Author Topic: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]  (Read 467993 times)

Offline Malley

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Eternal Darkness
« Reply #600 on: August 05, 2015, 05:52:04 PM »
I loved Evie's formal wear! It really suited her. And yes, everything does go with black! That's a rule I live by in the real world too  ;)

As a writer myself, I really enjoyed how you did the chapter from Evie's perspective with no photos. Very clever  ;D

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Monster Within
« Reply #601 on: September 17, 2015, 08:47:55 PM »
[Grumbles some excuse about how long it's been... mumbles apologies.]
[Insert reasons for why Dragon Age is at fault and not me.]
[Blah blah blah]
No seriously though you guys are epic. Let me count the ways in which I am busy:
  • I'm working 35+ hours a week, though I'm starting to feel carpal tunnel creeping in my wrists every day now...  :-\
  • I'm now a full time student (yay!) at a local community college. I'm going after my dreams (woo!) of becoming a teacher, but unfortunately I'm now taking 4 classes on top of my work schedule! (Boo!)
  • My boyfriend and I are currently attempting to buy a condo in the city we live in! (Yay!) However it's a time consuming process! (Boo!)
  • I've taken up painting again! (yay!) But I only have a few minutes free-time give or take to do it in (boo!)!
I feel tired just writing this list.
I actually had a moment where I woke up this morning and said "this is it, today, I'm going to update!" And here I am! I've been playing my Sims soundtrack in my head lately to get me slowly back into the swing so I could update my favorite forum in the world! Does anyone else do that? I have specific songs I associate with specific Sims. Jupiter and Eveline are brought on by "Fire Meets Gasoline" by Sia (love that song, so much, not sure exactly how it makes me think of them, but I do). I've got music I listen to for Majnun, some for specific sims and whatnot... Bah, anywho, how the heck are you guys?

Aww! That's so sad, I wonder what happened, though I need know to figure who smells like pine! Ugh! I love your writing style!  ;D Congrats on 41,500 views!
Woah, woah I got 41,500 views?! EPIC. Holy crap you guys. (throws confetti) (Blows noise maker) ok, and pulling it back in. Wow! I didn't think many people would follow me this far with the Reapers. You wonder what happened my dear friend? I believe I can answer that for you - like a month later...
If you're still there, that is.  ::) ::)

I saw no pictures at first and thought my laptop was failing to render the images, then I realized the really clever thin you did there.  We just experienced the story through her senses.  Those exact visual cues I'd been responding to from the last update were suddenly gone.  Clever. 
Ah, Ah! Someone gets it! Woo! That totally wasn't me being lazy and unable to get pictures that didn't give away specific sims... >.> No but really, it's so hard to keep the identities a secret. I'M SO RELIEVED NOW THAT IT'S GOING TO BE DONE. Though I'll happily take your compliment! :D

I agree with Pippin, very clever to let us experience that the way Eveline did. But how can you leave us hanging like that?
I know, I'm a terrible person. My whole intent was to get this update sooner, but I went back and forth about if I thought I could maintain the identities much longer, and the truth is, I can't. For a while I kicked around keeping it up for a few more updates, but it just wasn't happening.  :-X

I loved Evie's formal wear! It really suited her. And yes, everything does go with black! That's a rule I live by in the real world too  ;)

As a writer myself, I really enjoyed how you did the chapter from Evie's perspective with no photos. Very clever  ;D
Yes! I'm not alone! Black is the only complimentary color!  ;D ;D And thanks! I was trying to be so clever, but really I just didn't want to give anything away yet. Yet. But now...


The Monster Within
Prom Night

Eveline looked paler than Jupiter had ever seen her before. It was as if terror was frozen on her face; true, utter terror. She leaned back against the wall, sitting on the floor - the dirty hallway floor - while her hands gripped at her dress. Tears glimmered in her eyes, threatening to come out. His heart tensed with worry - he had been told over and over again that he needed to test everything before she ate or drank. The food made him sick, but he knew he would have to do it. Was this her being taken down by something? Had he already failed and the night only just begun? His head spun, but he kneeled next to her and spoke quietly.
No response. She couldn't hear him over the jarring music. He leaned closer to her, pulling her against him slowly, doing his best to ignore her racing heartbeat he could hear in her neck - the neck he found so appealing at the moment. He closed his eyes firmly. "Eveline? Are you ok?" He whispered, doing his best not to breath in.
A loud voice came from down the hall. His skin prickled. "Ev?! Woah! What are you doing down there?!" He didn't bother to look at the oncoming boy who came over and kicked Eveline's leg. "Ev! Hey woman, time to wake-y wake-y!" The boy leaned down and gave her a good shake on the arm. Jupiter's arm that had found it's way around her waist tightening instinctively.
"Ivan?" Eveline's voice was very weak and her body was still trembling. Jupiter sucked in his cheek, half out of anger and the other half out of something else. Jealousy? He shook his head slightly. Something never sat right about Ivan to him, but he bit his tongue and said nothing.
"Dear Watcher Ev, what the heck? Are you really shaking?" There was mockery in Ivan's voice. Jupiter clenched his fist reflexively. Who would say such a thing to someone so obviously terrified? What kind of a person would say that? His cheek bled inside his mouth from biting it too hard. His face twitched with anger but he went back to being calm.
"Shut up." Eveline was sharp again. Her face was hardening as she tried her best to gather herself.
He couldn't help himself. "Yes, really, shut up." His words were filled with venom.
Ivan turned his attention on Jupiter now. "Give her some space dude, woah..." He said, making a motion to the two of them. There was a harsh glare that was exchanged between the two of them.
"Mind your own business." Jupiter grumbled, his fists were clenching and unclenching repeatedly. He could feel the ice in his veins threatening to come alive - to fight. He would not be riled. Not so quickly. Not here. Not now. The ice that had started to spread made Eveline's pulse seem even louder than the music. It fluttered like a frightened bird and caused Jupiter to clench his teeth. She smelled like flowers and honey and fire. He didn't even know fire could smell of anything, but he could feel it now. His mouth watered. Being this close was too hard for him, but he couldn't bear to let her go. Too much was at stake.
Jupiter then realized why Ivan was looking at him weird, his pupils would be dilated, and he was sure he probably looked on the edge of frenzy, though truth be told it wasn't the first time that night. Something about Eveline put him on edge. He hated it so much. He hated himself. What he was. All of it. She should want nothing to do with him - but she danced with him. She didn't judge him, or assume the worst of him. She wasn't afraid of him. Watcher, everyone in the world hated and feared him, except for her. Some people pretended they didn't care, but she was the only one who truly didn't. "I've already fed for tonight, you can stop looking at me like that." And he had. Six plasma fruits. One usually fills him, but he wanted to be safe, to make sure he could be in full control of himself. It wasn't working.
The answer seemed to catch Ivan off-guard. "Say what?"
Jupiter flashed him a large smile, showing off his canines. "Got a problem with it?" His voice got deeper, like this was some masculinity show or something equally as stupid.
Ivan shrugged calmly. "No, no it's cool. Vampires and stuff. I guess." He then bent down and grabbed Eveline's hands, placing his drink he had been carrying in her open hand.
"What's this?" Eveline's eyebrows came together slightly as she felt the rim of the glass with her other hand.
Ivan shrugged as he spoke, not like she could even see, and it took everything in Jupiter to not roll his eyes at him. "Just some of my own punch. You looked thirsty."
A red flag was flying off in his head, Eveline leaned down and put her face closer to the glass. "She probably shouldn't drink that. I can get you some water, Eveline." If she was thirsty he would test it first. Please be reasonable, his mind was begging.
Ivan scoffed at him, "It's just fine. I brought it from home myself, I don't want the soon-to-be Mayor's daughter getting caught drinking spiked punch."
The red flags suddenly became a parade of red warning signs. Eveline seemed to trust him though, and she downed the glass immediately. Surely her grandfather spoke to her, Jupiter thought. "Thanks Ivan." Eveline rolled her head on her neck and stretched a little. Jupiter felt his face flush suddenly, he had thought nothing when he pulled her so close earlier, but now she must be seriously creeped out that he had his arms around her like this. She said nothing of the sorts though, "I think... I think I'm ok. What happened?"
"I think you got overwhelmed." Jupiter leaned closer to her ear, he wanted to be sure she could hear him without him having to yell. It also didn't hurt that he didn't mind being driven that close to her. "I pulled you out of the main room before anything bad could happen. I take it you had trouble seeing?"
"I'm not really sure what happened." Eveline moved to cradle her head in her hands while she grimaced. "My head is pounding. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea."
No, it wasn't a good idea. Neither was Jupiter, a vampire - a monster, being pressed so close to her neck. So Jupiter decided it was best to not say anything of that sort. "Let me get you some water?" Though it wasn't a question. He pulled himself away as quickly as he could - like ripping off a bandaid. He walked away from her and his head got clearer with every step. Something in him said he shouldn't leave her alone with Ivan, but he needed to clear his head before he did something stupid and unintended.
He was a monster, after all. At least, that's what he told himself every night before he went to sleep.
Jupiter moved effortlessly through the mobs of teenagers in his effort to hurry back to Eveline. He could hear all of their pulses like a rhythm underneath the music. The sound was giving him a headache. He reached the two of them who had been chatting and smirking at each other and Eveline acknowledged him immediately. She got her sight back, at least that's one good thing going for the night. He handed her the water and she smiled up at him kindly.
She drank from the water and sat it down while trying to get up to her feet. Jupiter and Ivan both had grabbed either side of her to help her up. "Sorry for freaking everyone out. Just a minor meltdown. No worries." She gave a mischievous smile and began stretching her muscles a bit. Ivan released her which set her off balance and Jupiter stepped in and slid his arm around her waist easily. It was almost natural to him, and he didn't understand why.
"There's no rush." He said calmly. He would feel better staying away from the large crowd of people anyways.
"Com'on Ev! Hurry up and let's get to dancing!" Ivan had started off in the direction of the main gym again, leaving Eveline and Jupiter behind.
"Hey! Ivan!" Eveline tried to stop him but sighed when he didn't respond. Her voice dropped really low as she muttered to herself. "Are social events usually this exhausting?"
Jupiter figured she wasn't talking to anyone in particular, but he couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Unfortunately so." He smiled as he spoke, feeling relieved he wasn't the only one who absolutely loathed big crowds.
Eveline's face looked exasperated, "Why do we do this to ourselves?"
Jupiter felt his smile growing bigger, "I have no idea." They were walking incredibly slowly in the direction of the gym, though neither of them actually wanted to go there. He looked over at her as she slumped against him in their pace and he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of calm. She looked truly beautiful in her dress, he opened his mouth to say so when the world started slowing down far too quickly. One minute she's against his arm, the next Jupiter is being tugged away by Elspeth Cook, and Eveline is disappearing through the mob towards the doors.
"I'm going to head outside with Ivan, feel free to join me when you're done." Eveline called to him, and he could only watch her go, practically frozen in place. 


"So I was hoping to get you away from her all night! I'm sorry about freaking out on you last week. I was hoping we could move past it..." Elspeth was rambling.
Jupiter hadn't turned to look at her. Dots were being connected in his head. Ivan wanted to go outside? With Eveline? Alone? It all suddenly clicked for him. This is what he was warned about.
"Jupiter, where are you going?! I need to-"
Just as the world slowed in rapid succession, it was now speeding up rapidly too. The ice was flowing through his veins and coming alive. He took one step, another, two more, and suddenly he was channeling his speed. He tore after Eveline like his life depended on it - and it very well did. He was a blur to the rest of the world, and no one even noticed the gust of wind he became as he gracefully danced around the crowded rooms towards the doors.

He could see them outside, Ivan was pulling her arms, she was laying on the ground. Unconscious. Anger surged through Jupiter, fueled by the ice in his veins, and he burst through the doors nearly breaking them. His speed still on his side, he slammed Ivan back and several feet, his fist colliding with Ivan's ribs - making a cracking noise. Jupiter was breathing hard, his pupils dilated all the way as he looked around. The world was spinning to the sounds of pulses as he sensed the heat of the boy in front of him. "Who do you work for?!" Jupiter hissed and took a step forward before shaking his head. Get a grip. Get a grip. GET A GRIP.
He pulled his hands to his head. He was not a hunter. He wasn't going to lose himself to this. He couldn't become this monster. He wouldn't.
Ivan hadn't responded. He hadn't even recovered from the blow Jupiter had dealt originally. He was on his hands and knees several feet away, though he turned to look at Jupiter with fear in his eyes. There was a moment where Jupiter thought he had made an error, a horrible feeling that sat at the edge of his heart, but Ivan's eyes hardened and he spat. "You're too late."

He could feel them coming long before he saw them. They were monsters. All of them.
He was one of them too, though. Jupiter clenched his fists and let the ice spread. He slowly stepped over Eveline's limp form and stood. He didn't stand a chance, but he wasn't going to run.
"Hello, pet." William spoke first. Jupiter felt his whole world tremble. It was him. After all these years. "Look at you all grown up. I didn't expect you to have survived our last encounter." He shrugged, "sorry kid, man's got to eat, after all."
Jupiter bared his teeth in response.
"Vampirism suits you, boy."
The rage bubbled over, "I NEVER WANTED THIS." He screamed at them, his fists tight against his side.
"Woah now, someone's hungry. Look, kid we need her alive, so you can't have her, however we've got some pretty delicious-"
"I'm. Not. Like. You." Jupiter spat every word out with all the venom he could manage. "I never will be, and if you want her, you're going to have to go through me."

Paws pattered on the wet pavement.

Just hold out a little longer, Jupiter. I'm coming.

Jupiter looked down at the pavement - he had been knocked to his knees again, everything ached. They had been going at it for what felt like forever, and he just wasn't strong enough. He coughed and spat out blood. Eveline lay motionless several feet from him, and he willed her - begged her in his head - to wake up. To run. He didn't care if he lost his own life, what's one less monster to the world? But her? The world can't stand to lose another beautiful person in it. He sucked in a hard breath and forced himself to his feet once again.
He nearly stumbled and the group was circling him, laughing. He had barely done any damage to them, well, save for one he knocked out, but three still remained. It didn't take long before they had him back on the pavement face first. He could see her now from there. "I'm sorry, Eveline." He whispered. He put his forehead against the cold, wet stone beneath him as the rain fell from the sky slowly. The only thought in his head was how he would die right here and not ever be able to redeem himself for the monster he was.
One more time, body, just once more; he willed his body to move, but it wasn't responding. He closed his eyes, waiting for an impending final blow when he heard it.
It was a very soft noise, but it was unmistakable. Moon's pawprints. Moon was the cat who resided at the bunk with everyone else. She just showed up one day and made herself at home - and it was as if no one cared or noticed. Jack even fed her from a fancy plate. Majnun would talk wildly and crazily to her too, though he just imagined that was him just being legitimately crazy. What was she doing here?
"What the-?"

"That's enough." A new voice had entered the area.

Magic permeated the surrounding area around her as she floated above the ground - hovering. Everything about her screamed magic, in fact, she probably could have been completely made of magic as it was all he felt from her.

Jupiter looked up, afraid of what he would see - and what he did see was a foot very close to his face, frozen in time. Even the rain had frozen mid-air in the sky. He looked over to the woman, confusion in his eyes. "Moon?"

The woman half smiled, "Olivia works too."
It clicked. "Watcher." He breathed.
"Now you're getting the idea." Her voice was light, airy and had a very slight veil over it, like it wasn't really there. She waved her hand dismissively over his form and he could feel himself getting lighter. He quickly got to his feet and ran over to Eveline.
"Eveline! Eveline! Please!" He shook her suddenly. "Wake up! Please!"
Eveline groaned every so softly, but she was still out.

Jupiter felt defeated, resigned. He put his head in his hands, "watcher, I've failed." He mumbled half-coherently as he bit back tears.
"She's going to be alright." There was such an eerie sense of comfort in the watcher's voice. "She's just had something slipped into her drink. It will prevent her from using magic and make her very, very tired."
"I was such a fool. I'm so sorry Eveline."
"Curam habe de ea"
Jupiter turned to look at her. "What?"
"Take care of her." She said calmly as she placed herself between Eveline, him and the vampires who were frozen in place. "She obviously means a lot to you, as she does to me. I'm going to be very weak after this, and I can assure you this will not be their final move for our Eveline. I'm not going to be able to intervene next time. Will you tell Majnun something for me?"
"I suppose so."
"Praeparo. Veniet. Vult Proelium." She pronounced each word, and Jupiter tried to mimic the sounds.
"Close enough." She smiled warmly at him. "I will be able to send these fools running for tonight, can you get her to a safe place?" She was no longer looking at Jupiter, instead she focused herself on the group still frozen in time.
"Will the bunk house work?"
"It should do perfectly." She sighed quietly. "You've done well, Jupiter. Thank you."

The magic intensified in the air around him, he threw his body over the top of Eveline and shielded her face.

She was gone, along with everyone else, and the rain started to fall again.
Jupiter looked around, the sound of a car driving on the nearby street drew his attention, it was silent all but for that. The car stopped on the street across from where he sat. Jupiter gathered Eveline up in his arms and started to walk.
The tinted window of the car rolled down and Jack gave Jupiter a once over. "You don't look so good."
"We need to go back to the bunk. I have something to tell Majnun."

"Hey, blood-sucker, what happened to your face?!" Nia heckled him, but Jupiter didn't blink. He just sat and waited.

Jack quietly brought over a wet rag and Jupiter took it quietly but still said nothing.
"What's up with him? Getting your butt handed to you make you lose your voice?"
Jack and her started going at it, but again, Jupiter didn't take any notice. Finally he lurched forward, his muscles ached. He walked over and used the rag that was likely intended for him to help clean the mud off of Eveline's face gently. Unfortunately her dress was ruined, and he felt bad about that. He turned and prepared to walk away when he heard it.
A soft, muffled groan and Eveline's eyes flickered open, white as usual. Her face twisted up in pain and suddenly fear. She sucked in a hard breath and started to clutch at the sheets. Her breathing soon became hyperventilating. Something was wrong. Jupiter moved and sat down slowly on the side of the bed.
Her hand moved over to him sluggishly, attempting to make a fist, but when he looked back up at her face, tears had started to spill from her eyes. She cried softly and closed her eyes shut very tight. Jupiter felt his heart breaking inside of him. He reached over hesitantly before his fingers brushed a tear off of her cheek. In that movement he could feel her heart racing, fighting against whatever else in her system that wanted to slow her down.
"Please don't hurt me." Her voice was so weak and hoarse, heavy with sleep.
Jupiter pulled his hand back suddenly feeling self-conscious. Did she know what he was? Was she afraid of him now? Hurt and anxiety filled him, but she spoke again, "I don't want to go to sleep again." She begged. Her face scrunched up tight as the tears fell from her eyes. "No... it's... it's too dark." She sobbed.

He couldn't take it, he grabbed her up into his arms and leaned her against him. He held her tightly against him and stroked her hair. The one time in his life he ever felt comfort was when someone stroked his hair like this; he held her tightly and hoped that it brought her the same comfort it did him. She broke down into a fit of horrible sobs as he did so, but he only continued to stroke her hair quietly. "No... please." She whimpered.
"You're safe now." Jupiter found his voice, even though watching her like this was heartbreaking. "I will always keep you safe." Her body was slowly growing limp in his arms. "Don't be afraid."

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Offline mpart

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Monster Within
« Reply #602 on: September 17, 2015, 09:06:17 PM »
I knew Stanley was to blame! He just seemed fishy to Majun! Excellent job! I always will be reading, plus you add up the suspense when you kept updates away and yours are always so detailed. I adore the updates.  :D

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Monster Within
« Reply #603 on: September 18, 2015, 07:00:51 PM »
A vampire fight and a Watcher manifestation?  Nice!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Do I Know You?
« Reply #604 on: September 20, 2015, 02:57:03 AM »
I knew Stanley was to blame! He just seemed fishy to Majun! Excellent job! I always will be reading, plus you add up the suspense when you kept updates away and yours are always so detailed. I adore the updates.  :D
Two updates in short span! - Boom boom! :D Thank you kindly though, I really appreciate your support while writing this! I can't believe I'm only 4 more generations left with this legacy... It'll be a sad day - perhaps that's why I'm taking my time with the story. It started as an experiment, and look how far it's come...

A vampire fight and a Watcher manifestation?  Nice!
Baha, you make it sound so much more intense, when in reality Eveline was snoozing through the whole thing! ;)

Do I Know You?
8 Years Ago
The bustle of the city slowed to a crawl as it was enveloped by darkness and rain. People walked with their umbrellas up and their heads down. There had been a cold snap recently, and most people were inside enjoying the warmth and comfort their homes brought. The rain had been incessant over the past several days and whatever little patches of greenery there was in the town soon became bottomless freezing mud pits.

Bridgeport has always been home to many interesting people; celebrities, artists, and musicians have all made themselves right at home, but they were not the only ones. No, a small vampire clan took shape, claiming a small portion of this once lively city. Vampires were never strangers to the city of Bridgeport, but prior to a year ago they hadn't held any allegiances. Prior to a year ago the city was full of nightlife, but now everyone fears the sun going down. They fear what lurks in the shadows.

Lucien Ricardo arrived in Bridgeport one year ago and rallied support from all the different vampire families that had once hid from the light. He trained them, and taught them to use their abilities to their advantage. It would be a long crawl from the bottom, but Lucien believed he could bring them out of the darkness.

The vampires started to come out more often, and were less hesitant about feeding whenever and however they pleased. It started as a few scuffles in the alleyways, and soon exploded into attacks in the middle of busy streets at night. The police force wasn't prepared to fight these things, and the people sensed it. Slowly but surely, the nightlife of Bridgeport dwindled to none.


The streets were rain-soaked and quiet. A thick haze had settled in the form of a cold drizzle that seemed constant. The world seemed eerily quiet as one taxi cut through the darkness. It's passengers were worn and tired from the long day they've had and the idle chatter that had once filled the car had quieted to a calm silence.

One of the two passengers in the taxi quietly leaned against the window, watching the sidewalks as they passed. She shivered at how cold the world felt through the glass, and thought of how nice it would be to return home. Her partner in the seat next to her held her hand and rubbed his thumb over her wrist. She felt her eyes growing weary with exhaustion when she saw it.
"Stop the taxi." It was a murmur, which gathered an inquisitive look from her partner. The taxi had not stopped however, and the woman found herself screaming in a panic, "STOP THE TAXI!"
The taxi driver screeched the vehicle to a halt. He quickly turned to glare at the passenger who had demanded such an immediate stop in a dangerous part of town, but soon discovered that she had flung the door open and thrown herself out onto the wet pavement.
She wasted no time bolting back towards what she had seen.

Her tiny shoes sank ankle-deep in the icy mud that she ran through, but she didn't care. The wind was biting and the rain was like needles hitting her skin, it was a wonder anyone could get warm after feeling such cold. Yet there, in the mud and the freezing cold of the night was something that was far more important than her own comfort.

The woman slumped down next to the unconscious child and pulled him into her arms. The boy felt like ice and his clothing was soaked through. She had no jacket or anything to give him, so she pulled him close to her chest and rubbed his arms quickly to generate any sort of heat she could.
She pulled back to look at him. His face was pale and his eyes were sunken in. She leaned her head over and placed her ear delicately against his chest. His breathing was shallow, but he was still alive. She felt relief sink into her. "It's going to be ok. I promise." She whispered to him.

The boy's eyes flickered open, and he looked up at her. His lower lip started to tremble. "Everything hurts." He whimpered.
The woman frowned, but tried not to let it show. "You're safe now dear. I won't let anything hurt you anymore. Ok?" She pressed him up against her again, only this time she started to stroke his hair slowly.
The boy started to cry very softly into this stranger's comfort. In the distance there was the sound of the taxi pulling away and another set of footsteps running.
"Mary! What in the Watcher's name are you doing? Eveline is waiting for us to-" The man stopped dead in his tracks. "Watcher! What happened?!"

"I don't know Alec... this poor boy. He needs help. We need to call an ambulance. He's been injured..." Mary tried her best to stay as calm as she could, but she felt her voice trembling.
Alec pulled his phone out of his pocket and numbly tried to dial for help. He squatted down next to his wife while they hovered over the young boy. "Hello? Hello? We need an ambulance out here. What do you mean please hold?!"
Mary continued stroking the boy's head, humming softly under her breath. She couldn't dare close her eyes for every time she did she didn't see the boy, instead she saw her daughter in this state and it killed her to think about. She stroked his hair until one point she ran her hands down further until it ran into something sticky. She pulled her hand back and saw blood coming from the boy's neck. Horror consumed her face while her husband continued to fight with the operator about being put on hold. She looked over and saw two puncture holes in his neck - a bite mark.
"I don't want to become a monster." The boy sniffled, his voice weak.
Mary looked back at the boy, but her face softened. "You won't become a monster, then." She stated quietly.
The boy's lower lip trembled as he spoke, "but I've been bitten." His face screwed up tightly with sadness, "I'm going to become... to become..."
Mary shushed him quietly and wiped his face with her hand. "Everything is going to be ok." She reached over and quietly wiped the blood off his neck with her sleeve before returning back to stroking his hair. "You're going to become anything you want to become. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Ok?"
The boy only nodded.
"She hung up on me? What is wrong with this city!" Alec grumbled. He shook his head and prepared to start dialing again when suddenly someone spoke.
"Forgive me for intruding, but that boy looks like he needs medical help."

"Well gee, we didn't notice captain obvi-"
"Alec!" Mary scolded quietly.
Alec grumbled his apologies.
"I have a car, I can hurry him to the hospital down the road. Please, I want to help, and he looks like he could use some medical attention right away." The man reached over and flashed an ID to Mary. "I work with the medical staff there, I can get him help right away."
Mary squinted her eyes at the ID before shock crossed her face. "Jack Reaper. You're a Reaper?" She looked at him curiously.
"It's my mother's maiden name, yes. She was very proud of it and fought my father tooth and nail to keep it." He chuckled.
"My name is Reaper - well, Mary Reaper."
"On a normal occasion I'd love to stay and chat with you, but the boy is in critical condition."
Mary shook her head. "Right, of course."
"If I may?"
Mary nodded and Jack reached down to pick the boy up.
Alec flagged down another taxi while Jack slowly carried the boy over to his idling car.

Mary quietly climbed into the new taxi feeling numb and worn. The taxi started to pull away when she realized she hadn't even gotten contact information to check on the boy later.
"Do you think he'll be alright?"
"I'm sure he will, Mary."
"I should've done more to help him."
"You left him with a Reaper, I really doubt there was any more you could've done."
Mary nodded quietly, "I hope you're right."

"Am I going to die?"
Jack looked down at the boy in his arms and contemplated his answer. "In a way, you will."

"Where are you taking me?"
"We're going to the Bridgeport Hospital to pick up a few things, then I'm going to take you home." Jack said quietly. "Do you have a family I can call?"
The boy shook his head. "I don't have anyone at all." He said sadly.
Jack put the boy in the back seat of his car and covered him in a blanket that he kept in his backseat. "What's your name, son?"
"Jupiter." The boy responded back weakly.
"Well Jupiter, I'm Jack. How would you like to stay with me for a while?"
The boy looked over at him with wide, bright blue eyes. "Really?"
It would be the last time his eyes were ever that color.
Jack felt himself smiling, "really. Now try to rest, tonight isn't going to be very pleasant."
The boy nodded and rest his head against the seat. Jack pulled back and was prepared to close the door when the boy spoke again, "Jack?"
"Hm?" He looked down.
"Thank you."

Jupiter went home with Jack that night where he spent the entire night in agony while he transitioned. Jack sat up with him the whole night and prepared the blood bags he procured from their quick trip to the hospital. Jack did his best to distract Jupiter by getting him to talk about anything he could think of. So Jupiter did talk, he talked until he finally fell asleep just past dawn.

Jack spent many weeks following that creating a plant that could give Jupiter the nutrients he needed as well as fill the craving the poor boy would get. Weeks became months and months became years; Jack never asked Jupiter to leave, and Jupiter never left. They were a makeshift family, but a family nonetheless.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Do I Know You?
« Reply #605 on: September 20, 2015, 09:19:03 AM »
At first I thought it was Eveline because of the pink. I loved how you took a memories from the past to explain Jupiter into depth.  :D

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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Do I Know You?
« Reply #607 on: September 24, 2015, 06:32:47 AM »
OMG I finally finished this after months of having it bookmarked. Only took 3 days lol. This story is epic Liv! And I love that I was right in my suspicions about Jupiter and Ivan! Let me say that my pictures don't always render on my phone (in fact more often than not they don't) and I have not felt the lack of them! Except when I wanted to see what a specific character looked like and then I usually just had to click the image for it to appear in my browser (on another phone. This one doesn't let me click the images)  so I have been jumping from one phone to the next three whole time and all I can say is BRAVA!!! You are officially in my top 10 Sims authors... I won't say who the other 9 are but they know lol I am desperately trying to keep myself from looking at the family tree as I don't want to potentially ruin any surprises you have in store but drat it's hard! Love this love this love this!!!!!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Do I Know You?
« Reply #608 on: September 26, 2015, 10:48:34 AM »
Loved how you gave Jupiter's backstory here.  Man of mystery no longer  :=)

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Do I Know You?
« Reply #609 on: October 01, 2015, 11:40:35 AM »
Oh my gosh!!! So much has happened! Finally got around to checking this again for any updates and there were three so you know what that meant - binge-read! Loved the update from Eveline's point of view as it really captures the panic she must've felt. Plus, as the others said, it was clever not putting the pictures in there to show us the story properly from her point of view.  ;) I loved the craziness that ensued in the second update and the simself appearance even more! And the final update. What can I say apart from omg it's so cute! Jupiter is just one of those characters who seems like at bad boy at the start but turns out to be a complete softie when they're in love.  :) (if anyone out there's read Finding Sky, you'll realise that Zed's kinda the same) Can't wait for the next update!  ;)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Do I Know You?
« Reply #610 on: January 24, 2016, 01:10:42 AM »
Still aliiiiiive! ;)

Hello everyone!
Update coming at you!
After I respond to these long awaited comments.
And pretend I wasn't gone for an insane period of time.

At first I thought it was Eveline because of the pink. I loved how you took a memories from the past to explain Jupiter into depth.  :D
Oh Jupiter, I love him to death, but the game starts him as a child in pink clothing. Poor kiddo. It's not even tasteful pink.
Ooooh, *wink wink, nudge nudge* I sense a good couple of updates in the future, right?

Aww, poor Jupiter! And hooray for more Reaper family cameos  ;D
I love my extended family, but boy oh boy are they tough to keep up with. ;) Especially now that I'm juggling two family trees... Ah well, 'tis all worth it in the end!

OMG I finally finished this after months of having it bookmarked. Only took 3 days lol. This story is epic Liv! And I love that I was right in my suspicions about Jupiter and Ivan! Let me say that my pictures don't always render on my phone (in fact more often than not they don't) and I have not felt the lack of them! Except when I wanted to see what a specific character looked like and then I usually just had to click the image for it to appear in my browser (on another phone. This one doesn't let me click the images)  so I have been jumping from one phone to the next three whole time and all I can say is BRAVA!!! You are officially in my top 10 Sims authors... I won't say who the other 9 are but they know lol I am desperately trying to keep myself from looking at the family tree as I don't want to potentially ruin any surprises you have in store but drat it's hard! Love this love this love this!!!!!
Aw! Thank you so much! I am trying to keep up with it! I swear!  :-X And awww, shucks! I'm just trying to tell the wonderful story of this crazy family. That's all.
Man there's going to be a void in my life when this is done.

Loved how you gave Jupiter's backstory here.  Man of mystery no longer  :=)
Nah, he's just the poor, gentle soul of Jupiter that we're all going to love, I'm sure. :D

Oh my gosh!!! So much has happened! Finally got around to checking this again for any updates and there were three so you know what that meant - binge-read! Loved the update from Eveline's point of view as it really captures the panic she must've felt. Plus, as the others said, it was clever not putting the pictures in there to show us the story properly from her point of view.  ;) I loved the craziness that ensued in the second update and the simself appearance even more! And the final update. What can I say apart from omg it's so cute! Jupiter is just one of those characters who seems like at bad boy at the start but turns out to be a complete softie when they're in love.  :) (if anyone out there's read Finding Sky, you'll realise that Zed's kinda the same) Can't wait for the next update!  ;)
Thank you so much! Yeah, I tend to binge-post, so it's great for binge-readers, haha, not so great when I need to keep a regular schedule. I wholeheartedly and completely blame Dragon Age. It's eaten my life. And work. And school. Totally those things. And I can't stay too far from my Reapers! They're my babies, so my Simself must always be around for a deus ex machinan appearance! ;) Update coming your way! I pinky promise! Pictures are up and ready to go!

I've been chatting to a various party who-will-not-be-named-(unless-they-wish-to-be-so) ;) and a collaboration is in the works, which has once again drawn my focus back to my Reapers. Look forward to that in the coming future, hopefully! Until then, let's move forward, shall we? I hate to double post on the forums, but I also feel like I might kill the word-limit, so I'll go ahead and start up the update and post it afterwards. I must say though that I am super sorry for the disappearance. I won't make any promises about disappearing again, but do know that I'm never really gone. I still stay on the forum as a lurker and keep up with any messages being sent my way! Currently I'm a full time student (5 classes) at a college near me and working full time. It's a full schedule and so when I do (rarely) get free time I have been reaching more for Dragon Age. The Sims 3 is still my favorite and I'll still be playing it as much as time will allow!
Forgive me, everyone?

On to the update! Drumroll please!

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Cleaning Up the Mess
« Reply #611 on: January 24, 2016, 03:37:37 AM »
Cleaning Up the Mess

Majnun's headache was pounding - no, throbbing - obnoxiously as everything in the room around him was moving quickly. He sat still, concentrating hard. Focused. Cold. Clear.
"Praeparo. Veniet. Vult Proelium." Jupiter had repeated a garbled variation of the message three times before Majnun stopped him and went to sit and focus.
There was simply too much to focus on; it was as if the world waited until now to spring every exhausting hoop for him to jump through. Yet at the same time Majnun was thankful that it all happened at once. He could drain through his magic now and coast on insanity for a few days if he set this up correctly.
Sheogorath sat dutifully next to him, his eye twitching slightly and his head lolling as the insanity would take hold briefly before returning to his calculating gaze. He also had a lot on his plate and was struggling to keep his head above water. The thought made Majnun fiendishly delighted. Majnun massaged his temples. The room buzzed further and Sheo finally caught a glimpse of his father and recognition crossed his face.
"What will you have me do, my lord?" His voice was shaky, struggling to find even ground. His sanity was barely maintained.
"Summon Kefka."

It had been two hours and thirty-three minutes. Majnun had counted them painfully as his head throbbing made for an excellent metronome. He hadn't moved an inch from his seat, however others had gathered slowly into the room. There was an air of discomfort and tension as everyone could sense their master's unease.
Kefka paced at the entrance to the hideaway, muttering gibberish under his breath while his hands idly tapped against his phone.
Sheogorath had only moved so much as to acknowledge his wife's entrance before returning to his thoughts.
Deliro was rocking back and forth in his seat, occasionally making conversation with Kefka to help calm his jittered brother.
Mania sat disturbingly quiet for her usual self.
A marker squeaked against the white board as Jack kept himself busy, Liam standing close by.
And Jupiter? He had not left Eveline's side for a minute, a fact that made Majnun as weary as all the other things weighing his mind combined.

Majnun sighed, the first audible thing he had done since the group had gathered together. This caused all of his children to stare at him expectantly. "Let's begin." Majnun's voice seemed booming compared to the quiet that enveloped the room. "Gather around, everyone."
The sanity that Majnun spoke with caused a wave of fear to capture everyone in the room. They moved without question, except for Kefka, who looked paralyzed with fear and indecision.
His laughter bubbled, "ma-ma-master?" His fingers trembled as he twisted the bottom of his shirt.
"You can wait for her." Majnun responded levelly.
Kefka nodded fiercely and continued pacing back and forth in front of the entry.

Liam and Jack had quieted, but kept themselves to their own corner, figuring they didn't belong in the Mad God's conversation with his followers. Jupiter stayed fixed next to the bed where Eveline lay resting off the effects the drug had left on her.
Majnun's eyes lifted towards where his granddaughter rested, "Jupiter," his voice started out high pitched, it slowly sank as he continued. "Why don't you come and sit over here." Majnun's eyes moved to the chair directly across from his at the table. It wasn't a question, it was simply a command. Jupiter looked at him coldly, the first time he ever turned his gaze away from Eveline, however he stood without a word and moved silently over to the chair Majnun had directed to with his gaze.

"But... but... master!" Mania suddenly came to life. "You would have an outsider sit at a position of power to you? Sheogorath should sit opposite of you!" Her voice whined and grated on Majnun's ears.
"Sheogorath" the name came out much louder and forceful than the rest of the statement, "is right here, next to me." Majnun clicked his tongue. "You would be wise to not test my patience today," his voice shrunk low as he spat her name, "Mania."
Mania trembled and moved her hand to pull a chair back.
Majnun interrupted her, "I do not think it will be necessary for you to sit." He stated without looking at her.
The insult implied was grave, and Mania looked around in desperation. Her husband didn't even make eye contact with her, so her head fell and hung low. She took a step back and stood, knowing that she was being punished for something, and loathing the reason.
Kefka suddenly became rigid. "Ma-ma-ma-master?" He laughed maniacally, waving his phone around, even though the battery had long since been removed from it.
Majnun felt the shift in the air and nodded. "We have a guest tonight."
With that the room was absolutely silent as the sound of the upstairs door shutting echoed throughout the room.
Heels hitting the wood floor, growing louder with every step caused both Kefka and Deliro to twitch at the sounds.

The woman made the air feel stiff and cold as she entered the room. Jupiter sat up straighter in his seat, fists clenched. Even Jack and Liam had stopped what they were doing to stare. There was something terrifyingly off about the woman that stood before them.

Kefka bowed lowly at her entrance. "Mo-mo-mother." He giggled, but immediately silenced it as she looked at him with annoyance.

"Charlotte." Majnun said levelly.
Charlotte's gaze fell to Majnun and she tipped her head forward, "husband." She spat, her tone somewhere between playful and testing boundaries which she knew better than to be tested.
Majnun was unwavering though, and was not going to play her game. "Thank you for coming on such short notice."
His sanity caught Charlotte completely off-guard. Her eyes widened and her face fell to a look of shock only briefly before she composed herself. The gravity of the situation struck her and she responded with equal strength, "what is it you need?"

"You are not stupid, and I do not have the strength for lengthy conversation, Charlotte. I have a vampire problem. Take care of it."
Charlotte looked amused, "you say that as if I can just snap my fingers and poof them all away." Her tone was playful, and the conversation obviously meant a lot more to her and Majnun than anyone else. Majnun did not move and Charlotte sighed with a hint of frustration. "Very well. I will need strength. Perhaps..." A devious smile grew, "you might let me have a taste of madness once again?"
There was a small, but still audible, gasp that came from the table.
Majnun, however, didn't even flinch. "No." The denial was simple. "You can," he paused and gestured to Mania, "have nymph blood."
Mania looked around, panicked. "Please... please master... I..."
"Take as much as you need for strength, but keep her alive. She still hasn't given me grandchildren." The insult was now out in the open.
Mania whimpered.

"Please master... I'll do anything. I swear I've been trying... It's just... please master!"
"Deal." Charlotte agreed.

Majnun made an idle gesture towards Mania and Charlotte gracefully swooped around the table, zoning in on her fae-target with a devious smile.
Mania looked towards her husband who turned away from her gaze after their eyes made contact. A flash of hatred crossed through her eyes before her entire face fell.
Jupiter shifted uncomfortably in his chair before realizing that Majnun was keeping steady eye-contact with him - testing him.
All eyes turned to Mania as she weakly offered her arm to the vampiress.
The vampiress however batted her arm away and grabbed her by the face.
"Such a pretty thing." Charlotte grinned widely. "It's been ages since I've tasted nymph blood. What a treat. You do really know how to treat a woman, mi'lord."

Charlotte sank her teeth into the soft flesh of Mania's neck, causing Mania to cry out and whimper. Jupiter had closed his eyes, unable to look at the sight. The smell of blood filled his nose and caused his whole being to come alive. His fingernails cut into his palm as he struggled to not listen to the rapidly beating nymph-heart that was so audible in his ears. It made his mouth fill with saliva and disgusted him at the same time. His self-loathing was enough to keep him in check, and he was grateful for that.
Majnun seemed to take note of this change in Jupiter, but said nothing.
Charlotte let Mania go after a brief minute and Mania sunk to her knees, tears rolling down her face as she gripped her neck.
"I take it that is all you will need?" Majnun asked. It was mostly a formality, and he was using it as a way to dismiss her.
Charlotte was well aware of this. "Of course, mi'lord, though you should visit me more often." She said with a teasing voice. She turned and started heading for the door. "Just leave your pesky night stalkers to me, dear." She paused at Kefka at the door and cradled his face in her hands affectionately before kissing his forehead.

"My son." She looked at him fondly, and Kefka seemed happy to have the acknowledgement. "Make me proud." She said simply.
Kefka nodded with a goofy grin. Charlotte rolled her eyes just slightly before half laughing. She closed her eyes and when she reopened them her face was serious once again. She dropped her hands and left without another word.
The only sound in the room after that was muffled sniffling that came from the crumpled nymph on the floor.
"Jack, Liam," Majnun started, his voice suddenly softened as he added one more name, "Nia." He paused again, "please take a seat."
Liam gave a defiant look, but Jack motioned him to follow anyways. Nia crawled up from the floor to the seat at the table, gingerly wiping her face with her hands. Her neck had already started to heal shut thanks to her nymph blood. Jupiter gave her an apologetic and empathetic look before turning his gaze to the Mad God.

Majnun shifted for the first time in his chair and gazed at his table. "I'm exhausted." He admitted. "So let's make this very zippity quick!" His voice surged forward as he struggled to maintain it. He turned first to Sheogorath. "Who is she?"
Sheogorath look stunned, "she?"
Majnun was highly unamused. "There is a rumor that I have another granddaughter. Seeing as you don't seem to know, you are going to find out. I'm going to give you a week's time. Figure it out. Report back to me in exactly one week."
Sheogorath nodded gravely, his eyes wide.

Majnun didn't have time for this to all sink in, so he continued on, "Deliro, I want you to return to the Madhouse and keep track of our state of affairs. Kefka, I want you to shadow your mother and ensure she has everything she needs. I want you both to report back on an as-needed basis starting after I return from my trip."

"Master is traveling?" Deliro asked intently.
"Yes. I will be."
"Don't forget your cheese knife." Kefka said and Deliro nodded in agreement.
"Jack and Liam all I ask is that you maintain things here." Majnun began to pinch the bridge of his nose. He ached all over.

Liam scowled, but Jack responded kindly, "we will do our best, sir."
Majnun turned to Mania, who wouldn't meet his gaze. "Perhaps a visit to the glade to see your family and recover from the events of today would be in order, Mania." Majnun spoke as if he meant her physical wound, yet everyone knew well he meant the other wound which she suffered that day.
Mania nodded her head quickly without looking up. She trembled in her seat.

Finally Majnun's gaze locked onto Jupiter. "Jupiter, you have done my family a great service, and I am in your debt. An unusual occurrence, for someone of your stature." Jupiter looked at him levelly. "I intend to return the favor, of course, but I will need your help once more before I can do so."
Jupiter tilted his head, implying he was listening. He had managed to stay quiet this entire time, and he wasn't even sure if his vocal cords would work if he tried to use them. Majnun continued, "Eveline and I will be travelling;" he paused briefly, "as you can tell I am not in a good state, nor will I be for the next few days. I ask that you accompany us on our travels." Majnun stated. "You will be compensated." He added.
"I don't need compensation." Jupiter's voice came out gruffly.
Majnun adjusted himself in his seat once more, "everyone needs compensation, in one form," he turned and glanced at Eveline briefly, just long enough that Jupiter and no one else understood what was implied, "or another. Let's just say I'm always one to make sure my debts are paid, and I think that you deserve a chance to enjoy the sun's rays on your skin, no?"
Jupiter's brows scrunched in confusion before it clicked. "You... you would make me human again?"
"I always pay back my debts." Majnun reaffirmed.
Jupiter felt his heart leap into his throat, he sputtered but didn't know what to say.
"Go and pack. All of you are dismissed. Leave me." He waved his hands. He could feel the jitter starting up and he couldn't take it any longer.
Everyone stood up slowly and began to filter out of the room.

Jupiter was the only one who paused to glance once more at the unconscious girl before he moved forward to follow the orders he was given.
The room was empty and Majnun sighed quietly as he stood and his stiff joints cracked with complaint. He grumbled under his breath, slowly allowing himself to relax. He began to make his way over to his resting granddaughter, moving slowly and quietly as he did so.

He sighed, "my little swallow." He said affectionately. "I'm sorry." He whispered. He sat down on the bed where she lay.

Eveline shifted slightly and her eyes opened, revealing the white crystal eyes Majnun had grown to love. "Grandpa?" Her voice was groggy with sleep. "Is that you?"
Majnun didn't speak then, he only let his magic surround the two of them. Something that he knew Eveline would recognize without hesitation, as doing so granted her a brief moment of visibility and sanity for him.

"I'm scared, grandpa." She whimpered.
"The world is, indeed, a scary place Eveline." Majnun said to her, "You're safe with me now." He paused. "You're safe with me always." He reached over and grasped her hand in his.
They stayed like that for a long time as Eveline drifted back off into unawareness, each giving the other a mutual comfort.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Cleaning Up the Mess
« Reply #612 on: January 24, 2016, 07:29:41 AM »
Its been so long I might have to go reread the last few chapters lol

Brilliant as always!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Cleaning Up the Mess
« Reply #614 on: January 24, 2016, 11:18:50 AM »
Loved how the photo collage at the end broke the tension.  Sane and focused Manjun is kind of terrifying.