Author Topic: Re: Saltpastillen's Simself legacy "All you can play project"  (Read 22167 times)

Offline saltpastillen

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MF4 A Grimm visits
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2014, 06:53:47 AM »
Dear diary,

Jules says it was when potty training Jonas it hit him. He did want to get married after all, but only if I was the woman he married. I feigned surprise when he asked me, and was the happiest of women. Taking a break from all our trying for baby action, we decided to celebrate with a trip to the summer festival (I only have summer enabled in this town) and what would you know, I am pregnant! I guess the 13th time really is the charm. We immediately tied the knot to celebrate.

Meanwhile at the house, Bailey called Chauncey over to tell him the great news "you are going to be a dad"! She says he took it pretty well, and that night she gave birth to a daughter named Cornelia. Inspired by our recent marriage, Bailey proposed she and Chauncey tie the knot, and they had a very quick wedding because Cornelia needed her bottle. Bailey broke the news to me, and the very same afternoon, the newly minted Mrs. Grimm moved in with her husband and daughter. Bye Bailey...

...and hello Felicity (MacDuff). I know I might be a bad mother, but I have been spending most of my time working on my painting skill and moving on up the ranks in the architect career. At least I am at home and not running all over town pushing my way into peoples houses - I'm leaving that to when my kids are teens and can be mortally embarrassed by their mother's actions. So, to make up for my absence I decided to invite their aunt to live with us. And not a moment to soon, because that night we welcomed our second son, Emil to the family. Emil is an easily impressed virtuoso.

Felicity soon felt right at home at our house, and it didn't take long for her to find someone special. I hope she won't leave us to soon, because Jules is working hard to fulfill those wishes of his in order to get us a collection helper. Anyway, she and Malcolm are a really cute couple, and he's so sweet the way he is always initiation romantic actions with her.

Time moves swiftly, Jonas is now a child and sadly has gained the good trait. What did I do wrong? Could it be all the time I have spent socializing with the Wolff's? I probably should have spent less time rubbing my neighbors bellies, and more time scaring the living daylights out of them...

Luckily Miriam Hoppcraft is a sim after my own heart. She's always such a pleasure to have over for a chat, and she helps educate our children in the harsh realities of life. The day after Emil's last lesson we decided to age him up a day ahead of schedule. Both Jules and me think it will be a good thing that they spend some of their teenage years together. I was excited to see that Emil resembles me to a degree. He's sure to become a very handsome man...

With both boys grown up we decided to call it quits on the childbearing front. We are getting older, and frankly we don't think spending days on end trying for baby is as much fun as it used to be. One wohoo a night is more than enough, thank you very much - especially when we both are so busy during the day. But, I did still nurture that hope of having a girl, so we said "we will try it ONCE and if it happens, it happens, and if not we are blessed with two children already". What do you know - I guess one try for baby really is all it takes sometimes (I was flabbergasted, I never thought she would get pregnant again...).

This time it really was a girl, and now I'm absolutely positive I don't want any more kids. Because, hey, I need to work! Her name is Svea and she is artistic and over emotional. As soon as I got her in the crib I drank some pink juice Chester had gifted me before he moved out. I guess it was some powerful stuff, because I felt 21 again.

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: Saltpastillen's Simself legacy "All you can play project"
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2014, 11:22:51 AM »
Le sigh! 5 weeks and 4 days in and I still only have 11/100 reviews...why I hated this LTW is starting to come back to me big time....

On a brighter note, at least I'm having fun in my game...

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Offline Lisa46

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Re: Saltpastillen's Simself legacy "All you can play project"
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2014, 05:07:59 PM »
I feel ya, Saltpastillen. I believe that it is the one LTW I have never completed... Actually scratch that, I hate traveling so some of those wishes aren't completed either.

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Re: Saltpastillen's Simself legacy "All you can play project"
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2014, 01:34:55 AM »
I feel ya, Saltpastillen. I believe that it is the one LTW I have never completed... Actually scratch that, I hate traveling so some of those wishes aren't completed either.

I know it can be done more quickly, but frankly I have never been one of those players that are super focused and goal oriented. I just get caught up in all the little quirks and wishes my sims roll along the way and spend a lot of the time just wanting my sims to have fun. I guess it is 9 in game weeks left of this LTW after all....

Offline saltpastillen

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MF5 Hogwards next?
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2014, 01:08:24 PM »
Dear diary,

for some unfathomable reason I feel myself strangely moved to show you what I have been working on while on maternity leave for the last couple of weeks.

Aging up Emil close behind Jonas was a stroke of genius. They have become very close since they share their father's magical affliction. I always find the chatting away a mile a minute, and then they go all silent when I walk in. I wonder what they are talking about...

Poor Svea, her toddler birthday was fraught with troubles. First she pooped her diaper, then the evil maid stole her candy and lastly her birthday cake caught on fire. Jules just waved his wand and extinguished it, but I had already called the fire department, so now we got to pay a fine for prank calling. I guess even in Moonlight Falls the fire department don't believe in magic.

Eventually Svea aged up and we put the exhausted toddler to sleep and went out to celebrate mine and Jules second wedding anniversary. The boys also came along, and surprisingly we weren't asked to call a babysitter. Maybe because there was a zombie stumbling around outside?

The moon had turned a eerie green when we arrived at the toadstool in our cruiser. The boys got their first taste of the strange things going on in our town when a zombie appeared right in front of them! At the Toadstool Jonas had his teen birthday (he gained the hydrophobic trait) and decided he wanted to hide his eyes from the world.

Two days later Emil also became a teen (he gained the loves to swim trait, and by the way he got the unlucky trait when he aged up to a child, I totally forgot that). He's more of a business in the front and party in the back kind of person. Neither of the boys had any LTHP to speak of so I felt the need to help Jonas along by teaching him how to drive. He later bought the Perfect Host LTR, unlocking it for me. So now I can throw awesome parties just like Jules.

Now that they are teens the boys magical abilities are really flourishing, and I often feel like I am living in a sims version of Hogwarts the way they and my Jules go on and on about spells and alchemy ingredients and potions.

With Svea becoming a toddler I had more time to focus on taking on paying clients, and so I went out to measure all the houses in town. Jules took Svea to the library to teach her about painting once she had exhausted all the toys at home. They are very close despite her being normal just like me, or maybe it's because she's not magical they have formed a special bond.

Svea aged up in a interesting hairdo and pink PJ's. In retrospect I realize that it was the pink color that mortified her the most. She's such a tomboy, never seen without her jeans and messy plaits. But she shares my love for art and I have taken to hanging many of her works in my renovation projects. Because of this I have been very busy.

But when mine and Jules 3rd wedding anniversary rolled along I took an afternoon off and hauled the whole family to the gypsy caravan park for some family fun. Well, I at least had fun. I can't really tell you what the kids were doing...

During the nights I have to go to bed early we have lately had a strange visitor. After Jules confessed to a strange urge to wohoo with this alien creature, I have made sure he's way to busy to answer the door from now on.

I went over to Chester's place, our old house, and spruced it up for him. His was my 10th great review, so now I am 1/10 of the way towards my LTW. He also gave me such great reviews that solicitation for business is easier than before.

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Re: Saltpastillen's Simself legacy "All you can play project"
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2014, 03:06:03 PM »
Yay, so excited to now be 1/5 of the way :) Things started to improve once I started inviting people to parties in order to hit them up for home renovations, not to mention searching the bars and hangouts for likely suspects...

Offline saltpastillen

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MF6 Magical misfires
« Reply #21 on: August 29, 2014, 09:53:42 AM »
Dear diary,

my friend Emelie VanGold has found love and moved out of the family mansion. Naturally she asked me to pretty up her new house. She was ecstatic about the bar I added on a whim (thanks for the traits part of the guide you guys!). She also confided to me that she is pregnant, so someone is doing something about the future of this town.

Jonas aged up to adult and forgot to add a new trait, he also decided to aim for the Mystic Healer LTW. I guess this means he will either spend ages at the elixir shop or work a lot on his magic skill. Time will tell.

Svea works diligently on her painting skill. She's already completed 5 paintings and she's having a blast painting when home from school.

My good friend Miriam Hoppcraft passed away at my party the other day. She will be missed, she was the only other evil sim I knew in this town. Now I am surrounded by goody goodies!

Svea's birthday came along quickly and she really does resemble me, except for the fact that she is good of course (child trait, forgot again, what a horrible mom I am!). For her teen birthday she gained the brave trait. We haven't really had any need for a brave sim yet since we haven't had any burglars (touch wood) but it's always nice to have one in the house. She's still a tomboy and prefers baggy clothes and earth tones to more feminine attire.

We threw a party for Svea's birthday and Cornelia, Bailey's daughter showed up. She really does resemble her father. She and Emil also seem to have hit it off. Apparently they danced quite a bit at prom (yes both boys went but I didn't take any pictures, Emil was prom king) and all of a sudden they were smooching in the corner!

Personally I enjoyed the party as much as possible, but when you have a husband who is a which and likes to shoot fire blasts at people for a laugh (read, at me) sometimes social situations can be a strain. Luckily he makes up for this in other ways and our marriage is a strong as ever.

I had some really awful work wear so I tried making myself a new work outfit, if it will work remains to be seen. As regards to work, I have now received 20 positive reviews. It is somewhat chocking considering this is the level of color co-ordination I deal with (at least for the people I don't particularly like, like the Goodfellow's who never turn up for my parties).

Emil is a YA now as well, and he's decide to pursue the Zombie Master LTW. He became a gatherer in order to facilitate that (if I don't get the magic skill high enough).

Jonas met a girl. He was out throwing potions at random people in the park and Mara Nix was one of his "victims". Now he's always talking about doing things with her or inviting her over. Maybe love is in the air?

Jonas has been spending a lot of time trowing potions at sims around town. He mostly targets the toursits, and then gets a secret thrill when he cures them afterward. I think he's got something of a super hero complex since he has joined the police force. Emil heeded my request and joined the criminal career instead. I really hope he will become a criminal mastermind.

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Offline saltpastillen

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MF7 Boo! and baby/ies?!
« Reply #22 on: August 29, 2014, 10:18:26 AM »
Dear diary,

here's a quick look at how alike me and Svea are. I am really happy she has her hair from her father though, because I love that almost auburn color.

To help my boys in their quest to gain more magic skill I decided we should adopt a familiar, I mean, cat. Her name is Boo! (I kid you not, it was her name as she came to us). She's an independent mixed breed adult and she fit right in at our house. She likes to tend to herself most of the time, and that is perfect since we are always running in and out of the house. She and Jules are the ones who have the most fun together, even though I confess I have played chase with her a time or two and she even has her bed in out bedroom!

As I mentioned earlier, love really is in the air, not only for Jonas but Emil as well. Seems like he and Cornelia really have hit it of, and the other day Jules kind of walked in on them in the shower. Even if there were plenty of comfortableness all around, Emil still had a satisfied look on his face...

As the full moon rolls around once more Jonas dons his superhero gear and saves the zombies.

From only 2 girls in the house we are all of a sudden 4 (5 if you count Boo!) and while I would like to say it has been without any friction, I must confess that Svea and Cornelia just can't seem to stand each other. Apparently Cornelia was quite disparaging about my decorating taste and Svea took offence. I really hope this won't become a problem in the future.

Ever since my latest makeover the age gap between Jules and me have become even larger. I therefore take as much time as I can each week to do something specifically with him. This week we are learning more about alchemy, just in case we might need it.

While out on the job I ran across Mara Nix and she's in an interesting condition. I didn't feel like I could ask her straight out, but I wonder if that's my future grandchild she's got hiding under her blouse. She wanted a study, not a nursery so I'm not sure. Jonas has been so busy lately magically upgrading all our plumbing (thank god, no more broken toilets and showers!) so I haven't been able to ask him...

Svea aged up to YA and gained the frugal trait. I don't know why she feels she needs that, Jules has plenty of midas potions in his inventory. She also decided she wanted to become a Master of Mysticism for her LTW. (I have never played any branch of the fortune teller career before so this will be very interesting for me). That's Jonas in the background, I guess he's borrowed some undercover clothing from work to blend in more with the tourists.

Bailey asked me to come over and redo their kitchen. Who should I find on the front lawn but Cornelia. And what was she doing? Going into labor! Sacrificing my commission I took her to the hospital and stayed for the delivery. Emil managed to show up as we were on our way home (he has the graduation robes as a career outfit).

I am now the proud grandmother of a girl named Beatriz, and so happy that Bailey and I are in one way a family once more! BTW, Beatriz is a which like her dad.

On Svea's graduation day I realized we hadn't done anything as a family for quite a while (besides, Jules and I had an anniversary again) so we went to the performance park to watch the Simfest. Sadly, no performers showed up, so Jonas had to show off his latest spell instead. Naturally he cured the sim directly after.

I have now taken to staying out late at night on my days off to pester unsuspecting sims into hiring me to redo their houses. It has had mixed results but I am hopeful that this strategy will add to my bottom line in the end.

As to Svea, she went straight back to her easel...

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: Saltpastillen's Simself legacy "All you can play project"
« Reply #23 on: August 29, 2014, 01:37:58 PM »
Sigh, I had to move out the household using the clipboard because some sims had become invisible. Sadly this reset the count on the reviews, so I'm back to 2 reviews again. Nothing good lasts forever it seems....

I'll go see if I can salvage the old save, so I don't have to start over from scratch...

So, I went back 2 sim days and redid the eviction/so that I just moved the two invisible sims. Now I'm back on track and only lost 4 reviews.

Offline saltpastillen

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MF8 Intervention anyone?
« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2014, 08:14:59 AM »
Dear readers,

Sometimes I feel like my wife needs an intervention. She has no clue what keeping in the budget means, and if we hadn't had a steady supply of midas touch potions I don't know what would have happened. The neighbors have started complaining about us littering up the front yard and us being the reason the real estate prices are dropping. Please talk with her about this! We can't go on this way!

Yours truly, Jules MacDuff

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MF9 Moving in and out
« Reply #25 on: August 30, 2014, 08:34:57 AM »
Dear diary,

Jonas in on his way to become a very skilled healer. He's already saved 7 sims for a fate worse than death (tragic clownismn) never mind that he was the reason they were afflicted in the first place.

I paid a visit to Bailey the other day, she is getting really old, and I wanted her last days in life to be spent in a truly stunning kitchen. Sadly she passed away later that night leaving Chauncey, Cornelia and Beatriz on their own.

Jonas has popped the question to Mara, and our family welcomed her and cute little Carmen. Carmen is brave and loves the outdoors.

As the full moon came around we threw a party to celebrate the newlyweds. Cornelia showed up as a zombie, I guess she didn't hear the part about this being a non-fancy dress party. Svea was happy she had messed up. The two of them still don't get along.

Speaking of Svea, she's got romance in her life. It's Peanut Ivy, who I gifted with a fountain of youth elixir last week when I was over there to redo his study. They really hit it of and were smooching by the end of the night.

With the house so full the boys are really working overtime to get their magic skill up. We have therefore decorated the whole front yard with shower stalls that they can magically upgrade over and over. Since they went to the spa and got a great escape package, they can do magic non-stop without ever getting low on juice.

Unfortunately Carmen became invisible the first night he spent at our house. Why we don't know. Mara was able to potty train him, but not much else. In the end Mara also turned invisible and they had to go away for a bit before they could regain their corporal bodies (I split them off from the household and moved them out in edit town mode before moving them straight back in, that seems to have fixed the problem but Carmen never got a kids portrait in the panel once he aged up so I think he's permanently glitched, luckily he's not a born in the household sim and will move out with his parents once Jonas completes his requirements).

Svea joined the fortune teller career and got a spiffy custom work outfit, the hair came with the old work outfit. Here she is escaping all the broken shower stalls on the front lawn for some relative calm at work.

Carmen aged up once he was back in the house. He is now a mermaid (Mara was too before being cured by Jonas) and he gained the animal lover trait. I wish we could let him take Boo! with him when he moves out, but Emil is still way behind Jonas in his magic skill (due to more work hours) so he needs to stay a while longer.

That same night Jonas completed his LTW and moved out with Mara and Carmen. The house felt kind of empty so we invited Cornelia and Beatriz to come stay with us. It turns out this was one of the worst choices we could have made... but more about that later.

First, meet Beatriz, she's good (why am I surrounded by good sims?) and hates the outdoors. She was also showing a marked preference for presiding over the royal court, some sim kids are annoying like that, but that was one other warning sign I ignored.

My dear husband Jules became an elder and rolled some wishes to travel, we'll see about that.

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MF10 Ooooh - I don't!
« Reply #26 on: August 30, 2014, 06:43:47 PM »
Dear diary,

What put that disgusted look on Svea's face? Could it have been her seeing Emil asking Cornelia to marry him? Or maybe seeing Cornelia shutting him down because she just didn't feel like it? All I do know for certain is that Svea predicted "dire events" in Cornelia's future.

I ran into Jonas and his family at the festival grounds today, apparently their new house wasn't as perfect as it had first appeared so I went over to fix it up for them. I took a picture of how it looked before so you could see the atrocious avocado interior...(it's one of the pre-made houses that came with Generations, something Mother approved, I have never used it before and it really was strangely decorated, but the layout was nice ). Jonas was very happy with my design.

At home I learned that Svea is expecting! She's got hot pink pants but seem rather happy anyway.

Beatriz presides over the royal court so much that she's lost her hair. (She's one of the most annoying kids I've had in a long time. She is constantly dropping queed interactions to jump up on a chair, she even went home early from school one day to do her royal imitaion).

Emil aged up to adult all alone outside the spa, where he was getting another spa package to help with his magical gain. He's taken 5 days of unpaid leave to stay home and work on his magical skills more. He really want's to bring the dead back to life.

Svea is hard at work on her painting skill. She's now a brush master, and has already completed one brilliant painting.

And me, well, it seems like Jules and my celebration of his birthday was a bit wilder than anticipated...

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Re: Saltpastillen's Simself legacy "All you can play project"
« Reply #27 on: August 31, 2014, 06:47:44 AM »
Halfway done (with home design hotshot)! my simself reached 50/100 at week 8 day 5.

On a good day I can get 3 reviews, on a bad day only one. I have learned to avoid the Goodfellow's because they have yet to give me a positive review. I really wish I had rolled the perceptive trait, that would have been a great boon going forward with this.

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MF11 Breaking up is never easy
« Reply #28 on: August 31, 2014, 04:15:15 PM »
Dear diary,

Betrayal! It's such an ugly word, and an even worse feeling and action. Did you see what I saw? Jules flirting and kissing Cornelia! On the neck! In our upstairs family room! In front of the maid!

"I don't know what came over me" he said, "it just sort of happened, I never planned to cheat on you". Whatever, I just can't deal with this right now. I screamed at them to get out of my sight - and they ran like little frightened deer.

My body was in upheaval, was I ill, was I going to throw up? No, it was just the pregnancy spin coming in. I'm pregnant too? How will I deal with all this? I never should have let her in the house, I should have listened to Svea's dire warnings.

Who dare she come in here and try to steal my man? I confronted her and showed her that Jules was in a very committed relationship indeed - I was expecting one of his babies. And by the way, that man she is supposedly going steady with - that's Jules and my son! She acted all heartbroken and claimed to not have intended to do anything with Jules. She says he tricked her. But I am wise to her lying ways now, she's got to go. And she better keep her hands off my man!

I ran Jules down at the library where he'd gone to cool his head. He was so excited when he saw my belly. "Another baby! You'll be home with me more!" he cried and kissed me. I didn't know what to think. Was I OK with him kissing me or what? I was tired, cranky and I had to pee. I kissed him back and tried to forget what I had seen. We had a good life together, didn't we? We had a past and a future on the way, wasn't that worth fighting for?

The next few days proved to be very tense around the house. Jules and I tried to keep up appearances, but frankly no one payed any attention. Emil was as busy in the garden working on his magic skill as ever, Cornelia and Jules had long and loud rows about how betrayed she felt that he tricked her. He still claims it was a miss-firing love spell aimed at me that was the culprit. Now they don't speak at all, and I don't speak to either of them...Emil seems oblivious and Beatriz has her own set of problems because she just turned teenager and her hormones are all over the place, she's now a savvy sculptor.

And in the midst of all this drama Svea went into labor. Peanut freaked out bif time, and his scales all but fell off.

Emil was ready to embrace his destiny, and he raised all my dearly departed old friends from the dead. He immediately transformed them with the sunlight spell, and let them get back to their old lives. All save good old Chester, whom he invited to come live with him and Cornelia once they moved out.

Svea had a daughter in a spectacularly long delivery where the prospective father to be fainted twice. We finally had mercy on him and cured him from his mermaidism just before Tilda entered the world.

Just minutes later my third son Lo came to be. And with his arrival I finally had a breather to think over what I should do about Jules. I decided to do a little investigation into how he spent his time when I was away working. As it turns out, Jules had several romantic interests, and not just anyone - he was involved with 2 of our maids and Mara, Jonas wife as well! I had enough!

I told him I wanted a divorce on account of him being unable to keep it in his pants, or in his wand as it were (since he claims it is his rouge love spells that are at the root of this problem). He didn't want to accept this, but when I revealed that I knew all about his relationships with his sons wife and girlfriend, and how much this disgusted me - he relented.

I could probably have forgiven him the involvement with the maids, but to cheat not only on me but on his sons too? Impossible! The breakup was as amiable as possible and Jules left right away, as did Emil and his hussy of a wife and self obsessed daughter. Sadly it feels as if I won't ever be close with Emil again since he insists on sticking with Cornelia despite all she has done.(

Once they had moved out I realized that poor Lo had witnessed the whole breakup fight and he had a horrid -60 moodlet for 2 whole days. I was intending to age him up pre-maturely, but since I didn't know how to get the moodlet away, I waited so that he didn't have to be a miserable toddler. )

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Re: Saltpastillen's Simself legacy "All you can play project"
« Reply #29 on: August 31, 2014, 04:53:56 PM »
Wow. Just... wow. I guess he likes love charms a bit too much.

In my life states dynasty he is very similar, only he's locked in a room with only his wife, so it doesn't even matter.

