Author Topic: The Centari Legacy - Bad Seed  (Read 46496 times)

Offline Ginj

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Re: The Centari Legacy - En Famille
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2014, 05:40:57 AM »
Astrid is lovely; she'll make a wonderful heiress.  And curse you, Celeste for making me cry before I've finished my coffee!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Centari Legacy - En Famille
« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2014, 01:43:44 PM »

Excuse me, mission control; I appear to be leaking.  :'(

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Re: The Centari Legacy - En Famille
« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2014, 02:39:47 PM »
Awww, poor Davon. I was really getting to like him. I feel like all the townies are all adults, I have yet to read a story where the first townie was a Young Adult. I do like Astrid as Heiress, and I look forward to seeing her take on things soon. Will she continue corresponding to Mission Control?

I too fell like the teens look much too mature for their intended life state, I really hope they fix that.

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The Lingering Nature of Death
« Reply #33 on: September 17, 2014, 11:09:35 AM »
RIP Davon. :(

Something about TS4 makes teens look a little too mature, which makes Neb look like she's 30 already. Astrid is super-pretty though. Glad she got picked for heiress.

I could not agree more.  I really wish there was some differentiation between the life stages, especially since teen has usually been pretty substantially different than adult.

Your writing style is really hilarious. And the two parasites :P are adorable :D

Thanks!  I am really pleased with how pretty the girls are.

Astrid is lovely; she'll make a wonderful heiress.  And curse you, Celeste for making me cry before I've finished my coffee!

Aw.  I tried to keep it light but death is always an unpleasant subject.

Excuse me, mission control; I appear to be leaking.  :'(

Mission control understands.

Awww, poor Davon. I was really getting to like him. I feel like all the townies are all adults, I have yet to read a story where the first townie was a Young Adult. I do like Astrid as Heiress, and I look forward to seeing her take on things soon. Will she continue corresponding to Mission Control?

I too fell like the teens look much too mature for their intended life state, I really hope they fix that.

There are townie teens, they just look identical to everyone else.  the only hope of having a teen love interest is meeting him/her as a child, since you can't actually make friends at school.  Sigh.


**Mission Dispatch - 101** - This is stupid

Dear Mission Control,

You are the product of my mother's nervous breakdown since Papa died.  I don't believe in you but the therapist says I have to take over writing these letters for my  mother to give her peace of mind.  The therapist also says Neb will never have peace of mind again because she's crazy.  Great.


Astrid Centari, extra human, all the time

**Mission Dispatch - 102** - Adjustments

Okay.  So.  I got your response.  In my brain last night.  Maybe I'm insane too.  All the same, I apologize for my tone, Mission Control, whoever you are.  We are coping here.

As unofficial leader of the household I have begun my lifetime goal of becoming a mansion baron by rebuilding the cube.  Our floorplan will eventually have two stories, but we only could afford the ground level for now.

I have taken up painting with the intention of making it my career after high school.  Being creatively gifted makes it an easy target goal and I know it's a lucrative one.  Unfortunately my paintings don't register on the wall for the "buy 25 pieces of art" goal, so I had to get around that.

Neb was disappointed when I sold them all immediately after advancing to my milestone.  I've tried to put her to work as our new cook, but every time she attempts to make something, even salad, she ends up outside sobbing over Papa's grave.

She's already enough trouble trying to level a criminal career and a mischief aspiration with the Good trait.  I thought we should maybe marry her off, but Mama says no, we have to take care of her because she's crazy and also beats people up at random and we're keeping her out of prison.

So for now, she's just working on her goals and taking care of Papa's garden.  At least it keeps her busy.

I'm just grateful to have Tad to talk to.  He's evil but somehow more agreeable in general than my sister.

Mama has been working on her social goals in all of her spare time.  It is a distraction from the grief at the very least.

Uh.  Astrid out!

**Mission Dispatch - 103** - Death Death Everywhere

Adulthood has been uneventful so far.  Thank you for the piano.  I am learning to play it very quickly with my creative bonus.  So far, no obvious benefit from having graduated school with As in both levels.

Tomorrow, Mama will take me up in the rocket for a face-to-face debrief.  I look forward to meeting ... whatever you people are.  And I hope it doesn't sound the way she describes it.  Because I'm legitimately kind of scared of you.

To everyone's surprise (and no small horror of my own), I rolled the bro trait.  I am a geek, creative, bro.  I like everything and everyone.  I guess there are worse things in life.  Tad grew up ambitious.  We're still best friends, but I asked him out on a real, grown-up date as soon as we were both aged up!

Mama knows, of course.  She's been really smug about the succession and says that her mission has been a great success, even though she's not even done with her aspiration yet.

Either way, she's not wrong.  The family is running smoothly.  I've taken over keeping us fed, as it doesn't send me out to the gravesite in tears.

Mama is the handy one.

And Neb ... well.  You know, she's ... she's around the house.  Being Neb.

Truly she's struggling with her goals.  Every time she tries mischief interactions on strangers, they are charmed instead of offended.  For anyone else, this would be a good thing.  Not for my sister, oh no.

This afternoon she went to the gym with the idea that she'd find a victim to add to her dislike list.  The first thing she saw upon arriving was this:

No bodies or urns nearby.  Guess he was just getting pumped up.  So being utterly unhinged as my sister is, she decided to say hi.  It got weird.

She then left in favor of antagonizing a woman on the treadmills.  It somehow ended in being good friends with the woman and being mentored by her.  Leave it to Neb.

Later that night, on my first date with Tad, we saw him too!  The guy just won't leave off.

So, I decided that a reminder of my mortality was literally doing the smustle six feet away, I might as well make my move.

So I did.  To great success.

I'm sure he'll get along great with my extra super normal family.  Once I convince him to move in.

**Dispatch Closed**

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The Centari Legacy - The Lingering Nature of Death
« Reply #34 on: September 17, 2014, 12:11:19 PM »
None of the last updates pictures showed up for me because my Samsung was being mean but even so I didn't need them because your writing is so good! Can't wait for more!
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Offline Devin

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Re: The Centari Legacy - The Lingering Nature of Death
« Reply #35 on: September 17, 2014, 01:30:02 PM »
I'm loving this! The flirty Grim Reaper made me crack up, and I needed the laugh right now.

Keep up the great work!

Offline Trip

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Re: The Centari Legacy - The Lingering Nature of Death
« Reply #36 on: September 17, 2014, 01:45:03 PM »
I guess taking the dead is a physical job!
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Offline Tipi

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Re: The Centari Legacy - The Lingering Nature of Death
« Reply #37 on: September 17, 2014, 04:00:52 PM »
Flirty Grim - that is just weird. Is he supposed to be around when no one has died?

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Centari Legacy - The Lingering Nature of Death
« Reply #38 on: September 17, 2014, 04:36:00 PM »
Poor Neb, she tries so hard but no luck. And a sad day when Devon left. I'm looking forward to learning more from Astrid about her meeting.

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Re: The Centari Legacy - The Lingering Nature of Death
« Reply #39 on: September 17, 2014, 08:59:04 PM »
I've also encountered sims becoming friendly through mischief interactions, I think it depends on how the sim already feels towards the person preforming the interaction.  When I tested it on a sim who was neutral or friendly and my sim was in a good mood the relationship went up.  If the mood of my sim was bad, it went down.  If the relationship was already in the red but mood was good, it went either positive or negative, depending on the mischief interaction chosen.  If the relationship was in the red and mood was poor, it went down faster.  Hope that helps.

Achievement!  Flirt With Death.

Offline Slinky

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Re: The Centari Legacy - The Lingering Nature of Death
« Reply #40 on: September 21, 2014, 07:10:47 PM »
"Grim Reaper is Flirty" Hah!

Offline Tilia

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Flying Time
« Reply #41 on: September 22, 2014, 09:44:47 PM »
None of the last updates pictures showed up for me because my Samsung was being mean but even so I didn't need them because your writing is so good! Can't wait for more!

That's a lovely compliment.  Hopefully you got to see the photos later on, though!

I'm loving this! The flirty Grim Reaper made me crack up, and I needed the laugh right now.

Keep up the great work!

I can't take any credit for that one.  Maybe punching things puts the guy in the mood!

I guess taking the dead is a physical job!

Maybe some those denied please for mercy end in fisticuffs.

Flirty Grim - that is just weird. Is he supposed to be around when no one has died?

I have no idea, but I know I'm not the only one having him randomly show up around the neighborhood.

Poor Neb, she tries so hard but no luck. And a sad day when Devon left. I'm looking forward to learning more from Astrid about her meeting.

I'm fond of Neb.  She's been a great demonstration of the new insanity trait.

I've also encountered sims becoming friendly through mischief interactions, I think it depends on how the sim already feels towards the person preforming the interaction.  When I tested it on a sim who was neutral or friendly and my sim was in a good mood the relationship went up.  If the mood of my sim was bad, it went down.  If the relationship was already in the red but mood was good, it went either positive or negative, depending on the mischief interaction chosen.  If the relationship was in the red and mood was poor, it went down faster.  Hope that helps.

Achievement!  Flirt With Death.

It seems to be random for Nebula, maybe due to her insanity?  It definitely helps if the relationship is already negative before she starts pestering them, but even if someone is an enemy or a stranger, sometimes it results in positive movement.

"Grim Reaper is Flirty" Hah!

I suppose there are worse things he could be.  ;)


**Mission Dispatch - 115** Flying Time

Oh, Mission Control.  It's so hard to go back to how things were now that I've seen the other side of my heritage.  With Mama at the top of her career, we're building a second shuttle to keep in the yard so visits can remain steady and frequent.

I tried the potion given to me by your apothecary.  True to promise, it made me immediately very slender.  Almost too slender if you ask Tad, but I'm a fan.  And he's not all that put off when it really comes down to it!

Mama became an elder shortly after Tad and I got engaged.

You'd never know but for her hair color.  This is her at the wedding.

We explained to her that she could just dye it back but she found the idea "flagrantly dishonest."

We decided there's some sort of family glitch regarding wedding dresses.  I didn't get one either and got married in my casual wear.  It's the only time I've ever seen Neb cry.

I got pregnant almost right away.  Tad was thrilled.

I was a bit worried knowing how some sims react to finding out their lady is expecting, but it wasn't a problem here.  He says he wants at least 3.

Mama is fascinated by pregnancy in someone other than herself.  She delights in feeling the kicks.

She's kind of given up on ever accomplishing her lifetime aspiration.  It was a really bad fit to go with the astronaut career as it turns out.  She got through stage 2 at least and now spends her elder years with her family.

(It's pretty hard to manage a bunch of lifetime aspirations when there's no open world.)

I gave birth to Estella early in the morning before work.  It was terrible to have to leave right after putting her in the family crib.

But of course, there are lots of grown ups around to dote over her.  Also, check out Neb's waistline!  She's lost it all the old fashioned way, no fancy space potions.

As for parenthood, Mission Control, I knew what to expect, but it has its ups and downs.

**Mission Dispatch - 115** Expanding

Neb likes to tease that she's sometimes reminded of how glad she is that the baby is mine and not hers when it comes time for a bubble bath or locking herself in her room.  I don't mind the teasing.

I'm making good progress on becoming a mansion baron.

I need to fix the uneven roof later.  We've only built an en suite bedroom for Estella so far upstairs.

She aged up evil, bless her, just like her father.  So it's rather a trail to keep her from alienating everyone she speaks to.  She wishes to be a whiz kid.  Nebula is pretty pessimistic about her odds.

The second baby is already on the way, timed with my decision to continue on with being an artist rather than a patron. 

Mama has used the new equipment I picked up from my most recent trip to Centari to great effect.

Tad likes to change the outcomes of the good vs. evil battles in Estella's stories to prevent them both from getting the angry emotion.  I suppose that's all right.

Our second daughter's name is Europa.  Mama convinced Tad that it was essential to bring a fork when handling a second born infant.  I'm not sure if he was humoring her or convinced of the necessity.

Sadly, she will never know her grandmother.  It pains me to report that Mama passed away while sodering new propeller jets onto the rocket.

She looked up as though she knew it was coming ... and then ...

I did my best to keep her with us, but Grim was not swayed.

She's with Papa again, at the very least, and someday soon we'll have a party to send her back to Centari in style.

Rest well, Mama.  Say hi to Papa.

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Re: The Centari Legacy - Flying Time
« Reply #42 on: September 22, 2014, 10:55:49 PM »
Wow, Celeste's death actually hit me pretty hard. Your story telling is good enough to keep me with the story so that it's not just reading "yet another legacy." I like that about your story and your writing, and I appreciate what you're putting together here.

I also had problems with the Whiz Kid aspiration due to the dependence on school days and the requirements to earn an A in school. It wound up not being worth it to me to keep working on completing it, and I gave up. My second generation heir has turned into a real pain in the rear end anyway and I'm almost eager to get on with generation 3 so that I don't have to worry so much about him.

Since I'm playing for points, this pains me.

Offline Tipi

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Re: The Centari Legacy - Flying Time
« Reply #43 on: September 23, 2014, 12:14:21 AM »
RIP Celeste. Losing you founder is always tough. I find that I get especially fond of my founders.

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Centari Legacy - Flying Time
« Reply #44 on: September 23, 2014, 01:13:18 AM »
The end of an era - let's see how the decedents keep the connection to Centari alive.

I also find that accomplishing some aspirations will be a hassle when it comes to the no-open world thing. But, I also think this is because we are so used to one way of playing... I hope I will get better at managing my game...

