Author Topic: Immortal Rain  (Read 33549 times)

Offline KRae

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Immortal Rain
« on: September 03, 2014, 09:55:14 AM »
Don't expect an actual story here. It will be more of a place to post my family's stats and a few screenshots. This will be a simplified dynasty try. Meaning, I will be using only portraits in the family museum, and I will keep spares and helpers to the minimum. My house and décor will be simple. I'm hoping all this will help with load and save times. This will be my first official ID attempt. Celebrities will be shut off and only witches enabled. We are going old school and settling in Sunset Valley. Fishing, Charisma, Athletics, Logic, and all instruments will be open skills.

That said here is my founder, March Rain. His traits are Green Thumb, Angler, Loves the Outdoors, Friendly, and Hopeless Romantic, and obviously, he is a Witch. His LTW is The Perfect Garden. His role in the dynasty will be gardening and providing those first deathfish.

On his first day, March went to introduce himself to Agnes Crumplebottom. I'm probably the only person in Simnation who has never used Agnes in a dynasty. Their meeting went well and they were married on day two. A nice little house was built. On day three, they received a Fountain of Youth from Cornelia Goth as a wedding present. Suddenly, they were worth more than 500k. So much for early money struggles. Here's Agnes looking quite lovely after her make-over. Agnes will be painting, cooking, and writing a few books.

We have our first heir, April Rain, an Artistic Virtuoso. Eventually, she will be the dynasty's painter. She is definitely Agnes's daughter.

And Daddy teaching her to talk.
March: I grow fruits and vegetables. Although broccoli is still a mystery to me.

And as Agnes is a somewhat older woman, a second child was needed. Winter Rain will be painting and cooking.

So far, compared to other dynasties, this seems to move at a more leisurely pace.

Offline Malley

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Re: Immortal Rain
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2014, 10:55:44 AM »
Great start KRae.  The Fountain of Youth has to be the best wedding present ever.  Period.  I absolutely have my fingers crossed for an heir/spare named November Rain  ;D 

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Offline KRae

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Re: Immortal Rain
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2014, 09:34:00 AM »
The children grew up fast. April added the trait Family Oriented. Here she is waiting to talk to her mother who is painting her child portrait...don't interrupt her.

And in the blink of an eye, she's off to prom. She is now also a Born Saleswoman. She will be in charge of consigning.

Winter is exactly a week younger. As a spare, he is the only one allowed a multitab. He never needs to be made to do his homework.

He also is an obsessive painter. We have 4 easels, and many times he has paintings going on all four of them.

By the time he became a teen, he had maxed photography (multitab only) and was at level 7 in painting.

Offline Malley

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Re: Immortal Rain
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2014, 07:51:14 PM »
Wow, Winter seems to be doing great! He's going to be a tremendous spare for sure  :D

That's right Agnes, keep painting. Focus. No talking to your daughter or doing Mom things when doing museum pieces :)

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Immortal Rain
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2014, 08:55:21 AM »
I absolutely adore the name Winter! And it works well as either sex!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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Offline KRae

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Re: Immortal Rain
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2014, 09:17:01 AM »
A very short update here.
April became a young adult adding the Brave trait. We seem to be getting weekly burglars. She will continue developing her guitar and painting skills hoping to become a Master of the Arts. She looks sort of like I did as a young adult.

Two days after April's birthday, March became an elder and immediately got his portrait painted. The next morning he took a trip to the library to make one last best friend. He now qualifies to carry a death flower and eat ambrosia.

Generation One

March Rain - Green Thumb, Angler, Loves the Outdoors, Friendly, Hopeless Romantic

LTW - The Perfect Garden
Career - Gardener
Supermax - Gardening
Building - Sacred Spleen Memorial Hospital
Property - Summer Hill Springs
LTRs - Super Green Thumb, No Bills Ever, Flying Vacuum
BFs - Agnes Rain, Winter Rain, Monika Morris, Kaylynn Langerak, Malcolm Landgraab, Santiago Keaton
Opportunities - Uncommonly Good, A Bag of Produce, Perfect Produce, Outstandingly Rare, The Omnificent Plant, Monster from the Deep

And here he is with his portraits and rewards.

Edited to add: Week 7 Day 1

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Offline Malley

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Re: Immortal Rain
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2014, 12:22:36 PM »
Congrats on your first immortal completing his requirements!  And April is lovely  ;D

Your wish is my command.

I also forgot to mention that you made one Guns n' Roses/Slash fan very happy   ;D

Offline KRae

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Re: Immortal Rain
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2014, 08:34:36 AM »
Soon after completing his requirements, March took a long awaited trip to France. He went shopping and harvested grapes then went fishing and nectar tasting while waiting for a certain pomegranate tree to become harvestable. Telling it jokes didn't seem to speed up the process.

Soon Winter became a young adult. His final traits are Artistic, Loves the Outdoors, Friendly, Natural Cook, and Heavy Sleeper.

Way too soon, at age 93, Agnes passed on. She will be missed.

I guess everyone reacts to grief differently.

A few days later, April married her friend from school, Mike Donohue. He and his sister, Diane, were the only non-NPCs in their class. There was a definite attraction between the two of them, and when he visited he got along well with the whole family. Although no one is Observant and Athletic was the only trait discovered, he seemed like a good addition to the family. As it turns out, his traits are Athletic, Loves the Outdoors, Angler, Green Thumb, and Bookworm. Well no wonder everyone one loves him! Oh, and these are the clothes he came with.

Right before my last save, chimes were heard.

Offline Malley

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Re: Immortal Rain
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2014, 02:43:36 PM »
I think that is the first time I've ever seen a sim deal with death by telling Grim a ghost story. Awesome.

Offline KRae

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Re: Immortal Rain
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2014, 08:10:40 PM »
Here's another picture of Mike. I've just left him in his original clothes. These are his athletic duds. The red/pink high tops are a particularly nice touch.

That's okay because he and April produced our next heir, November Rain, Friendly and Easily Impressed. Definitely Daddy's girl.

She will be the dynasty chef so her toddlerhood will be one of mostly fun and play.

I guess I've gotten used to playing dynasties where you can age up toddlers as soon as they've met certain requirements because it seems like toddlerhood drags on forever. As soon as November learned her toddler skills, April and Mike took a quick trip to China. It was the day after April's adult birthday and all her requirements have been met except her elder portrait and 4 more best friends. Most everyone she knows is an elder. They brought back cherries and martial arts equipment. This will be an open skill and something to keep the elders occupied.

Offline Lisa46

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Re: Immortal Rain
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2014, 08:13:52 PM »
I totally understand your feelings about the age ups. With the 4x4 their years are shortened and with the LS dynasty they just have a few requirements. I don't know about the decadynasty but with the immortal dynasty I never can stand the toddler years. So boring!


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Re: Immortal Rain
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2014, 04:45:12 AM »
Random clothing selections are hilarious in Sims 3, true. Congrats on Gen 3 :)

Offline Malley

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Re: Immortal Rain
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2014, 03:39:21 PM »
Those pink hightops are just pure awesomeness.  And welcome to November  ;D

Offline KRae

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Re: Immortal Rain
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2014, 12:06:09 PM »
Toddlerhood passed, finally, and November became a child who loved spending time at the family owned park across the street.

Here she is fishing with the guys. She just caught her biggest minnow ever. Can you see it?

Childhood passed quickly and November became a lovely teen. She went home with a friend, Vivek Willey, after school, and after she discovered that he too is family oriented, invited him to prom. He showed up for their prom date with his toddler sibling in tow. Fortunately, the babe reset, and off they went in the limo. November was voted prom queen and got herself a boyfriend.

Homework is hard when no one is around to help. Plates left from breakfast don't help.

April, meanwhile, became an elder and seems pretty pleased with herself. She should be. All her requirements were met except the elder portrait. So off to the dresser and then to pose.

Generation Two

April Rain - Artistic, Virtuoso, Family Oriented, Born Salesman, Brave

LTW - Master of the Arts
Career - Painter
Supermax - Painting
Building - Wilsonoff Community Theater
Property - Landgraab Sell n' Swap
LTRs - Extra Creative, Jet Setter, Discount Diner
BFs - March Rain, Mike Rain, Ricky Champagne, Delores Ball, Christen Ursine, Tiana Falcon
Ops - The Study of Art, In the End, The Business of Décor, Raise the Fun(d), A Retreat to Inspiration, Painting the City

In the family museum with her portraits and awards

