Hey everyone! This is my second attempt at a Lifestates Dynasty (I did complete one already) and I'm shooting for Hall of Fame this time. I'm not as far as I was when I started the Sakura's (and there's those things called college and work that are in the way too...), so chapters may not be as frequent, but I hope that you enjoy the story
PrologueOnce upon a time, there was a fairy princess who lived in the far, far away world called Monte Vista. She lived there happily with her father, the King, and her mother, the Queen. As she grew older, her parents told her that it would one day be her responsibility to take over the kingdom, but only the kingdom of the Fairies, since she was Fae herself. The other kingdoms of the other supernaturals were governed by one of their own kind. It had been that way for as long as anyone could remember. But why it was that way, separate kingdoms instead of one, no one really knew.
Now of age, the Princess was finally invited to sit in on one of the meetings between the kingdoms. The leaders from the different kingdoms would come to the King and Queen's palace to discuss matters, conflicts, treaties and more. Despite the separation between the kingdoms, they seemed to all live peacefully-for the most part besides the odd skirmish here and there-in the sun bathed hills of Monte Vista. This was a fact that the Princess brought to the attention of her father.
"Why can't we all live peacefully together in one kingdom?" She had asked the King. "We all live together in Monte Vista, yet we seem to be worlds away. If all of us can get along, is it that hard to fathom that our respective kingdoms can to?"

"Live peacefully? Together?" The King repeated.

The King looked around the table at his fellow leaders.
"Pardon me, Princess, but I don't think that's possible," The Queen of the Werewolves spoke up.
"Why not?" The Princess asked.
"We are all just far too different," The Queen of the Werewolves explained.

"I mean, can anyone honestly imagine us all living together in one kingdom?" She continued.
"I am inclined to agree with you," The King agreed.

"I'm not so sure," The Queen spoke up. "I think it is possible,"

The King was surprised at his wife's words.
"Really, Esmeralda?" He questioned. "Please explain yourself."
"Do you not remember hearing stories of alliances and peace between the kingdoms in the history books as we were growing up?" The Queen said. "As a Fairy, I have been around a long time. In fact, longer than you, Ryan. I remember as a young child, hearing stories from my parents and grandparents on how our kingdoms were one, not many. I think our daughter is right. I think it is possible."

The King thought about the Queen's words. He had always known her to be a wise woman. She had always ruled her kingdom fairly and justly in her many years as Queen of the Fae. As much as he questioned that unity could work, the King did secretly believe that it was possible, even if the possibility was miniscule. After all, he, the King of the Humans, and Esmeralda, the Queen of the Fae, were married and had been for quite some time. And they were happy at that.
The King looked around the table.
"Alright, I have heard from the Fairies and from the Werewolves on this matter." He said. "I would like to hear from the remainder of the supernaturals present today,"
One by one, the leaders from the different kingdoms expressed their thoughts on the matter. The King listened quietly to each leader's opinion.

When all that was going to be said was said, the King addressed his daughter:
"It seems that all of the kingdoms are doubtful, but willing, to give peace a chance." He told her. "However, one thing we do agree on is that we need to test this peace before we make any major decisions."
"Test the peace?" The Princess repeated. "Test it how?"
"A dynasty," The Queen of the Werewolves said. "Prove that our different kinds can live together by completing a number of different of different tasks. You complete those tasks and we'll know that it is not just a fluke,"
"But why me?" The Princess asked.
"It was your idea," The King explained. "And it is your regal duty,"
The Princess let out a breath.
"I will do it." She said. "I will take this task, and complete it, because it is my regal duty."
"Very good." The King said.
The meeting was adjourned and the King and Queen escorted the Princess out of the palace. It was outside of the meeting that the Princess and the Queen realized the gravity of the situation.

The King sensed the uncertainty from both ladies and addressed his daughter.
"This will not be easy," He began. "But I believe you can do it. Your mother and I-a human and a fairy-have lived harmoniously for years, so anything is possible. Make us proud."

"I guess I have to leave now," The Princess said.
She gave her parents a goodbye hug before setting off on her journey.

My name is Princess Andromeda Rigel and I am embarking on a Lifestates Dynasty. All I can say is: me and my big mouth.