Thank you

Poppy – we always called our mother by her name at her insistence – applied for work as a musician. Luc and I raised our eyebrows at that. We had never known our mother to be interested in music before and I know from whom I inherited my bullfrog singing voice.
I contemplated the joys of starting yet another new school.
‘You could apply for schooling at the diner you know.’ Luc sighed as he saw the puzzled look on my face.
‘Don't you read anything, Mielle?'
He picked up the now dog-eared newspaper and pointed out a paragraph down the bottom of the page.
'This town follows the Twallanized system of vocational education. You can choose a school to suit your talents or future prospects. Skill as you learn.’
He smiled smugly. ‘I have already been accepted by the Science Academy for my education.’
Of course.
And so we settled into life in Strangeville.
I loved the culinary school.

For the first time ever I actually enjoyed going to school.
Homework was still an issue for me though. It never seemed fair that I struggled and it was all so easy for Luc.

There was never enough money. Nothing had changed in that regard. Poppy was only drawing a basic wage because, let’s face it, her musical abilities were sadly lacking.
Luc and I both took jobs after school to try to boost the budget.
Luc made me laugh when he chose a job at the Spa and Beauty Emporium but, as he explained, if he was going to be a scientist the big money was in developing cosmetics. I got a job at the diner. They could hardly refuse me seeing I was there for classes anyway.
At first it was waiting on tables but I soon graduated to short-order cook. I was so thrilled. I may not be creating the gourmet concoctions of my dreams but it was a step in the right direction. I had grand plans anyway of spicing up those hamburgers; a pinch here, a sprinkle there. I would soon convince this town that there were more sauces than ketchup.
Life was good.