Author Topic: The Seven Seas - An Oceanic Life States Dynasty - RETURNED (3/20)  (Read 50621 times)

Offline Lisa46

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This LS dynasty has only been posted because my founder FINALLY got good traits. This is the first time. Before they were all not only useless but also annoying- hotheaded, etc. but now I get this. I've attempted to create founders like six times and the dynasties always fail in the first week, maybe because I just can't stand my sims being hotheaded. Gosh, I hate that trait. Anyway, here it is:

Heir One: Cerulean Oceanos (Fairy)
Traits: Gatherer, EcoFriendly, SavvySculptor, Rebellious, Dog Person
Spouse: Jules MacDuff (Witch)
Children: Pacifica, Atlantico, Southern
1- Best Friend: Erica Wolff (Wolf)
2- Career Rewards: Gardening award, Gardening certificate
3- BlackOps: Ingredients Ripe for Eating, Great Greens, An Old Ruse
4- LTRs: Queen of the Fae, Super Green Thumb, Artisan Crafter, No Bills Ever
5- Wishes: Master Sculpting skill, Make 10,000 from Sculpting, Master Gardening Skill, Marry Jules, Make a Masterpiece Grow a Perfect Life Plant
6- Challenges: Master Planter, Botanical Boss, Master Farmer, Chiselmeister, Prolific Sculptor, Master Sculptor
7- Mausoleum: Random Harvestables
Completed Date: Week 4, Day 6 at 9:07 pm

Heir Two: Atlantico Oceanos (Witch)
Traits: Heavy Sleeper, Hydrophobic, Unflirty, Disciplined, Snob
Spouse: Wilhemina Wolff (Werewolf)
Children: Carribbean, Dawn, Bridgette, Samantha, Pete, Starla, Anwar
Toddler: Peg Box (I regret this), Xylophone, BFF with both parents
Child: Pile of Permission Slips/Ballet Recital, Honor Roll
Teen: Honor Roll, Lv 3 Job, Wilhemina Wolff
1- Best Friend: Julie Barbour (Puddingface) - Werewolf
2- Career Rewards: Police Car, Athletic Certificate
3- BlackOps: Your Friendly Neighborhood Police Officer, The Right Desk, Sprint to the Finish
4- LTRs: Magic Hands, Prepared Traveler, Jet Setter, Motive Mobile
5- Wishes: Master Athletic Skill, Master Martial Arts Skill, Marry Wilhemina, Meditate for 48 hours, Work Out for 12 Hours Straight
6- Challenges: Body Builder, Fitness Nut, Marathon Runner, Sim Fu King, Timber Terminator, Master of Meditation - Instant Teleportation
7- Mausoleum: Gems
Completed Date: Week 11, Day 4 at 7:16 pm

Heir Three: Caribbean MacDuff (Werewolf)
Traits: Perceptive, Artistic, Innapropriate, Neurotic, Couch Potato (Why didn't I make him an author?)
Spouse: Fawn Goodfellow (Mermaid)
Children: Arctura
Toddler: Painting Books, Xylophone
Child: Honor Roll, Ballet Recital
Teen: Mausoleum Level 3, RI (Elvis Hyde), Honor Roll
1- Best Friend: Argus Brown - Werewolf
2- Career Rewards: Photography Trophy, Photography Certificate
3- BlackOps: Painting the Town, The Mystery of the Backwashed Toothbrush, Digging for Dirt
4- LTRs: Extra Creative, Alpha Dog, All Weather Champion, Food Replicator
5- Wishes: Master Photography Skill, Master Painting Skill, Reach Level 10 of the Photography Career, Reach Level 10 of the Painting Career, Paint Something Worth $3K
6- Challenges: Brushmaster, Master Painter, Proficient Painter, Photog, Architectural Eye, Shutternut
7- Mausoleum: Paintings
Completed Date: Week 16, Day 3 at 3:23 am

Heir Four: Arctura Oceanos (Mermaid)
Traits: Light Sleeper, Couch Potato, Unlucky, Hates the Outdoors, Evil
Spouse: Emelie Van Gould
Toddler: Xylophone, Peg Box
Child: Honor Roll, Ballet Recital
Teen: Mausoleum Lev. 3, Honor Roll, Charmaine Rasmussen
1- Best Friend: Dave MacDuff - Fairy
2- Career Rewards: Nectar certificate, Scuba Certificate
3- BlackOps: Master Alchemist, Best in Show Competition, Settle an Argument
4- LTRs: Permanent Mermaid, Animal Expert, Fireproof Homestead, Friend of the Kraken
5- Wishes: Marry Emelie, Master Nectar Making Skill, Master Alchemy Skill, Have First Child, Be Worth 1000000 simoleons
6- Challenges: Mix Master, Master Nectar Maker, Flavorful Feet, Master Alchemist, Excellent Elixirs, Alchemist Anonymous
7- Mausoleum: 7 Elixirs
Completed Date: Week 21, Day 1 at 4:31 pm (the day the heir was born)

Heir Five: Antarono Oceanos (Vampire)
Traits: Genius, Excitable, Cowardly, Commitment Issues, Slob, Good Sense of Humor (nerd)
Spouse: DeeDee Hai (human)
Children: ?
Toddler: Xylophone, Peg Box
Child: Honor Roll, Scouting Ceremony
Teen: Mausoleum Lev. 3, Honor Roll, Alana Lord
1- Best Friend: Kelly Greenwood - Vampire
2- Career Rewards: Logic Certificate, Drums Certificate
3- BlackOps: Ba-Doom-Ching!, Playing for Tips, Play for Beatniks
4- LTRs: Flying Vacuum, Nerd Influence, Fast Learner, Immortal
5- Wishes: Discover all Potions, Master Social Networking, Reach Level 10 of Band Career, Make 5,000 in Tips (Guitar), Make 5,000 in Tips (Drums)
6- Challenges: Master Chemist, Teacher Extraordinare, Skill Professor, Master Drummer, Match Maker, Professional Greeter
7- Mausoleum: 7 Logic Potions
Completed Date: Week 24, Day 5 at 8:40 pm

Heir Six:
1- Best Friend:
2- Career Rewards:
3- BlackOps:
4- LTRs:
5- Wishes:
6- Challenges:
7- Mausoleum:
Completed Date:

Heir Seven:
1- Best Friend:
2- Career Rewards:
3- BlackOps:
4- LTRs:
5- Wishes:
6- Challenges:
7- Mausoleum:
Completed Date:

Offline Malley

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Re: Oceanic Life States Dynasty- The Seven Seas
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2014, 12:23:32 AM »
Good luck with this attempt! The random traits in this dynasty can be really fun and certainly make some interesting sims, but can also really be a pain! I'll keep my fingers crossed for a successful run :)

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Offline Lisa46

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Re: Oceanic Life States Dynasty- The Seven Seas
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2014, 01:11:13 AM »
This is Cerulean Oceanos.

This is her cat Shell.

She'll max sculpting and gardening, so, of course, her first days were super tedious.

Shell stalks prey obsessively.


Well, except for a few breaks.

Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: Oceanic Life States Dynasty- The Seven Seas
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2014, 01:05:18 PM »
Great start. I like reading LS dynasty stories and so Bookmarked for further reading. Good luck for this dynasty. Shell looks cuddly and fluffy. Looking forward for next update.:)
Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

Offline butterfly

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Re: Oceanic Life States Dynasty- The Seven Seas
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2014, 02:03:13 PM »
Good luck with your dynasty! Shell is such a cute cat. :D
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: Oceanic Life States Dynasty- The Seven Seas
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2014, 08:46:09 AM »
Shell is adorable. And Cerulean too, obviously.

I've never use the hot-headed trait, it gets annoying fast doesn't it! Looks like your founder this time has got some good traits though, even if I did laugh a bit at her having the Dog Person trait and a cat. Good luck with the dynasty!

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Offline Lisa46

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Re: Oceanic Life States Dynasty- The Seven Seas
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2014, 10:16:10 AM »
Great start. I love the name Cerulean. Shell is a cutie :)

Great start. I like reading LS dynasty stories and so Bookmarked for further reading. Good luck for this dynasty. Shell looks cuddly and fluffy. Looking forward for next update.:)

Good luck with your dynasty! Shell is such a cute cat. :D

Shell is adorable. And Cerulean too, obviously.

I've never use the hot-headed trait, it gets annoying fast doesn't it! Looks like your founder this time has got some good traits though, even if I did laugh a bit at her having the Dog Person trait and a cat. Good luck with the dynasty!

Thanks for all the well-wishing! And yes, it drives me CRAZY. I can't say why that trait was so bad, I just hated it. And cowardly was another problem. For this dynasty especially it's just terrible!

ArianaJade, I was waiting for the 1,500 pt wish "Adopt a Dog." Super helpful. And cats require noting to live except a toy crate to learn hunting. Then they can eat their prey.

Offline rokrchik

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Re: Oceanic Life States Dynasty- The Seven Seas
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2014, 03:51:02 PM »
Hurray for good traits! My least favorite is Insane and I get that one all. the. time. Look forward to chapter 2!

Offline Lisa46

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Re: Oceanic Life States Dynasty- The Seven Seas
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2014, 06:46:24 PM »
Week One:

That's why I chose a fairy. RIGHT THERE. Bam. However, Cerulean will not fall to the curse of too much requirement time. I'm on week four and she just needs two more of her sculpting challenges. She's close to all of them.

Cerulean does pop Adopt a Dog, and so one is adopted.

Mediterranean is trained to hunt.

Mediterranean: Hi! I like leaves. Leaves are great.
Shell: That right there, it's why I hate dogs. Why do I have to befriend him? Is THIS why you gave me the Friendly trait?

I love this premium content. It's awesome. She can get those 75 perfect plants so much faster.

Cerulean goes to the library and reads. Ack, rendering issues!

And... a ghost.

Oh, you hate the outdoors? GO HOME THEN.

Fairy Zombie: I'm eating this tree. This nonexistent tree.

Shell's new favorite spot to sleep.

Cerulean: Jules MacDuff? The only eligible male witch in this town?

And now, just for the heck of it...

You fed yourself, little vampire! A+!

Offline Lisa46

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Re: Oceanic Life States Dynasty- The Seven Seas
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2014, 11:45:20 PM »
Week Two:

Cerulean, time for a spouse.

C: But I don't want to... wait... is that Jules? I suddenly feel attraction.

Good. You don't have a choice anyway.

Aww, how cute. Ignore Pappy Wolff.

Jules moves in, despite how utterly unromantic that particular backdrop is.

(Jules gets some plastic surgery too, as you probably noticed in that photo.)

Oh, and despite the unromantic setting.

And this happens.

New home:

More new home:

Wedding gift:

Felicity MacDuff is such a weirdo.

Jules had a weird glitch where he went from three traits, to two, to five at YA. What? Anyway, he has supernatural fan (hooray) loves the cold, brave, Inappropriate, and something else. He also has... wait for it... LEVEL 7 ALCHEMY.

I love you, Jules.

His LTW is the lifeguard one.

On his first day he rescues somebody. Then he noticed this person needing help:

Oh great. It's Bailey Swain. EA, you have successfully fooled absolutely no one with that name. And the beach is called La Shove. Subtle.
I choose carefully between the LTW and a Fiendishly Delighted moodlet (my own, mwahaha) from killing off a girl who I DO NOT LIKE, and then decide on LTW. Bailey is like, "Thanks for rescuing me!" Jules is like, your father is a llama.
Hey, the option showed up! And I did want that moodlet.

He then declares her a nemesis and beats her up.

Cerulean did USEFUL things, like, I dunno, completing her second opportunity and her second gardening skill challenge for instance?

But I needed a monotony break and that was funny.

Cerulean has Gardening maxed and needs about a hundred harvestable a to supermax it. She's completed the 20 sculptures challenge as well. And she has two wishes. With sculpting the other three should be a snap.

Offline Malley

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Re: Oceanic Life States Dynasty - The Seven Seas - Week Two
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2014, 12:37:01 AM »
Congrats on the engagement, Cerulean! You got to take those funny moments when you can in a dynasty or else things can get pretty tedious  ;)

Offline Lisa46

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Re: Oceanic Life States Dynasty - The Seven Seas - Week Two
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2014, 01:26:32 AM »
Congrats on the engagement, Cerulean! You got to take those funny moments when you can in a dynasty or else things can get pretty tedious  ;)

Thanks Malley! I definitely agree, and Cerulean thanks you for your congratulations. Jules and her appear to be very much in love, which is good because I have no other choice. No male townies were turning witch, just the females.

Hurray for good traits! My least favorite is Insane and I get that one all. the. time. Look forward to chapter 2!

Glad you're enjoying it! I personally don't mind insane. Someone should make a thread about least favorite traits. That would be hilarious.

Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: Oceanic Life States Dynasty - The Seven Seas - Week Two
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2014, 02:54:46 AM »
The story,i mean the dynasty is progressing greatly. I like the new dog, he looks adorable. And congrats on the engagement to both. The scene with Bellaailey Swain was hilarious. Loooking forward for new update and the grand wedding.
Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)