Author Topic: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]  (Read 467985 times)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Beautiful Chaos
« Reply #720 on: March 27, 2016, 10:32:10 PM »
:-X  :-X  :-X

I was expecting Anne's mother to burst in the room when Majnun was kissing Anne. That would have been awkward. Great chapter! Jupiter better get back to Eveline soon.
Haha, now THAT would've been funny. Alas, they got their moment in peace. ::)
Well, if Jupiter doesn't, then Eveline may be saddled with some of the nice Midnight Hollow men. ;)
Which I mean, if you haven't seen Todd Landgraab... they're not so bad. ;) :-X
I really miss her and Jupiter... so... so much. It'll be grand. Right?  Please don't make me do this.
I'm sure Eveline will carry the line regardless.

Offline mpart

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Beautiful Chaos
« Reply #721 on: March 27, 2016, 10:39:57 PM »
Haha, now THAT would've been funny. Alas, they got their moment in peace. ::)
Well, if Jupiter doesn't, then Eveline may be saddled with some of the nice Midnight Hollow men. ;)
Which I mean, if you haven't seen Todd Landgraab... they're not so bad. ;) :-X
I really miss her and Jupiter... so... so much. It'll be grand. Right?  Please don't make me do this.
I'm sure Eveline will carry the line regardless.

She will NOT end up with Todd Landgraab if I can help it.  :-X

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Beautiful Chaos
« Reply #722 on: March 27, 2016, 10:44:13 PM »
@mpart  Lol
Or maybe it's not funny. I don't play Sims 3 so I guess I don't know what's going on.
Jupiter better get his little emo butt back to Eveline.

Majnun is an extremely hard act to follow!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: A Touch of Destiny
« Reply #723 on: March 28, 2016, 01:08:31 AM »
She will NOT end up with Todd Landgraab if I can help it.  :-X
Liam should smack some sense into Jupiter. That's what he should do. Too bad he's too busy... nearly being a daddy.

mpart Lol
Or maybe it's not funny. I don't play Sims 3 so I guess I don't know what's going on.
Jupiter better get his little emo butt back to Eveline.

Majnun is an extremely hard act to follow!
Indeed he is. I love Majnun, and he really will be a tough act to follow. ;) You and I should start a fanclub @oshizu.

Anyways, apologies if this chapter seems a bit chaotic. I was having a tough time towards the end. Hopefully it all makes sense (shrugs) Majnun is rubbing off on me too much.

I want to thank @mpart  for allowing me to borrow her character in the following chapter, as well as for helping coaching me through her character.

A Touch of Destiny
Majnun sat with his legs crossed on top of his overturned chair and concentrated. His eyes were closed tightly and he tried to focus entirely on his meditation. If he stayed on top of his meditation, he wouldn’t need to worry about his insanity that was currently knocking on his door. He closed his eyes and could hear her laughter in his ears again. ”Look! Look at the gulls, Majnun!”
She said hello to the birds, he couldn’t help but find himself smiling at the thought of it. She was so attuned to the world around her that she could feel the pain of flowers as they die and call out to the birds overhead. Majnun frowned, and she could see him when she shouldn’t be able to.
She couldn’t be mortal. These were not things mortals do.
He clenched his fists. Focus. This wasn’t meditation. He scowled. He used to be an unstoppable force and now he’s being thrown through hoops by a petty mortal.
He squeezed his eyes shut tighter. She was infuriating! He was trying to meditate and she wouldn’t leave him alone! Why can’t he get her out of his head? He clenched his jaw so hard his teeth felt like they might crack before he let out a long breath and calmed himself again, clearing away his mind.
He took a long breath in and held it. Silence. The stillness of an empty room. He let the breath out. Serenity. The wind blowing through a field of flowers. He took another long breath in. Daffodils. Her eyes.

His eyes popped open, and the room shifted at the attempt of someone trying to enter. Majnun uncrossed his legs and scowled with irritation. He hated people who interrupted him, and he had already interrupted himself with thoughts of Anne all day. He was fully prepared to dice the intruder to pieces. He closed his eyes and magic burst forth from him, checking every entryway to see which magical wall the fool had run into. A wide grin pulled at his lips and laughter escaped him. This was almost too good to be true.
Plans to dice her to pieces fell immediately, and Majnun opened his study to her, granting her access to form.

Majnun was smug as she got her bearings. "Funny to see you here. Were your ears burning yesterday? You were the topic of a great deal of conversations." He laughed. "I should've known that bringing you up would summon you. How unfortunate for me."
The woman dusted her dress off. "Good day, Majnun." She greeted him formally.
Majnun's grin grew even bigger and he raised an eyebrow, "good day, madame Destiny." He exaggerated her name in an attempt to irritate her. "What brings the Goddess of Fate to my humble madhouse?"
Destiny tried not to roll her eyes. "Have you been having fun, Majnun? Does playing with a mortal girl's feelings make you feel better inside?" Her tone was icy.
Majnun leaned back and cocked his head, "I have no idea what you're talking about, Destiny, did you catch a wiff of the madness on the way in? I should've warned you not to breathe too deeply when entering. My mistake."
Destiny's face twisted into a soft scowl. "Stop playing coy, Majnun, you know who I'm talking about."

Majnun shrugged, "since when do you take to prying into my business? If I didn't know any better I would ask if Alessandra sent you. That woman can't give a man a moment's peace. I knock down countless of her attempts at spying a day."
Destiny's lips pulled into a smile, "that's what you get for marrying her."
Majnun snorted, "the contract said she was my wife in exchange for a child from her. It said absolutely nothing on how I should act or respond to her." He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose, "Kai and Charlotte have never given me any trouble."
"Enough Majnun. I'm not here to talk about your marital problems. I'm here because you're infringing on my territory and I would ask you to please back off, before this turns into a war."
Majnun stood up and sat his chair up correctly, sitting in it shortly afterwards. He had an amused grin on his face, "a war?" He chuckled, "my, my, such big words for such a little lady. I have infringed upon nothing and the courts will agree. You want to go to war and I might have to put us both through the pain of a trial. Neither of us want that, right?"
Destiny grimaced, but was unmoved. "Back off of Ms. Trebo, Majnun." She reiterated.
"Anne." Majnun spat. "She prefers to be called, 'Anne.'" Majnun glared at her, "for someone who is claiming rights over a mortal, you certainly know nothing about her."

Destiny was getting impatient, she frowned. "I have marked her as my high priestess."
Majnun's face shifted to shock briefly, Anne had mentioned nothing of being the high priestess of Fate. It clicked into place though, this is why she could see him when he was hidden; this is why she could feel the pain of flowers and why she felt so compelled by fate. Majnun began to analyze the delicate situation. If she was Destiny's high priestess, then she was completely off limits. Gods can take whomever they want as their spouse, but the high priestess of any other god was off limits. A conflict of interest. A terrible mix of powers. Destiny could, indeed, declare a war over this. Marrying Anne wouldn't be possible.
Majnun leaned forward and rested his head on his hand at the realization, his thumb idly brushed against his lips while thinking of the softness of hers. Anne was the high priestess of Fate. He wanted to scream inside, and he didn't understand why. Backing off shouldn't have been difficult, yet... he couldn't. He absolutely couldn't.
His mind quickly skimmed over his and Anne's interactions when the realization dawned on him: Destiny hadn't claimed her yet, otherwise Anne would have been aware that she was the high priestess of Fate; otherwise she would've sent Majnun away the first time they interacted. Majnun's shock dissolved away into a smug smile. "Oh really? Funny, she doesn't seem to know she's your high priestess."
Destiny's eyes went wide, "I was planning on asking her next week."
Relief flooded Majnun unexpectedly, and he grew more bold. "I would consider it unwise to ask another god's target to be your high priestess, wouldn't you think?"

Destiny frowned, "Majnun, I've had her marked for far longer than your presence has been in her life. I wanted to give her some time with her family before I asked her to step away from it all." Destiny's face softened. "Please, Majnun. As far as I'm aware, we're not on bad terms. Surely there's some other mortal you can have your fun with? I'm even willing to admit that I would owe you a favor."
A favor from the Goddess of Fate - how amusing, Majnun thought idly. He collected favors from other gods like candy. Destiny had been one of the few who had avoided relying on him, and having her in his debt would make for a wonderful change. Majnun considered the prospects, and Anne's eyes flashed into his head. "No." His voice was level and firm. Him passing this opportunity up was highly out of character for him.
Destiny tried to hold back her disappointment by instead replacing it with her anger and frustration. "Are you that heartless? What are you even planning on doing to her anyways? Torch her life? Watch her fall into ruins? What is your game anyways?" Her eyes grew hard.
Majnun shrugged and smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know?"
"The future that is written for her outside of being my high priestess is immensely grim enough as it is. What more could you possibly want to do to her?" Destiny was just a level below furious.
Majnun jolted forward suddenly, "what future did you see for her?" He glowered at her.
Destiny's face became slightly smug, "wouldn't you like to know?" She mocked.
Majnun lost his facade, and he was suddenly staring Destiny down - close and personal. His chair had been knocked over once again from the speed of his movement. His eyes were filled with hatred and rage. "What. Future. Did. You. See?" He spoke with each word punctuated through gritted teeth.
A flash of fear went through Destiny's eyes, then anger again, and then finally, realization. Her whole face fell as her mouth came open. "You like her." Mock laughter following the statement.
Majnun scowled, "you don't know what you're talking about." He turned away from her and walked back to his now overturned chair.
"No... it's not just that... you love her!" Destiny's eyes lit up with the weight of the knowledge she held.
"I do not." Majnun's voice was level. "She is just... interesting, that's all."

Destiny didn't buy into it, "right, she's 'interesting.'" She shook her head.
"You will tell me what future you saw for her." Majnun's voice was lower, he pinched the bridge of his nose.
Destiny pursed her lips, wondering if she should just keep her knowledge for later, however she knew the chances of Majnun letting her leave with the knowledge untold were slim to none. "I only know of the future that isn't touched by the gods." She said neutrally. "So I have no idea what role you will play. I just know that I saw pain and suffering, sickness and sadness. I saw an unhappy marriage, I saw abuse and violence. I saw a girl whose life will end when she takes a blade and runs it through her own heart to escape the prison she's in."
Destiny did not miss the shift in Majnun as he closed his eyes and looked to the floor.
"Please reconsider what you're doing." Destiny decided she would try again.
Majnun was unnaturally still. "I won't let that fate be realized." His voice was low and tempered.
Destiny scowled at his persistence. She shook her head, "I can't believe you."
"That was the future you saw for her before the interference of the gods. Correct?" He looked up at her suddenly, skeptically. "Who was written as her husband?"
"I've already told you more than you need to know, Majnun." 
"WHO WAS IT?!" The fire roared out of the fireplace as Majnun exploded with anger.
Destiny was unmoved by his display, but she sighed, "a man by the name Michael Johnson." She shrugged, "killing him may not change the fate that was written for her, just so you know."
Majnun closed his eyes and calmed significantly.
Destiny shook her head, "then what happens when she marries the next mortal and instead of beating her to near death he gets her killed in an accident one day? What could you possibly intend to do?"
"I've asked her to be my wife." Majnun was surprised by his own honesty. He paused for a long moment while Destiny took in what he said. "I will change what fate has written for her."
Destiny's shoulders slumped, resigned. She had given up by this point. "Fine, Majnun. You win." She turned away, "I certainly hope you're right," she paused, "for her sake." With that, Destiny snapped her fingers and vanished from Majnun's study.
Majnun stood immensely still for several minutes before his face twitched slightly and he jolted up. He opened a portal and vanished into its depths.

The only sound that could be heard was the clicking of heels against the solid ground as a woman walked up the empty pathway. On her hip, a young boy twisted, peering around at his surroundings before resting his cheek against the woman's shoulder. A house came into view, and along with it came the sounds of a baby crying. The sound was soon overshadowed by two women arguing. The woman walking up the path sighed and rolled her eyes at the cacophony of noise. The boy in her arms yawned and blinked slower with every step she took, seeming like he was ready to sleep. The woman had a ghost of a smile as she peered over at the sleepy boy she held tightly. She approached the door and the faint smile disappeared from her lips as though it were never there in the first place.
Opening the door allowed the full strength of the argument to come through now, and the woman's face grew further unamused.

"SOMEONE SHUT IT OFF!" The sound was high pitched and squealy. The woman walking into the house immediately recognized it and she pulled her lips back in abhorrence at the noise, revealing strong, bright fangs.
"Ugh, stupid glowbug. You're USELESS!" The other woman shot back.
The woman who entered the house sighed and stepped forward into the light, "is this a bad time? I can totally come back." She responded cheekily.
The nymph on the counter turned her gaze on the vampiress who entered, "Charlotte! Thank the makers! TURN THAT THING OFF!" She pointed to the child behind Charlotte, who sat screaming on the floor between moments of giggles.

"You FILTHY, petulant, annoyance-with-wings! Just feed your spawn already!" The woman with white hair rubbed her temples with annoyance before snapping her fingers and forcing the crying boy into a high chair.
"FILTHY?! I'm NOT filthy, you stupid old hag! He's already BEEN fed!" The nymph crossed her arms dramatically.
Charlotte watched the scene with both irritation and amusement. "Such a loving relationship amongst family." She smiled a devious smile.
The woman with white hair turned and glared at her, "we are NOT family... and you better watch your tongue, leech, or you might find it run through by those ugly fangs of yours."

"Lovely to see you too, Alessandra." Charlotte quipped back, completely unfazed.
Alessandra scowled in response. The boy in the high chair began screaming once again while banging his hands on the table.
"It's been doing that for HOURS!" The nymph threw herself off the counter and fluttered over to the high chair.
"It's a baby, Kai, not a switch." Charlotte sighed.

"Please stop crying, Deliro?" Kai tilted her head as she watched him, frowning when the boy did not.
Charlotte felt her jaw tightening. The boy in her arms had become more lively since entering the house, and his fingers now moved into her hair, tugging on it lightly. Charlotte turned and shot a glare at the boy, who immediately let go and patted the hair back into place. Charlotte's glare softened, and she winked at her little one, who gave her a goofy grin in return. All softness fell from her eyes as she turned back on Kai, who was now floating higher in the air.
Kai waved her hand and snowflakes began to fall onto the screaming Deliro. He immediately became entertained and giggled loudly.

Kai practically sank to the floor, "oh thank goodness."
"So I'm thinking you two didn't call me all the way here to ask me to clarify what a baby is, right?" Charlotte rolled her eyes.
Kai scowled, "shut up, Charlotte."
"Since you asked so nicely..."
Alessandra stepped in, her face flat, "if you two are done. I called you both here for a reason."
Charlotte grinned, "we were just getting started, darling. How else are we to bond when OUR husband is away?" Charlotte emphasized the word she knew would bother Alessandra the most.

Alessandra clenched her fists, "you are NOT his wives! You're trash! You're filthy, useless... TRASH." She steamed, "I am his ONLY wife. You two are nothing but useless sub-humans who he took pity on."
Charlotte's face was unamused, "why don't you tell us how you really feel, Alessandra." She said sarcastically.
Kai crossed her arms, "the only trash I see here is you." She said to Alessandra flatly.
Alessandra looked like she would scream. The house shuddered under her anger, but she sucked in a breath and calmed herself. After straightening her dress she pointed to Kai. "Tell me what you're doing in Midnight Hollow." She commanded.
Kai's face twisted in amusement and confusion. "What are you talking about, she-witch?"
Alessandra's face grew angry, "MIDNIGHT HOLLOW. Stupid glowbug. WHAT are you DOING there?!"
Kai crossed her arms and turned away, her nose in the air, "the only STUPID one here is YOU. I'm not IN Midnight Hollow, you stupid... stupid-head!"
"ONE of you two has to be there, and I WILL know WHY!" Alessandra looked like she would burst.

"Well, it wasn't ME!" Kai shouted back, prepping herself to go into full-tantrum mode - her fists were clenched at her sides like a child.
"Then WHY has Majnun been spending so much time there?!" Alessandra backed down and then turned her gaze onto Charlotte, "what about you, leech? Midnight Hollow? Why?" She was so angry her sentences almost didn't make sense any longer, and Charlotte found it highly amusing.
Charlotte took everything in for a moment before she shrugged and looked at the boy in her arms, her fingertip brushing lightly over his cheek, causing him to grin again. "Midnight Hollow, you say?" She opened her mouth again to deny it but stopped. "You caught me." She turned back to Alessandra and shrugged. "I've been having some fun prowling the streets there at night, and Majnun has been visiting with me."
Alessandra's lip twitched into a snarl, "I KNEW it!" She turned around and slammed her fist on the countertop. "YOU FILTHY COW! HE'S MY HUSBAND! HE SHOULD BE WITH ME, not YOU!" She spat.
Charlotte opened her mouth to say something, but the boy in her arms was lurching forward at Alessandra, hissing at her and trying to scratch at her face.
Alessandra jumped back and had a look of horror on her face. "Keep your demon-spawn away from me!"
Charlotte shrugged again, her face smug, "why? Afraid my little Kefka will scratch your face? Don't worry darling, it would only be an improvement."
Alessandra screamed and the house shook with it. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS."

"Stop screaming." A child who sat silently at the table caused Charlotte to jump. There was something eerie about that child that set her on edge. Charlotte then wondered how long the boy had even been sitting there.
"Hush, Sheogorath. Mommy is busy." Alessandra didn't look at him.
The boy rolled his eyes before laying his head on the table, muttering under his breath while kicking his feet in odd rhythms.
Alessandra opened her mouth to continue, but Charlotte held up her other hand and stopped her.
"I'm not saying anything more on the subject of OUR husband until you apologize for calling my son, YOUR son's BROTHER, a 'demon-spawn.'" She said firmly, she took the hand she had been holding up and brushed a curl off her son's forehead, "he's most certainly worthy of the title of devil, or at the very least a full demon." She noted with a very soft smile pulling at her lips while her son giggled.
"I will NOT-"
Charlotte held up her hand, "then no information. It's as simple as that." Charlotte shrugged. "If you're done with me otherwise, I really should get back to... Midnight Hollow." She laughed as she turned and walked for the archway.
Alessandra glared at her as she went, "I WILL find out, sooner or later. Nothing remains secret from me for long."
Charlotte waved her off with her hand, not even bothering to turn around. As soon as she and her son were outside of the house and far enough away she looked at her son thoughtfully.
"Shall we see what's keeping your father held up in Midnight Hollow then, my son?"
Kefka giggled again, and Charlotte let herself smile.
"I'm glad you agree." She smiled and stepped through the portal that lead to the outside world.
She had no idea what Majnun was up to, or why he was in Midnight Hollow, but she was determined to find out - and she would do so before Alessandra even got a wiff of what was really going on.
Charlotte smiled deviously at the thought.
She had no idea what she was getting herself into.

Destiny is entirely mpart's character. All of her personality is credited to mpart.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: A Touch of Destiny
« Reply #724 on: March 28, 2016, 02:30:06 AM »
*possible spoiler* OMG Allesandra kills Anne, that is one jealous *word redacted* I can't imagine what she would do to the one woman in all the worlds that Majnun actually loves!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: A Touch of Destiny
« Reply #725 on: March 28, 2016, 09:15:29 AM »
*possible spoiler* OMG Allesandra kills Anne, that is one jealous *word redacted* I can't imagine what she would do to the one woman in all the worlds that Majnun actually loves!

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That is an interesting thought, however I'm not sure she's stupid enough to actually try.
Majnun is quite taken with our Anne, isn't he? I adore the two together. The question remains, will he admit to loving her, or not?

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: A Touch of Destiny
« Reply #726 on: March 28, 2016, 09:59:35 AM »
Destiny really didn't get the depth I wanted her to in my one story. You did amazing with her. Can I just say that Charlotte is the best mother out of all three of them? Poor Jupiter. He is going to become a babysitter.  :-X

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: A Touch of Destiny
« Reply #727 on: March 29, 2016, 12:15:28 PM »
Form a Majun fanclub? I thought I'd joined it a half dozen chapters ago!  ;D  You're the president, right?
Where are our commemorative t-shirts?

I found this chapter a little confusing at first, because I was unfamiliar with most of the characters.
Your very detailed family tree is very much appreciated--I got my bearings by referring to Majnun's branch of the tree, then read the chapter once more.
Evidently, I'm still unclear just how the legacies of you and mpart intersect.

(@mpart I really want to read your Another LaBelle Story, and have started many times but end up feeling lost. Do you have a family tree in your Genetic Legacy?)

LivvieLove, you pose the question whether Majnun woud admit to loving Anne. Didn't he already just as much as admit it to Destiny?

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: A Touch of Destiny
« Reply #728 on: March 29, 2016, 01:55:37 PM »
Destiny really didn't get the depth I wanted her to in my one story. You did amazing with her. Can I just say that Charlotte is the best mother out of all three of them? Poor Jupiter. He is going to become a babysitter.  :-X
I'm so glad! You do so well with Liam I hope to give your characters the same justice. Charlotte IS the best mother, though she'll never say she loves her son in front of anyone. She pretends to be irritated, but I think she really loves that goofy boy of hers. I think Kefka also grows up a little more adjusted because of it.

Form a Majun fanclub? I thought I'd joined it a half dozen chapters ago!  ;D  You're the president, right?
Where are our commemorative t-shirts?

I found this chapter a little confusing at first, because I was unfamiliar with most of the characters.
Your very detailed family tree is very much appreciated--I got my bearings by referring to Majnun's branch of the tree, then read the chapter once more.
Evidently, I'm still unclear just how the legacies of you and mpart intersect.

(mpart I really want to read your Another LaBelle Story, and have started many times but end up feeling lost. Do you have a family tree in your Genetic Legacy?)

LivvieLove, you pose the question whether Majnun woud admit to loving Anne. Didn't he already just as much as admit it to Destiny?
We can get a shirt going, I have just the picture for it:

"Majnun's Maniacs." XD

Also, I apologize for any confusion! Please feel free at any point to message me with questions you have. I want to be sure my writing is clear for all my readers and there might be several others who have the same questions you do that I need to address.
That in mind, there are some things I am purposefully leaving vague/not revealing until further into some chapters/storylines for the concept of a "big reveal" and some of those things might not be answerable. 

As for how the collaboration works is a part of the family tree. Majnun's oldest son, Sheogorath, had an affair with a woman that ended in a pregnancy and the birth of a little girl named Fate. Now, I'm not @mpart but here's a rundown of how our stories connect: Fate was born without powers, but she was gifted the book of Fate by her grandfather (our favorite person) which granted her powers at the cost of 10 generations of tragedies. That is mpart's main Labelle story, following Megan, the daughter of Fate Niccoli (nee Keeper) and Thanatos Niccoli (otherwise known as the God of Death).
Another Labelle Story is a bit more complex in that it is following the daughter of the second generation spare (Clarissa, being Mercy Labelle's daughter, who is Megan Labelle's daughter, who is Fate's daughter - keeping up? :-X ;) ) of the original Labelle story. Sheogorath was told by Majnun to collect Fate so that they might finally meet, however Sheogorath grabbed Clarissa by mistake (or not mistake, who really knows with Sheo). Clarissa ended up falling in love with Liam Reaper while she was kidnapped (as you recall, that happened here), and when she left Liam followed her home to Another Labelle Story where they're currently pregnant with their first child. Our stories are now connected through Liam being with Clarissa more closely as well as Another Labelle Story going more deeply into Fate's past, and what made her into the Goddess of Fate she is today, so you'll be seeing a bit of Majnun there too, as with all God/Goddess drama - he has his hands in it. XD
As for mpart's family tree, she keeps one for her Labelle's Perfect Genetics, which is technically the same tree, just larger: here's her family tree and here's her original Perfect Genetics Challenge featuring the start of the Labelles. You can find the link to her family tree there as well, should something be wrong with the one I grabbed.

Finally, he technically denied loving Anne to Destiny. She just chose to not believe him. ;) :-X
Any other questions feel free to let me know!

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: A Touch of Destiny
« Reply #729 on: March 29, 2016, 03:35:33 PM »
Thanks so much for the very detailed explanation and the links to the Labelle's family trees.

Some questions I harbor without wanting to ask--don't want to spoil all the surprises for myself later!
I'm just glad to note that you are far from done with Majnun's part of the Reapers story yet. *sighs with relief

Okay, that picture of Majnun was a bit scary! It's been a while since I saw the contemporary Majnun.
But the shot does convey the sense of maniacal madness...

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: A Touch of Destiny
« Reply #730 on: March 29, 2016, 04:28:19 PM »
Thanks so much for the very detailed explanation and the links to the Labelle's family trees.

Some questions I harbor without wanting to ask--don't want to spoil all the surprises for myself later!
I'm just glad to note that you are far from done with Majnun's part of the Reapers story yet. *sighs with relief

Okay, that picture of Majnun was a bit scary! It's been a while since I saw the contemporary Majnun.
But the shot does convey the sense of maniacal madness...

I'm sorry for confusing you about the story! I need to put a summary up somewhere for people reading it. :) Thanks LivvieLove! That was a great summary of it. I find it difficult to explain things without spoiling what is later going to happen. I'm glad I am doing Liam justice. He is an interesting character. 

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: A Touch of Destiny
« Reply #731 on: March 29, 2016, 07:23:15 PM »
Thanks so much for the very detailed explanation and the links to the Labelle's family trees.

Some questions I harbor without wanting to ask--don't want to spoil all the surprises for myself later!
I'm just glad to note that you are far from done with Majnun's part of the Reapers story yet. *sighs with relief

Okay, that picture of Majnun was a bit scary! It's been a while since I saw the contemporary Majnun.
But the shot does convey the sense of maniacal madness...
Feel free to hang on to those questions and if they go completely unanswered to send me a message about them!
Majnun's part of the Reapers is only just getting started. ;D He's been my favorite to write, but I feel like all my characters are my favorite as I write them. ::)

He is a bit frightening, isn't he? I love it. He's so intimidating in his old(er) age. Seeing as you're getting a glimpse into his mind, you can now say that that frightening old man has a soft side. ;) ::) He's utterly nuts, but I absolutely adore him.

I'm sorry for confusing you about the story! I need to put a summary up somewhere for people reading it. :) Thanks LivvieLove! That was a great summary of it. I find it difficult to explain things without spoiling what is later going to happen. I'm glad I am doing Liam justice. He is an interesting character. 
We can work on it! :) I've been trying to find a way to work it in a little more fluidly myself. If anything I should be able to get it down a little better in the future.
Phew! I'm glad I did the explanation well enough! I was worried. :-X I found it difficult to explain without spoiling things myself. I'll work on it tonight when cleaning up my computer a bit. ::)

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hush My Little Swallow
« Reply #732 on: April 03, 2016, 03:32:05 AM »
Hush My Little Swallow
Midnight Hollow: Present Day

Darkness had fallen over the quiet town of Midnight Hollow when Eveline and Mary returned from their dinner. The two had spent the entire evening expressing understanding over past loved ones. Eveline felt raw thinking about Jupiter, and being around her mother made her feel almost a little better. Almost.
Eveline could tell her mother was a little distant, but didn't push for information about what her father was up to yet. Her mother had a lot on her plate already, the last thing Eveline wanted to do was cause more trouble by probing at something that wasn't ready to be spoken about. After they got in, Mary hugged her daughter goodnight before heading upstairs quietly, a box of food in hand.
Mary made her way over to the office when she felt anxiety creeping in on her. Which husband would she meet now? The husband who was cold or the one she knew and loved? Was she really afraid of talking to him at this point? Surely not. She shook her head, putting the box of food down on the couch by the bookshelves outside of his office door. She took a breath in and approached the doorway.

She tapped lightly on the doorway, "hey love? I brought you home some dinner." She tried to open the doorknob but it was locked. Mary's brow furrowed. Her husband had never ever kept her locked out of a room for more than a few minutes. Something about the symbolism of the locked door made her heart ache with the sad reality that it was more than just a door: she was being locked out of her husband's life.
"Leave it outside, I'll be there in a minute."
Mary frowned. "I can wait."
"Don't trouble yourself." He called back, but there was a slight edge to his voice.
"It's no trouble. I just want to see my husband. Surely that's ok?" Mary tried to tease, but it was hard for her to smile at that moment. Her insecurities were consuming her from the inside.
There was a sound of a book slamming and shuffling noises until the door unlocked and propped open a crack, Alec looked at her with tired eyes, his eyes showing impatience.
Mary jolted and ran over to grab the food before coming back and handing it to him, he nodded quietly and began to close the door.
Alec closed his eyes before opening the door back to it's cracked state, "what is it, Mary?"
Mary shifted, hurt in her eyes. "Can I talk with you, please?"
Alec leaned against the wall and looked at his wife, "is it important?"
Mary's brow furrowed harder, "well... yeah, I would say so. Alec-"
Alec held up his hand, "I know I'm being off, Mary. I'm sorry." His face was near emotionless as he spoke, but Mary was relieved all the same. "Just give me a few more minutes to wrap things up in here and we can talk about it, ok?"
Mary eased entirely and nodded, "thank you, Alec." She smiled at him.
His lips turned up slightly into a softer smile, but his eyes still looked exhausted. Mary turned and let him close the door behind her as she walked off to their bedroom.

Eveline held onto Atris as she fed him a cut of fish she saved from her dinner.
Mother is good to Atris. He purred and rubbed his head against her neck. Would mother like Atris to return to the village of tall metal and look for the one with blue hair again?
Eveline frowned, "no darling. It won't be necessary." She sighed, Jupiter wasn't coming back, and if he did? How could she ever trust him again?

She couldn't. She wanted to curl up on her bed and die. His eyes were haunting her. She couldn't get them out of her mind. She would've given anything for him to have stayed with her. Atris looked at her sadly, but his mother's mind was elsewhere.
Mother is sad. Atris can feel mother's agony.
Eveline thought about Thomas briefly. She knew nothing of pain. What was she complaining about? She shook her head, "I am sad little one, but I'll be ok. I'm stronger than that."
Mother is the strongest. Mother can conquer anything. Atris will always protect you, mother.
Eveline stroked Atris's face. "Get some rest, my Atris. You've had a long day."
She helped Atris gain air under his wings and he flew up to his perch.

Eveline found herself feeling emotionally drained. She understood that she couldn't wallow in self-pity forever, but she felt haunted by every memory. "I wasn't going to let them take you."
"You're the first person I've ever been this close to."
"You're such a beautiful person, Eveline. The world couldn't stand to lose someone like you."

His laughter.
His eyes - the tears, the sadness.
"I love you. I love you."
A tear fell down Eveline's cheek. "I love you, Jupiter Reaper." She whispered to the room, she collapsed on the bed and closed her eyes shut tight. She didn't want to be alone. She ran her hand along the fabric of the bed beneath her.

She took in a long breath. She wouldn't do this to herself. She wouldn't wallow any longer. She pulled her phone forward and tapped the screen twice. It vibrated to life in her hands.
"Call Seema." She commanded.
"Calling... Seema." The phone echoed back to her, and it started to ring.
After a few rings an all-too-familiar voice picked up, "Helloo!" She sing-songed. "Is this Eveline? Oh how did I know it was you! I just knew it!"
Eveline found herself smiling, "hellooo Seema," she tried to mimic her tone. "Do you have a minute to talk?" Eveline asked quietly. "I know it's probably pretty late."
"Do I have a minute?! Do I EVER! I can always make time to talk! You sound so sad Eveline! What's wrong?"
Eveline frowned, she thought she had done a good job disguising her voice, she guessed not well enough. "It's just been a long day and I could use some company."
"Things not turn out ok with your mom?" Seema asked suddenly. "This doesn't sound like a mom-upset-me-voice though. This sounds like a heart-broken voice."
"You're a little too good at this."
She could practically hear Seema grinning. "When I was younger and my mom and I would fight all the time I was usually angry and not sad about it. That's usually how I can tell! Sometimes I would get so frustrated I might cry a little bit, but that's hardly the same thing. The only time I ever had that tone of voice you've got now was after I got dumped by Johnny a year ago. It was mega-harsh! He had told me we were meant to be together, and then he was suddenly all about Cheryl. Whatever. Well I say that now but I totally cried for two weeks straight. It was awful. It wasn't even a pretty cry, but an ugly cry. You know, not like in the movies, but when your face gets totally swollen and you can't breathe and you look like the Horror on Mascara Street! You know they say that stuff is supposed to be waterproof! Total lie! Except that one brand! Oh, I'll have to dig that up for you and show you! That stuff stays put better than the best trained dog - and certainly better than any boy."
Eveline was laughing quietly. Seema would never know how much her talking was comforting Eveline. "Boys certainly don't stay, do they?" Eveline joked.
Seema squealed into the phone, "I KNEW IT. Spill! This sounds like a juicy story!"
Eveline sighed, "are you sure you want to hear it? It's really not as juicy as it sounds."
"How could you say that?! I'm sure it's plenty juicy! What was his name? Was he cute? Oh wait... could you even tell if he was cute? Did he at least sound cute?"
Eveline laughed, "Jupiter. His name is Jupiter... and he is gorgeous. I've seen him, Seema. He's the only person I've ever seen. I'll never forget it."
"SPILL! NOW!" Seema was bursting into the phone.
Eveline smiled, she was so relieved to have someone to call here.

Eveline tossed and turned in her sleep. The nightmare she had was new to her - not like her usual dreams that haunted her. This one was eerily familiar, though she knew she had never been there or seen anything remotely like it before. Eveline could even tell she was dreaming, but she couldn't escape it. It was like the magic was sucking her in.
There was laughter - it was a woman's. It was so familiar. She remembered standing in front of the town center and hearing it. It needed red? Whatever "it" was. It was the same voice. It was the same light-hearted laughter.
"Look! Look at the gulls, Majnun!"
Eveline felt herself being pulled forward in the dream, but she didn't know where.
She wanted to call out, was her grandfather there? Images flashed in front of her eyes, foreign to her. Her dreams had never been visual. Ever. A woman with long black hair was doubled over in front of something - Eveline strained to see clearer, but everything was blurry to her and she could hardly tell where one thing ended and another began. It was a stand of some kind - an easel? She was mumbling under her breath and fidgeting with her hands as her breathing grew more labored. Eveline strained harder, there was something on her hands - shackles? Suddenly the woman's whole body was covered in chains that were holding her in the kneeling position she was in.
"MAJNUN!" The woman screamed, her hands clutched at her head then, pain distorting her once light and free voice. Blood started to drip from the walls. The sound of her grandfather's name being screamed echoed off the walls of the room.
"Grandpa?!" Eveline called out, her voice also echoed back at her.
The woman on the floor gripped tighter at her own head before her eyes shot to look at Eveline, and everything became clear. The black hair was blond and her skin faded to gray. Eveline had never seen it, but she knew when looking at woman who was crumpled over that she was looking at herself - seeing herself chained to the floor instead of the black-haired woman. Eveline's feet began to sink, and she looked down and saw her feet being dragged into loose sand on the floor.
"I'm not going anywhere." The voice that echoed back that time was Jupiter's. "You have my word."
Horror filled Eveline. "You liar!" She screamed at the nightmare. It was no use though. The walls seemed to be caving in on her. Ivan was laughing in the distance and she could feel the burn that radiated from her neck. Tears began to form in her eyes as the panic set in.
Her clone stared at her with golden eyes, eyes that faded to purple as her face became concerned and motherly. She stood from the floor, but she walked like she was a corpse - shambling forward, determined to make it to where Eveline sat sobbing. She came closer to Eveline and kneeled next to her. She put her hands to Eveline's face, but Eveline only felt tingling where the woman's hands should've been. She was so blurry and she started to glow, making it even harder to see her clearly, but Eveline could feel her. The magic she had shifted the nightmare and pulled Eveline from her terror. She hugged Eveline to her suddenly and the world grew dark again, and Eveline felt afraid. The woman had vanished into the darkness but Eveline could still feel her stroking her hair, and her voice echoed off the edges of her mind in the sweetest song she ever heard:
"Hush my little swallow,
the winter seems so long.
Curl up my little angel,
and listen for spring's song.

The darkness can surround us,
and take away the light.
But you shall fly us forward,
yes, you will end the night.

Hush my little swallow,
spring is around the bend.
The dawn is coming quickly,
you have brought on winter's end."

Eveline felt peace wash over her, and then there was darkness again.

Mary could feel a shift in the air and it jolted her awake. Her body was drenched in a cold sweat. The house seemed to echo with ancient magic and Mary couldn't shake the feeling that there was someone else in the house with them. She calmed herself and shook her head of the thoughts. "It's only a dream," she whispered to herself. She checked the time and found it to be three in the morning. She looked over to see if Alec had come to bed but frowned.

His side of the bed was perfectly made, and Mary knew he hadn't come to bed at all last night. She had fallen asleep waiting for him. Why wouldn't he let her in?
Mary clutched her knees to her chest, she got this sick feeling that she was losing the man she loved, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Eveline woke gently to the sounds of birds. As soon as she became fully aware of being awake she jumped forward in bed and panicked. Magic slowly filling in her room for her. Atris flew off his shelf and perched himself on her knees, purring at her while Bear - who had previously been asleep on his master's chest until the sudden movement - tilted his head at her and whined.
"What a night." Eveline breathed. Eveline ran her fingers through her hair as she calmed herself down, but her fingers got stuck on something. Her hands immediately ran through her hair faster as they tried to untangle what had gotten stuck there. She pulled the culprit out but couldn't figure out what it was. She focused really hard and the magic outlined the shape.
A flower?
Eveline's brow furrowed, but she sighed and shrugged. It must have gotten stuck in her hair yesterday when she was walking outside.
Atris sniffed the flower in Eveline's hands, and recoiled back slightly. Mother likes the yellow flower?
"Where did it come from, I wonder?"
Bear whimpered and licked her hand.
Eveline smiled. "Things are so unusual here." She smelled the flower before setting it down on her nightstand. She thought back on the dream and stood, she decided to try something.
"Grandpa?" She whispered to the air.
She waited a moment longer before she pursed her lips and shrugged her shoulders lightly, resigned.
It was then she could hear him call back to her in her head: "Yes, my swallow?" His voice was weak and sad, it made Eveline feel a wave of sadness wash over her just from the sound of it.
"That name... that's from the lullaby, isn't it?" Eveline whispered, she could hear the lullaby in her head again.
There was a long pause. "Yes, it is."
Eveline felt herself being let in to the secrets her grandfather kept, "who is she, grandpa?"
Majnun's voice was quieter now, "she was the spring. She was the light." His use of past tense only made his voice appear sadder.
Eveline could feel a shift and she knew he was gone from her head. "Wait!"

She sighed and rubbed her neck. Nothing made sense anymore, but she was starting to pick up the pieces. According to her grandfather this was the place of 'the end.' Not just any end, but hers.
She would unlock whatever secrets were hidden here, she was sure of that.

Eveline had settled in nicely at her new job. The first day was mostly spent walking around the different labs and meeting the few scientists that worked there - there weren't many, so at least Eveline didn't need to remember too many names.
Eveline was supposed to be getting a gentle introduction, but everything fell to chaos as a red-out washed over the city.

Phones were ringing off the hook all over, and even Seema was almost too busy to talk. Though, of course, she made plenty of time when Eveline asked.
After a while things calmed down to a steadier pace, though apparently the red-out hadn't ended yet. Eveline wasn't entirely sure she would ever get used to this town. When Eveline had taken a break for lunch, some of the guys called her over to their table.
"New girl! How goes your first day at work?" Karl, the head tech guy, grinned at her.
Fausto, who Eveline learned was the chemist of the group, raised his eyebrow, "they really threw you in the deep end, didn't they Eveline?" He chuckled.
Eveline shrugged, "it is what it is. I just wish there was another way for me to sense these red-outs."
Fausto smirked, "what, can't sense it with your magical... magic?" He wiggled his fingers at her.
Karl punched his shoulders, "dude, magic totally doesn't work like that, it's definitely more like this!" He wiggled his arms all around the air in crazy circles.
Eveline laughed, "sure thing guys. That's exactly how it works." Part of her wished she had brought a lunch with her today, but stupidly she thought she wouldn't be hungry after feeling so put off by food this morning. She was wrong.
Fausto lowered himself closer to the table and his voice dropped, "so, real-talk Eveline. Are you really friends with Seema, or are you just playing nice?"
Eveline's brow furrowed. "What's this about?" She asked suddenly.
Fausto shrugged, "the girl is NUTS, Eveline. She talks so fast all the time - it's like she blows everyone over. I wouldn't be surprised if she did that to you."
Karl nodded sympathetically. "It's any wonder she has any friends."
Eveline scowled, "that's really rude!"
Fausto held out his hands, "no, we didn't mean anything by it-"
"Seema is the kindest person I've met here! Yes, she talks quickly, and she's easily excited, but to be honest those are great things!" Eveline shook her head. "I can't believe you guys would be so petty." She crossed her arms.
Seema poked her head around the corner, "Eveline, I ordered you a sandwich... I saw you hadn't brought anything. I hope you don't mind."
Eveline turned around suddenly, and the men at the table shifted awkwardly as they wondered how much she might have heard. "You didn't need to do that for me Seema. I don't have any money to pay you back with!" Eveline called to her.
"Don't worry about it! It's on me." Seema grinned at her, her face shifted to something unreadable as she looked at the men and she turned and disappeared around the corner again. She had definitely overheard.
"Crap. We'll never hear the end of it." Karl half-whispered.
Eveline shook her head and stood up from the table she had sat at with them. As she was walking away she waved her hands and ripped the chairs out from underneath them.
Seema had been coming through the doorway with her sandwich and she watched with her mouth open in a grin.
"Let's eat elsewhere?" Eveline smiled at her.
"Sounds good to me." Seema grinned. "Maybe you'll humor me and tell me about your blindness?" She asked suddenly. "I'm so fascinated by how you can see! I wonder if I can replicate it! Imagine what we could do if we got the technology up to speed with magic and created ways for those who couldn't see to... well... see!"
Eveline grinned. "Well, not being able to see is my specialty, so..."
Seema smiled, but the smile fell. "Do you think I talk too much?"
Eveline rolled her eyes, "don't listen to those jerks. They're just jealous of how fast you can tell a story while holding a totally separate conversation with the police chief on the phone."
Seema laughed, "he just wouldn't get off the phone! I mean, I don't mind the chief and all, but he always asks me questions I can't know the answer to!" She shook her head, and the thought from earlier was forgotten.
"Hey Seema?" Eveline took a bite out of her sandwich. "Can you show me this 'source' you mentioned the other day?"
Seema's eyes went wide, "RIGHT! Todd wants to take you there after work! We can only stand as far as the sidewalk - that's the closest we can be and still be safe without... well... having nasty side-effects. You know there was rumor that a girl once stared at this thing for too long and she went insane. How stupid is that though? I mean, like, who would by that story? She was likely insane long before she ever got near that house!" Seema laughed.
"Can I tell you a secret?" Eveline asked quietly now, she let her vision expand to make sure no one was within earshot.
Seema sat up straighter now, "a secret you say? I love secrets! What is it? Does it have something to do with Jupiter?!" She was starting to get giddy at the thought.
"You can't tell anyone." Eveline said firmly.
Seema shot up from her seat and ran over to close the door. "My lips are sealed. What is this secret of yours? Don't leave me hanging!"
"My last name comes from my mother, you know that right?" Eveline started.
Seema ran back over to her chair next to Eveline and scooted closer to her. "Yeah! The Reaper line! Magic, witches, love - all the wonderful things!" She resisted saying more, and Eveline could tell. "What's this about?"
"The secret comes from my dad's side." Eveline picked at her sandwich. "My grandfather, on that side to be particular."

"We've been trying to study this place for years! It's going to be wonderful to have someone who can fully examine this place! Maybe you can help us find a way to break through the toxic... well... radiation, I guess - for lack of a better word." Todd spoke as they walked up the sidewalk. "We actually placed the facility here because it was as close as we could get before getting into the original toxic zone some 300 years ago."

Eveline slowed down as she got closer to the magical building. Eveline clenched her fists and braced herself as she walked. Seema looked at her anxiously.
"Do you need to slow down? What are you feeling? Fill us in. Leave nothing out."
"It's messing with my sight. This is some really, really powerful magic at work here."
Eveline could feel the magic creeping into her mind, whispering to her in an unintelligible language. She could hear someone screaming off in the distance in her head. She rubbed her head gently, and reinforced the magical barriers in her mind.

She stepped forward and expanded her sight. "You guys, this isn't just any building..."
Seema and Todd looked at her completely entranced by everything she had to say.
"It's a house."
Eveline's barriers broke suddenly and she was swarmed and overwhelmed. She tried to back up, but it all came rushing too quickly for her to handle it.

"Majnun!" Her laughter echoed through the air. "It's so beautiful! I've never seen so many colors!"

"No, no! I'm fine... you worry too much."

"MAJNUN!" Her voice broke as she struggled to breathe. " me."

"MOMMY! Please... you have to wake up! Please! MOMMY!"

Eveline couldn't take the voices any longer. She succumbed to the darkness.

"Hush my little swallow,
please do not cry for me.
The winter has now ended,
as it was meant to be."

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hush My Little Swallow
« Reply #733 on: April 03, 2016, 04:05:25 AM »
Oh oh oh noooo, what suspense!!!

So many things to think about. I'm worried about trusting Seema, though Eveline is apparently not.
What girlfriend wants so much detail about your affairs while sharing so little of her own?
And then there's Alex's little secret as well as Majnun sadness but unwillingness to talk.

I'm not asking for answers--I'm just wondering aloud as a kind of response to the events in your chapter.  :)

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hush My Little Swallow
« Reply #734 on: April 03, 2016, 04:22:19 AM »
Oh oh oh noooo, what suspense!!!

So many things to think about. I'm worried about trusting Seema, though Eveline is apparently not.
What girlfriend wants so much detail about your affairs while sharing so little of her own?
And then there's Alex's little secret as well as Majnun sadness but unwillingness to talk.

I'm not asking for answers--I'm just wondering aloud as a kind of response to the events in your chapter.  :)

I had a feeling you'd be stopping in here next! Hopefully this chapter made sense! I was trying very hard, but towards the end of it, it felt like it started spiraling a little out of control.
Also, those are wonderful questions to ask.
I suppose we shall all find out. :3 ;)