Author Topic: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]  (Read 467991 times)

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Broken [New Update: 9/10]
« Reply #540 on: September 11, 2014, 07:10:02 AM »
May I please have a copy of those children as YA? I want to torture them. I'm building a Sims 3 torture chamber filled with all my least favorite characters in stories   ;D

I forgive you, only because you've promised to continue working on this.

Will we ever hear from the dragon?

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Offline Malley

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Broken [New Update: 9/10]
« Reply #542 on: September 11, 2014, 11:30:24 AM »
Poor Ev! I say let Majnun have at them and make them realize what a terrible mistake they've all just made.

Offline Lisa46

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Broken [New Update: 9/10]
« Reply #543 on: September 11, 2014, 01:56:31 PM »
Poor Eveline! Discrimination in simworld is unheard of?

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Broken [New Update: 9/10]
« Reply #544 on: September 11, 2014, 04:13:21 PM »
You have a go at the children, but the principal and secretary are mine.
It's a deal. But I need pictures. I'll send you the kiddos.

Offline AnnaSimmery1234

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Broken [New Update: 9/10]
« Reply #545 on: September 11, 2014, 10:18:22 PM »
I think Majnun has gone from being my least favorite character to my favorite. And, I'm so glad you're back! I was having some serious Reaper withdrawal.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Broken [New Update: 9/10]
« Reply #546 on: September 12, 2014, 11:33:11 AM »
For the fans of Edward out there, I didn't want to post this and totally ruin the flow of emotions I was getting, so here's a little bit of Edward-love. :)

First I caught him sunbathing, under a streetlight, at night. Heh.


Does anyone else find it hilariously accurate that it had to be Johanna to ask Edward to marry her? Not the other way around? I could never see Ed proposing to someone, but them proposing to him? That seems right.

Oh, man, then this popped up:

I love this woman Edward. I really, really do.

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Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Broken [New Update: 9/10]
« Reply #548 on: September 12, 2014, 04:27:01 PM »
They sure are a match made in CAS, or is it simbin. Y'know, I'm just gonna go with the netherworld.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Broken [New Update: 9/10]
« Reply #549 on: September 12, 2014, 06:12:38 PM »
May I please have a copy of those children as YA? I want to torture them. I'm building a Sims 3 torture chamber filled with all my least favorite characters in stories   ;D

I forgive you, only because you've promised to continue working on this.

Will we ever hear from the dragon?
Haha, I would gladly give you a copy of all of them, but I think you'd much rather see what happens as Eveline grows. To put it shortly, she's going to be more powerful than Mary, and even more than Agnes after years of study. Things are going to be very interesting for Eveline's children and grandchildren, as they will all supercede each other in power.
I'm glad you've forgiven me, I love this story far, far too much to abandon it!
And about that dragon, it almost made an appearence far too soon, those pesky Sims always want to autonomously talk to the egg, but I'm determined to make sure that when it hatches, it's color is entirely due to Eveline, which cannot happen until she is at least a teen (I think... I know children can't talk to eggs, but teens I think can). I should probably throw in a mention of the egg, but it's still there, waiting for Eveline to come into her magic.

They sure are a match made in CAS, or is it simbin. Y'know, I'm just gonna go with the netherworld.
I love that, the netherworld. They really are perfect for each other. When I first saw Ed had gotten into a relationship I figured it wouldn't last (due to his hot-headedness/rebellious nature), still, I pulled her into CAS to have a look and once I saw her traits I busted out laughing. Childish? Daredevil? Oh my gosh, she's like his soulmate! Then, after my long break I booted up the game and saw the ring by her name under Edward's portrait and I thought... "noo! Did I miss the proposal?! When did that happen?!" Then that picture showed up and I laughed so hard. I can't wait to see their children...

You have a go at the children, but the principal and secretary are mine.
Heh, I was waiting to hear someone go at the adults in this situation... Yeah, definitely had fun writing Majnun's part for this story.

Poor Ev! I say let Majnun have at them and make them realize what a terrible mistake they've all just made.
Oh he will, he most certainly will. Majnun Keeper never makes empty threats. His word is law.

Edward and Joanna definitely seem perfect for each other :)
They are, and I can't stop laughing about it. I always imagined Edward flying solo for the rest of his days due to his womanizing, rebellious, hot-headed nature, yet... I think he's found his match, and I find is so amusing.

Poor Eveline! Discrimination in simworld is unheard of?
Not in my sims world... muwahahahahaha! *cough* Erm... heh, heh?

I think Majnun has gone from being my least favorite character to my favorite. And, I'm so glad you're back! I was having some serious Reaper withdrawal.
Majnun is very, very complicated. He's cold and calculated among his direct children, but grandchildren are another story. None of his other children have given him grandchildren (even the "happily" married Sheo and Mania), but it's a double-edged sword; Eveline is definitely the light of his life, but she's also the start of his own death. His affection for her is unaltered though, because she reflects more of him than any of his direct children ever have.
Man, I think way too hard about these Sim stories, heh, but yeah, that's kind of why he cares so much, and why his personality seems to have changed, it actually hasn't, it's just that he is different with Eveline than he is with anyone else. That's why he doesn't take crap from Mary, and tolerates her because of Eveline.

EDIT: I kindof forgot why I was posting this in the first place after responding to everyone! This next chapter is going to be a little different, so bear with me, lovin' those cliffhangers, amirite?!. :P

Offline Kavey

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Broken [New Update: 9/10]
« Reply #550 on: September 13, 2014, 10:09:19 AM »
Yay! Livvie's back!

Also, Ed is adorable. I bet you they met under one of the sun-bathing-street-lights-of-love!  ;D

Fingers crossed that we get a photo of the principal gone completely insane....

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Broken [New Update: 9/10]
« Reply #551 on: September 13, 2014, 02:19:45 PM »
Majnum, you have gotten even more awesome!  He is definitely one of my favorites.  Poor Eveline.  I feel so bad for her.  Kids are very cruel at times especially to those who are different.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Several Years Ago...
« Reply #552 on: September 13, 2014, 11:27:24 PM »
Several Years Ago...

Sunlit Tides
A woman's heels clicked against the dusty pavement; she exited the airport terminal and squinted her eyes into the bright sunshine. She paused as she stepped past a newspaper stand. The headlines were reading: Isla Paradiso shuts off Borders: Declaring active Martial Law. She shook her head sadly and sighed.

A voice somewhere in her head spoke up, "I told you you shouldn't have worn those stupid shoes, they aren't practical." Her high heels began to sink into the sand.
"But they were so cute..." She said quietly outloud, an older woman walking past looked at her as though she were deranged, so she quietly smiled awkwardly. "You're making me look insane! Can't you wait until I get to my new house before you start on this!" She whispered fiercely.
"Then we best get going, shall we?"
"Remind me of my story again, please?"
"I thought you didn't want me talking to you until we got to the house?"
"Ok, fine." The voice grumbled, "you're here to run a small spa and resort out of your home. It will be a little barren to start, but I think you'll do fine, you'll also double as the town's fortune teller, making use of your skills."
The woman's eyebrow scrunched in confusion. "I think you have me confused with someone else, my skills are in things a little more... personal." She smiled knowingly at the last word.
"I've included that too, I haven't forgotten, I just figured it would be easier to use fortune telling to cover up your other skills, lest they decide to hunt you down for it. Also, you'll likely want to find a husband and start working on children sooner rather than later."
The woman nodded briefly, "so long as you've got my special gift, then I should have no trouble procuring a man overnight."
"I was thinking you should try to find love, rather than... that..."
"Love comes and goes, it's fleeting. Maybe I'll grow to love the man I pick up, or maybe he'll give me the greatest love of all time - the love of a child." She said quietly.
The woman stopped in front of the big beach house and huffed, it had been a longer walk than she expected, she wiped the thin veil of sweat that covered her forehead and readjusted her bangs.

"That'll do." She remarked.
She moved towards the front door, "so where is it?"

"Right inside."
She opened the door and smiled widely, "hello my sweet, little friend; your new master has arrived."

Lucky Palms
Night had fallen over the desert town.

A screaming boy cried out for his mother, he was hungry and tired. The woman of the household sighed as she watched her lover - who was very much her elder - as he wrote on his computer. She didn't expect things to be this way. She had done everything she was told, why wasn't she able to bear anymore children? Why did none of her pregnancies stick anymore? She had been faithful to her lover, who had recently moved in despite his wife disapproving. His wife. That was another sickening feeling to her. She didn't understand how some people could love multiple people at a time in that manner; she swallowed and thought to herself: but did she really love him? She turned to go into the nursery, to quiet her son - her only son and the light of her life.

After he had been put to sleep, she entered the bathroom to examine herself: she looked exactly like her mother. And just like her mother, she was aging poorly and aging fast. Perhaps she had gone barren? But after only one son? She had been content with just one son, and he was everything to her; he was there long before her lover decided to move in and be a part of his child's life. Yet when he grew up without magical prowess, she knew she had to keep trying; yet unfortunately though, pregnancy has seemed to evade her.

She put her hands on the sink in frustration, tears welled up in her eyes. Her lover refused to take the potions she made, claiming he would only ever be satisfied with natural conception. She had taken offense. What about her gift wasn't natural? Her prowess for alchemy and minor spellcasting was a part of her, so she was easily defensive when it came to the subjects.
The voice who had directed her had gone eerily quiet these past weeks; she knew the deal though. She had to produce a child of magical abilities. Deep down she knew she would be ok if she didn't, yet her stubbornness consumed her. She refused to admit defeat.
So she picked up a few ingredients from where she kept them and started a special batch.

She had everything. A perfect house. Several perfect friends. A perfect son. A perfect lover - though she had to edit that one, he was adequate, and kind, but he definitely didn't cause stirrings of emotions from her, just a mutual companion who she was comfortable enough to woohoo with. But everything else...? And still no other children.
It was time to take matters into her own hands.

Sunlit Tides, Continued
Night had begun to fall and the blond woman had been bouncing from bars to clubs, all of which seemed deserted of anyone mildly fitting what she needed. Time was running out for her first night here, so her standards were sinking along with it. Finally though, she spotted a target.

"You'll do." She muttered.
"What was that?"
"Oh, look over there!" She pointed furiously.

The man never knew what hit him, but suddenly the woman in front of him was the creature of his every desire.
"Oh hi there." He whispered breathlessly.
The woman smirked, pleased with herself, "hi yourself, handsome." She winked. She pulled the doll up to her lips and gave it a sensuous kiss, causing the man to falter and fall to his knees. "So, how about you come home with me for a while, stud."
The man nodded obediently, "anything for you, beautiful."
"Maybe you could stay permanently?" She asked casually.
"Absolutely!" He agreed enthusiastically.
"Perfect." She purred.
Back at the empty beach house, the woman sent her new thrall back to cosy up in the hot tub, she had other matters to attend to.

She approached her garden of fortunes and looked around. The fortune telling itself was mostly bogus, but it would help her get to know the townspeople, the real fortunes though, came from her imbued trees, when all were aligned, she could have access to anything she dreamed... yet the trees were rarely ever aligned, and imbuing them all with pieces of herself would drain her powers significantly and potentially kill her. These trees were her babies, well, until the real babies arrived. She gingerly reached out to examine the beauty of the fruits of her years of labor.

The tree opened to her, recognizing it's mother. She spoke to it, "tell me my dearest, what gender child will bear my gifts?" She whispered as she plucked the sweet fruit which glowed in her hands. She ate it and in turn, offered herself up in exchange for the knowledge.
The tree sucked and pulled, glowing with lightening as it hummed an answer: A female from the fruit of your loins.

The woman smiled, though much weaker now. The information pleased her.
She shook herself off and straightened her dress before returning back to her thrall, who awaited her now in the sauna. She gave him a wide grin, hiding her truly weakened self. "Are you ready for some fun, my love?"

Lucky Palms, Continued
"Sweetheart?" The woman in green called out to her lover as she rushed to mix a few more things.

The color fumed bright red and she looked instantly over her shoulder to see if her lover had snuck up on her yet, she sighed with relief and poured the solvent in to take the color out.

"Did you hear me? I asked what?"
The woman spun around immediately, though careful not to spill a drop of the water in her glass. "Oh! I just... I got you your water, before bed." She said quietly and set the glass down on the counter. "Do you think we could try... one more time tonight?"
"You've really caught that baby fever, was it my wife that gave it to you? She's been glowing since she found out she was pregnant again." The comment soured in the woman's stomach, but she didn't let it show on her face.
"I guess that proves that even in your old age you can still provide for your wife, now what about me?" She said impatiently.
"It's not a race, you know. We have a beautiful son, isn't he enough?"
She swallowed hard. "Can't we just try?"
He shrugged, "fine. Let me drink my water first, and we can get started."

On opposite sides of the world, two women shared in a secret mission that didn't know of the other.
As dawn broke in Sunlit Tides, one woman stood on her balcony. She hadn't slept that night, but she didn't feel a need to. Her hand was placed firmly over her lower belly, feeling pleased with how her night had gone.

While night had fallen in Lucky Palms, another woman lay on her bed as her lover slept next to her, content in her eyes and present in her ever glowing smile. She had succeeded this time. She was sure of it.

Two women of the same mission. The same magical inheritance. The same bloodline.

The thrall surfaced from passing out on the ground from his encounter with his mistress. He grumbled, coming to his senses as the fog cleared - he had been released from his bind, but only for now. He poked his head up and stabilized himself on the railings. "Er... that was some night?" He had no memory of the night, the woman was sure of that.
"Yes, it was." The woman said wistfully.
"I'm afraid I don't even know your name..." The man said sheepishly.
"Does it matter?" She asked quietly.
"Uh... yeah? We kinda... well... don't you remember?"
She sighed. "Annie." She paused. "Annie Reaper."

"Kaida? What are you still doing up? It's late, could you at least turn off the lights?"
Kaida beamed. "I think we did it this time." She smiled widely, already knowing they did.
"Another strong Diwan, huh?"

She scowled and clutched her stomach. "No. Another strong Reaper."

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Several Years Ago...
« Reply #554 on: September 14, 2014, 01:51:12 AM »
Oooooo, very interesting!  I am sooo intrigued!