Author Topic: Does anyone have a lag-free game?  (Read 126247 times)

Offline Aspen

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Re: Does anyone have a lag-free game?
« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2013, 08:25:26 AM »
Aspen, your lag you are describing here sounds a lot like the lag I get when I leave a sim's collection helper turned on to show some type of collectible around the map. I used to get all these random periods of lag that never really made sense and would come and go. It affected me in every town I played. Finally I put it together in my head one day and since then I only turn on the collection helper when actively looking for stuff. But when done, I put it back on the "None" option and that lag I could never figure out before went away.

Edit: As for the lag I was getting in IP, I could never figure out its cause other than I think it is the more complex pathing all the sims have to take. All of my other towns are playing just fine without the lag that IP has. So I think the faster, newer machines can handle the routing processing better than my middle-aged one can. After trying EVERYTHING I read on multiple forums and posts for three weeks or so, I just decided I will play in other towns, or maybe break down and build my own island world.

ha, and the scene I was describing was my new game where Im trying to survive off cut gems until my resort takes off- what was the first thing I bought in this new game? A Collection helper
Thanks for that (ya learn something new every day!), I was going crazy trying to figure out why such an early game was experiencing such horrid spiking (and I've used the CH in all my other towns without issue). Setting the CH to none will be the first thing I do when I get home today. Thanks again, I was really liking the way this game was starting out, hopefully this does the trick

Offline oldspook

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Re: Does anyone have a lag-free game?
« Reply #31 on: July 26, 2013, 03:11:43 PM »
I'm glad it's not just me that has lag, and a very skippy fast speed! I play on a laptop not really designed for gaming, the previous expansions I have were fine but since installing IP it's been laggy. It's quite annoying sometimes, but I build more than I play, I only play when I want a break from building for a bit. Building there is no problems whatsoever. :)

Thanks for all the info.  :D

After you installed IP did your other towns/neighborhoods get lag? I'd install it if I was sure it wouldn't affect my other games.
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Offline MeestorMark

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Re: Does anyone have a lag-free game?
« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2013, 04:26:47 PM »
Oldspook, installing Island Paradise hasn't added any lag to any of my other towns other than when my sims have too much in their inventories. But that came with the patch for me not the EP. The town, Isla Paradiso is where I experience the lag that I can't fix. I still have Island Paradise installed and started playing again in Sunset Valley with no lag problems.

Offline oldspook

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Re: Does anyone have a lag-free game?
« Reply #33 on: July 27, 2013, 08:08:36 PM »
I installed IP last night. I started a household on the island. It sure does lag. With the camera stationary, I watch my sims jerking around and they move for a few seconds then stop and move again. Scrolling is a nightmare, there is no way I could play this. I'll just let it be and play my other games until they fix IP. If they don't fix it, I'll never buy anything else from them.

I was very disappointed.
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Offline MeestorMark

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Re: Does anyone have a lag-free game?
« Reply #34 on: July 28, 2013, 02:03:37 PM »
Oldspook, here are the things that I did that helped with the lagging the most for me in the town of Isla Paradiso. They make IP playable for stretches, but eventually that little stuttering gets under my nerves. Lol.

1. I keep only a half dozen to a dozen things in my sims backpack inventories. If I start getting too much stuff in them like I used to be able to do, the game really bogs down. Don't understand how this would affect things, but it sure does in my game.

2. When not actively using it, turn the collection helper (if you have one) to the "none" setting.

3. If you can stand not discovering them all on your own through game play, using the cheat to unlock all the hidden islands really improved lag while traveling by boat for me.

4. Overwatch mod from Twallan. It resets stuck sims and cleans up a lot of other "file junk" that tends to accumulate. But I have had to have it running since the Late Night EP.

5. Register mod, also from Twallan. I use it to completely turn off all the stray animals, wild animals etc. This world seems to have a lot of pathing bugs, and places for sims to get stuck. Being able to turn off 20 or so animal sims that always kinda bugged me in the game anyway eases the number that can potentially get stuck.

6. In edit town, I kicked all the townies out of their houseboats, moved them into other empty houses, and then got rid of the houseboats as well except for those that my active household owns. This one cut down on a lot of the lag/stuttering.

7. I cleaned up a lot of the lots that were built with bad pathing practices. Like a section in the Spanish styled resort's pool. There is a fenced in area in the middle of the pool, but still had something inside that fence that NPCs like to "view". The game in this situation, has probably thousands of potential tries to get to the object inside with routes over the pool, but the fence negates the path each time. Yet the game's pathing engine is going to run through all the options every time an NPC thinks he needs to check out that object. Another situation in houses, were circular stairs with walls placed in ways that often make them unusable. I replaced these with ladders most times or moved the blocking walls/objects. The castle looking house, where the Ichtaca family lives, had a number of situations. Once I cleaned them up, Overwatch stopped telling me they were resetting one of the family members ten times a day or so. Another area was objects in closed in areas that were only accessible by the garage door style of doors. These don't auto-open for sims, and for some reason NPCs can't open them in their pathing either, so again the game potentially has to try to figure out all the potential options before it gives up. I noticed this mostly in the modern resort lot. The VIP rooms have little outdoor deck areas that are not accessible any other way.

8. I got rid of the Scott family. Several people on the TS3 forums have said they were saved in the town in the middle of an activity and that object isn't there anymore. Or something like that. Those with the Error Trap mod, say it goes nuts over this family. So they had to go from my game.

9. Don't go crazy with resorts you may build. Make sure any island resort you build has ample empty coastline for sims to enter the lot. My first resort had tons of decks and jetties over the water to the edge of the lot. My game went nuts with the lagging until I just bulldozed that resort. Keep pathing in any resorts you build simple with redundant ways to get to just about everywhere.

10. As counter-intuitive as it sounds, turning my graphics settings all the way up helped significantly.

These ten things above cut my Isla Paradiso lagging back to about 5-10% of what it was when I first started playing it. The amount that it still lags is definitely playable and shouldn't bother me, but it does. Lol. So that is why I came up with step eleven.

11. Moved my sims I am playing back to Sunset Valley for the duration. Then found out how to get dive lots to sorta work there too.

For a few people on the EA forums and others that I read, one of the above steps completely cured their lag, so they might be worth checking out. Isla Paradiso really is a beautiful EA world.

Offline Angélique

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Re: Does anyone have a lag-free game?
« Reply #35 on: July 28, 2013, 02:51:36 PM »
When I experience unbearable lag and/or freezing issues in one of the worlds, like Isla Paradiso and Sunlit Tides, this is what I do to minimize it: I go to Edit town and then change the lot type of all the community lots to "No visitors allowed". After that I return to the game and use resetsim * four times just in case. This measure immediately reduced the problems to 5-10 % of what they were before. Of course the town looks a bit empty and deserted if you do this, as the townies mostly stay at home, but I don't really care. After all a somewhat abandoned town is much better than a completely unplayable one. If you try this and can't stand the slightly "ghost townish" effect, it's always possible to just change the community lots back to their default type, only one or two at a time, and check what happens. This method could be used to find out which ones of the lots that are the most dysfunctional.

Offline MeestorMark

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Re: Does anyone have a lag-free game?
« Reply #36 on: July 28, 2013, 03:40:22 PM »
That is a great idea Angelique. They will have less routing issues with less places to go. Lol. In all my reading for helping lag, you are the first person I have read with this idea. Thank you for sharing!

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Offline oldspook

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Re: Does anyone have a lag-free game?
« Reply #37 on: July 28, 2013, 04:26:31 PM »
I think IP is a great world, but the lagging takes the fun out of playing it (I said that before.) I've already tried some of the things that MeestorMark suggested. They helped some, I'm going to try what Angélique said next. If that don't help, I'll try the rest of the MM fixes, if it still lags I'll just give up on it. Maybe even uninstall it and write a nasty letter to EA requesting my money back.

PS.  If I make all community lots "no visitors allowed" can I still visit/use them?
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Offline DanBrunetu

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Re: Does anyone have a lag-free game?
« Reply #38 on: July 28, 2013, 04:45:08 PM »
Yes, but only your household can visit .

Offline Aspen

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Re: Does anyone have a lag-free game?
« Reply #39 on: July 29, 2013, 01:31:09 PM »
holy cow, guys if you havent tried overwatch by nraas, you really should. This prg automatically corrects stuck, idle sims, turns off TVs  and removes stuck vehicles. Each night over 49+ vehicles are removed from my game. It will help exisiting games but to really see it in action you should start a new one. This one little program has made such a huge difference in my gameplay. No more freezing every 5 or 10 seconds, I can zoom in or out freely, can have multiple sims doing whatever they want, game is playing like it was when I first dicovered it. Nrass you are a genius!
I used to run all types of CC checkers, would delete saved games, script cache files - none of that is doing what overwatch has done, so happy

Offline oldspook

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Re: Does anyone have a lag-free game?
« Reply #40 on: July 30, 2013, 05:38:53 AM »
I have overwatch it don't stop the lag and pauses for me. Maybe I don't have it configured right. What settings do you use?
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Offline Aspen

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Re: Does anyone have a lag-free game?
« Reply #41 on: July 30, 2013, 10:58:07 AM »
I have overwatch it don't stop the lag and pauses for me. Maybe I don't have it configured right. What settings do you use?

Start a new game and try it again, I dont think you'll notice any lagging at all.
Seems like this mod immediately corrects pathing and stuck items in realtime, then at night it does this massive vehicle and appliances purge, so it never allows the game the time to allow these stuck sims/items to become memory issues. I love this mod, I can queue up 8 items again on sims without that annoying split second pause between last command and clicking your sim, parties and large groups of sims on one lot arent an issue anymore. I knew this thing was working the minute I got onto the water, I can actually see the wake in the water again instead of my sims boat leapfrogging across the water. One thing I've noticed is that even my sims boats get purged (96K lost) but I dont care, to have my game back, I'll take the sea taxi all day!

Offline oldspook

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Re: Does anyone have a lag-free game?
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2013, 03:08:22 PM »
Overwatch was installed on my game before I installed IP. It is still on my computer but only finds a few things every night. I still get massive lag when scrolling or rotating the camera. I also get lag with stationary camera and sims walking around.
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Offline Aspen

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Re: Does anyone have a lag-free game?
« Reply #43 on: July 30, 2013, 04:52:32 PM »
hmm, then I dont think we're having the same problem when it comes to game performance. If you have any CC, have you ever used Delphy's Dashboard?  another good app, it will scan the folder your CC is in and will then diagnose old, incompatible or conflicts within all the CC in your game. After the scan it gives you the option to fix the errors it's reported, but I usually just remove the bad CC to be safe. Without knowing anything else about your machine (amount of CC, system specs) it would be hard to make an accurate guess as to the problem- at least by me :(

Offline MeestorMark

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Re: Does anyone have a lag-free game?
« Reply #44 on: July 30, 2013, 07:02:27 PM »
Oldspook, you do need to update to the new version of Overwatch that he releases for each patch from EA. Otherwise it might not function correctly. Twallan is always updating the mods on his page though and usually has the main ones such as Overwatch updated pretty fast.

My little, annoying bit of lag left in IP is Overwatch resistant. Lol. It does help a TON though. I don't think I could play without it.

Aspen, thanks for mentioning Delphy's Dashboard. That might be worth a look for me.