Author Topic: Sims 4 Building/Remodeling Thread  (Read 230215 times)

Offline ManiSims

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Re: Sims 4 Building/Remodeling Thread
« Reply #105 on: October 13, 2014, 06:41:15 PM »
Oh my gosh, Joria! I love Once Upon a Time! Haha, I'm only at the middle of Season 3 though.

As for the roofs, I completely know how you feel. I sucked at the outside of houses and AutoRoof in TS3 saved me... But I've been learning, it's not as daunting to me anymore with TS4. I think for your build you should have a Gabled Roof going horizontally along the back and maybe two half-hipped ones on the sides where the house sticks out in the front? If that makes sense. I'm not the best at explaining roofs... But yeah!

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Re: Sims 4 Building/Remodeling Thread
« Reply #106 on: October 13, 2014, 06:53:37 PM »
Oh my gosh, Joria! I love Once Upon a Time! Haha, I'm only at the middle of Season 3 though.

As for the roofs, I completely know how you feel. I sucked at the outside of houses and AutoRoof in TS3 saved me... But I've been learning, it's not as daunting to me anymore with TS4. I think for your build you should have a Gabled Roof going horizontally along the back and maybe two half-hipped ones on the sides where the house sticks out in the front? If that makes sense. I'm not the best at explaining roofs... But yeah!

At the moment it has one Gabled Roof covering the entire mess.  Looks awful!  I'll give your idea a try.

Wait till you get to the end of season four.  I was in tears, then got ticked off, and now am seriously begging hubby to allow me to buy, if it's possible, Season 4.  I adore Regina!  That was not a particularly good screenie of my Sim.  She really, really looks like her.  Too bad we can't make those awesome outfits she wears in the show!  My teen is planning on cosplaying her.
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Re: Sims 4 Building/Remodeling Thread
« Reply #107 on: October 14, 2014, 03:07:42 AM »
I love your sim, I don't know what story/tv programme? you are talking about but your sim is stunning. I also think half hipped/front gables should do the trick. You can also layer roofs in TS4 so you could make quite a detailed gable at either side of the front door.  :)
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Re: Sims 4 Building/Remodeling Thread
« Reply #108 on: October 14, 2014, 01:49:59 PM »
@Joria: I'm not the best either at putting the roofs. Normally, I place a smaller 2nd or 3rd floor, so there would be a smaller area for roofs left. Easier to manage in that case. Anyway, I used this roofing for a museum i created. It might give you alternatives for your roofing system. I also include a shot based on your house shape.  As your house isn't symmetrical, I had a bit of a hard time. So I cheated a bit and added an extra length on the left side of the house to make it easy for myself.

This is my current project. It's another Asian-themed residential building. It is placed on a 50x50 lot.
As of yet, I have only paced the shell of the house and roof, and a bit of paintwork. The landscaping will take quite awhile yet. I'm hoping, in a week or two, I can finish it.

I'm planning on putting the kitchen and dining area in this part.

This might be used as a painting room or library. The tiny building at the upper right is a trial for a shrine. I wish there was an option for smaller or half walls that will still allow roofing.

This one is a simple Dojo where I'll be placing gym equipment.

Last, is the main building that will contain the living area of the household.

It is really fun getting back to building again. I'll continue to make more asian-themed houses and venues to completely fill both Willow Creek and Oasis Springs. So far, it has mostly been Japanese and Chinese architecture. But I will add some other types to give my world variety. They would be of different lot sizes and placed in specific locations.

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Offline Joria

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Re: Sims 4 Building/Remodeling Thread
« Reply #109 on: October 14, 2014, 02:56:45 PM »
I love your sim, I don't know what story/tv programme? you are talking about but your sim is stunning. I also think half hipped/front gables should do the trick. You can also layer roofs in TS4 so you could make quite a detailed gable at either side of the front door.  :)

Thank you!  The program is called Once Upon A Time and I am watching it on Netflix as we don't have any premium cable stations.  We hardly ever watch regular tv but love to watch the different series after they've been on for more than 2 seasons.  We got to be serious Whoovians that way.  I'll be putting Regina up in the gallery with a carlsguide and my name hashtag if you want to play her.  She's evil and has criminal aspiration.  Not my usual type of Sim to play.

Layer roofs?  I can do that in TS3 but how in TS4?  There doesn't seem to be many roof options, (yet), in TS4.  I wish there were round and octagon shaped roofs for proper towers.

@ManiSims:  I misspoke.  I said at the end of Season 4 and I meant end of Season 3.  Season 4 is currently on tv but we won't get to see it till it winds up on Netflix, (or buy it).

@Joria: I'm not the best either at putting the roofs. Normally, I place a smaller 2nd or 3rd floor, so there would be a smaller area for roofs left. Easier to manage in that case. Anyway, I used this roofing for a museum i created. It might give you alternatives for your roofing system. I also include a shot based on your house shape.  As your house isn't symmetrical, I had a bit of a hard time. So I cheated a bit and added an extra length on the left side of the house to make it easy for myself.

I hadn't noticed that lack of symmetry!  I'll stretch that out to make it symmetrical, which was my plan to begin with.  I guess frustration took over.

I love the roofs you made.  I particularly like the fencing around them.  Now, are they half gables?  One of the issues I had is before I put the roof on the top of the building was partly covered but some areas were not and I could not put a "ceiling" or "floor" on them so there were bare spots.  If I put up a second story would that fill in the gaps?  I intend on there being a second floor and also a bigger footprint eventually but ran out of money.  I guess I could just use a money cheat since I decided to not do a legacy after all.  Too restricting.

I love your oriental style builds!  So nice to see something other than occidental houses that pretty much all look very much alike, at least so far.  Some of my favorite builders, (Larifari2009 and follyfoot to mention two from the "other" forum), have done some really adorable and unique builds in a Victorian or whimsical style but for the most part the houses are pretty standard American or British builds.  However did you make those roofs?
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Offline Indira

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Re: Sims 4 Building/Remodeling Thread
« Reply #110 on: October 14, 2014, 03:38:51 PM »

For this part, I placed an enclosed room (usually the shortest wall) in the middle of the roof. The room's ceiling will later on be the basis for your flat roof.
I used half-hipped roof and raise/lower the roof-height to match the wall-height. For this alone, you will need to place 4 different half-hipped roofs. Simply extend them to connect to each other.

to add, i placed a diagonal half-gable on the corner (near the top of your veranda). I tweaked it a bit by taking out the extension, this extension is controlled by a small arrow at the corner edge of a gable.

Oriental-style roof

For this type of roof, I combined Hipped-roof (right most) and Gabled Roof (middle) to create the oriental style roof (Left most), and raise/lower the roof height to smoothen the look. Also, don't forget to add colored roof trims to make it look complete.

I love traditional japanese houses as well as chinese ones. I was really happy when Sims 3 had world adventures. It's still my most favourite in all expansions ever created. When I have plenty of the Asian-themed houses and venues to at least fill one world, I'll make a topic of it in Swap and Shop in case there are people who would be interested in such things. I still have no idea what sort of parks I can create. Still lots more to do.

Offline ManiSims

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Re: Sims 4 Building/Remodeling Thread
« Reply #111 on: October 14, 2014, 05:49:53 PM »
Thanks Indira, I was wondering how to get the oriental roof right, I saw how to make it curved but I couldn't get them to have the look I wanted. I also like how you placed the small room to have the flat part in the middle, It's kind of obvious and I can't believe I didn't think of it. Hopefully now my roofs won't looks as awful :P

Wait till you get to the end of season four.  I was in tears, then got ticked off, and now am seriously begging hubby to allow me to buy, if it's possible, Season 4.  I adore Regina!  That was not a particularly good screenie of my Sim.  She really, really looks like her.  Too bad we can't make those awesome outfits she wears in the show!  My teen is planning on cosplaying her.
@ManiSims:  I misspoke.  I said at the end of Season 4 and I meant end of Season 3.  Season 4 is currently on tv but we won't get to see it till it winds up on Netflix, (or buy it).

Haha, I love Regina too, even in the beginning before they made us feel sympathetic towards her. I'll be looking forward to getting her on the Gallery! :) I don't have Netflix so I watch the show free on a website called series cravings. I really want to finish the season so I can get caught up with all the new episodes!

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Offline Joria

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Re: Sims 4 Building/Remodeling Thread
« Reply #112 on: October 15, 2014, 09:00:53 PM »
Wow, Indira!  Thanks so much.  You should do up a tutorial on roofs, particularly oriental style.  Well done!

So, I took the "easy" way out.  I used motherlode money cheat and got enough funds to add the second floor which basically fixed most of the roof problem, although it still took me hours to get it to look halfway right.  The downstairs is pretty much done, the second floor I'm not sure how I want it to look or what I'll want it for.  Here's the pix:

Front view, partially landscaped:

Rear view, deck has since been enlarged and has a table, bar and barbecue:

Second floor:

Birds eye view of first floor, floor plan:

Closer view of downstairs:

Head on view, walls half down of downstairs:

I'm pretty happy with it so far although it took me much, much longer to put together than it would have in TS3.  I have to admit, there were enough plants, paintings and various styles of all items, (except not enough kids things and no outdoor toys), that I did not particularly miss my store or EP/SP items.  I do miss not having moo and I really, really miss being able to recolor things.  This came out ok, but it is much more expensive than it would have had to be in TS3, since with recoloring you can use really cheap items and make them look very different and expensive.  Also, the cost of most items was much higher than in TS3 so making a really nice and affordable beginner house is pretty difficult.  You're kind of limited to a box I think, but I haven't played around with it much.

If anyone wants, I can put it in the gallery once it's finished or just leave the upstairs a blank slate for someone else to finish.
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Offline Tipi

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Re: Sims 4 Building/Remodeling Thread
« Reply #113 on: November 11, 2014, 12:52:45 PM »
The Blue legacy house

I have not played much my legacy family lately, but over the weekend the legacy mansion got a total makeover. I don't consider myself much of a builder - I mostly just play the Sims - and this is the first house that I have ever presented on this site. But since this is one of my more ambitious building projects in thought I might just as well show it to you.

The design is based on a house plan I found  on the web. I am pretty happy with the modern exterior.

The ground floor is mostly a huge open area with combined kitchen, dining and living rooms. At the moment it feels too big and I may end up redoing and dividing the space differently.

The wing with the "mood rooms" I had build earlier for the previous legacy house and remained unchanged.

2nd floor with four bedrooms and a nursery/playroom.

And a couple of interior pictures:


Dining and bar area

The main living area

One of the three "adult" bedrooms.

And finally the colourful nursery

My goal was to try and fulfill my heir's aspiration of becoming a Mansion Baron, but am still some 60-70000 simoleans short of the goal. So further decorating and building will be needed. And the landscaping is also far from finished.

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Re: Sims 4 Building/Remodeling Thread
« Reply #114 on: November 11, 2014, 09:01:32 PM »
Awesome~~!  This is a really stylish and different house.  I love the kids room a LOT but my very favorite is the kitchen with that oval counter.  Well done! 
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Sims 4 Building/Remodeling Thread
« Reply #115 on: November 14, 2014, 03:26:50 AM »
@ Tipi, it's fantastic! I love the shape and the roofline a lot but I particularly love the decoration. Can't wait to see it in your story!
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Offline Stormi71

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Re: Sims 4 Building/Remodeling Thread
« Reply #116 on: November 17, 2014, 02:52:27 AM »
I love looking at everyone's creations. I've never been good at building houses from nothing, I find I usually renovate and redecorate a house that is already on a lot. Today I built one on an empty lot, and I'm really pleased with how it turned out, then spent ages furnishing and decorating it. I will take some screenshots later and then see if I can get into photobucket and upload them.

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Re: Sims 4 Building/Remodeling Thread
« Reply #117 on: December 07, 2014, 05:12:50 AM »
Your house looks wonderful Tipi. I might be able to post some houses soon as I've got a laptop again. :)

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Re: Sims 4 Building/Remodeling Thread
« Reply #118 on: December 11, 2014, 03:22:43 AM »
I wanted to throw this build up here.  It's actually the home for my Immortal Dynasty family (the current incarnation anyway XD).  It is still a work in progress and there is very little decoration because I'm having them decorate as the family grows and the challenge progresses.  Any tips or hints are appreciated. 

I present:
Polychrome Estates

Overview of main floor

Overview of second floor

My favorite room(s) in the house XD the kitchen/dining room area

The all-purpose family room/lounge/great room

The main floor bathroom

The master bedroom

Again, still a work in progress.  In fact, there has been landscaping added, etc.  I might post more up about it later on, but wanted to show it off.  I'm actually rather proud of it.  I seem to have an issue with getting things to turn out how I pictured them or it looks very... haphazard.  Then again, this may appear haphazard too, for all I know XD

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Re: Sims 4 Building/Remodeling Thread
« Reply #119 on: December 11, 2014, 04:00:02 AM »
It's looking great so far Shewolf13.
The only thing that looked a little odd to me was in the family room where the TV was hanging over the windows. :)
Looking forward to seeing more pictures of it as you go along.
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