (while a small house was being built on his empty plot of land), Rex called for a repairSim, hoping that the right one would turn up, and then made another call to set up a fundraising party for later.  Good news: Gwennie Peach answered the call.  Bad news: most of the party guests turned up early, while Gwennie took ages to arrive.  The fundraiser was in full swing by the time she got to the house, realised there was nothing that needed repairing and drove off again.  So much for my plan.  Rex was supposed to ask her to hang out and join the party.

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It wasn’t a complete loss, though.  Just before Gwennie left, she and Rex did that across-a-crowded-room thing and realised they were madly attracted to each other.  So Rex asked everyone else to leave, invited her over again and went into action.  Even though all of his charisma challenges had cancelled when he moved, he clearly wasn’t short on charm…

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…and Gwennie was pregnant by the end of Day 1.

She had a limited makeover – just an everyday outfit that would expand with her waistline (her nightie was already OK) and a new hairdo.  I’d been waiting a long time for a Sim that would suit that style (it didn’t quite work on Abi Gold).

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The following evening, Gwennie realised why she’d been throwing up.

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I think that expression’s probably mixed feelings.  Gwennie Peach does not like children – but apparently can’t escape the positive pregnancy moodlet.

Her pregnancy passed quietly and expensively, mostly at the spa.  While she was away, someone else tried to take up residence and eventually had to be reset.

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Gwennie gave birth in the living room.  Rex had been standing around panicking but sending him off for a snack proved to be a miraculous cure for sympathetic labour pains.

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As Gwennie hugged her new daughter, dislike of children forgotten, a second baby appeared on the lawn.

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Welcome, Joanne and Paige.

After a relatively undisturbed night’s sleep, Rex and Gwennie slipped off to the farthest edge of the lot for a private wedding…

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…and then the bride left the groom in charge of the babies and set off for university.

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Well, she did have a career to max and a limited time to do it in.  I knew she was an adult but had expected her to be at the beginning of the life stage, which would have made her just a couple of days older than her husband.  Instead, I was rather shocked to find, when she was pregnant and it was already too late, that she starts out in mid-adulthood, which meant that she now only had a week before becoming an elder.  She only had six credits towards the communications degree that would give her a head start in her chosen career, so she became my first Sim to go to University for two sessions.  The first week was pretty hectic and I totally failed to get any screenshots – but she did come home with my first graduation gnome.

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After a night spent getting reacquainted (ahem!) with Rex and topping up her spa moodlets, she went back for another two weeks.  With a slightly lighter class schedule this time, she could afford to spend time on extracurricular activities – like reading through the entire stock of the Nerd Shop, an activity that was primarily intended to get her ‘books read’ statistic up but proved to have a useful side-effect in social group influence.  A few days into her second spell at uni, she was able to choose a new trait.

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With the aid of the motive mobile that she (I) had remembered to pack this time, she spent the nights in the library, working on her writing skill.

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In the daytime, she threw herself into her studies – even when the lecturers didn’t bother to turn up.

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(To be fair to the lecturer, she did eventually put in an appearance – five minutes before the end.)

Gwennie graduated with an A, unsupported by friends or family.  Maybe Rex couldn’t find a babysitter.

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As soon as she was home for good, the twins had an early birthday.  (Nope, she still doesn't like kids.)

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I was ridiculously pleased with Paige’s colouring – although I quickly learnt not to neglect her.  If her needs go into the orange, she practically disappears into her portrait panel  ???.

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                                                                              Joanne and Paige

As soon as the cake was eaten, Gwennie put her CV up online and soon had an offer of a job in journalism.

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She worked hard at the office and devoted much of her free time to pursuing stories.

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“So, Laurel, what do you do for a living?”

With Gwennie concentrating on her career, Rex temporarily became a stay-at-home father (although, for a child-hating Sim, Gwennie was a surprisingly devoted mother whenever she got a chance).

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At last, a few days before the twins’ child birthday, Rex reluctantly handed them over to a babysitter, went back to work…

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…and achieved his lifetime wish.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #27 on: December 14, 2014, 11:15:24 AM »
Now that they had learned everything they were allowed to as toddlers, the twins spent their days playing and chatting while they waited for their next birthday.  Joanne was already showing an interest in IT.  Maybe she somehow knew what her next trait would be?

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They had birthday cakes early in the morning so that they could make the most of a school-free first day of childhood.

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Paige immediately started reading through the comic books her mother had brought home from University.

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Jo, unable to start on her specialist skill until after her next birthday, mostly played computer games.  Gwennie had her elder birthday on the same day but didn’t let old age slow her down.  Halfway through the girls’ childhood, she achieved her dream of becoming a Star News Anchor.

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She and the Leader of the Free World celebrated her success quietly at home, before the kids got in from school.

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Then it was time for another birthday.

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Jo seemed quite miffed that her (slightly) younger sister managed to blow out her candles and grow up first.

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They hurried off to sort out new looks…

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…while Gwennie celebrated having a child-free house at last.

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Paige registered as a self-employed writer and split her time outside school between reading yet more books and writing her own.  Jo took up social networking and started blogging about teenage life in Barnacle Bay, Her diary, inevitably called Jo Blogs, gradually picked up followers.  She was also learning charisma and using both skills to acquire a wide circle of friends, although, surprisingly, it was quiet Paige who was elected Prom Queen.

Rex had his final birthday…

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…and Peaches turned into semi-human form.  He even seemed to be able to co-exist with Peaches-the-doll.  Rex was still the only one who could see him, though.

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Gwennie was continuing to write.  I’d realised that none of my Sims had ever written a vaudeville novel, so she was steadily ticking off the requirements, stopping only to write books requested by her friends or employers.  I wasn’t bothered about the writing challenges, since they’d be Paige’s task, so it was a considerable surprise when she finished writing an article for work and completed all three simultaneously.  She didn’t manage to finish her vaudeville novel in the end – about three-quarters of the way through, she stopped writing unexpectedly and started to float.

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A few days later, the twins had another birthday.

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Jo took the aptitude test and rushed off to university almost before the cakes were eaten.  I thought for a while that she wasn’t even going to bother to get dressed.  Fortunately, she did see sense and put her case down on the front lawn so that she could spin into everyday wear just before the van arrived.

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #28 on: December 14, 2014, 11:27:34 AM »
At uni, Jo rented the same little house that her mother had lived in back in her student days.

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It turned out that a lot of Gwennie’s old friends were still there, looking remarkably well preserved and wearing their gowns just to make the point that they’d been there, done that already.

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Unfazed, Jo set about making friends – and pairing them up.

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She’d deliberately taken the lightest possible class load: Gwennie might have gone to uni to get a degree but Jo was more interested in the social life.  She continued to explore the possibilities of social networking.   Sometimes its power surprised even her.

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A couple of days after arriving at university, Jo Blogs achieved a five-star rating and she completed her lifetime wish.

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(That screenshot is me just failing to capture it – the big numbers were hidden behind the blog interface.)

The following day, she had a buy-out offer, accepted it and started on a review blog, Jo Blogs About Stuff.  It was mostly about her family’s books and small, cheap decorative objects but people seemed to like it anyway. Within a week, she’d sold that one too and had started on Jo Blogs About University, which was largely concerned with her amorous exploits around campus.  ‘WooHoo and Tell’ proved to be wildly popular, and she followed up with the almost identical Life, University and Everything.  Not that academic matters were totally neglected.  After all, she might want to finish her business degree some time.  She might only be taking one class per day but she did try to do well…

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…although it was hard to concentrate when people were playing video games and streaking in the library.

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Out of lectures, she wasn’t exactly averse to streaking herself.  By the end of the second week, she’d become one of the top jocks on campus and her parties were sufficiently legendary that a police car was permanently parked outside the house.

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She might have been a long way short of graduating by the end of the fortnight but she still had a ceremony the day after she arrived back home.  High school seemed such a long time ago that it was odd to be graduating from it now.

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Paige was valedictorian and Most Likely to Write A Best-Selling Novel (hardly a surprise given that she’d written several while still at school), while Jo was voted Most Likely to Hack the Military Database.  Now there was an idea…

After the ceremony, Joanne and Paige chatted and exchanged graduation gifts…

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…and Jo announced online that she was now available for employment.  To my surprise, she was offered a job at level 4 in the Sports Agent career.  I’d been expecting her to have to start at the bottom, like Luke and Abi in the 4x4.   Initially, her career seemed to be bugged – she failed to meet any clients on her first day, her progress bar didn’t move at all and she didn’t reappear from the stadium at the end of her shift.  Analysing statistics and negotiating a contract on her phone soon made up for that.  With her progress bar now full, she invited her boss over and got a promotion.  After that, she progressed ridiculously quickly.

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Paige wasn’t doing too badly either.  She achieved her lifetime wish a couple of days into young adulthood and supemaxed writing a week later, on the same day that Jo was voted Sports Agent of the Year and bought her own team.  Jo had sold her news blog Barnacle Chronicle and supermaxed social networking the previous day.

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Far earlier than I’d expected, it was time for another move.  The family made a trip to Barnacle Boneyard to set up a memorial for Gwennie…

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…and then Paige hugged her father and sister goodbye…

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…and called the estate agent.  She didn’t seem very happy about moving.

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Then, amazingly, she got into her motive mobile (she normally walks everywhere, for some unknown reason)…

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…and drove out of town.

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House 5 summary
Skills: writing and social networking

Career: Politics
LTW: Leader of the Free World
Supermaxed charisma; level 10 social networking (level 8 writing)

(Traits: easily impressed, artistic, slob, lucky, dislikes children – plus ambitious (nerd influence) and workaholic (communications degree))
Career: Journalism
LTW: Star News Anchor
Supermaxed writing; level 10 handiness & charisma (social networking 2)

Traits: artistic, friendly, computer whiz, charismatic, irresistible – plus ambitious (jock influence)
Career: Sports Agent
LTW: Blog Artist
Supermaxed social networking, level 10 charisma (writing 5)

Traits: couch potato, hates the outdoors, bookworm, perfectionist, no sense of humour
LTW: Professional Author
(Career to be finished in next house)
Supermaxed writing
Building/property: Landgraab Sell’n’Swap
Unique rewards: Acclaimed Author, Teleportation Pad

Offline Malley

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 14 Dec
« Reply #29 on: December 14, 2014, 05:31:53 PM »
Congrats on completing another household!  Paige and Jo were both pretty rainboos  :)  Can't wait to see what you're doing next.