Author Topic: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]  (Read 467969 times)

Offline AnnaBeth

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Divided
« Reply #586 on: May 20, 2015, 06:48:40 AM »
Ooo!  :o It's getting serious now! I did recognise young Liam there so took a risk and looked at the family tree  ;) Can't wait to find out the narrator of the first entry (I'm pretty sure I know who it was for the second)! And don't talk yourself down! This update is just as good as the everything else! Yeah, it might not directly include Eveline, but these bits are needed to show the context later on because otherwise it wouldn't make sense  :)

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Offline mpart

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Divided
« Reply #587 on: June 01, 2015, 07:43:17 PM »
 :P I cannot wait till the next update! I noticed William Fangmann there ( the one with the creepy red eyes and dark hair) and its funny because I actually did a legacy with him. Yep! Also you should bring Jupiter adopted mom into action! I use to play a lot in Bridge port! You are so good at writing stories! Please, Please update soon I am dying to see what happens!

Offline mpart

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Divided
« Reply #588 on: June 08, 2015, 02:22:30 PM »
Hi are you stilling do the Legacy? It is my favorite one ever! Please, please update soon I love this legacy and would hate to see it end early.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Divided
« Reply #589 on: June 08, 2015, 05:14:41 PM »
Wow...Eveline has a difficult road ahead for sure! Great chapter  :)
Thank you very much! I very much look forward to her choices.

Ooo!  :o It's getting serious now! I did recognise young Liam there so took a risk and looked at the family tree  ;) Can't wait to find out the narrator of the first entry (I'm pretty sure I know who it was for the second)! And don't talk yourself down! This update is just as good as the everything else! Yeah, it might not directly include Eveline, but these bits are needed to show the context later on because otherwise it wouldn't make sense  :)
Haha, you peeked?! That's great! I've NEVER been able to handle surprises of any variety, especially when I'm the one with-holding the surprise information (like if someone says there are spoilers somewhere, yeah, I'll find it). Glad to know I'm not the only one who peeks every now and then. ;) And thank you greatly! I really appreciate the feedback. I guess I just saw how I wanted this chapter to go in my head, but I was never quite able to get there - especially because that 25 screencap limit comes quick! I started over once, but I finally just said "whatever, it is what it is." Reading it now, I don't think it's too bad, but I'm definitely rusty with my writing skills. Darn Skyrim and Dragon Age and Witcher 3 preventing me from writing more! >.>

:P I cannot wait till the next update! I noticed William Fangmann there ( the one with the creepy red eyes and dark hair) and its funny because I actually did a legacy with him. Yep! Also you should bring Jupiter adopted mom into action! I use to play a lot in Bridge port! You are so good at writing stories! Please, Please update soon I am dying to see what happens!
Hi are you stilling do the Legacy? It is my favorite one ever! Please, please update soon I love this legacy and would hate to see it end early.
Ah! Yay! I'm so sorry for the long delay! I absolutely am still working on this legacy, but I've been distracted by shiny new toys (like Dragon Age, The Witcher 3 and Skyrim - which the last one isn't that "new" or "shiny" but it is an old favorite of mine. ;) ) I'll think about bringing his mother into action, I'll just have to see how things play out. My Sims very much have a mind of their own, I'm really just along for the ride. I'm glad to see someone spotted good ol' William. :3

Offline mpart

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Divided
« Reply #590 on: June 09, 2015, 04:40:33 PM »
 :D I am so happy that this legacy is still going on! William is the most creepy sim ever. At first thought he was awesome because he was a vampire then slowly over time I started noticing how much a creep he was. Especially when my second generation gave birth and had a kid with those creepy red eyes that seem to stare into your soul. Literally. "Do not be fooled"

Offline mpart

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Divided
« Reply #591 on: June 24, 2015, 04:53:36 PM »
Ugh >:(! I am so mad I looked at the family tree! No!!!!

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: A Nght You'll Never Remember
« Reply #592 on: June 25, 2015, 10:27:16 PM »
:D I am so happy that this legacy is still going on! William is the most creepy sim ever. At first thought he was awesome because he was a vampire then slowly over time I started noticing how much a creep he was. Especially when my second generation gave birth and had a kid with those creepy red eyes that seem to stare into your soul. Literally. "Do not be fooled"
Yes, still going, even though I'm slow to update! So sorry!

Ugh >:(! I am so mad I looked at the family tree! No!!!!
Upset with what you saw? Or upset that you looked? Confused I am. I am excited for what's to come.

A Night You'll Never Remember
The jarring sound of the alarm had Eveline's eyes snapping open. The sound made her whole body jolt to alertness. It was a horrifying thing: the darkness and the sudden noise she couldn't place. Eveline instinctively pressed the soles of her feet into the mattress and her world came back to her. She relaxed and reached over to slide her tablet alarm off. This was her routine every morning. Panic then ease. She had a strange fear of being alone at night - something about it made her feel extreme unease. She was alone and vulnerable every time she slept, and it was truly, terrifyingly black. She can't use her magic forever, it exhausts her to do so, but the thought of being in total darkness again scared her much more than she could express.

She never told anyone that though. Her heart rate calmed and she swung her legs over the edge of her mattress, feeling better with the connection of her feet to the expanding view she had. Her mother was meditating, her father was in the shower, Bear had his mouth around his new chew toy, and her grandfather was in the kitchen making something... She sniffed the air. Omelets. These were her truths, her simple truths that reminded her that everything was ok.

"Good morning egg-bert." She grumbled to the unhatched egg on her floor. She had a new name for it every time she passed it, all puns and egg-related of course. She stood and walked aimlessly into her bathroom to clean up and start the day.

"Mary?" Alec walked from the bathroom to where his wife meditated in their bedroom. This was the first day they had together in a long time, and normally Alec would let Mary meditate, but today he couldn't let it rest.
Mary breathed out deeply, her eyes opened slightly to stare at the floor sadly. She had sensed the unease in her marriage coming from Alec. “Yes?” She kept her eyes to the ground, seeing his feet out of the corner of her eyes.
Alec sunk down to his knees. “Can we talk?”
Mary sucked in and bit her cheek, almost responding snarkily. She swallowed her sarcastic remark down and nodded, relaxing in her spot to show that she was listening.
“What’s on your mind Mary?”
Mary shifted uneasily, she hated this dance they were doing. The dance of emotions. A vague question is asked, she’ll shrug it off, pointing at it’s vague nature as to why she can’t give the answer he wants to hear. They’ll go back and forth until she tearfully expresses her deepest insecurities and he’ll respond to it however he may and Mary will walk away with a little less dignity. Emotions were truly atrocious.
Alec noticed Mary withdraw further into her head. “These past few days you’ve been next to me but not there Mary. What happened the other night? With your mother?”
Mary exhaled, not realizing she had been holding her breath. “I…” She paused. What did she want to say? “Will I be enough for you?”
Alec felt stunned by the question, on the one hand, it was completely apparent to him that she was all he would ever need, and on the other, he was relieved it was nothing more. This mixture of emotions resulted in him snorting a sort of laugh during his exhale. Mary looked at him for a moment, vulnerable with hurt in her eyes and he knew he had to make a smooth recovery. "Mary, is that truly what this is about?" He asked quietly.
"You know I don't hold your past self against you, I never have; but sometimes I wonder if I... if... if you miss the chase. You were a Barnacle Bay bachelor... you had everything you wanted at the snap of your fingers - women, friends, drinks, boats, cars... You were the life of the party who came to Isla Paradiso to lend money and boats and you ended up shackled with... with me." Mary looked up and Alec was smirking. She furrowed her brows in frustration and shook her head while moving to stand up in the same motion. "Forget it." She shrugged off.
"No, no, Mary." Alec stood grabbing her wrists and sliding his hands down into hers. "I'm sorry, I just... I find this so..."
"So what?" Mary snapped back coldly. "Amusing? Hilarious? I didn't realize I was that big of a joke to you."
"No." Alec said firmly. "Confusing. Unusual. Shocking." He rattled off the words that expressed the feelings that came up as they may. "Mary, hey." He pulled her closer up to him. "Don't walk away when I'm trying to answer your questions. I smirked because if only you could see inside my head, then you would see..." He chuckled, "Watcher Mary, you've taken over my head since the day I met you, and it's only gotten worse as time passes." He shook his head. "Do I miss the chase? No. Never. The thrill from chasing every single woman I've been with before you combined doesn't even add up to mean more than this." He pulled his hand that was interlocked with hers and kissed her fingers. Mary flushed. "I was a lonely, disgusting, arrogant and entitled son of a mad god. I threw away money and women and material goods as they suited me because I thought that would make me happy. I thought that everyone always had this void inside them that consumed them and made them feel completely alone in a crowded room. I thought that people were all predictable and just pawns in the greater schemes of life. Mary, I looked like I had everything back then because it was me covering up the fact that I had nothing. I had absolutely nothing and was so consumed by myself that I didn't see it until the most beautiful woman walked into my life and knocked me straight on my rump."
Mary was silent, watching her husband, feeling her eyes get watery and blinking furiously to prevent a spillover.
Alec never missed anything though, and his hands let go of hers so he could cup her face. "I have more happiness and fulfillment in my life in these past few years with you than all of my life combined. I wouldn't care if Miss Simverse knocked on our door and fell over her feet trying to get my attention with money and gifts, it wouldn't even compare to the incredible overpowering feeling of seeing you holding Eveline for the first time. Of seeing the beautiful woman - my reality check, my best friend... my wife, my beautiful wife - every night before I go to sleep and every morning when I wake up. So Mary, will that be enough for me?" He paused and looked at her. "The answer is no."
Mary's face fell, as it had previously been tearing up.

Alec spun her around suddenly, "having you every day for the rest of my life isn't enough for me, and it never will be. I will never be able to have as much of you as I wish to, but I'll take every bit that you're willing to give me."
Mary felt like a teenager, feeling giddy to the point where she couldn't stop the laughter that burst from her, and all she could manage was, "oh you sweet-talker."

"Do you believe me?" He asked quietly.
"Yes." Mary said quietly, "I do."
"Good. I was a little worried there. I've never seen my confident Mary so... insecure." He teased.
Mary shrugged. "I'm human."
Alec looked shocked, "why didn't you tell me?!" He immediately sat her up straight. "I would've liked to know I married a... a... HUMAN!" Mary shook her head with a smile on her face, he continued: "well, I guess I can forgive this once..."
"Just once?"
"Just. This. Once." He leaned in and kissed his wife again.

Alec looked at his wife, "hm, maybe we should go back to bed." He said with a sly grin.
"Alec!" Mary scolded. "you know our daughter is up already, and so is your dad."
Alec grumbled, "they wouldn't miss us for long..." He whined.
Mary shook her head, "you're incorrigible."
"You're really gorgeous when you use big words." He flirted. "Ah well, maybe tonight while Ev is out at prom?" He raised an eyebrow hopefully.
Mary's face fell suddenly, "tonight is Prom? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Yeah... tonight -"
"I need to help her find a dress! I love you dear!" She kissed his cheek quickly and left for the living room, leaving Alec standing alone in the emptiness of their bedroom.
Alec muttered under his breath, "aaaaaannnd rejected," before turning to go practice some Charisma in the mirror.

Eveline had pulled up a chair and started to dig into her omelet when Mary had entered the living room. "Good morning dear!" Mary greeted cheerfully.

Eveline gave a soft wave of acknowledgement as she shoveled another bite into her mouth. She was still a bit rattled from this morning's alarm.
"Did you sleep well?" Mary asked, parking herself across the way from her daughter.
Eveline shrugged indifferently. "You seem happy this morning mom." She commented.
Mary smiled, "it's not every day my little girl goes to Prom."
Eveline rubbed her face to itch her nose before shrugging again. "I'm actually not sure that I really want to go anymore." Her voice sounded sadder than she meant for it to.
Mary tilted her head, "why not sweetie? I thought everyone wants to go to Prom at least once. I know I sure wished I could've gone, the closest I got was the Formal where your father nearly blew his lid watching me dance with the Representative of Twinbrook." Alec, who had come meandering out to find an omelet for himself, gave his wife a stare.
Eveline giggled.
"The insufferable jerk couldn't wait in line like everyone else had to just to dance with your mother." Alec bluffed, "I was just mad that Sir Twin-butt took my spot."
Mary snorted, "oh... you were waiting in line, were you?"
"Darn straight." Alec nodded, "It was me, me, me, me and oh... me. Then that twerp came in and took MY spot."
The girls were giggling under their breath as Alec carried on to get his omelet, muttering about making some phone calls to the offices in Twinbrook.
Mary rolled her eyes, before looking back at her daughter, "so why do you not want to go dear?"
Eveline felt the stares of people on her, even though it was just her mother. She twisted her fork into her omelet and hesitated, "I guess I don't feel like I would do very well there... given that I'm..."
Mary opened her mouth but was cut off, "-incredibly beautiful, like your mother?" Alec called from the kitchen.
Majnun poked his head around the archway, "a kajigger?"
Eveline's solemn face had grown into a smile but she shook her head, "stop it guys..." She mumbled embarrassed.
Mary nodded, "I understand what you're trying to say sweetie, but I think you're thinking about it too much. Prom is just a place where you can be with friends, dressed up in something super formal and have a good time drinking punch -"
"-With whatever it's been spiked with." Alec chimed in.
"-You know sweetie, I love you but I think that's good." Mary gave her best diplomatic smile and Alec rolled his eyes and went back to eating his omelet. Mary cleared her throat and continued, "you're not going to have less fun because you're blind, you'll only have less fun because you let that small thing prevent you from enjoying what you have."
Eveline nodded quietly. "That's all fine and good, but I don't have anything to wear."
"That's it, she can't go!" Majnun called from the archway. "Oh thank goodness."
"Grandpa!" Eveline groaned.
"That's where I come in!" Mary's voice was getting giddy with excitement. "Let's go dress shopping today at the salon!"
"Really? Are you sure it wouldn't be too much?"
"Of course not!" Mary jumped up, "we can leave as soon as you're done."
Eveline immediately put her fork down. "DONE!"
The girls were grinning as they both shuffled to get ready. Majnun's eyes got wide, "but-but-but! Who's going to bake with me today!?"
"Sorry gramps!" Eveline ran over and kissed his cheek. "I love you! We can bake tomorrow."
Majnun looked down, "at least have another omelet or three!" He called, but they were already going for the door. He started grumbling madness under his breath.
"Let them have this dad, it's a girl thing." Alec shrugged but Majnun was unphased, the joking was gone and concern was the only thing left etched in his defined face.

The Salon seemed nearly deserted from outside.

"Where is everyone mom?" 
"We're here a little early, that's a good thing though, you'll just have to be careful with your dress and makeup and hair until time for Prom." Mary warned.
Eveline smirked, "not like I could tell the difference..."
"Oh trust me, you won't. I'll hairspray you into oblivion."
They were greeted warmly by the receptionist who told them both to have a seat. Mary found herself a magazine and Eveline sat next to her on the rather uncomfortable waiting chairs.

Mary had started talking about dress colors and formal ideas, and found herself going on a tangent about the wedding she threw for Edward and Johanna. Eveline had listened quietly, assuming her mother knew that Eveline couldn't decipher the color blue from the color of the grass, but trying to be polite anyways. She had been slumped over, only slightly paying attention to everything around her when the door opened and she shot straight up in her chair, planting her feet firmly on the ground.

The receptionist gave the same greeting and his voice was unmistakeable. "Yes, hi there, I believe I have an appointment for this morning." His voice was fluid and rhythmic.
"It's him." Eveline said out loud without realizing it. Mary stopped her rambling to look at her daughter curiously.
"Who's him?" Mary turned to look towards the door when Eveline put her hand on her mother's arm.
"Don't look!" She said harshly and quickly.
"My, my, does someone have a crush?" Mary teased.
"No! It's just some kid I ran into last night. I don't really even know-" Eveline felt his footsteps turn towards them in the waiting room. She'd been spotted. "Oh crap he's coming this way!"
Mary grinned, "act natural!" She teased.
"Hello again, Eveline." Suddenly he was there - Eveline sat up rigidly in her chair, twisting a finger into her hair nervously - for once she briefly wondered if she looked alright. She hadn't checked with anyone this morning before leaving and suddenly it mattered to her. Suddenly he made it matter to her. She couldn't take it any longer and she stood to be on an even playing field. She hated the idea of having to judge which way to look her head to make it seem less awkward when one person was sitting and the other was standing.
"Jupiter, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were following me."
A moment of shock went over the boy's face before he realized she was only joking. "One could say that perhaps you were the one following me?" He said calmly. Eveline felt her cheeks growing warm.
Mary put down her magazine and stood up. "Eveline, you should really introduce us."
Eveline grumbled and shifted awkwardly. "Jupiter, this is my mom, Mary. Mom, this is Jupiter. I met him last night when I was out and about."
Mary rolled her eyes briefly. "Ah, the infamous 'out and about,' it's great to meet you!" Mary smiled warmly, "hey... you look familiar... have we met before?"

Jupiter had turned to look at Mary and his face became something unreadable. A mixture of recognition, shock, and perhaps a hint of sadness covered his otherwise calm features. He fumbled for the first time, however both Mary and Eveline missed it, and he struggled to remain calm and collected. He immediately dropped to a low bow, and there was something different in his voice when he spoke, "it's such a great pleasure to meet you." Perhaps... gratitude? He paused momentarily, "I'm unsure if we have met before, but I'm positive I would remember it if we had."
Mary's face was warm and kind, "you're so polite, Evie, why don't you have more polite friends like this one?" She teased.
"Mom!" Eveline grumbled.
Mary sighed, "I'll leave you be dear - I'll be over there looking at the tattoos if you need me, it was nice to meet you, Jupiter." Mary nodded.
Jupiter nodded his head deeply again, he seemed to visibly relax now that Mary had left and he let out a breath before regaining composure. "I'm sorry if I intruded." He immediately followed up, "I just... didn't expect your mother to be so... accepting." He noted.
"Accepting?" Eveline's brow furrowed.
"You haven't noticed?" Jupiter looked at her concerned. "I'm... not... exactly human."
The second he said it Eveline could feel something click into place. The magic radiating from him. How could she be so stupid? "Oh! I didn't even notice... you're... you're... magical. Not a witch though..." Eveline had trouble placing it.
"No," Jupiter looked to the floor, "closer to the demon-of-the-night variety."
A vampire. Of course. Eveline felt like the wind had been knocked out of her.
Jupiter shifted awkwardly, "I'm very sorry, I thought... I had assumed it was... obvious." He began to shift his weight to his heals, allowing him to give the appearance of giving her space.
"No, no!" Eveline shook her hands out in front of her. "I'm sorry, I just feel so... stupid for not figuring that out. I need to get better with this magical reading bit." Magical reading bit? She was dying inside, inwardly cursing the Watcher for not stepping in and the Watcher in turn just smiled at her discomfort and shrugged.
"It's not a problem, is it?" He asked quietly.
"Of course not!" She said immediately, he eased visibly and she continued. "It explains why you're so charming, actually." Drat. She just said that out loud didn't she? She could feel her whole face burning now.
Jupiter laughed light-heartedly. "So I'm charming?" If Eveline could see the smirk on Jupiter's face, she would have dug a hole and crawled into it, thankfully though there are many upsides to being blind.
"I just... I mean... I'm just going to stop digging myself deeper into this hole." She focused down and past him at the wall behind him with her face. Flustered was not something she was used to being.
Jupiter took a chance and stepped forward, the distance between them was closing rapidly. "If it makes you feel any better, I feel as though I could have hit Shang-Simla with the hole I made while speaking with your mother."

Eveline found herself laughing loudly.
"Eveline?" One of the Stylist called out into the waiting room.
"Oh, that's me." She brushed her hair out of her face. "So I'll see you around?"
"I certainly hope so." Jupiter nodded.
Eveline awkwardly shifted and ran around him to her mother and the stylist.
Mary just smiled knowingly at her daughter.

Ahem, scram lady, this is my job.
The stylist slid back into the distance.

"Where were you earlier?" Eveline grumbled.
Just letting things happen as they may. Puppy love is adorable while it lasts.
"Ugh! You're worse than mom!"
Let's get you primped, yes? I say pink and BLACK! I love colors with black, everything goes with black.

So... what do you think?
"Oh Watcher... my baby... my little girl. You look so beautiful!"

"You think so mom?"
"Oh, I know so. Wow. My little girl is practically grown up!" Mary had a few tears escaping her eyes.
"Are you crying mom?"
"Shush! Let me have my mom moment!"
"Mom!" Eveline groaned again, but she smiled as she did so.
"Hey, I wonder if that boy is still out there, maybe you should go see what he thinks... and knock his socks off too!" Mary teased.
"Ugh!" Eveline outwardly pretended to be annoyed, but secretly she was curious about his reaction. "Man, when Ivan sees me he's going to fall apart!"
"Everyone will. That's my girl!" Mary smiled. "So, while I was rambling to you earlier, I was talking about your uncle, which I think you weren't paying attention for, and I think I want to go and see him since we're in the neighborhood. You want to come?"
Eveline could see Jupiter was out in the lobby paying the receptionist and bit her lip. "Maybe another time?" She asked quietly.
Mary rolled her eyes. "Your uncle is going to die when he finds out you're standing him up for a boy. Go ahead. Be safe dear. Call me before going to Prom, kay? Oh and let me get a picture of your dress for your father! If you go home you know he'll lock you in your room for an eternity when he sees you."
Eveline laughed and posed for her mother before making her way towards the receptionist area, trying desperately to look nonchalant. She just so happened to be leaving when he was, that's all.

"Oh wow, you look wonderful!" The receptionist responded, and she could feel Jupiter shift to look towards her before he got stuck staring. Eveline felt a sense of pride at the knowledge that she kept everyone's eyes on her. She felt untouchable.
Jupiter straightened and bowed his head, "words can't do your beauty justice." He said simply. Eveline flushed.
"Thank you." She responded lightly, "now to figure out what to do with the rest of my day!"
"Are you going to the Prom together?" The receptionist asked dreamily.
Eveline looked caught of guard for a moment, she opened her mouth to speak but Jupiter spoke first. "Ah, unfortunately I'm not lucky enough."
Eveline felt her whole face flush. "Well, in that case, no one is, considering I'm flying solo."
"As am I." Jupiter responded.
"Well, would you like to 'fly-solo' together? I mean, I'm meeting up with Ivan there, but he's likely going to be falling over Elspeth."
They waved the receptionist off and walked out into the parking lot together. "Are you sure you want to be seen with me?"
"Are you sure you want to be seen with a blind girl?" Eveline retorted. "Besides, I really don't care what other people can and can't see."
"I would be lucky to be seen with you at all," Jupiter chuckled. "Do you get a lot of trouble from others about your sight - or rather lackthereof?"
They were just walking, Eveline wasn't really sure where, but she didn't really care. She felt a droplet of rain and pulled out her umbrella her mother insisted she take with her. "Sometimes." Eveline shrugged. "it caused a really big fuss when I was a kid, but now everyone seems to back off. My gramps - er... I mean my grandpa is a bit of an intimidating kind of guy. So I think that helps a bunch." Eveline laughed.
Jupiter snorted a laugh but carried on, "I'm sorry to hear about that."
"Don't be. The worst I get is ignorant teachers who want me to do homework somehow." Eveline paused, "I take it a lot of people can tell what you are at first glance then? Is it true you just let plasma drip down your throat and have glowing eyes?" Eveline teased, "be descriptive. I've got to visualize this."
Jupiter shrugged, not laughing as Eveline had hoped he would. "Plasma dripping down my mouth? Disgusting and no. I'm strictly vegetarian. Glowing eyes... yes." He paused, wondering if that would be too much.
Eveline's head tilted up thoughtfully, "what color are your eyes?"
Jupiter looked at her intently. "You're really interested?"
"I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't."
"They were blue."
"That's past-tense. Are they no longer blue?"

Eveline finally got the notion to look around. "Where are we?"
"The Library. Hope you don't mind, just figured we could get out of the oncoming rain for a bit before Prom."
Eveline nodded. "I've never been here before."
"Never been to the Bridgeport library?" Jupiter sounded a bit surprised.
"Well, not a lot I can do here." Eveline shrugged. "Paper and I don't exactly get on well."
Jupiter chuckled. "I suppose that would make sense. I love the Library. It's like my second home. I used to go here often to get away from..." He trailed off and sighed.
"From what?"
Jupiter paused momentarily, debating how much information he wanted to give. "You want the short story or the long?" He inquired.
"Short first."
"Yeah, then you can elaborate." She smiled. "I love listening to stories."
"Then will you do me the honor of dancing with me while I tell it? Dancing helps me feel... lighter."
"You're a strange guy, Jupiter." Eveline smiled kindly. "I would but I can't dance. Blind, remember?"
"Being blind doesn't affect your ability to dance."
"You'd be surprised."
"Then surprise me."

She could see him shift and hold out his hand. She hesitated before taking it, but eventually placed her hand in his. He pulled her into stance and they started moving. He paused for a moment and chuckled. "Hold on just a minute." He left her and turned on some quiet music before returning and they began to dance.
"I have a troubled home life and have no memories before I was... well... turned. So I spent most of my time here. Being a troubled kid. Short story mostly complete."
Eveline frowned. "That wasn't descriptive at all."
Jupiter hummed, "no. I suppose it wasn't."
"Would it be too much to ask you to elaborate?"
"No. Where would you like me to begin?"
Eveline thought on it for a minute. "The beginning sounds nice." She joked.
Jupiter chuckled. "As opposed to the middle?"
"That wouldn't be terrible either."
"I was adopted to the great Lola Belle as a toddler. She's only great in the sense that she looks great on paper. I spent a lot of my childhood alone and unhappy... and then..."
Eveline was quiet, waiting for him to finish, but then it finally clicked. "You weren't born a vampire, were you?"
Jupiter shook his head sadly, realized she couldn't see the gesture and spoke again. "No." His voice cracked lightly.
Eveline could sense his discomfort and shifted the subject. "So you never answered my question from earlier."
Jupiter was grateful for the change, they had stopped dancing for a moment but had restarted. "Which question might that be?"
"Do you have any problems with people given that you're a..." Her voice dropped, "vampire?"
"You act as though it's some dirty secret." He whispered back at her, teasing in his voice. "And of course, but I get more acknowledgement for being the adopted son of Lola Belle."
"You said she wasn't exactly great though." Eveline noted quietly.
"Indeed. I don't even live with her." He responded.

"Oh." Was all Eveline managed to say quietly.
"I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable." He said quietly. "I tend to make people uncomfortable." He added sadly.
"I'm not uncomfortable at all. I just don't know what to say to help."
"You are helping, believe it or not. No one has asked me any of these questions before; I meet you yesterday and you already know more about me then many people who claim to be my friends."
"Claim to be your friends because of Lola, right?" Eveline questioned.
Jupiter made a noise of approval.
"I'm sorry to hear." Eveline said quietly, "not that I feel sorry for you or anything, it just... it seems sad that someone as kind as you doesn't have many friends to be around."
"What about you? I've only heard about this infamous Ivan through Elspeth when she and I were..."
"Dating? Oh my Watcher, are you the guy who's been dating Elspeth Cook?!" Eveline almost stepped back and out of his arms, feeling suddenly unnerved that she never asked if he was single before flirting as heavily as she had. Though, she would be doing Ivan a favor at this point. As she moved back she accidently stumbled, Jupiter pulled her back and she landed heavily on his foot. "Oh drat! And I had been doing so well." She muttered.
Jupiter laughed openly now, causing many stares from fellow library-goers. Eveline found herself laughing with him, despite knowing she probably shouldn't get too attached to a taken guy. It was at this moment she realized that there was no distance between the two of them and she felt her heart rate spike. She cleared her throat awkwardly and adjusted herself so she wasn't so insanely close to him.
"You were doing fantastic, don't stop now!" His hand had moved more comfortably around her back instead of sitting at her waist. She had become acutely aware of everything now and it wasn't doing much to stop her heart rate. Her heart rate that he could probably hear. Fantastic. "And as for dating, yes. We were dating for a while." He put extra emphasis on the 'were.' Eveline felt relief wash over her and they both eased back into the rhythm.
"Ah, past-tense again I see." She noted out loud, hoping he might elaborate.
Jupiter shrugged, she could feel it beneath her hand on his shoulder. "She liked the fame being with me got her, and I didn't like that that was all she liked. You could say we had our... differences." He concluded.
"Differences. I see." Eveline nodded, trying hard to hide the smirk by looking away from where his face was.
"Are you mocking me?" He prodded jokingly.
"Maybe a bit." She laughed. "Is that a problem, officer?"
He barked a laugh, "ha, hardly. You're quite a unique person, you know that?"
"I could say the same about you." Eveline responded quietly.
"No, really." Jupiter's voice lost all joking. "I had heard about you from many people, but no one ever quite did you justice when speaking of you."
Eveline smiled, "all good things, I'm sure."
"Some said you were odd, some said you were beautiful, some said you were forward and energetic, others said you were quiet and reserved. None of them were ever one hundred percent right though. You're all of those things. You... you really are different from anyone else I've ever met."
Eveline bit her bottom lip but soon her inner thoughts found a way to slip out again. "You're very fluid, you know?"
"I'm a liquid, eh?"
Eveline laughed, just as he pulled her out with his hand and spun her around.

"It's just in how you walk, your voice..." She paused thoughtfully. "You're just so smooth in everything. Everyone else is clunky in how they walk, and you're the only one among them who never seems to stumble."
"You can thank the vampire blood for that one." He teased lightly.
"It's not just that. It's in how you hold yourself, and how you speak. It's soothing. You have the gentlest voice I've ever heard, and that's saying something." She smiled. It was the only compliment she could really pay him.
"Truly?" He seemed taken aback.
"Yes. Truly."
"Can I ask you something that might seem obvious?"
"How can you tell how I walk? Is it my footsteps?"
"No, your footprints, actually. I'm fully capable of seeing, just, not in color." She shrugged as if it were no big deal.
"Care to elaborate?" He was intrigued now.
"I see using my magic. My grandpa-" She stopped, understanding what might be oversharing at this point, "helped me figure it out. As long as my feet are on the floor, or touching something that touches the floor, then I can see."
"How...? What does it look like to you? The world?"
"I mean, it looks to me the only way I've ever seen it. It's dark, very very dark and my magic works in a sonar like fashion. I see in bursts that radiate around me like ripples. I see everything from the rain hitting the ground outside to the hat on your head. I can see rough shapes, and if I focus really, really hard little details. Like the shape of your tie, but that kind of stuff exhausts me if I do it too much."
"Do you ever run out?"
"Run out?" She paused, "oh, run out of magic, you mean? I suppose it's possible, but... I've never ever pushed myself hard enough that I might."
"What happens if you do?"
"Everything goes black. I am sightless."
Jupiter didn't say anything, and there was a long silence between them.
"It terrifies me." Eveline broke the silence. "I've never told anyone that. I figured since you shared something you haven't shared with others, that I should share a piece of myself with you. I'm terrified of not seeing. In the seconds when I first wake up, to right before I fall asleep are the most terrifying moments of my life. When my alarm jerks me awake every morning without fail all I want to do is scream. Just loud noises and nothingness." Eveline swallowed and took a deep breath in. "There you have it. I'm a blind girl afraid of the dark." She tried to make light of it, but it just came out even darker than she intended.
"There's no shame in that." He said quietly. It was comforting to hear him say that.
Eveline shifted before changing the subject. "What time is it?"
"Going on 5. We should probably get going." Jupiter said quietly.
"5 already? I feel as though time has never passed so quickly." She had said it out loud, though she didn't intend for him to have a remark to respond with.
"Time flies when you're stepping on feet." He joked and Eveline swatted at his shoulder lightly.
"I suppose we should stop dancing now." Eveline said quietly, realizing she actually didn't want to stop dancing. "I have never had so much fun dancing before."
"It's much more enjoyable when you have company to dance with. Thank you for humoring me."
"Perhaps we'll have to try this out again, maybe tonight?" Now she sounded eager, great.
"I would be honored." Jupiter slowly released her from their dancing grip, leaving all but his hand in hers.

"Shall we head out then?"
Eveline grinned, "let's tear up the town!"

The music was loud and kids were dancing every which way in a mob in the center of the gym. Upon first entering, Eveline stumbled and put her hand to her head. It was too much too quickly. She was far too overwhelmed. Her vision went in and out, the bursts of magic coming out erratically. Her breathing was shallow and she suddenly realized she was doubled over. Something was going on, but she couldn't gather herself enough to figure it out. She closed her eyes tight and when she opened them again she wasn't in the main gym any longer. She breathed out harshly and looked around.
"Hello? Eveline? Are you ok?" Jupiter's voice came into focus.
"Ev! Hey woman, time to wake-y wake-y!" Ivan's too.
"Ivan?" Eveline groggily asked. She was trembling.
"Dear Watcher Ev, what the heck? Are you really shaking?" Ivan mocked.
"Shut up." Eveline shot back sharply. She wasn't in the mood to deal with his quips right now. There was some muttering, probably from Jupiter. She couldn't make it out quite clearly.
Ivan spoke again. "Give her some space dude, woah..."
Again, Eveline couldn't make out what he was saying.
"No, no it's cool. Vampires and stuff. I guess." Ivan shook his head. He reached over and handed Eveline something.
Eveline fiddled with what was in her hands. "What's this?" She asked wearily.
"Just some of my own punch. You looked thirsty."
"She probably shouldn't drink that. I can get you some water, Eveline." Jupiter responded hastily.
It's just fine. I brought it from home myself, I don't want the soon-to-be Mayor's daughter getting caught drinking spiked punch."
Eveline took what was left in the cup and downed it. "Thanks Ivan." She shrugged and stretched herself out. How did she get to be sitting down? "I think... I think I'm ok. What happened?"
"I think you got overwhelmed." Jupiter said quietly. He was against her ear as it was hard to hear over the music and sounds of people otherwise. "I pulled you out of the main room before anything bad could happen. I take it you had trouble seeing?" He asked quietly.
"I'm not really sure what happened." Eveline put her hand to her head. "My head is pounding. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea."
"Let me get you some water?" Jupiter got up quickly and disappeared from her view, leaving just Ivan.
"How long have you been here anyways?"
"Arrived not long before you it seems." Ivan yelled from where he was. "You sure you're ok Ev? You seem a bit pale."
Eveline wanted to tease him about being concerned for her, but she was still struggling to stay up and about. "I'm ok. I just needed to get used to it I think." The world was getting a little easier to see again, and as long as she ignored the insanely loud music she was getting a bit stronger with the passing minutes.
Jupiter's form came into view as he moved easily through people without spilling a drop of the water he carried. Eveline took the water gratefully and sipped on it.
Eveline moved to stand up and felt Ivan as he grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her to her feet.
"Sorry for freaking everyone out. Just a minor meltdown. No worries." She shrugged her shoulders and rolled her head around on her neck to loosen the stiff muscles.
"There's no rush." Jupiter whispered into her ear again.
"Com'on Ev! Hurry up and let's get to dancing!" Ivan shouted at her from a couple paces away. The contrast between the two men couldn't be more apparent than at that very moment. Jupiter's arm was supporting her from around her waist, while Ivan had let go of her arm to wander off ahead.
"Hey! Ivan!" Eveline called out to him, but he couldn't hear her and he kept walking forward. She shook her head and slumped into Jupiter's arm a bit more. "Are social events usually this exhausting?" She muttered, not expecting anyone to hear, let alone answer.
"Unfortunately so." Jupiter whispered back to her.
"Why do we do this to ourselves?"
Jupiter just shook his head, "I have no idea."
"Hey! Eveline!" Ivan was waving at her from across the way. "Let's go outside and catch a breath of air, ok?"
Eveline nodded, grateful for the option to leave, but Jupiter tightened his grip around her waist for a moment. "Hey Jupiter!" There was a voice unfamiliar to Eveline. She focused to try to figure out where it was coming from until she discovered the source. Elspeth.
"Hey, I need to speak with you!" Elspeth called, gripping Jupiter's arm.
"I'm going to head outside with Ivan, feel free to join me when you're done." Eveline smiled at him. Her headache was getting worse and worse and she desperately could use a breath of clean, quiet air. She was starting to feel a bit woozy too. She pulled Jupiter's arm off who started to protest and she started to weave through the crowd. Her vision was growing difficult. Slightly fuzzy, slightly off. She ran into several people, whom she half-apologized to, but for some reason the words weren't coming out right. Something was wrong. She could hear the sounds of her breathing getting louder over the music. She finally ran into something solid - she felt it and the bursts of magic which had been growing farther and farther apart told her it was the door. She relaxed. It was all going to get better as soon as she stepped outside. She pushed open the door, and everything went black.

Offline mpart

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: A Night You'll Never Remember
« Reply #593 on: June 25, 2015, 11:35:56 PM »
No worries about the updates their awesome! ;D The reason I was mad at looking at the family tree is because I found a spoiler. >:( Ugh! I don't like stanley, uh, I mean Ivan, If Majun doesn't trust him, I don't trust him!

Offline AnnaBeth

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: A Night You'll Never Remember
« Reply #594 on: June 28, 2015, 01:32:05 PM »
Aaaaahhhhh! So excited to see what happens next! ;D Cliffhangers do that to me - they're frustrating but at the same time, I love them because it makes me want to carry on reading! This was a pretty cool update  ;)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: A Night You'll Never Remember
« Reply #595 on: July 13, 2015, 12:08:58 AM »
Loved Evaline's formal wear!!  All of your heirs have had such outstanding and unique looks.  That's one of those things I always struggle with.  I tend to lean towards a few specific looks, so it's nice to see all the variety you bring to it in their looks and stories.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Eternal Darkness
« Reply #596 on: August 04, 2015, 06:30:39 PM »
No worries about the updates their awesome! ;D The reason I was mad at looking at the family tree is because I found a spoiler. >:( Ugh! I don't like stanley, uh, I mean Ivan, If Majun doesn't trust him, I don't trust him!
Oh, bummer. I adore my spoilers. And hahaha! Stanley the talking grapefruit. I almost forgot I made that reference. Just wait, the Dragon Age references are coming! I can feel them! And so we have one in the corner against Ivan over here! Interesting. I considered keeping up this facade for longer than what I had, but I'm not that talented at keeping this going without giving something away, so all will be revealed soon enough.

Aaaaahhhhh! So excited to see what happens next! ;D Cliffhangers do that to me - they're frustrating but at the same time, I love them because it makes me want to carry on reading! This was a pretty cool update  ;)
Apologies for the long cliffhanger! I am still alive. I feel terrible that I have to start every update with that (hey everyone, yes I'm still alive. No I haven't stopped working on this story, hahaha *nervous laughter.* I PROMISE I'M WORKING ON THE UPDATE!)
Anyways, I promise I'm working to be more active at this game, it's just that Dragon Age swallowed me whole.

Loved Evaline's formal wear!!  All of your heirs have had such outstanding and unique looks.  That's one of those things I always struggle with.  I tend to lean towards a few specific looks, so it's nice to see all the variety you bring to it in their looks and stories.
I feel like the Reaper's have reintroduced fashion to me. I see a dress and think "oh watcher, that's ugly, that couldn't look good on anyone!" Or "ugh, that's so unflattering to almost all my Sims." Then I find one that just works for them that never worked for anyone else. Eveline was just another case of that. I didn't really like the Prom Dress store pack, but she rocks it so hard that it's worth it! And I'm flattered by the compliment, when truly I feel your characters have a lot more variety than mine... >.> I'm over here like "what goes with this color? Does black go with that color? It does now. BLACK GOES WITH EVERYTHING. EVERYONE WILL WEAR BLACK, DO YOU HEAR ME?! Ahem. Yeah. Reapers. Gothic theme. That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it.

Alrighty, are you guys ready? I'm so ready. I was BORN ready. UPDATE TIME!

Eternal Darkness
Eveline could hear screaming. Someone was screaming her name. Where was it coming from? Who was calling her? She wanted to respond to them. They sounded worried, but she couldn't. She couldn't move at all. The thought would have concerned her, but she had already slipped from consciousness.


The pavement below her was cold. The world was noisy around her but she could no longer make out the sounds. She traced her hand over the cool surface only to find something wet. The darkness was disconcerting, but she was too out of it to even care that she couldn't see. Instinctively, Eveline brought her fingers to her nose, her arm only begrudgingly responded. She attempted to breathe in and got a strong sniff of something metallic. Something wet and metallic. But she couldn't place the scent. Her mind was threatening to lose consciousness when the thought hit her: blood.


Something struck Eveline below her eye which brought her back to consciousness, but only barely. Another small strike hit lower on her cheek. The world was still noisy. People were yelling. Things were being thrown. But all Eveline could hear now was the rain. The patter slowly picked up, the striking becoming less noticeable and suddenly she found herself drifting off once again into the darkness.


Eveline. Something called to her. "Go away. I'm sleeping." She thought to herself, and the voice did just that: faded away to the sound of nothing.


Someone was moving her body, and she wanted to tell them to stop. They were interrupting her sleep. All she wanted to do was sleep. There was something comfortable about the endless darkness that washed over her. There was nothing though. Her body wasn't responding to any commands, and therefore, no one else around her could either.


Her head was on something softer now. She hadn't realized how hard the ground was until it suddenly wasn't there anymore, not beneath her head at least. She felt something beneath her head. It was soft, like fabric, but the ground was still there too. She breathed in and was surrounded by a comforting smell - it smelled slightly outdoorsy, but warm. Like spices, perhaps? She couldn't quite describe it. It was a strong scent - a masculine scent. It lulled her back to the abyss.


The ground disappeared completely from underneath her. Her legs dangled helplessly over someone's arm, and her head found something softer to rest on. Whatever it was, it sure beat the slightly softened fabric-ground she had been on previously. The person who was carrying her began to walk, at first the rhythm was jarring, but soon it became a lullaby. Eveline pressed her face further into the softness and inhaled deeply, getting a strong whiff of the same scent that was on the previous surface - spices and pine. She now picked out. A voice started to speak as she felt a rumble in the makeshift pillow she had just found. She couldn't make out what it was saying, but soon found herself drifting off once again.


Throbbing. There was a strong throbbing on the back of Eveline's head. She groaned quietly to herself as she felt herself coming back to consciousness more thoroughly. It didn't take long after she noticed the throbbing for the panic to start to sink in.
Her breath hitched, her pulse started to pound faster, increasing the throbbing in her head. In seconds she gripped at the surface below her and it gave with her fingers. Plush, like a pillow. Her hand slowly twitched by her face as she tried to move it to check herself for injuries. Her legs were so sore - so stiff... so, unresponsive. She commanded her body to move, to let her see, but nothing gave. She used all of her strength to press her palm into the cushiony surface below her, summoning every bit of magic she could...

But there was only blackness.

Her magic wasn't there.

Eveline could feel her lungs restricting tighter in her chest. Her breathing started coming out in gasps as she panicked. She struggled to get her body to cooperate with what her mind wanted. It wasn't responding quickly, if it even responded at all to her. She could feel warmth pooling around her eyes and spilling out down the sides of her cheeks. Her lip quivered as she whimpered. She was helpless.

Something shifted in the distance. She could hear it, just barely, and it amplified her fears. Sleep was tugging at her consciousness again and she fought with everything she could to stay up. The surface shifted beneath the weight of something next to her as she felt someone sit. She was on a mattress of some kind. She wanted to fight, to struggle, to hit, to do anything, but nothing responded save for her arm moving slowly in that direction. She clutched her fingers as tightly as she could, but it was still too difficult to get a strong fist going, and her grip on the fabric below her was weak. She whimpered again and squeezed her eyes shut tight, not that it would do any good.

Something soft touched her cheek. She flinched slightly at the sudden touch, but suddenly the tears were coming out faster now. "Please don't hurt me." Her voice came out shaky as she sobbed softly. "I don't want to go to sleep again." Her voice was raspy and soft when she spoke, it was foreign to her. She could feel the sleep coming back in full force now as she tried once again to make a fist with her hand. "No. It's too dark." She cried.

She felt the top part of her body being lifted and suddenly surrounded. The panic seemed horrifying all at once and then it subsided. She was being hugged, tightly. It was the most welcome feeling she could have ever imagined feeling at that moment. She began to sob again, her nose was running now. The bed shifted again below her and she was being cradled. Her head rested against something familiar, the scent barely filling her nose which was now stuffy from the tears. Pine and spices and cinnamon. She picked it out fully now. It was almost too calming and she started to squeeze her fingers into a fist repeatedly - pulsing in a way to try to keep herself awake. "No." She whimpered out. "Please..."

A hand was stroking her hair. "You're safe now. I will always keep you safe." The voice rumbled in his chest. She could feel her breathing slowing to match the strokes on her hair. "Don't be afraid."

Then silence. The eternal darkness stretched on.

Offline mpart

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Eternal Darkness
« Reply #597 on: August 04, 2015, 06:52:14 PM »
Aww! That's so sad, I wonder what happened, though I need know to figure who smells like pine! Ugh! I love your writing style!  ;D Congrats on 41,500 views!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Eternal Darkness
« Reply #598 on: August 05, 2015, 12:45:58 AM »
I saw no pictures at first and thought my laptop was failing to render the images, then I realized the really clever thin you did there.  We just experienced the story through her senses.  Those exact visual cues I'd been responding to from the last update were suddenly gone.  Clever. 

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Eternal Darkness
« Reply #599 on: August 05, 2015, 08:58:29 AM »
I agree with Pippin, very clever to let us experience that the way Eveline did. But how can you leave us hanging like that?