Author Topic: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]  (Read 467948 times)

Offline LivvieLove

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Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment [Complete]
« on: October 21, 2013, 12:09:44 AM »
The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment
"You cannot run. You cannot hide. Power always has a price."
So, this story is my baby, and it can no longer be posted here. For those interested in reading this story further, please PM me.

Reaper Family Tree
(Spoiler Alert! Please take caution when looking at the Family Tree!)

Stories by @mpart
Labelle's Perfect Genetics Challenge
Night of Death Flowers

Other relevant stories by me:
Risen from the Ashes
The Reapers Genetic Legacy - PM for Link
Song of the Nightingale - PM for Link
Factions of the Lost Ones - PM for Link

As this story builds up a lore and a world, characters and concepts can get confusing! I've slowly been putting together a glossary of common names and terms for those who are interested. It's still a work-in-progress, but you can find it here: World of Atalan Glossary

Sunset Valley - Agnes
What Are You Thankful For?
Children of the Reapers
The Hectic Life of Agnes
The Little Raven Girl
The Reapers Stick Together
Tragic and Agnes Explain
The Poll
Waiting [Heir Poll]
Random Photo Collection [Heir Poll]
Sunset Valley, The Final Chapter

Monte Vista - Aurora and Raven
Life in a New Town
Settling In
Finding a Suitor
The Player gets Played
Walking On Air
Big Decisions
Drama and a Wedding Part One
Drama and a Wedding Part Two
Khang Takes a Beating
The Watcher Has Trouble Focusing
The Game Changer
Birth, Birthdays and More Revenge Part 1
Birth, Birthdays and More Revenge Part 2
Spooky Day and Falor's Choice
Dominoes Start to Fall
Heir Poll
Happy Endings and New Beginnings

Oasis Landing - Emrin
Future Instability
Instability and Family Part 1
Instability and Family Part 2
Trouble is Brewing
The Wedding
Birthdays and Questions
The Verdict
Daily Life
Learning to Grow Up - Heir Poll

Isla Paradiso - Noten
The Stranger
Protect the Shell
The Crazy Idea
Right-Hand Man and Complications
Pride and Selfishness
Change in the Tide
A Sleepless Night
The Price of Freedom
Mary's Confession
Theme Revealed - Heir Poll
The Revelation

Barnacle Bay - Mary
Getting to Know You
Becoming Mary - Part One, Part Two
Emotional Confrontation
The Letter
Return to Paradise
The Gift
Hello Again
I'll Make a Witch out of You
I am Mary
Alec the Womanizer
Emotional Outcry
Welcome to the Madhouse
Madhouse Rules (Town Poll)

Bridgeport - Eveline
Home Sweet Home
Mary's Bad Day
Unexpected Visitor
Across the World
Misc. Chapter - Several Years Ago...
Goodbye is not Forever
Brotherly Love
She's A Rebel
The Little Black Box
A Night You'll Never Remember
Eternal Darkness
The Monster Within
Do I Know You?
Cleaning Up the Mess
Trust and Bloodlust - Part One, Part Two
(N)Utter Insanity - The beginning of collaboration with mpart's Labelles.
The Crash-Course - Part One, Part Two
Dinner and Dancing
Majnun the Mad
Painful Revelations - Part One, Part Two
The Public Announcement
My Love
Unanswered Questions

Midnight Hollow, 400 Years Ago
The Girl in the Market
The Gods Among Us
They Swallow Lemons
You Win
Sleepless Nights
Present Day: Red-Out: Part One; Part Two
Beautiful Chaos: Part One; Part Two
A Touch of Destiny
Present Day: Hush My Little Swallow
The Prince and Painter
Broken Promises
Descent into Madness
Burning of the Daffodils
Perfect Chaos
Present Day: Heartless
Rules of Stubbornness: Part One; Part Two
Present Day: Say Something
Daisy and a Favor
Broken Barriers
Present Day: Rise of a Vampire Lord: Part One; Part Two
Present Day: Weight of the World
Present Day: The Woman Who Tames Monsters: Part One; Part Two
Pretty, Like You
Time For Tea
Present Day: Saoirse: Part One; Part Two
I'm Broken
The Bane of Destiny
Present Day: The Rise of Death: Part One; Part Two
Present Day: Too Little, Too Late: Part One; Part Two
Present Day: The Pirate and the Siren
Present Day: Wild Heart
Present Day: One, Two, Three
Present Day: Like Mother
Tensions Rising
Present Day: Tuiel
Birth of the Wolf Pup
Present Day: Time to Wake up, Alec
Long Live the Queen
Present Day: Second Chances: Part One; Part Two
Into the Abyss
Come Back
Empty Inside

The End: Part One
The End: The Epilogue
The End: The Extras

Wish to see more of your favorite characters? Fill out THIS SURVEY so I can get a feel for which characters to write more of and give some more love!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: What Are You Thankful For?
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2013, 03:55:58 PM »
What are you thankful for?
Agnes sat back in the rocking chair in her living room feeling very satisfied. She had built her life up and was now relishing her five beautiful children on Spooky Day. The Feast Party she threw was winding down, now was a time to be thankful and reflect upon the time before this, the time before she was Mrs. Reaper and mother to her five, beautiful children.

She had been alone in her house when I had sent her to the Elixir Store on that bright, Sunday morning. She tore apart the store and bought everything out until she finally had what she wanted: the Witch's Brew. Now she just had to level her magic.

That involved a lot of this.

And this.

With some occasional this.

Ok, maybe not so occasional that, but I felt it would put a break in the monotony.
Finally, it ended with this.

Agnes had worked so hard for this moment, she was very happy to see that he was not only appreciative, but that he felt very strongly for her.

Though I suppose a love charm can't hurt. As soon as plans were arranged and Tragic was moved in there was still work to be done and Agnes worried her that her life that seemed to have just begun was now half over.
Tragic took her to City Hall the next morning, "The Watcher has requested something of me, I'll meet you at the Salon shortly." He said softly before they broke apart and went their separate ways.

Agnes made a quick stop somewhere else before heading to the Salon. They were going to change themselves for the better.
When Tragic made it into the Salon, he barely got a word out before Agnes shoved an Elixir in his hand and smashed a similar one at her feet. Her face was serious. He decided not to question her.

...and he was young once again. They proceeded with their makeovers as Agnes started to plan a wedding out loud when Tragic broke the news to her.
"I'm not a recognized Citizen here, dear."
She clammed up.
"The option to marry here just isn't an option."
"Please say something."
"So, what are we supposed to do?" She finally said.
"The Watcher gave me an idea that she claimed to have read somewhere. It won't be a big wedding though."
Agnes was quiet for a moment, thinking of her sister. "I'm in."
So to China they went, and before they had taken two steps into their camp, Tragic got down on one knee.

And they were married on the spot.

Chimes were heard throughout the basecamp that night, and a happy couple enjoyed their new identities.

They would return home as Mr. and Mrs. Reaper.

*I felt bad to have left a wall of text, so I decided to go back, create a new file and follow my exact steps to the T and take pictures this time. Unfortunately trying to redo her pregnancies to the T will be near impossible - as a lot of the children she had stemmed on luck. I'll make sure they get plenty of face time as they are now, as I would like to do heir polls on another site to help me decide on which child to choose from (they currently have 5 but I'm debating about having one more... we'll see). Comments and ideas are always welcome.

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: What Are You Thankful For?
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2013, 04:06:20 PM »
Agnes and Tragic look great after ageing down and their new makeovers =]
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: What Are You Thankful For?
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2013, 05:04:06 PM »
Oh my...this looks like fun. :) Bookmarking this for sure!

Offline Eldridge

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: What Are You Thankful For?
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2013, 05:23:52 PM »
Oh, another Agnes story! *squeal* Bookmarked!

Definitely will read it. I wouldn't mind her being with Tragic. As long Agnes is the one who lead and main character in this story  ::)
And, I love your makeover you make two of them look stunning. Bravooo... :3
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Children of the Reapers
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2013, 11:28:30 PM »
Agnes and Tragic look great after ageing down and their new makeovers =]
Thank you! I wanted something a little edgier and Agnes really looks good in Midnight Hollow wear!
Oh, another Agnes story! *squeal* Bookmarked!

Definitely will read it. I wouldn't mind her being with Tragic. As long Agnes is the one who lead and main character in this story  ::)
And, I love your makeover you make two of them look stunning. Bravooo... :3
Their children are absolutely stunning. Agnes is the founder though, she did all the hard work and pulled her husband from the grave, not to mention she's single-handedly the best Sim-Mother I've seen in ages on this game.

**To Note, this is where my pictures are a little sparse, so please don't mind the extra text to fill in for it.

Children of the Reapers
Mr. and Mrs. Reaper returned home from their short but busy trip to China. Agnes had taken to buying and upgrading properties and buildings, but there was one lot in particular that I was unsure why she bought until she explained her expectations to me. She had just previously announced her pregnancy.
"Do me a favor?"
Does this have something to do with that empty lot?
"Absolutely. I just can't stand my house anymore. It's small and the layout is just not fit for my new goals."
When did you get goals that I didn't know about?
"This is a Legacy, correct? Not a Dynasty? There can be multiple options for heir, correct?"
Yes, I suppose that's a way you could view it. How many candidates do you want to have, exactly?
"Oh, at least 5."
FIVE?! Does Tragic know anything about this?
"Oh stop having a cow. He's in complete agreement with me. Well, except on what gender he wants. I want a little girl and he wants a little boy."
Alright, I'm leaving it to chance then. Whoever doesn't get it will lose their 5k wish.
"Not necessary. We're both right."
...What are you plotting?
"Getting a running start at this 'have-five-children' bit?"
I'm in. Now what about this empty lot...

So, out in the mists, high up in the mountains, the Reapers built a new home more fit for their needs.

Agnes groaned, "Looks like the Ice Cream man doesn't care if you live ten-zillion miles out of town..."

Unfortunately, I did not catch much of Agnes' pregnancy but I assure you that she was supremely taken care of. Spa trips, lounging at home, enjoying the small garden she had just for her alchemy, and lots of time with her husband. It wasn't until the night they moved into their brand new home that the Reaper's two little bundles of joy entered the house. As I hate infant stage, I use a birthday cake on them as soon as the next day dawns.
And so, Agnes brought into the world Cain and Aurora.

Both were absolutely adorable, and anomalies to genetics. Cain, who became Virtuoso and Friendly, had his father's eye shape and his mother's eye color. His green-brown hair (was adjusted to red-brown as I can't stand green-brown townie hair) was baffling to me.
Aurora gained the traits Loner and Genius, she was very much her mother's daughter - almost a clone, except for her beautiful, baffling orange eyes.

She also has a knack for getting any person to melt, including the Reaper's guard-dog Bear.
Do I sense a the Dog-Person trait in her future? Yes. Yes I do.
I am now going to go ahead a spam you, the readers, with Cain and Aurora toddler extra photos. I'm not sorry.

By the time they were heading for their cakes to become children, Agnes had been very pregnant with the next addition to the household. Cain and Aurora aged up:

Cain developed the Clumsy trait while Aurora became a - you guessed it - Dog-Person.
Unfortunately, my pictures ran thin here as well, as I only have one picture of child Cain and Aurora:

Agnes had been admiring her children as she brought into the world two more beautiful Reapers, Isolde and Isabel.
At this point, you're probably feeling that I'm moving very fast, but when you live with the Reapers I can assure you, life moves at 90 miles per hour. The twin girls were aged up and both discovered simultaneously that they took after their mom in more ways than one:

Isolde is a red-head (again, where did that come from?) who is very much a copy of her mother with her mother's eyes to boot! She has the traits Eccentric and Heavy Sleeper. Isabel is much girlier, however she is almost a clone of her father! She's incredibly adorable with her puppy eyes and her pouting lips. She gained the traits Loves the Outdoors and Loves the Heat. I hate to break it to her though, but she was a child born in the early Fall season, it will be a while before she will feel the heat on her skin.
A lot of this time the children spent getting to know each other and they were all best friends by the time it came for cakes:
And what do a lot of cakes mean?
"A lot of broken dishwasher?"

"Why am I the one fixing this anyways? My wife is magical!"
You were the one with the points in handiness.
"Not by my own doing! You're the one who told me to read the book while Agnes was in labor!"
Your point?
Agnes chuckled, "Oh, don't blame the Watcher, you're about as helpful when I'm in labor as someone screaming and jumping up and down."
"I thought that was protocol?"
"Ugh, men."
Tragic looked confused, "what?"   
And that's why you learned handiness instead. Moving on now... what many cakes REALLY does is create many GORGEOUS Sims.
"They take after their mother..."
"Oh you..."
(Censored - there's no need for you to see what's going on between those two right now, just a lot of kissy faces.)
Nice save there, Tragic.
"I do try."
So Cain and Aurora became teens with "raging" hormones, Isolde and Isabel became two beautiful children in matching clothes (which I realized shortly after was a bad idea, as I mistook them multiple times) and Agnes...
another baby?

"That's right, her name is Raven! Hello cutie!"

Anyways, here is Cain, who gained the Proper trait, which has been decided to be the family trait that everyone will have.
And Aurora, who also gained the Proper Trait. I'm going to just go ahead and say that all teen birthdays will lead to the Proper trait, so that way I don't feel like I'm repeating myself too much.

She also had a rebellious streak where she lowlighted her hair and dyed the tips red. She is quite stunning.
Isolde was next, being the oldest of the second pair of twins. She added Easily Impressed to her Eccentric and Heavy Sleeper personality.

Last but not least of these birthdays is Isabel, who gained the Loves to Swim trait to add to all of her other "Loves" traits.
Actually, now that I'm looking at it, the children both look very strangely like their father, but it's so hard to tell at the Child stage.
To bring everyone up to speed with where I am exactly (so there won't be another supremely overstuffed/fast paced update) I have finally aged up Raven to toddler, her traits are Brave and Friendly.

She's every bit of adorable.

Now my readers, breathe a sigh of relief. I promise to slow down now that I'm completely caught up to where I am in game and I am now aware of picture taking. I've mentioned before that I am planning on an off-site heir poll but that won't be for a decent while, as I want all six of the children to be teens (at least) and to have established their personality before anything is decided.
Wait - did I say six?
That must be a typo...

Oh, nope. That was definitely chimes. Man these two are fertile. Well, I solemnly swear to have a half a dozen pictures of Agnes pregnant and glowing for all the pictures I've missed.

To Recap:
Cain(teen): Virtuoso, Friendly, Clumsy, Proper
Aurora(teen): Loner, Genius, Dog-Person, Proper
Isolde(Child): Eccentric, Heavy Sleeper, Easily Impressed
Isabel(Child): Loves the Outdoors, Loves the Heat, Loves to Swim
Raven(Toddler): Brave, Friendly
Unborn Baby Reaper: Nadda.

As I've said before, I'm planning on taking a lot more pictures of these beautiful children, and giving them their own screen-time as well. I'm sorry for the rushed post and lack of pictures, but I am finally caught up to where I am in my game so I can ensure a lot more pictures to come and a lot of personality from all of these beautiful Sims (even their crazy parents).

Also, because I feel bad for not posting much about my beautiful founder and her husband, here are pictures of them in the makeovers I gave them.

Now I declare this overstuffed update finished!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Children of the Reapers
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2013, 11:16:13 AM »
Ooh, I can't wait to meet the newest addition to the family, voting is going to be tough ^.~
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Children of the Reapers
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2013, 11:52:10 AM »
So Aurora has one my heart. She is absolutely STUNNING. Cain looks so sad =[ I can't wait to see the rest of this story though, Livvie, so keep it up!
"In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

Offline Caterina

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: Children of the Reapers
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2013, 12:58:31 PM »
What a beautiful family!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Hectic Life of Agnes
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2013, 08:37:48 PM »
Ooh, I can't wait to meet the newest addition to the family, voting is going to be tough ^.~
Not to give everything away, but aside from personality, every single one of the children will be linked to a new town based on their Lifetime Wish, some will likely be more obvious than others based on traits while some may catch you by surprise. Hopefully that will help factor in a decision.

So Aurora has one my heart. She is absolutely STUNNING. Cain looks so sad =[ I can't wait to see the rest of this story though, Livvie, so keep it up!
Aurora is absolutely stunning. I'm trying really hard to not play favorites but it's hard when I've known Cain and Aurora the longest (as they are the oldest). I'm excited to say that the twin girls are fireballs and will hopefully open up a whole new view. I'm trying to give all of the children an equal chance at heirship because it's much easier to pick teenagers than it would be to chose a toddler or a child when you don't know much about them.

Thank you all for the support, this family is definitely strong in my heart though.

The Hectic Life of Agnes
Saying Agnes is a good mother is an understatement.
She wakes up bright and early to make her family breakfast, even to the embarrassment of her son.

"Moooooom! Do you really have to walk around the house like that?"
"Do you want your pancakes this morning or would you rather have cold cereal?"
"I love you, mom."
"That's what I thought."
Agnes then rounds her family up to eat at the same time at the dinner table, which is much harder than it seems.

Some are busy being Dinosaurs.
"Rawr! I'm a Dinooosaauuuur!"
"We can see that dear, breakfast is ready."
"But moooom!"
Other's are busy honing skills.

"Come'on Isolde, breakfast."
"But mom! I've almost got it!"
"If you've almost got it now, you'll almost get it later."
Some are writing love notes to their secret admirers.

"Another love note, Cain? It's breakfast time!"
"I'm almost done!"
"Paper and pens aren't going anywhere, dear."
"But, moooom!"
Some children, though, are just now waking up and require a little good-morning tickle.

"Thank you, dear."
"Of course mom! Hey, can I get a car?"
"Can't we just eat breakfast?"
"Honey, I'm exasperated, can we talk about this later?"
"But moom!"
No, Agnes' work is never done.

Of course once breakfast is over, it's bonding time.

"I barely have time to even start reading a book, let alone finish one."
"Moooom! Isabel and I need new umbrellas!"
"What happened to your other ones, the ones I just got you?"
"We might've, accidentally, uh, left them at school one day?"
Once the children are boarded onto the bus, Agnes takes time to take care of her other children.

Tragic isn't one of your children...
"Honnneeeyyy! Have you seen my left sock? I thought I left it by my dresser! Oh, and do you think I can get a new car? Maybe something faster?"
I stand corrected.
You ok there, Agnes?

Looks like a nooboo!
After cleaning herself up, Agnes takes care of some minor household chores.

And swallows a few apples.

"I want a girl."
...and Cain wants an electric guitar, Aurora wants a new car, Isolde wants more scrap, Isabel wants a jetski and Tragic could do with a new pair of socks, I'm sure Raven wants a million things if she could talk.
"Oh dear, we can't have that!"
Tragic is upstairs teaching her now...

"And the way you get mommy to get you stuff is to tell her you love her. Oh, and that she's beautiful. Always works for me."
Maybe I shouldn't have had you teach all of the kids how to talk...
"Hey, you said I needed to build a relationship with my kids, they always come out loving Agnes."
Home births are incredible things. Why don't you do Agnes a favor and work on walking?
"Good idea!"

"Com'ere munchkin!"
Aww, you may say they come out loving Agnes, but I'm pretty sure Raven's a daddy's girl.
"Good, I've already lost my chance at convincing Aurora not to grow up, I've still got time with my Raven. Isolde and Isabel are at the perfect age. They should stay that way forever."
I hear Aurora's got a boyfriend.
"Not for long if I can have anything to do about it."
Now, now, Tragic, get used to it, you're going to have to do this at least 3 times more after Aurora.
"But she's my little girl! Ugh! Why can't they believe boys have cooties forever?"
I know it's hard. You and Cain have it rough, living with so many girls.
"No shortage of drama here... maybe we'll have another boy this time?"
I'm working on it. EAT THOSE APPLES AGNES!

That's your new catchphrase, isn't it?

The kids get home from school abuzz about field trips and the impending prom in a few days. Agnes spends a similar time rounding them up for dinner and homework and puts them all to bed.

"'Nighty-night, my love."
As soon as she tucked herself into bed she was jerked awake.

"Awweh, nooboo."

Yes, saying Agnes is a good mother is most certainly an understatement.

Offline Mizzilee

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Hectic Life of Agnes
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2013, 09:02:41 PM »
What a perfect reward to posting my story---an update on yours!! Tragic teaching Raven to talk. I laughed harder at that scene than I should have.

I can't wait to see how the rest of the girls age up. It's always hard to chose and heir like you said but Aurora and Raven...that was the cutest wake up I'd ever seen. She's still got my heart. #TeamAurora. I love Raven's little mohawk, by the way, it's the cutest thing ever.
"In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Hectic Life of Agnes
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2013, 12:39:14 AM »
Agnes' face is priceless as she's stuffing apples xD I love this legacy, even in it's early stages, and wish all the kids could have a chance to grow old together but that's unlikely.
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Offline Eldridge

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Hectic Life of Agnes
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2013, 02:57:34 AM »
Glad that I didn’t missed so many chapters :)

Children of Reapers

Have you changed Agnes Lifetime Wish somehow? To made her to have surrounded by Big Family? Or keep her original LTW?
Yes, you’re right! Their children are so adorable and I loved how you dress them! My favorite in this chapter is Aurora, second to that there’s Isolde! Do you use custom skin somehow? I notice Cain skin is little different.

The Hectic Life of Agnes

I really love that first scene that was funny! And Tragic part is another funny one! I always love family bonding moment scene in Sims stories! That was my favorite! Agnes is a good hard-working mother indeed! And my favorites are still those two! Aurora & Isolde!

I love your writing style! It was so natural, flow nicely and enjoyable to read!
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline Cainus

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Hectic Life of Agnes
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2013, 04:34:19 PM »
I love that hair and clothing on Agnes! It's really pretty amazing, as I've tried it on other sims and it never seems to look 'right', but with her it's perfect.

If you move to a new town are you going to end up taking the whole family? Or just whomever ends up being the heir? 

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment: The Hectic Life of Agnes
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2013, 04:46:31 PM »
Wow, have they been busy. :P