Author Topic: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]  (Read 467998 times)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Prince and Painter
« Reply #750 on: April 11, 2016, 03:39:36 PM »
Awww, me too!  :-*

What an amazing and seamless way to weave your short story into this Reaper Legacy!
The third screenshot in this chapter, the one of Annie, really captures her beauty. She's breathtakingly lovely in this shot!

And, of course, I love the vulnerable Majnun!
This is such a satisfying chapter after having read Rise from the Ashes!
Thank you!
Hehe, he's pretty special!

Thank you! I was a little nervous since my 3am self wrote this chapter that it wouldn't be as seamless as I hoped! I really appreciate the compliment! I'm convinced that Anne can't take a bad picture (well, she can, I've seen a few pretty derpy ones, but even then she's cute derpy).

Meanwhile, keeping Majnun focused is proving... difficult.

It's a good thing he can duck and weave. XD
Sorry, these two are adorable and I always take so many pictures that never get the chance to see forum usually. I'll gladly spam everyone with them all day and all night.

Thank you for your lovely comment!

Offline mpart

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Prince and Painter
« Reply #751 on: April 11, 2016, 05:48:56 PM »
I want to make sure that everyone knows that Jupiter is currently being tortured for leaving Eveline. I hope this helps you all.  ;D

Diaper duty forever! I loved the chapter. I love the flowers at the end.  :)

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Prince and Painter
« Reply #752 on: April 11, 2016, 09:38:38 PM »
I want to make sure that everyone knows that Jupiter is currently being tortured for leaving Eveline. I hope this helps you all.  ;D
Diaper duty forever! I loved the chapter. I love the flowers at the end.  :)

Aweh! He's such a cutie! ;) Thanks for taking care of him, and punishing him appropriately!

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Prince and Painter
« Reply #753 on: April 15, 2016, 04:19:14 PM »
I absolutely adore this story. And I still stick by my love of Majnun and Anne. MajAnn? AnnUn? Normally I'm a lot better at ship names lol

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Prince and Painter
« Reply #754 on: April 15, 2016, 07:09:22 PM »
I absolutely adore this story. And I still stick by my love of Majnun and Anne. MajAnn? AnnUn? Normally I'm a lot better at ship names lol

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Finne? Anreth? You forgot he's got two names. ;) Finreth is a lot easier to play with. <3 Ship Ship Ship!
Choo choo!
Sad ship, but a ship still! ;D  :-X

Working on the next chapter as we speak. :D

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Broken Promises
« Reply #755 on: April 16, 2016, 07:59:23 PM »
Broken Promises
Anne had trouble keeping her excitement to herself - at times she felt she might burst.

Anne Keeper. She really liked the sound of that. She smiled to herself as she walked in the market. Her father was busy talking to Martin, as was custom for him on their market visits.
Michael’s stall was empty now - he didn’t need one with his new shop opened. Anne did miss the brightness his stall always brought about. It was a bittersweet feeling, she decided.
Anne listened to the bustling on the street when she felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up and she bit her lip to hide her smile. She hadn’t expected to hear from him again this morning - she had figured he would probably need to rest after the night they had.
Anne debated turning around to say something when suddenly something had her arm.
A woman.

She was beautiful - the definition of beauty and elegance. She moved fluidly and gracefully in a way that Anne knew was unnatural. She held Anne by her arm, walking with her like she would a close girlfriend. “So you’re her! You’re so pretty!”
“Do I know you?” Anne asked quietly, she was filled with mild confusion and anxiety.
The woman gave her a dazzling smile, revealing fangs and Anne tried to not let fear jump into her heart. Her mind jumped to the daffodil that sat on her dresser at home. If she called for him, would he hear her? Would he come for her?
“You’re the woman that’s got the crazy lord all tied in knots!” She giggled, “Alessandra is so angry! Just wait until she finds you! Oh but don’t worry! Majnun would never let her hurt you.”

Anne felt further confused, but things were starting to make a little more sense. “You know Majnun?” She asked quietly, wondering if other people could see her. If she was a friend of Majnun's anything was possible.
“Oh! I’m sorry! I didn’t even introduce myself! I think I got a little carried away.” She grinned again, “I’m Charlotte!”
“Nice to meet you, Charlotte. I’m Anne.” Anne smiled sweetly at her.
“You’re so polite! I’m so happy he’s picked you! Kai always made such dreadful company… and don’t get me started on Alessandra. That woman has two emotional states: angry and jealous. Some days she might even be both. Having you around will brighten everything up!”

Anne nodded politely, though she understood very little. Charlotte, who had kept pace with her, had been steering them as they walked and they were walking back towards her father. Anne felt her anxiety levels rising. What would she say to him? “Oh…”
They walked up together, despite Anne trying to slow, and Charlotte gave her award-winning smile, “Mr. Trebo! Mr. Sanders! It’s been so long since I’ve been back in town! I’m glad to have found Anne out and about today. Would you mind if she walked home with me for a bit? We have so much to catch up on!” Charlotte spoke like she knew everyone in the circle and Anne looked at her with big eyes.
Something happened and the men’s eyes glowed slightly before cooling to their regular colors. “Charlotte! It’s been too long! Of course, please enjoy yourselves. I’m so glad Anne has a friend like you.” Robert responded warmly and evenly. Her father had never responded that way to anyone before, at least, anyone who wasn’t her.

Charlotte smiled and curtseyed gently, “thank you, sir!” She batted her eyes and they started to walk away.
Anne kept staring at her with big eyes as she felt a full-fledged anxiety attack creeping in on her. Majnun was always so subtle and polite with his magic around her, she wasn’t used to someone using it without her say so. Of course, she knew that they would use magic as they pleased, but it was still unfamiliar territory for her and she didn't like it. “Did you use magic on them?”
Charlotte smiled at her, her tongue brushing along the tips of her teeth. “I don’t use magic, darling, at least, not in the typical sense. Not like Majnun, but we all have our gifts.” She paused, “mine is simply manipulation and seduction.”
“Oh, right.” Anne spoke gently. She wasn’t sure what to make of Charlotte, but at least she seemed nice.
“What about you? What magic do you wield?” Charlotte eyed her up and down.

“Me?” Anne shook her head and laughed gently. “I have no magic. I’m just… Anne.”
“By Malice’s frozen heart - how in the world did you get the lord so wrapped up then?” Charlotte shook her head. “He’s been acting so strange lately, enough to where it’s noticeable amongst the other gods and goddesses. Apparently he and Destiny had a very interesting chat. I would have loved to have been a fly on that wall, let me tell you.”
“I’m afraid you’ve lost me,” Anne smiled sheepishly. “All of these names are going over my head. Should I know these people?”
Charlotte looked at her brightly, “Don’t worry about it at all, love. It’ll come with time. I’ll help you!” She smiled at her, “has he spoken with you about children yet?”
Anne flushed slightly, “no, not particularly. He knows I want them.” A smile pulled at her lips as she imagined the children she might have.
“Perhaps you’ll have a little girl, oh! Or maybe a little boy! He could play with my son!” Charlotte seemed to pick up in her pace at the thoughts.
“You have a son?” Anne asked curiously. It was hard to believe such a beautiful woman could be a mother too. Here stood a woman of great power and elegance, yet she also seemed so human too. It left Anne a bit awed and dazed.
Charlotte’s smile widened before she collected herself and her face became sincere. “I do. He’s a nuisance on the best of days.” Her smile slowly returned, “but, I wouldn’t change him.”
“What’s his name?” Anne was fully enjoying their conversation now. It was nice to have a potential friend to talk to, and her life with her parents got so lonely sometimes when Daisy was gone. The two of them had arrived at her house and Anne walked her inside and up the stairs slowly as they spoke.

“Kefka, my little darling.” A memory flashed before Charlotte’s eyes as she recalled him attempting to bite Alessandra and her she let out a breathy laugh in passing. “That’s enough about that nutball. Oh! Are you an artist? How lovely!" Charlotte took in Anne's easel with interest. "Majnun's never been big on art..."
Anne smiled to herself. She knew better, but she would never say.
Charlotte spoke again quickly, "tell me, what kind of spell did you cast on that madman? He’s been hanging around here for weeks. He usually doesn’t stay in one place so long.”
Anne felt her heart swell at the thought, she was getting her fairytale romance after all. “I met him in the market one day. He said I wasn’t supposed to be able to see him, but I could. Before I know it he shows up one day and tells me I’m going to marry him.” She smiled at the memory. He was so sure of himself. No courting. No romance. No closeness. She bit her lip. He was full of surprises.
Charlotte let out a sharp laugh, “he would.” She shook her head, “so you agreed like that?”

Anne laughed, “of course not! I told him he had to court me first. He told me he didn’t do courtship, and sure enough, the next day he had a gift of courtship on my vanity.” She walked over and picked the case up, showing the Bottomless Paints to Charlotte while smiling. “He’s been trying so hard to impress me.” She was outright grinning.
Charlotte shook her head in disbelief, “you’re lying. He wouldn’t do that!”
Anne pursed her lips, “he said that too, yet he did it all. He’s taken me to Dragon Valley, and the beach… he’s grown me flowers.” She smiled as she thought of the flowers that spelled her name. He doesn’t ‘do’ romance, yet he does it so well.
Charlotte was staring at her with her mouth open as she shook her head, “by the gods, what have you done to our dear Majnun?”
Anne smiled to herself as she looked out the window in her room, but something dawned on her, “how do you know him?”
Charlotte straightened, “oh, right. He probably hasn’t told you about us yet.”
Anne could feel her heart stop briefly.

“I’m his wife.”
Anne’s eyes grew wide suddenly and she felt nauseated. Did she hear her right? Surely not. Majnun would never have lied to her. Would he?
Charlotte caught the look and held her hands out, “sorry! I should clarify… I’m his third wife.”
Anne could feel her insides crumbling apart, “I’m sorry… what?” Her voice was almost too soft to hear as she spoke. Third wife? Please let her have misheard that, her mind begged. She felt like she'd been hit by a speeding carriage.
Charlotte nodded with a smile, “yes mi’lady.”
“Ho-how many wives does he have?” Anne’s voice broke over the last word. She needed to sit down, she felt woozy, yet she continued to stand frozen in place. This can't be happening.
“Three.” Charlotte paused before thoughtfully adding, “Alessandra, Kai, and I… and well… you! Though, you’d be his fourth wife.” She nodded and smiled at her, oblivious to Anne's turmoil.

Anne was falling further into her emotions. “Your… your son?” Anne asked suddenly, looking at her with big eyes. Anne clutched her hands over her stomach. She felt like she would wretch at any moment. This had to be a lie, yet when she looked at Charlotte - Charlotte was too friendly and oblivious to be attempting manipulation. Perhaps it was magic tricking her? It had to be.
Charlotte continued to be unaware of Anne’s discomfort. “Ah, yes, he is Majnun’s. Alessandra and Kai both have boys by him too. Perhaps you’ll have a girl? It would be a nice change. Kai wouldn’t know what to do with a little girl, but she doesn’t know what to do with babies in general. Alessandra would have a cow - oh I would have to be there to see that!” Charlotte laughed slightly. “Oh... and Majnun with a little girl would be most amusing.”

Anne finally slumped back into the chair behind her. She felt numb and aching at the same time.
“Is everything alright, mi’lady?” Charlotte looked at her with her brows furrowed.
Anne could barely pull in air into her lungs. “I had no idea…” She didn’t even know where to begin.
"It is a lot to take in, isn't it?" Charlotte sighed thoughtfully. "Don't worry though, there's no rush to understanding anything! I can help you! I'm just so happy to have someone I can actually talk to."
Anne didn't even know what to say. Her mouth was dry and her chest was aching. "This isn't a joke, right?" She asked weakly. "Or some horrible trick?"
Charlotte looked at her sadly, "no, mi'lady, not at all. Have I upset you?"
Anne frowned, but did everything she could to gather herself. "No, I'm sorry." She straightened. "I just wasn't prepared for this information. It has nothing to do with you, Charlotte. Thank you for telling me."
Charlotte returned to smiling softly. "I'll give you some time to process then, ok? Maybe later we can start planning your wedding!" She grinned. "This is so exciting! I haven't been this excited in... a very long time."

Anne nodded, but she wasn't really listening.
Charlotte and her parted, with Charlotte breezing out of the house as gracefully as she entered, and Anne was left sitting numbly in her chair - falling apart inside.

Anne had been stiff in her chair for longer than she had bothered keeping count. Her eyes were fixed on the crystal daffodil on her vanity. It took all of her strength to stand slowly and walk across the room to the flower that once brought her so much joy. It made her feel nauseated now.

Everything made her feel nauseated.
Her heart was pounding and her lip trembled as she picked the flower up gently. What would she even say? She held the flower to her face and swallowed hard. This had to have been a misunderstanding. She pushed the anxiety down. It had to be. "Majnun?" She whispered to the flower, yet her voice broke as she spoke. She was hoping her voice would be stronger. She stopped then, what else should she say? Should she ask if he was there? If she could speak with him? Her heart continued pumping adrenaline into her system, making her feel clammy.
There was a familiar breeze that came in through the window. Usually it made her heart pound with joy, yet today it just put her further into her anxiety. It did not take but a moment for Majnun to pick up on her distress. She hadn't even turned to face him. "Anne? What's wrong?"

Anne was not ready for this conversation. What was she thinking? She was being strangled by her own voice.
Anne could hear Majnun crossing the distance to her from across the room and she could almost picture his face as he spoke again, "Anne? What happened?" His voice was more concerned. He had gently grabbed her and turned her to face him. Her eyes remain locked straight forward - landing on his chest. She couldn't bear to look at his face. She would crumble if she did. She began to tremble as she looked further away from him. Majnun could feel his own anxiety rising as he looked at Anne. "Are you ill? Anne?" She was paler than a sheet. Majnun tipped her head up so she would look at him, his fingers brushing against her face.

Anne was unfamiliar with magic, but she could feel the shift in the air as he resisted using his own magic on her. She finally let it all come out at once. "Do you have any other wives?" She looked into his eyes now. She desperately wanted to look away, but she was frozen in place.
Majnun's brow furrowed at the question, and for a moment Anne's heart filled with hope. Majnun frowned, "where is this coming from?"
Anne felt a rush of relief run through her, "I'm sorry, it's so silly." She shook her head. She couldn't believe how worked up she had gotten. She was preparing to say something about Charlotte when her world came crashing down.
"Yes. I do."
Anne stumbled backwards slightly and Majnun secured an arm around her. She shook it off and put a hand to her head, turning away from him.

"Anne? What's the matter?" Majnun had been in the dark, and he debated going into her head and finding out himself if she wouldn't fill him in. He cursed himself for setting the precedent of having to ask her permission, yet he would not do anything she didn't want him to. He prepared to say her name again. Something wasn't right inside of himself, but he couldn't place it. His stomach soured.
"You lied to me." Anne whispered softly to the floor.
Majnun's brow furrowed even further into a harsh line. "I have never lied to you." He said sharply. He didn't like being accused of things he had never done. What was even going on? None of this made any sense and Majnun was stuck in the dark like every other mortal. He was a god. He didn't need to play these games. Why did he? This was ridiculous.
Anne shook her head and frowned. Her sadness was slowly being replaced with anger, though she never acted on it. "You've been trying to court me all this time when you've already been married?" She cleared her throat, as her body was starting to betray her. Her eyes began to water. "You've made me fall in love with you when you already belonged to someone else?" The questions weren't questions, but bewildered statements at this point.
"I do not belong to anyone." Majnun stated firmly. She was so upset and he didn't understand why. "You never said that I couldn't be married!" He tried to reach over to her but she stepped away again. She finally turned and looked him dead in the eyes as a single tear fell down her cheek. Her face shook him to his core and all of his anger fell away immediately.

After staring at him for a long minute Anne just shook her head, "you should only ever have one wife." She had trouble keeping her voice level. "Women are not... statues... you can collect!" Anne bit her lip hard.
Majnun frowned further at her, "you keep changing the rules... I've done everything you've asked!" Majnun was frustrated, yet underneath it there was an emotion he couldn't place. He was scared. "Please... Anne-" He reached for her again, but she continued to turn away from him.
"I refuse to be someone's replacement." She whispered. "Let alone their fourth replacement." She wiped her face with her delicate fingers and took in a shaky breath. Her eyes flashed to the crystal daffodil next to her and she swallowed hard.
"Anne, you're not-"
She spun around with her eyes to the floor and she held the flower to him. "This isn't going to work, Majnun. Please go."

Majnun was stunned into place as everything became real suddenly. "Anne, please..."
Anne emphasized the flower once again, gesturing for him to take it. "Please... just go. I... I don't want to see you anymore." Tears fell from her eyes. Majnun gently took the flower from her, but inside he was numb. There were so many unplaceable emotions he had, yet he couldn't react quickly enough. He finally looked away from her and down at the flower, his face was unreadable, but he nodded. He turned and walked towards the window, though he ached more with every step he took. This wasn't right. He needed to make this right.
Anne was still facing away when he turned to look back at her, and he closed his eyes tight before stepping through the window and vanishing into a portal.

Anne fell to the floor sobbing the second he was out of sight.

Majnun sat numbly in his study and he twisted the daffodil in his hands.

In his other hand he summoned his contracts. One mirror. One feather. One shoelace. Alessandra. Kai. Charlotte. He knew he should've avoided marriage at all costs. He sighed numbly. He didn't do marriage. He didn't do courtship. He didn't do romance or closeness or anything of the sort. He really needed to be more firm in what he doesn't do, because no one ever listens to him anyways.
Why couldn't she have accepted his offer the first time? He could've given her anything she wanted.
No. It wasn't her. He knew it wasn't her. It was why he loved her.
There was that word again. He scowled harshly. This was all foreign to him and he hated every minute of it. Yet with Anne? Everything was right.

He looked straight ahead into the fireplace. Insanity was bashing against his barriers but he needed the clarity.
He needed her.
He closed his eyes and frowned.
"I...I don't want to see you anymore."
He tightened his grip on the daffodil and swallowed. She was infuriating. This was ridiculous.
What was he doing?
"Look, look at the gulls, Majnun!"
Her laughter echoed off the walls of his mind. He couldn't get her out. Every time he tried to think of something else - anything else - she was right there. She had made herself at home in his head and now... now what was he supposed to do? He clenched his jaw. She changed all the rules! She never played fair! Nothing made sense! She always had to win!
He couldn't even stay angry for long.
She continued invading his thoughts. The way she twisted her hair with her fingers. The softness of her skin. The way her nose wrinkled when she squeezed her eyes shut. The way her eyes looked when she laughed.
Her eyes as she cried.

What could he even do? He slumped forward. His headache was growing worse. He couldn't meditate. He couldn't sleep. He couldn't feel. All he could do was think about her.
He was the God of Madness and this was a whole new level of insanity for him. 
She was gone though. She never wanted to see him again. She wouldn't be his fourth wife.
Majnun sucked in his cheek and scowled. He had completely lost it.
With his eyes shut tight, he stood and tossed the contents of one of his hands into the fire.
He opened his eyes briefly and watched the flames consume what he tossed. He could feel the contracts breaking between him and his three previous wives. It wouldn’t be long before they sensed it too.
Majnun looked at the crystal daffodil that remained in his other hand with longing.

He would destroy the world if she only asked him to.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Broken Promises
« Reply #756 on: April 16, 2016, 09:13:44 PM »
Oh noooo!
How could Charlotte not realize that her revelation concerning Majnun would be catastrophic for Anne!?

C'mon Majnun. Fight for her and win her back. You can do it!

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Broken Promises
« Reply #757 on: April 16, 2016, 11:22:46 PM »
Oh noooo!
How could Charlotte not realize that her revelation concerning Majnun would be catastrophic for Anne!?

C'mon Majnun. Fight for her and win her back. You can do it!
Poor Charlotte had no idea Anne was in the dark, she was just happy to have a friendly face.

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Broken Promises
« Reply #758 on: April 17, 2016, 07:10:26 AM »
Wait... So technically, he's just divorced the first 3 wives? You go Maj!!!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Broken Promises
« Reply #759 on: April 17, 2016, 09:22:30 AM »
Wait... So technically, he's just divorced the first 3 wives? You go Maj!!!
Yes! That is exactly what he just did.  ;D  8)  ::)
Normal divorce proceedings are for chumps. XD

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Broken Promises
« Reply #760 on: April 19, 2016, 05:09:26 PM »
Guys... I got a little... carried away...

So I'm going to have 2-3 chapters for you tonight. I can't space them out. I just can't. I need to do them all at once. I've been writing basically nonstop since I posted this last chapter. I'm dying to show you guys everything. Anyways, I'm off to get screenshots and then you're going to get totally overloaded with chapters. Don't mind me.

Also, you may have noticed I changed my title from nothing to the "Queen of Mush." This will make sense in three chapters. I promise.

Offline mpart

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Broken Promises
« Reply #761 on: April 19, 2016, 05:37:10 PM »
Guys... I got a little... carried away...

So I'm going to have 2-3 chapters for you tonight. I can't space them out. I just can't. I need to do them all at once. I've been writing basically nonstop since I posted this last chapter. I'm dying to show you guys everything. Anyways, I'm off to get screenshots and then you're going to get totally overloaded with chapters. Don't mind me.

Also, you may have noticed I changed my title from nothing to the "Queen of Mush." This will make sense in three chapters. I promise.

Never apologize for extra chapters! Never! I can't wait to see more of them.  :)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Descent into Madness
« Reply #762 on: April 19, 2016, 11:01:38 PM »
Guys... I got a little... carried away...

So I'm going to have 2-3 chapters for you tonight. I can't space them out. I just can't. I need to do them all at once. I've been writing basically nonstop since I posted this last chapter. I'm dying to show you guys everything. Anyways, I'm off to get screenshots and then you're going to get totally overloaded with chapters. Don't mind me.

Also, you may have noticed I changed my title from nothing to the "Queen of Mush." This will make sense in three chapters. I promise.

Never apologize for extra chapters! Never! I can't wait to see more of them.  :)
Aw, thank you! :) Here's the first one!

Still grabbing pictures for the next two, so here's the first one in the meantime. :D Hope you all enjoy this as much as I did.

Descent into Madness
Anne couldn’t even drag herself out of bed for dinner that night. Daisy tried to coax her out but Anne didn’t want to explain anything to anyone. She trembled and cried until she could cry no longer.

Why would he do this? Was this some sort of game?
Anne couldn’t even fathom any longer.
A rainstorm had started outside and was battering against her window until the window came open. Anne sat up in bed and frowned hard. She wiped her eyes tenderly and gazed at the open window with narrow eyes.
She clutched her arms across her chest and pulled herself to her feet. She wasn’t sure what mixture of emotions she just experienced, but it was a lot more than she could even begin to sift through. She walked across the room and closed the window tightly. She stood at the window for a long minute after it was closed and another tear fell out of her long-dry eyes. They just never seemed to stop coming at this point and Anne was in agony. She leaned her forehead against the window frame and closed her eyes.

Her jaw was set as she sucked in her lips. Something in her gut told her he would be here. Her whole body ached further. She didn’t want to see him.
Yet, at the same time, she did. She wanted to see him before this all fell apart, she wanted to pretend things didn’t fall apart less than a day ago. Just hearing him say her name made her body shake.
She turned around, expecting to see him reclining on her bed, or standing majestically as he flipped through a book as she was used to seeing him. Instead, she saw something completely different.
He stared up at her and all life seemed gone from him. His face reflected the feelings she felt inside. Part of her wanted to run to him, the other part screamed that she should demand he leave. She wanted to be alone. If he wanted sympathy he could see his other wives.

Anne hardened, straightening herself. “What are you doing here, Majnun?” Her voice betrayed her and came out softer than she would have preferred.
Majnun looked at her with pain in his eyes. “Please, I need to speak with you.” His voice was barely above a whisper. His mind was screaming. He couldn’t maintain himself much longer. He needed to speak to her. He needed her.
Anne couldn’t look at him any longer, she shook her head, “it’s best if you go…”
“They’re gone. The contracts. All of them.” He whispered.
Anne looked at him then, “what?” Her brow furrowed. “Gone? What do you mean?”
Majnun sucked in a breath and straightened his back, “you don’t want me to have any other wives.” His voice was grave as he spoke, his eyes never leaving her face. “You don’t want to be a fourth wife, or anything in between, so you won’t be. I burned the contracts.” He whispered finally.

Anne felt a small ray of hope enter her heart, but it didn’t take long for her logic to snuff it out. She had been foolish. Her mother was right. “What does that mean though?”
Majnun held his hands out in front of him. What more did she want? He ached, and the insanity was twisting him up inside as he fought it off, but nothing was more important than this. The pain he felt now would be nothing to losing her. She was making a fool out of him - but what else was he but a grand fool? The God of Fools. “It means that now I have no wives.” He swallowed, “because…” he felt his breath leave him as his mind surged forward. He jolted and clutched his head.
Anne had stepped towards him with concern in her eyes. “Majnun…” Anne’s voice had an air of rejection still in it, and this yanked Majnun from the clutch of insanity.
He had to focus. He sucked in a hard breath and stared at her, trying to maintain himself. “Because you’re the only one I want to be my wife.” He spoke quickly.
A ghost of a smile touched Anne’s lips. She wanted to warm to the thought of Majnun throwing everything away for her, yet how could she trust him? She would be the next thing he threw away for the next woman in line. The slight smile faded away at the thought. “You left your wives for me.” Her voice sounded as hollow as she felt.
Majnun closed his eyes and nodded slowly.
Anne looked at him with pain in her eyes. “So how long will it be before you leave me for someone else?”

Majnun’s eyes came wide open. How could she accuse him of that? He was on his knees. He was begging her to reconsider. Surely she had to see that this was no game. He opened his mouth but words were not coming easily. “Anne, it’s not the same.” He spoke with persistence in his words. He needed her to believe him.
He had never felt this way about anyone before - ever. She got into his head and changed him. In the period that he’s known her she’s become his own personal chaos. His insanity. His heart. His clarity. She drove him mad, but he’d be insane without her.
Anne shook her head, “two moments in history are never completely the same, but history will often repeat itself.” She bit her trembling lower lip and looked away. “I refuse to be some trophy you want to win that will just collect dust in a corner somewhere. How can I trust that you’re not still married?”
Majnun was losing both fights, and it was killing him slowly. “I… I can show you.” He whispered, but he already knew it wouldn’t be enough.
Anne frowned, “with magic? How can I trust that, Majnun?” A tear fell from her right eye and she let out a breath. “Majnun...”

The way she spoke his name echoed the finality of it all. Majnun clutched his hands together in front of him and he scooted forward towards her, “no! Please!” He let out a breath, and all of his pride and dignity fell away with it. He would give anything to run his finger along her jaw once again; to see the light in her eyes as she smiled. “I love you.” The words escaped him before he could stop them. “Please.”
Anne stopped suddenly and stared at the man in front of her. Her broken heart wanted to soar inside her chest. She wanted to run and embrace him, yet her body was weighted with pain and hurt. She couldn’t take it any longer; her knees gave out and she slumped to the floor. Why? Why did he have to say that? The tears came out relentlessly now and she covered her face.

He was there suddenly, pulling her back to her feet - giving her strength where she had none. She gave in and rested her head against him. A piece of her wanted to stay there forever. She’s pretty sure a piece of her would always stay there, against him. She would never feel this whole again. “I...I love you too…” She whispered.
Majnun pulled her face back, brushing away her tears with his fingertips. He knew what was coming. He could see it in her eyes and inside his mind was screaming.
“...but I can’t…” She shook her head again and again. “I just can’t move past this. Not while I know what I do now.”
He gritted his teeth at the rejection and looked down. In his hands he brought out the crystal daffodil from the air with a soft gesture. He placed the flower into her hands.
Anne kept shaking her head, “Majnun...I-”
“Keep it.” His voice was a low whisper. He continued to press the flower into her hand, slowly closing her fingers around it with his own. “Keep it and know that I will always come for you.” He swallowed and straightened himself. “If you ever need me. I will be there. Just say the word.”

Majnun stepped up and pressed his lips to her forehead. His mind was numb. Even the constant beatings he took from the insanity seemed quiet. Being near her made everything bearable, and he tried to take in the last time he would have this peace. Anne was trembling in his arms and it only made him want to cling tighter to her.
Anne tried to gather her strength to ask him to go once more, but there were no words for it. Her voice had betrayed her, as her body had too. She was so truly foolish. He had lied to her and here she was ready to throw herself back at him.
They broke away from each other and Anne clutched herself. She feared she would fall apart if she let go. She felt like death was clawing up her legs and into her stomach, trying to yank her to the floor. Majnun’s hand startled her as his fingers brushed her cheek.

“Never forget that I love you.” It came out easier the second time he said it, but his voice was still coated with pain. He pulled his hand away, fearing he wouldn’t be able to if he kept it there much longer. With those as his parting words, he stepped towards the window and vanished into the night.

Victoria Trebo sat alone at the dinner table, quietly picking at her salad with a frown etched into her face. Her husband had been completely absorbed into a new project with work which required him out of town for at least another week, which was unsurprising for him, given the time of year, and her daughter had refused to come down for the past three days.

Victoria scowled. Where had she gone wrong? Her daughter was acting like a spoiled brat and Victoria couldn’t stand it. Anne was making terrible choices that she wouldn’t be able to undo.
She knew the artist had enough standing to begin to court Anne, whatever his name was. He was trouble. She could sense it on him. Anne’s life would be miserable with him… yet she would never listen to Victoria. Victoria tried all of Anne’s life to raise her to see the world for what it was. Unfair. Harsh. Ugly.
She used to admire her daughter’s ability to see beauty in everything, but now it would only cause her trouble. Every time she tried to implore these truths to Anne, she would cross her arms and pout her lips until her pathetic father gave in and shielded her once again. Anne never got the chance to learn the things Victoria knew well.

Victoria sighed. Jameson is truly the best option for her daughter, and yet her daughter only saw her as this force to be avoided. Jameson was very well off, and that was important, but the most important part is that his businesses were in other countries. He would be gone for long periods at a time. If Anne liked him well enough, they could go together. If she didn’t, then she would be free to do whatever she pleased for as long as he was gone. All she had to do was close her eyes, grit her teeth, and bear him a son.
One of the wisest things Victoria’s mother ever said was that happiness would never come to her on a silver plate. She would have to make sacrifices. She would have to compromise. Yet if she was smart, and she played the game correctly, she could find peace in the things that were important to her.
Victoria hated her mother growing up, and now Anne hated her. She knew it. It was a perpetual cycle. Victoria had to abandon being the good guy while Anne grew up in order to be sure her daughter truly got the best of everything. Yet somewhere along the way she failed. Perhaps all was not lost yet though.

Victoria’s biggest concerns was her daughter’s mental health.
Anne had been talking to the emptiness of her room. She had been having full conversations with herself. Victoria pinched the bridge of her nose. She was crying hysterically about nothing. She even walked home from the market without her father, entirely alone. Robert had refused to speak with her about it. It was none of her business apparently that her own daughter was losing her mind.
She had to speak with her. Maybe if she came at it from a different approach she could get through to her.

Victoria wandered up the stairs and slowly made her way to her daughter’s room. She held her hand out to knock first.
“-no, you don’t understand. I can’t do that!”
Anne’s voice came through the doorway and Victoria froze. She bent over quietly and pressed her face into the keyhole.
Anne sat alone on her bed, her knees pulled up to her chest as she spoke to her paint set. “Why would you tell me this?”
Victoria pulled away but couldn’t hide the look of horror on her face. She hurried down the stairs to prepare herself.
She had lost her daughter to madness.

Majnun lay on the floor of his study as the insanity seeped in. It had been three, painful days since he last saw Anne’s face, and it felt like an eternity since he’s had a sane thought run through his head.
That’s a lie. He’s had plenty of sane thoughts. They were all about Anne. Her face. Her future. What has he done?

Alessandra had been pounding on the walls of his study, trying to get in. Charlotte had stopped by, or maybe she hadn’t. He couldn’t remember correctly. The world was spinning quickly and he couldn’t escape his own mind.
Tribune. Number. Whales. Different types of blood. Illusions. Vexing mugger. Caressing. Skimming. Jumping. Coagulated ammonia boiling in the-!
Anne’s backing away in fear of her husband.

Sunburned aisle. Stop and wait. Resting. Rolling. Clanking ceremonial armor freshly cleaned with - SMARTS, daring, resistance. They can’t breathe they’re-!
Anne trembling on the floor, bruised and battered.

Territorial. Equivocal debauchery. Truer archeology knocks. Searing. Shaking. Fossilized spice position.
Her grave.

“NO!” Majnun screamed as he clutched his head. Anything but that.
Gravel lurching. Spilling. Spewing. Racing. Geese mint. A nickel in the hand is-.
Anne wearing Destiny’s symbols, frowning over the body of her mistress.

Vivid snaps. Ancient twists. Knocking. Answer me. Ripping. That fall is completely-. Lavender as it fills the air.
Anne running for her life, Time Keepers hot on her trail.

The start of a symphony. Dazzling lights. Brightening. Sharpening. Twist it off and chop off his hands!
Anne collapsed, the Time Keepers are there to take their toll.

Lilting. Thousands of daffodils. Her laughter. “Majnun! Majnun! Majnun!”
Death to the Goddess of Fate!
Anne begging for her life.

“STOP!” Majnun pounded his head into the floor. He couldn’t take it any longer.
Her eyes.
Her laughter.
“I love you too… but I can’t...”
No. No. Please.

“I refuse to be some trophy you want to win…”
She could never be.
Tangible. Judgment is calling. Knock knock? Ripe pikeberries ready for roasting. Pinecones. Mad laughter.
She was his everything.
Thrice open. Absorbent gurgle boat. Rice and cheese, cooked fresh with -. End all. Just turn around.

“Please... just go.”
Now he had nothing.

Online oshizu

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Descent into Madness
« Reply #763 on: April 20, 2016, 12:18:14 AM »
 :'( :'( :'(

I agree with mpart---more chapters from you about Majnun can only be wonderful.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Burning of the Daffodils
« Reply #764 on: April 20, 2016, 12:40:55 AM »
:'( :'( :'(

I agree with mpart---more chapters from you about Majnun can only be wonderful.
=D Good, then you'll enjoy that I have ANOTHER chapter right now. :3

Burning of the Daffodils
Anne stared at the vampiress who had snuck her way into Anne’s house. Anne had been holding her paint set, wondering what to do with it when the intrusion occurred. She almost felt more pain from her presence, “listen, I don’t know if Majnun sent you or-”
“No.” Charlotte said firmly. “He didn’t. I’m here of my own accord. Did something happen between you two?” 

Anne didn’t really want to talk about it at this point. Charlotte didn’t seem like the woman who would understand. At the same time though, Anne found her mouth opening, “I told him I wouldn’t be someone’s fourth wife.” She whispered.
Charlotte’s eyes filled with understanding suddenly, as if something just clicked into place. “So that’s why he broke the contracts.”
Anne opened her mouth to apologize, but Charlotte started laughing.
“I can’t believe it… the Mad God has actually fallen in love.” Charlotte shook her head with awe. “How lucky are you? Well I guess that’s pretty un-lucky, in my opinion, but still!” She continued laughing, but it soon fell away, “wait, you do know he trashed his contracts with the three of us - presumably for you, right?”

Anne wasn’t smiling back, but she nodded, “I would just be the next woman he throws away for the next girl he finds.”
Charlotte mouth fell open. “You don’t honestly believe that, do you?”
Anne looked at her confused. “If he’s had three other wives, what would make him stop at me? He told me he had never…” She frowned hard. He said he had never been close to someone before. How could he not have been with three children? Child-making was not a distant thing. “Given that he’s been married at least three times with children…” She looked away, the bitter feeling of being cheated rising in her. She was so foolish. Marriages always needed consummated.
Charlotte stepped closer to the bed, “you think…” She paused with her mouth open in shock. “Oh.”
“Perhaps it seems foolish to you, but I will not be someone’s replacement.” Anne defended her position, despite not needing prompted.

Charlotte sat down on the edge of Anne’s bed and looked at her warmly. “I think I should tell you something, Anne.” She looked at her softly. “Majnun saved my life once, did you know that?”
Anne’s brow furrowed, and she shook her head ‘no.’
“I was going to be killed by vampire hunters once, maybe two hundred years ago. The crazy lord came and warned me that I was drawing too much attention. I was but a poor girl who was given more power than she knew what to do with. He told me in exchange for making it go away, I could become his wife and bear him a child. I did not take him seriously and told him to pester someone else.” She sighed and looked at her hands. “Then I was backed into a corner one night - it would’ve been the end for me. I’m strong, but I wasn’t that strong. I called Majnun to me and he made them all vanish.”
Anne’s stomach was churning inside of her as she pictured the two of them in a romantic embrace. She wanted to throw up.

Charlotte gave her a knowing look, “you’re thinking that this is a romantic story, aren’t you?” She laughed harshly. “It’s not. You should call the crazy lord. He’s really not been well, and I imagine he would like to see you as much as you, him.”
Anne sat up straighter, “-no, you don’t understand. I can’t do that!” Anne looked down at her paint set numbly. She couldn’t get the image of Charlotte and Majnun looking at each other lovingly out of her head.
“Majnun and I are friends at best; I’ve never seen him in a romantic light.” Charlotte’s face twisted into something similar to disgust, “just… never. Would you like to know about our son?”
Anne looked at her with her brow furrowed. “Why would you tell me this?” Would she really want to know? No. Definitely not.
The vampiress looked at her intensely. “You deserve to know the difference between you and I.” She paused.

Anne shook her head, “that’s quite alright.”
“Majnun saved me from vampire hunters and asked for my shoelace. In exchange for saving my life he made me his wife with just that gesture.” Charlotte spoke slightly faster, to get this in before Anne tried to shut her out again. “He didn’t talk to me again until a few years ago.”
That caught Anne’s attention. “What?”
“What? Not the sensitive, romantic story you thought it would be? It’s not. Alessandra begged Majnun to make her his wife. He eventually got tired after several hundred years of hearing it and claimed her mirror, making her his first wife. Kai was next, he gave her back her wings after they had been stolen. He took a feather from her… Mi’lady, surely you’re sensing a pattern here. Majnun took us on as wives not because he desired it, he did it out of utilitarian necessity, like collecting favors. That’s one of his favorite things.”

Anne wasn’t even sure she was hearing correctly.
“When it came time for children, he stopped in, pressed his hand to my stomach - the only time he’s ever touched me that I can recall - and planted a child in my womb.” Charlotte shrugged and looked at Anne. “That love story you see in your head? That’s yours. Majnun has never even touched any of us, let alone loved us.” She shook her head. “No, because somehow, something you did made that crazy man fall in love.”
Anne sat on the information, trying to process everything. “So you’ve never kissed?”
Charlotte coughed suddenly from the implication, “by the gods no. I would rather die.” She shook her head with a disgusted face, making a noise that matched her displeasure. “The closest we got was he gave me a bag of his blood once to help me with my pregnancy.” She smiled a wide smile, “now that blood, on the other hand, was fantastic. The sheer power in it...” She trailed off as her mind wandered with the thought.
Anne felt her stomach flop over at the thought. She couldn’t hide the noise of disgust she made, but she immediately frowned, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean-”
Charlotte laughed, “no dear, please don’t apologize. I understand it’s not everyone’s… taste.” Her tongue ran over her teeth.

Anne stared at the floor, “his other wives? How was he with them?” She found herself asking.
“Even more distant than he was with I.” Charlotte shrugged. “We’ve only recently been seeing more of each other since we’ve all had children within a relatively close time span of each other.” Charlotte looked at Anne and pursed her lips, “we actually all got together recently because Alessandra noticed Majnun acting… out of the usual. Well, as out of the usual as the Mad God can be.” She smiled sweetly. “Turns out it’s because he ran off and fell in love with a mortal woman who has left him broken hearted. He’s been in his study for the past three days lost to insanity, screaming for a mortal girl named Anne.”
Anne felt her heart clench inside of her. This changes everything. She sent away the man who loved her for foolish reasons. She should have trusted her heart and body over her head. She should have heard him out completely. Now the man she loved was in pain. “Is he alright?”

Charlotte looked at her warmly, “you really are a wonderful woman.” She shook her head, “he’s not been well since three days ago, which is when I’m assuming you sent him away.”
Anne looked to the floor. “I thought that he… and his other wives…”
“That he pursued us in the same way he did you? Not at all.” Charlotte reassured.
“I feel so foolish now…” Anne whispered. “I should have heard him out further but I…”
Charlotte held up her hands, “it’s not too late. He’s a mess without you. When I came to ask him about why I had gotten the sense that our contract ended I found him… in a bit of a state.”
Sadness pulled at Anne’s delicate features. “A ‘state?’”
“I always knew he was the Mad God, but something about him just seemed so lost and hopeless. He was laying on the floor, muttering some gibberish between bouts of horrifying sanity. It was a bit much to watch.” Charlotte made a face of pity. “You really broke him, you know.”
Anne’s whole body ached for him. She longed to embrace him and ease the pain he felt tearing at his mind. She needed to speak with him - to tell him she loved him and that she wanted nothing more than to be with him. More importantly, she needed to trust him, and she did completely now. How could she have been so blind? Her eyes immediately landed on the crystal daffodil she put on her vanity. She needed to talk to him as soon as possible. She stood suddenly, but there was a knock on the door.

“Miss? Your mother wishes to see you out in the garden - she says it’s urgent.” Daisy spoke quietly through the door. There was something unusual about her tone.
Anne frowned and looked at Charlotte.
Charlotte shrugged, “he’s lived several thousand years in insanity without you dear, he can wait a few more minutes.” She smiled.
Anne couldn’t help it, she ran over and hugged Charlotte, who sat stiffly and awkwardly while she did so.
“What was that for?” Charlotte asked, bewildered.
“Thank you.” Anne whispered. “I know you didn’t need to do this… but… thank you.” She couldn’t express how much this changed everything. She and Majnun could be together… so long as he still wanted her. The thought made her sad. Could he really want to be with her after all that she’s put him through?
“Miss? Is everything ok in there?” Daisy’s voice got more worried.
“I’m coming, Daisy.” Her voice was lighter than it had been in days. She no longer felt like she would collapse from the weight of the sadness she felt. She turned to look for Charlotte one last time, but the woman had vanished. Anne grew a little uneasy, but she shrugged it off and opened the door.

Daisy stood shifting uneasily in the doorway. “This isn’t good miss…” She started. “Your mother thinks you’re insane. Get to the garden… quickly!” Daisy whispered. “Something strange is going on!”
Anne’s eyes went wide. “Thank you, Daisy.” She whispered.
“Miss, is everything ok?” Daisy asked, noticing the change.
“It couldn’t be better. I’ve been such a fool Daisy.” Anne felt herself smiling softly, “but I’m going to make things right again.”
Daisy smiled softly, but she still looked uneasy. She stepped out of the way and gestured towards the stairs, “please go talk some sense into your mother.” She said quietly.

Anne nodded and sped down the stairs and out of sight, leaving Daisy at the entrance to her room.
“Get that flower and that paint set from her room, Daisy. We cannot risk her having a psychotic break.” The mistress had told her.
Daisy didn’t like this one bit.

Anne nearly fell down the stairs as she took them quickly, she was light-headed and weak from not eating properly in days, but she didn’t care. Everything would be fixed. She could handle her mother and then she would beg Majnun to come to her and she would fix it. She had to. At the very least, she decided, she needed to apologize for not listening to him; for not trusting him.
Anne caught a wiff of smoke as she headed outside. Something wasn’t right. She stepped down into the yard and wandered her way around to the back where the smoke was getting heavier. Panic filled Anne and she picked up into a run around the back of the house.

Anne fell to the ground shrieking, clutching her stomach.
Her flowers.
They were screaming.
They were burning.
The neighbor, Remy Gaspalt, stood ripping her flowers from the ground and chucking them into the flames. Anne yanked herself to her feet and ran at him.
“STOP!” She screamed. “THEY’RE SCREAMING! STOP! YOU’RE HURTING THEM!” She pounded her fists against him, but he was much too big to even feel her pathetic attempt at stopping him.
Mr. Gaspalt look at her with disgust and shook her off. “What is WRONG with you girl? We’re taking care of the weeds at your father’s request!”

“NO! Please! STOP!” She threw herself down in front of the other daffodils, shielding them. She could hear the flowers screeching as they died, consumed by the flames. It scraped along the walls of her head. Tears were falling from her eyes. They cried for her to help them but she couldn’t.
Mr. Gaspalt shoved Anne aside and ripped up another handful of her precious flowers, and chucked them into the fire. Anne tore forward after them, nearly throwing herself into the fire when something grabbed her shoulders roughly.
Anne was jerked around to her mother staring at her with worry and fear etched into her face. “ANNE!”
“Mother!” Anne clutched her suddenly. “He’s killing the flowers! They’re in pain! Tell him to stop! Please, mother - PLEASE! They’re SCREAMING!”

Her mother only looked at her with resignation and sadness, “they’re just flowers Anne!” She scolded, her voice low. “Just… flowers! They’re not people!”
Anne’s face filled further with horror and the tears would not stop coming out. She struggled in her mother’s grip, but she was getting so light-headed and the smoke wasn’t helping her stay standing. She tried to lunge for Mr. Gaspalt again, “YOU MONSTER!” She screamed before she nearly collapsed into her mother’s arms.
Her mother looked at her sadly before she pulled her up and forced her to walk with her back towards the house. “Come, Anne, let’s go inside.”
“No…” Anne panted weakly. “No… please!”
Majnun could stop this. She needed him. She broke out of her mother’s grasp and took off running into the house and up the stairs. She tripped halfway up and bashed her shins into the stairs, but she couldn’t stop despite the pain. She pushed onward up to her room, using her hands occasionally when she would stumble. She threw the door open to her room and froze.
Her crystal daffodil was gone. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she was breathing hard. She ran over to her dresser and threw out every drawer, tossing the contents around while she searched. Surely it was close, it had to be. “Majnun?” She called. “Majnun!” She grew more panicked and desperate. “MAJNUN!”
“Your mother has it, miss.” Daisy’s voice broke as she watched Anne. She looked to the floor. “I’m so sorry.”
Anne ran past her and down the stairs; she missed a step and went tumbling down the flight, landing numbly on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. The room was spinning. Her flowers were screaming in her ears. Tears continued to fall from her eyes. The world was crumbling. The world was burning - just like her flowers.

Anne whimpered as she pulled herself to her feet again. She was pushing herself too hard, but she couldn’t stop. Her heart felt like it would explode and her vision was darkening. She walked numbly towards her parent’s bedroom where she could just barely hear people talking.
First was Mr. Gaspalt. “She’s clearly not well, Mrs. Trebo.”
“Haven’t you ever cared about something? That garden meant a lot to her.” Her mother’s voice.
“Sane people do not react that way!” He scolded back. “I’m going to get in touch with my brother at the hospital.”
“No… surely you don’t-”
Anne opened the door, “where’s my flower?” She whispered as she stared blankly at her mother.
“Anne!” Victoria was startled by her presence, she held up her hands, palms facing down to try to calm her.

“Where’s. My. Flower?” Anne said again, looking around the room. Her eyes met with the crystal daffodil that sat on her mother’s fireside table and her heart rate picked up again. He was so close. She stumbled forward and tried to grab it when Mr. Gaspalt grabbed onto her and held her back.
“MRS. TREBO! I implore you. Destroy that trinket! It’s driving your daughter into madness!” Mr. Gaspalt spat as he held the struggling Anne.
Victoria picked up the flower and stared at it and then her daughter.
“NO!” Anne screamed. “Please!”
“Mrs. Trebo!” Mr. Gaspalt gave her a warning with his voice.
Victoria looked down and frowned, “please see reason, Anne…” She begged.

“NO! I need to speak with him! Please! MOTHER!” Anne cried and she struggled harder.
Mr. Gaspalt issued his warning once again.
Victoria’s face became conflicted and she frowned with defeat. She turned and tossed the crystal flower into the burning fireplace behind her.
“NO! MAJNUN! NO!” Anne’s voice was shrill and breaking. She scratched at Mr. Gaspalt but inside she was crumbling to pieces.
Mr. Gaspalt spun her around and shoved her to the ground harshly, his hand struck her cheek as he backhanded her. “We’ll need a place to put her until I can get ahold of my brother in the morning.” He shook his head with disgust.
Anne was stunned into silence briefly, holding her cheek. 
Victoria stared at him in shock, shaking her head. “No… please… not Anne!”
“She’s attacked you and I!” Mr. Gaspalt shouted. “Either you have a place to hold her, or she’ll stay in my pantry. Your choice.”
Victoria’s hands were tied. She needed more time. If she could calm Mr. Gaspalt down and wait for her husband to get home Anne would have a chance. “We have a storage closet across the way.” She said quietly.
Mr. Gaspalt nodded, his hands grabbing Anne roughly and he began to yank her upward, trying to pull her to her feet.
Anne cried, “No! Please! Stop!” She fought against him. “You’re a monster!”

Mr. Gaspalt sneered and gave up trying to pull her to her feet, instead taking to dragging her behind him and out the door while she screamed.
He held her still briefly while he waited for Victoria to bring him the key, and Anne continued to struggle against him. It might as well have been a scary beast holding her by the arms, and she wanted nothing more than to see him destroyed. The gentle Anne had been shattered the second he burned her flowers. Rage filled her, boiling, wanting nothing more than to burn everyone in the room. She had never been that angry in her entire life. Mr. Gaspalt yanked her all the way up to her feet, nearly dislocating her shoulder with the force of the movement. He stared at Anne and shook his head.
Anne sneered back at him this time, “he’s going to kill you.” Her voice was hoarse. “He’s going to burn you like you burned my flowers.” She had never wished death on anyone, and now she was cursing him in her own mind.
The door was opened and Mr. Gaspalt threw Anne into the room violently and he closed the door just as quickly as it was opened. Anne ran for the door and banged against it as it closed shut on her.

“MOTHER! PLEASE! Let me out!” It wasn’t too late, the flower could still be there. If she ran she might be able to call to him before it was destroyed.
Anne rattled the doorknob and pounded the door again. “PLEASE!” She begged, but it was hopeless. No one was coming for her. “Please…”
She sank to the floor and sobbed while she clutched her battered body. He would never know to come for her. She would be trapped in here until they dragged her to the hospital. How could he ever find her?
Why would he even want to? She sent him away.
Anne cried harder.

Her world was in ashes.

Majnun clutched his head. He had seen Anne’s death in countless ways as his mind tormented him. He debated taking some herbs to knock himself out. He couldn’t handle this. He couldn’t stand being without her.
He would have to. She wouldn’t ever want to see him again. The thought destroyed him.
Formula seven. Bent over backwards. Aching. Tasting. Crying. I’ll make you dance! Flop. Cats yowling.

The whispers in his head took on a new form. Taunting him. Reminding him only of her.
Her voice. Her eyes. The taste of her lips. Her laughter. Her hair in the sunlight. The fire in her eyes. “It needed red!” Anne. “Look, look at the gulls, Majnun!” His insanity. “Not even a kiss?” His heart. “You won’t scare me.” His clarity.
“Please see reason, Anne…”
He was hearing other voices now. These weren’t familiar voices. He pinched the bridge of his nose. He was so deeply absorbed into the rapid thoughts whizzing through his head.
“NO!” It was Anne’s voice. His eyes came open wide. She was saying something but he couldn’t hear her. He strained to hear.
“Anne?” He whispered.
“Please! MOTHER!”

Majnun sat up suddenly and everything was quiet. Eerily quiet. The silence dragged on for a few moments longer. Whispers started humming in the back of his head, picking up speed as the insanity began to crawl back in. He closed his eyes and laid back on the floor, preparing for the madness to consume him again.
“NO!” Anne’s voice was screaming. Majnun surged forward, his eyes wide. “MAJNUN!” She screamed his name. She needed him. “NO!”
Majnun threw his hands towards the floor, sending a magical wave that forced him to his feet quickly. He stumbled - his barriers hadn’t been up in days and it would be hard to erect them again, but his mind was sharp. Anne was screaming. He could hear her screaming until everything grew silent suddenly after a sharp snapping sound.

He threw a portal open and fell through it. He would find Anne. He would tear the world apart as he did. He continued manipulating portal after portal. “I’m coming Anne.” He whispered. “Please be ok.”
She had to be ok. He wouldn’t accept anything less.
Anything less, and someone was going to die.