Author Topic: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]  (Read 467981 times)

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hush My Little Swallow
« Reply #735 on: April 05, 2016, 03:51:12 PM »
I still say that evil cow "I'm his true wife" is the one who killed Aleccas' mom! Maybe she cursed her or something... That would be just the kind of crappy stunt a "Goddess" would pull!

Wouldn't Alec be interested to know that his own daughter could be the break in the case that he needs to find the truth! The REAL truth, and not the rubbish he believes to be true *Team Majnun*

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hush My Little Swallow
« Reply #736 on: April 05, 2016, 05:00:45 PM »
I still say that evil cow "I'm his true wife" is the one who killed Aleccas' mom! Maybe she cursed her or something... That would be just the kind of crappy stunt a "Goddess" would pull!

Wouldn't Alec be interested to know that his own daughter could be the break in the case that he needs to find the truth! The REAL truth, and not the rubbish he believes to be true *Team Majnun*

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For what it's worth, technically Alessandra is not a goddess, just the daughter of a god and the wife of another. Her powers are not as strong as a typical goddess. However she'll never admit to being less powerful than anyone. Not her M.O. ::) I do love reading everyone's suspicious. It's a lot of fun.

Wouldn't Alec also love to know his daughter has been TALKING to the man he's been tearing the world apart trying to find and yet being unable to? Alec has a lot of anger he'll have to overcome before he's ready for any of the truth. Let's just say pig-headedness runs in the family.

(Waves Team Majnun flag around). Woo!

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Online oshizu

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hush My Little Swallow
« Reply #737 on: April 05, 2016, 08:27:32 PM »
I normally prefer not to speculate aloud because I enjoy watching/reading the way the reveals are presented.
That said, I feel all those "scientists" to be very suspicious and somehow complicit, whether purposely or unintentionally.

Felix's outfit with the bright blue bow looks so much more somber and menacing on Alec.
I am eager to learn of Alec's childhood.

*Does pom pom cheer for Majnun. Sis-boom-bah!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hush My Little Swallow
« Reply #738 on: April 05, 2016, 10:01:57 PM »
I normally prefer not to speculate aloud because I enjoy watching/reading the way the reveals are presented.
That said, I feel all those "scientists" to be very suspicious and somehow complicit, whether purposely or unintentionally.

Felix's outfit with the bright blue bow looks so much more somber and menacing on Alec.
I am eager to learn of Alec's childhood.

*Does pom pom cheer for Majnun. Sis-boom-bah!
I love a big reveal when everyone is shocked and in awe. It's a really cool thing if you can do that as a writer.

Tiddly-tid-bit. Alec, Majnun, and Felix all are known for that outfit. I kind of love that outfit on men.
Majnun's just is so... bright and clashing you can't tell.
Felix's is a pop of color, and Alec's is very somber and dark. :-X ::)
It wasn't an intentional thing, it just kind of happened that way. Oops.

Also, we're on our way there! It'll be an interesting ride for all of us. :)

Funny thing, I was just speculating with mpart about how when I created Majnun, I had him made out in my head to be the villain. Who knew, several months later, that he would develop so far as to have his own fan club and people cheering him on in the comments. ::) It's fantastic! I'm so glad he's such a complex character and that people enjoy him so much. I love writing him!

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hush My Little Swallow
« Reply #739 on: April 05, 2016, 11:12:20 PM »
Even villians need a fan base lol besides, its a compliment to your writing that you could take such an "unlikable" character and yet still instill enough humanity and kindness into him that we overlook that fact that he's a manipulative so-and-so lol

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hush My Little Swallow
« Reply #740 on: April 06, 2016, 01:09:33 PM »
Even villians need a fan base lol besides, its a compliment to your writing that you could take such an "unlikable" character and yet still instill enough humanity and kindness into him that we overlook that fact that he's a manipulative so-and-so lol

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This is true! Thank you so much! He is a manipulative so-and-so, isn't he? ::) Ah, but I love him.

So you guys, this is the weirdest thing I've ever seen, ever.
I live in Chicago, the crummy weather city. It's been having horrible snow/rain weather on and off (between days of 70 degree weather, if you'll believe it) for over a week now. The weather has just been awful.
Despite this, I'm walking to and from class and driving to work as usual except... things are different - people started planting flowers. Most of them have died.
Except the daffodils.
I'm not even joking you guys, there are daffodils EVERYWHERE. Literally everywhere. They're in every yard, they're in the street dividers on the roads... Every other flower is dead, it's brown and gross, but here are these perfect yellow flowers everywhere, surviving the snow, the rain, the high winds.

I think Majnun is trying to make me feel bad.

I'm not even sure how to look at this anymore. Except that it's making me really sad.

Online oshizu

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hush My Little Swallow
« Reply #741 on: April 06, 2016, 01:26:12 PM »
About Majnun and his fan base...
I think it also means that we the readers are being infected (in a positive sense) with your own nuanced sense of who Manjun has been and is today.
What I find appealing are those minute glimpses, the little cracks in the armor of the all-powerful Majnun--he is virtually ominpotent with no thought of consequences and yet...

I loved seeing him with Anne, his younger aristocratic visage, his hesitation, his fussing over his feelings for her.
This Majnun made me wonder if, in his younger days, he was in as much control of his life as he likes to think. What did he sacrifice? What griefs did he suffer?
I realize I have a very romanticized image of Majnun. I will always give him the benefit of the doubt.
If he was just a jerk, he wouldn't suffer so.
Thank you for such a fascinating character.

Aaah yes, the outfits! I recall that yellow bow of Majnun's now! 

Well, now that you've seen the daffodlils, you've been warned, you know.  His truths must be revealed. (cue dramatic music....boom boom booooom)
What? Who is Jupiter?

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hush My Little Swallow
« Reply #742 on: April 09, 2016, 10:40:28 PM »
What I find appealing are those minute glimpses, the little cracks in the armor of the all-powerful Majnun--he is virtually ominpotent with no thought of consequences and yet...
I loved seeing him with Anne, his younger aristocratic visage, his hesitation, his fussing over his feelings for her.
This Majnun made me wonder if, in his younger days, he was in as much control of his life as he likes to think. What did he sacrifice? What griefs did he suffer?
I realize I have a very romanticized image of Majnun. I will always give him the benefit of the doubt.
If he was just a jerk, he wouldn't suffer so.
Thank you for such a fascinating character.
I adore this part of Majnun, how he's got the "cracks in the armor" as you say. He's so confident and cocky and unsure at the same time. I love this part about him. I think there's nothing wrong with a romanticized view of him in my opinion, because I've got a fairly romanticized view of him myself.

Jupiter who? Indeed. Majnun has put Jupiter out of his super-romantic-ness. My Sims all tend to be hopeless-romantics at heart (I think it's because I am).

Quick Update!
Two bits of wonderful information for all of my favorite people! I've had this weekend off (yay)! However I have an 8-10 paper to write and another 8-10 page paper to edit (boo). I'm a little overloaded so this story is a little behind and I'm sorry! In the meantime, I finished a short story that is "madly" entertaining, for those who are interested in a very specific god of ours, please feel free to check out Risen from the Ashes. I worked very hard and am very proud of the story. It's completed, so feel free to check it out in the meantime.

In other, wonderful news, those who wonder where Jupiter went can wonder no longer, please feel free to check out the latest chapter of Another Labelle Story to see what he's up to and to check on our darling Liam and Jack! Bring tissues if you do read it! ::)

Anyways, sorry again for the silence this week! I'll try to get on an update as soon as this Biology paper is done! :D Wish me luck!

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hush My Little Swallow
« Reply #743 on: April 09, 2016, 11:56:13 PM »
I'm kinda glad I found the story before I read this, it means I was completely taken by surprise, not expecting Majnun at all...

Take all the time you need! RL comes first, unfortunately...

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline mpart

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hush My Little Swallow
« Reply #744 on: April 10, 2016, 01:36:01 AM »
You see, Jupiter is away on very important business. He is currently a slave to the most adorable person in the realms. Don't kill me for taking Jupiter.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hush My Little Swallow
« Reply #745 on: April 10, 2016, 01:49:25 AM »
You see, Jupiter is away on very important business. He is currently a slave to the most adorable person in the realms. Don't kill me for taking Jupiter.
He's learning valuable lessons in diaper changing. That's all. He needs to be on poop duty after running out on our heiress. ::)

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hush My Little Swallow
« Reply #746 on: April 10, 2016, 02:55:48 AM »
You see, Jupiter is away on very important business. He is currently a slave to the most adorable person in the realms. Don't kill me for taking Jupiter.
He's learning valuable lessons in diaper changing. That's all. He needs to be on poop duty after running out on our heiress. ::)

^^ this ^^ he totally deserves it! I hope the poopy diapers don't stop coming for ages!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hush My Little Swallow
« Reply #747 on: April 11, 2016, 12:22:33 AM »
You see, Jupiter is away on very important business. He is currently a slave to the most adorable person in the realms. Don't kill me for taking Jupiter.
He's learning valuable lessons in diaper changing. That's all. He needs to be on poop duty after running out on our heiress. ::)

^^ this ^^ he totally deserves it! I hope the poopy diapers don't stop coming for ages!

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Right? For real! @mpart has been so, so awesome and sent me tons of adorable pictures! Let's just say poor Jupiter is getting what he deserves right now.

WARNING: THE UPCOMING CHAPTER WILL HAVE SPOILERS FROM MY STORY, RISEN. If you have not finished this story, or wish to read it and not be spoiled, please do not read the next chapter until you're all caught up. Risen is a completed Misc. Story of mine that consists of four parts and an epilogue. This is my warning to you!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Prince and Painter
« Reply #748 on: April 11, 2016, 04:39:55 AM »

The Prince and Painter
Anne listened to the party going on inside the house from out on the porch. Parties were always a suffocating affair to her, and this one was no different. Anne did get a breath of relief at the notice that Jameson could not attend due to his carriage still needing repairs. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could stall this incoming proposal, but thus far fate had been on her side.

She smiled to herself, as adamant as Majnun had been that he was above fate, it certainly didn’t seem like it.
One interesting thing Anne hadn’t expected was to see Michael at her parent’s dinner party. He brought one of his paintings in a bag too. She idly wondered which painting he brought of his beautiful collection and why. He had gone off to her father’s office and she knew it was all business then. Michael was a business owner now. She warmed at the thought, someone who can actually survive off of painting alone. It was very admirable that he was able to achieve his dreams.

The door opened behind her, “I see you managed to sneak away, Ms. Anne.” Michael’s voice was warm and he laughed.
Anne turned and straightened, “parties are not my forte, Michael.” Anne looked down and saw he still carried his bag with the painting in it. “In to speak with my father about business?”
He smiled and shrugged, “ah, well, I guess you could say that.”
“Was he uninterested? I can try to speak with him if you’d like. I really would like to see your business succeed, given that painting is something we’re both passionate about.”

Michael looked at her thoughtfully, “that’s so kind of you, have you always had such a gentle heart?”
Anne was taken back by the comment, and she felt her cheeks heating up. “I… I wouldn’t say that.”
“Why not? It’s the truth. Beauty and kindness are hard to come by these days, and you have both. I feel very lucky to know you.” He paused, “but no, it wasn’t a matter of interest or uninterest on your father’s behalf, since you asked.”
Anne’s brow scrunched in confusion, but she smiled lightly, “hopefully it went well then?”
Michael pursed his lips, “it… did.” He looked at her and smiled changing the topic before she could inquire further. “Is it true you and Jameson are courting?”
Anne bit her cheek, not realizing he was inquiring as more than just her friend. “No. He’s been trying to outright propose to me.”
Michael’s eyes went wide, “cut to the chase kind of guy, eh? What have you said to him?”
“Nothing so far. Fate has been interrupting every time he tries. Thank goodness.” She sighed and laughed a little.
“Oh, a random old friend interrupting all the way up to his carriage catching fire.” Anne smiled, perhaps the last one wasn’t fate… or perhaps it was. Majnun didn’t seem to believe he’s been affected by fate, but from Anne’s perspective they had been fated to meet that day at the market.

“Ah, well of course. If you aren’t properly courting a beautiful woman such as yourself, you’re bound to run into horrible luck.” Michael smiled charmingly.
Anne laughed, “as long as that horrible luck keeps me from having to say yes, I’ll hold onto it as tight as I can.”
“So no suitors yet?” He asked delicately.
Anne bit her lip and smiled, looking off into the evening. “There is one.” She remembered the gentle kiss he left her with and felt her whole self warm at the thought. “He’s given me a paint set with my name engraved into it. He’s been most kind, though he has not asked my father for permission to marry me yet.”
Michael looked at her with intense eyes. “Perhaps he needs some competition.” He handed her the bag with his painting.
Anne looked at him with confusion before she opened the bag and found the painting that had been splattered by paint thanks to Majnun that she had attempted to fix. “The painting!” She grinned and thought about that afternoon, it had been the afternoon that had changed everything. “For me? Are you sure?”

Michael nodded, "I wanted to give it to you as a sign of courtship." He kept his eyes on her, waiting to see her reaction.
Anne's eyes got a little bigger, her mouth open slightly, "courtship? Me?" She looked down at the painting, "are you sure?"
"I don't think I would have offered if I wasn't." He smiled at her. "I should warn you though, given your beauty, I'm not taking no for an answer." His voice was light, teasing.
Anne smiled back, "I guess it's settled then." Anne looked down at the painting with fondness, "I should go place this up in my room, the color will be a welcome change." She smiled. "Would you mind coming with me for a moment? I could use another set of artistic eyes to look at something, if you have a moment, that is."
Michael nodded, "for you, always."

"It's stumped me. I just can't get the water to look right." Anne stared at the easel and pursed her lips, she tilted her head back to look at Michael. "What do you think it needs?"
Michael took in the painting but shook his head, "I see nothing wrong with it, it looks lovely."

Anne pursed her lips further. "I just can't put my finger on it. This painting has been driving me-" she paused and a smiled pulled on her lips as she was unable to finish her statement, her eyes turned and stared at the crystal daffodil on her nightstand.
"Insane?" Michael grinned as he finished her sentence for her.
"I was going to say 'mad' but that works too." She giggled.
Michael gave her an intrigued stare before chuckling himself. "I should probably get back, before your parents assume we're up to something scandalous and I get myself thrown out of my first big dinner party."
Anne turned and smiled at him, tipping her head as he bowed and kissed her hand. "I look forward to meeting my competition."
With that Michael turned and left Anne to the quiet of her room.

Anne sat at her vanity and tried to pull her hair down from on top of her head. She desperately wanted out of the colorless dress she wore. Her mother insisted she would look better if she got her hair out of her face, but all the pins were giving her a headache. Or perhaps it was the painting. She wasn't sure which was more annoying at this point.

She looked over at the crystal daffodil she had moved by her while she sat. She picked it up idly and turned it slowly for her to examine. "Are you having a good day, Majnun?" She whispered to it. "I hope so." She admired the color of the flower and sighed. "My mother's been shuffling me around the house all day and I've accomplished nothing worthwhile..." She grinned, "except a headache, perhaps."
"They say tea is a good remedy for that."
Anne jumped at the sound of his voice before laughter escaped her, breathy and relieved. "You gave me a start." Her hand rested on her heart as she grinned at him.
Majnun leaned against the windowsill, smiling despite himself. He tilted his head as he looked at her, "your dress..."
Anne looked down and frowned, "is ugly and colorless." She shifted and stood up, walking towards the center of the room.
Majnun raised an eyebrow, "well you said it, not me."
"It's sucking the life out of me." Anne took a long breath in.
"That's not recommended." Majnun made a face, "keeping one's life inside of them is usually a good idea."
Anne, who had still been taking a long breath in, let it all out with laughter. "I suppose it would be."
He took a step forward, amused, "this is an interesting side of you I'm seeing."

She turned and her eyes locked with his and he could see the fire there - the passion. Anne resisted shrugging - she should not have had that glass of wine. Anne stared at him and remembered the way he kissed her the last time she saw him. She wondered if he would do it again. A brief thought flashed in her head that she should ask; her eyes faltered and she looked to the floor nervously. She was a little more forward, but not that much more. "Good interesting... or bad?" Her eyes snuck a peek at his face.
He looked at her intensely, "I don't think there is such thing as a 'bad interesting' when it comes to you."
Anne flushed and she looked away more firmly, her eyes falling on her painting and she frowned again.
"The water isn't correctly reflecting the light."

Anne looked up at him suddenly and saw him studying the painting as well.
"Water causes light to bend just slightly, giving it a more wavy appearance than what you have here." He looked at her seriously and stepped forward a bit, pointing, "if you take oils you can blur the solid line away and if you angle the brighter colors just so it'll look more realistic."
Anne's eyes were big as she listened. "That... that would be perfect. How... how did you figure that out?"
Majnun shrugged nonchalantly.
"I never took you for a painter." Anne smiled at him warmly, "why didn't you say something?"
"I don't paint." Majnun responded flatly, automatically.
Anne frowned at the response, and Majnun realized his immediate response probably sounded harsher than he intended.
He sighed softly, "you said the other day that you wanted closeness." He paused and grimaced, "...intimacy." He gritted his teeth, "how far does that extend?"
Anne's brow furrowed and she flushed a little at the potential implication, "I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean..."
"Is it entirely physical or... does that include..." He frowned, "personal details?"
Anne relaxed a little, "oh! It means all of it." She stated back to him, she took a fairly bold step forward, though her entire body objected and almost made her step back immediately, but she resisted and stood her ground. "I want to understand you... to know you." Her voice came out softer than she intended, but her heart was nearly beating out of her chest.

Majnun's lips were in a firm line and he nodded, but his eyes were focused elsewhere in the room, as if he were contemplating the concept. After a moment he looked back at her, "what do you want to know?"
Anne was caught off-guard by the question and her gaze fell to the floor. "Uh... well... I'm not sure what there is to know." She paused and bit her lip, "surely you have secrets? Things you wouldn't tell anyone else?"
Majnun's eyes narrowed at her, trying to take in her question. "Have you ever been afraid of me?" His question came suddenly, out of the blue.
Anne looked at him with surprise and then thoughtfulness, "of course not." She said warmly.
"If you knew my secrets, then you would be." Majnun frowned, and for once he didn't want her to be. His mind was a mess since she came to be in his life. She throws everything into chaos. He loves chaos. He loves-.
No. That's foolish. He shook his head and returned his gaze to her. She should fear him for what he is - for what he can do.
"You don't know that." Her voice was soft as she looked at him with big eyes.
He did know that, but he sighed and closed his eyes. "You win." She always did. He reached over and took her hand in his, "come with me." He began to walk her back towards the window.

"Wait!" Anne called suddenly, she fussed with her hair and pulled out a pin that caused her hair to all fall out, "let me change first..."
Majnun snapped his fingers and Anne looked down with wide eyes before staring at him nervously. He had changed her dress back to her usual one with just a slight gesture. The idea that he used his magic on her made her anxious, while at the same time a little excited.
He smirked, "better?"
Anne nodded and let out a breath of relief, and Majnun continued to pull her to the window she had watched him walk out of many times before.
Anne wanted to ask questions, but in the end she decided to trust him. He pulled her into his arms and the ground vanished beneath them. Anne closed her eyes at first, clenching them shut so she wouldn't get too dizzy, but she found herself opening them, staring in awe as the world shifted around them - at him, at his confidence as he bent the space around them like fabric and moved through it easily. She stared up at him until his eyes turned briefly and met hers, a smile pulling on his lips. She returned to closing her eyes and pressing her face into his shoulder instead.

Anne had been focusing on keeping her breathing steady so she hadn't even noticed that they had arrived at their destination.
Anne pulled up and looked around - she had to have been in a dream. There was color everywhere, she almost couldn't breath. "There's so much color! Look at this! Majnun!" She couldn't contain herself. Her hand flew up over her mouth as she looked around. Was she on another planet? This certainly wasn't the Midnight Hollow she knew.

"Welcome to Dragon Valley, Anne." Majnun kept his arm around her to steady her, and she leaned against him heavily.
The name was familiar to Anne somehow, she searched through her memories until she recalled a book she read once. "Ah! I read a book about this place before!" She looked around, "it's so much more beautiful than I could ever have imagined..."
Majnun looked at her intensely, "I have a story for you, if you're interested." His voice was quiet. "A story about three princes of Dragon Valley."
Anne looked at him with wide eyes full of wonder and she nodded.
"It does not have a happy ending." Majnun continued, and he shook his head, "so if you're hoping for one then I'm afraid that's not the case." Majnun began to walk forward, pulling her along with him as she looked around and took everything in.
"Three princes, you say?" Anne said while looking at the stone the streets were made of with awe. Even the stones impressed her. Majnun almost wished he didn't have to tell her this story.
"Three Glebaal princes." Majnun looked forward now and they kept walking. "Born to the king and queen of Dragon Valley 1700 years ago. They came at a time right before the destruction of Dragon Valley."
Anne looked at Majnun suddenly, "yes! That was what the book was about! Dragon Valley was leveled that long ago, apparently, by magical explosions... or something. I can't remember exactly."
Majnun nodded, "the kingdom had been in decline for fifty years. Temples had been blown up by wild magic, crops were changing color, and plagues were rampant. It was... quite chaotic."
Anne looked around as they passed buildings, she looked at Majnun curiously, "which is your element, isn't it?"
Majnun looked at her with a slightly smug smile, "yes, I suppose it is."

He stopped in front of a deserted building and Anne looked at him curiously as he broke away and walked forward, unlocking the locked door. "What is this place? Are we supposed to be here?" She asked quietly.
"It's the art museum," he turned around and walked towards her, holding his hand out for her as she stood at the bottom of the steps. "I've always felt stories are best with visuals."

He walked her up the steps of the art museum and continued his story, "King Eglanor Glebaal and his wife Araiel had four children. Galan, Finreth, Tuon, and Amet. They were... a happy family." He kept his eyes level on the floor, "Galan was the best swordsman. He was very skilled in battle and was beloved by the people - the crown prince. The middle prince, Finreth, was a decent marksman," Majnun sucked in a very long breath, "and a painter as well. The youngest, Prince Tuon, was a scholar and considered one of the smartest in the kingdoms, and Princess Amet? She was set to be considered the most beautiful girl when she grew up." Majnun looked at Anne to gage her reaction. "It wasn't to last." He continued walking. "Amet was lost to the plague at the young age of six, and everything changed. The brothers became rivals, the queen got sick, and the king became cruel. It was the end of the Glebaal lineage. The queen died. The brothers destroyed themselves, and the king burned down the castle with everything - and everyone - still inside it."
They came to the top floor and Majnun walked past tapestries until they came across a painting. Anne's eyes went wider and she walked over to the painting to stare at it, "it's so beautiful." Her mouth was open slightly as she admired the masterwork.

She looked at Majnun expectantly. "Prince Finreth's, I take it?"
Majnun nodded, "the only one left."
Anne let out an amazed breath, "that's terrible! With talent like this..." She trailed off and frowned deeply. The art never deserved to be burned, Anne mourned quietly. She finally looked back at Majnun who had turned away from the painting. "What happened to the brothers?"
"The youngest, Tuon, had been deceived." He opened his mouth to say something else but stopped and started walking towards a doorway leading out to the balcony. "I suppose I should explain further - the rivalry between the brother's had spouted very bad blood between them, and Prince Tuon... Tuon had grown bitter in the years following the death of the princess. It wasn't without reason, as Galan and Finreth were not the greatest people to him." Majnun frowned. "He fell in with a stranger who offered him power at a price. A lot of power."
"What was the price?" Anne asked quietly, though she wasn't sure she wanted to know.
"He had to kill the queen." Majnun was looking off into the distance.

Anne's mouth fell open again, this time with horror. "Did he?"
"He did." Majnun's face was emotionless. "Suffocated her with a pillow."
Anne gasped and looked down suddenly, "why would he do that? Why would anyone do that?"
Majnun's jaw was set, "he had lost his mind." He shook his head, "all three of them did." He paused and looked at her intensely and she knew that there was something hidden beneath all of this, she just couldn't sense what. "Would you like to know what happened to them? The princes?" He swallowed as he asked, feeling glad he had spent as much time as he could meditating before coming here with her.
Anne nodded, "are you alright?" She asked him gently, sensing his distress beneath it all.
Majnun looked off into the distance and did not answer. He held his hand out to her and she took it. He pulled her to him and the ground was moving beneath them once again.

Once the ground stopped moving Anne gathered her bearings and smiled, "perhaps I'll get used to that one day."
Majnun smiled at her, though his eyes still held pain in them - yet not the pain she had seen before. It wasn't his insanity that was hurting him but the story. She opened her mouth to tell him it wasn't necessary to continue if this hurt him, but a familiar shake ran through her - only this time it was accompanied with a sharp pain. She nearly lost her balance this time as her body shook involuntarily. She struggled to get her muscles back into control.

Majnun moved to hold her steady, his eyes had forgotten the pain they were in but a moment ago in favor of concern. "What's wrong, Anne?"
She didn't answer right away.
"Anne?" His voice grew more concerned.
The trembling stopped as quickly as it came, and the pain disappeared with it. She shook her head and took in a breath, "I'm fine..." She looked at him sweetly, "sorry for worrying you, it was just a chill."
Majnun frowned, "perhaps I should get you home."
"No! Please!" Anne smiled weakly, "I'm just fine, please continue the story."
Majnun wasn't convinced, but he let it drop. "I will need to cast a protective spell on us before we go any further. This place could still be a little toxic."
"Toxic?" Anne asked with concern.
"A magical explosion happened here all those years ago, and it could still have some... lingering effects." He paused and his fingers brushed along her jawbone as he looked at her tenderly. Part of him was concerned this would be the last time he would get the chance to do this before she saw him - really saw him and what he was capable of. She wouldn't want to be with him then. He knew it. He tried to remind himself why he was doing this in the first place. He could've lied. He could've told her any other story. He didn't need to show her this part of him. But at the same time...
He wanted to.
He wanted her to accept him. Chaos and all.
How could she possibly?
Her voice broke his thoughts and he shrugged, "forgive me, being here is... not giving me the clearest head."
"You don't need to continue if it hurts you this much." Anne whispered.
Majnun quietly let a spell surrounded the two of them, and they began to glow. "Follow me." He whispered, not responding to her insistence.

"Tuon killed the queen and fled to this location to meet the God of Magic and Madness."
Anne looked at Majnun with wide eyes from where she stood. She couldn't find the words to say anything.
"Finreth, being the first to discover the foul play, followed him all the way here. Prince Tuon had succumbed to madness, and the Mad God had ordered Tuon to kill Finreth."
Anne's face only grew more shocked as she listened. Something wasn't adding up yet, and she was waiting for it. Could she be with a man who would do such things to the brothers? Something inside of her told her that it couldn't be him though, and she clung to the thought as long as she could.
"Tuon stood right over there," He pointed, "and Finreth right here, bow drawn." He pointed just below his feet. "Finreth begged him to see reason, but he did not." Majnun could hear it in his head, “I don’t want to shoot you! Please! TUON!” He clenched his jaw. "So Finreth shot him." He paused. "Four arrows. Tuon was so far gone that it took four arrows to finally put him out of his misery."
Anne closed her eyes tightly and nodded.
"Unbeknownst to Finreth, Galan had followed him - thinking that Finreth and Tuon had been plotting against him to overthrow him. The Mad God whispered to him as well, lying about a plot against him. Galan attacked Finreth." Majnun stepped five steps forward and pointed. "Here and here. Finreth resisted the whispers of the Mad God, because the Mad God thought he knew what Finreth wanted, when in reality it only gave Finreth more clarity."
There was a pause and Anne spoke up quietly, her voice breaking as she did, "what happened next?"
"Galan had lost his mind to madness, and Finreth had to fight or die." Majnun nodded, "so he fought." Majnun wanted to get through this as quickly as possible. "He took advantage of Galan's madness and was able to overpower him. Finreth had killed his two brothers."
"They attacked him first." Anne said quietly, "if anything it was the Mad God's fault." She said the words slowly, eyeing Majnun skeptically.
Majnun's lips twitched into a soft smile. "The Mad God made his appearance after that, applauding the victor, Finreth." Majnun walked forward even still, to a circular area of dead grass. She could feel the magic prickling her skin as she followed him. She wasn't sure what to make of him at this point - but she never judges stories until she's read all the way to the end, and this was no exception.

"What happened then?" She knew there was more, there had to be. "What happened to Finreth?"
"Finreth watched the God of Order command the death of the God of Madness and Magic." Majnun said quietly.
Anne felt confusion run through her, her brows furrowed.
Majnun continued before she could connect any dots further, He sank to his knees on the dry grass. "Finreth was blown back to right here from the sheer explosion caused by the death of the Mad God. This is where Finreth died." He whispered before sucking in his lips.
"The God of Magic and Madness died... completely?" Anne asked quietly.
Majnun nodded slowly, "his soul was taken by the World's Essence. Yet there cannot be no God of Magic and Madness. The job is too important." His voice was low and hoarse. He gestured once again to the dried ground. "This is where Finreth died... and Majnun was born."
Anne felt everything click into place, "you're Finreth." She whispered. "Prince Finreth."
Majnun shook his head and let out a shaky breath, "Finreth was a painter. Finreth was a brother. Finreth was a prince. I am none of those things."
Anne could feel the weight of the knowledge he just gave her and she felt sympathy and compassion fill her. How could she ever have doubted him? She ran over to him and sunk to her knees beside him, resting her head against his leg. "I'm so, so sorry, Majnun." It was all she could manage to say.

Majnun ran his fingers through her hair, "now you know the one thing that no one else ever will. Are you afraid now?"
Anne looked up at him with sadness in her eyes, "no." She whispered. "Never."
"I've killed people, Anne. Does that bother you?"
Anne kept her head to his knee, "you have a good heart. I can feel it. You won't scare me."
Majnun wasn't sure how to react. He had fully expected her to fear him... to hate him. "I fear you may be overestimating my goodness."
Anne shook her head. "No, I know I'm not."
Majnun tried not to smile. That stubborn, impossible woman. He loved her. He closed his eyes and let the thought exist where he hadn't let it before.

Majnun held tightly onto Anne as he teleported them back to her room.
They had mostly been quiet, but Anne broke the silence, "thank you," she paused. "For letting me see that part of you." She paused again. "For sharing it with me."
Majnun let his hand brush against her cheek as she finished speaking and she closed her eyes and leaned into the caress. It was hopeless now. He was hopeless now. He went into this wanting to find a way to drive her to insanity, but all he accomplished was driving himself further insane - a feat he never thought possible before now. He was a God bending to the whims of a mortal, and he wouldn't change a thing about it.
Anne looked to the floor and took a step back slightly as she prepared to say goodnight. Majnun studied her face momentarily before he stepped forward and closed the distance between them, his lips meeting hers once again. He could feel Anne relaxing into the kiss and he never wanted to let go.   

After several moments they finally broke away from each other, and Majnun looked deeply at Anne, vulnerability in his eyes. His thumb traced along the edge of her face as he whispered, "will you marry me, Anne?"
Anne looked at him and her smile grew. "Yes, I will."
All else was forgotten.

Daisy came tearing down the hallway as fast as she could as she headed for Anne's room.

As she approached the door she started calling, "Miss! Miss!" She couldn't contain herself as she burst through Anne's door, her eyes wide. "Miss! Miss Anne!"

Anne rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked at the maid curiously. "What is it Daisy?" Her voice was quiet from sleep.
"Miss! You have to come see... just... come!" She motioned for her, but her face was light and mystified. "Hurry!"
Daisy turned around as quickly as she came in and bolted out the door with Anne quickly at her heel. Daisy went flying through the library and out onto the balcony.
"Daisy! What is going..." She stepped out into the morning light. "...on?" Her voice completely trailed off. She didn't need an answer any longer.

She beamed with happiness as laughter escaped her lips.
Daisy shook her head and smiled, "I don't know what you did, Miss, but I think he's in love with you."

Anne couldn't take her eyes off the daffodils and she smiled so big it almost hurt.

"I think I'm in love with him too."

Sorry guys, this one is going mostly unedited. I really wanted to get this up for you, so hopefully it's alright. It's 3:30am and I'm beat.
Thanks for all the love on my stories!

Online oshizu

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Prince and Painter
« Reply #749 on: April 11, 2016, 12:48:18 PM »
Awww, me too!  :-*

What an amazing and seamless way to weave your short story into this Reaper Legacy!
The third screenshot in this chapter, the one of Annie, really captures her beauty. She's breathtakingly lovely in this shot!

And, of course, I love the vulnerable Majnun!
This is such a satisfying chapter after having read Rise from the Ashes!
Thank you!