Author Topic: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]  (Read 467974 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Majnun the Mad [Poll]
« Reply #645 on: February 16, 2016, 07:48:30 AM »
Alec is such a good dad  :=)
I'm looking forward to seeing how the poll ends up going.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Majnun the Mad [Poll]
« Reply #646 on: February 16, 2016, 10:17:42 AM »
Majnun's growing on me. He really is. And so is Liam! I thought he was annoying at first but now him and Clarissa are too adorable together. <3
Blessed Curse

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Majnun the Mad [Poll]
« Reply #647 on: February 16, 2016, 01:06:36 PM »
Alec is such a good dad  :=)
I'm looking forward to seeing how the poll ends up going.
Haha, I think the voting is mostly done, but I'll leave it up just in case. Also, I feel like you would really appreciate this picture. I was laughing so, so hard.

Alec was REALLY unhappy about anyone touching his daughter. I took like 6 pictures of this, it was just too much.

Majnun's growing on me. He really is. And so is Liam! I thought he was annoying at first but now him and Clarissa are too adorable together. <3
Majnun is one of my favorite characters to write because he has such a steep history. He's a very interesting person - though he's not a good person. I have a hard time conveying that though because of the context. He's great to Eveline (because of...reasons I will not spoil, not just that she's his granddaughter - but his favorite), and he knows better than to overstep himself on my family (the Watcher is not afraid to enforce strong boundaries with him, and he's faced consequences for that previously).

I have written backstories for everyone. I should really just put them in at some point.

Would you all read that if I did that? It's just a curiousity of mine. I worry that it might confuse people if I were to unveil all of that, but I also am starting to realize that my character's backstories really help shape how people view them. Liam is a good example. I'm very fond of him and I always have been because of what he's been through in my games. Life has been particularly unfair to him, so him coming out snarky and cynical just felt like a piece of who he was and not something I was irritated with. Though I also have a massive soft-spot for all of my Simmies, especially the ones I put through hard times, so who knows.

Offline mpart

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Majnun the Mad [Poll]
« Reply #648 on: February 16, 2016, 06:10:07 PM »

Would you all read that if I did that? It's just a curiousity of mine. I worry that it might confuse people if I were to unveil all of that, but I also am starting to realize that my character's backstories really help shape how people view them. Liam is a good example. I'm very fond of him and I always have been because of what he's been through in my games. Life has been particularly unfair to him, so him coming out snarky and cynical just felt like a piece of who he was and not something I was irritated with. Though I also have a massive soft-spot for all of my Simmies, especially the ones I put through hard times, so who knows.

Yes! I find it fascinating knowing everyone's backstories, it gives them more depth. I really love Clarissa and Liam together. You are doing a great job with her.  ;D

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Painful Revelations
« Reply #649 on: February 20, 2016, 12:46:42 PM »

Would you all read that if I did that? It's just a curiousity of mine. I worry that it might confuse people if I were to unveil all of that, but I also am starting to realize that my character's backstories really help shape how people view them. Liam is a good example. I'm very fond of him and I always have been because of what he's been through in my games. Life has been particularly unfair to him, so him coming out snarky and cynical just felt like a piece of who he was and not something I was irritated with. Though I also have a massive soft-spot for all of my Simmies, especially the ones I put through hard times, so who knows.

Yes! I find it fascinating knowing everyone's backstories, it gives them more depth. I really love Clarissa and Liam together. You are doing a great job with her.  ;D
Well I'm glad! I love telling stories about my Simmies. Also thank you! They're so adorable and I'm really glad you let Clarissa get to be a part of my story with him! I sincerely hope I kept her integrity.

Two-parter coming at everyone!
This chapter has a lot of backstory in it, and a lot of important information! Sorry for lots of text and not as many pictures! I just took all the pictures in advance and then realized I wanted to say more...  ::) I'm such a wordy person hah.
Anyways, I hope it's not too difficult to read and understand, let me know if I should make any adjustments to make it easier.
Also, thank you to everyone who voted in the town poll, once I get these chapters situated and up, I'll take down the links and tally the final result! I hope you enjoy!

Painful Revelations: Part One
Mary and Alec continued running on adrenaline long after the party had come to a close. Alec looked over at his wife and smiled as she cleaned. "How did I get to be so lucky?" He smiled a charming smile.
Mary laughed and rolled her eyes. "Stop it, you."
He kept looking, "I'm serious though." He put the plate down that he had picked up and crossed the distance between them. "I have a beautiful wife and a beautiful daughter. For as long as I've lived I never, ever imagined I would get to be so lucky... so... happy." He caressed her cheek. "Do you remember when you agreed to marry me?"
Mary's face broke into a grin, "of course. How romantic it was, the living room of the rental place we stayed in in Isla Paradiso. Wasn't that the same morning Edward came bashing through my door with a lamp?"
"I thought it was a candlestick? Oh, it doesn't matter, his face was priceless!"
They laughed, Mary nodding, "I think you're right. We've certainly never been very traditional, have we? I slept with you first, then fell in love with you, then got pregnant, then we got married..."
"Hmm, that's not how that went and you know it. I fell in love with you, slept with you, desperately begged you to fall in love with me, got you pregnant - totally on purpose, I wanted to trap you, you know - and then proceeded to tie you to my side permanently against your will."
"Uh-huh. Totally against my will." Mary joked sarcastically.
"Exactly. Thankfully you didn't figure out my plan until too late. You're stuck with me now."
Mary smiled, "I'm as stuck with you as you are with me." She teased. "What's this all about?"
Alec looked around. "I don't know. I guess I'm just getting sentimental now that we're leaving this place. It's been a representation of everything good that's ever happened to me."
"Will you miss the city?"
"Heck no. I won't miss the crazy work hours, and being on opposite schedules as you. I won't miss the traffic, or the elevators, or that ridiculous commute into work. I won't miss the stupid school district or the obnoxious weather. Heck! This city should be on it's hands and knees thanking me for not burning it down as I'm leaving..." He let out a long breath. "But this is also the place that I watched my baby girl grow up. This is the place where we went out to the festival and my dad got that stupid clown face painted on - he looked absolutely ridiculous."
Mary laughed and nodded with him.
"It's the place where we built our home from nothing. It's the place where we fought the first time, where we were pushed to the edge and came back. It's the place where you completed your life goals, and likely the place where I'll have completed mine. It's the place where we got our fresh start; where every night before I fell asleep I realized that I had somehow fallen more in love with you. In all the years that I have been around and seen what I have... never can I say I have ever imagined being this happy."
Mary just looked at him, a faint smile still on her lips. "It's been a wild ride, Alec." She ran her fingers through his hair and he sighed.
"I can't wait for the next adventure."
"Me either."
They wrapped up what they were working on and went to work on charisma and handiness for their jobs. Though it wouldn't take long before Alec would feel fulfilled.
Congratulations dear. You've completed your lifetime wish.

"It only took over a century." He joked.
Mary also gained a sudden sense of awareness.
And you've completed everything you need for your job. What a grand way to wrap up the town of Bridgeport, no?

"Thank you for everything, watcher." Mary smiled, "you know, I never thought we'd ever be fortunate enough to get this far."
Stop. You're going to make me emotional love. I don't think I can take it.
Mary laughed, "so what's going to happen next?"
We'll be moving forward to the next town. Edward has already informed me that he's coming with regardless, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Your mother and father are also coming along. I believe Jupiter is a given, since Eveline will be going.
Mary smiled, "what about Jack and Liam?"
Jack will follow Jupiter, truthfully Majnun and Jack have been up to something and I'm not entirely sure what it is. Thankfully Jack is reliable and trustworthy, so I won't pester too much. As for Liam, I imagine he'll probably follow Jack, though who knows with that boy.
Mary just smiled, "who knows indeed."

Liam's eyes opened to the morning and he slowly became more aware of his surroundings. His arm felt stiff, and he realized why when he saw Clarissa's sleeping form resting on top of it. Something about the sight made him feel happy; practically giddy even. He couldn't contain his grin as he sat up very slowly and leaned over her.

He wasn't thinking about the potion, or the fruit that were stashed under his alchemy table. He wasn't thinking about his mother, or what he had versus what he didn't. He had never felt so grounded before, and it was all because of her.
This is what it feels like to be happy. This is what it feels like to be accepted and to have a place of belonging. Jack had always told him he would change his tune about everything when he met the right person and he never believed him.
Until now.
He carefully moved a strand of hair off her face. She got under his skin. She frustrated him to no end. She challenged him and drove him completely insane; but he wouldn't change a thing about her.
She shifted and her eyes flickered open, taking the time to slowly realize where she was just as he had.
"Good morning, sweetheart." He smiled at her, he used his usual pet name, but it almost held a different meaning now; a different tone.
She stretched, "hm? Morning." She turned and looked over at him, "what's with the face?" She teased.
He raised his eyebrows. "What face?"
"You're staring at me and making a face. That's what." She put a hand over her face.
"Just admiring." He kept smiling.
She lowered her hand from over her eyes to just over the lower part of her face as she examined him. She was smiling wide enough that it reached her eyes. "You look like a doofus." She laughed.
He tried to scowl at her, but in the end he just laughed, "why must you hurt me so?" He put his hand over his heart.
"Oh please, you've got an ego the size of the moon."
"That's not what you said last night." He raised his eyebrows - he loved getting under her skin.
She flushed immediately, "don't you even-"
He leaned down and kissed her. "What was that? I couldn't hear you."
She scowled, "Liam!"
He put his finger to her lips, "shh... I think you have something here on your lips."
She glared at him but he kissed her again.
"Such a sour face for someone getting kissed." He teased.
"You're terrible." Her face softened though, "but I guess I don't mind."
"Well if you did then you have been letting someone you think is terrible kiss you all morning." He smirked at her and winked, "and all night."
Clarissa playfully smacked his arm. "You're so crude!"
"You're so violent!" He mocked her tone.
She pursed her lips and they both shared a look. "You love it." They said it at the same time, then both broke down into laughter which slowly died into a gentle lull, and slowly Clarissa's face fell to something unreadable.
Liam tilted his head, "now you're making a face." He noted quietly, trying to tease her gently, but she didn't smile like he hoped she would.
She shifted into a sitting position so he was staring at her back. "I'm leaving today."
He looked down at the bed and then let out a breath. "Oh." It was a painful realization let out in that one sound.
"Majnun told me last night he was arranging for me to return home today... to my luxurious house, my fantastic job and my honest family." There was such a bitterness behind her words. "To top it all off, I'm related to crazy." She groaned and put her head in her hands, fighting off the sudden overwhelmed feeling she got.
Liam bit his lip, "you could always stay here... with me." He tried not to sound too hopeful.
Clarissa smiled faintly, "tempting." She looked down. "But I have so much I need to do. I'm going to take control of my life. I have a lot to sort through. I wish I could stay here with you though." She sighed wistfully, "we could stay in bed all day forever, and you could tell me about alchemy, and I can tease you about things, and you'll get angry and I'll tell you that you love it anyways and we wouldn't have to worry about anything else... but we can't." She sighed heavily. 
Liam sat up next to her, "it's not like I'll be far away." He murmured, pressing his cheek into her shoulder.
"Depends on where the watcher moves you."
Realization dawned onto Liam and he closed his eyes slowly before pressing his forehead to her shoulder instead. He cursed under his breath.
Clarissa sucked in her lips, "you'll write me, won't you? When you get to... wherever you're going?"
Liam looked at her and smiled, though his eyes were still sad. "If you want me to." He half chuckled, "I can call you too. I'll figure out how to pester you somehow."
Clarissa smiled, "let's not think about that anymore." She shook her head and suddenly reached up and started rubbing her temples.
"What's wrong?"
Clarissa looked over and shrugged, "just a headache. Nothing serious."
"How long has it been hurting?" He looked at her concerned.
"My head is just... throbbing suddenly. Maybe it'll go away in a few minutes."
Liam got off the bed and stretched before sorting through a the shelves on the alchemy table. Clarissa sat and watched for moment as he mumbled under his breath, expertly picking up each ingredient he needed.
"What are you doing?" She squinted at him in the morning light.
"Making a headache remedy." He mumbled.
"Don't worry about it, I'm sure I'll be fine." She tried to brush it off.
Liam looked at her, "come over here." He motioned.
She climbed off the bed and walked over to the side of his alchemy station, "I'm serious Liam, you don't need to worry about it."
He stopped what he was doing and looked her dead in the eyes, "I do worry about it. Try and stop me."
She was shocked at first, but a soft smile formed on her face.
"Here, let me show you." He gently grabbed her wrist and pulled her in between him and the station, facing what he was working on. Liam put his chin on her shoulder and guided her hands through the alchemy formula. He knew this one by heart and didn't need to consult the book - his mom struggled with migraines often when she was her usual self. Unfortunately, that wasn't often. Liam closed his eyes and took a breath in, smelling Clarissa's hair. It was ok.
"Like this?" She had put her arm into turning the valarian to powder.
Liam smiled, "I dunno, you should push harder to turn that mortar to dust too."
He could feel her scowling. "Am I doing a good job or not?" She huffed.
"You're doing a better job than I would've." He winced as she continued to grind the valarian even further than Liam would have taken it.
"You're a terrible liar." She mumbled.
He shrugged, "that's not a bad thing you know."
"At least I can always tell." She tilted her head. "This is really relaxing." She noted. "How do you know what to use?"
"The book tells me, or I figure it out on my own."
"Isn't it a little dangerous to just mix things on the fly?"
Liam chuckled, "I've set many things on fire in my day, and only some of them were intentional."
Clarissa smirked, "like what?"
"Like drapes, carpets, bedspreads... eyebrows." He listed them off nonchalantly. 
Clarissa laughed nervously, "I can't do that... right?"
"Not unless you want me to show you how."
"I'm good." Clarissa said quietly.
Liam smirked, "whatever you say, sweetheart."

Liam poured over his alchemy book.

He flipped through the pages agitatedly, his fingers skimming down each one as his face scrunched up, desperately trying to understand. He slammed the book shut and leaned over the table, head on his arms.
Clarissa had just finished her shower and poked her head in, only finding the scene. "Is something wrong?"
Liam jerked up immediately but relaxed when he saw her. "I'm just working on Jupiter's potion. He needs it basically now and I can't make heads or tails of this stupid recipe." He shook his head in frustration.
Clarissa tilted her head. "I'm sure you'll get it eventually, don't worry so much."
"It's more complicated than that. This whole thing is just..." He cursed suddenly, turning around and opening the book swiftly again. "I have to get this right and I have to get this right, right now."
Clarissa walked over to him and put her hands on his shoulders, he jolted, but slowly eased. "I think you should take a breath. You're going to hurt yourself if you keep pushing yourself like this."
Liam grumbled, "you sound like Jack." He shook his head, "I have to get this right." He tilted his head back towards her, "how's your head?"
"Doing better, thank you." She smiled, "why is this so important? This is the cure for Jupiter, right?" She had been trying very hard to follow along, but it was all a little difficult for her to keep up.
Liam turned around, leaning his back on the table. "Jupiter was turned into a vampire against his will when he was younger. He was attacked on the streets by a stupid-" he clenched his fists and his anger was visible on his face, he shook it off. "By a predator. He left Jupiter for dead when Jack found him and brought him home. He was barely 10 years old."
Clarissa wasn't sure what to say, "that's... awful." 
"Jupiter has always hated it. He was bullied and mocked mercilessly at school until I leaked out that he was the son of Lola Belle, which that shut everyone up. He was so angry with me that I told the press about him, but I couldn't stand to see those kids treat him that way. That whole school should've been burned to the ground - me telling the press was the least I could've done." He shook his head, "Jack has been working night and day since that night to figure out a cure for him, or something to make things easier. This boy - who was more afraid of his own shadow - was to become a predator, and he... was just so miserable. He nearly starved himself to death in the beginning - he refused to drink real blood. He got really sick off of human food, and Jack tried to tell him that the blood was safe... but he just wouldn't." Liam shook his head.
"Where did you get the blood?"
"Jack has connections up at the hospital - well, everywhere really. The name Reaper goes far around here. He got blood bags and keeps them stocked up in the fridge at the cabin. Jupiter has never touched them. Not even once. Jack eventually came up with a fruit Jupiter could eat that we keep up, but he still keeps blood there just in case. Jack... always has to be prepared. One of his many traits, the others being rambling and list-making... as you're now familiar with." Liam smiled lightly, but it didn't stay long. "Point is, Jupiter hates himself. He hates everything about himself. This is his way out. I am holding his entire happiness here in these fruits and I only have enough to do this once. The potion is very finicky at best and it's darn near impossible at the worst."
"Why is it difficult? Because you don't have any ingredients?"
Liam shook his head, "it's a long story."
"I want to understand; vampirism should be impossible to cure, and yet you somehow found one? Somewhere?" She shrugged.
Liam nodded, "Jack actually found it first, but we didn't know what it was when he found it originally. Majnun pieced it together for us with the missing alchemy notes on it. Basically there was one case of a cure once before... but the notes were half missing and it was only a 'friend-of-my-friend's-cousin's-uncle knows' sort of story rather than an actual proven fact. Basically we found proof that a kid who had been bitten had potentially been cured. Majnun revealed that the kid had been bitten and cured immediately - before the vampirism really set in, with flame fruit extract and a handful of other ingredients that were carefully mixed. The directions on it are really intense." Liam sighed, "but basically, it won't work once you're fully a vampire."
Clarissa shifted, "isn't... I mean, isn't Jupiter already...?" She felt bad saying it out loud.
"Not yet, technically. Vampirism will take completely on his birthday. That was what Majnun had up his sleeve. It's highly improbable by this point, since Jupiter has had the virus in him for so long... and if I don't mix the things exactly right... on the whole I gave him an optimistic 75% chance success rate... assuming everything is done perfectly and on time... but the potion has to sit for at least 24 hours before it will be safe for him to drink and... his birthday is breathing down our necks here." Liam rubbed his head gently. "So that puts me back here... trying to make sure I get this right."
Clarissa bit her lip for a second before an idea dawned on her, "surely you aren't serious? The great Liam Reaper - the best alchemist in the country... NO! - the world is concerned about getting an alchemy potion right? Certainly you're joking, you're the best there is." Clarissa grinned at him, "this will be like a cakewalk for you, I'm sure."
Liam shook his head slowly with a smile, "what are you doing?" He chuckled.
"Inflating your ego. I'm certain it will help." She nodded.
Liam smirked, "aren't you going to make a joke about my head fitting through the door?"
"We can worry about that later." She winked. "I can always magically enlarge the door if need be."
"Oh shush."

Eveline's nightmares were getting worse, she jolted awake and rubbed her head as her magic slowly started to fill out the outline of the room. "Jupiter?" She whispered to the room. She concentrated hard, but soon realized she was alone. Jupiter must have already gotten up this morning, or he's been murdered by her father, either seemed plausible. She let out a long breath before trying something else. "Watcher?"
Hello darling. Nightmares still troubling you?
"I'm glad to hear from you." Eveline paused, "thank you for saving my life."
You don't need to thank me, it's part of my job; this isn't what you wanted to talk about though.
Eveline nodded, "were you around last night?"
I'm always around darling, it's just whether or not you can hear me or I can make contact that's the difference.
"I was wondering if it would be possible..." Her eyebrows creased and she scratched at her arm idly. How did she want to word this? "Jupiter means a lot to me. Ok?" She shrugged, "if this cure doesn't work... I want to... could I possibly...?"
The watcher sighed, You're asking if you can become a vampire? Something in her tone seemed strange.
"Yes, actually. Is something wrong?"
It's not possible. The watcher stated.
"What do you mean? Surely it's possible. He would just need to bite me."
No, dear. It's a lot more complicated than that. Just let me explain, ok?
Eveline nodded, her heart dropping.
Eveline, you were born magical. Obviously, you're aware of this. The magic in your blood is immense and powerful, as it's the convergence of two immensely powerful forces. My own magic and the God of Magic, remember?
Eveline again nodded.
Normal people alone simply cannot become more than one state of supernatural. Once a Nymph takes their wings - or a Vampire grows to adulthood, or a werewolf experiences their first transformation or a witch develops their magic... once that happens it's set in stone and very, very difficult to change. Your state has been defined already, and not only that, but it's doubly so, due to what we just talked about.
"I know hybrids exist! Why can't I be one?"
Yes, hybrids exist, I'm not denying that, but one does not become a hybrid, Eveline. One is born that way. It's already rare enough as it is, and it almost always has some horrible defects that can sometimes be fatal to the hybrid in question. It's not impossible to be born a hybrid without the defects though - Clarissa is an example of one. You, however, my dear were born a witch, and only a witch. Inflicting another lifestate on you will kill you. Her tone hung in the air heavily.
"Kill me?" She repeated slowly. "How?"
There's several ways it could play out, none of them end in you living. The first is the vampirism attempts to convert you by killing your cells and revitalizing them with it's own, except the magic in your blood will prevent a successful conversion. The vampirism will continue to shut down everything in you, but you will not wake due to your magic interfering with the transformation. The second, and more likely than the first is your magic will start warring with the virus that is vampirism, the two will conflict and cause you to start hemorrhaging from the inside out as both your magic and the vampirism fade. Finally, and while not as likely as the second or first, still likely would be that you outright reject the virus and it kills you after much agony due to your body just not taking the virus well - as has happened to some regular humans who attempted to become vampires.
Eveline shivered. "There's not even a slight chance of survival?"
No, dear. I'm afraid not.
Eveline slouched back on her bed, feeling her eyes start to burn. "Thanks for humoring me, watcher."
I'm sorry, Eveline.

Jupiter had fallen into a sitting position outside of Eveline's door, his face carved into thought. It had been a nice idea. He smiled at the thought; she would've done that just to be with him.
The thought of her bleeding out like in his nightmares flashed over his eyes. She would have done that... just to be with him.
He clenched his fists and then relaxed. There was still hope.
He would be with her no matter what. He promised her he would, and he was determined to keep that promise.
Shadows loomed in his mind, but he was going to be the best man he could for her.
"Jupiter!" Jack waved at him from down the hall. "Is everything ok? Why are you sitting down there?" He smiled at him warmly.
"Just eavesdropping on a conversation I probably shouldn't have." Jupiter said honestly.
Jack shook his head and smiled, "come for a walk with me, I want to talk to you about something."
"Is everything ok?"
"Absolutely! I just know that you're anxious about that potion, but I don't think this can wait that long; maybe we can use it as a distraction while Liam works?"
Jupiter looked up at him and wondered how he managed to get so lucky to have been found by such an honorable person. "You don't have to trouble yourself with me." He brought himself into a standing position.
"I'm not troubling myself at all, I'd just enjoy your company, and it's favorably overcast outside, so the sun shouldn't be bothering you at all today."
Jupiter smiled, Jack always thought of everything. They walked out towards the snowy overcast day. Their shoes crunched in the snow until they made it to the clear sidewalk and started to walk towards the beach. "Is there something in particular you wanted to talk about?" Jupiter asked casually.
Jack nodded, "I got a call from Ms. Lola Belle."
Jupiter froze, his face twitched with upset. "Oh?" He tried to remain calm, but inside he could feel himself shrinking up. What did she want now?
Jack assessed his expression and they continued walking. "She was wondering if you would be interested in meeting up with her when she comes back from her travels."
Jupiter held back a disgusted laugh, she would never have asked if he wanted to meet up, it was just expected. Jack was trying to cushion the blow. "I see." He responded with a nod, not looking at him.
Jack again was assessing his response. Jupiter knew it wasn't uncommon to feel like Jack was sizing him up, however something felt unusual about the way he was assessing the responses Jupiter gave. "Is that something you would be interested in?" He asked gently.
No. Absolutely not. Never in a thousand years. He'd rather bake in the sun's rays. "It's not a question really. I don't have a choice in the matter." Jupiter struggled to keep his voice level. "She's my... adoptive parent... after all." No. She was just someone who signed a name on him and forgot about him, like all the other fads she picked up and threw away. He was just an object to make her look better and he knew it.
"Of course you have a choice in the matter."
"She'll just find a way to force me to show up anyways - she always does." Jupiter's answer was hasty this time, he gritted his teeth and then realized how quickly he had spoken.
Jack smiled at him, "you know, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. You're almost an adult, how do you feel about the situation?"
Jupiter bit his bottom lip hard and shrugged, "I guess I don't care." He looked to the distance in the opposite direction of Jack, struggling to maintain his composure.
Jack nodded at the response.
After a few moments of thought Jupiter stopped walking altogether, his eyes still fixed on the distance - they had made it to the ocean by this point. "Where the hell has she been?" His voice cracked. He looked at Jack and began to tremble with rage. "It's been seven years... SEVEN years Jack!" He threw his hands up. Jack had stopped and was giving Jupiter his full attention. Jupiter clenched his fists at his side, "I spent YEARS trying to be the son she wanted me to be! I was never good enough for her! I did EVERYTHING she ever asked of me Jack and I never questioned it!" He took a few steps forward feeling nothing but anger, "and then when I needed her? Where was she?! Gone! Poof! Find your own way home kid!" Jupiter's vision was growing blurry. "I thought being adopted would mean I would finally have someone who wanted me... and she did, but only when it was convenient for her! Well, I guess a kid is a little more inconvenient than the newest pair of fancy shoes." Jupiter blinked hard but he couldn't prevent the tears from spilling over. He hastily wiped his face on his sleeve. "People call me a monster? At least I wouldn't take off and leave my kid in the park so I could go out and party!" He sucked in a shaky breath. "So no. I don't want to see her. I don't want to EVER see her. She can jump off the Bridgeport Bridge for her next big celebrity stunt instead of waving me around like some trophy! The NERVE she has!"
Jack remained quiet, watching and letting Jupiter fully release everything he was feeling.
"All those stupid paps, flashing their cameras at me, 'oh how lucky you are that your mother accepts you as you are!' 'it must be the greatest thing in the world to have the great Lola Belle for a mom!' As if she were ever ACTUALLY there!" Jupiter looked down at the ground and fought off a whimper by clearing his throat. "The last time I saw her, she couldn't even look at me... don't you remember?"
Jack nodded his head.
"I just wanted someone to tell me it was going to be ok and she couldn't even look at me! The woman who was supposed to be my mother couldn't even..." He couldn't stop himself from sobbing. "She was so concerned about how this would look for her image. I was attacked and I ruined her because of it! You heard her say it! Now she wants to come back?! Well SCREW HER!" His voice broke after he screamed that last bit off at the ocean. He sat down at the edge of the sidewalk and sobbed into his arms. "I just wanted to be wanted." He whimpered. "I just wanted to be accepted... to be... loved."
Jack sat down next to him and put his arm on his shoulder while Jupiter continued to cry.
Jack had sent Lola away without a second thought when she first approached; now he wished he had been harsher about it.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Painful Revelations
« Reply #650 on: February 20, 2016, 01:05:04 PM »
*Fans self and dabs tears away carefully.* I'm ok! I promise... just got something in my eyes...
Ahem. Anyways to carry on with Painful Revelations on the previous page, part two:

Painful Revelations: Part Two
Liam fought off a tremble as he dropped in the final ingredient carefully.

His neck was sore from how tense he was. He was afraid to even breathe the wrong way. He nervously looked back at the book and let his fingers slide down the page.
"That should be it." He whispered, afraid talking would ruin the potion. He reached over and began stirring gently.

Clarissa watched quietly from her seat on the bed. It was difficult staying quiet, but she knew the importance of getting this right. "You're almost there! I know you can do it." She spoke warmly.
"I am the best." He grinned at her.
She laughed, "well, I guess I can let you have that one."
Liam slowly poured the bright red liquid out into the bottle he had prepared. As soon as it was full and corked, Liam let out the breath he had been holding. "I did it." He almost couldn't believe it.
Clarissa crawled off the bed and she leaned over to look at the flask. Both she and Liam were acting as though the flask would break by them even looking at it. Liam gently set it down in the windowsill. "Look at that... you actually did it Liam!"
Liam started to laugh with relief, "it's done! I did it... I DID IT!" He turned and spun her around. "I did the impossible and it's all because of you." He had stopped spinning and was looking at her intensely.
She flushed, "I just reminded you that you could do anything you put your mind to."
Liam cupped her face with his hands. "It was more than that. You're beautiful and incredible. Despite the crummy situation... I'm so glad that that stupid nutter grabbed you instead of who he was supposed to."
Clarissa felt her heart dropping, "Liam..." She struggled to keep her voice firm.
"Clarissa you have to know that I-"
"I'm leaving today Liam..." She shook her head and tried to pull back. "This... this isn't a good idea."
"Please Clarissa, just let me-"
The door swung open and Majnun stared at them eerily. Of course he would know the minute the potion is done. "All finished?" He raised his eyebrow.
Liam glowered at him. "It's on the sill." He nodded to it. "It needs to sit without being moved for 24 hours."
Majnun nodded, "good work." He turned around completely, satisfied to leave before turning his head. "Your car is here, Clarissa."
Both of them went bug-eyed. "Already?" Clarissa looked around frantically.
"It can wait for you to say your goodbyes. Your family is missing you." He was eerily calm, "so much so that they took something of mine in return. They'll regret that later." Majnun scowled. "Until then, we need to right the situation." He tipped his head to her, "remember what I told you last night."
Clarissa nodded weakly. "Thank you." She responded.
Majnun simply walked out the door.
Clarissa couldn't look at Liam, in a way it hurt too much. She walked silently out the door into the living room, while Liam immediately scrambled after her.
Mary, Alec and Eveline all stood to one side. Clarissa approached them first with a weak smile, "thank you all for everything. I'm sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused..." She looked at them, unsure of their response.
Mary immediately crossed over and pulled her in for a hug. "Don't be a stranger, ok? You're an honorary Reaper in my book. I'll send you a letter once we've gotten settled elsewhere. You can count on us for whatever you might need!"
Clarissa was touched by the offer. "Thank you..."
Alec held out his hand, "I second my wife's sentiment, and apologize profusely for anyone who I may or may not be related to. I'm not going to confirm or deny anything."
Clarissa jumped and gave him a big hug and he chuckled. "You can always call your only sane relative on this side..." He paused and smiled before whispering, "that would be me."
"I don't know dad, you don't seem very sane to me." Eveline shrugged before hugging Clarissa lightly. "I hear you're good at gardening... I wish I could have picked your brain a little more before you left."
"I'm not going away forever - you can always call me! I'll share lots of plant facts with you. Pro-tip, plant them in the ground. It works best that way." She joked.
Eveline laughed, "I'll keep that in mind. Assuming I can find the ground." She smirked, "I am visually challenged, you know."
Clarissa turned and saw Jack and Jupiter entering the door and picking up on what's going on. Jupiter bowed to her, "I hope you have safe travels." He said formally. He kept his face mostly covered and tipped away from her, but she didn't think much of it.
Jack pulled her in for a hug, "it's been a pleasure getting to meet you, Clarissa. I'm so sorry this happened, but for what it's worth, I think everything turned out wonderfully considering the situation..."
Clarissa smiled, "thank you for all of your kindness. Liam is lucky to have you there to watch him." She paused, "take care of him for me." She added in a whisper.
Jack nodded, but didn't say anything, just gave her a soft smile.

There was only one left then, and everyone seemed to understand this. Clarissa approached Liam slowly while everyone started to scatter. Mary and Alec disappeared into their bedroom and Eveline had picked up on Jupiter's distress and went to help him. Jack had also disappeared into his bedroom to get some work done. It was just Liam and Clarissa left.
"So this is it." She breathed.
"Clarissa I..."
She looked at him for a moment, waiting for him to finish but she almost couldn't. "Let's not make this harder than it already is." She said quietly.
Liam closed his mouth and nodded. "I hope you know that I care about you."
It stung worse than any insult he could have said. She nodded, "thank you for..." the answer was simple and yet it wasn't. "Everything doesn't even begin to cover it." She looked down, "I hope you don't forget about me."
Liam smiled weakly, "I could never forget about you. Ever." He took a step towards her, but she took a step back.
"Take care of yourself, Liam."
"After all that, that's all you can say?" He asked, hurt in his eyes.
Clarissa felt her jaw tighten. "What do you want me to say? That yes I have feelings for you too? What good will that do us now? I might never see you again! I have my life and you have yours... and I don't see how those two are going to continue intersecting!"
Liam was quiet for a moment before her smirked at her, she opened her mouth to say something about it when he spoke, "I knew I would grow on you eventually." His voice held the airy edge of teasing.
She didn't know whether to laugh or to be angry. "You're infuriating!" She put her hand to her head. "And wonderful." She sighed. "Why did this have to happen like this?"
Liam took another step forward, "we could make this work maybe?" His eyes were searching her face.
"And what? Be long distance forever? We both know how this one ends Liam... and it's best if we just let it end here before either one of us gets more hurt than we already are." Clarissa wouldn't look at him any longer. "I should go."
Liam wanted to say more but he couldn't find the words.
"I wish you well." Her voice was just barely a whisper.
"Please be careful."
She nodded, turned and walked out of the door as Liam watched.

Clarissa could feel her eyes stinging as she stared out the window of the car onto the passing scenery. She sucked in a breath and calmed herself. After a few minutes of silence passed, the car pulled around an unfamiliar bend and stopped.
"Excuse me... but where are we going?" She was concerned now. She did not need to be kidnapped again.
"Majnun asked me to drop you off here before taking you home."
"This is an empty field." Clarissa thought the world had gone mad again, but perhaps that's what she gets for trusting a Mad God. Her head throbbed again and she rubbed it idly.
"You're meeting someone out here miss."
Clarissa sighed, she really didn't care enough to actually protest anymore. She opened the car door and stepped out. The window rolled down and the driver told her he would drive around the block.
"Whatever." Clarissa shrugged.

She stood out in the cold briefly wondering what she was even doing. Then she felt something shift behind her, the snow had stopped falling mid-air and the world seemed frozen in place. "Uh... hello?"
"Hello, Clarissa." Her voice was ethereal and wispy.

"Who are you? How do you know my name? You sound familiar... do I know you?"
"My name is Olivia, I am the watcher of the Reapers."
Clarissa stood awkwardly for a moment, "oh." She shifted uncomfortably.
Olivia laughed, her voice had a veil over it, like she wasn't really there. "Don't worry, I've only come to give you a parting gift... well, two of them." She paused. "I'm sorry that you got dragged into this mix-up, so I would like to make it up to you." She handed Clarissa a silver whistle. "This is a one-time use whistle. Blow into it and I will aid you. My powers have limits, but I will find a way to get to you in one way or another, even if it's not physically."
Clarissa looked at the whistle, "thank you, that's very generous."
Olivia smiled, "my second gift isn't something you'll think about using very often, or maybe you will. It will require a little story first though, if you'll indulge me."
Clarissa nodded.
"Powerful magic is a dangerous thing, it's why your family kept it from you. It drives many people to madness among other horrible things and untempered, it can destroy many lives. Fate is learning that lesson the hard way. With the power you wield comes the risk that you'll lose control over it. The magic within my families has remained stable because it is my own magic, and therefore safe. Kaida - Liam's mother, however came into her magic through a potion. The power, along with the trauma she endured, drove her completely insane." She looked down, saddened. "I'm glad Liam has found you, but I'd hate for him to lose two women in his life to insanity, so my second gift to you will be to stabilize your magical prowess. You will no longer need a wand to cast spells, and your magic will remain strong and stable."
Clarissa looked down and frowned, "Liam and I aren't together though."
Olivia nodded, "no, I suppose not." She noted, though something in her voice seemed off, like she wasn't really paying attention, she hovered over to Clarissa and placed her finger to her forehead, tracing a half-moon symbol with her thumb.
Clarissa watched as she stepped back and started to hover higher.
"Take care, Clarissa. Though you do not wear the name, you are a Reaper at heart."

Clarissa could feel her magic burning in her veins, screaming that something was wrong. The ground was thawing rapidly around her from the sheer power of the magic.
Suddenly the watcher waved her hand over Clarissa and the light consumed her.

The world suddenly sped up and Olivia had vanished. Clarissa looked around, but only saw the same black car drive around the block once and stop again in front of the lot; waiting on her. Home awaited.

The day passed on into the evening and Liam couldn't focus on anything else. This was completely insane - a girl he'd only known for a short while had completely taken over his brain. He sat with his head in his hands. Nothing made sense anymore. Jack had been watching patiently, as he always does before he approached.

"You miss her, huh?" He asked quietly.
Liam would have normally joked with him in some way, but nothing came to mind. He just shrugged, "I hope she's ok."
Jack nodded, "me too."
Liam sat for a little longer, "so did the watcher say where we were moving to?"
"It's been decided, but she hasn't told us yet. She has her secrets." Jack responded levelly, looking around the room calmly. "Did you know I once met a girl in the market while in Sunlit Tides? Her name was Rosa. She gave me a flower and kissed me on the cheek. She had a beautiful smile and hair the color of sunlight." He smiled wistfully before continuing. "We parted after a brief period together, and sometimes I wonder what she's doing... it was so many years ago."
Liam scrunched his eyebrows and sighed. "Thanks for the story, old man, but I'm good." He shook his head. "I'm going to go check on Jupiter's potion... again." He stood up and prepared to walk into his room.
"Liam." Jack said his name as a way to call him back, so Liam turned around. 
"Go after her."
His eyes opened wider and he tipped his head, "I'm sorry, what?"
"You heard me. Go after her." He looked at Liam levelly.
"Jack... what about you? The family? My mom?"
"I sometimes regret not throwing caution to the wind and pursuing Rosa." Jack looked at him with gentle eyes. "Don't be like me. Don't play it safe. Could you live with yourself knowing that you could have been with her but you instead chose what you thought was expected?" Jack sighed.
"What if she doesn't want me there? What if she throws me out?"
"What if she does want you there, and you both get to be happy? You'll never know until you try. What's the worst that could happen? You have to come back to stay with this old man?" He joked.
Liam half-laughed, "what about the watcher though?"
I already figured you were going to stay behind, dear. I've been arranging things for you all day.
Suddenly Liam's eyes got big. "You're... you're serious?" He looked at Jack and around the room.
I left you a present love. A potion for you. It's not what you wanted, I don't think, but I hope it will be enough. It should help you keep up with Clarissa. You don't have to take it, if you don't wish to...
Liam turned and immediately went running into his room which now housed a pedestal that hadn't been there before with a brown potion on top of it.

Liam stared at it, he knew exactly what it was.
Clarissa is a hybrid, if you hadn't been aware. One of the few who went on to lead normal lives.
Liam gripped the bottle in his hand.
Have you made your decision?
He didn't answer out loud, he didn't need to. He smashed the bottle at his feet and his fate was decided.

Liam clutched Jupiter to him. "Take care of yourself, bloodsucker." He joked lightly. "And take care of that pretty girlfriend of yours too. I'm just a call away, and I can overnight you any potion you need."

Jupiter grinned at him, "make sure you invite us to your wedding!"
Liam smirked, "assuming Clarissa doesn't punch my lights out the second she sees me."
"Maybe you shouldn't have trained her in Martial Arts then." Jupiter raised his eyebrow.
"I honestly don't think that would've stopped her." He grinned.
"You really do like her, don't you?" Jupiter seemed shocked, "I don't think I've ever seen you this wound up."
Liam shrugged, "yeah, I do. Just don't tell anyone that I'm a softie, ok?"
Jupiter shrugged, "your secret is safe with me."
"One last thing. That potion of yours is almost ready, it just needs another 12 hours to cool. You better call me the second you've taken it and become human, ok? We'll go out to celebrate a night on the town in Bridgeport and you can experience your first day as a human completely hungover."
Jupiter laughed, "let's give it a few days before we do that."
Liam turned to Jack and they hugged as well. Jack looked Liam over, "do you have everything? Your keys, your wallet, your ID, what about your potion list? Should I be arranging anything to be moved over?"
Liam laughed, "chill your lists there, old man. Let's see if she'll even keep me first." He laughed lightly, though deep down he was filled with anxiety.
"I just want to make sure you're taken care of... just call me if you need anything."
"Yeah, yeah pops..." Liam's smile became more serious. "Thank you Jack. You're the father I never had."
Jack's eyes got a little watery, "you're going to make a man sentimental at this rate, Liam."
"Hurry up and get out of here before she dies of old age Liam." Jupiter teased.
Liam scowled at him. "Don't suck the fun out of your new place, ok?" He teased.
"Have a howling good time with Clarissa." He shot back.
Their serious faces broke and laughter filled them. "I guess this is it." Liam said quietly. "Wish me luck."
"Good luck." Jack and Jupiter said in unison.
With that Liam stepped out into the cold of Bridgeport, which no longer seemed as brutal.
He stepped out into the road and breathed deeply, he could catch her scent on the wind and it would lead him directly to her.

"I'm coming, Clarissa." He whispered.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Painful Revelations
« Reply #651 on: February 20, 2016, 02:10:24 PM »
Go get her, Liam!!

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Painful Revelations
« Reply #652 on: February 20, 2016, 09:45:45 PM »
Whoot! You go, Liam!!! Liarissa for the win! I wish I had been able to vote on the next town, but my browser wouldn't open the page (I hate this BB as much as I adore it lol)

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Painful Revelations and Author's Note
« Reply #653 on: February 22, 2016, 06:34:17 PM »
Go get her, Liam!!
I know right! Those two are so freaking adorable, especially in mpart's story.

Whoot! You go, Liam!!! Liarissa for the win! I wish I had been able to vote on the next town, but my browser wouldn't open the page (I hate this BB as much as I adore it lol)

Sent from my BlackBerry 9720 using Tapatalk
They're so stinking cute. I'm so happy for Liam. Also, please feel free to PM me with your town choice - I always want to make sure that all of my readers get a chance to vote. I haven't really moved anything around yet, so I'll gladly take it still! The town choices were Midnight Hollow; Moonlight Falls; Aurora Skies and Hidden Springs. I've got a few more chapters in Bridgeport still (depending on how verbose I get, lol) so you'll have plenty of time!

Author's Note

Ok, so this is me just being paranoid about things, but I just want to be sure that I let everyone know that this last chapter was split into two parts, and that the first part got stuck on the page before this one we're on! It's there! I wanted to be clear because I've got a lot of little important bits that I put in there (namely: Liam and Clarissa's conversation on the cure, Eveline's bit with the watcher and the conversation between Jack and Jupiter) that might come up again.

Also, for those of you (like me) who love Liam and Clarissa should definitely go and support mpart's Another Labelle Story so you can admire Liam's grace, charm, and elegance as he barges in on a private conversation, directly sasses his lady-love's parents, and nearly invokes the wrath of Zane.
What can I say, it's who he is!  ::)  ::)  ::)
Anyways, thank you all for your continued support and comments. It really makes my day seeing everyone reading and responding to me, so I really wanted to say that I appreciate it all so much and that I really love writing this story.
If anyone has any feedback or criticism they can give me, please feel free to do so! I want to improve and I want people to enjoy what I'm writing. Anyways, I'm in the middle of writing out the last few chapters in Bridgeport (which I've grown to love very much). My pictures are limited these last few chapters mostly because I went through and took the pictures with ideas in mind and then discovered I had a lot more I forgot to cover, so I apologize if that's difficult to read. As I've always said from the beginning, I hate walls of text and find them a little difficult to read sometimes, so I hope that I'm breaking things up and being clear (or potentially overly clear) about the scenes with little/no pictures. I hope to start getting more pictures in soon!
With great love and affections,

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Painful Revelations and Author's Note
« Reply #654 on: February 23, 2016, 07:20:35 PM »
I really, really, don't like Lola. I have a special hatred for that character now.  Thanks again for doing a great job with Clarissa!  ;D

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Painful Revelations and Author's Note
« Reply #655 on: February 24, 2016, 12:24:14 PM »
My laptop broke while playing Sims 3 so I haven't played since around 2010. But your story kept showing up in my Unread Posts and omg, I could barely tear myself away from my office computer the other night because I was so immersed in your tale. (Finally made it home at 2 a.m., lol).
I read all your chapters in a space of 2-3 days and I just want to say how much I've enjoyed the ride.  Looking forward to more!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Painful Revelations and Author's Note
« Reply #656 on: February 24, 2016, 04:10:58 PM »
I really, really, don't like Lola. I have a special hatred for that character now.  Thanks again for doing a great job with Clarissa!  ;D
I know right! That woman! The nerve! She's going down with Luigi and Dexter as most hated people in this legacy. I imagine Jack's going to rip her apart one of these days. I'll even let him.

My laptop broke while playing Sims 3 so I haven't played since around 2010. But your story kept showing up in my Unread Posts and omg, I could barely tear myself away from my office computer the other night because I was so immersed in your tale. (Finally made it home at 2 a.m., lol).
I read all your chapters in a space of 2-3 days and I just want to say how much I've enjoyed the ride.  Looking forward to more!
Oh my goodness! I'm so flattered! Thank you so much! I know my story is a chunk to read, so when someone tells me they've read it all the way through from start to finish in a short period I'm always flabbergasted! There aren't words to describe how amazing this forum is and how supportive everyone has been. I can't believe we're on generation 6 going on 7 here. I'm starting to freak out that the "end is nigh."
Thank you for catching up, and my offer extends to you as well - I closed down my poll, however if you'd like to have a say in the next town, please feel free to PM me. The choices were Midnight Hollow, Moonlight Falls, Hidden Springs and Aurora Skies.

You guys are all amazing. Anyways, now that I'm done sobbing over writing certain scenes in the coming chapter, I'm going to edit them and try to get them up within the evening. I've got homework to do still, so I'm going to continue to ignore it until the chapter is finished.  ::) You know, priorities!
Though I seem to have caught a really awful stomach bug. I'm miserable right now, but that just means I'm confined to my computer chair which means I get to have fun for the first time in... well... forever.
At least until I remember that I have homework due and I cry a little over it.
Keep an eye out for the next chapter (or two, I've been so wordy lately I've had to split everything up into two parts)!

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Public Announcement
« Reply #657 on: February 25, 2016, 02:12:19 AM »
The Public Announcement
Eveline snuck quietly over to Jupiter's sleeping form. She had set her tablet to wake her up earlier than she knew Jupiter would be waking, and made sure it was on vibrate so it would only wake her. She couldn't stop the grin on her face as she approached his stone sleeping slab.
He hovered in the air, his breathing steady. This would be incredibly difficult, Eveline pursed her lips and thought of her plan of attack.
After a brief second she shrugged and decided to just wing it. She threw herself in his general direction and landed a direct hit, falling on top of him and causing him to immediately fall to the slab, his eyes wide as he woke up suddenly. "Eveline?!" He looked at her, anxious at first while he looked around the room. She was dressed for the day already, though the sun hadn't fully come up yet.
Eveline adjusted herself so she was straddling him before he could even get his bearings. "Good morning sleepyhead. Are you going to sleep all day?" She tilted her head at him.
He eased fully and chuckled, "good morning? What are you doing up so early?"
Eveline's made a face as she remembered, "oh!" She reached down beside the slab and set a box down on Jupiter's chest by her hands. "It's your birthday silly! I wanted to be the first to tell you 'happy birthday!'" She paused, and tipped her head the other direction, "so... happy birthday!"
Jupiter stared at her face longingly, "you didn't have to do all this for me." His voice was hoarse and low.
Eveline giggled, "of course I did!" She smiled brightly, her happiness radiating off of her. "You're my boyfriend, after all." She emphasized the word, biting her lip after she finished speaking.
Jupiter moved and sat up in one fluid motion, causing Eveline to have to readjust herself to not fall off. "Thank you." He said as he pressed his forehead to hers. He couldn't kiss her as often as he would like, but at least this way he could be close. He worried it would be too dangerous to tempt himself with that kind of contact frequently. He smiled, after tonight he wouldn't need to worry about that anymore.
His heart dropped. Hopefully.
"Open your present already!" Eveline cheered. "And before you ask, I did it all by myself!" She was clearly very proud of that fact.
Eveline crawled off him and sat down next to him. Jupiter looked down and reassessed the box in his lap. It had been wrapped very well. He peeled a corner off, almost afraid to damage it and suddenly he pressed his lips together as he struggled to keep back a laugh.
She had wrapped it with the paper facing the wrong way.
He grinned and fought off the urge to tell her. He would let her have that moment. "I almost don't want to ruin such a perfect wrap-job." He chuckled.
"Just open it! I don't care!" Eveline was practically bouncing off the bed. "It was so difficult to keep this a secret! Open it! Open it!"
Jupiter laughed, there was no greater gift than just watching her like this. "I don't know, it seems like such a perfect box just the way it is."
Eveline was clenching her fists. "Jupiter!" She whined.
"I'm just teasing." He smiled before unwrapping the box, his smile faded. "Eveline... this..."
"Do you like it? I wanted to be sure I got the best one!"
Jupiter slowly pulled the camera out of the box. "This is the best camera on the market Eveline... you shouldn't have-"
"Shh!" She held up her hands, "I wanted to do something nice for you and I heard you needed a new camera. Do you like it? Will it be ok?"
Jupiter looked at her dumbfounded, "will it be ok?! This is incredible Eveline! How... how did you know?"
Eveline made a funny face like she was guilty of something, "I may... have taken your phone while you were asleep in Egypt... and then proceeded to call several different people until Jack answered the phone and I may have asked him about what you might want for a gift and he might've mentioned my Uncle Kefka stepping on your last camera after Uncle Deliro dropped it..." She paused, twisting a strand of hair idly while trying to not look guilty. "Oh, by the way, you still have Elspeth's number saved into your phone. I think it got accidentally deleted somehow." She smiled sheepishly. "Cause, well, you know, I'm blind and I may have accidentally hit the button instead of calling the next number." Or she may have 'accidentally' spent fifteen minutes figuring out which button deleted the number, but she wasn't going to say that outloud.
Jupiter grinned at her, "accidentally, huh?" He laughed, "well at least you did me more than one favor. Who else did you end up calling?"
"Not entirely sure. They didn't all speak English. It made for some interesting back and forth conversations where I may have asked them if they knew someone named Jack several times." She turned a light shade of pink.
Jupiter shook his head, he went to respond but was surprised how quickly his mind jumped to wanting to tell her he loved her. He stopped himself immediately, "thank you so much for this Eveline. You don't understand how much this means to me."
Eveline smiled at him brightly, "thank you for staying by me. I know this isn't easy for you."
He reached over and caressed her cheek gently, "you're more than worth it."
Eveline stood up off his bed. "Jack has something he wants to give you too, whenever you get up." She sighed, "I wish I could play hooky like you today."
"You think I'm going to skip school?" Jupiter stood up as well and shut off the three alarms he had set the night before.
"It's your last day at school! Why would you even show up! You're going to be graduating soon!" Eveline kicked her backpack pathetically. "I've still got a bit."
"There's supposedly this beautiful girl at school who I had the honor of going to prom with. There's no way I'd miss a chance to see her again." He teased.
"You better not be talking about Elspeth." Eveline said skeptically.
"I don't remember going to prom with Elspeth." Jupiter said as he pretended he didn't remember.
"I don't remember prom period." Eveline shot back snarkily.
"Hm, right." Jupiter nodded, "well for what it's worth, being with a sleeping you is already a million times more interesting and enjoyable than even being near her."
Eveline's face was unmoved, "sure. That's why you still had her phone number." Her tone was flat, but she was clearly teasing him.
"I forgot I even had it in there!" He defended himself. "I'm glad you removed it." He flipped through his phone and did indeed find the number removed.
"Accidentally!" Eveline corrected him.
"Of course, that's what I meant." Jupiter grinned and he approached her. He put his arms around her in a way that was growing to be very familiar to him. He could feel her pulse through the fabric of her shirt and while he wasn't fond of what it meant, he was growing used to it as well. His face grew serious, "you know that I feel nothing for her, right?"
Eveline smiled softly, "I do."
"Good. I would hate for my girlfriend to think I was ever interested in someone else." He knew the term would make her happy - even though he was unsure of assigning those titles and tying her to him in that manner while he was still dangerous. Making her happy was more important to him.
Eveline's smile grew and she jumped at him, planting a kiss on him that he didn't expect. His eyes went wide and he tensed. He shouldn't be doing this. This was a dangerous game for him, but it was already too hard for him to pull away.
She pulled off of him and giggled.
"You should be careful doing that. That can be dangerous." His voice came out more strangled than he intended.
She just shrugged and turned towards the door, "if that's dangerous, then I live for danger." She gave him a knowing smile before leaving him alone in the room.
If this cure didn't work, she would be the death of him.

Jupiter finished getting dressed and walked down the hall to the last door. He held up his hand, preparing to knock but then felt something inside of him drop: what if this was about Lola again? He had reacted so poorly the day before. Jack surely must think he's emotionally unstable. He felt nauseated just thinking about it. Eveline said Jack had something to give him? He thought about his birthday. Jack had already given him everything. He owed him so much that even the concept of receiving something else from Jack made him concerned with repayment. Jack never asked for it, but that's why he deserved it more than anyone. Especially after how Jupiter broke down the previous day.
Jupiter took a breath in and knocked on the door.
"Come in!" His voice was familiar and comforting; shame again washed over Jupiter.
Jupiter slowly opened the door and peered into the room hesitantly, "it's me, Jack. Eveline said you wanted to see me this morning?"
Jack turned to look at him from his desk and smiled warmly, "you're up awfully early this morning. Though I doubt you chose to wake up on your own." He chuckled, his eyes returning back to his paperwork.
Jupiter shrugged, "I was ambushed." He eased at the thought of her, he wouldn't have had it any other way.
"She asked me to set her alarm for her, she wanted to be sure that it wouldn't wake you up."
"I'm not even surprised. The only thing I am surprised about is how she managed to keep it a secret for so long." He remembered her nearly bouncing off the bed with excitement.
"You know that Liam and I talked her out of giving you that gift early three times?" Jack shook his head, "and that's just from the two of us!"
Jupiter felt his smile growing, "she really is something." He felt his smile fading, "I really hope this cure works."

Jack turned and looked at him fully, his eyes understanding as he stood. "We'll do everything we can to make that happen for you." There weren't the words there that Jack wanted to say that he hadn't already tried in hopes that Jupiter would accept himself as he was. "Well, I'm glad you're up, I was hoping to give you my gift before you take off for the day." Jack wandered over and pulled a box out from under his bed. Unlike Eveline, Jack felt a lot more nervous about his gift for Jupiter. The contents of the box that now sat on the bed had been weighing on his mind for days now, ever since Majnun finally came through with his favor.
Jupiter looked at the box sadly, "Jack, you didn't need to get me anything. Truly, you've done so much for me already. I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you." Jupiter couldn't find the right words. "Especially given yesterday." His eyes dropped to the floor, "I'm sorry I got so upset. I shouldn't have let it all come out like that." He always tried so hard to mimic Jack. His calm, his ability to handle any situation with grace and he had failed.
Jack looked at him with concern, "you don't need to apologize for your feelings, Jupiter. Lola is someone that I have trouble respecting, and truthfully, I had already firmly said no before I even spoke to you." In a lot less gentle terms, but Jack wouldn't mention that. "...But I guess I just worried that I was preventing you from making your own decisions, so that's why I brought it up." Jack shook his head and sighed. "I hope you'll forgive me for meddling in your affairs."

"I would hardly consider that meddling." Jupiter's lips twitched into a smile, "you probably sent her away with a million times more grace than I would have."
Not quite, Jack thought to himself but he smiled all the same. "Before you open your present, I just want to let you know that you by no means have to accept it or feel any pressure to say anything right now." He felt himself tensing, he had practiced this speech four times over the last night, hardly sleeping at all thinking about it.
Jupiter gave him a curious look, before approaching the box and carefully pulling the paper off of it. Jupiter removed the lid to the long, thin box and shifted the tissue paper inside only to find a single sheet of paper. Jupiter felt his heart stop solidly in his chest.

Certificate of Adoption
This is to Certify that
Jupiter Reece
Has Been Formally Adopted into
The Reaper Family
Jack Reaper
On This Day and Henceforth

Jupiter felt his eyes burning as he reached out to touch the document, "Jack... is this..." He trembled as he pulled the paper out from inside the box, almost expecting there to be a "just kidding" underneath it. He swallowed and found the courage to look at Jack. "Is this real?"
Jack took a hesitant step towards him and slowly nodded, "it..." he cleared his throat, "it is very real." He looked down at the paper, "but I hope you understand that the last thing I would ever want to do is to pressure you into something you don't want."
Jupiter looked at him; words were rushing through his head but he couldn't grasp them long enough. This was something he's wanted more than words could ever begin to describe. He'd lost count of how many numerous dreams he had of finally having someone who cared... who really cared. He never thought Jack would want to tie himself down to the monster Jupiter believed he was. He looked back down at the paper, "are you sure this is something you want?" Jupiter's voice cracked with emotion, "I don't think I could ever be the son you deserved." Tears slid down his face.
Jack's whole face softened, "am I sure this is something I want?" He paused, "absolutely." His voice was gentle, "I'm only sorry that it took me this long to finally get it to happen. I've been trying for years now." He shook his head, "but Lola was very firm on holding onto her parental rights to you."
Jupiter sucked in a shaky breath as he wiped his face. He's cried more tears in the past few weeks than he had in his entire life combined. "How did you... where did she... what made her give it up finally?" Was it because he had said no? Was she finally done toying with him?
Jack looked back down at the paper and spoke quietly, "you are not the only one Majnun owed a favor to."
Out of all the things he could have asked for, he asked for this. Jupiter choked on a sob before he crushed himself to Jack in a hug. He clutched at Jack's shirt like he did when he was just a kid and prayed that he wasn't dreaming.
Jack returned the hug with equal fervor.

"I promise... I'll find a way to repay you... somehow..." Jupiter's voice was muffled and distorted with emotion.
Jack only hugged him tighter, “there’s nothing to be repaid.” He pulled away and smiled at Jupiter, “does this mean you’ll consider it?”
“Consider it? This is the greatest gift anyone has ever given me.” Jupiter breathed in, but only was able to sniffle as he kept himself together; he looked up at Jack emotionally.
Jack was smiling widely, "you've always been apart of my family, Jupiter, now it's just more official. I'll drop off the certificate signed at City Hall today while you're at school."
Jupiter was smiling, "thank you so much. I can't even begin to express how happy I am." He was sure that today was the best day of his life.
"Go ahead and get ready for school, I'd hate to have to invoke my parental rights over you for your last day." He chuckled. "Besides, I've got to call Liam."
"He's only been gone a day!" Jupiter teased but his voice got serious, "do you think he's doing ok?"
"I fully intend to find out. I'm a private eye  - it's my job to know these things."
"Tell him that I hope he's not stuck out in the doghouse." Jupiter made a goofy face.
Jack shook his head, "I don't think I'll ever understand you two."
There was a knock on the door, "hey, uh, you guys? My gramps wants to talk to all of us." Eveline paused, muttering under her breath, "crap, this was the door, right?" They could hear her hands as she felt along the door.
Jupiter turned and opened the door only to find Eveline growing surprised. "Oh good! That was the door. People shouldn't leave their doors closed all the time. It's a hazard to blind people." She pursed her lips.
Jupiter grinned at her, he threw his arms around her and spun her around while she squealed. He placed her back on her feet while she tried to steady her head with her hand.
Jupiter buried his face into her shoulder and took a deep breath in - almost immediately regretting it as he could feel the monster breaking at the chains inside of himself, the ice skated fast down his veins, faster than it had moved before. He jumped back immediately. "Sorry. I think I got a little too excited."
Eveline grinned at him, "since when do you need to apologize for hugging me?"
"I just don't want to hurt you." His voice was more serious, but he was still smiling. Nothing could break his spirit today.
Eveline touched his cheek gently, "you seem to be in a good mood."
Jupiter grinned wider, "I'm just so lucky, that's all." He kissed her hand, "today's been the best day of my entire life."

Majnun stood assessing the family in the room, all of them sitting quietly, waiting on him to speak. "Cluck, cluck, cluck!" He muttered.
Alec rolled his shoulders while looking at Majnun expectantly, "so what's this 'big news' you needed us here for, dad?"
Majnun looked at him flatly, and made a note that he's been too soft on his youngest son in the back of his mind. Majnun jolted forward and he was standing suddenly, he looked around the room. "I am going to be taking an extended time away."

Eveline's face fell into confusion, "how long will you be gone grandpa? Where are you going?"
Majnun's face softened as he looked at her, "my swallow." It pained him to know what was to come and that he would miss it. "I cannot say how long I'll be gone, my dearest swallow, and I cannot tell you where I'm going." Majnun thought back onto his vow he once took so long ago: he would not meddle in the events of the future. He had already slightly broken it several times in her favor, and here he was nearly ready to do it again. "I can say that I have some wrongs that need righted. There are a few people out there that have noticed my absence from the world and are testing my patience as they prod my boundaries." He clenched his fists and scowled as he turned abruptly to look out the window. "I must deal with them swiftly." His lips twitched into a smile.
Eveline's head tilted down towards the floor with sadness in her face, "you're going to miss my birthday though."
Majnun felt a twinge of pain at her voice, it was enough to cut straight through the insanity in his mind. He crossed over to his granddaughter and put his hand on her head so that his thumb rested on her forehead.
"I am always with you, my swallow. I promise you that I will find a way to make up my absence to you. Forgive me." His voice transferred to her head. "You can always reach me, you need only ask."
Eveline nodded, though her face was still sad. Majnun liked this as much as she did, but he had to trust in the failsafes he had set. "Will you at least be back?" She asked quietly.
Majnun nodded softly, "of course my dear."
"Time to return to being a menace to society?" Alec raised his eyebrows.
Majnun shot him a glare and Alec immediately quieted. "Tomatoes won't hatch themselves!" Majnun threw his hands up in the air.
"You do know we're going to be moving, right? How will you be able to find us again?" Eveline was thoroughly concerned.
Majnun again softened to his granddaughter, but the questions were difficult ones for him to think about. "I am very familiar with the place you're headed." His voice was sad, but Eveline and Alec were the only one who picked up on his tone. "I will have no trouble finding you again my dear." He nodded.
Eveline jumped up and gave him a strong hug that he returned. "Promise you'll come back, grandpa?"
Majnun rested his cheek on the top of her head. "I promise, my swallow."
Eveline seemed assured by that, she nodded and broke away, picking up her backpack as she and Jupiter left for school.
Majnun looked over at Jack, "you're about to call the fuzzy one, right?" His laughter bubbled up. "You should tell him and his mate - my dearest great-great-great granddaughter that giving her family a wide girth for the next week would be wise." He nodded solemnly. In a way he respected Jack. Normally he wouldn't have even bothered warning them, but he admired Jack's wisdom and love of family - it was something they shared. Whether or not they heeded the warning though was a different story. Jack nodded to him and excused himself to his room to gather up the adoption papers and call Liam.
Alec was left staring off into the distance sadly, "is that really where we're going?" He asked suddenly, his voice letting of that he knew exactly what his father's tone implied.
Majnun didn't look at him, he wasn't sure if he could answer, so he just nodded. Majnun's heart hardened and his face steeled, "you better take care of my beautiful granddaughter, Aleccas." He warned, his face sizing him up. "Failure is not an option." He growled.
Alec nodded, "I want to keep her safe as much as you do." Alec tipped his head down, bowing slightly to him, all the formalities returning now that Majnun was back on the job.
Majnun's face eased and he nodded, "keep yourself safe too," he paused, putting his hand on Alec's shoulder, "my son." His voice held hints of pride.
Alec looked at his father intensely, it was one of the first times Majnun had ever really acknowledged him by their relationship. Something was truly wrong and they both could feel it.
Majnun took a breath in and walked out the door. He couldn't stop it, but he could brace himself for it.

Eveline and Jupiter climbed the steps to the school when Eveline stopped cold.
Jupiter, sensing her distressed, turned to look at her. "What's wrong?" He let his eyes examine every person in the crowd of kids walking into the school, trying to assess the danger.
Eveline looked down, her brow furrowed. "What if Ivan is here?"
Jupiter eased, "then he's the biggest idiot on the face of the earth." Jupiter joked.
Eveline didn't laugh though.
He stepped down to next to her, keeping space between them. Jupiter had felt uncomfortable about pulling Eveline forward as his girlfriend for more than one reason; mainly he didn't want to put a label on them while he still was the biggest threat to her life, but he also didn't want to have another reason for the paparazzi to feed things back to his once adoptive mother. Things were different now, but the paparazzi didn't know any better, and likely wouldn't for a long time. "I won't let anything happen to you." He whispered.
Eveline's lip pulled into a small smile. "I know, I just..." She shook her head, "he was my only friend here for so long and I guess I just don't want to hurt him either."
"He was ready to give you up to vampires, Eveline, that's not a person you should hesitate about putting down." Jupiter had thought about what he would do to Ivan the next time he saw him - he would wish Jupiter had just left it at breaking his ribs.
Eveline brushed her hair behind her ear and shrugged, her head still facing down, and sadness still in her face.
Jupiter breathed out a calming breath. "If it would make you feel any better, you have my word that I won't harm him;" Jupiter paused, thinking of how to word the next part, "BUT - and this is important - if he even so much as looks at you the wrong way - assuming this idiot is even here - I will tear him apart no hesitation."
Eveline shifted and nodded, "thank you."
Jupiter nodded and they continued on into the school, walking a foot apart from each other, and Jupiter could see Eveline's mind was busy elsewhere. After a moment of walking in silence Eveline let out a breath, "are you ashamed of being with me?"
Jupiter stopped immediately and looked at her, confused. "What?" He had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. "Does this have something to do with Ivan?"
Eveline shrugged and just shook her head, "no, nevermind." Her voice was lower.
Jupiter didn't move from where he stood, he was sucking in his cheeks, trying to figure out what went wrong.
Eveline turned and looked in his direction, the crowds of kids were going bustling around them as the bell was about to go off. "Actually, forget the nevermind. Are you ashamed of me? Of being with me? Because it's like someone flipped a switch in you and I can't figure out why except for the fact that now you're actually out in a place where people could see you with me."
It clicked, "Eveline, no! That's not it at all!" He wanted to step forward, but resolved himself to staying still. "You've sensed those men that are following us around, haven't you? Just because Jack wants to adopt me doesn't change that they all assume I'm still Lola's son."
Eveline's face didn't soften, instead it just hardened with more confusion, "so what? Do you honestly think I'm just with you because of that? You're joking right?"
"No! Of course not!" Jupiter was digging himself into a hole in his head, he finally forced himself forward, closing some distance between them. "Please Eveline, I don't think that way, listen... please."
She stared at him expectantly. "Then what is it?"
"I-" He paused, what could he even say? That after today everything would be better? He wouldn't be Lola's son any longer, he wouldn't be a hazard to her health, he could finally kiss her as much as he wanted to and she would never have space away from him ever again? That he loved her more than words could ever describe but he just doesn't want to hurt her?
"Jupiter? Is that you?!" Elspeth was calling from down the halls, waving at him frantically as the first bell went off. This caught the attention of a few others.
"It's Jupiter!" "Lola's son? Where?" "Look!"
Eveline just nodded, taking that as her answer, "I'll see you later, Jupiter." She turned around immediately and started walking for the adjoining hallway.
He had to make a move and he had to do it fast. He looked around quickly, this was probably the stupidest thing he would ever do. His brain told him to just wait it out until after class, but his heart wouldn't let him. "I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU, EVELINE REAPER!"
The minute the words left his mouth all he could feel was his heart pounding so hard it hurt. Eveline froze where she was. It was like the world stopped; and everyone in the hallway grew eerily silent and watched the exchange, rather than going on to class. Some were even starting to form a large circle around the two of them, watching for some kind of drama to unfold - some were even trying to take pictures they could hopefully sell to the paparazzi later. The silence that hung on the air felt like a lifetime as Eveline turned around. "What... did you say?" She looked at him, her brow furrowed, and her lips pursed just slightly.
How badly had he screwed up on a scale of one to ten? He was pretty sure it was somewhere around 9000, but he couldn't stop now. He couldn't lose her. Not like this. "I'm in love with you." He repeated, though less loud this time. "I have been ever since before I even met you. Heck, Eveline, I've been trying to find a way to talk to you since your first day here." He wasn't joking, though he had always told himself that he was doing it for Jack and Liam, he knew better than that, he knew he was doing it because she fascinated him. She was beautiful and intelligent and so easy going. There was a large amount of whispering that had taken up amongst the crowd, along with flashes from someone's phone camera, another person was filming it, even. The famous Jupiter Belle, known vampire, shouting his love for the blind daughter of the mayor - who wouldn't talk about that?
Eveline could sense the crowd that had gathered to watch the spectacle. What was he doing? "Jupiter-"
"No, I'm not done." He swallowed hard, lightly brushing his hair from his eyes, "being with you these last few weeks in Egypt has been completely incredible, and I don't want to blow things with you because I'm an idiot who is so used to keeping things to myself that I forget to share them with the person who means the most to me." He breathed out a nervous breath, "with you." He specified. There was some giggling from the crowds followed by everyone shushing the others, but chatter had started. Jupiter tried to block it out - this went completely outside of his comfort-zone. "So I'm letting you know now that while I'm lucky to even know you, that I want to be with you and I'll do whatever it takes." He paused, his eyes dropping to the floor finally, "just say the word. Whatever it takes."
Eveline's face had softened now, she wanted to see his face, but there were too many people and it stressed her out. She wanted them all to just go away. She opened her mouth but another voice spoke up, "you could do so much better, Jupiter!" A nameless girl shouted. Eveline closed her mouth immediately, unsure of how to respond.
Jupiter actually laughed a solid, angry laugh, "clearly you're blinder than she is." He called out, looking in the direction of the voice, but he eventually turned his eyes back on Eveline, "because there's no one better than her."
A guys voice now called out, "just KISS HER already!"
And a chant broke out, everyone echoing it: "Kiss her! Kiss her!" Over and over. Eveline shifted, unsure of what to do at the moment, but Jupiter didn't hesitate. He strode forward, his arm instinctively wrapping around her waist and pulling him to her while his other hand touched her face, he planted a kiss on her that he was sure was going to be the death of him.
Then again, any kiss he received from her usually felt like the death of him.
The whole crowd burst into cheers until the principal armed with several teachers came out, shouted and screaming, attempting to scatter the crowd. Jupiter wasn't paying any mind to them though; the entire world had vanished at the touch of her lips.

Eveline and Jupiter sat opposite of each other in the principal's office waiting room, the secretary eyeing them cautiously while they both were grinning stupidly.
The woman behind the desk shifted to grab a pen and paper, "Eveline, your parents have been called and they are on the way currently."
Jupiter could see his gravestone now. He wondered if it would say "Died for Love" on his epitaph. Then he realized Alec would probably just bury him in the backyard, no tombstone necessary. It was completely worth it.
The secretary looked to Jupiter, "I'm having trouble getting a hold of your mother, Jupiter. What phone can I reach her at?"
He felt himself hold back a smug smile, "I'm actually not her son any longer. My guardianship has changed hands. You'll want the number under Jack Reaper."
The secretary almost seemed disappointed, "ah, I see. Very well then, I will call him. What is his status to you? Guardian?"
Jupiter felt a smile forming at his lips, "dad." He finished. "He's my dad." He was smiling, "Lola was considered an unfit guardian, and my adoption papers have changed hands."
Eveline was smiling in his direction, she flicked her finger and knocked off his hat with her magic. He immediately stared at her, challenged. He put his hat back on, stretched out, and kicked at her feet. They both laughed quietly until the secretary shot them a look, forcing them to behave.
"Hello, is this Jack Reaper by chance?"
There was a pause.
"Hello Mr. Reaper, my name is Cindy, I'm the secretary at Bridgeport High-" She was cut off for a long pause, "oh... alright then Jack." She seemed caught off guard, "I'm doing well Jack. I'm just calling today in regards to your son."
There was a long pause.
Jupiter was trying not to grin as he imagined Jack talking her ear off.
"Oh, well that's happy news then." Pause.
This poor woman was being steamrolled.
"Unfortunately there's been a bit of an incident."
The questions must have started coming at this point, because she was trying to work herself into the discussion.
"Well Jack, the principal is waiting to see him currently. He caused a bit of a stir in the hallway and interrupted a few classes." She paused again, "oh... uh... why don't I just have you talk to him." The secretary immediately turned around and looked at Jupiter, motioning for him to come that way. He stood and walked over to the phone, gingerly putting it to his ear.
"Jupiter? Jupiter are you there? Are you ok? What's going on?" Jack had officially gone into parent-mode.
"So... you should probably get here really fast because Alec is going to bury me in the backyard." It all came rushing out. "He might kill me first if I'm lucky."
There was a pause at the other end of the phone and then Jack chuckled with relief. "Oh thank goodness." He laughed again.
"Why are you laughing?" The secretary gave Jupiter a strange look.
"Because Ms. Cindy called me right after I had just filled in that paperwork and I thought it was an act of the watcher or something. Then I was very worried when she said there was an incident. What exactly happened?"
Jupiter bit his lip and he shrugged, not that Jack could see the motion, "I... may... have..." He paused, "oh, what's the word I'm looking for...?"
"What is it?" Jack waited.
He knew exactly the word, but there was no way to soften that to someone, "shouted. Yes. That's the word. I might have shouted my affections for Eveline across a busy hallway this morning. And then I might have... been cheered on by a crowd to kiss her in front of half of the school..." He could feel his face burning, his grin getting wider as he added: "I have no regrets."
Jack was chuckling, he could almost hear him shaking his head, "is that all? My goodness."
"I just wanted you to have the opportunity to exercise your newly acquired parental rights. That's all." He scratched his head idly. "Plus I've missed out on all the chances to give you gray hair." He tried joking.
Jack was still laughing, but he sighed, "you've already given me plenty, I assure you."
Jupiter grinned. "You're welcome."
"Well, I'm on my way, I'm at City Hall, so I'm not far, ok?"
Jupiter was distracted by Alec rushing in through the doors looking around frantically while waving an umbrella. "Please hurry." He squeaked into the phone. "Her father is armed!" Alec's eyes locked on to Jupiter through the window of the office. He was squeezing his hands into fists and pointing at him. Jupiter could almost see steam coming from his ears. "I'm going to die, aren't I?"
Jack was mumbling something, "hm? Oh yes, probably. You better pray Mary is behind him, otherwise even I won't be able to save you."
"Well Jack, if this is it, I'm glad I got to be your son for the past few minutes." He joked.
"I'll be there in five minutes, ok? Just duck and weave."
Alec came in through the office, "YOU!" He called out to Jupiter.
"LoveyouJackbye!" Jupiter hung up the phone and ran for his life.

So... this did not go at all according to plan. My story kind of derailed itself and I love it so I'm keeping it. This was not the dramatic update I expected, but don't worry, that one is yet to come. I'm so sorry for the lack of pictures - I just keep getting derailed and suddenly... I don't have pictures for this! Forgive me everyone?

Offline mpart

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Public Announcement
« Reply #658 on: February 25, 2016, 05:00:37 PM »
That was AMAZING! Don't kill Jupiter, Alec! Don't kill him!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: My Love
« Reply #659 on: February 26, 2016, 04:38:15 PM »
That was AMAZING! Don't kill Jupiter, Alec! Don't kill him!
Hehehe, Alec is one of my only Dad sims that would react so strongly to his daughter dating someone. I admit I probably had way more fun writing that than I should have...

Ok so this was really hard to write everyone. If anyone needs a nice song to listen to while they read, I recommend "My Love"" by Sia. It's the song I listened to while writing the chapter, so maybe it will have the same effect on you all that it did for me.

My Love
Jupiter was relieved to have all of his skin still on his body and his body not buried underneath the dirt as Jack drove him back to the house. "Sorry that I caused such a scene today and dragged you in to get me." It was all in good fun when Eveline was there, but now that he was alone he suddenly realized the damage done.
Jack chuckled, "Alec was quite proficient with that umbrella, I had no idea he had such skills."
Jupiter rubbed the side of his head gingerly, "it's easy for you to compliment that, I'll probably be feeling it for a while."
"You know, I've seen this coming since the first time you called me in Egypt."
"Well, I mean I didn't expect her dad to just love me immediately, but I can't say my foresight was that large, or that I was even relatively concerned with it at the time." Jupiter smiled, no he was too busy being tormented by a beautiful blind girl, as she still continues to do today.
Jack laughed, "I meant you and Eveline. Actually I shouldn't say Egypt, the way you carried her all the way back to the bunkhouse after prom is what stuck with me." He smiled, "and how you didn't even let her crazy grandfather scare you."
"Oh no, he scared me." Jupiter grinned, his fangs fully showing. "I bluffed my whole way through that night. I don't think it quite clicked that they were related." He paused, "or that I would ever stand a chance with her."
Jack shook his head, "that's hardly a factor now. You've always been shaking girls off of you." Jack teased lightly, trying to brighten Jupiter's outlook.
"Only because of my last name." He paused. "I wonder how long it will take for them to finally really leave me alone."
Jack sighed, "you know, I don't know. They might not."
"They better learn to soon, otherwise we're going to be answering a lot of uncomfortable questions about how I'm suddenly not a terror of the night." Jupiter felt himself smiling at the thought. His stomach was all tied up in knots as the evening drew on. "You know it'll cause a massive stir, 'how did we do it?!'" He mimicked.
Jack nodded, "I'll figure out a story to give them."
Jupiter shifted and leaned his head against the window. "I'm so tired of living this way Jack." His voice was low. "Eveline nearly walked away from me today because of it." He shook his head against the window and scowled. "This cure has to work."
Jack took one hand off the wheel and put it on his shoulder. "Jupiter we should talk about that." He said equally low. "If this doesn't work-"
"It has to." Jupiter shook his head, putting his head in his hands. "You don't understand Jack, there's no other options. This bloodlust is completely draining the life out of me. I can't keep it at bay anymore. All I hear are pulses like a disgusting, throbbing rhythm." He shivered. "Eveline tries to be close to me and all I can think about it the way her neck curves and the way the veins move underneath it. It's SAVAGE." He shook his head. "I feel like every time I open myself up to her I put her life at risk and I can't do that to her. I refuse to do that to her. I could kill her and I can't... I can't let that happen." He was fiddling with his hands. He looked up and Jack had parked the car off to the side of the road, not even close to the house.
Jupiter looked over at him and was surprised how calm he seemed. Jack slowly inhaled, "we should talk about what happens if this doesn't work." He said firmly.
"That world can't exist." Jupiter shook his head immediately, not even considering it. "Because if I'm not cured then I can't be with her and I can't live in that world Jack. I can't do it."
Jack nodded his head, "it's a world that might exist Jupiter, and we should talk about it. I want to talk to you about switching your diet."
Jupiter looked at him suddenly, "to what?"
Jack steeled himself inside before speaking, "I want you to be open to the idea of switching to a blood diet."
Jupiter's face became horrified, "no!" He shook his head so firmly his hat nearly fell of, "ABSOLUTELY NOT." He panicked. "I will NOT be that monster Jack! I won't! Because once I start I won't be able to stop myself! I could kill someone! Once I start that habit... once I open myself up to that I can't CLOSE that door Jack! I have to be stronger than that." His voice dropped and he clutched his arms around himself. "I am stronger than that." He steeled.
Jack nodded, it was a sensitive topic, and he didn't know whether or not he should push more. "Plasma fruit isn't filling you the way it's supposed to anymore Jupiter. We'll need to find a new way to supplement your diet otherwise there is a chance you'll snap under the pressure of the bloodlust." It wasn't something Jack wanted to bring up, but he had to. "I believe that if we do this sensibly we can safely adjust you to-"
"No!" Jupiter looked at him and shook his head. "I can't." His voice was a whisper. "I can't live with myself knowing that I'm surviving off of another person. I just can't live with that." Jupiter's lip quivered. "There was a point in Egypt... a tomb. Eveline and I got stuck inside it." He breathed out his confession to the floor of the car. "My spare fruits got lost in the dive through an underwater tunnel." He bit his cheek hard remembering that night. "I... I'm not proud of it but I panicked." He shook his head, "I'm so ashamed of how I acted, Jack."
Jack was looking at him kindly as he listened.
"Eveline was so kind. She did everything to snap me out of my fear..." He closed his eyes and remembered it vividly, the curve of her neck as she moved her hair away, the way she smelled, the offering. "She offered me to..." He almost couldn't say the word it disgusted him so much, "to... DRINK from her Jack!"
Jack hadn't heard this, but he remembered Jupiter said he had been running low on his plasma fruits in an email at one point before sending the second email right after that he would be fine. "Did you?" He asked quietly.
Jupiter shook his head. "I made her swear she would never offer again. Not that she would ever listen to that." He shook his head and tried to clear the thoughts away. "If this doesn't work Jack... I don't think she'll be able to tell me 'no.'" He clenched his jaw. "In Egypt I started to realize how much she meant to me. I had settled myself to just being someone who could protect her from whatever might come after her in the world. I would follow her anywhere and I would do anything to keep her safe from a distance." He shook his head, "after that night in the tomb, when I realized that I could be cured... when I realized why Majnun had brought us there... I don't know." He shrugged, feeling his lips pull into a smile. "I guess I just realized that I could actually have it... have her; so I crossed that boundary and now it can't be undone." He nodded slowly, not that he would ever want to undo it, "I will never be able to just stand aside and let her be with someone else like I planned. It would tear me apart. Being away from her would tear me apart. Being near her tears me apart. It's so awful and amazing at the same time and I'm not sure how I've survived this long."
Jack looked at him sincerely, "does she make you happy?"
Jupiter didn't even hesitate, "she does. She really does."
Jack turned the car back on, "then we'll figure everything out, regardless of the outcome." He wanted to try again, but he decided to let the conversation lie. They had all night to address anything that might happen.
There was a silence in the car, "she's lucky to have you, you know?" Jack commented idly. "We all are."
Jupiter looked at him and smiled. "Thank you."

Mary had locked Alec in the bedroom for his "time-out" before approaching Jupiter and Jack who had just entered the house. "Jupiter, I'm really, really sorry about Alec's behavior. That was completely unacceptable."
Jupiter just smiled sheepishly, "I understand. I'm really sorry that I caused a scene and got Eveline in trouble. I wasn't thinking straight."
Mary smiled at him warmly, "come over here and sit with me for a moment. I'm borrowing your son, ok Jack?" Mary winked at him, knowing exactly how ecstatic Jack had been that morning after the kids left for school. Jack couldn't hide his smile, but he nodded, bowing slightly and excusing himself for his bedroom and office.
Jupiter carefully sat down at the dining table, hesitantly looking to see what Mary might say.
Mary gave him a very warm look, to his surprise, and she smiled softly as she spoke, "you know, when Alec - Eveline's father - first tried to get my attention he interrupted an entire ball held by the Queen herself?" She shook her head and laughed, "that fool. He got jealous that I was dancing with some representative and he lost it. He cut-in and made a huge scene before dragging me out to the balcony to give me the cheesiest confession of love in all of history. I was so angry with him."
Jupiter was trying not to laugh with her, as he remembered very strongly how hard Alec could swing an umbrella.
"I was so angry," Mary continued, "that I walked right out the door on him and left the ball - embarrassingly enough - in a hurry... and you know what he did?" She rubbed her temples, "he chased me out into the streets in the rain screaming my name."
Jupiter couldn't help it and he snorted a laugh.
Mary nodded, "I know right?!" She shook her head. "Do not let that man intimidate you." She pointed back to the direction of her bedroom.
"I'm still sorry that Eveline got in trouble for my actions." Jupiter tried his best to not look away as he delivered the apology, Jack always told him sincere apologies are best delivered while looking the person in the eyes.
Mary gave him a soft look, "don't be. It was very romantic. Eveline is very lucky to have you, and let's just say she's very embarrassed and upset by her father's actions, so I felt I should sit you down and explain that we're not all crazy here..." She paused and looked around before chuckling, "though I'm sure it really seems like it sometimes - I guess you'll be used to it soon enough, since you're a Reaper now."
Jupiter couldn't stop the immediate smile that grew from that. "I feel terrible that Jack spent his first day as my dad having to come to talk to the principal..." Jupiter fidgeted with his hands.
Mary shook her head, "you don't know how happy he was though." Mary recalled immediately. "He used 'my son' so many times I thought the principal's head was going to burst." Mary laughed, her voice dropping low and she mimicked Jack's tone. "'What are you talking about Mr. Percival? My son is a good student.'" Mary couldn't contain it and she started laughing, "he went on and told him the ENTIRE story about how he adopted you just that very day. Took up a solid 15 minutes until the principal finally just told us he was going to let it slide this time and that we should just take you all home."
Jupiter put his head in his arms as he laughed so hard, "that's exactly something he would do."
"He's something, that's for sure." Mary laughed. She put her hand on his shoulder and looked at him gently, her face growing very serious. "I also have been meaning to talk to you about the night we found you on the side of the road."
Jupiter shifted uncomfortably. That night is not something he likes thinking about, especially given the circumstances of the day. He looked down, "it's not a night I remember terribly well." He lied.
Mary nodded, "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry we couldn't do more for you. That night has haunted me for years because I wasn't sure if I would ever know what happened to you. Did you stay with Jack after that? Do you mind telling me what happened, so I can be at peace with it?"
Jupiter felt touched that Mary cared so much. He nodded, "Jack took me back to his house where the virus took hold and I pulled through the night." Jupiter closed his eyes, for such a painful memory, the reminder that Jack had always been there made him feel a little better. Before today it was just a reminder that Jack had sacrificed so much for a stranger, but after everything? That was his dad. He was always there, and it comforted Jupiter on an entirely different level. "He stayed with me all night long. The next day he called Lola over to explain the situation to her and she didn't..." He paused, trying to figure out the best way to phrase this, "she didn't react well." He bit his cheeks but he couldn't hold back the anger that came out with the next sentence: "she told him that he should have left me to die."
Mary jumped back, her eyes wide. She shook her head and her voice came out angry. "No." She growled and shook her head. "What person..." She was fuming, "what MOTHER would SAY something like that?!" She clenched her fists and sparks came out of them.
Jupiter didn't want to tell her that it wasn't the worst thing she had said to him that afternoon, so he shrugged, "she told Jack she wouldn't take me to her place like that, as I was a..." Why was it so hard to say? He called himself this on a regular basis. Maybe Eveline was starting to finally rub off on him, "-monster." He finally said.
Mary's hand flew up to her face as she tried to calm herself. "Please tell me Jack murdered her and you spent the rest of the week hiding her corpse?" Mary knew this wasn't the case, but she was so angry. She shook her head, "that's disgusting. What a revolting person." It was the understatement of the year, but Mary knew she had nothing nicer to say.
Jupiter shrugged, "I'm glad she did it." He said quietly, Mary looked at him with worry in her eyes, but Jupiter shrugged. "She wasn't there when I got sick from eating food the first time. She didn't come to my first piano concert. She didn't stay up to help me with my stupid science project that I had forgotten about until the last minute. She didn't help me ice my black-eye that I got from the kids bullying me at school. She didn't come to my award ceremonies, she didn't help me with my homework, she didn't comfort me when I had bad dreams... I'm glad she reacted so horribly because otherwise I never would have known what it means for someone to actually care about me." Jupiter's jaw was firm. "Because while she wasn't there for all of that... Jack was. I'm so incredibly lucky that I was found by you and Alec and that Jack took me home, because while I absolutely hate what I am, that night was probably the best thing that ever happened to me."
Mary dabbed at her eyes gently and she dragged him over to her to hug him.
Jupiter sucked in a breath, "I hope I can be a good enough son to him."
Mary shook her head, "oh honey, I don't think you'll ever have to worry about that." She was looking up and away towards the doorway where Jack stood, he had been listening in on their conversation. Jack took a step forward as Jupiter moved to stand up.
"I'm glad to call you my son." He said as Jupiter approached him.
Jupiter crossed over and hugged him again.

Eveline had been quietly sitting on her bed when Jupiter knocked on the door. She could sense it was him, but she wasn't sure she could face the inevitable. "Eveline?" His voice was gentle, "it's me. Can I come in?"
Eveline thought about reminding him that it was his room too, but she felt too embarrassed to even speak. She flicked her wrist and the door came unlocked and opened.
Jupiter looked in and she was holding a pillow to her stomach. There was an awkward tension to the air as Jupiter came in, closing the door behind him. Part of him debated moving his stone slab in front of the door, just in case her father got let loose again, but he decided not to. "Eveline I'm-"
"I'm so sorry." She shook her head. "I'm so... so sorry. My dad was way out of line." Eveline shook her head and sighed as she tightened her grip on the pillow. "I understand if that has changed your mind about us." She didn't want to say it, but she felt obligated to. She would never forgive her father for this if Jupiter walked away.
Jupiter was shocked, he sat down on the foot of her bed and rubbed his face with his hands. "Wow, I'm really bad at this." He half laughed.
Eveline was confused, "what are you talking about?"
Jupiter threw his head back and looked at her, "I thought you were angry with me for embarrassing you and getting you in trouble with your parents. Just like before that I thought you were upset about Ivan and not about me. And the time before that, and the time before that..." He just shook his head, "you've really got to clue me in more because I think I'm hopelessly bad at this."
Eveline laughed as she fiddled with her hands, "that was some stunt you pulled earlier. I wasn't even entirely sure what to make of it." She shrugged.
Jupiter crawled over to her, "did you get the part where I told everyone that I was an idiot? Take that part to heart." He put his head on her knee as he laid out on the bed. "Take it to heart but please don't hold it against me. I know not what I do." He dramatically covered his eyes with his hand.
Eveline laughed. "I think I can manage that." Her fingers started to trace the edges of his face; he could feel the heat of the magic as she touched him.
"Does that really help you see me?"
Eveline smiled, "mhm." She paused thoughtfully, "it helps me see your expressions."
Jupiter smirked and used his finger to make a pig-nose at her. Eveline laughed and swatted his hand away.
"You're not helping your case about being an idiot, you know."
"I thought we'd already established that as fact. I'm just being predictable at this point."
Eveline shook her head, "so you're not here to break up with me?" She finally asked.
Jupiter's eyes opened widely, "where would you get such a ridiculous idea?"
"I figured you had made up your mind the minute my father's umbrella collided with your head." She frowned as her fingers traced around his face.
Jupiter smiled, "Nope." His smile grew even further, "I was too busy thinking about that kiss."
Eveline let out a breathy laugh. "I'm surprised you were thinking about that when my dad was attempting to kill you." She said skeptically.
Jupiter shrugged, "it's all I've been able to think about all day, you think one little umbrella to the head is going to change that?"
Eveline couldn't resist smiling.
"See. Even you know it's true." Jupiter sat up and looked over at her warmly and held out his hand. "Will you dance with me one last time before I become a hazard to the tops of feet?"
Eveline laughed, "it will be a nice change to know I won't be the only one." She put her hand in his and he pulled her off the bed swiftly.
"Won't you miss being able to do that though?" Eveline teased.
Jupiter thought on it for a moment, "I guess I'll have to start going to the gym." He noted.
They went out to the living room and began to dance.

Eveline and Jupiter fell into their comfortable step, dancing was getting easier and easier for them.
Jupiter leaned his forehead to hers, "will you still find me interesting when I'm just a regular guy?"
Eveline smiled, "of course."
Jupiter eased, "I'm relieved. I know it's not you, but so many people in my life have only ever been interested in me because I was Lola's son... and because I'm a vampire."
Eveline's brow furrowed, "you're not though."
"Not anymore, hopefully." He smiled.
Eveline shook her head, "no, that's not what I meant. I mean you're not Lola's son, or just a vampire. You're Jupiter. You're talented and smart and funny. You don't need any other qualifiers."
Jupiter had spun her around to the music and was holding her close to him.

Against his better judgement he pressed his face to her shoulder and into her hair. Her pulse had picked up speed a little and he was confused, he opened his mouth to ask her about it when suddenly he became acutely aware of how close his open mouth was to her neck. He tensed his jaw shut immediately, but the pull had already begun. Eveline tilted her head away slightly, as if giving him permission. It felt like he was practically moving against his will as he pressed his lips to the base of her neck where her collarbone met her shoulder and neck. He placed a gentle kiss and found the will in him to pull away, though his lip quivered. He squeezed his eyes shut tight. "You're going to kill me." His voice was strangled as he kept trying to get a grip on himself.
Eveline tilted her head further away from him in an attempt to look towards him, however she further exposed her neck. Jupiter immediately pulled her gracefully away and spun her back around to facing him.

"If I were smart I would keep my distance from you." He had finally gathered a breath of air that wasn't covered in her scent and gained clarity.
"Good thing we already established the fact that you're an idiot." She teased him.
Unfortunately he was being serious. He should stay away, but all he could think about was the now-blue bottle of the cure that sat in Liam's empty room. It had slowly changed from the deep red to blue over the course of the day.

It would fix everything. He knew it.

"How much time do we have left?" Eveline asked as they grew tired of dancing.
Jupiter looked at his phone and groaned. "One more hour." He put his head onto her shoulder, anxiety gripping him.
Eveline rubbed his back gently, "we're almost there!" She whispered encouragingly.
Jack had moved his work out to the kitchen so that he could at least be closer to his son. Everyone was nervous about the events of the night, but Jack and Jupiter were especially anxious. Jack had faith that Liam had made the potion correctly, but even still the odds Majnun had given them had left room for error - room for fatality. He couldn't think about that too long. He just got his son in his life, he wasn't going to imagine losing him within the same day.
Eveline and Jupiter shifted to resting on the couches, Jupiter couldn't sit still for very long though, and he ended up pacing back and forth. Eveline beckoned for him to sit next to her, but he was fidgeting too much.
Jack watched the anxiety calmly and understood. He wanted to say something but at this point he wasn't entirely sure he could say something that wouldn't reflect his own anxiety.
The clock was ticking mercilessly slowly. Eveline had finally got Jupiter to sit in front of her while she rubbed his hair, easing him. After a while Jupiter opened his eyes and looked over at the clock.
Fifteen minutes.
"Agh!" He groaned putting his head in his hands. "This is awful! Waiting is AWFUL!"
Eveline smiled at his impatience. She stood up and held out her hand, "let's go out and look at the sky."
Jupiter looked at her skeptically, "you can't even see the sky." He was just being hopeless at this point.
"You can tell me about it." She stated calmly, and she shook her hand gently to show she was getting impatient with him.
He stood up on his own and grabbed her hand, making a mental note to thank her profusely when this was all over.
They both went outside and sat in the deeper snow.
"Is it beautiful outside tonight?" Eveline asked quietly.

Jupiter turned to look at her and thought of all the cheesy ways he could turn that around on her. "Yeah, I guess so." He said quietly, opting to just admire her instead.
"You guess so?" She shook her head.
He put his arm around her, "yeah, I figured it would be better than me telling you that it's not nearly as beautiful as you were. I think I've done enough to embarrass myself today." He chuckled.
Eveline only smiled warmly and she pressed her face to his shoulder, she had been trying to figure out how to say what was on her mind all day.
"So do you want me to describe the stars and sky to you tonight?" He teased.
He stopped chuckling at her serious tone and he looked down at her.
"I love you." She said quietly.
His heart swelled and he suddenly found it hard to take in a breath. He felt his whole face widen to a grin, almost to the point where it hurt. He had to be dreaming.
Eveline looked up at him nervously, her face showing hesitation and he realized that she couldn't see that he was grinning like an idiot. She was about to pick her head up when he kissed her. The kiss nearly knocked the wind out of both of them.
Jupiter was too overwhelmed with emotion to even notice the bloodlust for once. His fingers caressed her cheeks as he rubbed his forehead and hers together. "I love you, Eveline Reaper."
"I love you, Jupiter Reaper." She emphasized his last name, and his grin only grew wider.
"Are you sure that isn't full moon fever speaking for you?" He joked.
Eveline's face dropped suddenly. "Tonight's the full moon?!"
Jupiter looked at her confused, "yeah, is everything-"
Eveline bolted inside the house suddenly, leaving Jupiter out in the snow. She reappeared suddenly with something in her hands. "My grandpa told me this should do something on the full moon!" She looked at the scaly shape in her hands with wonder.
"What is it?" Jupiter asked, suddenly curious.
"An egg." She cradled the egg in her arms as she walked out further into the yard.
She closed her eyes and could feel... something. A little rhythm. The egg was responding to her now. Eveline felt the world grow bright as the egg heated up in her hands.

"Eveline?" Jupiter called to her, but she could barely hear him. The egg was speaking to her, whispering things in a tongue she wasn't familiar with, yet she understood.
"Turn around."
Her eyes flew open but it was too late, the form had grabbed her and yanked her back, causing her to drop the egg and scream. Jupiter's eyes were wide with horror and anger.

"Hello my pet." Lucien's voice was right in her ear. "You're a tricky one to sneak up on, you know that?" He teased coldly.
Jupiter had spread his stance out, barring his fangs. "LET HER GO!" He growled.
Lucien raised his eyebrow, "aw, what a cute guard dog you've got here. Don't worry pet, I won't be staying for long." He stroked the skin on her jaw.
Jupiter snarled at him. "I won't tell you again," his voice was low and foreign. "Let. Her. Go."
Lucien laughed, "you amuse me boy." He sighed, "but you see I needed this girl to access my artifact - the one that SHE-DEVIL destroyed!" He was unhinged. "The one called Charlotte." He tightened his grip on Eveline and she whimpered.
Jupiter's nails were cutting into his palm.

Lucien continued, "seeing as my clan was scattered, or killed and my artifact was destroyed... I don't have much left to aim for." He pursed his lips. "So I've decided that if her blood was powerful enough to make the greatest artifact in the world bend to my will, then surely her blood will be powerful enough for me to absorb from just drinking it.
Jupiter took a step forward.
Lucien dragged her a step back, she yelped from the awkward pain of him dragging her. "Ah, ah, ah. I wouldn't make such sudden movements if I were you."
Jupiter could feel the ice taking over his entire body. He would kill Lucien. He would destroy him for ever laying his hand on her.
Lucien used his hand to force her head to the side, exposing her neck to him. "What's this? You've left her completely unsoiled?" He laughed a cold laugh. "You've got to be the most pathetic vampire I have ever seen to let this go to waste." He shook his head. "Don't worry, I won't waste a single drop."
The back door to the house burst open and Jack, Alec and Mary came barreling out of the house.

"EVELINE!" Mary screamed her name, but it was too late.
Lucien sunk his fangs into her skin. Eveline's eyes went wide, tears spilling over immediately as she yelped and whimpered.
Jupiter's pulse had been pounding fast and loud when it all came to a sudden stop.
Wrong move.

Lucien lay face down in the snow, Jupiter pulled his hands off of him as he slowly came back down from the fight.
Well, it hadn't really been much of a fight. Jupiter had completely slaughtered him, and he could barely even remember it. He shook his head, desperately trying to shake the monster from control.
"Jupiter! Jupiter!" Hands touched his shoulders and he jolted a foot away, eyeing Jack suddenly as his vision came in and out. He looked over behind him and saw Eveline crumpled on the ground with Mary crouched down beside her and Alec right behind her.
Clarity never seemed so horrifying. He stumbled past Jack and collapsed to his knees as he griped Eveline's limp form.

"What's wrong with my baby?" Mary cried as she shook Eveline.
Jupiter could feel his lips trembling as he slowly brushed the hair off of her neck with his gentle fingertips, revealing the bite mark. He hadn't fully sucked the venom out of her by the time Jupiter attacked. Tears rolled out of his eyes as he stared down at her, remembering the conversation he overheard her have with the watcher. This would kill her.
"No chance for survival." He could hear it playing over and over in his head.
"Eveline! Wake up! Wake up!" Mary was sobbing and frantic, and Alec had grabbed a hold of her to get her to stop shaking Eveline's body.
Jupiter felt his whole world crumbling as he clutched Eveline to his chest. He knew what he had to do. "Jack." He couldn't even recognize his own voice. "Get the cure."
It wasn't a question, and before Jupiter could even realize it Jack had returned and handed the blue potion to him. Jupiter bit the cork off and spat it onto the ground. He held Eveline up gingerly but realized it was too much, he looked over at Mary who was watching him through her tears. She understood immediately and helped hold her daughter up while Jupiter administered the cure to her.
Once the bottle was drained, Jupiter pressed his forehead to hers and stroked her face, his tears openly falling on her skin.
It was then he felt her move first. He jolted back as her eyes opened, they were different eyes staring at him, golden - clear. She sucked in a shaky breath as her eyes locked on his. "Jupiter?" Her voice was so soft and frail. She was actually seeing him.
He choked on a sob and nodded, he needed to say something to her... anything. "I love you." He whispered as he broke down into sobs, "I love you." He repeated, clutching her tighter.
She looked over briefly at her parents who were all bent over her too. She wanted to say something, but suddenly she couldn't breath. She coughed suddenly - violently, and blood came pouring from her mouth as she trembled.

Jupiter's pupils dilated suddenly and the world slowed down. He was screaming inside himself. No. No! NO!
He threw himself back, causing Eveline to fall onto Mary.
He couldn't control it. He could feel it creeping in on him. The monster was winning and he couldn't stop it any longer.
He couldn't hurt her. He couldn't bear it. No. NO!
The world went black.

Jack was panicking as he floored the car, desperately needing it to go faster. There's only one place he hoped he could be. He picked his phone up and dialed Jupiter again. Nothing. He hung up and dialed Liam. Voicemail. Jack threw his phone across the car in anger. He couldn't take it any longer.
He took a shaky breath in as he tried to focus on the road, but it grew blurry with his own tears. "Please be ok, Jupiter." He begged. "Please be here."

Jack pulled into the familiar driveway and threw himself out of the car, barely remembering to even park it. The door the house was busted open and he almost felt relief as he ran in through the doorway. He felt tears falling from his eyes from the sheer relief of it. He was here.
Jupiter was crumpled on the floor, sobbing. Blood bags from the fridge were torn and utterly destroyed all around him as he trembled and cried. He had taken off the minute Eveline had coughed up blood and ran off into the night only to come here to where Jack always kept the spare blood just in case.

Jack walked up behind him carefully.
Jupiter already sensed him though. "I bet you regret making me your son now. You can take it back and change the papers..." He said between sobs. "I HATE myself." He screamed.
Jack stood behind him and shook his head. He crouched down and pulled Jupiter into him.

He held on to Jupiter tightly and whispered, "you will always be my son."
Jupiter clutched to him and cried; afraid if he let go that he'd lose himself again.
Jack hushed him quietly while rubbing his back, "I am always proud to call you my son." He whispered to him. "Always."

Alec and Mary had brought Eveline inside and magically sealed the house. Alec called his father repeatedly, but there was no answer. He cursed loudly. "WHERE ARE YOU?!" He wanted to scream. "You KNEW this was coming! YOU KNEW! So WHERE ARE YOU?!"
Mary had called her mother, father and brother, all of whom came rushing over. She didn't let them into Eveline's room though, instead she locked her and Alec in there while they examined her carefully. Alec eventually left the room to call his brothers, to attempt to hunt down his father. Jack had brought Jupiter back to the main house by this point; and Alec shared a look with them. His eyes were red with tears and lack of sleep, but he just kept nodding.
"How is she?" Jack asked quietly.
Alec was shaking, "she's... still unconscious." He sniffled, "but we think she's going to pull through."
Jack nodded, there wasn't anything anyone could say at this point. He had his arm around Jupiter's shoulders, afraid he might disappear if he let him go.
Alec took a step towards Jupiter and rubbed his chin anxiously. "You saved my baby girl." His voice was barely a whisper. "... thank you." He wiped a tear away as he hugged Jupiter. "Thank you so much."

Mary worked consistently on Eveline, she exhausted her seemingly endless magical stamina using every spell she could think of to heal her daughter who lay unconscious on her bed.
Eveline coughed and opened her eyes after Mary had finally stopped trying different spells. Her eyes had returned to their usual fogged-over state. "Mom?" She whispered. Mary jolted over to her immediately, hugging her close. Eveline wanted to cry, "I can't see mom." She whimpered.
Mary held her daughter to her, her throat aching with all the tears she's cried. "I know baby."
Eveline was trembling. "Where's Jupiter?"
Mary didn't know what to say.
"Mom... where is he? Where's Jupiter?" Her voice was growing more panicked.
Mary shook her head, "I don't know sweetheart." She whispered.
"He's probably really horrified..." Eveline was coughing in between words. "Someone needs to be with him. Please I need to see him."
Mary shushed her. "You need rest sweetheart. Just rest."

Jupiter sat outside of her door and listened. His senses were peaked in a way that he'd never experienced before and he hated every second of it. He couldn't bring himself to cry any longer, he just couldn't feel much of anything except his hatred.
Jack and Alec had gone outside to dispose of the body.
Jupiter scowled. It was over.
Everything was over.
He would be stuck as this monster for the rest of his life, and he couldn't stand it.
He would destroy everything beautiful he ever loved.
It wasn't Eveline this time, but how soon before it would be?
No. It would never be her. He wouldn't let it. He stood up swiftly and walked into Jack's bedroom, leaving two notes on his desk, one addressed to Eveline, to be read to her by someone, he didn't care anymore, and the other to Jack. He tried to steel himself as he walked out of the house and into the wild. He walked until he couldn't see Bridgeport any longer, not that it mattered to him. All of his dreams had turned to ash in his hands. 

There would never be a happy ending for a monster.