Author Topic: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]  (Read 467978 times)

Offline Malley

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: She's A Rebel
« Reply #570 on: December 19, 2014, 09:15:43 PM »
Evie is gorgeous!  Alec may disapprove of her outfit but it seems to really suit her  ;D

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: She's A Rebel
« Reply #571 on: January 22, 2015, 11:18:15 PM »
Heavens, I've missed a bunch!
Loved Edward's steampunk makeover!
Evie is an absolute knockout!  Her outfits really compliment her coloring and I absolutely love how she makes everyone's favorite immortal dog even more a part of the story.

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Little Black Box
« Reply #572 on: March 12, 2015, 07:11:00 PM »
*Clearing throat noises* Hi everyone, remember me? Livvielove? I'm still alive. I promise. I actually went through a Skyrim phase... again... then a Sims 4 phase (sorta, still loving the Sims 3 more though). Then I did something silly and ran out and bought an X-Box 360, because... well I don't really remember why. I think I just wanted one, and the Exchange (best second hand store on the north side of Chicago) had one and BOTH my boyfriend's favorite game and mine... so here I am. With lots of ellipses. Lots of them... Lots... Of... them... I may take breaks, but I do always return. If anyone still reads this section, that is. Right on. Let's do this... if I can remember how to format. That would help greatly.

The Little Black Box
The doorbell echoed throughout the house, and Mary groaned inwardly. She adjusted herself in the mirror one last time before going to let in the multitude of guests that were awaiting the Reaper's Feast Day celebration.

After many hellos, waves and polite nods at guests as they entered the threshold, Mary already felt exhausted. Her husband was in his own little realm playing the guitar for guests, her father-in-law was talking to the wall - or some other inanimate object, likely plotting his next political strategy against the Easter Bunny, and her daughter had resigned herself to her room to will that petrified dragon's egg into hatching for her. Mary's plastered-on smile was starting to fall as she felt her resolve flaking. This was going to be a long night.
Mary was actually about to lose her cool when the back-up finally arrived.

The back-up being Mary's strangely level-headed mother and her rather hormonal and fairly pregnant sister-in-law. "Mary!" Palmira gave a long loving hug to her daughter. "Look at you my dear! Throwing your first Feast Day celebration."
"Ugh, don't remind me. The watcher said it's some stupid tradition, but I certainly don't remember having a Feast Day party ever. In fact, dad can't seem to remember one either... actually I'm pretty sure that grandma Agnes was the only one to ever throw one."
She was also the only one to ever reach the season of Fall. Sunset Valley had longer Fall and Spring seasons, Monte Vista had extremely long Summers and Winters with short Falls and Springs, the Future had no Seasons at all, just constant great weather, then of course there's Isla Paradiso and Barnacle Bay which only every experiences Summer with light Spring-time for winter... ah whatever. It's a tradition because I said so. Got it?
Mary grumbled into her mother's hug.

"Uh... Mary...?" Johanna shifted uncomfortably. "With myself being a little - ah Watcher. What am I saying? I'm as large as a truck, and my bladder is being squished by that truck. I'm going to lay claims to your bathroom." Johanna rubbed her back tenderly as she waddled off to relieve herself.
Mary laughed, "I remember those days." She mumbled. "I can't believe Ev is already a teenager mom. By the Watcher, she's practically grown."
"They grow up fast," Palmira smiled knowingly as she looked at her daughter. They shared a glance for a moment before Majnun called out from the Kitchen that his food was finished, which actually sounded more like 'the gnomes have rushed the fort,' yet Mary was getting used to translating.

The guests mingled a while, even Eveline came out and joined the world; taking a break from her many thoughts.

"Well, well now. If it isn't my favorite niece!" Edward called out. "Did you hear the news dear? I'm going to be a dad! Oh, and I got married; well... not in that order, but..." Edward sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.
Eveline gave a playful grin. "I thought I was your only niece? Oh uncle, I've missed you."
"How were the Islands? Did everyone treat you there alright? 'Cause if they didn't I know a few guys who will make them regret ever messing with a Reaper!"
"The Islands were good, Queen Caroline sends her regards, and the King, well, he says he wants a rematch at a game of chess sometime, one where you don't cheat." Eveline reported dutifully. 
Edward laughed loudly and happily. He seemed so much lighter and freer than he usually did. "Did he now? I must say! I'm insulted! I never cheat! I just simply don't follow ALL of the rules."
"Seems like marriage and parenthood are doing you good, uncle." Eveline noted. "Wasn't it just you who told me to never settle down ever right before I left for Isla Paradiso?"
Edward shrugged, "ah, the ol' ball-and-chain..." Suddenly he became stiff as he noticed his very pregnant wife glaring at him while she angrily cut her steak. He cleared his throat and readjusted, "I mean, being married is the greatest thing that ever happened to me, my dear. My wife is so perfect and she is the greatest wife who ever lived." He gave an innocent grin and winked, his voice dropped to a whisper, "but really, this is the happiest I've ever been, just... don't tell anyone. Ok? I've got a reputation to uphold."
Eveline giggled and nodded. Edward kissed the top of her forehead and ruffled her hair before going to sit by his wife. Eveline's thoughts drifted off, "I don't think I could ever see myself getting married." She quietly excused herself.

Dinner had wrapped up and dessert had been laid out now. Overall, the party was turning out quite successfully. The food had been delicious, so much so that even Majnun didn't have a word of complaint. Everyone had settled down into the corners of the house; Palmira and Noten took to some chairs in the foyer, likely having a romantic moment together, Johanna and Edward still sat at the table eating everything in sight, Johanna because she was pregnant and Edward because he was Edward. They chatted with some of Alec's coworkers who had remained seated at the dining room table. Majnun had moved into the kitchen to clean up the dishes where he chatted with the neighbors who were still reeling from having their car stolen and even Bear came out from his hiding place - as he hates too much noise - to follow Eveline outside into the quiet of the night.
Mary was feeling more and more relieved as the evening went on. She chatted up Lady Cook, who was Alec's boss. Even though she was married, Lady seemed quite interested in Mary's husband, often eyeing him from afar throughout the night. Mary chuckled inwardly. Alec tended to have that effect on women, and even some men. Lady had excused herself after a few awkward conversational lines to go over and chat with Alec as he tuned his guitar on the couch.
When he realized Lady had joined him - and being well aware of the crush she held on him - he chatted back idly, often stealing glances at his wife who was standing across the room - quietly collecting plates - having a conversation with her through simply their body language. He would say something to Lady, then look to Mary as Lady would respond, he would roll his eyes and his joking smile hid behind his conversational smile. Mary would scrunch her face in mock disapproval, then flip her hair in the same way Lady Cook does naturally while she synced her lips exaggeratedly along with Lady. She ended the gesture by rolling her eyes and making a gagging sign.
Alec had been in the middle of drinking during Lady Cook's reply when he saw Mary's reaction and nearly choked on his drink while trying not to laugh. Lady looked at him with concern, but Mary only suppressed a laugh, biting her lip while smiling before she turned around and saw her mother giving her an interesting face from the door frame.
"Aren't you a little worried?" Palmira asked carefully.

"Why?" Mary said, laughing as she remembered nearlying making juice come out of her husband's nose.
"Just curious." Palmira seemed to dismiss her thoughts. "Everything still ok between you and Alec?"
"Of course. Why do you ask?"
"Because Mary, Eveline is growing up. She won't always be around, and before you know it, the only person you'll have at the end of the day is your husband. I guess I would be a little jealous and concerned if I saw that kind of interaction between your father and another woman."
Mary felt very put-out by that statement. "She's just his boss, mom." Mary said firmly.
Palmira shook her head quietly. "I understand that Mary, but, does she?"
Mary opened her mouth to respond when she felt another presence behind her. Alec's voice came from behind her, "do you mind if I borrow my wife for a bit? I haven't seen her all night." He asked kindly.
Palmira simply nodded, "remember what I said, Mary." She said as she picked up the plates Mary had been carrying and took them to the kitchen.
When Mary turned around Alec was making a face.

"What's with the look?" Mary asked while giggling.
"My mother-in-law senses were tingling. I got this itch that told me that conversation was about me and that it wasn't pleasant."
"Oh gee, how'd you guess?" Mary teased.
"Anything I need to know?"
"My mom is just worried about the interactions you have with your boss."
"Oh, is she now?" Alec raised an eyebrow as he stepped closer to his wife. "What about you, Mrs. Reaper?" He put his hand to her cheek and Mary felt herself melting inside, as she did every time. "Are you worried?"
Mary snapped back to herself, she began to gather another stack of dishes and cleared her throat. "Of course not. You're my husband, not hers. Why should I be worried?" Mary said out-loud, though it was quite clear she was saying it more for herself than anyone else.
Alec opened his mouth to speak when Mary spoke again, "now where is our daughter at? I feel like I haven't seen her since dinner started. Watcher, I hate parties." She mumbled that last bit to herself as she dusted her hands off on her pant legs. She then began to look around the house for her missing daughter.

Mary sighed with relief knowing she was off the hook with talking to her husband. Feelings didn't exactly come easy to her. Feelings were messy. Logic was clean. Logic says Alec is her husband. Logic says Alec loves her. She shouldn't need validation. Mary quietly folded up her messy thoughts and put them away in the little black box of her mind. Logic always rules over everything else in Mary's world, yet the little black box didn't want to close all the way, and Mary knew she would have to face it again sooner or later, but she chose later this time, as she stumbled upon her daughter looking off sadly into the distance in the backyard.
"Hey sweetheart? Is everything ok?" Mary asked quietly as she approached her.
Eveline shrugged. "It's too noisy inside."
"Mind if I join you? I could use some quiet too."
Eveline nodded softly, and they sat.

Eveline finally broke the silence after a minute, "do you really think I'm going to get married one day, mom?"
Mary looked at her daughter thoughtfully, "I don't know dear," she said quietly, "I mean, I always hoped you would, but I suppose you don't have to. Why do you ask?"
"Everyone at school seems to have someone, and Ivan says that he believes that there's someone out there for everyone, but could there really be someone out there for me?"
Mary took in her daughter's words for a minute. "There are a lot of people in this world Eveline. I don't doubt there is someone who would be a good fit for you out there."
"That's not what I mean." Eveline licked her dry lips and sat back. "I mean, who wants to put up with a blind girl? It's just so frustrating mom. I get all kinds of guys who tell me I look good, and yeah, that's nice and all, but who cares about that kind of stuff? Every guy I've met seems so... boring. They're all the same on the outside; is love really so superficial? Is it always about the physical stuff? I get overwhelmed when there are too many people in a room, let alone trying to be close with someone else... it just seems so... silly, I guess. It just doesn't make any sense to me. And it seems so silly to me, to love just one person your whole life. Grandma says she loved Grandpa since she was a little girl... is that really how it works? Am I really just going to marry someone like Ivan and that will be it forever?" Eveline put her head in her hands and slumped forward again. "If that's really how it works then I think I'll stay single forever."

Mary shifted quietly, thinking very hard about what to say. She closed her eyes and there it was again, that little black box where the rules and the logic never seemed to apply. She sighed softly, and felt the box lid come open just slightly. "Did I ever tell you about Thomas, Eveline?"
"Thomas?" Eveline didn't seem too interested, she kicked some dirt around with her shoes, "is he important or something?"
Mary cleared her throat, as she felt the emotions build up, like they were ready to explode from the box she kept them in. "Yes. Yes he was Eveline. He was important. He was very important to me." Her voice shook a little, but she gathered the strength and pushed the feelings back down. The image was still there though.

"I'll be honest Ev, I haven't thought about Thomas in years... it feels like a lifetime ago. Like the person I am now is someone completely different from the masculine, tough-girl who met a man at a library on her first day in a new place." Mary's eyes got wetter. "Thomas Quill," the words seem to echo as she said them, "was the man I loved very dearly before I met your father."
Eveline sat up quickly. "Wait... what? Geez mom! Why didn't you ever mention him before?! There was really someone else before dad?"
"Yes, there was." Mary confirmed.
"Well... what was he like?!"
"He was tall, and dark, and scholarly. He loved books more than people. He was very polite, but a little awkward at times. His eyes were very warm. I still remember that about him. He was very warm." A tear escaped Mary's eye, and Mary grew very thankful that her daughter couldn't see it. She closed her eyes tight and pictured Thomas again. "He taught me so much; we would spend hours just reading together in silence, or discussing the newspaper, or just walking along the coast. He found the smallest things so interesting;  and when he would have his attention on something, he would be giving it one-hundred percent of him. Including me. I always felt so small and insignificant growing up. There were always other people. I was always just Mary, or James, I suppose, depending on who you asked, and my feelings didn't matter to anyone; except for Thomas. He grounded me, Eveline. Looking back, I was like a little lost lamb." Mary chuckled. "We even opened an Inn together on the beaches of Barnacle Bay. It was my dream at the time, and Thomas had sold his house just to make it happen..."
"Wow mom... I had no idea... What happened between you two? Did you guys break up or something? Did he keep the Inn?"
"He died."
Eveline felt shaken by those two words.
"He died before I even met your father." Mary said the phrase again as a way to continue on. "Thomas was many things, but he was also very sick. I knew what I was getting into, yet it still caught me by surprise. I buried the man I loved, and it was the single hardest thing I've had to do. My life felt like it was over. I ran off and joined the war, thinking that I wouldn't make it out... and I met your father."
"I had no idea mom..."
Mary shrugged half-heartedly, then realized her daughter probably didn't pick up the slight movement, so she spoke, "you're the second person to know."
"Who's the first?"
"Your father."
"If you could go back... and if Thomas were alive... or if he was brought back like grandpa... would things be different?"
"It's a question I've thought about every day since his death, Ev." Mary shook her head. "When he first died, I would have given anything to have him back. I felt so alone and lost. I fell into drinking and easing my sorrow by shoving it all in this little black box I kept in the dusty corners of my mind. At the time, there was nothing I could do to bring him back, so I knew I had to move forward. Things would have been different if he hadn't died; yes, but at the time I couldn't bear to think of the "what ifs." There wasn't any "what ifs" it was all just reality. Then Agnes came, gifted me with magic and taught me how to use it. I buried myself into training, stumbled home and the first thing that happened upon walking in the door? Your father attempted to hit on me." Mary laughed. "Your uncle was having none of that though." Mary smiled fondly on her memories. "I feel guilty every day when I think about Thomas. Sometimes I wonder if he hates me for moving on and not attempting to bring him back. I've never been able to settle that feeling in myself, and it haunts me sometimes, but I know the choice I made was right for me. I loved Thomas, yes; but that was years ago. I love Alec - your father - so deeply sometimes it hurts. Love isn't always physical, though it can take that form very easily, it's also emotional, and mental. It consumes you, body and soul, and when it ends, it hurts terribly, but when it's there... it's incredible. I really do hope you get to feel it one day Ev, but there's most certainly no rush. Plans change. Time changes. When I buried Thomas, I told myself that I would never love again, but you know what I learned Evie?"
Eveline looked at her, her eyes watering along with her mother's.
"I learned that you should never say never."
Eveline leaned her head against her mom's shoulder and they sat in silence once again.
"Will you teach me?"
Mary didn't need to ask for clarification on that one. She just knew. "Of course my dear."
Eveline smiled at her, and it was like the world was beginning again.

A new day was dawning for everyone.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Little Black Box
« Reply #574 on: March 12, 2015, 10:14:44 PM »
And the tradition continues!

Aww, I had almost forgotten about Thomas. That just such a sweet moment between mum and daughter.

Welcome back! I missed this story immensely.
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Forgotten
« Reply #575 on: March 14, 2015, 10:11:46 PM »
Oh, Edward! What a character  ;D Great to see Eveline learning her witch powers too!
I love Edward, he's really got some personality. Eveline is definitely getting more powerful. I can't wait for the coming updates.

And the tradition continues!

Aww, I had almost forgotten about Thomas. That just such a sweet moment between mum and daughter.

Welcome back! I missed this story immensely.
Yes! Indeed it does! And you know, I had almost completely forgotten about Thomas myself, then I went back through and had a doge moment, "such feels, much emotions, very sadness." I was going back through and re-reading some parts of the story to get my collections for the end (sad, sad, sadness, the end is already approaching) in order and man was I tearing up at some points. I'm so attached to this family I have no idea what I'm going to do when this is all over. Start again? I'll figure something out, I'm sure. I just look back on some of those older pictures and get a little emotional. Man, when I write the final few chapters and epilogue I'm probably going to be balling my eyes out.

Thanks for the welcome! This story is my baby... sometimes it's hard to believe I ever left it alone for such a time.

Anyways, onward to a short update.

It was cold.

Strange that's the first thing I remember. It was raining, and it was cold.

Bridgeport is beautiful this time of year, but I don't remember caring about that. I just remember trying very hard to focus on my fingers and toes - as I worried I would lose them to the numbness if I wasn't careful. It was just supposed to be a trip to the park. A family trip.


Who am I kidding? She definitely wasn't my family. I would have given anything in the world for a real family. All I ever wanted was to be loved and accepted. Now... I'll never be. I wanted someone to make me soup when I was ill, someone I could be myself around. I never needed a lot of money or material things. Rather just someone to chase away the nightmares at night. Now? Now I am the nightmare.

Where was I? Oh right. It was cold.
She had gotten distracted again by those stupid photographers. It's all about the show. If I had known that, I would've asked to stay home that day. Not that she would've let me. Now all I could do was use whatever strength I had left to try to make it home. No, that wasn't it. Where was I going? I can't remember anymore. It's all so fuzzy.

I think I was 10. No... that can't be right, it was 8 years ago. I'm pretty sure I'm 17; well that would make me 9, wouldn't it? Ah, what does it matter anymore, it's all semantics. I was just a kid, a kid who was very far from where he needed to be, in the dark, rainy springtime in Bridgeport. 

Why was I so cold? It should have been nearing summertime. Watcher, I wish my memory were less blurry. Weren't my clothes sufficient? I know we had plenty of money... oh. Right.

We did have plenty of money, but I wasn't allowed to wear what I wanted. I wore what she told me to - what would look good for her. Unfortunately that also meant less layers for me. I remember as I was walking, I walked past my favorite store - and for a brief moment I looked in and saw... oh... crap... what was it? It was something I really wanted though. Guess it must have been trivial, I can't even recall it now. Maybe some kind of shirt? Yes. That's what it was. That alien shirt, the one with the long sleeves. Sleeves seemed so glorious at that moment, but wouldn't anyone be excited to see something warm after being so cold? I don't even think I cared about the alien on it anymore, just thinking about being warm sounded better than where I was, and the walk felt so dreadful - like my destination was always one step further than every step I would take.

Yet, it wasn't dreadful. Not nearly as dreadful as what was coming. I was just shuffling along down the empty main road, hoping to look up and suddenly see my destination, when instead I saw him.

He was the very definition of "Stranger-Danger." I may have complained multiple times that it was cold outside at this point, but for some reason, being around him made the temperature drop even further. I could see my breath outside that day, but the second this man approached me I suddenly felt the most chilling sensation of my life. It was almost paralyzing.

He was big, but his footprints made no sound.

This is where my memory really gets fuzzy. He said something to me, probably some sarcastic remark about if I was lost, I'm not even sure anymore. I just kept my eyes to the sopping wet ground, afraid to make eye-contact.

The last thing I remember - I remember so clearly. It still haunts my every waking nightmare.

I looked up at him... and I knew it was the end. I can still see his eyes piercing through my soul.

Everything else after that is forgotten.

Just like me.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hunted
« Reply #577 on: March 15, 2015, 11:37:27 PM »
Ooh! Fascinating! Looks like Grim to me... :o

I guess we'll just have to see...  ::) Anyways, [insert apology here for lots of banter and not very many pictures to break it up] here comes another update!

Alec looked unamused as he watched his daughter eat the last bite of her breakfast.
"Wouldn't you prefer some longjohns or something?"

"Longjohns, eh?" Eveline smirked. "Perhaps I'll look into a pair..." She set down her fork very formally on her plate and put her hands together in her lap. "So... dad... did I tell you how awesome you are today?"
Alec stopped eating immediately and looked at his daughter with skepticism.  "So... Eveline... you want to tell me what you're really trying to say?" He mocked her tone a little.
Eveline slouched and puckered her lips, "fine. Prom is tomorrow, I want to go." She paused for a minute and put on her best smile, "please?"
Alec groaned, "Prom? Already? You just got back into town two days ago, and literally only had one day of school due to Spooky Day!"
"Please dad! I really want to go! It's going to be fun!"
Majnun put his fork down and raised his eyebrows, "is that weakling Stanley going to be there?"
Eveline tilted her head - it actually took her a minute to connect the dots. "Ivan? Yeah probably."
"Then no." Majnun said firmly.
Eveline shot up in her seat. "What?! Why! That's so not fair grandpa! We aren't even going together!"
"Yeah dad, that's a little harsh even for you;" Alec took another bite of his food and sighed, "yeah, sure, Ev. Go ahead, just do me a favor and try not to get caught by the police when you stay out after curfew."
Eveline squealed, "yay!" She jumped up from her seat and kissed her Alec's cheek, who was grinning from getting to be the good guy. Majnun started grumbling under his breath. "Perhaps when my greatest-dad-in-the-world becomes the Mayor he can adjust the curfew a little?"
"Don't push your luck." Alec laughed.
Eveline shrugged, "was worth a shot."
"Hey, well, when I do become Leader of the Free world, how about I call you in and you can petition for a later curfew? Until then, just try not to get dragged off by the police..." Then Alec straightened and cleared his throat loudly, "I mean - be a good girl and be back by curfew, because obviously, curfews are there for a reason." His tone was dripping with sarcasm.
Eveline laughed and ran off to get ready for school while Alec finished up his breakfast. Majnun had grabbed his empty plate and Eveline's while scowling and grumbling under his breath about something.
"You ok there, dad?" Alec asked, raising his eyebrow. He knew his dad wasn't ever really "ok" but even now he seemed to be acting crazier than usual, and that's saying something.
Majnun - deep in thought of his own - snapped to look up at Alec and for a moment Alec could see the cold calculations going on behind Majnun's eyes. Soon after making brief eye-contact, Majnun's eyes softened and he went back to rambling gibberish.

His father was definitely in the works with something, but Alec couldn't figure out what it was.

The day went on, Majnun went out to take care of a few errands while Alec got ready for work. His fingers twiddled with his phone before he decided to send Mary a text telling her that he loved her. He needed to speak with her, but their schedules couldn't be farther apart than they are now. Mary was usually up and gone by the time Alec would have finally drifted off to the hard sleep, and she would usually be pretty exhausted and ready for bed by the time Alec was getting home. Alec sat down at the edge of the bed, "I wish you would tell me what's going through your head Mary." He sighed.

The lunch bell rang at Bridgeport High, Eveline removed her hands from around her ears as it ended - she had grown very good at telling time from the way students sat. From nine until around eleven kids would be slumping, still creatures huddled over their desks; once it was eleven-thirty though, the whole place came to life slowly. More kids would look towards the wall above the door - the place Eveline had determined must have the clock - either that or the students all had some sort of fixation on a picture that was triggered at the same time every day which seemed far less likely.
"Hey, Ev? You coming to lunch or what?" Ivan called from the doorway.
Eveline shrugged, "yeah, yeah, I'm coming. I just had to wait until my head stopped spinning from that stupid bell. Watcher it aches to hear that stupid thing." She massaged her temples tenderly.
"Can't you just 'magic' it away?" Ivan teased, ever since she told him about her magical abilities he hasn't let up.
"I'll 'magic' you away if you don't shut it." She retorted, she picked up her books and shoved them into his arms. "Your turn for book duty." She smiled charmingly.
"Why do you even have books again?" Ivan opened one of her workbooks to find scrawl all over the pages, he laughed. "I see you took your history assignment seriously..."
"I can't help it that the history teacher is a moron." Eveline made a face and mocked, "do page 43 in your workbooks tonight students. Ugh! Like I can even tell which is page 43. You know what she told me? She told me I need to have my parents help me! My PARENTS." Eveline gave a cold, short laugh.
"Did you?"
"No! Of course not. I asked my grandpa."
"That explains why you used your math book for it."
Eveline shrugged. "I did what she asked, I answered all the questions on the page. Whether or not she can read them is her choice."
"You'll be lucky to graduate at this rate."
Eveline sighed. "Whatever."
The two sat down in the corner of the cafeteria and ate; it had grown eerily quiet between the two when suddenly Ivan sat up. "Did you tell someone else about your... capabilities?"
Eveline cocked an eyebrow, "no, why?"
Ivan eased a little, "probably better if it's kept that way." He shrugged.
"That's not all, what aren't you telling me, Ivan?" Eveline didn't bother to look up from her food as she mashed it all together in the center of her plate - she found most cafeteria food disgusting; thankfully she didn't have to see it, otherwise she never would eat lunch at school.
"Some of the upperclassmen are starting to talk about you now Ev."
"So?" She shrugged, "most people haven't seen a blind girl before, at least, that's the way they act. Heck, I even had someone start talking slower to me because they assumed that since I was blind that I couldn't hear or understand them." Eveline shoved her tray away.
"Heh, idiot." Ivan muttered, "but there's already a rumor going about that you're some kind of magician or something. I just thought I'd warn you that it's probably not a good idea to tell everyone about your... gifts."
Eveline sighed hard, "it's called magic, Ivan. M-a-gic." Eveline sounded it out for him. "Thus far you're the only one who knows, and that partially because you met my grandpa."
"Still can't wrap my head around him either." Ivan said, shoving another bite of what he presumed to be mashed potatoes in his mouth. His face soured when he realized it wasn't.
"You get used to him in time, say, what are we doing tonight?"
"Well, it's the last nice day out of the year, perhaps we should go to the park?"
"Park sounds good." Eveline nodded, "though the best weather is yet to come. I can't wait for the winter." She sighed and stretched before standing up and grabbing both of their trays and heading off to class.
Ivan remained seated and sighed, "I hate the cold."

"The fall festival is still here, I didn't think it would be!" Eveline cheered happily, she ran out ahead of Ivan into the bright park.
"Hey, Eveline?" Ivan spoke with a hushed voice.

"What is it Ivan?" Eveline turned and looked in his direction to show that she was paying attention. Her voice dropped, "and why are you whispering?"
"Do you ever..." He looked around skeptically.
"Do I ever...?"
"Do you ever feel like someone is watching you?"
Eveline rolled her eyes, "don't be paranoid, of course not! Oh! Last place bobbing for apples has book duty for the ALL of next week!" 

Eveline leaned slightly and pushed against Ivan's shoulder as they hovered over the tub of apples and water.

"You're going down, Reaper." Ivan jeered.
"Not on your life, Ivan!"

A few minutes later, both came out soaked and shivering, with Ivan as champion.
"I do believe that's book duty for you for the next week, Ev."
Eveline stuck her tongue out in his direction. "Alright, I'm soaked, I'm going to go change." She skipped over to the buildings nearby but stopped and groaned loudly. "IVAN!" She called to him.
"What?" He groaned back.
"Which one is the women's one?!"
Eveline nodded and started for the door.
"Oh! Oops!" She bumped into a guy awkwardly as she turned and went for the other door. She changed into warmer pants and her jacket and suddenly she started to feel it. A slight prickling on the back of her neck. She shifted uncomfortably and checked to see if anyone was in earshot radius of her with her magic. "Watcher?" She whispered.
Yes dear?
"Just checking." She whispered. She rolled her shoulders and relaxed her stance. "Ivan's just got me all paranoid, that's all."
Well, I'll be out checking on your parents if you need me.
"Thanks." She threw her wet clothes into her bookbag and headed out for the swingset. She grabbed a seat and drifted off into thought, but before she could get too far she got that feeling again.

She rubbed the back of her neck to sooth down the tingling she got. She closed her eyes and took a meditative breath in like her mother taught her. As she exhaled, her radius of her vision grew larger and larger. She inhaled again and her vision shrunk as she did, only as she exhaled and it grew even farther. Nothing out of the ordinary. A few kids begging for sweets, the two merchants complaining on their breaks, the woman exiting the haunted house as she tries to hide that she peed herself, cars passing by. Truly bland and boring. What else was she expecting? She shrugged and released her field of view for her much smaller one. She could practically hear her mother's voice, "conserve your energy. Try not to waste it."
"Is this seat taken?" Ivan chirped, causing Eveline to jump.
"WATCHER IVAN! Don't scare me like that!" Eveline scolded.
Ivan laughed and sat down next to her.

"You looked awfully deep in thought." Ivan commented.
"Just thinking about what you mentioned earlier, about being watched and all." Eveline shrugged. "I guess I was just making sure that we weren't."
"Who's paranoid now?"
"You are, because there's nothing there. I checked." Eveline stated matter-of-factly.
Ivan shook his head, "sure thing Ev, sure thing."
"Did you ask Elspeth to the prom yet?" Eveline asked, dying to change the topic of the conversation.

"Nope, she's apparently dating some other guy at school."
"Doesn't mean she'll say no."
"Yeah, it actually does." Ivan corrected.
"Ah, but what does he have on you, asides, well, being awesome and everything she's looking for?" Eveline teased.
Ivan rolled his eyes, though he knew Eveline couldn't see it. "What about you, did you ask anyone to the Prom?"
"Nope! I'm going to fly solo!" Eveline grinned. "Besides, isn't it supposed to be the guys who ask the girls?"
"I never took you for a traditionalist..."
"I'm not! It's just that most people are, and I haven't even gotten the chance to turn someone down!" Eveline scowled. "No one wants to deal with the blind girl."
"Well, you would be the absolute worst dance partner ever." Ivan stated.
"Ouch! That's rude."
Ivan kicked her shoe. "It's true! Do you know how often you run into other people? That's even when they're giving you a wide girth."
Eveline took a swing for his but missed and simply grumbled, "oh whatever. It's not like I wanted to go with anyone anyways." She said with more emotion than she expected.
"For a while there I thought..." Ivan stopped, "nah, I'm not going to say anything."
"What?" Eveline gave Ivan her full attention now, "what?!" She asked again.
"I could've sworn I saw some kid staring at you earlier in the lunchroom. I had never seen him before though. Was really weird."
"Staring? Like how staring? Like the paranoid staring you were talking about earlier? If so... that's got nothing to do with Prom." Eveline smirked.
"I don't know! Geez! I just turned and looked once and he was there, but when I went to look again he was gone! It was really strange."
"Then how do you know that he was staring at me huh?"

"Just a gut feeling. It wasn't a bad kind of a stare, just... kind of like the one I see all the guys giving Elspeth all the time. He was dressed kind of oddly, and his hair was some weird color. I couldn't see from where I was, but I think it was blue. Maybe it's just the lighting though."
"Are you sure you weren't hallucinating?" Eveline teased. "Blue hair? At least I'll be able to spot him."
"I wasn't hallucinating! I know it! He WAS there! He just must have walked away as I went to look again."
"Mhm. Way to miss the blind joke too. You're really on top of your game there, Ivan."
"Shut up. I know what color hair he has doesn't matter to you, I just remember it because it was odd."
"Odd indeed. Well, was he cute?"
"Are you seriously asking me if I thought the guy - whom we both know as I've already addressed that I only saw for a split second - was cute? Have you forgotten, Ev? I'm a DUDE."
"I think Elspeth is cute, there's nothing wrong with objectively thinking someone is cute."
Ivan shook his head, "I only saw him for two seconds." He sighed and stood up, "anyways, I gotta get home, will you be ok Ev?"

"Wha-? You're leaving?! Why! It's not even... wait... what time is it even?"
Ivan checked his phone, "it's 8:15."
"It's not even CLOSE to curfew yet and you're leaving me?! Come on!" Eveline slumped forward on the swing.
"Sorry Ev, I just have to be somewhere, that's all!"
"Ugh, you're so LAME." Eveline emphasized 'lame' and stuck her tongue out at him.
"You know it!" Ivan laughed as he started to walk away, he waved his hand back at her. "See you at Prom tomorrow?"
"I can't wait!" Eveline squealed.
And then she was alone. She waited a few more minutes alone on the swing before getting up and heading for the center of downtown. "At least it's a nice night for a walk."

Eveline had made it to the main strip by the theater when she got that feeling again. She rolled her neck with discomfort and weighed her options. She could go home, but that seemed lame, as the night was still young. She's been a teenager in the city for only a short while and yet she hasn't done anything reckless! That needed to be rectified, so calling for a cab and going home was out. She could call friends to hang out with, but when she thought on it, the only person she seemed to tolerate was Ivan, and even then there was only so much she could take. She closed her eyes again and got a good look around, only this time... maybe she did see something? The form was there and gone so fast she couldn't make it out that well. Eveline felt her stomach drop. Where was everyone?

Suddenly an idea dawned on her. Bear! Why didn't she think of that sooner? She always felt better with Bear around. She felt the energies around her come alive as she tapped into her seemingly-endless Magical Potential. She took in a deep breath and started her pool.

She had been alone when she started, but suddenly she heard the door behind her open and close.
"Crap." She whispered under her breath. She couldn't stop now though, the spell would backfire horribly, so she kept summoning.

"What in the world are you doing?!" It was a man's voice, or something to that effect. Eveline couldn't focus on anything but her spell to really get a good look. "Are you crazy?!"

Suddenly the spell had gathered enough energy, she let it loose and was greeted by her very familiar and dear friend.

Bear greeted his master happily.

"I'm glad to see you too, Bear." She smiled.
"You really should be more careful that no one else sees you doing something like that."

Eveline stood up immediately. She had completely forgotten there had been someone who had seen her! She turned quickly to discover that he was a mere foot away. She hadn't even heard him move closer. She swallowed hard. "I just needed my seeing-eye dog, that's all."
"If you're going to try and play off that you just summoned a dog here, it's not happening." His voice seemed amused.
Eveline sized up the man who approached her but found him to be only a teen. She straightened and shrugged. "I thought I was alone... who are you anyways to tell me what I should and shouldn't do?"
The boy tilted his head to the side, and for once in her life Eveline wished she weren't blind so she should judge his facial expressions. He finally tilted his head forward and spoke, "ah, forgive me." He bent forward and bowed slightly to her. "My name is Jupiter."

The boy had paused and added, "Jupiter Belle."
Eveline paused, she hadn't been greeted by anyone but her family in such a proper manner, she almost forgot how to proceed. She held her hand out. "Eveline." She nodded her head politely.
He took her hand in his and she felt her heart stop for a moment. She swallowed as he pressed his lips to her hand.

He held her hand for a moment longer, or perhaps Eveline was just imagining that before he let it go gently. "Eveline...?" He asked in a manner which inquired about her last name.

"Just Eveline, if you don't mind." She stated quietly, all had been forgotten from earlier.
"Well, 'Just Eveline,'" his voice seemed very warm, and Eveline had taken note of it. "Please take caution to not draw on your magic while you're out and about. There are a great many people out there who would take advantage of such a situation."
Eveline's face grew hot and her temper flared with it, "I'm capable of handling myself, thank you."
Bear had taken a step closer to his master, putting on his protective face, he lifted his lip slightly into a snarl to show how much he meant business.
Jupiter nodded, "forgive me if I've overstepped myself."
Eveline felt disarmed. No one has ever backed down from her when she issued such a challenge before, which left her feeling as if she may have pushed too hard. "No, I'm sorry. I... I'm not used to people treating me... like I can actually handle myself."
There was a stretch of quiet while Jupiter thought on what to say, Eveline felt uneasy, like she could count the seconds of silence. Did she say something wrong? "Why is that?" He responded curiously.
Eveline's head fell in disbelief and she waved her hand in front of her face. "Let's just say my vision's not the best." She said sarcastically.
Jupiter laughed quietly, "oh really now? It seems just fine to me."
Eveline felt her face flush. She just couldn't figure this guy out. First he was overly polite and quiet, and now he's throwing wit at her? What's going on? "You're joking, right?!" She asked, growing slightly impatient.
Jupiter shook his head, "of course not. I just couldn't help but notice that you have an impeccable sense of knowing exactly where everything is. Blind or not, you can definitely see just fine."
Eveline was again, disarmed, she looked down towards the ground as she sorted her thoughts.
"Is everything alright?" He asked kindly.
"Huh?" Eveline looked back towards him, "oh, yeah. Do you happen to know what time it is?"
Jupiter made a humming sound as he shifted, likely to look at a watch, "oh dear, I hadn't realized how late it had gotten. It's 9:30."
"Late? That's not late at all." Eveline commented. "Why does everyone feel a need to crap out on me before it's even 10!"
"Ah, that's not what I meant," Jupiter commented, "I'm late for - well... a gathering. From my point of view I'd say it's rather early, actually. Would you like a ride home?"
Eveline adjusted herself, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "I'm good, thank you though."
"Of course."
Eveline patted Bear's head, "is there a chance you're going to prom tomorrow?" She couldn't believe what she said as soon as the words left her mouth. She felt like she was dying of embarrassment inside.
"Perhaps," she could almost hear the smirk in his voice, oh why did she open her mouth? "Will you be attending?" His voice seemed level and controlled, while Eveline was struggling to keep herself together it seemed.
Eveline, whose face had gone a bright pink by now to match her shirt, shifted like she was a shy person beneath a spotlight. "Uh... well yeah, I was planning on going alone. It seems like it's going to be a lot of fun."
Jupiter paused for a minute, "yeah, it does. I suppose it would be fun to go. I'll see you there, then?"
Eveline gathered herself and nodded, "that sounds great!" Then she remembered what Ivan had said earlier and chuckled, "I'll be the one stepping on everyone's feet!"
"I'll wear my steel-toed shoes then." There was a lightness in his voice, a joyful tone almost.
"Good luck with your... meeting thing... I'll see you around." Eveline waved and she took off running, "come on, Bear! Guess we're going home since there's nothing else to do in this ridiculous city!"
Jupiter bent forward and bowed slightly. He watched her briefly as she left, "I certainly hope so."

Offline cainspath

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hunted
« Reply #579 on: March 18, 2015, 07:29:56 AM »
Wow, I'm glad I caught up (and didn't miss so much). But there's a little voice in me telling me to backread, to way back. But I've got to say it while I still can, Jupiter is probably my next Aiden. Don't disappoint me, Livvie!  *evil laughter

PS. I smell a black dragon.
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hunted
« Reply #580 on: March 18, 2015, 05:06:48 PM »
The Mysterious Mr. Jupiter...can't wait to see what he's up to...
Heh, I'm having way too much fun writing this story! There will be an update coming soon, right now I'm playing other branches of this family so I can re-tie it back together. It's looking promising.

Wow, I'm glad I caught up (and didn't miss so much). But there's a little voice in me telling me to backread, to way back. But I've got to say it while I still can, Jupiter is probably my next Aiden. Don't disappoint me, Livvie!  *evil laughter

PS. I smell a black dragon.
Haha, I've actually been re-reading a lot of this myself (and cringing at points, my writing has improved and degraded in some spots). I went through and found some of the most heartwarming pictures. I've got some great ideas for some finale chapters, a lot of them being a "remember this" moment. I teared up a few times even when reading because I forgot how much I adored the pieces of this family. When this is over I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself.

Backread if you'd like, I do it for fun and to make me feel the progression. It's so hard to believe how far everyone has come. Jupiter is a doll, though if you must know, and perhaps this is a hint, but he is an original townie [ ::) ::) ;) ]. I hope to not disappoint! I would never wish to disappoint ever!
Just wait though, Jupiter is totally adorable with the right makeover. I'm surprised he wasn't more popular... >.>

P.S. Black Dragon? Of course the dragon will be a black dragon... EVERYTHING is black to Eveline!  ;)

Offline cainspath

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hunted
« Reply #581 on: March 27, 2015, 11:17:44 AM »
Backread if you'd like, I do it for fun and to make me feel the progression. It's so hard to believe how far everyone has come. Jupiter is a doll, though if you must know, and perhaps this is a hint, but he is an original townie [ ::) ::) ;) ]. I hope to not disappoint! I would never wish to disappoint ever!
Just wait though, Jupiter is totally adorable with the right makeover. I'm surprised he wasn't more popular... >.>

I'd just like to confirm that this is Bridgeport you're playing? Sometimes I wonder if my brain's at where it should be. If yes, I hate Bridgeport. I see too much of the city that I don't really like playing it in the game. Actually, I don't like having to wait at the elevator (in the game). Of course, I'm waiting for Jupiter! I'm sure I'm not the only one.  :-X

PS. While I'm reluctant with endings, I look forward to those *Remember this moments.
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hunted
« Reply #582 on: April 10, 2015, 07:13:45 PM »
Hmmmm, scary possibly cultist guy?  Yep.  Prime choice for prom date! 
Must say, I love that Bear's still part of the action.  He lends a certain connectedness to the whole story and I rather appreciate it.


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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Hunted
« Reply #583 on: May 04, 2015, 12:24:53 PM »
Several sets of eyes on Eveline, I think there's plenty of people out to get her, and I think Jupiter is either very shy around Eveline or he's planning to help either those after her, or her to get out of trouble.

This is fun to read so thanks for making it :D

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Divided
« Reply #584 on: May 18, 2015, 12:05:15 AM »
I'd just like to confirm that this is Bridgeport you're playing? Sometimes I wonder if my brain's at where it should be. If yes, I hate Bridgeport. I see too much of the city that I don't really like playing it in the game. Actually, I don't like having to wait at the elevator (in the game). Of course, I'm waiting for Jupiter! I'm sure I'm not the only one.  :-X

PS. While I'm reluctant with endings, I look forward to those *Remember this moments.
Yes. Bridgeport indeed! I hate Bridgeport as well! Laggy, full, and crash-a-polooza, ah, but what I do for my stories!
The elevators are the WORST. Ugh. As you can see, I've avoided ALL elevators at ALL costs. Ah, my Jupiter, he's a cutie, no?

I so can't wait. I'm compiling my "memory" moments as we speak. I'll be crying as I write it, I'm sure.

Hmmmm, scary possibly cultist guy?  Yep.  Prime choice for prom date! 
Must say, I love that Bear's still part of the action.  He lends a certain connectedness to the whole story and I rather appreciate it.
Hehehehehehe. (rubs hands together maliciously), scary cultist guy indeed.

Bear always has a special place in my heart.  ;D ;D

Several sets of eyes on Eveline, I think there's plenty of people out to get her, and I think Jupiter is either very shy around Eveline or he's planning to help either those after her, or her to get out of trouble.

This is fun to read so thanks for making it :D
Someone is good at reading my mind, but I won't tell you which part is right or wrong.  ::) ;) Thank you my dear friend for reading! I always enjoy my Reapers, unfortunately I've been preoccupied with many other things as of late, and these past several months have lead to me neglecting my stories. It always warms my heart to see that someone, somewhere is out there still reading it.

So, little announcement: The Family Tree now contains major spoilers. Please look at that with caution. You have been warned.

Also, apologies for the update. I'm not really happy with it, I've contemplated this update for a long time and have spent days piling up the right pictures for it... I just spent 5 hours writing it too, but I'm just not happy with how it turned out. I'm going to go ahead and post it anyways. Maybe one day I'll come back and rewrite everything, but I'm a little burned out to be re-writing the WHOLE thing right now, and I've been dying to update so I'm content to leave it where things are. I hope things are vague enough, but they might not be, and it might have gotten a bit rushed at the end, so forgive me for that. Please enjoy, my dear readers.


~10:00 PM~
-The Outskirts of Bridgeport-

Rain would be beautiful if it weren't so cold this time of year. Nothing like being cold, wet, and very late for an important meeting. Great. Just great. Liam may just blow his top yet, but I could care less what he thinks of me; it's Jack that I really worry about. The last thing I want to do is disappoint him. I've never had a family I could call my own before, at least, not by name, but Jack is as close to a dad as I've got. I'll do anything to thank him for taking me in after everything, but I think I'll start by not getting mud on the carpet.

Our hideout is clever. I live here year-round with Jack and Liam while everyone else pops in from time to time to check in on us. Jack even made me my own room away from the others. For years it was just Jack and I, with Liam stopping in from college every now and then, but everything started to change after I moved to high school. Jack and Liam started whispering more. Hushed undertones that I only caught parts of. They were talking about her. I'm not sure why, but she's caused quite a ruckus. More so than I think she even realizes. There are whispers of how powerful she is, and rumors of people out to harm her. It goes over my head most of the time. All I know is that when I started to go to high school is when everything changed, and when everyone started calling on me for favors for the first time ever. Our shack was upgraded in very inconspicuous ways, and soon we had an entire base hiding just beneath our fingertips.

The shack itself is nothing to write home about. It's a one-bedroom fisherman's hut, with a dingy bathroom and no fancy gadgets around to attract unwanted attention.

The important thing is in the cellar.

To most, it's just an empty room with good storage opportunities. To us? It's the entrance to our real home.

Jack and I spent so much time building this place up, it's almost depressing to think about how easily things get walked on and over by the nutters that stop by. After the whispering when I first started high school, is when we really buckled down on getting this place in shape. It's almost a fond memory of mine to look back on - bonding with Jack. He was always so level-headed and calm, unlike Liam. According to Jack, Liam is his nephew, but I've poked far too many holes in that story for it to be true. Jack and Liam are related, I can sense that, but I get the feeling it's far more complicated than I care to delve into, so I've never asked for clarifications.

Jack was already hard at work, pondering the latest plan of action. We've kept eyes on her ever since she returned from... someplace. I don't know everything. In fact, tonight is supposed to be the night I figure out exactly what my job is. Apparently it's important, because even Liam has been suspiciously nice to me. Ever since Jack took me in Liam has yet to have something nice to say about me. I don't blame him. I'll never be the same after that day in the rain. I'll never get to truly be normal, but at least I can fake it, and I'd say I fake it plenty well. I've longed for the normal life for long enough that I can practically taste how nice it must be.
Pleasantly, I guess I'm not the only one who's late. Ha. I guess Liam was truly right about something: you can't count on the nutters for anything.

The more I thought about it though, the truly little I knew about the two guys who I've been around for all of my memorable life. Jack was older. He has a sister, somewhere out there, but he's only mentioned her once when I asked who he was talking to on the phone. Jack has never lied to me, sometimes he can be brutally honest, but I've grown to really appreciate that over the years. So when he tells me he's talking to his sister, I believe him. He's a magic user as well - though he has never stated what he studied specifically in, and he never uses his magic so as to not offend Liam.

Liam, on the other hand is a fly-off-the-handle kind of guy. He's temperamental and defensive. For a long time I thought he was just a terrible person, but after those nutters arrived I soon found out it's because he's not a magic user at all. He could have fooled me though. He's incredible with alchemy and very skilled in all forms of regular combat, but he lacks the one that seems to hold all the honor in this circle. I would know, the nutters rub it in my face too, but I've become numb to people mistreating me over the years.

We apparently got a new picture for our picture wall. Liam and one of the nutters has been out keeping a close eye on her. It's kind of creepy to think that I've known more of her than she could ever really guess. Sometimes when she looks at me though, I swear she sees right through me. Kind of ironic though, since she can't see at all technically.
She has a nice smile. I've always enjoyed her smile, but tonight, it just about stopped my heart. She makes me feel... warm. It's such a strange and wonderful feeling to be warm, even when out in the cold of night. I've gotten quite good with my banter, so I don't think she noticed how I nearly fell over myself so many times during our conversations. I've been hiding behind Elspeth for so long now that I'm not even sure how to switch gears. Who am I kidding though? She could never see me in different light.

Liam smirked, suddenly, I've been spotted and I wasn't even prepared. "What took you so long? Did my assassins fail again?"
I begrudgingly smiled and nodded my head. "I guess so." I said quietly before putting my eyes to the floor in shame. "I'm sorry I'm late, Jack. Work ran over... and I've got something I should probably..."
Jack held up his finger to pause me before pulling the finger to his lips, to symbolize being quiet. No sooner than he did that did I hear it.
Liam groaned loudly, "the nutters are here!" He put his hand on his head and rubbed his forehead. Even Jack's face, which was usually level and calm, held traces of annoyance. The sound of a lot of humming began as the teleporter room came to life.

Jack quietly cleaned the whiteboard and collected himself while Liam sucked in his cheek with annoyance.
The humming quieted and was replaced with echoing laughter, but after a second even the laughter ceased and the only sound being heard was footsteps. One by one, three of the nutters made their appearance. The teleporter room hummed up again and the last nutter came walking in behind the original three.

The she-witch nutter, also known as Nia to them, likes to pretend she's in charge of everything. No one really listens to her though. Deliro and Kefka were an interesting bunch - I often don't mind them, as they tend to spout some pretty hilariously delusional things back and forth to each other. Sheo stops in every now and then, but he's oddly quiet. Out of all the nutters, I thought he might actually be sane, but the truth is he simply is worse than all the rest of them mentally, he's just smart enough to keep quiet about it. Tonight though, everyone is calm. It's eerie. They all filed in and took their seats without a single word uttered. I feel as though I entered another universe. I exchanged glances with Jack and Liam, both seemed equally shocked, they both quietly fixated their view on the wall of pictures.

It was then that I heard a strange sound - I tend to hear things before the rest of the group, but this time I knew even the nutters could hear it too: footsteps. One person was entering through the front, and each of the nutters trembled with every step, all except for Sheo, who sat calmly as he traced odd lines on the tabletop with his finger. I turned and suddenly felt a chill run deep through me.

He looks exactly like a clown. What in watcher's name is this joker doing here?
"Majnun." Jack tipped his head downwards in respect but met the clown's eyes evenly. "It's good to see you."
Majnun snorted, then burst into crazy laughter that echoed throughout the room. No one else joined in, not even the nutters who would have died for a chance to laugh like lunatics at nothing.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" The clown was just downright giddy now. It's completely official. I think I can safely say that I've been roped into a madhouse. Maybe we're not even helping poor Eveline? Given what I'm surrounded by we may just be stalking a beautiful, blind, highschool girl - and I may be enabling this! Dear watcher, have mercy on my soul. I can just feel my self-respect writhing inside of my head as I keep quiet. I looked up again and realize that Majnun was sitting down now, with his eyes staring at me intently. I feel ill, and another hard chill ran down my back. "So you're the boy Jack praises to high heavens." It was a statement. A statement made with such cold, calculated sanity that I could feel my heart as it plummeted through the floor. Do I respond to a statement like that? I swallowed and tried to find words but none were coming. "Speak." He commanded with the cold calculation behind his words.
My mouth went dry. "M-my name is-"
Majnun cut me off with a loud, high-pitched laugh - a laugh as if I had said one of the funniest things he had ever heard. His laughter continued until it abruptly ended and his voice dropped two octaves. "How is his fighting skills? Surely you've trained him." The question was directed at Jack now, and Majnun moved his gaze. Relief flooded through me as though he had been choking me and had suddenly found something else interesting to do. What the heck have I signed up for? Mercy, watcher, please.
Jack nodded, seemingly unaffected by this crazed man's gaze. "He's trained in everything I know."
Majnun's fingers drummed on the tabletop, and all of the nutters jolted. Majnun hummed something and his head rolled around as if he were stretching his neck before he snapped back and stared at me. I tensed and suddenly there was no space between Majnun and I anymore. His face was an inch away from mine as he stared into my soul. It was then I realized just how insanely powerful he was - there was so much magic brewing behind his eyes. He was a god. How could I have been so stupid? I was too terrified to look away now, so I steeled myself. I took a breath in and kept his gaze now willingly, and to my surprise his eyes... softened? He turned away. "Yes. He'll do just fine." His once deep voice was light and airy now. It was like riding a rollercoaster and I desperately wanted off. Majnun swiftly turned back to me and gripped my shoulder tightly in his hand. I jumped and did my best to hide the great fear that likely washed over my face. "Do you know who that girl is?!" He pointed his finger at the girl on the wall.
"Yes sir." I murmured.
"What's her name, boy?" His voice was cruel and deep again.
"Eveline." I paused, sucking in a breath. "Sir." I felt like a fish out of water.
"Eveline...?" He tightened his grip on my shoulder, and I could feel my vision going dark.
"Reaper, I believe. Sir."
"Where is she from?" He barked.
"Uh... here? Sir?"
His face grew harsher, but his tone suddenly got much, much lighter, "what's her favorite color?!"
I looked at Jack, unsure of what to say at this point. "Pink?" I asked quietly.
"Very good." He praised me with a great amount of admiration in his voice. He released my shoulder and patted my head before turning and walking to the wall of pictures of Eveline, and I struggled to remain standing. "Listen well, boy. I'm not going to repeat myself." The crazed voice was now level, like a normal human's voice should sound like. "My granddaughter is going to prom tomorrow, so you're going too. Do not let her leave your sight. Vampires are hunting my precious granddaughter and I will not let them get to her! They want her alive, so I don't think you'll need to worry about poison, but test everything before she'll have a chance to eat." His voice jumped up an octave, "we plan on baking ALL day before hand." He grinned wildly before shaking his head and his eyes cleared up. His voice also returned to normal. It's like he's possessed. "Trust no one." He said firmly before slumping back into his chair. He looked drained and delirious as he started to giggle again.
I looked from the wall, back to Majnun for a minute before it finally clicked. Eveline is the granddaughter of a god. By the watcher! No wonder she's so important! "That's... your granddaughter?" I found myself saying out loud.
Majnun chuckled, "don't you see the family resemblance?!" He laughed at his own joke and a few of the nutters chuckled quietly along with him in a nervous way.
"Not at all." I said matter-of-factly. I wasn't going to let this man... er... god? Er... King of the nutters? Whatever he was. I wasn't going to let him scare me any longer. I've really got nothing in my life worth living for, so that makes me a heck of a lot more brazen. "She's completely sane."
Everyone looked at me in horror, but I simply smirked. To an extent, I actually enjoyed playing with fire. Majnun grinned. "I like this boy." He nodded, "tell him everything Jack. That is all for tonight everyone. Congratulations on your new babies!" Majnun stood up quietly and adjusted himself. "Next time we're playing monopoly while we do these stupid things!" He continued talking until we were long out of earshot.
"You got some guts there, boy." Liam smirked.
Jack shook his head, "I've never seen him actually take a liking to anyone like that before. Alright then, let's get started, we've got a lot to fill you in before you'll be ready to go tomorrow, so buckle up."

~10:00 P.M.~
Downtown Bridgeport, the Slums

I'm late for my meeting, of course. All I want is to make a good impression, and what do I do? Muck it up. Soon I'll be initiated and become a part of the crew. I'll be part of a family for once, and Eveline is the key to all of this.

It's a shame, she's actually a pretty girl; but I can't get too attached, she's simply a pawn in the grand scheme of things - a very powerful pawn, but a pawn nonetheless.
The hideout is dank, but it's just a temporary thing, as are most human structures. We will ascend beyond that.

I've created my cover grounds nicely, Eveline expects to see me a prom tomorrow, what a perfect time for me to put our grand plan in motion. It won't be a new moon for a few days now, but even still, we've kept powerful people as prisoners before, I'm sure we can do it again.

I can hear Wogan and William going at it again. Wogan is a head vampire of his clan, one of high stature and praise - one which I have fully arranged to marry into - and William is a bit of a loner, though he also has a grand amount of standing amongst the vampire players.
Everyone quieted on my entry.

"Look who finally decided to show up!" Elvira taunted - she was the only female vampire who has land and standing amongst our group, so she is highly respected.
Belisama came bounding up to me. "You didn't bring me any presents. Did you?" Her eyes met mine coldly. Part of me died a little knowing I would have to marry this little brat one day, yet what is one marriage contract in the grand span of eternity but a mere drop in the bucket of my life?

I gave her a charming smile and bowed, "I always have something for the little light of my life." I pulled the chocolate covered plasma fruit out of my pocket and handed it to her. She squealed with joy and took it happily before running over to her parents at the table. Wogan smiled at me and nodded - it took a long, long time to get that positive of an acknowledgement from him, so I relished every moment of it.
Morrigan shifted uncomfortably in her chair, "he's here today." She mumbled quietly. I felt my heart sink. Lucien? He's here? Already? Is it already time? I immediately ran to sit down as I could feel the air shifting. He certainly was here.

"Good morning, everyone." His voice purred with an air of coolness to it. It was absolutely terrifying. "The time has come, my brothers and sisters. A new day is dawning, and it all starts tomorrow."
Whispers broke out amongst the group.
Lucien looked smug as he walked over to the table. "It's a shame you all couldn't have provided a better place to meet. This place is disgusting. I expect this to be fixed by the time I see you again."
Everyone shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

Lucien leaned against our rickety table and I feared it might collapse, how truly embarrassing that would be in front of him, but thankfully it sustained his weight. Lucien sniffed the air before looking at me, "new blood. I love it. Have we met before, boy?"

"Not formally sir." I tried to clear my throat and put on a good impression, "I'm -"
"I already know, boy." Lucien looked bored. He raised his hand up and waved it in front of everyone before stopping at William. "You. You're the one who's been watching the girl, right? What's the news? Please do it quickly before I die of boredom." He sat down suddenly and threw his legs up on the table, which shook beneath the sudden weight.
"Nothing fun to report sir. I can assure you of that." William griped. He hated having to watch Eveline from a distance, I kept trying to tell him he didn't need to with me there, but he wouldn't listen - no one would.
Lucien sucked in his cheek impatiently, like he was debating saying something, but instead he turned his head back to me. "You've gotten close to the girl, have you not?"
"We talk." I shrugged.
"Do you know how important she is?" His eyes narrowed at me.
"Being honest with you, no. I don't." I leaned back in my chair and met his gaze.
"Honest? Tough guy here is being honest." I felt my stomach drop, but he continued, "you're not half bad; no you see, Eveline here is a very powerful witch."
"She's mentioned that in our conversations."
"If she were smart she would keep that to herself." Lucien raised an eyebrow, the group of vampires laughed a bit, but Lucien made a face at them that sent them all into silence once again. "She's not just any powerful witch though, she's THE powerful witch. Do you know what that means?"
"I'm afraid I don't."
"She's the most powerful witch alive right now, boy. That's what it means." He filled me in calmly, shifting in his chair to get more comfortable. "She's multitudes more powerful than a regular old witch, son, and that's why we want her."
It made sense, obviously, but I wanted to hear him say it, "what for?" I asked innocently.
Slight annoyance passed over his face. "Stand up." He commanded.
My body moved on it's own.
"Come with me." He motioned as he swiftly stood up himself with a grace I hadn't seen in anyone before. He gripped my shoulder and walked me back into the red room, one that I had been in countless times trying to unlock it's secrets. Everyone else remained seated and watched with mixed emotions, some envy; others, fear.
"Tomorrow is prom, right boy?" He asked as we walked.
"Better shine up your tux then, because you've got a job to do." Lucien stopped in front of the rusted altar-like figure. "I want the girl tomorrow. Bring her to me. Use whatever resources you need, but I want her here and I want her alive." His voice had gotten more gravelly.
"Yes sir." I said to him.
He chuckled, "you really are growing on me, you know. You don't ask questions, you just agree. That attitude will get you far." He smiled, but his eyes grew colder as his grip got tighter, "and it will also put a knife in your back if you're not careful. Wise up, new blood."
I swallowed.
He laughed again, "we're going to take that pretty little girl and put her on this altar right here in the dark of the new moon, and this relic will feed off her body, absorbing her soul and her power and giving it to us." He gestured out in front of him.

"Then what will you do with her when that's done?"
Lucien let out a very hard, sharp laugh. "We'll return what's left of her home in a box for her pathetic parents to have something to bury."
I felt my heart drop for a moment.
"What will the relic do?" I looked at him nervously, begging for approval.
He released my shoulder and slapped it in a friendly way, "oh my, new blood, the real question is: what can the relic NOT do?" 

