Author Topic: The Blue Legacy - Chapter 16 (09.11.2014)  (Read 43427 times)

Offline Tipi

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Re: The Blue Legacy - Chapters 13 and 14 (12.10.2014)
« Reply #60 on: October 18, 2014, 05:10:15 AM »
Chapter 15: Four Birthdays and a Funeral

We open this update with a BANG! It's our Whiz Kid working on his aspiration.

"Attention everybody!"

"I am well over 140 days old and I guess it's time for me to pass on the Blue legacy to my lovely, blue son Azure."

Azure is not quite ready let his beloved mama go, so he pleads for her life.

But the Grim Reaper is relentless. It's really time to bid farewell to Celia Blue.

She led a full sim life and laid a solid foundation to the Blue legacy: gave birth to three children, completed two aspirations, maxed four skills, wrote the biographies of all the family members who have lived in the Blue household so far. The one thing she did not achieve was to reach the top of the Writer career. This was because of an ill timed submitting of a book to Literary Digests when she was at level 8 of her career.

The Grimmie gets what he deserves!

He then stays around for a while to watch some horror movies.

The legacy graveyard is now the final resting place for my founders. RIP Celia and Pelham.

Azure has always been mama's boy and naturally he is devastated. "Do I have to sleep beside my wife now, mama, buhuu..."

Bright has always kept to his own bed, but he still misses his grandma.

The family is still in mourning and does not feel up to having a party, so they celebrate Bridgette's birthday quietly among themselves. Well, maybe not so quietly after all - just look at Willow and Azure posing in the background!

Bridgette takes after her beautiful mother, but her traits are horrible: Slob and Insane. She wants to be Freelance Botanist.

Bridgette was a super kid: she is the first child in my game to both earn a 'A' at school and complete her childhood aspiration. In fact she managed to complete two aspirations: first she became Social Butterfly and then, in the nick of time, managed to maximize her Creativity skill and become Artistic Prodigy

No words... :)

Auzre reaches the top of the Tech Guru career and becomes a Start Up Genius. For his efforts he receives this magnificent Plasmatron 3000 Flat Screen TV. I hope he is happy with it and stops "Complaining about the TV".

Brooklynn Landgraab came around. At first I thought she autonomously combusted, but it turned out that it was her birthday. She is a teen, but has already gone grey.

The birthdays continue: Willow turns adult.

In my games I like to uphold family ties with family members outside the direct legacy, dynasty or whatever line. So Azure's family has close contacts with both Alena's and Anaya's households. Today they visit the Landgraabs in Oasis Springs. On their way there, they made a detour to the Goths and picked Alena, Beatriz and Brenton along.

Miguel Landgraab helps his cousin Bright with the Whiz Kid aspiration.

Bright got also to eat his favourite dish, hamburgers, yummy.

On a girl's night out Bridgette takes Brooklynn and Beatriz ...

... to the gym! All the birthday cakes and their excess calories have been stored on Bridgette's hips and belly. Working out is so much more fun with some friends (love the multitasking!) and so much more effective with a fearsome personal trainer by your side.

I think you have only seen Breanna with her cap on, but she has Minnie Mouse hair underneath.

And now that you have seen her hair, it is time for her to grow up.
Azure should not touch that chocolate cake - those running shorts with that belly are not sexy.

Whoa, if Azure looks a bit pudgy above, what do think of Breanna!?!

I don't know what this glitch is, but now I like it. I took Breanna to the dresser to plan her outfit, and on her way there she magically lost like 50 kilos! This happened previously to Beatriz when she became freakishly thin after her birthday, but now Breanna gained a very attractive figure.

Breanna completed her childhood aspiration (Rambunctious Scamp), but unfortunately she now rolled an aspiration which she, as a spare, cannot fulfill: Big Happy Family. Her traits are Art Lover and Loves the Outdoors, so she'll be the painter of this generation.

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Blue Legacy - Chapter 15 18.10.2014)
« Reply #61 on: October 18, 2014, 11:21:38 PM »
RIP Celia, you made a wonderful start for your family.
I totally laughed at Azure crying about sleeping next to his wife...  "Mama's boy" lol
Wow, Bridgette is beautiful! Really horrid traits though, that slob trait is one of my least favorite for sure.  ::)

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Offline Tipi

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Re: The Blue Legacy - Chapter 15 18.10.2014)
« Reply #62 on: October 19, 2014, 01:18:23 AM »
Yes, the slob trait is bad and every other sim in my family seems to get it. I blame Pelham and the wau Pinstar's trait randomizer works. But I still line that you must randomize the traits and aspirations. It gives for more interesting sims.

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Re: The Blue Legacy - Chapter 15 18.10.2014)
« Reply #63 on: October 19, 2014, 06:12:39 AM »
I love so many of Willow's expressions.. and boy do her um.. assests get HUGE when she is pregnant!! :o :- Am so happy you managed to get a little blue baby.

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Re: The Blue Legacy - Chapter 15 18.10.2014)
« Reply #64 on: October 26, 2014, 08:03:46 AM »
Oh, farewell Celia Blue. You even made me smile when you passed away; you're such a good-hearted and amusing Sim. I'll miss your hilarity! Oh, Azure just get over it will you. People come and go, life goes on. You're a big boy now and you don't need your Mama around anymore :P

I've seen lots of interesting random pictures and I loved it. Well, when I look into Azure with flat TV screen, I thought he's cool with that pose and look. I almost forget that he's once a Mama boy lol

I think being a Landgraab is hard, so much pressure, no wonder that her hair turning grey ::)

I agree! Doing things are so much fun with friends!
Arimau's Playground
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Offline Tipi

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Re: The Blue Legacy - Chapter 15 18.10.2014)
« Reply #65 on: November 01, 2014, 05:49:28 AM »
I love so many of Willow's expressions.. and boy do her um.. assests get HUGE when she is pregnant!! :o :- Am so happy you managed to get a little blue baby.

KTK10, thanks for taking time to read and leaving a comment. Willow is naturally curvy, and pregnancy certainly highlights her assets :) . I seem to have a pattern with pregnancies/babies: first two"normal-coloured" girls and then a blue boy. Wonder if that continues with future generations. But I sure am happy that I decided against a "blue" matriarchy :) .

Oh, farewell Celia Blue. You even made me smile when you passed away; you're such a good-hearted and amusing Sim. I'll miss your hilarity! Oh, Azure just get over it will you. People come and go, life goes on. You're a big boy now and you don't need your Mama around anymore :P

Arimau, thank you for a very nice comment. I could not agree more on your view on both Celia and Azure. I am going to miss Celia a lot and Azure has to grow up and take charge of the family and the legacy. And maybe he is doing just that since I also think he looks more manly it the pic of him with the TV.

And sorry for the small hiatus with the legacy. I had a little trip abroad and have not played the Sims since then.

I am a bit frustrated with the game because of the "small eyes, square jaw" glitch. Bright is a pretty cool looking teen in my game right now and will soon grow up to YA. I don't want his looks change drastically at that point, so I am waiting for a patch to the problem before he I let him grow up. I have pictures for one update, I only have to produce the inspiration to write it. By that time I really hope EA has managed to patch the face problem so I can go on and play the game.

Before the trip I tried to rebuild the legacy house to fulfill Azure's aspiration (Mansion Baron), but that did not work out too well which also contributed to my frustration with the game. The house is too close to the road now, so when I go back, I'll have to figure out the easiest way to move it back a few squares.

Offline arimau

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Re: The Blue Legacy - Chapter 15 18.10.2014)
« Reply #66 on: November 01, 2014, 05:58:37 PM »
So... Azure is manly with TV huh? Yeah... So manly, he's such a couch potato lol. That's what every man do every weekend right lol I guess that's a slight improvement after move on for being a Mama boy lol  Your comment, Tipi. That's crack me up lol

That's alright. Just take your time, Tipi. Do something that you need to do now. Well, we readers could wait because we know that you'll come back someday with the joys that you bring to us ;)

Hopefully that will be fixed in later patch!*finger crossed!* See you again then in the next installment. I’ll be looking forward for the hilarity that you offer.
Arimau's Playground
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Offline Tipi

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Re: The Blue Legacy - Chapter 15 18.10.2014)
« Reply #67 on: November 09, 2014, 03:36:46 AM »
A new chapter of the Blue Legacy is finally here!

During my hiatus I have played my Random Town Jump in Sims 3 (it was nice to go back there) and even started a dynasty in Sims 4. There will not be a story about the dynasty, but I may post bit and pieces of the progress at some point, if I fell like it.

Chapter 16: Teen life

Celia did not stay in her grave for long but soon came wondering about the house.

No one was more happy to see Celia than Azure. He almost got teary-eyed when chatting with his beloved mama.

Grandson Bright also got a hug from Celia...

... before she made a perfect dive through the floor into the netherworld. (And no, I did not really send her away. She still rests in her grave.)

Then it was Bright's birthday. He became a cool looking teen - love his mohawk and golden glasses.

Bright's cousins were there to celebrate him.

A nice game of cards lifted the spirits and earned a gold medal!

Siblings having breakfast together in the garden. The maid who never steps inside the house finally was useful, when he came and helped Bright with his homework.

Azure is checking the female teen population of Willow Creek. Creepy, eh!? I can assure you it is most innocent: he is only doing it for his son to help him find a suitable candidate for the next legacy spouse.

Azure did not get the elder birthday party he would have deserved, because the Watcher did not notice what day it was until it was too late.

Azure did not become grey - he became blond! Such a distinguished older gentleman anyway, isn't he.

Well, distinguished and a bit senile, too. He's happily eating his breakfast from his empty hand while his grilled cheese sandwich is getting cold on the table. That'll do wonders to his figure, I am sure.

This is the newly grown-up cousin Miguel Landgraab. He has adopted his late father's habit of wearing a fedora.

It probably was another party (don't remember anymore since it's been exactly a month - 9th of October - since I last played the Blue family and took these pictures) because there were folks gathering to the Blue household. Bright is chatting with his teen friends coz Miguel, Benjamin Cordero and Sawyer Stanfield.

Benjamin is a special friend of Bridgette.

She is thinking of taking their relationship to another level - we'll see how it goes.

Bright and Miguel became BFFs.

A barbecue at the Stanfield home almost ended fatally, when Sawyer's brother Damon caught fire...

... but someone - don't remember who and apparently did not take pictures - came and put out the fire.

Sawyer Stanfield has been in my game for quite a long time. She is the little girl who earlier helped Bridgette reach her aspiration. I am happy that Sawyer, her mother and two brothers have moved to Oasis Springs next door to the Landgraabs. I hope this ensures she won't be moving out of town any time soon, since I have plans for her...

Namely, Bright has taken fancy on this pretty redhead. He invited her out on a date (my first ever in the game).

After some cute, feigned advances...

... the youngster cuddled and chatted for a long time.

The date was a great success (gold medal) and ended with Sawyer and Bright sharing their first kiss.

Offline KTK10

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Re: The Blue Legacy - Chapter 16 (09.11.2014)
« Reply #68 on: November 09, 2014, 08:07:20 AM »
Oh Yay!! So happy the Blue's are back! Sawyer and Bright look so cute together.. I am keen to see how their relationship develops. Welcome back to the sims 4 without the small eyes and big jaw bug!

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Blue Legacy - Chapter 16 (09.11.2014)
« Reply #69 on: November 10, 2014, 11:31:12 PM »
Bright looks totally fabulous as a teen! Wow! Loved your update.  :D Had me giggling  ;)
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Offline SimsSherry

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Re: The Blue Legacy - Chapter 16 (09.11.2014)
« Reply #70 on: November 11, 2014, 08:08:42 AM »
Great Legacy, I love the idea of the blue skin having to be passed on!  One thing though, I don't think your spouse can bring money with how your first generation spouse brough 20,000?  But anyways, I love your legacy!

Offline Tipi

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Re: The Blue Legacy - Chapter 16 (09.11.2014)
« Reply #71 on: November 11, 2014, 01:08:48 PM »
Thank you for your nice comments, KTK10, Playalot and SimsSherry. And it is nice to have a new reader here, SimsSherry! Glad you liked my story. :)

I don't think your spouse can bring money with how your first generation spouse brought 20,000?

You are very observant, SimsSherry, but I have an excuse: I started the legacy before Pinstar made the restriction that the spouse can't bring in any money (I started playing 08.09. and Pinstar introduced the new rule 17.09.) He also stated that there is no need to restart a legacy, you just have to play the family with the new rules going forward, which I intend to do. I actually wish that the rule had been there from the beginning, since I have always liked playing poor families.

And if anyone is interested: I posted some pictures of the new legacy mansion in the Building and Remodeling thread.

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Re: The Blue Legacy - Chapter 16 (09.11.2014)
« Reply #72 on: November 11, 2014, 06:06:09 PM »
Sorry, I didn't realize that was a new rule!  I also like playing poor families - it is much more challenging!  In Sims 3 I used to have my sim start with no money - he or she basically lived at the gym for the first week or so until he had sold enough fish and produce to build something on his empty lot...Unfortunatly the gym in Sims 4 doesn't have a kitchen or lounge chairs by a pool to nap in! 

You have inspired me to do the same type of thing in my next legacy..some kind of theme. My current legacy Is pretty boring- I didn't realize how long it takes and that I might have wanted to do something that would make it a little more fun (I liked how you carried the blue theme over to the titles of your books and stuff).  I' m on generation 8 so not too much longer to go!

Keep up the good work, your writing and screenshots are very entertaining.  Some of it made me laugh out loud! 

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Re: The Blue Legacy - Chapter 16 (09.11.2014)
« Reply #73 on: December 25, 2014, 09:56:25 AM »
Hello everybody! Sorry for the hiatus with my legacy story. I have played the Sims though, but my Sims OCD has hit me once again: I have started a dynasty (unpublished) and played a couple of other challenges. I intend to come back to my legacy - some day.

Anyway, I and the Blue family would like to wish you all A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

I felt a little nostalgic and went to an old save. So here is a bonus picture of my dear founder Celia in her Christmas attire.

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Re: The Blue Legacy - Chapter 16 (09.11.2014)
« Reply #74 on: December 25, 2014, 02:42:23 PM »
Awwww .. Lovely :)

