Author Topic: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]  (Read 468006 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: My Love
« Reply #660 on: February 27, 2016, 10:46:22 AM »
Wow.  That was sad.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: My Love
« Reply #661 on: February 27, 2016, 11:07:51 AM »
Awwww. Jupiter really deserves to find happiness!

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: My Love
« Reply #662 on: February 27, 2016, 11:23:15 AM »
I feel sorry for Jupiter. I hope he learns that being a vampire doesn't define him.

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: My Love
« Reply #663 on: February 27, 2016, 01:47:25 PM »
I go away for a bit and all heck breaks loose T_T Jupiter you idiot! If you weren't freaking blood-starving yourself the bloodlust wouldn't affect you like that! You'd have learnt some control by now!!! I'm probably too late for the vote but if not I've always had a soft spot for Moonlit Falls... Although Midnight Hollow is brilliant! Hmmm... I'll PM you my final thought lol

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: My Love
« Reply #664 on: February 27, 2016, 03:09:10 PM »
Wow.  That was sad.
I might have cried [just a little] when writing this chapter. I've really gotta stop chopping onions while I write (sniffles).

Awwww. Jupiter really deserves to find happiness!
I feel like such a terrible person for gifting him happiness and then ripping it away... but perhaps there's still a chance for happiness? I'm not sure.

I feel sorry for Jupiter. I hope he learns that being a vampire doesn't define him.
Ah, my sweet Jupiter; he just needs to harness it and embrace it. It's not a separate part of him: it is him. I need to stop thinking about this otherwise I'm going to start tearing up again!  :'(

I go away for a bit and all heck breaks loose T_T Jupiter you idiot! If you weren't freaking blood-starving yourself the bloodlust wouldn't affect you like that! You'd have learnt some control by now!!! I'm probably too late for the vote but if not I've always had a soft spot for Moonlit Falls... Although Midnight Hollow is brilliant! Hmmm... I'll PM you my final thought lol

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Never a dull moment with the Reapers!
Jupiter hasn't always made the smartest decisions, has he? You're definitely not too late for the vote! I just messaged you back and your vote has been added! We have our town - it's going to be fantastic!

Anyways, so one more chapter to go before the end of Eveline's segment and the next part of the story begins. I really hope this next storyline isn't too confusing. It makes perfect sense in my head, but I'm starting to find I think more like Majnun than anyone else.  ::)  ::)  ::)

Thank you all for reading and commenting! I hope I did that last chapter some justice and applied the right emotions. Unfortunately the emotional rollercoaster is not over yet, so I hope you're still hanging onto your hats! You guys are amazing. I'm actually going to throw up a poll here soon because I'm kicking around some different ideas in my head for all of you. Anyways, that was really vague and unhelpful of me to say, but I don't want to reveal too much just yet. Let's see how well received the next storyline is! :3 Happy simming everyone!

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: My Love
« Reply #665 on: February 27, 2016, 03:35:05 PM »
Glad I wasn't late to the party :-) still wish Jupiter could come with us... Guess I'll have to go bug Liarissa now for a bit!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Unanswered Questions
« Reply #666 on: February 29, 2016, 06:01:11 PM »
Ok, so I lied. I think I told a few people that there would be one more chapter left in Bridgeport? Well there's two. Too many pictures and too much I wanted to say. So here's the first one, then it's truly the final countdown for the next town! Sorry for the heavy last few chapters! Anyways, I'm going to start writing out the chapter following this one so we can really get the ball rolling with the next part of the story. :3

Unanswered Questions


I'm so sorry.
I feel like such a failure. I'm too dangerous to be around anyone. I tried my best... and it wasn't good enough. You've given me so much and now it's like I've thrown it all back in your face. People like me shouldn't exist in this world.
I don't want to hurt anyone else. I'm so, so sorry Jack.
I was never worthy enough to be your son.
I'm sorry I've let you down.
I will always be grateful to you and Liam for everything you've sacrificed. I hope you know that you're the best father anyone could ever have. I'm just sorry that you got stuck with me.
Take care, Jack.


Jack sucked in a long breath and wiped his face with his hand. He reread the note over and over and bit his cheek until it nearly bled. He thought of everything he should have said that he didn't. How many times had he let those conversations slip by? He should have been more firm with him, more firm that he was wanted and that there was nothing in the world he could do that would make Jack love him any less. How many times passed him by? Jack clutched the note to his chest as he let out a few isolated sobs.

Far too many.

"Who is he, exactly?" Liam didn't look up from his book.
Jupiter had stayed up all night in agony as the virus took hold, and he had finally drifted off to sleep. Jack leaned over the couch to check on him gently.

"His name is Jupiter."
"He was attacked? What scum would attack a child?" Liam put his book down and scowled. "So what are we going to do with him? Is he joining our merry misfit duo?"
"Perhaps, we'll see when he wakes up."
"You should get some rest Jack, have you even slept yet?"
"No. I can wait, I want to be sure he's ok. The poor boy has suffered far too much, I want to give him whatever comfort I can."

"Ah! What's WRONG with him?!" Lola turned her head, sneering. "I take you to the park and THIS is how you thank me?! YOU'VE RUINED EVERYTHING!" She shook her head, "if you were a good son you would've just died to make my life easier." 
"I'm so... I'm so sorry." Jupiter whispered, clutching himself.

"How could you say that to him! He's just a child! He should have gone home with you!"
"Oh no! That monster isn't getting anywhere NEAR my house! You're on your own, FREAK."

"If Lola doesn't want me then where am I going to go?" His eyes brimmed over with tears as he clutched his knees. "Maybe she was right... maybe you should have left me out there to die." He whispered.

"Absolutely not. There's nothing wrong with you Jupiter. You know, I was thinking... if you'd like, you could stay here - with me."
His eyes grew big and he wiped a tear off his cheek, "really?"
"Of course. You can stay here for as long as you'd like."
Jupiter nodded, swallowing back more tears, "thank you so much. I promise I'll be good."

"Jack, I can't sleep." Jupiter looked down and frowned, "I keep having nightmares and all I see is blood and monsters." He whispered.
"What if I told you a story? Do you think that might help?"
Jupiter tilted his head, "I don't want to cause any trouble." He studied the floor.
"It's no trouble at all Jupiter, I want you to sleep well! Sleep is important! It helps us function! If you don't get enough of it you might fall asleep during school... like Liam."
Liam scowled, "I heard that!"
Jupiter smiled softly. "If you don't mind, I wouldn't mind hearing a story."
"Don't get him started, you'll be up all night kid." Liam smirked.
"Oh hush Liam. Go ahead and get back in bed, what story do you want to hear tonight?"
"Anything." Jupiter paused and pursed his lips in thought, "maybe the one with the dragon in it?"
"One story with the dragon in it, coming right up."

Jupiter was half asleep as Jack pulled the blankets up around him tighter, Jupiter mumbled quietly, completely out of it, "I love you, dad."
"I love you too, Jupiter."

"What are you cooking?" Jupiter peeked over the countertop.
"Liam's birthday cake. Today's his birthday and I'm surprising him with it when he gets home from his Martial Arts practice."
Jupiter nodded thoughtfully, "will you show me?"
"Of course! Come on over, you can help me mix it."

"Can we use green icing? He loves the color green."
"I think that's a great idea, Jupiter."

"What does it do, Jack?" Jupiter sat and stared at the plant.
"It's going to make a lot of fruit that you can eat."

"So I won't have to drink anyone's blood?" He looked at it in awe, "ever?"
"That's the plan, but there's nothing wrong with the blood bags in the refrigerator either."
"I won't need those." Jupiter shook his head. "I'm stronger than that." He said firmly.
"You are very strong, Jupiter."

"LIAM!" Jupiter giggled, "PUT ME DOWN!"
"Not on your life kid! You started it, so I'm finishing it!" Liam was grinning.
"What is going on here?!"

"JACK! HELP ME!" Jupiter laughed louder, "I'm getting dizzy Liam!"
"Too bad! Maybe you shouldn't have ambushed me when I was sleeping, bloodsucker junior."
Jupiter kicked, "if I'm a bloodsucker then you're a YETI!"
"Alright you two, let's calm down before someone gets hurt."
They groaned in unision.
"Party killer." Liam put Jupiter down on his feet, "and no, I'm absolutely not a yeti." He rolled his eyes and shook himself off.
"Are too." Jupiter stuck his tongue out.
"Jack, a little help here?" Liam raised his eyebrows.
"Haha! You're on you're own there buddy."

"I don't know Jack... do I have to cut my hair?" Jupiter shifted uneasily in his seat.
"Everyone gets their hair cut, Jupiter. There's nothing to be afraid of." 
"I don't want to be bald anymore." He rubbed his messy strands with his hand.
"Who said you'd be bald, silly?"

"Lola always said I had to keep my hair cut off. She wanted me to play pretend sick and have the men with cameras take pictures."
"That's... that's... how did that make you feel?"
"I just want to be normal. I didn't like shaving off my hair. Or wearing pink. Or being alone." Jupiter brought his hands in front of him and fidgeted.
"Then we won't shave off your hair. We can just get it trimmed so it's out of your eyes... ok?"
Jupiter nodded, still looking solemn. "Thank you for taking care of me, Jack."
"You don't need to thank me Jupiter, I enjoy your company."

"I wish... I didn't have to be a vampire!" Jupiter leaned over his candles.
Liam laughed, "hey kid, if you tell someone what you wished for it won't come true!" He grinned.
Jupiter's eyes went wide with realization.
"What?!" Liam shook his head.
"Blow out your candles Jupiter, it doesn't count since you haven't blown them out yet."
"Best not pick the same wish to be on the safe side." Liam gave a teasing look.
Jupiter looked down at the cake and whispered ever so softly, "I wish you were my family instead of Lola."
Liam opened his mouth to comment on that he could still hear him, but he immediately stopped. "There, since no one else heard, surely it'll come true." He looked at Jack gently.

Jupiter grinned and blew out the candles.

"Left?! Which left?!"
"Your left!"

"Agh!" Jupiter grimaced, "maybe this was a bad idea, Jack."
"You've almost got this, don't give up now. Just breathe and start again."
Jupiter took in a long breath and nodded. "So, left." He turned the wheel and kept going.
"That's it! You're doing great!"

"Did you see his face?! He was looking for it for twenty minutes! TWENTY!" Jupiter was laughing so hard he was nearly doubled over. "Liam's going to KILL me."

Jack felt himself laughing, "you two really are something."
"He's like the brother I never had." Jupiter's smile faded. "You guys have been so good to me... I feel like a part of the family."
"Because you are family, Jupiter. You always will be."

"You're not the only one Majnun owed a favor to."

"I'm glad to call you my son."

Jack struggled to keep himself together. His phone started vibrating and he jolted, but his heart fell immediately when he realized it wasn't Jupiter. Jack rubbed his face to try to straighten it and he answered the phone.
"Liam." His voice broke and he sucked in a hard shaky breath. This wasn't how he wanted to greet him at all. This wasn't how he saw this conversation going.
"Jack? What's wrong? Are you crying? What happened?!"
Jack swallowed, pausing as he tried to find the right words. "It's a long story, Liam, do you have a minute?" He finally said. "Jupiter's missing and I... it's all my fault."
"What happened Jack? Was it the potion? Please don't keep me in the dark about this? What do you mean 'missing?'"
"The potion... worked." Jack breathed out slowly. "But not for Jupiter."
"What? What do you mean not for Jupiter? That was HIS potion!"
Jack took a long breath in again, "Eveline was attacked last night by Lucien. He bit her and her body started to reject the virus. She would have died but..."
"Jupiter gave up the potion to her." Liam filled in.
Jack nodded, though he knew Liam couldn't see it. He clutched the phone as his body started to shake from the night's events.
Liam let out a long breath himself. "Oh man Jack... I'm so sorry. Jupiter ran off after that? Was that when you called?"
"I called when Jupiter ran off the first time. After he gave Eveline the cure she started to cough blood up, which... set off Jupiter's bloodlust, so he ran." Jack fought off the trembling as best as he could. "I found him back at the old place. He had... torn through all the bags I kept in the fridge. He wasn't in a good shape, Liam... I should have been more careful with what I said. I should have insisted more that everything was ok. I just thought that maybe if I got him back to see Eveline that he would get his ground again... I just wanted him to see that we all supported him and that he didn't do anything wrong..." Jack started to sob and he stopped so he could gather himself.
"Everything will be ok Jack. This isn't your fault." 
"Alec and I went to dispose of Lucien's body and when I came back he was... gone. He left two notes, one for Eveline and one for me."
"Did he say where he went? Do you want me to come over? What do you want to do?"
Jack closed his eyes and a tear slid out. Deep inside him he could feel his resolve coming together. "I'm going to find him, Liam. I'm going to find my son."

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Offline mpart

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Unanswered Questions
« Reply #667 on: February 29, 2016, 07:20:59 PM »
This is a bittersweet chapter. Lola is yet again, a terrible person.  :(

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Unanswered Questions
« Reply #668 on: February 29, 2016, 08:31:41 PM »
A heart-warming look at how much Jack loves Jupiter, but it wrenches the heart at the same time. Poor Jupiter. How he's suffered!

I'm starting to miss Majnun, though.

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Unanswered Questions
« Reply #669 on: February 29, 2016, 10:15:10 PM »
*sobs* that Lola is a *word redacted* and didn't deserve such an awesim kid like Jupiter! I just wish he had more faith in himself :-(

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Unanswered Questions
« Reply #670 on: March 01, 2016, 01:09:17 AM »
This is a bittersweet chapter. Lola is yet again, a terrible person.  :(
What's new though, right? There's nothing I can really say about her that's family friendly. Heh, so I'll just let my distaste for her radiate off of my angry face here ->  >:(

A heart-warming look at how much Jack loves Jupiter, but it wrenches the heart at the same time. Poor Jupiter. How he's suffered!

I'm starting to miss Majnun, though.
Jack deserves a medal, I was just talking about that with mpart, actually. Raised two unruly boys all by himself.
Oh my goodness. I miss him so much right now haha. He's been gone all of a chapter and a half and I already miss his crazy butt. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. For what it's worth, you get a bit of an origin story with him in this coming chapter that I'm literally two seconds away from posting! Hopefully it makes sense and helps fill that void a little... Though it won't be as good as his presence.

*sobs* that Lola is a *word redacted* and didn't deserve such an awesim kid like Jupiter! I just wish he had more faith in himself :-(

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Thank you, you took that *word redacted* word right out of my mouth.  ;) Jupiter is pretty fantastic, even though he does have some self-esteem issues. Ah, I miss him. :'( 

So I'm mostly caught up to where I want to be now guys. I'll post the chapter following this and I hope you all enjoy it.
I went a little crazy with some explanations, so I would really appreciate if you all let me know if it was too confusing or not. I already have all the stories in my head - so they make perfect sense to me, so I'm unsure of what might not be totally clear for someone else. I'm just proofreading now and then I'll have Daffodils up for everyone to read and get some Majnun fix in.
Thank you all so much for reading and commenting. I'm having a blast writing this, and I look forward to where the story will head in the future!

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Daffodils
« Reply #671 on: March 01, 2016, 02:04:58 AM »
Eveline couldn't breathe.
She clutched the egg to her stomach tightly as she felt the whole world falling apart. The egg hummed in response to her agony, twisting and turning, causing the egg itself to tremble and move, rocking against her grip.
He promised he wouldn't leave her - yet where was he?
She curled up further and sobbed. Why didn't he let her help him? Why did he choose to run?

Her heart ached to the point she wished she could tear it out of her chest.
Last night she had seen everything: the colors, the sky, the night, the snow... and him.
Out of everything she could have seen he was the first, and he was beautiful. She closed her eyes tight and could see it again and again. His eyes burning with pain and sadness and relief. How much of the world she missed every single day of her life just through those simple moments. There was so much love in his face - in his eyes, but what does that mean if he won't let her in?
Eveline sobbed dry sobs, as she had long run out of tears. Was she cursed? Would she lose every friend she ever made? Would she ever fully feel whole again?
There was a knock at the door and Eveline sat up immediately, her sight extending at impossible speeds until she realized it was just her mother. She collapsed back down on the bed, all the hope she had felt had vanished.
"Evie? Can I come in?"
No. She wanted to be left alone to die in peace.
She's done so much damage. He would have been free if it weren't for her. Mary unlocked the door with her magic and Eveline scowled.
Mary approached the bed carefully. "Hey sweetie." She sat down on the side of the bed, sucking in her lip.
"I don't want to talk." Eveline said coldly.
Mary looked over at her daughter, trying not to be hurt by her words. "Eveline, your uncle and grandparents are hoping to see you, they're very worried about you..."
"I hate you all." Eveline responded immediately. "I hate absolutely everything about everything." Eveline pulled the egg closer to her. "I hate magic. I hate this house. I hate vampires. I hate my blindness. I hate Ivan. I hate Lucien. I hate that stupid potion. I hate everything!" A burning tear left her eyes.
Mary gritted her teeth, trying to not get upset, but her tone still came out firmer than she intended, "you don't mean that, Eveline."
"You can't tell me what to feel!" Eveline sneered. "I do mean it. I mean it all."

Mary put her head in her hands, feeling tears coming up behind them. "I just want to help you, Eveline."
"You can't. Just let me rot." Eveline pushed her face into the pillow. Her emotions were so volatile that she almost couldn't tell when she would swing from pure anger to sadness to anywhere in between. The lines were blurring together.
Mary shook her head. "You need to pull yourself together." She spoke firmly. "You're not dying, and we're not going to leave you here to rot."
Eveline's face had formed a permanent scowl. She sat up, moving the egg to her lap protectively, "Jupiter is gone! I'm not going anywhere!"
"Yes! He's gone!" Mary snapped. "He's gone and there's nothing you can do about it. We've been looking for him all morning, but like it or not we're leaving at sunup tomorrow. The world WILL go on Eveline. It always will, and you will go along with it, whether you like it or not!"
Eveline's face had fallen, hurt and anger still dancing in her features. "I won't!" She crossed her arms. "I'm not going anywhere without him."
Mary shook her head, "it doesn't work that way, Eveline." She tried to soften again, the game of emotions were so hard on her, she wanted to knock sense into her daughter, and being kind was only getting Mary hurt. Mary opened herself up, "it will get easier, Eveline. I promise. It hurts a lot at first to be left, but you can move past it... I-"
"I'm not going to forget about Jupiter like you forgot about Thomas." Eveline knew she had crossed a boundary the minute she said his name and she felt a strong guilt rush through her.
Mary was silent. The shock of the statement hung in the air and created tension. Once the full statement settled in, Mary stood up and clenched her fists, only nodding her head. "We leave tomorrow." Her voice was only a whisper.
Eveline's feelings all rushed forward, "mom... wait... I didn't..."
Mary left the room in a hurry, closing the door firmly behind her.
Eveline collapsed back on the bed, cycling back into depression - sure that she ruins everything.

Mary hurried through the living room, not making eye contact with any of the many family members who were all sitting on the couches quietly talking about the previous events of the night.
Alec watched his wife pass. "Mary!" He called to her gently.
Mary stopped but didn't turn to look at them.
"How's Eveline doing?" He stood up from the couch.
Mary shrugged. "I couldn't get through to her." Her voice was so soft, everyone could sense that something was wrong.
"What's wrong sis?" Edward stood up as well now.
Mary turned to look at them smiling a soft but fake smile. "What's wrong?" Her voice was still soft, "nothing. I'm just tired. It's been a very long night... and I'm going to go meditate." She didn't wait for a response as she hurried for the opposite hallway, trying to get to her bedroom for a moment of peace.
Alec had followed closely behind her, knowing his wife better than anyone else in the room. He grabbed her wrist only moments before Mary could see the door to her sanctuary - to her release. She bit her lip hard, struggling to hold everything in.
"Mary." Alec whispered to her, trying to turn her to look at him, but she fought hard on his grip and freed herself. She ran for the doorway this time and burst through it. She attempted to close the door behind her, but she had already found herself being dragged back to so many years ago - to the time when she used to drink just to feel less because it was too intense for her. She had crumpled to the floor and sobbed.
Eveline hit her exactly where it hurt the most, and she had been open and let it happen. This is why she hated feelings.
Mary became aware of the sound as the door quietly closed and her husband was suddenly surrounding her. She couldn't stop the tears that came, or the pain that raced through her with every sob, but feeling Alec's familiar form gave her ground. She twisted herself to hug him tightly as he hushed her and pulled her off the floor. He carried her to their bed where he sat with her, and she stayed wrapped up around him tightly. "I'm such a terrible person Alec." Her voice was so much higher, the tears distorting it. "She told me she wouldn't be like me and forget Jupiter..." She tried to clear her throat but she was getting worked up, "like I forgot Thomas." She covered her mouth with her hands and succumbed to more tears.
Alec's face grew stiller as he gritted his teeth. He never raised his daughter to be so hurtful and cruel. He pulled Mary to him again and rubbed her back. "You're not a terrible person, love. Thomas was just from another part of your life, a chapter that's ended while a new one began." He tried to comfort her.
"I feel so much guilt." Mary trembled. "I don't regret my choices, and I feel guilty for that too." She shook her head. "I'm such a terrible person, aren't I?"
Alec rubbed his face on her hair, "no, Mary, you're not. You can't be expected to live the rest of your life in a nunnery because someone you loved romantically died."
"I get scared that maybe I didn't love him if I moved on this way though. That I'm not being fair." She whimpered. "My dad came back from the dead, I... I guess I could have tried harder and..." Mary had never shared any of this with anyone else before - it was something she expected to take to her grave. "But then I feel bad because my love for you is far more intense than I ever remember things being with Thomas and I feel so guilty. I just feel... so guilty." She hugged herself and Alec hugged her even tighter.
Alec's hand found her face and he turned her head to look at him, "do you want to pull him from the grave?"
Mary didn't even need to think, "no. I don't. I just feel like I owe-"
Alec put his finger to her lips delicately. "This isn't about what you owe, or what you think you owe someone, Mary, this is about what you want."
Mary shook her head, gathering herself now, "no, this isn't even a question though. You're the only man I want to be with. The idea has never crossed my mind that I would WANT anyone else. I just feel like I should want that, and the guilt eats at me. I should have given him another life, another chance, but I didn't because... I'm selfish.... because being with him was like breathing: it was easy, comfortable and I felt like I needed it to survive. Being with you is so much more complicated. It's exciting, and intense, and passionate, and wonderful." She was scratching at her nails while she spoke. "I feel it so intensely that I wonder if I ever knew what love was before I met you."
Alec smiled a relieved and satisfied smile, "oh I know I was clueless about love before you. I'm sure I felt love for Mania, but it doesn't matter anymore, because the love I have for you is different. It's resilient and it withstands all the tests of time. I know me getting my butt dumped for my brother hardly compares to death, but I think I can use it to help me understand you better."
Mary breathed out and rested her head on his chest. "I'm sorry that I let this all go on you."
Alec smirked, "I'm not," his smirk faded to a smile though as he looked down at her, "I cherish the moments that you let me inside of your head."
Mary felt herself smile lightly as she breathed a laugh. "If that's what you want to call that emotional dumping ground, be my guest."
"You're so strong," he commented, "I'm so lucky to have you as my wife."
Mary closed her eyes, "I'm the lucky one."
Alec idly ran his fingers through her hair, sitting in the quiet for a moment. "I can't believe our daughter could be so mean." He shook his head.
"She's just really hurt, Alec." Mary tried to defend her. "She's been through a lot and she's got a lot on her plate to deal with."
Alec shook his head, "that's no excuse to hurt someone and she knows it. I'm going to have a talk with her."
"I think she wants to be left alone, Alec." Mary said weakly, remembering Eveline's greeting vividly.
"Too bad." Alec said firmly. "I'm not an expert, Mary, but I know we're good parents, and part of being a good parent is not coddling her when she's lashing out, because lashing out isn't something that is ever ok, but it's especially not ok when you hurt someone with it."
Mary nodded, "I agree, but she's not listening right now Alec. I think we should give her some time to cool down."
"Oh, that was a given, I'm too busy holding my wife to do anything right now." He squeezed her.
Mary felt herself laugh a little. "Trying to smother her to death is what it feels like." She laughed as he let go of his intense squeeze.
She wouldn't trade any of this for the world and she knew it.

Alec unlocked Eveline's door magically, the same as his wife had done, only this time he opened it without even bothering to knock.
Eveline hadn't moved from the bed, in fact she had long stopped even using her magic to see who was in the house, so when her door came open she closed her eyes tighter and prayed it was who she hoped it might be.
She could hear her dad sigh, and she opened her eyes slowly. "Why can't everyone leave me alone?" She asked sourly, not that she meant it that way, but she was so tired of messing things up.
"Excuse me, young lady, but that's not a tone you should take with me." His voice was firm, almost angry.
Eveline shook her head, "you don't understand dad-"
"No. Eveline, I do understand." Alec cut her off, "you're in here wallowing in self-pity and using that as an excuse to hurt people you care about and who really care about you."
Eveline swallowed. "I didn't mean to hurt mom." She responded softly. "I don't actually hate everyone and everything."
Alec bit his cheeks, his wife did not mention that part of the conversation. He crossed his arms and looked at his daughter, "you owe her an apology." To start, but he didn't want to add any more.
Eveline nodded, "I know."
Alec opened his mouth to say something when he noticed a bouquet on Eveline's dresser.

Emotions flooded him suddenly. "Where did these come from?" He asked suddenly and accusingly.
Eveline sat up and rubbed her sore eyes, "where did what come from?"
"These!" He picked them up and shook them, "where did these flowers come from?!"
Eveline shook her head, "I don't know." She shrugged. "I haven't been seeing. You're the second person in my room today." She hadn't been paying close attention at all. "Maybe mom brought them in."
Alec looked at the flowers in mock horror. He immediately stormed out of Eveline's bedroom and into the living room.
Palmira and Noten looked at him curiously while Edward smirked at him, "you look like your pants are on fire there Alec, what's wrong?"
"Please tell me that one of you brought these?" He showed the flowers around, his eyes searching for anyone to recognize them.
They all shook their heads, "no, we didn't bring any." Palmira spoke quietly, squeezing Noten's hands.
"What unusual flowers!" Johanna looked at them intensely. "I don't think I've ever seen bouquets like those sold around here. I wonder where they came from."
Edward squinted, "they're just daisies." He shrugged.
"Daffodils." Alec corrected harshly. "They're daffodils." He paced back and forth. "Who would do such a thing?!"
Johanna looked at the group and whispered, "are daffodils an insult or something? They're pretty flowers."
Alec swallowed and panic filled his eyes.
"Where'd you get the flowers sweetheart?" Mary was leaning on the wall that lead into the main room from the hallway.
"You don't recognize them?" He was desperate at this point.
Mary looked at him with worry, "no... should I?" She asked quietly.
Alec felt like screaming, there was only one person who could do this - who was despicable enough to do this.
Mary noticed her husband's distress and she walked over to him, "what's going on love?" She grabbed one of his clenched fists and he looked at her with panic in his eyes.
"I found these in Eveline's room. She doesn't know where they came from."
Mary's eyes got wider. "What? How did they get in there?"
"So someone is sneaking into my niece's room?" Edward responded gruffly, cracking his knuckles while Johanna rolled her eyes just slightly at his display.
"Maybe they left something else behind?" Noten asked quietly, "we'll figure out who did it."
Alec shook his head with despair. "I know who did it." He squeezed his wife's hand, "I need to go find him."
"I'll come with you." Mary said quietly, hoping to be filled in on why this was happening.
"We'll stay here and keep an eye on Eveline." Palmira nodded quietly.
"I've got Jack's phone number, if he calls with information on Jupiter I'll give you a call." Edward gave them an understanding glance, "go punch that guy in the face, whoever he is."

Alec had flagged down a taxi and Mary hopped in back with him. She rubbed his leg idly, "please tell me what's going on?"
Alec shook his head and gritted his teeth. "I have to find my father." He rattled the address off to the driver and they took off. Alec remained quiet to Mary's questions.
After several minutes the taxi driver dropped them off in front of Jack's old house. "What are we doing here, Alec?" Mary asked more firmly, she wanted to go home to make sure Eveline was ok. They shouldn't be out running around, chasing down a man who probably wasn't in the city any longer.
"My father turned Jack's house into his headquarters for a brief period. He'll be here. I know it." He was fuming angry and he pushed the front door open - the door looked as though it had been beaten in previously. Mary felt uncomfortable with this, but she reminded herself that Jack wouldn't mind them going in.
Alec and Mary froze upon entry. There was blood all over the kitchen floor, splattered on the refrigerator door, and even a little covering the walls. Mary covered her mouth in horror at the scene. "Where did this blood come from?!" She looked around horrified. If there was that much blood there would have been a body somewhere. "Alec... we should go. We shouldn't be here!"
Alec had stepped over and picked up an empty IV bag from the floor that had been torn open. The blood had dried all around. "The blood came from this." He showed the bag to her. He had a strange gut feeling to check the fridge - just in case, and when he did he only found a few more IV bags of blood plus the regular food found in any house. While it made him uncomfortable he realized that vampires had to eat too. He just never made the connection with Jupiter before that moment because it never felt real.
Everything felt real now.
The blood had been enough of a deterrent on Alec's anger, and he calmed down before searching for the way to his father's headquarters. Once he stumbled upon the ladder downwards he grew more determined.
Mary still hesitated, but she followed her husband.
"Alec, can you at least fill me in on why we're breaking into my some-odd-distant cousin's house?" She didn't like pushing into Jack's business, even though she can't count the number of times Jack told her she was always welcome. "You think Majnun is here?"
Alec helped his wife off the ladder. "I know he is. He's the only one who could've done that."
Mary shook her head, "we've all been exhausted Alec, as scary as it is, anyone could have dropped those flowers off in Eveline's room. Heck, maybe it was Jupiter before he left."
Alec shook his head 'no' as they walked into the surprisingly clean and orderly basement - Alec felt a little uncomfortable with how clean things were. He was about to respond when he looked over and saw the wall of pictures and stared for a long moment. Mary had long forgotten her question too.
"All of those... are of Eveline?" Mary shook her head, feeling especially creeped out.

"My dad really is something." Alec said bitterly. "First the flowers, and this?!" He pinched the bridge of his nose.
Mary finally turned to face her husband. "Alec. Please... fill me in." She spoke firmly. "I'm tired of being in the dark."
Alec sucked in a breath. "Daffodils." His shoulders slumped as he let the breath out. "They were my mother's favorite flower - and she liked flowers a lot."
Mary felt a little confused, "couldn't it just be a coincidence, Alec?"
"No, Mary. There's no coincidence." He looked to the floor, "daffodils are nearly impossible to come by this time of year in any area they're normally grown and they're definitely not grown here. It had to have been a deliberate choice... and with the place we're moving..."
Mary held up her hands. "What? You know where we're moving? The watcher was waiting until after Eveline's birthday to tell us! How did you find out?!"
"My dad-"
"Your dad told you?! Why didn't you tell me about this?" Mary felt a little betrayed, she thought she knew her husband, she thought he would share everything with her.
Alec grabbed her hands, "he didn't tell me, he didn't have to say anything. He was saying goodbye to Eveline and he just... the way he worded things. I just knew, ok?"

"You're not making any sense Alec."
"No, you're not."
Another voice had entered the room, and Alec tensed immediately, his face hardened into a horrible glare. "Charlotte." He spoke coldly. His arm instinctively went around Mary's waist. 

The woman fluidly moved in the room, her heels on the floor being the only noise that registered from the horrifyingly beautiful woman. "Good to see you, Aleccas," she turned and tilted her head to Mary, "and to you, Mary Reaper."
"You know my name?" Mary asked in awe.
Charlotte nodded, her face remaining surprisingly gentle. "I see you found the flowers I left for Eveline." She moved over to the table, "I had been following Lucien's trail for days by the time he came out of hiding long enough to do something irrational. Unfortunately I was just one step too far behind." Charlotte looked almost sad, which was highly unusual for her. "Thankfully your father always has a backup plan in mind." She reached over and touched the flowers Alec had placed down on the table.
"What do you want?!" Alec finally spat.

Charlotte's face hardened immediately, "such spite harbored to the woman who took care of your pesky vampire problems. You always were so bitter, Aleccas." Her voice was surprisingly level. "Has he told you why he's dragged you here, Mary?"
Mary shook her head no, looking at her husband suspiciously. "I'm starting to think he hasn't told me much at all."
Alec looked at her, his brow knitted together with surprise and a twinge of hurt.
"Then I shall tell you, if you don't mind." Though she didn't pause long enough to give Alec any reason to speak. "Mary, my name is Charlotte Keeper." She bent gently to her, "I was the third chosen wife of Majnun, and mother of his third son, Kefka." She accented on Kefka's name. "Alec has brought you here because he thinks that I mean offense by leaving his mother's favorite flowers as a recovery gift for your daughter; though he likely thought his father is toying with him, or something to that effect."
Alec scowled at her. "Of course you meant offense!" He stepped forward and pointed at her, barely containing his anger. "You've ALWAYS hated my mother and I! ALWAYS!"
"You're confusing me for Alessandra, Aleccas, and I think it's best that you calm yourself before you say something you regret." Her voice was level and eased, but her threat was cold and calculated. "I wasn't finished explaining to your wife why you've brought her here." She rolled her eyes, "my son has half of your functional capacity and even he has better manners than you."
Alec only got angrier, and Charlotte sighed.
"Where was I dear?" She paused briefly as she leaned against the table, "oh, right. Majnun's wives. There were four of us, but arguably he only ever had one true wife. Alessandra was his first wife, she is the daughter of the god of order - making her immensely powerful, and thusly seemed the only solid option for another god's wife. She was just a step below Majnun in sense of power and might, though what she lacked in power she made up for in drive and ambition. She is Sheogorath's mother. She sought out Majnun and pestered him to death until he married her."

She smiled deviously at her own joke before she continued, "after she asked him enough, he finally asked to claim the small mirror she carried with her that was once her mother's. She gave it to him and that bound them together in marriage." She paused, deciding to clarify, "if you don't know, Majnun has a very strange way of going about his wives."
Alec glowered, "he usually tricks them and coerces them into becoming his wives." He growled, speaking from personal experience.
Charlotte shrugged, "coerces? That's such a strong word." She paused. "No, most of his wives know what they're getting into, though that doesn't mean he's always clear on the terms." She pursed her lips, "especially in my case," she said flatly. She shook her head, "Kai was the next wife he took, and oh did Alessandra hate her." She drew special attention to the word 'hate.' She smiled fondly at the memories. "That woman would take a pail to empty the ocean with her determination to declare herself Majnun's only true wife. She used every loophole she could." Charlotte shook her head, "thankfully being the third wife gives you a lot less hatred than the second." She laughed, though neither Mary nor Alec joined in.
Alec was still scowling at her and she rolled her eyes, "tough crowd." She sighed. "Kai was a pure-blooded nymph. Do you know what that means, my dear?"
The question was directed to Mary who shook her head.
"Nymphs are born from directly from strong spirits. In our realm there are gods then spirits and then nymphs. Pure-blooded nymphs have nearly all died out, but they were the direct descendants of the powerful spirits. The common nymph seen today - I believe they've taken on the word 'fae' as their titles are merely a blip on the radar compared to how powerful the pure-blooded nymphs were. I would say your daughter has a power expanse similar to one, but the magic is very different, very nature focused. Kai was born directly from a water spirit, one of many children, but one of the only girls." Charlotte tipped her head, waiting to see if there were any questions on lineage. "During the first purge of the nymphs, the humans had discovered a way to capture their wings and make them easier to fight. Nymphs are proud creatures who take great value in their wings, and Kai had her's stolen when she was out wandering by herself - against her family's wishes, from what I'm told. Majnun appeared to her and swore he would get her wings back if she agreed to be his wife."
Charlotte held back a laugh, "Kai was very tricky; she thought Majnun was just being a foolish human and making promises he couldn't keep. She stupidly agreed, thinking he would not be capable of actually achieving anything. He asked for one of the feathers she kept in her hair to solidify the deal and she thought he was just the most amusing human she'd ever seen." Charlotte let out a cold laugh, "so when she gave it to him, it caught her greatly by surprise that the feather wrapped around his hand and he returned her wings to him with a wave of his hand. Suddenly the once free-spirited Kai became shackled to our Majnun as wife number two." She sighed wistfully. "She would go on to have Deliro, the second son of Majnun."
Mary looked over at Alec who had his eyes glued menacingly on the vampiress.
Charlotte let out a breath, "I suppose that brings us to me." She shrugged and examined her nails.

"I was selected as one of the few by the Lord of the Night to become one of his 'daughters.' He is god of vampires and undead, and he also goes by Malice. He selected a few women throughout history to be the start of the virus. My parents worshipped him profusely 600 years ago. They threw themselves at his mercy all the time, hoping that if they prayed hard enough that they could will themselves out of destitution and push ill will on the upper classes' children. They were grand people, as you can imagine." She spoke sarcastically, "when I was just 13 they planned on sacrificing me to him." She shrugged, "after they performed their ritual, I died but was then reborn in the image of Malice - a vampiress with keen abilities and gifts that would make the common day vampires seem tame... but I was foolish." She shook her head, "so very, very foolish."
She continued. "With my newfound strength I rose beyond the life of a peasant. I ate and killed when it pleased me. I seduced my way into every man's heart and stole his life's breath for fun and eventually it got me noticed. It was just whispers at first, but eventually Majnun came for me. He warned me that I was drawing attention, and offered to make it all go away if I became his wife and begot a child."
Mary nodded, "so you agreed." Picking up the pattern.
Charlotte laughed a solid, harsh laugh, "oh no my dear, I told him to shove it. I told him I would NEVER tie myself to crazy, and that he was stupid for ever thinking I would." She shook her head and smiled softly. "He wasn't even angry with my response. He just shrugged and told me that I would know how to reach him if I needed him - well, in less sane terms, but that was the gist of it. So I went on my way with my freedom and took no heed to his warning. A fortnight later I had been discovered and a mob had formed to come and stake me. It would have been my last moments on the earth and I will never forget them." She closed her eyes slowly. "I ran for my life until I realized that there was no way out, I had been trapped at a dead end." She opened her eyes, "so I called Majnun to me."
"Majnun appeared and that impertinent man had the galls to smirk at me." She shook her head as she recalled it, "he asked me, and I'll never forget how casually it was, 'what can I do for you tonight, my pretty?'" She groaned and rolled her eyes. "I asked him to shake the mob off me, that I would repay him in kind if he did me this favor. He looked at me for such a long moment as those humans encroached on us and I swore that it was the end of me. He finally held up his finger and everyone stopped in their tracks." She held up her finger, showing the gesture. "I had never seen such power in my life before. It was enough to put pathetic little me in my place. Majnun then asked me for my shoelace. He was mad, I thought, but of course he was. He's the god of madness." She grinned. "So I bent down and untied my shoe, pulling out my lace and handing it to him when the bloody thing came to life." She grimaced. "It wrapped my wrist to his and he - that cheeky man - had won. I was so angry. I asked him what he planned to do with the mob. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers," she snapped her fingers as well, "and poof: they vanished into thin air."
Mary felt confused, "they were just... gone?"
"Gone from there. Majnun had simultaneously sent them all home with memory charms. Not a single person would remember my face."
Alec sighed, visibly irritated.
Charlotte shook her head at him and continued. "I am mother of Kefka, my little, darling nuisance that has plagued me since Majnun took me as his wife. He is a good son, even though he isn't quite..." She laughed and shrugged, unable to finish her sentence. "So that brings us to -"
"Enough." Alec shook his head. "I already know the story of my mother. I don't want to hear it from you." He spat at her. "My mother was just a normal woman, Mary." He looked at his wife desperately. "She was beautiful and kind and wonderful and my father married her just to ruin her, just to spite her. He was never around and my mother was mostly alone until she died alone when I was just a kid. I know my father is a terrible person, but his reasons for going after my mother are absolutely despicable and after all he did he didn't even TRY to help her when she was alone and dying."
Charlotte laughed hollowly, "is that what he told you?"
They both looked at her and Alec shook his head, "I figured that out after much searching on my own. My 'father,'" he growled the word, "was nothing more than just an inhumane jerk looking to sate himself on a woman. He pushed, and pushed, and pushed until my mother caved and she got stuck with him."
Charlotte was amused, "what a charming little bubble you live in Aleccas." She commented idly. "Here I thought your mother would have raised you better than that."
The comment fueled Alec's anger. "YOU KNOW NOTHING OF MY MOTHER!" He shouted and the whole house shook with his anger.
Charlotte was unmoved, but Mary was panicked. "Alec, please, calm down." She put her hand on his shoulder and he jolted back, realizing Mary was still there. He gritted his teeth, biting back all the insults he wanted to throw.
Charlotte looked down and delicately stroked a petal on one of the daffodils. "Don't be foolish Aleccas, of course I know your mother." She looked sadly at the bouquet. "In fact there was one time when I would have called her a friend."
"You're a terrible liar." Alec glared. "I'm not interested in anything you have to say."
Charlotte closed her eyes in irritation, "I am offering to tell you the whole truth about your mother, Aleccas-"
"I know the whole truth." He clenched his fists. "I'm the accident child! Born to the least powerful woman and I am the least favorite son! Majnun hasn't exactly cared much for me my whole life and it shows! I'll never understand why he felt the need to even drag me into his stupid circle anyways when it's clear I wouldn't be welcome." He spat, "but now he's interested... now that Eveline is here and it's just disgusting how much kindness he treats her with after the way he's treated his children!" 
Charlotte sighed and shrugged. "If that's how you wish to see it then have it your way."
Alec regretted his decision immediately, but he had too much pride to speak up otherwise. Mary watched curiously, but felt unable to speak at all.
Charlotte spoke again, colder this time, "you wonder why you were not well received and it's because of this attitude of yours. 'Poor me, my mother is dead.' 'Poor me, I'm all by myself.' 'Poor me, my father doesn't dote on me.'" She mocked. "Yet you're more blind than your daughter." She waved her hand, silencing Alec's attempt to speak. "Well, Aleccas, one of these days you're little bubble is going to burst, and all you'll be left with is your hatred for a reality that does not exist." She tipped her head down, "good day, Mary."
She exited the room as gracefully as she came in, leaving both Mary and Alec dumbfounded.

Eveline had her birthday quietly in her room. She had finally gotten the strength to stand up and sort her clothing.

Inside her heart was hardening. Hardening at the thought of Jupiter. Hardening at the thought of never seeing him again. Everything ached and she felt she was missing a large piece of herself. Two days ago she imagined today being the best day of her life - her birthday, Jupiter's wish coming true, the new start for them both... and now here she was alone and it took everything in her to not be bitter about it. She walked over to Jupiter's slab and remembered giving him his gift. A fleeting smile tugged at her lips.
He had shouted it to the entire school just so she wouldn't think he wasn't interested in being with her.
She collapsed onto the hard surface.

"This thing doesn't even look that comfortable. Don't you ever get a crick in your neck?"
"It feels mighty comfortable to me."

His voice echoed perfectly in her head, and his eyes haunted the darkness in her mind. Hauntingly gorgeous, they seemed to be carved in her skull. She closed her eyes tightly, "come back to me." She whispered.
There was a cracking sound and her eyes flew open. She set her feet down on the floor. She almost couldn't believe it.
The egg was finally hatching.
She approached the hatchling carefully, it's voice calling to her in her head. Mother.
Eveline opened her mouth, her hands reaching forward to it. "You've awoken." She spoke softly, "I thought you never would."
Mother called to me, so I came. Mother is wounded inside. Mother needs protection.
Eveline smiled softly as the baby nuzzled into her hands. "What shall I call you, little one?"
Mother should name me. Mother should claim me.
Eveline stood up and looked downwards, "then I name you Atris, little one."
Atris flew up to her, the wind from his wings gusting against Eveline's skin. Mother named us Atris. Atris we shall be.

Eveline snuck past her family and took Atris outside to stretch his wings. She stroked his head gently and he made a sound vaguely similar to a cat purring to show his affections and approval.
"Fly my Atris." Eveline whispered to him. "Stretch your wings and grow strong."

Bridgeport would be a distant memory come tomorrow.

Eveline's heart was broken, but she would heal.

The world would go on, but Eveline swore that day that she would never love anyone else.
Jupiter would always have her heart, and Atris would give her wings.

Online oshizu

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Daffodils
« Reply #672 on: March 01, 2016, 03:27:38 PM »
I really loved this chapter providing more information about Majnun's mysterious lifestyle!
And now you have me wondering about the gap between Alex's misperceptions about his relationship with Majnun and the "reality."

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Daffodils
« Reply #673 on: March 01, 2016, 05:32:13 PM »
I really loved this chapter providing more information about Majnun's mysterious lifestyle!
And now you have me wondering about the gap between Alex's misperceptions about his relationship with Majnun and the "reality."

I literally have so much lore going on in my head I think I might explode.
Speaking of exploding, I swear I'm going to burst! I'm so excited for this next chapter I may just burst!  ;D  ;D ;D  ;D  ;D ;D

The real question to ask is, who has the real truth behind the story? Is Charlotte as unreliable a narrator as Alec is? Is Alec entirely correct in his assumptions? Majnun is not a good person. He's just aligned that way temporarily because it will be what benefits him most, so the real questions have yet to be asked and I hope I can cause more people to have a great deal many more questions.
Ah, it feels good to be writing about Majnun again. So, truly wonderful. :3

Let the madness begin.  8)

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Daffodils
« Reply #674 on: March 01, 2016, 08:56:35 PM »
I really love the fact that Charlotte went into depth about Majnun's wives. Nothing is what is seems to be with Majnun.

