Author Topic: Changeling Dominion  (Read 20554 times)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Changeling Dominion
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2014, 11:40:34 AM »
Chapter 3.  The First Drones

I heard the chimes and sprang out of bed.  It was 2am, but I was potently invigorated and anxious to get started in my Art Appraiser career.  I needed rebel influence just to get the offer, and I thought a couple weeks at University would be just the ticket.  Again, I hated leaving Aya, but she jumped up and run out to take a job as a stylist as soon as the nooboos were started.  She was back and busy sketching by the time I finished the aptitude test and found that I already had 18 credits in Fine Arts!  That meant a scholarship of $2000!

Aya came out to see me off, but she seemed to be having a little trouble with her witch skin - it had her waving, cross-eyed, in the opposite direction from me in the moving van.

As soon as I got to University, I met Derek Khan, a level 8 rebel.  We chatted for awhile and then I asked if I could sketch him.  Derek struck a few different poses, while I captured his likeness.

I guess Derek liked my work, and we became friends just before I had to head off to the University Meet and Greet.

Over the next few days I attended all my classes and did my studying, but I was still able to find time to attend a few parties.  I always sought out the rebels in the crowd.  Chatting with them improves my rebel standing.

I knew I could also raise my rebel standing by protesting, but I didn’t really feel comfortable jumping right into that, so I practiced first at my dorm, often with an audience of sims in underwear.

Finally I felt ready for a real protest in the park.  A lot of people showed up to join my protest against masks.  I don’t really have anything against masks personally - being a shapeshifter is kind of like wearing a mask all the time.  But I needed to protest against something, and masks seemed like a decent thing to start with.

When I reached level 8 with the rebels, I was able to add a trait.  Avant Garde would be the logical choice, but rebels, by nature, rebel against obvious choices.  So I chose Workaholic.  I think this will come in handy in meeting my future goals.

I spent all my free time increasing my rebel status.  I chatted with other rebels:

Showed off my new gizmos:

Played kicky bag:

And ate herbs.

I achieved level 10 Rebel just before midnight on Saturday of my first week at University.  Shortly after that, I found myself wishing for my first child.  I really wanted to go back to Moonlight Falls to be with Aya.  My primary mission here was to become a Level 10 rebel, and I’d accomplished that.  But I had an “A” in my studies, and I knew the degree would help me in future careers, so I stuck it out. 

I continued spending most of my free time on rebel activities so my standing wouldn’t diminish.  But I did find a little time for something else fun.

I graduated with an ‘A’, and Aya came for the graduation ceremony.  It was so great to see her! 

Because of my degree,I was able to choose another trait.  I was so looking forward to having a family, and I wanted to be able to help my offspring learn and grow, so I chose Family-Oriented.  University was fun, but I was ready to get back home and start raising those nooboos!


I hated having Artok gone, but I was really excited to get started in my new career!  I had an opportunity to create a new swim ensemble for Bailey Swain.  I was so excited!  Her current swim attire seemed rather drab against her pale skin.

I created a swimsuit with bolder colors, gave her a new hairstyle, updated her accessories, and showed her some new makeup tricks.  I thought she looked great!

But I must have missed something, because when she came out of the makeover room, she was a disaster!  I’m clearly going to need a lot of practice to succeed as a stylist!

I spent the next couple of days at the stylist drawing table.  I needed to get some fashion experience behind me after that Bailey Swain disaster.  I was drawing new fashions very early one morning when the first labor pains hit.

Artok was little help.

But before long we were face-to-face with two little bundles of joy - Acer and Alinda.

We took a few minutes to appreciate the tiny little burritos, and then we headed for the cake.  First Acer.

Then Alinda.

They both got quick makeovers before starting on their toddler skills.

We learned quickly not to leave Alinda alone in a room without entertainment.

Fortunately, Grandpa Watts was electrified to hear about the birth of the twins!

I had agreed to forsake my witchy powers so I could be cloned.  My first clone was Alara.  Her traits were Loves the Outdoors, Bookworm, and Ambitious.  Her first wish was to take a writing course, so she went off to that right after her makeover.

Surprisingly, my second clone, Angelica, had dark hair.  Her traits were Loves the Outdoors, Green Thumb, and Ambitious.  Her initial wishes were to buy a flower bowl and go fishing.  But first, the makeover.  Apparently the idea of a makeover was intimidating to Angelica, and she had a little trouble holding her shape.

But she quickly got the hang of it and loved her new clothes and hairstyle.

Meanwhile, the toddlers were quickly learning their toddler skills.


And soon it was cake time again.  As a child, Acer wasn’t interested in a makeover - he thought it was too girly.  But Alinda couldn’t wait - she jumped right up on my makeover stage to get a new hairstyle and new clothes.

With the kids pursuing their skills, I went out to check on the garden.  As I approached my plants, I thought of the fairy blooming ability and was reminded of how my wings felt when I considered taking the fairy shape.  I loved that feeling, and decided that now that I had alchemy mastered, I had no need for witchiness.  I quickly used a Bottled Blessing of the Fae elixir that I'd been saving.

And I decided to do my own makeover, not by shapeshifting, but by using my makeover station.

As Queen of the Fae, I changed my wing color from green to pink.


The kids grew so fast! Acer and Alinda listened to logic tabcasts and learned to make potions.

Angelica fished.

And Alara introduced the world to changelings through fiction, humor, and sports books.

One day, as I was reviewing the items in our family inventory, I realized that the supernovium ingot from China was suddenly accessible again.  What a surprise!  I consigned it, and later that day it brought $55, 065!

The kids were anxious to age up and get a step closer to fulfilling their missions.  As soon as they reached a grade of “A”, Aya bought birthday cakes and we all celebrated.

Angelica was first, but she seemed a little unsure about making a wish.

And even more unsure about having sticks in her hair.

Alana was next, and while making her wish was easy, the birthday sparkles caught her by surprise.

Aya decided two cakes were enough calories for one household, and opted for throwing an Age of Instant elixir at Alinda.

The University Mascot startled everyone.

But we recovered quickly and Aya threw an Age of Instant elixir at Acer.

Acer took the whole aging up process much more smoothly than the girls had.

As soon as the celebrating was over, Angelica headed out to the garden to gather sunshine.  Aya met her there and got started tutoring her, with a plan for her to reach Young Adulthood the next day.  Although she didn’t want to rush Angelica through her teen years, Aya really needed help in the garden and Angelica had the Green Thumb trait.

Angelica reached a “B” shortly after dawn, and had to attend school to raise it to an “A”.  While the kids were at school, Aya sketched fashion design ideas and gave Belinda Crumplebottom a new look and a whole new wardrobe.

When Acer came home from his first day of high school, he went straight to Aya and asked for a makeover.  It made me wonder who he met at school.

Alara also wanted a teen makeover, including some new hairstyles that didn’t make her look like her mother.

Angelica had achieved an “A” at school (week 3 day 5), so Aya threw an Age of Instant Elixir at her and celebrated briefly with her.

When Angelica aged up, Aya had an 11,500 point wish to see her become a doctor.   Angelica, being a dutiful clone drone, gave up her plan to be a professional Angler and joined the medical profession.  But she secretly listened to fishing tabcasts while she gardened.

The next day, Alinda decided she was ready to be a young adult.  She planned to be a professional athlete, and knew she didn’t need an “A” in school to make a very good living in that profession.  She already had the athletic trait, and didn’t really care about choosing her next trait.  So she bought herself a cake and snuck off to the consignment shop where there was no one to stop her.  She didn’t really care for the Cat Person trait that she acquired, but she did like her new sweater.

I had a big wish to see Alinda as a professional athlete, so I was pleased that she set out immediately for the Sport Arena, to embark on that career.  The she stopped by the grocery store to get some buzzberry herbs, and she headed to the gym.  She ate the buzzberry, set some incense burning, and started her workout.  It was a little rough going at first, but with the buzzberry and the incense, she mastered the athletic skill in no time.

Aya spent her time tutoring our remaining high-schoolers and aging them up to Young Adults while I worked on getting to the top of the Art Appraiser career.



Acer got a job at the Science Facility, while Alara registered as a self-employed writer.


While I was tutoring the drones and aging them up, Artok was working hard to advance in his career as quickly as possible.  He spent all his time scanning art and working, both at work and at home.  He needed to move quickly through his career so he’d have time to paint masterpiece portraits of our drones.

As soon as Angelica became a Young Adult, Artok painted her.

And painted her.

And painted her.

After 10 non-masterpiece portraits of Angelica, Artok decided to paint Acer.  He painted one average and three brilliant paintings of Acer, and then painted a masterpiece portrait of his son.

Then he painted two more non-masterpiece portraits of Angelica.  When Alinda aged up, Artok painted her . . . nine times . . . and then got a masterpiece on the tenth attempt.

And then he painted three more non-masterpieces of Angelica.  By this time, I was a level nine painter myself, so I tried three times to paint a masterpiece of Angelica, but I just couldn’t do it.  But while I tried, Artok painted Alara.  Three times.  That’s all it took.  Only two non-masterpieces.

Feeling bolstered by his success with Alara, he painted three more portraits of Angelica and finally got a masterpiece.  He proudly hung the masterpiece portraits of his first generation of drones in the honeycomb room below the house.

Meanwhile, Alinda pulled out a magic lamp from her inventory that no one knew she had.  Artok and I think she must have gotten it as a souvenir from a school field trip, but we’re not sure and she’s not telling.  All the drones had a wish to be Swimming in Cash, so I gave them all Wish Enhancing Elixirs, and then Alinda rubbed the lamp and called up a genie, who granted her wish for fortune.  Immediately, we were 100,000 simoleons richer, and all the kids had over 60,000 happiness points.

Then they all went out into Moonlight Falls to purchase property - the beginning of the takeover. By the end of the day we owned a coffeehouse, the Vault of Antiquity, a fishing site, and a gypsy wagon.


While I was busy painting Angelica four million times, Aya was making over the town.

Apparently, she was having quite the sizzling effect.

She advanced to the top of her career about two hours before I finally managed to paint that masterpiece portrait of Angelica.  When she got home, we all went out into the garden to celebrate.

When we were danced out, Acer used his happiness points to get an Age Freeze potion.  He knew that as a witch, he might not live long enough to see the full takeover of Moonlight Falls without some help.  He drank the potion, and made the call to move to a house of his own - The Craftsman’s Mansion at 204 Lakeside Drive.

Angelica, as a human, also needed a life-extender, so she drank an Age Freeze potion as well and then moved to Affordable Elegance at 327 Knott Street.

Alara, although human, wasn’t interested in an Age Freeze potion.  She had her heart set on wings.  She asked Aya for a Fairy Elixir, and Aya was happy to oblige.

Alara loves her new red filigree wings!  She also loves her new home, the Desirable Classic at 414 Huckleberry Lane.

As a werewolf, Alinda has a longer lifespan than humans and witches, but not as long as fairies.  And she wasn’t sure it would be long enough, so she too drank an Age Freeze potion before moving to the Cozy Retreat at 20 Lupine Lane.

It was very quiet around the house with all the drones moved out.  Since we had so very many non-masterpiece portraits, we decided to use them as our second collection.  I hung one Aya painted of Alinda along with four that I painted - Angelica, Acer, Alara and Aya.

And then it was time to relax.  ;)

Second Reproductive Day:
Requirements complete Week 5, Day 5 7:53pm
Max Career:Art Appraiser (Appraisal)Stylist
Skill Challenge 1:  Super Friendly  Teacher Extraordinaire
Skill Challenge 2:  Master PainterBrushmaster
Unique Best Friend:  Bailey SwainMiriam Hoppcraft
Unique Happiness Reward:    Alpha WolfQueen of the Fae
Collection: 4 Non-Masterpiece Portraits  1 Non-Masterpiece Portrait
Travel time:  2 weeks Universitynone

Drone Requirements
DroneUnique CareerMax Skill   Business or Property
AcerScientistLogicFlying V’s Coffeehouse
Alinda  Professional Athlete  AthleticThe Vault of Antiquity
Angelica  MedicalFishingThat Old Fishing Hole
Alara  WriterWritingGypsy Wagon
7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
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Offline KRae

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Re: Changeling Dominion
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2014, 12:37:37 PM »
Bring on those nooboos. How many will you need? I've thought about eventually doing another Domination Dynasty in a different town if there aren't too many drones required.

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Changeling Dominion
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2014, 12:47:05 PM »
Bring on those nooboos. How many will you need?

They're on the way!  I actually hit "Post" when I meant "Preview" - I'm updating that post right now, and the rainboos are about to make their appearance!

I'm not sure how many I need - I haven't counted - in the game I'm only on second generation, so not even close yet.
7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Completed)
Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble (In Progress)

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Changeling Dominion
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2014, 12:28:15 AM »
Chapter 4.  The Second Batch

With the first generation of drones moved out, Artok and I took a few minutes to relax and then got working on the next batch.  The chimes played at week 5, day 6, 5:16 am.

I selected my favorite paintings and sketches and to hang on the walls and then sold the rest - 51 sketches for a total of $12,728.

Artok also selected a few of his favorite sketches and paintings.  He quit his job and registered as a self-employed painter.  And he sold 21 sketches from the sketch table, for $3,850, and 7 sketches from the sketch pad for an additional $3850.

I registered as a self-employed gardener.  By this time, we had so many money trees that I knew I could max that career easily, even while spending plenty of time on drone tutoring and makeovers.  The next couple days passed by quickly - Artok spent them painting while I stocked up on a few important elixirs and gardened.

I was enjoying a little kids’ television with Artok painting nearby, when I suddenly jumped up from watching TV feeling a little . . . . different. 

I quickly recognized the feeling, and Artok immediately understood.  He rushed over to talk to the little droneboos-to-be about . . . shoes.

Whatever they had to say is between them and their daddy!


I was very excited about the new batch of droneboos, and when Aya jumped up from watching kids’ tv again just a couple days later, I knew just what it was!

I was right there with her, providing love and support!

After a few hours of labor breathing and crossed eyes, three baby girl werewolves were born.  Belaria (Genius, Virtuoso) was first, followed by Brina (Genius, Eccentric) and Bisla (Genius, Perceptive). I hugged Aya and told her I would surrender my werewolf powers and even out the genders with 3 clones.  While I was gone, Aya took each of the girls to the birthday cake.

First Belaria.

Then Brina.

And finally, Bisla.

As Aya got the girls started on walking and potty training, I welcomed my clones to Sunset Valley. 

Boshram (Ambitious, Born Salesman, Gatherer)

Bactril (Ambitious, Genius, Family-Oriented) in the green pants, and Bracken (Family-Oriented, Artistic, Workaholic) wearing the tie.

On the way home with the boys in the Motive Mobile, I stopped by the consignment shop and consigned 20 paintings. When I got home, Aya was busy training the girls.  Two in the walkers, and one learning potty training.  The little geniuses learn walking so fast this way and it's so cute how they watch each other learn to walk!

Then out of the walkers and into the playpen to learn talking, while the third learns to potty.  Aya could barely keep up with moving them around, they learn so fast!  After learning to talk, Bisla and Brina played peek-a-boo.

And I had some Daddy-Daughter time with Brina.

The boys took turns choosing new clothes.



With the wardrobes taken care of, I tutored Bactril, while Boshram learned to fish, Bracken attended painting class, and Aya finished up toddler training.  I started tutoring with Bactril because, as a genius, once he reached level 5 logic, he could help with tutoring the others.

When word came of my consignment sales, I was thrilled to see that the one day’s sales took me to a Level 9 painter.


I had two of the girls potty-trained, and all three had learned to walk and talk, and I needed a break!  So I  jumped in my nice, quiet Motive Mobile all by myself and went to City Hall.  I picked up my Stylist Service Award and registered as a self-employed gardener.  Artok had a powerful big wish to be worth over a million dollars, and we were already over $980,000.  I had over $41,000 worth of money bags from our 20 perfect money trees and I wanted to cash those in while Artok and I were both still under the influence of the Wish Enhancing Potions we consumed just before the girls were born. And I was very close to satisfying my big wish to master gardening.  Selling off my produce brought me to level 8 in my career.

Artok tutored Bactril through the night, and got him up to an “A” without him ever having to go to school!  So Bactril was blowing out birthday candles when Boshram and Bracken were getting on the bus.

Bactril picked out some new clothes.

Then he started up a logic tabcast and took off to fulfill his wish to take a class in logic.

By then the toddlers were getting up and I was setting up cakes.
Brina was the first to wake up and cake up.


Bisla needed to finish learning to talk, so Belaria was next.


By that time, Bisla was ready.

The next few days were a whirwind of tutoring, birthday cakes, Age of Instant potions, makeovers and graduations.

I tutored Belaria.  (Hmmmm . . . . I really need to do something about that skirt.)

Bactril tutored Bracken.

Artok tutored Bisla.

Bisla aged to teen and got a new do and new wardrobe.


Brina aged to teen and also got new hair and clothes.


And Belaria followed suit, although she must have snuck off and had her birthday in private, because there are no pictures of it.

As Belaria stepped down after her teen makeover, she spotted a guitar that hadn’t been there a few moments ago.  Without stopping to ponder where it came from, she swooped it up and started playing.  Thanks to her early xylophone experience, she already knew a little about music.  Artok watched proudly as she practiced on the patio.

Boshram made use of the makeover station as well.

Then Brina tutored him.

And aged up to Young Adult.

Belaria, Bactril and Bisla got a little help from Age of Instant elixirs.

Boshram and Bracken managed to age to Young Adult somewhere where the camera couldn't find them.

Bracken and Brina celebrated graduation at home.

Boshram and Belaria celebrated at the library.

And Bisla and Bactril changed out of their graduation robes a little too quickly to get a picture.

Boshram had already been learning Photography, so as soon as he aged up to Young Adult, he registered as a self-employed photographer.

Bracken continued painting around the clock, thanks to Potent Invigorating elixirs and the Motive Mobile. 

Bisla registered for the Private Investigator profession and immediately went on a stakeout at City Hall.

She thought she was doing a pretty good job of being unseen.

But she soon realized she wasn’t quite as invisible as she thought.

Brina registered as a self-employed inventor and managed not to set her butt on fire even once!

In the midst of all the tutoring, I decided I’d had enough of tutoring in a skirt.  There’s just no good way to do that.  So I had a little self makeover of my own.

Once all the kids were Young Adults, with Swimming in Cash lifetime wishes, Artok and I gave them each a Wish Enhancing elixir, and Boshram summoned the genie.


Aya noticed that all the birthday cake was taking its toll on Belaria, so she whipped up a Lean and Mean elixir and threw it at her.   

The change was a lttle too drastic.

It’s a good thing there’s a lot more birthday cake in the fridge!

As a workaholic, Belaria was able to work from home to fill her career bar.  Then she invited her boss, Bianca Crumplebottom, to the library for a chat.  It went so well, she asked for a promotion, but Bianca said no.

That’s when she remembered - she’d forgotten to use the Potent Friendship Elixir Aya had given her.  So she stepped back and heaved it at Bianca, and then tried again.

This time, Bianca had the right answer, giving Belaria the promotion she needed to move out on her own.

Once she had the promotion, she made a quick phone call to check real estate, and purchased an unnamed lot at 71 N. Falls Ave.  There was nothing on the lot, so she needed to add $46,380 worth of improvements, including a toilet and a sink.  She got right to work.  The lot was fairly close to the theatre, and she had a plan to turn it into an inviting spot for musicians like herself.  As she continued to upgrade the property, she was quite surprised to find that she needed to complete upgrades to bring the property to a value of $155,000.

Belaria drank her Age Freeze potion and moved to Myrtle Bungalow at 278 Valley View Drive, just down the road from work and the Musician Park she built.

Bisla bought and upgraded the Stone Troll Fishing Hole.  She added a Kids’ play area.

And a picnic area.

And a hot tub.

Then Bisla drank her age freeze potion and moved to The Humble House at 2 Lupine Lane.

Brina bought and upgraded La Shove Beach, froze her age and moved to The Stately Starter at 31 Lupine Lane.


Bactril was next.  He purchased and upgraded Performance Park.  Then he drank his age freeze potion and moved to Tish Cottage at 2737 Waning Way.

Aya and I easily finished up our requirements and put together our Potion Collection.  I contributed the Liquid Horror, Stink Juice, Imaginary Friend Metamorphium, and Ninja Vanish potions, and Aya cooked up the Bladder Flow potion.

I was pleased with the masterpiece portraits, although I do wish Belaria’s was as clear as the others.

As soon as our requirements were complete, Aya and I got started on drone batch number 3.

Aya was painting when she realized she was pregnant.  She immediately had a wish for a boy, so she pulled out an apple for a quick snack.

I wished for a girl.


When I realized I was pregnant, I also realized I was tired, a little lonely, and in need of a toilet and a bath.  So I took a ride in the Motive Mobile.  I passed Performance Park and stopped to have a look around.  Wilhelmina Wolff was there in werewolf form and I suddenly had a wish to paint her.  So I did.

Back home, I guess Bracken was so impressed with the results Belaria got from the Lean and Mean elixir that he decided to try one for himself.  After the intense effect it had on Belaria, I don't know what he was thinking!

Bracken was the last to finish his requirements - he mastered painting on W7 D4 just before 5am when he painted his first masterpiece painting.  After a quick trip to the All-in-one, he munched on an apple, and then bought the Mind-Body Connection Bookstore and Spa.  He moved to the Cozy Cottage at 89 Horseshoe Bend.

That left just Boshram at home. He purchased Sam’s Market Diner and then stuck around a few more days to help with the gardening.  He’s such a dear.


I took a job in Art Appraisal.  Because of my earlier experience, I started the career at Level 5.  Working at home before I actually went to work helped me get a promotion on my first day, and this time I chose the Acquisition career path. 

Early Thursday morning, while Aya was painting, this happened:

It was Boshram’s cue to bail.  But first, a quick smash of a Bottled Blessing of the Fae - he so wanted to be able to bloom plants!

And then he moved to the Quaint House at 127 Wood Street.  The move got him his own home, with gardens, and a pick-up truck to boot!

And once again, it was just Aya and I in the house . . . but only for a few minutes.

Third Reproductive Day:
Requirements complete Week 7, Day 2 7:25am
Max Career:PainterGardener 
Skill Challenge 1:  Teacher Extraordinaire   Master Planter
Skill Challenge 2:  Master ChemistMaster Farmer
Unique Best Friend:  Erica WolffHelen Hall
Unique Happiness Reward:    Suave SellerCollection Helper
Collection: 4 Potions1 Potion
Travel time:  nonenone

Third Reproductive Day:
Drone Requirements
DroneUnique CareerMax SkillBusiness or Property
BislaPrivate Investigator   LogicStone Troll Fishing Hole
BelariaMusicGuitar71 N. Falls Avenue
Brina  InventorHandinessLa Shove Beach
Boshram  PhotographerPhotography   Sam's Market Diner
Bactril  Law EnforcementLogicPerformance Park
Bracken  ArtistPaintingMind-Body Connection Bookstore & Spa
7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Completed)
Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble (In Progress)

With the story threads here closed to new content, my stories and future content have moved to Glazey's Playground.

Offline Lisa46

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Re: Changeling Dominion
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2014, 12:05:17 PM »
Your sims are so unique looking! I love their genetics. Artok and Aya are both pretty and their genes match well.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Changeling Dominion
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2014, 08:08:47 PM »
Chapter 5.  Going Down for the Third Time


The triplets Calaylia (excitable, genius), Craftor (athletic, genius), and Cratok (good, genius) were born just in time to get an unusual gift in the mail from some dear friends.

As soon as the droneboos arrived, I hurried off to get cloned while Aya fed them.  In the interest of keeping a gender balance, I would be cloned once, and Aya would be cloned twice.  But I needed to hurry so Aya would have time to get cloned twice and get back before I needed to leave for work.  We just can’t leave our precious droneboos in the hands of a BABYSITTER!

Meet Croloft - genius, artistic, ambitious

I was pleased with the boy’s traits, and headed home to help with the droneboos.  Croloft followed.  But not too closely.


While Artok was gone I made quick use of a Potent Cure Elixir that seemed to just swoop the wings right off my back! 

As soon as Artok returned, I headed out for the science lab.  Crenada is artistic with a green thumb, and loves the outdoors.

Caliope is an ambitious, artistic bookworm.


Quick double check . . . no . . . not clumsy . . . perhaps just a little unfortunate.


While Aya was gone, I took Calaylia, and then Craftor, to the birthday cake.

Calaylia was so very cute and sweet.  She has my hair and eyes.

Craftor sprouted adorable blonde hair, and when he gazed up at me, I felt my heart bursting with love.

And then I had to rush off to work.


And just that quickly, the house was full again!

Croloft had a wish to take a class in logic, so he rode his bike back to the science lab.  Caliope rode off to take a class in writing, and Crenada headed for the makeover station.

She clearly thinks she’s hot stuff now!

I got a walker out for Craftor and grabbed a birthday cake for Cratok. Once Cratok aged up, I put him in the playpen to learn to talk, and then put Calaylia in the other walker.

Before I could even start tutoring Crenada, Craftor had learned to walk!  So I put him in the playpen with Cratok to learn talking and then got a few minutes to tutor Crenada before Calaylia mastered walking.  (I noticed Calaylia likes to keep an eye on her progress!)

She also seems interested in art.

When Caliope came home from her writing class, she headed straight for the makeover station.

I wanted to tutor Crenada first - with traits of Loves the Outdoors and Green Thumb, she was exactly the right person to help with the plants, but she had to be a teen to start learning gardening.  But I’d barely gotten started with her when Cratok mastered talking.  So I moved him to the walker, and moved Calaylia to the playpen.  Craftor needed to potty, and while I potty-trained him, Calaylia learned to talk and Cratok learned to walk.  It’s awesome that they learn so fast, but with all this fast moving around, there’s just no time for tutoring!

Calaylia quickly learned to potty.

While I was watching Calaylia, Craftor snuck outside.

And soon it was time for more birthday cakes, and three toddlers grew into three chldren the day after they arrived as droneboos! 

Calaylia chose a hairstyle that brought out her gold highlights.

Craftor said he’d rather get sweaty than get made over!

I decided to forego tutoring Crenada, since she already had her most important traits.  I threw an Age of Instant at her and she gained the Computer Whiz trait as she became a teen.  She huffed, “you could have let me know this was coming” as she headed back to the makeover station.

I also threw an Age of Instant elixir at Caliope and I had my eye on Croloft, but the bus came and he had to go to school.  Caliope developed the Photographer’s Eye trait, and aged up with hair exactly like mine.

So of course she had to change it immediately.  As she opened the back door, she called, disdainfully, “Out of my way Crenada!  I’ve got mom-hair here!”

Craftor and Calaylia were adorable playing chess together.

It’s so obvious they’re twins!

It was fun playing chess with Calaylia, but then Cratok came out and practically ran to the makeover station!  And it was right there where I couldn’t help but see him.  What a sissy!  I wasn’t watching that!  So I decided to visit the gym.  I had tried to figure out the treadmill and the weight machine at home, but I just couldn’t use them.  I was hoping the gym would have some kid-sized ones.  But just in case they didn’t, I snuck one of mom’s Age of Instant elixirs.  One way or another, I was getting on that treadmill!

I got to the gym and it was just as I feared.  No kid machines.

So I thought, “Oh well, here’s goes nothing!”  And I threw the elixir at my feet.  As soon as I did that, everyone stopped what they were doing and started coming toward me.  I thought I was in big trouble, but then they all started cheering me and clapping and blowing horns!

It was so awesome!  And then this light started spinning and I felt so amazing I just had to jump up in the air!  And when I came down, I was a teenager, and big enough to use the treadmill and the weight machine.  And, I even got the Rebellious trait!  How cool is that!?

I went straight for the treadmill, and I got up on it and ran like the wind!  I was so fast!  Zach Durwood was there, and he could hardly believe his eyes!

Annalove Ivey could hardly take her eyes off me, and Zoe Durwood was so impressed, she started copying my moves!

It was the best birthday ever!


I decided to tutor Crenada after all.  She did already have the important green thumb and loves the outdoors traits, but I wanted her to also be ambitious.  That would give her more happiness, and I wanted her to be able to choose to freeze her age if she wanted to.  I caught her outside after she finished in the garden, and it didn’t take long.

Once she had an “A” I gave her an Age of Instant elixir.  It was odd . . . I thought sure I had three of those elixirs, but after giving one to Crenada, I only had one left.  Hmmmm . . . wonder if I’m getting a little forgetful?

Crenada slipped off to the consignment store across the street so she wouldn’t rile up the rest of the family and aged up to young adult.  She chose the Ambitious trait.  What a smart girl!  Of course, when she got home the makeover station was her first stop!

Just when I was thinking I hadn’t seen Craftor in awhile, he came out of the bedroom headed for the all-in-one.

I immediately knew three things.  First, I was not getting forgetful, I really was missing an Age-of-Instant.  Second, that rebellious trait was right on the mark.  And third, one of his sisters was going to have to get him up in that makeover station, because he has no fashion sense whatsoever!

Since Crenada was the only drone I tutored, I’d had time to max out my gardening career and complete my skill challenges.  So it was back to business with the drones. I bought five birthday cakes, gave one to each of them (all except Crenada, who was already a young adult), and sent them out to various places in town to celebrate.  While they were blowing out candles, I mixed up a few more Age of Instant elixirs.

Calaylia aged up to teen at the consignment store and acquired a short haircut and the Eco-Friendly trait. 

I popped over and threw an Age of Instant at her, which added several pounds and the rebellious trait.  She again chose a hairstyle that showed off her highlights.

Croloft aged up to teen at the Fire Station and acquired the Brave trait, a perfect fit for a fire fighter.  He also acquired a bald head, which he wasn’t too keen on.

Caliope aged up to young adult at The Toadstool and again acquired my hair along with the Savvy Sculptor trait. 

She immediately headed home to change her hair, hiding her face so no one would recognize her.  But Croloft beat her to the makeover station.  Apparently he felt that bald trumps mom-hair.  He fixed his hair, then came to the consignment store and got an Age of Instant elixir from me. A few minutes later, he was a bald young adult with the schmoozer trait.  He got back to the makeover station just as Caliope was finishing up.  She figured she needed two everyday outfits - one that suited the journalism job she intended to get, and one just for fun.

She barely got out of the way fast enough.  As I watched Croloft, I couldn’t help but wonder how many hearts this firefighter was going to set ablaze!

But I didn’t have long to think about that.  My senses were telling me Cratok was ready for me.  He’d aged up to teen at the library and developed the Perceptive trait.  I got there just as he spotted his brother Boshram.

I tossed an Age of Instant at Cratok, and just like that, his teen years had come and gone.  He developed the Good Sense of Humor trait, which I think he’ll need in his Education career.

This left only Craftor as a teen.  Funny how the toddler who learned the fastest was the last to age into young adulthood.  It was mostly because all that working out had made him really tired, and he’d been in the fairy house sleeping during all the other birthdays.  He came out just in time to see me coming around the corner of the house with an Age of Instant elixir in my hand.  I tossed it at him and he developed the Natural Born Performer trait and decided to pursue the Acrobat career.

The girls and I had him on that makeover station before he knew what hit him.  We even gave him a career outfit.

Calaylia, Cratok and Craftor wanted to go to graduation, so Artok and I went with them, although Artok didn’t really seem to be focused.

Calaylia seemed excited.

But Cratok thought it was all a big joke.

And Craftor took off as soon as it was over to go practice his acrobatics at Performance Park.

Calaylia joined the Ghostbuster career.  At her first gig, the protestor stuck in the ground was more concerning than the colorful spirits!

She had no idea who it was, so she ignored it, and went after the spirits.

She just knew she was going to love this job! 

There was only property Calaylia wanted to buy - the Hallowed Grounds Cemetery.  Her first addition was an Into the Future statue.  She wondered if anyone but Cratok would get the humor.

Craftor, of course, bought Bell’s Barbell House.  He upgraded the computers and added a snack area.

And he added a hot tub and a makeover station downstairs.

Cratok purchased the Library of Lore, and looked forward to sending his students there to work on school assignments.  And Caliope purchased the Van Gould Merchant House and Cafe, where she was working as a journalist.  Croloft was disappointed that he couldn’t purchase the firehouse - he really wanted to upgrade those beds.  He settled for the Deja View Theater. 

Crenada purchased the lot at 270 Valley View Drive.  She was disappointed that she couldn’t plant any food plants there, but she had a lot of fun adding bushes and flowers.  She turned it into a family entertainment park so that all of the Founders would have a place a gather and enjoy time together.

She added a play area on one side.

And an outdoor theater on the other side.

There’s a picnic area with grills, and a kitchen with a refrigerator.

And there’s a hot tub hidden from the road by flowers, near the outdoor theater.


All the drones were finished with their requirements and were either fairies or non-aging humans by early morning of Week 8, Day 4.  Aya had finished her requirements a few days earlier, and just needed to collect a couple of gems to add to my three.  I, however, had not yet reached the top of my career.  An unfortunate scheduling snafu related to graduation, combined with the fact that I only worked two days a week in a job where I had no boss, resulted in a span of 9 days at level 9 with a full performance bar and no way to get a promotion. 

Still, the drones were anxious to move on with their lives, so we all met out in the garden (where all but one of the perfect money trees had mysteriously disappeared) and danced in celebration.  Then one by one, they made the call to find a home of their own.

Calaylia (fairy) used 90,000 LTR points to purchase a couple extra Motive Mobile’s for Aya and I and then moved to the Comfortable Classic at 37 S. Falls Way - right next to the cemetery she’d purchased.

Crenada (non-aging human) moved to The Rookery at 261 Valley View Drive, just down the street from the beautiful family park she built.

Caliope used an elixir to become a fairy and used her LTR points to get Aya and I a food replicator.  She moved to Rose Haven at 29 S. Falls Ave, next door to Calaylia.

Craftor was born a fairy.  He used his LTR points to purchase another Motive Mobile, giving the family 5 for the next batch of drones, and an extra Dusty Old Lamp, just in case Midas Touch elixirs were in short supply at some point in the future.  He moved to the Stunning Revival at 130 Wood Street.

Cratok (non-aging human) moved to Victoria’s Victorian Home at 114 Wood Street, much to the chagrin of the wild horses.

Croloft (non-aging human) moved to Kid Tested, Mother Approved at 126 Wood Street.

Aya and I put together the gem collection.

We hung the portraits: Crenada, Calaylia, Croloft, Caliope, Cratok, Craftor.

Aya made a best friend, Suraya Younan, at Performance Park when she went to watch Craftor perform.

And Deng Wang and I became best friends at the library.

On Week 8, Day 7 I finally got to go to work.  I got my promotion, came straight home, and we got started on the next batch of droneboos.

Fourth Reproductive Day:
Aya and Artok
Requirements complete Week 8, Day 7 3:09pm
Max Career:Art Appraiser (Acauisition)Painter
Skill Challenge 1:  Master MuralistMaster Painter
Skill Challenge 2:  Everybody's Best FriendBotanical Boss
Unique Best Friend:  Deng WangSuraya Younan
Unique Happiness Reward:    Discount DinerEye Candy
Collection: 3 Gems2 Gems
Travel time:  nonenone

DroneUnique Career   Max SkillBusiness or Property
Calaylia   Ghost HunterLogicHallowed Grounds Cemetery
Craftor  AcrobatAthleticBell's Barbell House
Cratok  EducationLogicLibrary of Lore
Croloft  FirefighterLogicDeja View Theater
Crenada  GardenerGardening   270 Valley View Drive
Caliope  JournalismWritingVan Gould Merchant House & Cafe

7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Completed)
Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble (In Progress)

With the story threads here closed to new content, my stories and future content have moved to Glazey's Playground.

Offline GlazeyLady

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  • I'm not home alone.  My sims are all here.
Re: Changeling Dominion
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2014, 09:49:44 PM »
Chapter 6.  Pick up the Pace


Something really strange happened yesterday.  I was relaxing on the bed, daydreaming.

And I heard a voice.  Out of the blue.  And it very clearly said, “Artok, you have to hurry.  Four is coming and there isn’t much more time for this.”

I jumped off the bed and looked around, but there was no one there.  And then the voice said, “You can’t see me.  I’m not really there.  I’m in the Omarion Nebula.  I’m only linking through thought and sound.”

“Who are you?”  I asked.

“I’m your Watcher.  All the Changelings in Simlandia have Watchers.  We didn’t tell you about this because we didn’t want you to feel . . . well . . . watched.”

“So, you’ve been here all along?  And you never said anything?  Didn’t it ever occur to you that we could use some advice along the way?  Some news of home?  Maybe even a little help?”

“Who do you think put up those gardening stations?”  the Watcher said.  “Built your house?   Gave your daughter that cool guitar?  Popped for all those cars that take your drones off to their new homes?”

You bought those cars?” I asked.

“No, actually, I don’t know where those came from.  But I did the rest.”  The voice paused, and then said, knowingly, “and I’m guessing you’d rather I not mention all that to Aya.”
“No, no, no, there’s no need for that,” I said quickly.

“That’s what I thought.  You know, I’m happy to keep that just between us, but there’s something I need you to do.”
Aya was so thrilled about the gardening stations and the house, and I should have told her the truth at the time.  But I didn’t, and nothing good would come of her finding out now.
“Just tell me what you need,” I said, and I meant it. 

“I need you to move things along faster.  You need to raise these drones up and move them out more quickly.  Four will be here soon and I just won’t have time for this,” said the voice hurriedly.

“What do you mean?  Four what?” I asked, confused.  I really wanted to know, but just then I heard Aya coming in the back door, and I thought it best that she not know about the Watcher.  So I quickly said, “Never mind.  I don’t want Aya to know about you.  I’ll figure out a way to move faster.  Now go, quick, before she hears you.”

And then . . . nothing . . . silence.  I don’t know if the Watcher was gone, but at least he (she?) was silent.

So I went to Aya and told her that I’d been thinking that maybe we should try to speed things up a little.  Amazingly, she said she’d been thinking the same thing.  She’d even been doing some research and had heard about some Brain Enhancing Doohickey that could advance skilling very quickly and that could change a person’s traits.  She’d even ordered us one, and it was being delivered today.


The Brain Enhancing Machine arrived yesterday, and I’m so thrilled that I don’t have to worry about tutoring anymore!  I might even be able to go back to skirts!  Sometimes we get  big wishes to teach toddler skills, so we might still do that.  It’s so easy with the walker and the playpen, and we have to wait a day to age the toddlers up anyway since they can only have one birthday cake and Age of Instant elixirs don’t work on them.

I really wanted to try out that Brain Enhancing Machine.  I’m going to be doing a lot of fishing, and it would be nice to have the angler trait.  Green Thumb really isn’t that helpful anymore.  I’m sure I wouldn’t miss it.  I was on my way to make that change, when the droneboos decided to make their appearance.

Once again, we had two boys and a girl. 
Dratok is an excitable genius, Deluke is a disciplined genius, and Dyla is a genius virtuoso.


As soon as Dratok made his appearance, I was out the door and on my way to the science center.  Just in case the Watcher is watching, I want him to know I’m serious about moving us along faster.  Durst appeared with artistic, gatherer, and workaholic traits, and I hurried him into the Motive Mobile.


I had Dratok and Dyla in their cribs, and had just welcomed Deluke when Artok was back with Durst.  He practically shoved me out the door to go get cloned.  I barely had time to notice the droneboos' traits!

Dratok - Excitable, Genius
Dyla - Virtuoso, Genius
Deluke - Disciplined, Genius

Fortunately, I had a Potent Cure Elxir with me.

Danube arrived first.  She’s artistic, ambitious, and she loves the outdoors.

Destin is an ambitious bookworm, and she also loves the outdoors.

It was nice having the clones there for the toddler birthdays.  Durst and Danube celebrated with Dratok.

Destin played peek-a-boo with Deluke. 

Dyla went straight for the toys that Craftor had gotten from the claw game.

We didn’t bother with skilling, and there was really no point in makeovers until the young adult stage.  But Destin and Danube were so excited about the makeover station that we let them go ahead and change their hair and choose new clothes.

Destin was first.

Then Danube.

We’ve always been so busy with toddler skills there wasn’t time to worry about toddler clothes.  Now that I didn’t have to worry about that, I chose new outfits for my little toddler drones.

Dratok, with his Daddy’s eyes, and my hair, was adorable in western patterns.

Deluke, also with my hair and his Daddy’s eyes, could not have been cuter.

And it was such fun dressing my beautiful little Dyla, with her Daddy’s skin and my hair and eyes.

Starting the next morning, it was a whirlwind of birthday cakes and Age of Instant elixirs.  We really didn’t want to take time for makeovers, but Dyla was insistent that since the other girls got new clothes, she should get some too.  We explained that she wouldn’t even have time to wear them but she had her heart set, so we agreed that she could have two makeovers.  One as a child and one as a young adult.

Everyone got makeovers when they aged up to Young Adult
Dratok really like the western wear, especially the hats and boots.

Dyla is a wonderful cook, and her apron is perfect for her.

Deluke's everyday wear is perfect for the beach.

Durst’s formal shoe choice is further evidence that some men never do get the hang of dressing themselves.

Danube clearly loves the outdoors.  Her formal wear reminds me of a garden in springtime.

Destin just looks great in every color.

It wasn't a surprise to anyone that Dratok adopted a horse as soon as he was done with birthdays.  King became his constant companion.

Dratok loved King, and took good care of him.

He rode everywhere.

King was agile and wanted to jump.  And Dratok wanted to race him.  But there was no training facility in Moonlight Falls.  So Dratok bought the empty lot at 302 Knott Street and upgraded it with horse training equipment and three very large, very expensive fountains.

Dratok found that the people of the town really liked coming out to the new training grounds.  One day while he and King were training for racing, Brina stopped by to play guitar. 

Dratok and King both had a wish to enter a racing competition.  Dratok was so proud when King took first place in his first race ever!

Dyla got very tired of cake, so she took up cooking and mastered it quickly, thanks to tabcasts, skill books, and the Brain Enhancing Machine.  And she did enough cooking to keep the fridge stocked with leftovers and Food Replicator ready to produce.  The cafe and diner had already been purchased, so she bought the empty lot at 305 Knott Street and upgraded it to be a Skills and Games Center.  She bought at it night and was surprised to find Samuel Goth’s tombstone there - and even more surprised that she couldn’t move it because it was “in use”.  So she built around it, and then came back the next day and moved it to a quiet corner of the lot.

In the front of the main floor, she provided musical instruments including a guitar, a bass, drums, and a beautiful grand piano.  On the other side of the front doors she put in an alchemy station.

She included a toddler section, with walkers, a playpen and some toys.

She put the Chemistry set and the Inventing Workbench on either side of the bathrooms, in case someone set themselves on fire and needed a quick shower.  And she put in a professional juice bar and pastry counter to provide food and drink.

In the back of the main floor was the arts section, with an easel, a drawing table, and two sculpting stations.

She put the games upstairs.  There were arcade games, slot machines, a plink plonk table, a pool table, two desks with high-end computers, and a big screen television.

And off to one side, she installed two Brain Enhancing Machines.

There are two small patio areas outside, along with a couple of treehouses and some playground equipment.  And a nice quiet spot for Samuel Goth.

Durst and Danube were the first two ready to move out.  Durst easily advanced in his Architectural Designer career as he mastered painting using the sketching table.  Danube spent all her time fishing for deathfish in the backyard pond.  Artok sold them for her at the consignment store, and she was at level six in her career when she mastered fishing.  When they were ready to move, there were two houses available: the Modern Mansion selling for $337,193, and the Efficient Abode, selling for $21,675.  Quite the opposite ends of the spectrum.  Unfortunately, at this point, only one of these was affordable - the upgrades to the Knott Street properties had depleted the family funds.  But Artok was busy at the Alchemy station preparing a batch of Midas Touch elixir.  He handed one over to me and I promptly tossed it at Danube.

I didn’t really want either of the available houses, so I started scouting around for something more inviting.  As an Architectural Designer, I has some pretty clear ideas of what I wanted.  I didn't want to go too big, but I didn't want to feel crowded if I had a little company.  I actually liked the looks of a house down the street from the one I grew up in. 

The house belonged to Chauncy Grimm.  So I stopped by to get to know Mr. Grimm and to take a look around the house.  I thought it was pretty nice inside.  I like the open kitchen and living area.

The bedroom was nice.  And I might actually get to use it now that I wouldn’t have my folks always throwing elixirs at me and telling me there was no time for sleep.

There was even a nice little sitting area at the top of the stairs.There was really only one thing I wasn’t too crazy about.  The house had two bathrooms, both with bathtubs.  Now I was a little tired of the cramped all-in-one, and a bath might be nice occasionally, but I really wanted a shower.  Not a difficult change, but I thought as long as I was there, I might as well see if I could get that taken care of sooner rather than later.  I offered Mr. Grimm a home remodel, and he accepted.  He asked me to remodel his computer room and I agreed that it was a little dated.  The room was pretty small, but the budget was big enough for the nicest desk, the best computer, a comfy chair, and some artwork.

And I still had enough left over for a really nice shower.  I put it in the bathroom that had doors to the computer room and the bedroom.

When Mr. Grimm came back outside to tell me how happy he was with the work, I tossed a Potent Friendship elixir at him and gave him a friendly hug.

Mr. Grimm said, “I have to leave now and I think it’s time you left also.”  I chuckled to myself and thought, “If you only knew.”


Deluke mastered the Martial Arts skill, and planned to be a scuba diver.  He knew this would be a challenge, since there are no dive sites in Moonlight Falls, but he didn’t realize there was also no snorkeling in Moonlight Falls.  He went out to the beach, got in the water, and started swimming.  But he could not snorkel. 

Research indicated that there simply is no snorkeling in Moonlight Falls.  Being a disciplined young man, he didn’t throw a fit, he just got out of the water and went, dripping, to join the military. 

Then he went home, used the Brain Enhancing machine to trade his mean-spirited trait for workaholic, and got busy on ensuring a next-day promotion.

Destin was also attracted to the water.  She joined the Lifesaving profession.  On her very first day, she saved Joe McDuff from drowning.  I’m very proud of her.


I was really scared when I saw that someone was drowning on my very first day as a lifeguard!  But I sucked it up and swam out toward him.

I got him to the beach, and I thought he was going to be okay, but then he fell in the sand and I had to do CPR!  I did the compressions just like I was taught.

And then I had to do mouth-to-mouth.

It was pretty weird.  I mean, we’ve been all about aging up and skilling my whole life.  I never got to go to school or make any friends.  So of course, I’ve never kissed a boy.  Or even talked to one.  And here I was doing mouth-to-mouth and I have to say he was pretty cute.  All I could think was, “Oh, geez, I hope I don’t kill him!”

I was so relieved when he started getting up!

And then I really saw how cute he was.  And I realized I was wearing my ugly work swimsuit, so when he wasn't looking, I changed really fast into my way cuter one and my cool shades.  And just in time, too, because he looked me right in the eye and he smiled and he said, “you can save me any day!”  Oh, I could have just died right there!

We talked for awhile, and we really had some chemistry.

When my shift was over, I asked him back to my house.  He said yes, and I was really excited.  But as soon as we got there, my dad saw him, and I instantly knew I should have waited on that invitation until after I moved out.


As I was saying, I’m very proud of Destin for saving that young man, but I do think bringing him home was going a bit too far.  After all, he’s going to get kicked out of his home by one of her sibling drones sooner or later, so I don’t think starting a relationship with him is a good idea.  That’s why I asked him to leave.  Immediately after he got there.  It was the right thing to do.

Danube finally found a house she likes -  the Hoppcrafts live there now.  It’s a nice house and it’s fairly close to some of her favorite river fishing spots. So  Aya invited her old friend Mirriam over, and handed Danube a Potent Friendship elixir.  When Mirriam rang the bell, Danube went out to greet her, smiling sweetly, and quickly tossed the elixir.

Mirriam immediately smiled and waved at her, just like a best friend should.

As Mirriam went into the house, Danube thought, “Like taking candy from a baby!”

Now, as soon as Dratok and Destin moved into the two available houses, she’d be ready to kick out the Hoppcrafts and move in! 

Dyla thought the Muldano house would be great for her, as it was right across from where she worked. When she met Marigold, she saw immediately that she was also employed in the Culinary career, and Dyla hoped that Marigold was working at the cafe, and not at the diner!  It could be a little difficult to befriend all her co-workers if she’d kicked one of them out of her home! 

But she made fast friends with her, learned a new recipe and even got a look around inside the house.

That same night, Deluke went out to meet Charlie Swain.  The Swain house was just down the street from the military facility where Deluke would be working since the whole scuba diving thing didn’t work out.  But to Deluke’s surprise, it wasn’t Charlie who came to answer the door.  It was a really pretty girl who looked about his age. 

He really hated kicking her out - he’d much rather get the house with her still in it!

With four of the six drones ready to move out, everyone met in the garden to dance with the sunshine flowers in celebration. 

Deluke and Dyla would finish their requirements by the end of the day - each just needed a promotion at work, and they had both been working from home to ensure the promotion would come.

Dratok was worried that having fairy wings might disqualify him from riding King in future races - people might think he was using his wings to gain extra speed, so he froze his age (and steeled his bladder) and then he and King moved to the Efficient Abode at 13 Lupine Lane.

Destin thought water-logged fairy wings might slow her down when she was trying to swim out and rescue people, so she also opted for the Age Freeze Potion.  Then she moved to the 5 bedroom, 5 bath Modern Mansion at 262 Valley View Drive.  It was the only empty house remaining in the town, and had a pool where she could practice her lifeguarding techniques.

With no open houses remaining, it was time for the first eviction.  Durst threw his best friend, Chauncey Grimm out into the street without a second thought, drank his age freeze potion, and then picked up Steel Bladder, Fast Metabolism and Observant.  When he moved into the newly available Dionysus’ Dwelling at 1129 Merchant Way, he did it on a bike.

With Deluke, Dyla and Danube still to purchase houses, the family funds were down to $188 thousand.  Another Midas Touch quickly resolved that problem.  King, who comes back to drink from the pond nearly every day, loved running between the rows of statues.

Deluke got his promotion to level 2 in the Military on his first day.  He reluctantly evicted the Swains, drank the Age Freeze potion, and moved into Quaint Settlement at 120 Wood Street.

Danube chose fairy life over age freeze.

With Boshram and King visiting, she gave her mom a quick hug before leaving.

And then she evicted the Hoppcrafts, and moved to Pleasant Place at 1120 Merchant Way.

Dyla worked hard her first day, got her promotion, and kicked her friend Marigold Muldano out on her ear.  As soon as she got off work, she drank her Age Freeze potion, and walked across the street to her new home, The Bay View, at 327 Knott Street. 

Aya hung our mounted fish collection.  Of course, she caught the best ones.  See that little tiny minnow there?  Second from the right?  That one's mine.  From left to right they are:  Outstanding Luminous Salamander, Perfect Goldfish, Normal Ninja Starfish, Outstanding Minnow, Outstanding Salmon

I hung the portraits.  Dyla, Durst, Destin, Danube, Deluke, and Dratok.


After the D drones moved out, I needed a couple more days to catch enough deathfish to max the fishing career.

Artok used the time to search out Red Admiral and Royal Purple butterflies, and to stock up on Wish Enhancing elixir and Age of Instant elixir.  Just after 5 pm on week 10 day 7, I got notice of my most recent deathfish sales, and it was enough to get me to level 10 of my career. 

I quickly threw a couple of elixirs at Craftor, who happened to be visiting, and that finished off my skill challenge requirements.  Now I just needed a couple of unique things - a new best friend and a happiness reward.  I remembered hearing there was a simfest at Performance Park that day, and I knew it was probably over, but I thought there might still be some people at the park.

I spotted a woman I didn’t know over by the seed stand that Bactril had added when he upgraded the park.  I went over and introduced herself, and then quickly threw a Potent Friendship elixir at her, and suddenly, Daydream Ivy was my new best friend.

I headed for home, and caught up on some gardening while I waited for Artok.  He got home around 9 pm, which gave us plenty of time for flirting, amorous hugs, and flirtatious jokes.

And then Artok scooped me up and carried me off to the bedroom.  It was so romantic!

We were planning on a new round of drones in three days, and we didn’t want them coming at night, because that wouldn’t leave enough time go add clones to the household.  We heard the chimes at 2:14 am on week 10 day 1, and we relaxed on the bed together, smiling in anticipation of another round of frenzied skilling, portrait painting, and working from home.


It was nice just relaxing in a quiet house. Then suddenly, I heard that voice again.  It said, "Pick up the pace, Artok!"

Aya shot me a look of surprise and concern and asked, "What was that?"

I looked back as innocently as I could and replied, "What was what?"

Fifth Reproductive Day:
Requirements complete Week 10, Day 7 7:14pm
Max Career:AlchemyAngler
Skill Challenge 1:  Master Alchemist   Alchemists’ Anonymous
Skill Challenge 2:  Excellent ElixirsAmateur Ichthyologist
Unique Best Friend:  Chen HongDaydream Ivy
Unique Happiness Reward:    Legendary HostComplimentary Entertainment
Collection: 1 Mounted Fish4 Mounted Fish
Travel time:  nonenone

Drone Requirements
DroneUnique Career    Max SkillBusiness or Property
Dratok   HorsemanRiding302 Knott Street
Dyla  CulinaryCooking305 Knott Street
Deluke    MilitaryMartial Arts    JRA International Equestrian Center
Durst  ArchitectPaintingLandgraab Swap 'n Sell
Danube  AnglerFishingZoomsweeper Test Track
Destin  LifeguardFishingMoonlight Point
7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Completed)
Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble (In Progress)

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Changeling Dominion
« Reply #22 on: November 11, 2014, 12:13:14 AM »
Chapter 7.  Droning on and on


I was thinking about Nectar Making.   I thought I’d like to try it, but with all the fishing going on, the garden really hadn’t been kept up, so there weren’t enough perfect ingredients to make perfect nectar.  So I decided to be a gardener first and then a nectar-maker.

I was really relieved when I didn’t have to tutor the children and teens anymore.  But I kind of missed the interaction, and it was fun helping them, so I decided to try my hand at tutoring skills.  I was also interested in learning to make potions - especially the Radical Reparum and Young Again ones.  I’d learned Bladder Flow so that I could contribute to the potion collection, but that was the only one I knew.  I thought I could learn them fast, though, because I was already a level 8 logic.  I was really on the fence about career though.  I was considering the Mystic Branch of the Fortune Telling career, but  I really liked the freedom I had with self-employment careers and professions.  So I finally decided to go for Ghost Hunter.  Calaylia had so much fun with that, and I thought I might like it too.  Raising my logic the rest of the way would help, and honestly, I just didn’t like the idea of there being ghosts in the homes that my drones are moving into.

So I joined the Ghost Hunter profession and then I decided to go check out the Skills and Games Center Dyla built.  I thought I’d work on potions there. 

The Center was wonderful!  So many opportunities to work on skills.  I let Artok know I’d be there, and I was hoping he’d come by.  He just had to see this place!


I went out to gather some honeycombs and then joined Aya there at the Skills and Games Center.  I have to say, I’m pretty proud of my girl and what she built here!

I wanted to take some time before the droneboos arrived to stock up on a few more Jars of Potent Friendship, Potent Invigorating elixir, and a few others, so I started up a gardening tabcast and got to work at the alchemy station.

I guess listening to a tabcast made me less focused on my brew, because I made an epic mistake almost immediately!

Fortunately, I had a Potent Cure elixir handy.
I got a bagel from the Barista just as Aya singed herself at the Chemistry station.

After her shower, she joined me with a cheese danish.  It’s nice to have these simple times together between drone batches.

I thought I’d lay off the elixirs for awhile and went to check out the upstairs.  I  was happy to see Destin, Deluke and Croloft up in the games area.

I finally got to try out a Brain Enhancing machine!  Ours had been either in use or cooling down non-stop with all the kids using it.  I like the gardening boost, but I admit I was a little freaked out at first.


This potion thing wasn’t going quite as easily as I expected.  I’d just singed myself at the chemistry station when my pregnancy was confirmed.

I had a wish for a girl, followed immediately with a wish for a massage.  I took a shower, went back to the chemistry station and before long I discovered the recipe for Ghost Potion.

As morning dawned, Artok realized I was still at the chem table, and he came out and did this.

What a sweet man he is!


I also wished for a girl, and I wished to have a child with Aya.  Added to the “Have a Child” wish I’d already had, that made 11,750 lifetime happiness points (23,500 with a Wish Enhancing elixir) coming with the next batch of drones! 

With about 24 hours left before the droneboos arrived, Aya had discovered 9 of the 10 potions, and had reached level 4 in her career on logic skill advancement alone.  So she spent the rest of the waiting period watching kid’s tv, listening to kid’s music, and alternately eating watermelon and apples.

The droneboos arrived right on schedule in the very early hours of the morning.  We’d really enjoyed watching Belaria learn, and then master, the guitar, and we thought it would be nice to have musicians in the house.  So we chose the virtuoso and genius traits for all three of our droneboos - Elsbeth, Endred, Espri. 

As soon as the droneboos arrived, I grabbed a couple of clone vouchers and took off for the science lab.  There were six birthday cakes on the day’s schedule, and I wanted to get them out of the way as quickly as possible.  By the end of the day we’d have three toddlers and three young adults in the house.

Erdu (front) is family-oriented, workaholic, genius
Ertok (back) is a family-oriented, workaholic, born salesman

Aya got busy with cakes for the droneboos while I took Ertok and Erdu over to the Greenhouse, and pulled out a couple of birthday cakes for them. 

I gave them each a few minutes to gobble down some cake, and then I tossed Age of Instant elixirs at the boys.  It was just a few hours since they’d arrived, and we’d barely had time to talk, but my heart was filled with love for these two young men standing in front of me.

Ertok acquired the unflirty and handy traits, so overall, he fared well.  Erdu, on the other hand, added the hot-headed and rebellious traits.  No worries, a few minutes in the Brain Enhancer would take care of that. I took them home to meet Aya and the toddlers.


It was a little odd having Artock come home with young men.  I felt a little sad that I never got to see them as children.  But, no time to dwell on that.  I left Artok with the toddlers and went to retrieve the last drone of the batch.  I had about 10 seconds to wonder if she liked those pigtails, and then it was all candles and sparkles.

I was a little too quick with the Age of Instant elixir.  I didn’t even get a picture of Eyeler as a teen, and it was so fleeting I don’t even remember what she looked like!  That makes me a little sad.  She wasn’t too happy about it either.

We went home, and I decided I was ready for a change.  I got rid of the maternity clothes, and went for a whole new look.  I even included a career ensemble.

Eyeler went to check out the Skills and Game Center and was drawn to the sketching table.  Alara and Calaylia were there.

When Eyeler came home and saw my new look, she couldn’t wait to try out the makeover station.  She was so excited she forgot she was upset with me about the teen photo thing, and even asked me to help with her makeover.

As soon as she stepped down in her new clothes she rushed off to join the Stylist career.  The next day she got a request to make over Linda Rodgers.  She went to meet her at the Sylist Center and was surprised to find Craftor there playing the drums!  Maybe Eyeler was inspired by the music, because Linda loved her new look!

When I wasn’t tutoring the drones in skills, I was out scanning for spirits.

I ran into Destin at the park but couldn’t visit for long.  My scanner had revealed a spirit that needed banishing.  But I did notice that Destin was looking very pretty in her dress and I couldn't help but wonder if it was a coincidence that Joe MacDuff was at the park that day also.

I almost lost my concentration when I saw how right I was about Destin and Joe!

But I was determined to get that spirit!  I wasn't about to let Destin see me fail at my job!  I finally got it banished, and just as I thought, Destin was watching.  She and Joe cheered for me, but Davyd Musgrove seemed really scared.  Now why would a vampire be frightened of a kind old spirit like that?

I found another one out behind Varg’s tavern later than evening.

I checked inside, but didn’t find anything there.  But I took a minute to talk to the magic mirror.  I didn’t really think anything would happen, but this face appeared and told me he thinks I’m really hot, so I guess there’s some kind of intelligence there after all.

Dahlia Goodfellow came to visit, and I went out to hilariously greet her.

I immediately discovered that she’s an over-emotional, vegetarian, loser.  But she laughed at my jokes so I invited her inside.  I introduced her to Eyeler, who was already at level 2 of her career and level 9 of her painting skill.  Then I slipped Eyeler a Potent Friendship elixir and went out to the garden.  She understood immediately, tossed the elixir at Dahlia, and within minutes, the path to her future home was paved.

I was an ambitious kid right from the start, and I knew as soon as I walked away from that science center what I wanted to do.  I was glad to age up fast, because the only thing I could do as a kid was start learning logic.  I used the multi-tab, read books, played chess, and sat in that Brain Enhancer every chance I got.  I even used it to change my traits.  I was good with workaholic and genius, but family-oriented had to go.  I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to have a family, so what was the point of that?  And in the line of work I had planned, hot-headed and rebellious could mean real trouble.  So I traded those out for kleptomaniac, athletic and ambitious.  I worked out and learned a lot of logic before I registered for the criminal career.  I even mastered logic before ever going to work.

I worked from home and munched on some basil before my first shift, and got promoted the first day.  Heck, the boss liked me so much he gave me a raise and a promotion same day.  Yessir, I’m going far in this job!  Before I left work I heard somebody say the old Goth mansion was up for sale and I thought that might be just the place for me.  So I stopped by on my way home to have a look around.  The old man had talked about soing some work on the grounds here, and I have to admit, he did a pretty decent job out here. 

Had myself a look in the window too.  It was a little dark; I liked it.

But I certainly wasn’t impressed with that big lemon in the garage!

I had something a lot better than that in mind!  And it certainly wasn’t some pink soccer mom van, I can tell you that!  No sir, when I left the homestead to move in here, I’d be riding in style!

Next I checked out the Moonlight Falls Historical Society & Museum.  It was just as I expected.  The place was nearly empty.  Except apparently there was a fairy convention going on.  A couple of them were Founders, so I kept my head down and I don’t think they realized who I was.  I didn’t want them to catch me casing the joint.

But come to think of it, I wasn’t really casing the joint.  I didn’t plan on stealing anything.  Quite the contrary.  I planned to buy the whole place and add to it.  Where better to store my stolen goods?  A little recolor here, a little paint job there, and I can hide my loot right in plain site.  And I’m betting the town will thank me for improving the place!  As I was leaving, anxious to make my idea a reality, I ran into another Founder.  This one acted like he didn’t want me to recognize him.

So I bought the place, and then, just for kicks, I swiped me a sweet ride from out in front of the Van Gould place.  It’s not my dream car, but it’ll do for now.

I stopped back by the museum the next day.  I didn’t have a lot of swiped loot yet, but the place was mine now, you know?  And I wanted people to know the benefactor of the place.  So I hung a portrait Dad painted of me right inside the front door.  It’s the first thing people will see when they come in.  It’s brilliant, but not a masterpiece, so of course it wasn’t good enough for him.  He made me pose for another one.  But hey, I respect the old man, and to show that, I hung a couple of his sketches right there on either side.  The man’s got talent, I gotta give him that.

I’d swiped one of Dad’s Midas Touch elixirs, so I figured I’d upgrade some of the items on display.  Once I started really looking at the displays, I thought whoever set this place up either had the good sense of humor trait, or the insane trait.  Who puts a box of tissues on display in a classy joint like this?

I was going to turn it to gold, but I guess the touch doesn’t work on tissues.  So I replaced it with an all-niter award.

I made it gold.  Personally, I think it looked better before.  But it’s worth more now so I guess that’s something.

Just as I was touching a little tree, the door opened and the White Coat Patrol came strolling in.  Three Founders - Acer, Bactril, and Durst.  What is with all that white?  And here I am, dressed in black.  Kinda’ fitting I guess.  Heh-heh.

I ducked out the back and put the touch on a couple statues in the gardens.

I found myself wondering what would happen if I put the touch on the White Coat Patrol.  I wanted to know, but I couldn’t take the risk.  They’re family after all.  And just then, what do you guess?  Alice Fitzgerald showed up.  She’s a safecracker at work.  And she’s an elder, so if she died, it’s not like she’d lose a lot of years, you know what I’m sayin’?  So I touched her.  Couldn’t help it.  I mean, she was right there, and I was all wondering what would happen.  I’m curious that way.  And you know what happened?

Yes, indeed.  Turned to pure gold, right in front of my face.  And you can probably guess what I was thinking.  This is way better than evicting these folks!  I’ll just Midas Touch them all and put them on display and we Founders will come visit them.  Heh-heh-heh.

Only one problem.  I couldn’t move her.  It’s not that she was too heavy or anything.  It’s just that she couldn’t be moved.  So, that plan brewing in my head to go out around town, touch the folks, then bring ‘em back here - that plan had to be revised.  I’d have a party here . . . with a buffet table.  Free food always brings ‘em out.  I’ll just have to be careful and get each one alone in a corner somehow . . . I’ll need to think about that.  And while I thought about it, I touched a few more things.  And then, lucky man that I am, the White Coat Patrol went out and a cute little fairy girl came in.  And how awesome would it be to have a gold fairy in my museum?  She started to leave too, but I called to her and she came back.

I introduced myself and then put the touch on her.

And . . . the news is never all good.  Those cute little fairy wings were gone.  I guess they just weren’t strong enough to hold the gold.  She looked like a regular girl.  But still cute.

And then, the magic happened.  I was walking toward the front door to leave, and I looked back, and I saw it.  There was this beautiful gold girl statue, standing in the walkway, turned toward a gold vase, just as if she was a visitor viewing the exhibition.  She was viewing the exhibition . . . and she was part of the exhibition . . . all at the same time.  And the plan changed again.  It wouldn’t be a party.  I would go out and meet the townies.  Befriend them.  Invite them to a private showing.  And then, just when they saw something they found really interesting, I’d touch them.  And they'd instantly become part of the museum!  IT . . . WAS . . . PURE . . . GENIUS!

That Historical Museum didn’t come cheap.  Erdu hadn’t even upgraded it yet, and our funds were below half a mil, and then Eyeler went out and bought the Playful Playground.  So I whipped up a batch of Midas Touch elixirs and gave one to her.  She got the idea that gold statues would be great for the playground, so while she was working on the statues she’ sell for us, she added a few others to the mix and then placed them in the playground.  It helped her boost the value of the place without cluttering it up too much.

Personally, I think the kids will like that giant Pancake Bill more than they’ll care about a bunch of gold statues, but, hey, what do I know?

Ertok mastered guitar, and then got started on his singing career.  He sang at Performance Park with the band backing him up.

And then he got a singing telegram gig to cheer up Hailey Samurai out at the Musician’s Park Belaria built.

And another one for Mara Nix. 

Apparently, he’s pretty good.  Mara was sure cheered up.

He even took a few minutes to deliver a congratulations telegram on his own to his sister Eyeler for completing all her requirements.

One night after dark, he got a call for a singing telegram.  It was a celebration for a high school girl for finishing her homework.  I guess some families celebrate more than others. This particular customer was a little frightening.

But Ertok followed through like a pro, and the Wolff girl thanked him and went inside.  Ertok didn’t even run to the car.  But he did walk at a pretty good clip, pretending he had to hurry to his next gig.

And now, a note from the Watcher

So this is where we were just before two new arrivals - the lesser of the two was Sims 4.  Not that I wasn’t excited about receiving it, but in comparison with my first grandbaby, it just wasn’t quite as captivating.  I’ve been a little busy with Sims 4 and much more busy with my new granddaughter, and haven’t really had much time for the Founders.

And now the first Sims 4 Dynasty has been published.  I really want to start it, but I'm determined to finish this one first.  So I'll finish the Dynasty, but not the story.  Writing it just doesn’t come easily to me, and therefore it takes a lot of time, and since I'm working full-time, and spending as much time as I can with a certain little munchkin, I'm giving up the story-telling.

But I have played past what I've written, so a very quick synopsis:

Erdu's plan to gold-plate the townies was, of course, foiled by the fact that the effect is temporary when used on sims.  The band - Espri on piano, Endred on drums, Elsbeth on bass, and Ertok on guitar, got pretty good by the time the skills were mastered, and I enjoyed listening to them.

The “E” generation has completed their requirements, kicked out their besties, and moved into their homes.  Erdu did move into the Goth mansion, but I forgot to drive him to the property before moving him out, so he did indeed make his departure in that Big Lemon that came with the house.

It's quiet in the house again, and might be for awhile.  Aya is only a Level 8 Ghostbuster.  She was pretty far along in logic when she started the career, so most of her career performance has had to come from actual Ghostbusting, which of course is only available at night, and not in enough supply to even keep her busy all night.  She “scans for spirits” constantly, but rarely finds any when not on a specific ghostbusting job.  Artok is a Level 8 Gardener, but he’s managed to replant the money trees that for some reason disappeared.  He’ll probably top his career before Aya tops hers.

When Aya and Artok complete their Reproduction Day requirements, I'll post their stats, as well as those from the "E" generation.

Sixth Reproductive Day:
Aya and Artok
Requirements complete Week 13, Day 1:13am
Max Career:GardenerGhost Hunter
Skill Challenge 1:  Botanical BossSkill Professor
Skill Challenge 2:  Master FarmerMaster Chemist
Unique Best Friend:  Liang Yat SenBeatrice Crumplebottom
Unique Happiness Reward:    Prepared Traveler   Artisan Crafter
Collection: 2 Elixirs3 Elixirs
Travel time:  nonenone

DroneUnique Career   Max Skill   Business or Property
Elsbeth   BandBassNick's Master Karaoke
EndredAlchemistDrumsAleister's Elixirs
Espri  MagicianPianoVarg's Tavern
Ertok  SingerGuitarEerie Park
Erdu  CriminalLogicHistorical Society & Museum
Eyeler  StylistPaintingPlayful Playground
7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Completed)
Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble (In Progress)

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Re: Changeling Dominion - NEW: Chapter 7. Droning On and On
« Reply #23 on: November 11, 2014, 07:58:35 AM »
Welcome back and congratulations on the new grandbaby! I loved the whole sims into gold thing.

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Re: Changeling Dominion - NEW: Chapter 7. Droning On and On
« Reply #24 on: November 12, 2014, 07:26:40 AM »
Welcome back  ;) I'm really impressed with your buildings, I just put the requirements and anything expensive to get them fully upgraded.
Life State Dynasty: The Blackburns In Monte Vista (Complete)
Domination Dynasty: Down With Lamps: Djinn Takeover (Complete)

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Re: Changeling Dominion - NEW: Chapter 7. Droning On and On
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2014, 11:58:46 PM »
Chapter 8.  Are We There Yet?

Okay, this isn't really a chapter - it's just the stats for the next generation:

Seventh (and last) Reproductive Day:
Aya and Artok
Requirements complete Week 15, Day 2 6:36 pm
Max Career:Nectar MakerSculptor
Skill Challenge 1:  Flavorful FeetChiselmeister
Skill Challenge 2:  Mix MasterMaster Sculptor
Unique Best Friend:  Ayden Van Gould   Zack Durwood
Unique Happiness Reward:    Change of TasteSpeedy Cleaner
Collection: 3 Butterflies2 Butterflies
Travel time:  6 days Francenone

DroneUnique Career   Max Skill   Business or Property
FeyaArt AppraiserStreet ArtRed Velvet Lounge
FaigoBusinessLogicProperty across from Flying V's
Frondo  Nectar MakerNectar Making  Bloom Institute of Wellness
Fanna  Game DeveloperLogicH Two the O Indoor Pool
Felice  SculptorSculptingThe Toadstool
Flind  Sports AgentAthleticLot Behind Pok House

I have 3 houses (Ivy, Durwood, and Van Gould) and 2 lots (the one next to the pool and the one across from the pool) remaining to purchase. 
7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Completed)
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Re: Changeling Dominion - NEW: Chapter 9. Won and Done
« Reply #26 on: November 25, 2014, 12:39:45 AM »
Chapter 9.  Won and Done

At last, the Founders have won - Moonlight Falls is theirs - every home, every business, every lot!

Finished at Week 16, Day 4 at 7:53 pm, with 5 weeks total University and 9 days of travel.

The Final Three:

DroneUnique Career   Max Skill   Business or Property
GalaPoliticsHandiness96 Horseshoe Bend
GemmaFortune TellerFishing99 Horseshoe Bend
Gaia  Day CareCooking none available

Finally, I've completed a Dynasty! 

Now, on to the Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty!
7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Completed)
Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble (In Progress)

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Re: Changeling Dominion - NEW: Chapter 7. Droning On and On
« Reply #27 on: November 25, 2014, 07:29:13 AM »

Please send this info plus what you liked the most and what you found to be the hardest to the Challenge Team.

In the meantime, I'm moving this to the Completed Dynasties board. :)
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Re: Changeling Dominion
« Reply #28 on: January 05, 2015, 10:32:18 PM »
I am far too late with this, and I apologize, but your dynasty is now in the Hall of Fame!
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