Author Topic: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]  (Read 467968 times)

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Several Years Ago...
« Reply #555 on: September 14, 2014, 05:29:25 AM »
U'm interested, keep going. At first I was really confused, I still am, just not as much.

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Several Years Ago...
« Reply #557 on: September 30, 2014, 08:54:09 PM »
Hey all! I'm at work currently, but I do have an update in the works! Hold tight - Eveline is about to become a vivacious teen, and she's gorgeous!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Goodbye is not Forever
« Reply #558 on: October 05, 2014, 08:29:25 PM »
Heads up everyone! I'm switching my media hosting halfway through this chapter because I'm insane, so... bear with me on the whole picture process... hopefully they all show up!
Also, I must send my apologies, this chapter did take a while to write.
P.P.S: I also had a long trip down memory lane writing this chapter. Teared me up a little. Hopefully you have fun with the memories like I did!

Goodbye is not Forever
Eveline couldn't bring herself to cry, she was just too worn out emotionally. She reached the end of the map, where her grid dropped off. It was a comforting place, she had decided.

She knew she was being followed, and while at first she had ultimately resisted, she was now becoming more at peace with the idea. Perhaps it was the police? Maybe it was a kidnapper? She didn't know, and she couldn't find it in her to care. The footsteps approached, and she actually found herself disappointed with who it was.

"Hi... grandpa." She said quietly. "How long had you been following me?"
"I gave you a ten minute head-start. I had expected you to be more challenging to find." He teased.
Eveline's lip twitched slightly, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. "I'm not going home."
"Who said I was here to take you home? I went for a walk with Bear, is that such a crime?"
"And you followed me here."
"Nonsense. YOU followed ME here."
"Grandpa..." She sighed.
"Now, now." He looked up towards the skyline. "Don't give me that tone. I'm exhausted too. This was an exhausting day. It's not easy to maintain your sight after a long day and it's tough for me to keep my thoughts sane. The question I need to ask you though, is why did you choose to run?"
"Because mom and dad don't want me at home."
"That's an awfully big assumption to make."
Eveline shifted, uncomfortable. "Because I'm tired of not feeling like I belong."

"So there's the truth of it." Majnun said quietly. There was a silence that stretched out between the two of them.
"Belonging." Majnun repeated quietly. "What does that mean to you Eveline?"
"Belonging means fitting into a specific place or environment." Eveline said back flatly.
"I didn't ask what the definition was, I asked what it meant to you." He said the last word firmly.
"I want to have friends," Eveline started.
"Do Bear and I not count?"
Eveline shook her head, feeling flustered, "I want to have family."
"Do I really need to list all the family you have that care for you? I'm pretty sure I count there too."
Eveline gritted her teeth, "I'm tired of mom and dad not understanding. Do you get it now?!" Then she turned around abruptly, surprised at her own words.
Majnun smiled, "sometimes it takes some prodding to figure out what's really on your mind... so what don't they understand?"
Eveline was getting even more frustrated. "Me." She paused. "My sight." She paused again. "My lack of." She shook her head. "I just want someone to understand that I'm different, but that it doesn't make me..."
"That it doesn't define you." Majnun corrected. "You know, when I was younger, I was known as 'The Psycho'." He gave a soft smile at memories, even though they did bother him. "I was teased and bullied from childhood by everyone - even my own parents."
Eveline turned and looked in the direction of the water, letting the words sink in.
"I spent years, searching, looking for a place that I could belong - looking for someone who could understand me - and yet I found that I was looking too broadly. I looked all around the world when I should have been looking in here." He put his hand to his chest, stepped closer to Eveline and put her hand to her chest. "You only see what your mind wants you to see. But your mom, regardless of my actions, was simply trying to ensure her daughter had the best of everything. Does that sound like someone who isn't at least trying to understand?"
Eveline's lip trembled. She shook her head no.
"You've got your grandpa and grandma Reaper, who had to fight me tooth and nail just to get to see you while your parents were gone on a trip, you've got your crazy, strange uncle who insists that he's going to somehow teach you how to ride a motorcycle, you've got a mother and father who would throw themselves under a bus just to make sure that you got the best of everything, you've got a dog who would beat himself senseless against a door to follow you to the ends of the earth just to be near you, and you have me: your 'psycho' grandfather. Even when the rest of the world shuts you out, you will always have me."
Eveline turned and ambushed him into a hug, letting go of everything she had felt earlier and she cried.
She cried for sadness and frustration, but she also cried for relief.

Mary paced back and forth across the living room, a worry line creased into her forehead. Alec sat on the couch, watching his wife's nervous energy.
"I'm sure my dad is with her Mary. You know he's never let her be alone."
Mary shook her head. "She hates me Alec... that's why she left. I'm a terrible mother. I should have been with her. I should have just beat that principal to a pulp and I should have..." Mary's voice was growing my frantic when Alec reached over and grabbed her wrist, hurtling her towards him on the couch. She put her head in her hands and breathed hard.
Alec shushed her quietly, "don't beat yourself up love, you did the best you could with the situation."
The doorknob started to turn and Mary jerked up suddenly, standing at attention. Alec turned calmly.

Eveline shuffled in through the front door and looked to the floor meekly. "I'm so-"
Mary swept Eveline up into her arms, kneeling on the floor next to her. She pulled her back and did a mother-examination, putting Eveline's head in her hands and checking every inch of her child to make sure she was alright. "Oh Eveline, I'm so, so sorry," Mary began to pour out, but then she hardened a bit, "please don't ever do that again!" She scolded.
"I'm sorry mom," Eveline whispered, her voice breaking. Mary softened again and hugged her daughter once more, monopolizing her as Alec attempted to make his way over to check on his daughter.

When the conga-line of arms and hugs finally calmed, there was still a light tension that held in the air. Eveline sucked in her cheeks as she waited for the inevitable: punishment.
Majnun yawned slightly, "welp, all. I do believe I'm in need of a long meditative period." He bowed and exited.
Eveline kept her head down, waiting to be excused; Alec looked tired, and by looking tired, he looked angry. Mary noted this calmly and nodded, "go on to bed, Alec; I'll catch up with you dear." She said quietly. Alec hesitated, but soon understood and nodded.
"We can talk more about this in the morning." He said firmly, knowing that Mary fully intended to let this be the end of it.
Mary nodded, "and let's get you ready for bed, Ev." She put her hand behind her and quietly walked her to her bedroom, "I think I have a story that will interest you."
"Are you going to punish me?" Eveline mustered up the courage to ask slowly.
"No, lovebug; well maybe. Depending on how boring my story-telling is." She tickled Eveline's side causing Eveline to smile - to really smile for the first time in a long time.
Eveline dressed in her pajamas quickly and Mary sat down on the bed next to her.

"What's the story about, mom?"
"Your namesake - well, your last name's namesake." She said quietly. "The Reaper namesake holds a lot of weight these days, but it didn't always. You've learned a lot and from your Grandfather Majnun and about his lineage, and now, I think you need to learn about mine - about the importance of your last name." She thought really hard on the right way to word it. The last thing she wanted to do was to scare off her daughter by saying she had to do something, even though that would be the case - it is necessary.
Mary paused, and Eveline was absorbing everything, "Are you ready?"
Eveline nodded.
"Ok, well, it started a very, very long time ago, with a fantastic woman named Agnes." Mary sighed, almost smelling her great-great grandmother's scent. "She was a very, very great woman, Agnes Crumplebottom was."
"Crumplebottom? I thought we were talking about Reapers?" Eveline asked quietly.
"We are, lovebug, I'm getting to it." Mary smiled softly, "You see, Agnes Crumplebottom was a widow; she sat high up in the mountains on her own and grieved for many, many years." Mary nodded, remembering the story when it was told to her. "The Watcher came to her after a long period of grieving and offered her a deal. She and her descendants would become the defenders of all the towns of the world, and in return, she and her descendants would become immensely powerful in their own right and they would all find happiness from it. She took the deal, accepted the magical gifts bestowed on her and spent another several decades honing her skills to the perfect point."
"She must'a been pretty old." Eveline noted outloud.
Mary laughed, "age never stopped her though, she came across a potion that gave her youth back once she had achieved mastery of her skills; she then marched to the graveyard and raised from the head her next husband, the Tragic Clown."
"Was he her first husband?"
"No... he wasn't."
"But why? You said she was widowed, didn't she love her first husband? Who in their right minds would turn down raising their husband FROM THE DEAD?!" Eveline was bewildered.
"Yes, she did. She did very much so. But she and her husband had had their time together. She was older, wiser and knew that she needed to move forward, not back. So she did. They renamed themselves Agnes and Tragic Reaper, and started a legacy that would transcend ages. There has been many generations between her and you, and I will tell you a little about all of them, if you're up for it."

Eveline was growing very into the story her mother told her.
"Agnes and Tragic had six children," Mary racked her brain very hard, it had been several years since she heard this story, but it was all there, somehow. "Cain and Aurora, the first set of twins; Isolde and Isabel, the second set of twins. Then two single children, Raven and Aliester. Cain loved music, and found love at an early age to a woman who already had had a son. Aurora, the chosen heiress of the legacy, went on to have two children herself of different men, Esran and Emrin. Isolde never had children, she kept to her inventing and married at an older age. Isabel had one child, Kay Reaper. She never married, and her first love died when she was young and raising their child. Raven had two children with her husband; Falor and Laron. Aliester never married nor did he have children, he became a world renowned Private-Eye." Mary took a loud breath. "That's obviously a mouthful. The important thing to remember is who succeeded who, though there's no pressure for you to remember it, I just found it interesting to hear where I came from, and perhaps you will as well."
Mary found some footing again, "as it's getting late, I'll start to give you a more abridged version, and we can always go more detailed later. Did you know that I actually fought and won a war once Eveline?" Mary said, shifting the topic.
"You did?" Eveline's eyes were wide, impressed. "But... but you're my mom!"
Mary laughed quite loudly, "yes, and being a girl was quite the challenge where I grew up." She said quietly. "I actually had to pretend to be a boy for all of my youth, until I was an adult actually." She stated.
"But why?"
"Because little girls were being taken from their homes in Isla Paradiso, where I grew up, a long, long way away from here."
Eveline was shocked. Her mother wasn't accepted either? All this time she had spent thinking that her mother just didn't understand and yet here she was, telling her about all the time she spent in hiding.
"You didn't think I knew what it was like to be ostracized in front of a lot of people, did you?" Mary raised an eyebrow, acknowledgingly.
Eveline, guilty, shook her head.
"Your grandfather, my father, Noten, died in the war against Isla Paradiso's regime." Mary stated calmly, Eveline rubbed her face, unsure if she was sleepy and heard her right.
"But... grandpa... I just..."
"Yes, you did see him. That's a story for another day. Your grandfather Noten was the first son of Emrin Reaper, who was the daughter of Aurora Reaper, who was the daughter of Agnes Reaper. You now know the connection between you and one of the greatest witches to ever live. She taught me everything I know, and when you're old enough, I will teach you."
"You mean Great-Great..." Eveline paused, her face contorted as she tried to count, "uh... you mean Agnes taught you magic? But how?"
"Agnes was a very, very long-lived person. She was not going to leave the earth until she felt good and ready to do so." Mary stated. "She would have had it no other way. You see... by the time the lineage had gotten to me, the magic had failed, and so had the Watcher's connection. Agnes brought it all back, through me." Mary put her hand to her chest, remembering the fateful day. The day she trained all night... the day she met Alec. The Watcher truly had kept her word. Great power, and great happiness. "The Watcher will be true to her word with you as well, Eveline; I had never believed in the watcher growing up, because she could not reach us, but she can now, and she refuses to lose that ever again. The day the connection was reforged was the day I met your father. The day of my great awakening I gained both great power and great happiness. One day, you too will have this." Mary looked down and saw Eveline nodding off. It had gotten very, very late - or rather, very early. Mary tucked her in quietly.

Then it struck her as clear as day. She suddenly knew a solution to Eveline's issue. A grin rapidly spread across her face as she hurried herself out of her room to go wake up Alec immediately. Once Eveline's door was closed, Mary broke into a sprint, she jumped onto the bed and woke Alec, who looked up at her with panic.
"What is it? Is everything ok?!" He jumped up, about ready to sprint out of bed.
"I know a place that will take Eveline and educate her." She said excitedly. Alec groaned and laid back in bed.

The next day dawned, Eveline came and sat at the table, surprised to notice her mother was up and in her pajamas as usual. For once Eveline didn't feel uncomfortable going out and sitting next to her in a companionable silence. She did understand. Eveline just didn't see it, but now she does.

"Ev, I was up half the night thinking about this, but after you fell asleep it dawned on me. I want to send you to the school I went to when I was a child." Mary said levelly. "Of course, only if you would like to go."
"Do I have to pretend to be a boy?"
Mary chuckled, "only if you want to, but it's not necessary anymore." Mary teased, poking her fork towards her daughter. "But really, it's a school that is very focused around military tactics - it does teach other things, but... it would be a lot of strategy and logistics. I just... I remember how well the school taught, and how little they cared if you were different; if you don't like it, you can always come straight home and we can look at other options, or if that doesn't appeal to you period we can look at other options too..."
"How would it work?"
"It would be a boarding school." Mary said simply. "Queen Carolina of Isla Paradiso was the first I called, and when I called last night after I left your room... she declared that she wanted to house you herself." Mary said quietly.
"You know a queen?!" Eveline dropped her fork.
"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Ev; but soon you will. For now... let's enjoy the weekend we have, think about the offer, and if you're interested... I would gladly make the phone call. You would leave on Monday, if that should be your choice. Don't feel pressured though, this isn't something you have to do; and if you want I can even look into other options, but a lot of them are going to have to be boarding schools. This one... I just... I'm familiar with it, and I know that it is a good school from personal experience." Mary was trying to be diplomatic, but she was so excited to see Eveline getting a chance to see what her home looked like, and getting a chance to learn the same things. It made her feel as if she would finally have more common ground with her daughter to stand on.
Eveline sat in silence and ate. Finally, she looked up, "can you make the call then, mom?"
Mary smiled widely, "I would be glad to."

The family had headed out for the festival today. It was the last day of summer and things were about to get very cold on this lively city. Back at home, renovations were being made. A new bathroom, another bedroom for Majnun and an actual kitchen had been added on.

At the festival, everyone spent as much time as they could having fun together, knowing that Eveline would be leaving soon to get comfortable in her new temporary home among the royalty of Isla Paradiso.

Majnun got his face painted rather brightly:

And they all spent the evening dancing and having fun.

The day had passed too quickly for everyone, especially for Eveline. Just as she started to feel at home in her house, she was already packing to go someplace else.

She braved her way to the taxi and prepared herself for the flight. She had to remind herself over and over again as she thought back on these last few days that goodbye does not mean forever. She would see them all again soon. It was a hard journey to make, but she knew it would be worth it in the end.

And Bear? Ever trusty and faithful sat out by the road long after Eveline had gone.

He looked forward to when he would be reunited with Eveline; as did everyone else.

Offline Malley

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Goodbye is not Forever
« Reply #559 on: October 05, 2014, 10:18:31 PM »
Loved the trip down memory lane! I'm so happy that Ev will get a chance to go to school and make some friends. The Queen's got her back :)

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Goodbye is not Forever
« Reply #560 on: October 06, 2014, 08:18:01 AM »
Why do I want to cry for Bear?! :'(

Will we see inside the military base, and all of Eveline's adventures?

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Brotherly Love
« Reply #561 on: October 12, 2014, 07:04:45 PM »
Loved the trip down memory lane! I'm so happy that Ev will get a chance to go to school and make some friends. The Queen's got her back :)
The Queen has always got her back. :D
Memory lane was lovely, and I didn't even get to finish the story. I was like, tearing up as I wrote.

Why do I want to cry for Bear?! :'(

Will we see inside the military base, and all of Eveline's adventures?
Because Bear is adorable?
No. Nope. Noooo. I just can't do that at the moment. I needed a break from Eveline's storyline for a chapter. I was really tired of her being a child as well, and since she couldn't attend regular schooling, I wanted to stick to the truth and truly sent her to boarding school.

Brotherly Love
Eveline's presence was severely missed the moment she left. Alec had taken the day off work to see her off, and the household itself seemed quieter and more mute without her liveliness in it. Mary eventually had to drag Bear out of the rain and inside, but even he seemed to lack the life that he once had. Mary paused and smiled at him gingerly. "It's ok love, she'll be back before you know it. She's going to learn and make new friends and then she'll be back."
Bear whimpered, but still didn't seem completely reassured. Mary decided she too, wanted some time to herself, so she proceeded to work on her training. Any day now, she felt, she would achieve greatness.

Alec played a tune quietly beside his wife, feeling the same sense of loneliness that everyone else felt. Eveline certainly held a big part of their lives, and now that part was completely void in her absence.
Majnun even, found himself doing extra chores around the house, despite himself.

Mary had lost track of the hours but she couldn't help but feel a sudden sense of pride as she went back and counted her steps. She had done it. She looked on completely blown away as she finally unwrapped the gift she deserved to have.

Mary's final belt. She mastered Martial Arts. She swelled with pride and beamed at the thought. Alec grinned at her from his guitar. "We should go celebrate!" He called, but Mary had other ideas. She was riding a high, and what's the best thing to do when you're riding a high?
She jumped on her treadmill and started at her athletics. Her lifetime wish was so close she could taste it.

Alec soon felt himself beaming with pride as he reached mastery of the guitar. Halfway done with his lifetime wish.

And finally, Mary, with sweet relief, rolled off the treadmill, feeling more and more fulfilled. Completely, actually. She has completed her lifetime wish.

Yet it still didn't feel right without being able to celebrate with Eveline.
Congratulations love. You've done it.
Mary beamed, "thanks, Watcher."
Do you mind if I ask you a favor?
"Yeah! Anything."
Well... you see...
Mary nodded quietly as she listened. "You've got a deal. I'll set everything up and call him over, the rest is on you."

One makeover later:

You're not looking to bad there, my dear.
"You're likely not looking so bad yourself, Watcher." Edward winked.
Har, har. Down to business. What happened. I got word of the... ahem... split.
"Yes, we broke up."
Edward. Edward. Edward. Why Edward? Why would you do that...?
"I just... everything felt so serious and..."
NO EXCUSES! Can't you see your biological clock is ticking away as we speak? You're almost a full grown adult and you have no offspring to show for it! This is unacceptable!
"But I thought that was my problem to..."
Your problem?! YOUR problem?! No, no, no, my dear. It is MY problem. I need babies from you. I need them now. No excuses. I gave you MORE than ample amount of time. Your time is up. Pick your wife or I will pick her for you.
"Dear watcher! You're ugly when you're mad."
Oh, you haven't even seen me mad. So Johanna or someone else. Pick your poison.
"I don't..."
Pick. Your. Poison.
"Fine! Fine! Johanna! I pick her because she'll never agree to this plan! I screwed up with her, she's never going to take me back!"
Heh, watch me work, boy. I'm in control here.

"Hey babe-ugh!" Edward felt like he had been kicked.
Nope. Nothing of that sorts. Serious. Loving. Apologetic. Now.
"Er... I mean, hey Johanna."
"What can I do for you?"

"I can't believe this is working watcher..."
Heh, just shut up, I told you - I've got this.

Do it! Kiss her now! She's vulnerable!
"Here we go!"

It worked! Thank goodness the wedding is BACK ON.

Back at the house, Mary was prepping her massive backyard and calling the extended family - we've got a wedding afoot.
Johanna and Edward came barrelling in at one in the morning, genuinely angering the resident god of madness. Mary shoved Edward onto the couch where a lifeless and tired Alec sat, looking dazed at the off television. "She kicked me... out of our bedroom. I'm so tired." He said in a monotone voice. Edward just half smiled and sat for a long moment with him.

Do you need rest, dear?
"Sleep is for the weak!" Mary said loudly as she ushered Johanna into her bedroom to try on some quick wedding dresses she had delivered. "Ok, so I had to estimate your size based off of pictures from Edward's picture of you. I have three different sizes and if you don't fit into one that's just fine. I had the watcher install a deep-fryer and I have a treadmill ready for one heck of a workout... Ok, so let's get you fitted."
"Where in the world did you get all of these?!"
"I have my connections." Mary grinned widely. "Now let's see what fits! Oh, and the stylist will be here in an hour for hair, nails and makeup, you can nap while he massages your feet! Let's do this! You wed at dawn!" Mary shouted the last part as if she were going out to war. Johanna looked wide-eyed and confused through the open door to Edward who sat on the couch.
Edward shrugged and winked. "She was the best military strategist and planner in all of the Pasimnic Ocean. As such, she treats everything else in her life with equal fervor." He had to speak slightly louder for her to hear over the sounds of Mary going down her list. Johanna gave him a dizzied look.
"Enough of that!" Mary scolded out the door and slammed it behind her. "Let's get to work, shall we?"

The next morning, after much primping, pulling and sleepless anxiety - mostly caused by Mary - the wedding guests began to arrive.

Palmira looked over the decorations in a mildly annoyed awe. "Mary, you outdid yourself, but did you really have to call us at one in the morning about this?"

Despite all of the rush, it was a tearful, gentle event.

After vows were said, Edward pulled one classic Edward and made Johanna King - now Johanna Reaper - his wife.

Edward carried his bride to the shower first, before they moved with their dog Popo Reaper to the nearest three bedroom apartment, that the watcher had already outfitted for many children.

It was a long, draining and satisfying day.

Mary and Alec had spent all day helping the newlyweds move in to their new apartment. Johanna seemed to already be suffering from morning sickness, though Mary kindly just feigned ignorance and told her it was probably all the super-sweet cake they ate at their wedding. Night had fallen, and though Johanna had kindly asked Alec and Mary to stay for dinner they both declined - much to Edward's delight. The newlyweds would need some time alone, and Mary and Alec wanted to go home, feeling drained and missing their daughter dearly.

On the other side of Bridgeport, a private jet flew into the harbor airport. It was an unexpected landing, but everyone seemed very accommodating of a Queen's plane - even if they didn't necessarily know where the Queen hailed. A driver was called, free of charge, and a young woman emerged on a somewhat familiar street. She didn't want to make a spectacle, so she thought she would walk from there, though the driver very nearly had a heart attack at the thought.
"Thank you for your concern. I'll be fine though."
"But... But... you're blind!" He sputtered.
Eveline shrugged and opened the car door, despite the fact that he hadn't stopped completely yet. The driver slammed the breaks and Eveline casually walked out of the vehicle and waited until she felt him drive out of sight.

She was home now.

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Offline Malley

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Brotherly Love
« Reply #562 on: October 12, 2014, 07:20:37 PM »
Hooray!  Edward and Johanna finally tied the knot!!  Leave it to Mary to plan a wedding like military strategy  ;D  And I know that it was just a shot from behind, but Eveline looks very lovely as a teenager.  Can't wait to see how she's changed from being in Isla Paradiso!

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Brotherly Love
« Reply #563 on: October 13, 2014, 07:38:07 AM »
Ev's new outfit looks very good on her.

Yay for weddings! And nooboos!

Do you mind if I DogNap Popo? He's absolutely A.Door.Able

Offline Serenity S.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Brotherly Love
« Reply #564 on: October 31, 2014, 04:19:03 PM »
Aw, I've been silent for a long time, but don't think I've forget to read your story. It's as fantastic as always.  I really liked that Do it! Kiss her now! She's vulnerable! scene. The Watcher is quite a matchmaker indeed! And a great wedding planner too, since you've managed to pull through I've-lost-count amount of weddings without any of them failing like they always seem to do in American soap operas.

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Brotherly Love
« Reply #565 on: October 31, 2014, 04:26:18 PM »
I originally read this chapter on my phone, which renders images so much darker than on my laptop, so I didn't really "get" the last picture. Now I do. Teenage Eveline! I can't wait to see her. :)

And congrats to Edward and Johanna too. It's nice to see him again.
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Offline Lisa46

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Brotherly Love
« Reply #566 on: October 31, 2014, 09:33:06 PM »
Yay for Edward!

Offline kittenalive

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Brotherly Love
« Reply #567 on: November 21, 2014, 08:25:44 PM »
Oh god! I'm all caught up now! I NEED MORE!!!!
Omg! I love this story soooo much

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Brotherly Love
« Reply #568 on: December 18, 2014, 05:01:47 PM »
Hooray!  Edward and Johanna finally tied the knot!!  Leave it to Mary to plan a wedding like military strategy  ;D  And I know that it was just a shot from behind, but Eveline looks very lovely as a teenager.  Can't wait to see how she's changed from being in Isla Paradiso!
Mary is quite good at quick thinking, no? Love her for it. Eveline. Is. Gorgeous. Mhm. Perfect genetics. I love it.

Ev's new outfit looks very good on her.

Yay for weddings! And nooboos!

Do you mind if I DogNap Popo? He's absolutely A.Door.Able
Dognap Popo? Why not. I'm sure I can find him, given enough time. He was quite sweet, but can't hold a candle to my Bear.

Aw, I've been silent for a long time, but don't think I've forget to read your story. It's as fantastic as always.  I really liked that Do it! Kiss her now! She's vulnerable! scene. The Watcher is quite a matchmaker indeed! And a great wedding planner too, since you've managed to pull through I've-lost-count amount of weddings without any of them failing like they always seem to do in American soap operas.
Thank you! Haha, I thought he could use some encouragement. Sometimes Sims just need a tender massive shove to get where they need to be. It's like taking a leap of faith, if you would, only the leap is caused by me shoving him. Oh yeah, I'm the wedding master! (wah-cha - ninja!). Oh those American Soap Operas. I was addicted to those once. Then I got my life back.

I originally read this chapter on my phone, which renders images so much darker than on my laptop, so I didn't really "get" the last picture. Now I do. Teenage Eveline! I can't wait to see her. :)

And congrats to Edward and Johanna too. It's nice to see him again.
Yeah! She's baaaack! [If I ever have the patience to redownload all my store stuff]
Ed is doing well as usual. I do my best to keep up with him as he holds a special place in my heart - similar to Falor.

Yay for Edward!
Yay indeed!

Oh god! I'm all caught up now! I NEED MORE!!!!
Omg! I love this story soooo much
Thank you! I do try. I'm still alive, I promise.

So I'm over the moon guys. My boyfriend got me a solid state harddrive. I'm keeping the Reapers. I love them to death and back. I just haven't really felt patient enough to download all my store stuff (one at a time, for all 7+ pages of 64 items each... oh dear that bores me just writing it out...). I love that guy. I do, but all this reinstalling business is a pain in my patootie. So I got the Sims 4 on a whim, and it doesn't hold a candle to my Sims 3 stuff, but it's keeping me entertained until I have more time to download the ridiculous amount of stuff I need. Thanks for all the love! Sorry again for the long wait. I. WILL. COMPLETE. THIS. STORY.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: She's A Rebel
« Reply #569 on: December 19, 2014, 02:23:04 AM »
Ok so, I went a little crazy on the screenshots this time guys. Mostly because I had been playing the Sims 4 for a bit, and I came back to the Sims 3 and went "oh my gosh, I missed this, and this, and this!" I'm so thrilled now. The Sims 4 is nice and stuff, and cool if you're into it, but the Sims 3 is so my cup of tea and THEN SOME. I've missed Eveline so much too. Yeup, I'm a happy camper. Anyways, I get that probably most simmers are gone on to bigger and newer things, but I'll be here with my Sims 3, and if any other Simmers are still around and want any of the Sims/pets I've got, just hit me up with a message or a reply on here!  ;D

She's a Rebel
The door bust open and the entire house quieted at once.
Eveline was home.

And the world where she walked was bound to get a little more interesting.
Mary was the first to rush to her daughter, but the conga line of hugs soon grew out. Everyone was gushing (minus Majnun, who was simply raving about his talking grapefruit named Stanley, which is interpreted to mean he was happy that Eveline was home) while Eveline took it all in.
"I'm home." She said simply.
Mary smiled warmly, "yes you are."

Bear couldn't wait to see his master again, and he made sure she knew it.

"I've missed you Bear." Eveline whispered into his fur as she clutched to his familiarity. She always felt so safe when he was around.
Alec had sucked in his cheek and was biting on it contemplatively. "Wow... Evie... you've grown so..." He tilted his head the other direction, "that outfit is really...OUCH!" Alec leaped as Mary elbowed him in the gut.
"Your daughter just got home. Save the policing for later." Mary warned.
"Yes dear." Alec mumbled.
Mary stepped forward once again and examined her daughter with a motherly fervor. She looked under her chin, examined her arms and nails, and gave her a thorough once-over as she spoke. "You've got to be exhausted sweetie, when did your flight get in? Why didn't you call us? Is everything going ok? How were the Islands?"
"'Save the policing for later.'" Alec muttered mockingly as he rolled his eyes and looked away just as Mary turned and gave him the death stare.
Eveline shook her head slowly in mock amusement and put her hand to her head. She was exhausted. "Yes, exhausted indeed. 10:30. No phone. All is good. And it was warm, did I cover everything?"
Mary laughed, "sorry dear. I don't mean to give you the third degree, I was just worried, that's all."
Eveline shrugged, "can I go to sleep now?"
"Of course." Mary wrapped an arm protectively around her shoulders as they walked back towards Eveline's old room. "We didn't change anything in your room yet, we can get to that later."
"Thanks mom," Eveline smiled.
"Get some good sleep, you'll be reporting in to school tomorrow morning, bright and early."
"What?!" Eveline groaned. "I just got here though!"
Mary shrugged, "sorry love, I don't make the rules."
Eveline groaned louder as she collapsed on her bed, face into the pillow. "Muph, murph, muph mum muph murph."
Eveline turned her head, "nothing..." She groaned, her voice sank to nearly a growl, "the islands never made us go to school after we just arrived."
Mary chuckled as she turned out the lights. "Goodnight, dear."

The school bell rang loudly, Eveline grimaced at the sound. "Why does everything have to be so loud?" She muttered.

She turned to Ivan next to her, "wanna hit up the town tonight?"
"I'm down."
Eveline grinned, "just have-ta stop home and see the parental units first."
"I get to meet your parents? Sounds interesting."
"It's meh. My grandpa is the interesting one. He'll likely be around, just... uh... don't tick him off, kay?"

Eveline swung open the door to her house, Ivan waited awkwardly outside. "Moooom? Graaaamps? I'm home!" Eveline called out, then she quieted, spotting her grandfather's form but two feet away from her. "Oops, sorry gramps."
Majnun grumbled.

"I'm in the kitchen sweetie!" Mary called out.
Eveline strolled in through the kitchen and dropped her bag off by the trash, picking up a wad of papers and dumping them into the garbage.

"What's that dear?" Mary asked, turning from her work fiddling with the dishwasher.
"Just some papers." Eveline shrugged, "it was really strange mom, these guys kept handing me paper all day... like, what am I supposed to do with that?" Eveline made a face.
"Here, let me see one." Mary leaned over and snatched one off the top. She uncrumpled it and saw a list of numbers. "Oh honey, it looks like these guys were giving you their phone number..." Mary said with interest. "Are you sure you don't want to keep them?"
"Phone numbers?" Eveline paused, then shook her head in disbelief. "Did you send me to the school for the mentally impaired mother?!" She said suddenly.
"What's that all about?" Mary shot back at her.
"I mean, what moron would think 'oh, hey, that blind girl's cute... I should write down my phone number and give it to her." Eveline said in mock annoyance.
Both girls sat there for a second before they both broke out into laughter. "Fair point." Mary mused as she turned back to the dishwasher. "Hey, Ev, do you have some time later?"
"Actually Ivan and I were going to hit up the town tonight for a bit..." Eveline paused, and started to smile innocently, batting her eyelashes quickly, "I mean... if that's ok with you." She worded the last bit ever so gently.
Mary shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose, "I suppose since you asked so nicely," she said sarcastically. "I was hoping you and I could head out and work on some training."
"Tomorrow then!" Eveline waved her hand in dismissal. "I'll see you later!"


"It's kind of cold out here..." Ivan shifted under the gaze of the strange man. "So... you're Eveline's grandfather?"
"Don't be such a pansy," Majnun mocked, "I'M ON TO YOU, STANLEY! REVEAL YOUR SECRETS!"
"Uh... uhm..."
The door opened, "I'm out of this joint gramps, don't forget to vacuum the dishes!" Eveline called out, "come'on Ivan!"
Ivan nodded with relief and ran out with her as Majnun smiled and waved. "What a nice grapefruit." He mumbled.

"Hey, do you mind sharing that umbrella Ev?" Ivan shivered.
"Don't be such a pansy." Eveline teased.
"I see why you and your grandfather get along so well now..."

Eveline and Ivan took a taxi and stopped off at some of the houses down the road.

"What are we doing here?"
"We're going to egg some houses!" Eveline called as she pulled something out from inside her coat.
"Wait... where did you get that from?"
"I took them from the fridge when my mom had her back turned." Eveline shoved the container into his hands. "Now lets do this!"
"Uh... Eveline?"
"Hand me an egg!"
"I would... but this is a tupperware container filled with cake."

"Now where did I put that leftover cake?!"

Eveline and Ivan hit up the beach, the festival and then the back streets by the school over the course of the next few hours.
"What is it, Ev?"
"I'm hungry."
"Should we head back?"
"Let's go to the diner!"
"That's all the way across town!"
"Are you a wuss or something?"
"Don't you know what time it is though?!"
Eveline waved her hand in front of her face. "Somewhere between dark and dark'o'clock?" She mocked.
"Mhm. Diner it is."

It was nearing curfew when Eveline stumbled back into her home.

"Hey dear." Alec said as he finished his leftovers. "I wasn't expecting you home so early... here I was thinking you took after me."
"Nah, Ivan wussed out on me and went home before curfew. The city is boring when you don't have someone to share it with... or tell you what time it is anyways." Eveline shrugged.
Alec turned to look at his daughter, "oh honey, I really like that coat on you. You should wear it more often. Like, how about all the time?" Alec nodded approvingly.
Eveline stuck her tongue out at him.
There were several crashes in the kitchen.
"What's going on in there?" Eveline whispered.
"Oh, it's your grandfather. He's gone mad ever since he misplaced his cake." Alec paused. "Well, mad-er." He corrected.
Eveline couldn't help but fall into a fit of giggles.
Alec raised an eyebrow at his daughter before shaking his head. "I knew you took after me."

Eveline walked into the calm of her room and remembered why she actually did come back so early.
"Ok. You. Me. Square off." She muttered.

"Come on... I know you're in there. Hatch already!"
"Sweetie?" A knock on her door signaled that her mother was going to come in anyways. "I'm surprised you aren't still out and about, did Ivan chicken out on you?"
"Boys. It's what they do." Eveline stated matter-of-factly without looking towards her mother. Eveline had gotten very good at looking like she was paying attention in conversation, as she noticed it freaked people out less when she at least appeared to be looking at someone when they spoke rather than off into space. "Ivan helped me find my classes today, so I told him that we were going to be best friends."
"I see, and did he agree to it?"
"I didn't give him the option to disagree."
Mary chuckled. "That thing isn't going to hatch like that, you know."

Eveline grumbled. "I know, I just thought that maybe it would if I tried some kind of mental telepathy thing."
"I see. Well, tell me how that works out for you." Mary shrugged, "I'm glad you got home safely sweetie. Tomorrow is Spookie day, I think I'm going to invite the family over for a Feast Party - no... scratch that. I'm going to invite everyone over because the Watcher never lets me say no to these kind of events."
"Couldn't we do something cooler, like a costume party or something?"
"The Watcher insists on Feast Day parties, apparently it's a tradition of some sorts. Great-Great...erm... our grandma Agnes started it. Blame her."
"Get some rest tonight sweetie." Mary kissed the top of Eveline's head. "And you're going to get sore if you stay sitting like that for long periods of time."
"Yeah, yeah, thanks Dr. Mom."
Mary smiled, "if we have time tomorrow, maybe we could work on that spellcasting?"
Eveline gave a thumbs up, and Mary left the room content.
Eveline sat up quietly and picked up the egg in her hands. She could feel the power radiating from it, and feel her heartbeat start to match the rhythm it was drumming.

"One day..." Eveline whispered, "I'll be able to hatch you. Just give me some time to figure it out."

Mary and Alec were enjoying their morning routine when there was a knock on the bathroom door.

Alec groaned quietly, "what is it?" He asked exasperatedly.
Majnun called through the door. "Son? I need to borrow your car."
"Car? We don't own a car, dad." Alec answered back, slightly confused, but knowing his father well enough to not bother caring.
"Fine. I'll borrow the neighbors."
Alec and Mary exchanged a look, and Mary whispered, "what was that all about?"
Alec rolled his eyes, "it's my dad, he probably needed to borrow a cup of sugar or something. Now come here you, you look like you could use a shower."

"Ok now dear, you're doing great. Just swerve left -"
The car hit something and rolled over the top of it with a large thunk.
"What did I just hit?!" Eveline called. "Is the car ok?!"

"Don't worry, the car isn't ours." Majnun smiled, "ooh! Now make a quick right turn... that woman called me a crazy old man yesterday!"
Eveline hit the curb.
"WOO! TEN POINTS!" Majnun shouted as he put his hands up in the air.

Majnun and Eveline arrived home chattering.
"Whats going on?" Alec asked quietly, "where have you guys been anyways?"
Majnun rolled his eyes, "apparently," he sounded the whole word out, "those morons at the driving facility don't know how to drive properly. They said Eveline failed her test, but she ran over everything they told her to!"
"You took our daughter out driving?!" Mary shouted.
"It's ok, I used the neighbors car."
Mary gave Alec a look of horror but Alec only shrugged as a way of saying 'he's my dad, what can I say?'

Somewhere across the road, two male sims walked forward: "Hey dude, where's your car?"
The other furrowed his brow and dropped his ice cream.

Eveline had moved into her room to focus again on the egg.

"There's a full moon in a couple of days." Majnun said from the doorway as he walked in. "It's a night that talking grapefruits and the garbageman alike come out of the woodwork." Majnun nodded wisely.
Eveline shook her head, half smiling. "What does that mean, really, grandpa?"
"Just making an observation about the moon, that's all." Majnun smiled and patted her head before walking out of the room quietly.
"The full moon, eh?" Eveline said to herself. "I can take a hint, old man." She smiled. The doorbell rang.
The party had begun.

