Author Topic: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]  (Read 467977 times)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: They Swallow Lemons
« Reply #690 on: March 10, 2016, 08:53:09 PM »
I hope you know that I was just kidding you about being a tease! Even though I can't take good screenshots myself, I do appreciate the time and effort that went into those shots offering partial glimpses of the maddening Majnun.

Oh noooo! Okay, I understand now why you posted that particularly lovely snap of Majnun and not the others.
Shot #3 of Majnun as Dog is somewhat bewildering (and yet oddly appealing--do I need therapy?)
Shot #5---omg noooo! That goofy smile combined with the yellow ribbon bow. I see what you mean about his undermining the mood you were creating. hahaha
And compared with Shots #7 and 8, I greatly prefer the single shot you featured in your chapter.

I'm really surprised by the goofy expressions since he always looked so stern in your earlier chapters.  And there I go with my assumptions again...
Thank you for sharing your Majnun bloopers! I like him more and more as a character...

Of course! I completely understand you were joking, so I joked back. ;) I love Majnun, and all the faces he makes.
As for you, do you need therapy you say? Well I would argue that if you do then I need therapy because I CREATED this lunatic.
Majnun doesn't often pretend to be a dog, mostly he just chokes himself out after arguing with himself. ::)
He's a lunatic, but he's mine.
HAHA #5 was him "speaking madness" to Anne. It seemed fitting so I ran with it, and I got a few good shots out of it, but that one was not one of them! ;)

Ironically, he's always scowling and making grumpy faces whenever he's alone, he just doesn't seem to want to do it around Anne. Guess she's just too pretty for him.  8)  ;D
I almost changed out that nice shot of Majnun for number 7, but decided you all should see his resting face (since he rarely shows that off) and get a chance to admire how young and good he looks!

Majnun is a lot sterner in his older age. I'm not entirely sure why.
Actually I am. I'm just not telling you all yet.  :-X Teehee.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: You Win
« Reply #691 on: March 12, 2016, 11:36:01 AM »
You Win
"Don't wander too far."
"In the real world we should remind ourselves that nothing is better than a safe and happy home."
"Don't screw it up."
"Don't give the boy the wrong ideas."
"Can I be a little forward with you, Ms. Anne?"
"I forgot that women were pulled by such silly fancies."
"You really should not wander off alone."

"You, Anne Trebo, are to be my wife." The words hung thick in the air and Anne was swimming in her feelings until she finally burst.
Majnun shot forward suddenly. "What?" The word hung on his tongue, daring her to say it again. Consequences bubbling in his eyes.

Anne looked at him again and shrugged - something her mother had always told her was too un-lady-like for her. "I said no." She found her voice and shook her head. It was liberating to say it outloud.
Majnun's face hardened, but he smiled, "you are acting like I've given you the choice-"
"You do not give me a choice, I am selecting one, and I have said no." Her voice had strength behind it. "I have had enough of people making choices for me today." Her delicate hands formed fists and she sighed. "I will not let someone else decide my fate for me!"
Majnun wanted to be angry, but her distress amused him. He tilted his head and decided he would let her finish; however, she immediately quieted and sat back down by her vanity. Her breathing settled and she looked to the floor, sadness etched into her face. She folded her hands in her lap - an automatic response beaten into her as a girl.

In the blink of an eye the fire in her had been extinguished. Majnun was even more amused - was she giving in already? If he wasn't the commander of it, he would've assumed it was magic.
"I... forgive me." She exhaled. "I should not have gotten so worked up. It's been such a long day."
Majnun eyed her curiously, indeed, it had been a long day. He was growing more and more firm in his decision to make her his wife. "Are you finished?" He raised his eyebrow at her, standing then.

Anne didn't respond, she just kept her eyes to the floor.
"What would you like in exchange?" He crossed his arms as he examined her.
Anne's brow furrowed and she looked up at him, "exchange for what?"
"You becoming my wife. I'm not inhumane. I do not just take women. I offer them something-"
Anne was shaking her head no and Majnun stopped.
"Surely you want something." He insisted.
Anne had started laughing under her breath.
"What?!" His voice shot up a few octaves, anger bubbling beneath it.
"It's always some kind of business deal, isn't it?" She sucked in a breath and steadied her gaze on him, her face unreadable. "My answer is still no. I will not just be your wife." Her voice remained level. She stood and sunk to her knees on the floor by her bed, her hand reaching underneath it until she grasped and pulled out a book. She waved it around and put it down firmly on the bed.

Majnun was clenching his fists, wanting to say something but she continued.
"If you - or anyone else - wish for me to be a 'wife' then you must marry me first." She paused to take a breath in, standing as she did so, "in order to marry me, you'll need to ask me to marry you. In order to ask me to marry you you'll have to court me first." She pointed to the book. "And courtship requires time and effort."
Majnun scowled at her, "absolutely not!" His voice was high, and his face twisted in disgust. "I do not court. I offer you something, you agree, and we're married." He stated firmly, his head started throbbing; the insanity pounding at him, begging to be let in. He didn't have time for this.
Anne shook her head. "No, that's not how this works." She looked at the book softly, "it's about an initial gift to express interest. Then long walks to get to know someone and smaller gifts to show them that you were thinking of them. It's mutual attraction and grand gestures of affection."
Majnun rolled his eyes. "Grand gestures of affection?" He snorted. "How absurd."
Anne tensed, "it's not absurd. If you want me to be your wife then that's what you have to do. Otherwise my answer is and will always be: no."
Majnun closed the distance between them, his face twitched with the anger underneath him. He glared at her, and while she hesitated at first, she reinforced her own stare back at him. She would not be bullied into giving him what he wanted. "I am not going to court you." His voice sounded strangled.
Anne continued looking at him evenly, "then I will not be your wife." It came out easier this time.
Majnun growled, his face twisting with anger but he stopped himself from saying anything. His magical barrier protecting his sanity was being broken down and he couldn't fight this fight tonight. "Have it your way." He shook his head. "I will come back in two days time if you change your mind." He turned and started walking towards the window.
"I won't." Anne's voice wasn't harsh, she spoke a gentle statement.

"Two days." He did not look at her, instead he stepped onto the sill and out into the night, vanishing from the air.
Anne looked around, wondering where he disappeared to. She sighed and collapsed onto her bed next to her book, completely drained.
Perhaps she is foolish, she thought. Yet she wasn't going to settle for anything less.

Majnun felt as though he were underwater. Perhaps he should not have interfered with the God of Nature's dial that week on top of his usual routine - but he had gone far too long without chaos interrupting his sport.
Then there was Anne: that stupid, infuriating woman! He stepped through portal after portal - each one dragging him through different worlds and dimensions before he finally found the portal he had left open to his study. He could feel the last of his magical barriers in his head being broken as he stepped through and collapsed to his knees, screaming as he did so.

All thoughts of everything were lost as his mind was swarmed with a million other thoughts moving so rapidly that he could barely keep up. On top of it all, what did he have to see? That mortal woman's face. He doubled over forward and bashed his head into the ground. 
His fingers gripped the carpet below him. Seashells. The color purple. Strands of reids. The off sound of a five-seven chord. Two men conversing about naming their-.
Dancing, shining, glorious - oh but wait, there's more!
Rinsing. Run along and-. Brilliant! Shiny! Incorporate that-. Bloody curses all along the anthill. Twisting. Scathing. Mercy mother may I?
He had torn off his fingernails by accident on the carpet, even that pain was not enough to pull him from this never-ending stream.
Parchment. Spoiled milk. Carcas in the sunlight. Morning dew. Daffodils. Daffodils. Daffodils. DAFFODILS. Her laughter.
He screamed again. "WHAT ARE THEY TELLING YOU?!"
"You're in pain."
He bashed his head into the floor again.

He struggled to find his breath, as it was as long gone as his sanity.

Anne found Daisy in her parent's bedroom, tidying up. "Daisy, would you mind going out to Mr. Johnson's shop with me today?" She paused and looked off to the side, "I'm not allowed to go alone."

Daisy looked up at her brightly, "good morning Miss! Absolutely I can go with you, just let me finish up here." Daisy examined her closely, "is everything alright, Miss?"
Anne jumped slightly at the question, realizing she had been lost in her thoughts. "Huh? Oh, sorry Daisy. I just don't feel like myself today." Anne said quietly.
Daisy gave her a glance, "does it have anything to do with Mr. McNeel and you going to the park yesterday, all arm-in-arm?" She teased lightly.
Anne shook her head, "here I thought I'd have a whole few more hours before that would get back to you."
Daisy grinned, "nothing gets past me, Miss."
Except for the God of Madness, Anne added in her head. "No, it sure doesn't." Anne shook her head.
"So?" Daisy looked at her expectantly, waving her over so they could walk down the stairs together and prepare to head out.
Anne tilted her head. She knew what Daisy wanted to hear. "So he asked me to go on a walk."
Daisy raised her eyebrows at her, "and? Does he want to court you? Did he give you an initial courting present? What was it?!" She could barely contain herself.
Anne sucked in her cheek delicately. "He skipped all that, actually." She said sadly.
Daisy's brow furrowed. "What? What do you mean 'skipped all that?'"
"He was about to just ask me to marry him." Anne looked to the floor as they walked.
Daisy stopped immediately in her tracks, Anne could almost hear the speech that was coming about how lucky she should feel, but she was surprised.
"What?! How DARE he?! That's hardly the proper or right way to go about courting a lady!" She scowled.
Anne felt relief flow through her for the first time, "you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that. Everyone is telling me I should be pleased."
Daisy shook her head, angry. "Absolutely not! That's completely unacceptable! What did you say to him?"
Anne pursed her lips, "well, I didn't say anything, he got interrupted halfway through."
"The NERVE of that man." Daisy shook out her shoulders. "Thank goodness he didn't put you on the spot, because then you'd have to say no and publically humiliate the fool."
Anne and Daisy had made progress and were walking along the basically deserted road when Anne decided she would tell Daisy everything. "Do you remember that man from the market?" She asked quietly, "the one I told you about?"
Daisy looked at her curiously, "the one who looks like that god from the book me brother's had?" She looked at Anne hesitantly.
Anne nodded, "his name is Majnun."
Daisy once again froze, "just like in the book." She whispered under her breath before she looked at Anne gravely. "You spoke to him? Please tell me you didn't Anne..."
Anne couldn't meet her gaze.
"Miss... this is a dangerous game you're playing..." Daisy started.
"He also asked me to marry him." She said it quickly, hoping to rip it off like a bandaid.
Daisy's mouth fell open.
Anne shifted, "well, told me I was going to marry him, anyways."
Daisy looked at her with her mouth still open, she immediately started fidgeting, making motions with her hands. "Gods have mercy." She whispered.
"I said no." Anne finally finished.
"I think I need to sit down..." Daisy put her hand to her head, "you did WHAT?! Was he angry?! Did he threaten to kill you? Did he curse you?!" Daisy looked her over, wanting to examine her closer, but almost afraid of catching something from Anne.
"He said he'd give me two days to change my mind. He was... surprisingly reasonable." Anne half-smiled, more reasonable than Jameson had seemed, despite his insistence.
"What are you going to do, Miss?" Daisy looked around, she knew not even the other gods could save them from the wrath of the God of Magic and Madness. "According to the book he's one of the most powerful beings alive! You likely won't even be ABLE to say no to him again!"
"I told him he had to court me first." Anne walked forward, trying to act like it was no big deal.
She heard Daisy gasp, "DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH?!" She cried out to her, running to catch up, "because that's what it sounds like!"
Anne looked to the floor.
Daisy sighed, "only fate can save you now."
Anne smiled faintly, "fate has been kind thus far." She noted.

Daisy parted with her to gather some groceries from the shop next store while Anne carried her paintings into the art shop, the bell on the door jingling as she entered. She looked around at all the marvelous paintings on the wall. Surely Mr. Johnson had been joking when he told her that she could only improve paintings - she could never make paintings this beautiful.
She didn't hear the footsteps that approached her, but it was hardly surprising for her anymore. People sneaking up on her had become a fact of life in her world.

"Ms. Trebo?" Mr. Johnson spoke quietly, trying not to disturb her thoughts.
Anne smiled at him wistfully, "your paintings are beautiful Mr. Johnson, absolutely beautiful."
"Coming from you, Ms. Trebo, that's an honor." He said with a half-smile.
Anne felt nervous for the first time, "please, Mr. Johnson, how many times do I need to ask for you to call me Anne?"
"Once more, perhaps." He nodded warmly to her. "If you are allowing me such a privilege, then I must insist you call me Michael."
Anne brushed her hair behind her ear, "alright then." She paused and handed the canvases she brought to him, "I brought my paintings to make up for earlier this week, Michael."

Michael took them from her and shook his head, "what a day that was." He half grinned, "what a mess from random paint explosions - I thought for sure I was going insane."
Anne grinned, but for a different reason. "Magic is a mysterious thing."
"I never took you for a believer." His voice was still warm.
"Hard not to be when paint starts exploding from every tube simultaneously." She laughed faintly. "No one would've believed us if we had said anything; it's much easier to believe I'm just a clumsy fool."
Michael laughed a sharp laugh, but his voice was still gentle. "Believe me when I say that magic is much more feasible than you ever being less than the definition of grace and beauty, Anne."
Anne felt her entire face flush at the compliment, she swallowed. "You're too kind, Michael." She looked to the floor and silence filled the space between them for a long moment before she found her voice again. "Either way, I hope these can help make up for the loss you sustained that morning."
Michael looked to the canvases, "these will more than make up for that." He shook his head as he examined them, "your paintings are by far the best I've ever seen Ms. Tr-" He stopped himself and corrected, "Anne."
Anne smiled, "now I know you're exaggerating." She glanced at his work, "it doesn't compare to the work you do here."
Michael looked around the room, "come upstairs with me, Anne. I want to show you something." Michael walked with her up the stairs to his workshop, "don't mind the mess," he rubbed the back of his neck, "or the sparseness. I'm still getting things just right." He spoke sheepishly.
Anne looked around the space and it was like a dream, "this is like an artist's heaven." She laughed.

Michael seemed to ease, "you're possibly the only person who would think so." He smiled, "I'm glad."
"Do you live here?" Anne asked, observing the plates that had gathered on one of the tables in the corner.
He nodded, "just managed to get enough funds to buy the place out, so yes I do. I'm quite proud of the accomplishment."
"As you should be. Congratulations, Michael." Anne looked at the painting he had started on the easel, but she could feel his eyes on her.
He hesitated before speaking, "Anne, would you mind if I asked you something... perhaps that might come off strange?"

Anne almost felt her heart drop, if this were another marriage proposal she might break. She swallowed her hesitation and looked at him, "of course."
"Would you be willing to let me paint you?"
Anne hadn't expected that, "you want to paint me?" She shook her head, "I promise you there are much nicer subjects you could paint. Ones who fidget less, according to my parents." She was surprised at how much she was saying to him.
He took a step closer to her, "there is no subject more beautiful I could ever paint."
Anne felt her eyes go wide as her mouth opened, no words managed to find their way out though.
The door below opened, followed by the sound of the bell above it. "Miss? Are you still in here?" Daisy called out.
"Please tell me you'll consider it?" Michael asked her, his eyes filled with hope.
Anne couldn't find the words, so she just nodded.
Michael's grin grew, "thank you." He raised his voice to call down the stairs, "we'll be right down!"
Daisy gave Anne a knowing stare as they descended the stairs. "Are you ready, Miss?"
Anne looked back at Michael, "congratulations again, and thank you for showing me your work."
Michael tipped his head to her, "you're always welcome here, Anne." His voice was soft as he spoke her name. "Safe travels home, both of you." He waved them off.
Daisy snickered the whole way home.

Anne had found some quiet time and snuck off into the library of her house. She hated to admit it, but Michael reminded her more and more of the men she read about in books - rugged, handsome, and romantic. She shook the thoughts from her head. Her father would never let her marry an artist. Majnun crossed her mind then and she shook her head again.
Nor would he ever let her marry a God.
Though would he have a choice in that last one? She wasn't sure. She pursed her lips. Did she have a death wish? A sadistic part of her mused at the thought of dying so young in her fight for love.
No, that isn't how that would go, and she knew it. Perhaps she was completely foolish in telling Majnun that she wouldn't accept anything less than courtship. It didn't seem anyone was actually following the rules of courtship anymore. At least, not where she was concerned. The thought made her heart sink. She was just a pawn in the game of business. At least with Majnun she could ask for something in return. She would need to figure out what she wanted first though, and that wasn't coming easily at all to her.
She wanted the love from the books she read, yet she didn't see Majnun being able to grant that wish to her.
Or rather she didn't want him to. Love was supposed to be given freely, not forced upon the unwilling.
She sighed and tried to focus on her book until she found that it was all she could focus on.

She could hear her father taking visitors up to his office next door, but she wasn't truly paying attention to much else. She finally looked up after the end of a chapter to see the sun start setting in the window. There was a knock on the door as Daisy told her dinner was ready. Anne had been reading far too long. She stretched out her stiff muscles and stood finally, feeling no better about her situation than she did this morning.

After dinner and another lecture from her mother was finished Anne walked slowly back up to her room, feeling more and more resigned. She opened the door to her room and noticed a strong breeze coming in her open window - a window she had left closed this morning.
She looked around, her breath caught in her throat. She couldn't tell if she was anxious or excited to see the change.
The room was empty though, and she felt her heart sink - excitement it had been, she noted. What was he doing in here though? He said two days but it had only been one.
Daisy must have opened the window to let the breeze in, Anne had almost convinced herself of that when she turned and saw something on her vanity that didn't belong.

Something that hadn't been there before.
Anne approached it quietly before realizing it was a paint set. She eyed it carefully, the paints were in individual glass vials within the bigger white container that was holding them all together. The set glimmered in a way she had never seen before - there was something magical about them. The inside of the white container had the words "Bottomless Paints" carved into it. Next to the set of paint was a folded piece of paper that also shimmered with magic. She gently grabbed the note and opened it, revealing two words:
You Win.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: You Win
« Reply #693 on: March 12, 2016, 12:40:30 PM »
So, uh, this is the first time I've commented on this. I've really loved reading this story, though I'm sure you've heard that from other people more than on occasion. I'm fairly certain you're actually the reason I created an account on this forum, seeing as I didn't even know this site had a forum until I saw yours in the results of a Google search. Anyway, you can be sure I'll keep reading, and sometimes commenting. I'll leave you here, then, before I suddenly have several paragraphs of awkward writing and admiration.
Just you wait, I'm going to post some useless crap on the internet.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: You Win
« Reply #694 on: March 12, 2016, 01:19:35 PM »
This is really quite wonderful. Anne is such a sympathetic character.
Thank you so much! Anne is quite lovely, and I love writing her character. She responds to the world so differently from my other strong female leads - it's refreshing!

So, uh, this is the first time I've commented on this. I've really loved reading this story, though I'm sure you've heard that from other people more than on occasion. I'm fairly certain you're actually the reason I created an account on this forum, seeing as I didn't even know this site had a forum until I saw yours in the results of a Google search. Anyway, you can be sure I'll keep reading, and sometimes commenting. I'll leave you here, then, before I suddenly have several paragraphs of awkward writing and admiration.
Well hello there! I love seeing new faces on the stories board! It reminds me that there's still so much life left in the Sims 3 that won't die! Comments are always welcome, but I value my quiet readers just as much as my commenting ones (I can be a bit of a lurker sometimes too). I'm so happy you decided to join and start posting your story as well, and I'm completely flattered that you've read all the way through my beastly story (I used to call this story measley or meager, but at a whoopping 28 pages now and still going I think I'm going to have to say it's not a little story anymore ::) ). Thank you again for your lovely comment! These comments always brighten my day! I'll be sure to be reading your stories as well - I'm not the greatest about remembering to comment all the time, but I am working on it!
P.S. don't ever feel bad about several paragraphs of awkward writing on my story. I'm a little over-talkative myself and often could talk all day (hence why I haven't ended my comment just yet - and likely why my chapters are so verbose and what-not). Op, I'm doing it again. :X Hehe!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Sleepless Nights
« Reply #695 on: March 14, 2016, 06:23:22 PM »
Sleepless Nights
That night brought on the rainstorm. Anne tossed and turned, but she could not find solid sleep. She would jolt awake at every sound, despite not being afraid of the storm. Her mind was too busy to let her rest anyways. She sat up in bed, lighting the candle next to her and looked over at her vanity, gazing at the beautiful paint set that sat untouched. She sucked in her cheek as she thought hard. She had read stories about this, she was sure, stories where the women who touched or used the gifts given to them ended up cursed or something remotely similar. Still, it was like Pandora's Box sitting on her vanity - she couldn't resist it.
After a minute of staring she stood up and picked the tray up very gently in her hands. She didn't feel any different - no magic came swarming to attack her yet, so that was a good thing. She trotted back to her bed and sat as she examined the set. The paint shimmered when the light from her candles hit it, it was absolutely beautiful. Anne stared in awe before delicately picking up an individual vial and holding it up to the light for a moment then placing it back in it's spot. There were nine different vials and Anne let her fingers brush over each one as she admired them. Yellow, orange, red, violet, blue, green, black and then two vials of white. Unusual.

She squinted her eyes closer at the two white vials and pulled the one on the edge of the case out. She held it over to the light, trying to decipher what was different about it. Did it have a soft pink hue to it? She squinted harder before tilting her head and sighing. It was simply too hard to tell in the candle light. She sat it down on the bed beside her and the vial glowed before turning a burgundy like the color of her sheets.
Anne jolted before looking at it with her mouth open in awe. She gingerly picked the vial back up and examined the color. She was completely amazed, then an idea struck her. She bit her lip as she gently placed the vial on her bedside table. She stared for a minute, starting to feel disappointed when the vial began to glow again, turning a dark brown-black like the wood. Anne grinned as a giggle escaped her lips. She could make any color she wanted! Never again would she need to waste time trying to repeat the ratio of colors for a specific paint mixture. Though, were these truly "Bottomless" as they implied? She almost opened one up but then decided against it. She was already playing a dangerous game simply by touching them.

Though truthfully, she wouldn't mind just being his wife at this point, she smiled, if the perks included magical paint. She stopped, what was she thinking? How truly ridiculous. Maybe there had been a spell on these paints after all. She pursed her lips, she needed to keep herself together. She put away the vial of mystery paint and closed the lid on the case. She hadn't touched the case from how it had been propped open before, so only now did she see her name etched into the outside of the case in perfect cursive. Anne felt touched by the gesture of it, no one had ever been so thoughtful about her passion before. She felt herself getting a little sentimental as she looked at it. Perhaps being bound to him wouldn't be so bad?
She remembered a point where her father got her the first easel she ever owned. He had done it so she would stop trying to learn about his business. She had been "doing a man's job" according to him, and that was how he planned to keep her from prying any further - with a gift to appease her.
As thoughtful as the gift was, she couldn't accept a gift that was meant to shut her up and get her to agree. The thought unsettled her. What did the note even mean? "You win?" What does she win? She hadn't played anything, nor was she ever trying to.

Anne set the paints down next to her bed and sighed, figuring she would have the answer by the end of the day. Her two days were up, and her mind was still set.

Anne sat at the breakfast table with her parents, picking gently at the food in front of her but not really eating. Her face was pale and her eyes looked weary from lack of sleep.

"Darling, are you feeling ill?" Her father looked at her with worry. "You've hardly touched your food and you're as pale as a ghost."
Anne looked up at him and a faint smile crossed her lips. "I just didn't sleep very well last night." She said quietly.
"You look completely awful, Anne." Her mother said sharply. "Mr. McNeel will be by today to see your father and you can't possibly be seen looking like that."
Anne frowned, but didn't say anything.
Her father looked at her sympathetically. "Perhaps it's best Jameson doesn't see her today, they say absence makes the heart grow fonder."

Her mother's face grew irritated. "Absence does not put a wedding ring on her finger, Robert."
"May I be excused, please?" Anne asked quietly, not wanting to hear yet another lecture.
Robert looked at her with concern, but nodded, "of course darling. Go ahead and get some rest."
She could hear her mother huffing next to her, but she didn't let it bother her. She stood, taking her plate to the kitchen and she wandered upstairs to her room. Rain continued falling outside the window and Anne sat heavily on her bed, staring at her reflection in her vanity. Her mother was right, she did look ghastly. She felt her fingers grow restless suddenly. She clenched her fist and flexed her right hand before giving in and letting the jitters run their course as she fidgeted.

A soft knock on her door and Daisy's voice came through, "Miss? Are you in here?"
"Come in, Daisy." Anne said quietly.
Daisy opened the door and smiled lightly to her, "I overheard that you didn't sleep well and brought you some tea." She lifted the cup to show her.
Anne smiled at her, "thank you Daisy."
Daisy walked over and put the cup down on the vanity, stopping and looking intently at the paint set. "What's this Miss? I didn't know you had a box like this with your name on it."
"I'm not sure what to make of it, Majnun left it in here for me last night." She sighed gently standing and going to drink the cup of tea Daisy had left. 

Daisy shot her a look, "did he say what it was for?"
"He wasn't here when I found it." Anne tilted her head as she thought about it. "It's a paint set, Daisy. A 'Bottomless' paint set." She smiled. "The paints are beautiful. He left a note with it, but I can't make heads or tails of it."
Daisy smirked, "why? Was it insane gibberish? He is the God of Madness after all." She opened the set and looked at in with the same awe that Anne had the previous night. "Wow. I don't think you've ever had magical paints before, Miss."
Anne smiled, "no, I certainly haven't." She took another sip of the tea, feeling better already. "The note is below the set."
Daisy picked up the paper and opened it, "you win?" She asked confused, then her eyes grew softer. "So he's going to court you then?"
Anne hadn't thought about that, her brow furrowed, "do you think that's what that means?"

"I'm as sure as you are, Miss, but that's my interpretation of it. You told him you would only marry him if he courted you, right? This certainly looks like a gift of courtship." She admired the casing again.
Anne softened completely as she thought on their conversation. "He had said he wouldn't court me though."
Daisy raised her eyebrows and waved the note at her, "well, 'you win,' Anne." She grinned. "How romantic! Here I thought he would be strange about this." She looked at Anne thoughtfully, "if he was as reasonable as you say then he's probably not half as bad as that book said."
Anne's brow furrowed, "do you think I could read that book, by chance?"
Daisy smiled a knowing smile, "I brought it with me today, I thought you might ask! Wait here." She disappeared from the room for several minutes before reappearing, book in hand. She paged through it and handed the worn book to Anne. "Right there, Miss."
Anne looked at the book and saw Majnun's likeness, she smiled warmly. "That's him."
Daisy sighed, "and here I was hoping this was all a misunderstanding."

"His hair is curlier though." Anne noted while she looked at the picture. "Do you mind if I borrow this for the afternoon? I don't imagine I'll get much done with the rain. Books are perfect rainy-day companions."
"Of course, Miss. Though I will need to take it home with me - me brother worked so hard for it."
"Of course! I wouldn't dream of taking away his hard work." Anne held the book very gently.
"I'll bring you some more tea." Daisy picked up the empty cup and wandered out of the room, leaving Anne to the quiet.

Anne was hunched over her vanity stool as she tried to absorb the strange information. She had reread the brief chapter on Majnun three times now and was trying to piece together what sparse information they had. A lot of it the book admitted to being speculation, as he was considered "the most elusive" of almost all gods. The window began to rattle and she felt her heart skip a beat in her chest. He was here; whether that was a good thing or a bad thing she had not deciphered. The window came undone and the breeze blew it open, and from the empty air he stepped, as if appearing from nothing. He seemed rejuvenated compared to when she last saw him. Anne briefly wondered if gods actually need sleep.

Anne set the book on the vanity and straightened herself. "Mr. Keeper." She tilted her head down formally, she also wasn't sure she wanted to see his facial expression at this point.
"Anne." Majnun shifted, looking uncomfortable and annoyed. "Did you receive the... paints I left for you?"
Anne could tell he wasn't used to this type of conversation. "I did, thank you." Anne's voice was gentle. "I was hoping you might explain the motivation behind them."
Majnun tilted his head, his eyes narrowing as his voice lowered, "motivation? I don't understand what you mean." His face was holding secrets, but his eyes were genuinely curious.
If there was one thing Anne learned from him was to always trust his eyes. "In my books," Anne's voice was gentle as she ran her finger along the spine of the book next to her. "There is a concept of using an object to bind a person to you if you have enough power." She tilted her head and looked at Majnun. "The paints are beautiful, but I just want to be sure I understand what I'm getting into before I use them."
Majnun grinned deviously, "you thought I was trying to trick you into marrying me?" He began laughing loudly before he moved to lean against the window sill, his arms folded.

"I can't say the thought didn't cross my mind." Anne bit her lower lip. "Not that I would blame you if you did."
Majnun rolled his eyes opening his mouth to say something but then he suddenly moved forward, flicking his hands as the book beside Anne came to life and the pages began turning. "What's this?" His voice seemed amused - light and airy.
Anne was actually marveling at how sane he seemed, he came across as a completely different person. "A book on the gods." Anne spoke honestly, unsure of how he would react.
Majnun grinned widely, "oh? I wonder what it says about me?"
"That you're elusive, difficult, and very dangerous." Anne could practically quote that section by this point.
Majnun kept grinning, "dangerous." His voice lingered on the word, drawing it out as his eyes reflected pride. He snapped his finger and the book flew over in front of him, the pages turning in front of him as he stood amused. He would sneer and laugh as the pages flipped faster than any person could ever read. "What absolute propaganda." He laughed, the laughter was different than Anne had ever heard before - there was no insanity behind it.

Anne smiled softly, "you seem freer today."
Majnun was jolted up from the book and he scowled. "What are you implying?"
"Your eyes." Anne looked at him thoughtfully, "you seem happy today. Less stressed." She nodded.
Majnun's eyes narrowed at her, but he shrugged loosely. "Let's just say I'm well rested today." He then tilted his head back, making an observation. "Which you do not appear to be. Afraid of the Mad God coming to impose his will upon you?" His voice was light, teasing - not at all like how he was two days ago.

Anne smiled, she opened her mouth to speak when there was a knock on the door, "Miss? I have some more tea for you."
Anne looked startled at Majnun, but he was relaxed.
"She already knows about me, I can tell. She gave you the book to begin with." He had settled into sitting on her bed, still flipping idly through the book with amusement.
Anne hesitated still before she spoke, "come in, Daisy."
Daisy opened the door, "how's the book coming-" she dropped the tea causing it to shatter on the ground and jolted back against the wall, a light scream coming from her throat as she spotted Majnun. "Oh mercy!"

Majnun looked unamused.
"Daisy... this is Majnun, the God of Magic and Madness; Majnun, this is Daisy." Anne looked between the two of them with big eyes.
Daisy was petrified against the wall by the door, "gods have mercy..." she whispered as she made a sign with her hands.
Majnun snorted, "as if." He sighed, plain irritation filling his features. All the happiness in him had evaporated. "You can let go of your death grip on the wall, if I wanted you dead you would already be dead." He said flatly.
Anne looked at him, shocked.
Majnun stood and walked over to the tea, he traced his finger around in the air and reformed the cup seamlessly, the tea refilling it. He looked at the tea for a long minute before he held his empty hand in front of Anne, rolling it slightly to reveal an herb that was not there previously. He motioned Anne to take it, and she did so hesitantly. "It is enchanted ginseng." Majnun answered her unasked question. "I would like..." he paused, struggling to say the next few words, "your... permission," he cleared his throat, clearly very uncomfortable having even ask. "To put this in your tea, for your health." He finally choked out before scowling. He never asked for permission, ever. It was far too tedious to bend to the will of mortals.

Yet here he was, and he hated every minute of it.
Anne smiled gently, handing the herb back to him without really looking at it. "I trust you." Her voice was soft as she looked up at him.
He seemed startled by the gesture but he regained his composure and nodded, dropping it into the tea where it dissolved before handing her the cup without looking at her.
Daisy opened her mouth to protest, but Majnun waved his hand to silence her. "Earlier," his voice dropped lower, "you told me you thought I had put a spell on your paints." He started, his eyes moving suspiciously between the girls. "I wish to assure you that, while it may seem like something I would do, that is the very reason why it is what I did not do it." His face became emotionless. "While Agonin of Order might enjoy forcing people to bend to his will, I do not find amusement in that. You have told me that I need to..." He grimaced, "court you," he gritted his teeth, "for you to become my wife." It was not pain in his eyes, though his face looked like he could have been roasting on a fire. "Is that no longer true?"
Anne delicately let her finger slide around the top of her cup as she looked into the tea, "it is still true." She responded levelly. Daisy had her eyes glued on Majnun.
Majnun clenched his fists, seeming tense all around, but he nodded shortly. "Then do you accept my offer of courtship?" His eyes turned and locked onto Anne's.

Anne held his gaze for a long minute, her eyes searching his face for his feelings, yet she found none; his eyes were serious and expressionless as well. A smile tugged at her lips. "I do."
Majnun's expression softened for a millisecond before he turned away, but Anne did not miss the change and her smile grew slightly. Majnun walked towards the open window. "Then I shall take my leave." He stepped up on her windowsill.
Anne stood up now, "when will I see you again?"
Majnun turned, tipping his head to her as he bowed slightly, "perhaps I will be by tomorrow, if you're feeling better. If not, then I will be around." He smirked and stepped backwards out of her window, vanishing into a portal while Anne watched him go.
Daisy slunk to the floor and held her chest. "Why did you agree, Miss?! Have you gone mad?!"

Anne was still looking out the window, "perhaps I have, Daisy. Perhaps I have."

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Sleepless Nights
« Reply #696 on: March 14, 2016, 08:02:45 PM »
I don't know what happened along the line, but Charlotte sure isn't Anne.
Just you wait, I'm going to post some useless crap on the internet.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Sleepless Nights
« Reply #697 on: March 14, 2016, 09:12:07 PM »
Anne is so gorgeous (especially the last image, just wow!).
And how nice of Majnun to be so cooperative with the facial shots!
I love how Anne is able to see through Majnun's facade.
Lovely chapter!

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Sleepless Nights
« Reply #698 on: March 14, 2016, 09:51:21 PM »
I don't know what happened along the line, but Charlotte sure isn't Anne.
I don't think anyone could ever be as wonderful as Anne.
I do love Charlotte though. Just wait until you meet Kai and Alessandra. ::)
Also, feel free to ask me if you have any questions! I always want to be sure I'm being clear with everyone. Everything always makes sense in my head but it's my little world. I'd love to answer any questions anyone has! Give me a reason to talk your ear off about the bits of my story that I think about constantly that will never be important enough to include. ;)

Anne is so gorgeous (especially the last image, just wow!).
And how nice of Majnun to be so cooperative with the facial shots!
I love how Anne is able to see through Majnun's facade.
Lovely chapter!
Thank you! I love, love, LOVE writing these two.
Majnun is a little tricky to pin him down just right, as his personality is different from when he's older, but I hope he still comes off as the Majnun everyone knows and loves (well, not everyone, I'm pretty sure most of the Sim-world hates his guts, but that's besides the point). Anne is absolutely stunning, she's one of my favorite Sims and I'm glad everyone likes how she looks so much, because let's just say her descendants take after her greatly. ;) :-X
Oh, Majnun was MORE than cooperative. These didn't make it in, but I totally thought of you, so I'm going to go ahead and put these here just for you @oshizu :

I could go all day, but I'll just do one more:

He's such a handsome bugger when he's not trying to choke himself out. ;) :D

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Sleepless Nights
« Reply #699 on: March 14, 2016, 09:58:55 PM »
I love how Daisy is so sane about the issue. "Have you gone mad?" I love that character so much.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Sleepless Nights
« Reply #700 on: March 14, 2016, 10:50:38 PM »
Oh, Majnun was MORE than cooperative. These didn't make it in, but I totally thought of you, so I'm going to go ahead and put these here just for you @oshizu :

Oooh, these are lovely shots of Majnun.
Though he looks considerably more "frazzled" when he's older (not sure that's exactly the word I want), he looks positively aristocratic in these images.
Porcelain skin, wavy hair that's kinda poofed up on top (lol), his sometimes thoughtful expressions, and the oft gentler set of his mouth.
When I first encountered him in one of your earlier chapters, I thought to myself, "Who is this ugly freak?"  LOL
You have given this sim life--I love his brief exits from insanity, the sulking, the occasional grand gesture.
Hahaha, excessive fangirling much?!

Thank you for the extra shots! What age do you imagine him to be at this point?

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Sleepless Nights
« Reply #701 on: March 14, 2016, 11:23:27 PM »
I love how Daisy is so sane about the issue. "Have you gone mad?" I love that character so much.
Hahaha, right? Just "uh... Anne?!" Someone's got to be the voice of reason here... ::)

Oooh, these are lovely shots of Majnun.
Though he looks considerably more "frazzled" when he's older (not sure that's exactly the word I want), he looks positively aristocratic in these images.
Porcelain skin, wavy hair that's kinda poofed up on top (lol), his sometimes thoughtful expressions, and the oft gentler set of his mouth.
When I first encountered him in one of your earlier chapters, I thought to myself, "Who is this ugly freak?"  LOL
You have given this sim life--I love his brief exits from insanity, the sulking, the occasional grand gesture.
Hahaha, excessive fangirling much?!

Thank you for the extra shots! What age do you imagine him to be at this point?
Aren't they though? He's so handsome, but he never lets me take his picture. Typical guy (just kidding) ::)
I'm glad you got that impression of him! That was intentional! I actually was afraid when I aged him down that I would have to tweak him to make him look passable but no, he's all handsome, he just makes faces that makes him less so... heh. ;)
I'm glad you enjoy those! As he's gotten older he's learned to embrace his insanity more, by this point (with Anne) he's still not fully accepting of what/who he is and he fights it hard, which is why it's so painful for him to go through his bursts of insanity.
Do not worry about fangirling at all. I'm his biggest fangirl since I've aged him down, and I MADE him. XD

Majnun's age? Welp that's tricky. Lemme do my best to explain this in a non complicated way. Majnun is well over 2000 years old. By the time he meets Anne, I would put him roughly at 1900 (and some change) years old? He hasn't kept count in a long, long time. Majnun's age has started to show recently only because he is dying. With the birth of every generation following Mary he'll age significantly (Eveline was the first step in that aging process) in looks as his powers are being drained from him and into the lineage of the Reapers. He'll also grow weaker as time goes on (he's already experiencing some of that with Eveline though he's too stubborn to let people see it) until the birth of the 10th generation results in his death.
So long story short, I'd reckon Majnun is roughly 1900 (and some change) years old with Anne, and that would make him about 2300 (and some change) years old in present day with Eveline.

Phew, that was windy. I should just rename myself from Livvielove to ChattyCathy.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Sleepless Nights
« Reply #702 on: March 19, 2016, 11:48:47 AM »
Sigh I don't want him to die :-( but maybe then he would find a modicum of peace! Anne is gorgeous! I can see a bit of her in Alec and Evelyn...

I really can't stand Anne's mother. I know she is just a product of her times and a (probably) arranged marriage of her own, but geez, aren't we supposed to want MORE for our children?!? And since they're already rich as Croesus, that only leaves her to wish the love for Anne that she doesn't seem to have herself... Not that I'm disparaging Anne's dad, I just think that all the love he has to give has gone into his business and Anne. Even if he doesn't actually understand her at all!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Sleepless Nights
« Reply #703 on: March 19, 2016, 02:02:40 PM »
Sigh I don't want him to die :-( but maybe then he would find a modicum of peace! Anne is gorgeous! I can see a bit of her in Alec and Evelyn...

I really can't stand Anne's mother. I know she is just a product of her times and a (probably) arranged marriage of her own, but geez, aren't we supposed to want MORE for our children?!? And since they're already rich as Croesus, that only leaves her to wish the love for Anne that she doesn't seem to have herself... Not that I'm disparaging Anne's dad, I just think that all the love he has to give has gone into his business and Anne. Even if he doesn't actually understand her at all!

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Assuming you mean Majnun? I don't want him to die either.  :-X
I love that insane, plotting, twisted man. You are right about one thing though, he will finally have peace.
Thank you! Anne is super gorgeous. She really can't take a bad picture.

That's an interesting view of Victoria. I'm curious to know what others think of her. Is she a product of her times? Or is she just especially jaded and wicked?
Perhaps she's jealous of her daughter receiving all the affection from her father? Perhaps she's angry about the hand she's dealt?
Perhaps she's just extra hard on her daughter because she knows her daughter is a dreamer who might accidentally screw up the only chance at (that time period's) "happiness" and she would hate to see her daughter have to give up the finer things in life that she's used to? Victoria is a fun character because she's just ambiguous like that.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Sleepless Nights
« Reply #704 on: March 19, 2016, 10:05:25 PM »
Is she a product of her times? Or is she just especially jaded and wicked?
Perhaps she's jealous of her daughter receiving all the affection from her father? Perhaps she's angry about the hand she's dealt?
Perhaps she's just extra hard on her daughter because she knows her daughter is a dreamer who might accidentally screw up the only chance at (that time period's) "happiness" and she would hate to see her daughter have to give up the finer things in life that she's used to? Victoria is a fun character because she's just ambiguous like that.

Maybe all of the above lol but I definitely agree with the jealous of Anne bit and her being bitter about how life turned out. I think she wants everyone to be as miserable as she is!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*