This is more of a ‘how I played’ than a story because I played this dynasty quite a while back, starting not long after the challenge was posted (after seven attempts that succumbed to game-breaking bugs in the first couple of generations). Still, I thought it might be useful to others. Some things are going to be different, though, because there have been a lot of patches since. In particular, story progression having been toned down almost to non-existence means that one of the things I enjoyed most about the challenge – seeing how townie families developed down the generations – won’t happen any more. There have also been a few changes to the rules in the meantime. This was played after Generations came out and before Pets – although I was playing with only Ambitions and World Adventures (plus a couple of stuff packs). Sorry for the lack of screenshots – I took a lot but lost most of them in a computer malfunction. The only ones that are left were backed up elsewhere because they were significant or odd.
Generation 1Like quite a few other people, I started with Pauline Wan and Hank Goddard. Because they are both close to the beginning of young adulthood at the start of the game, I left it as long as possible for them to have their first child. Grayling was born on day nine. (She was named after a character in Inspector Morse – although it has been pointed out to me since that she should really have been called Annette.)
Pauline and Hank stayed together very happily, although they never married. Both had changes of lifetime wish: Pauline became a rock star and Hank a CEO. They were great parents and wanted more children, so Grayling was followed by a younger sister. She was named Rosemary, because she was destined to be a gardener and cook. (At this stage in the game, I thought I would need a utility Sim to support each heir. In fact, most would have been fine without – and Pauline and Hank both developed a lot of useful skills.)
Rather worryingly, both Pauline and Hank were long-lived. Hank finally died in his late nineties; at this point, Pauline started eating ambrosia and kept going well into generation 2. She remained a party animal all her life: I wish I still had the screenshot of a very old Pauline dancing wildly with Charles Bunch, the son of VJ Alvi and Darlene (he was quite a character – a very strait-laced businessman but with his father’s purple hair rather spoiling the image).
In a double wedding, Grayling married her high-school sweetheart, Jeremy Landgraab, and Rosemary married the Wolffs’ ridiculously handsome son, Damien. (I’d have stolen him for Grayling if the Wolffs hadn’t been homeless for a long time.)
Home: Raggio del Sole, 1 Sun Song Ave
Heir: Grayling Wan-Goddard
Traits: Loves the outdoors, heavy sleeper, angler, friendly, kleptomaniac
Lifetime wish: Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium
Parents: Pauline Wan and Hank Goddard
Heir on elementary school honor roll? Yes
Heir on high school honor roll? Yes
Household NPC friends:- Nathaniel Braxton (paper boy)
- Rudolph Pedersen (repairman)
- Brandy Shea (burglar)
- Asa Gann (policeman)
- Troy Harlow (postman)
- Rasmi Tut (tourist)
- Emilio Gurley (babysitter)
- Tami Harbin (social worker)
- Yesenia Mercado (firefighter)
- Cedrick McCarthy (pizza deliverer)
Household best friends:- Jeremy Landgraab
- Jeffrey Keaton
- Buddy Baxter
- Emilio Baxter
- Carmelo Baxter
- Jamison Hart
- Kay Tobin
- Lynn Aguilar
- Lorie Goth
- Kristoffer Swain
Unique maxed career: self-employed angler
Unique supermaxed skill: fishing
Unique opportunities (BlackOps) completed by heir: - A Fishy Science Project
- Say Hello to My Little Fish
- Monster from the Deep
- No Warts, Please
- Robot Fish v2.0
- Funny-looking Fish
- Heaps of Fresh Fish
- Aquarium Fishing
- To Hunt a Dragon
- Lobsters in Demand!
Building: Supermarket
Property: Stoney Falls
Property fully upgraded? Yes
Heir adult? Yes
Tombstone (large): Hank Goddard
Set of items of unique type: Deathfish in bowls
Total value: §17702 (I was disappointed that they’re worth less in bowls than they are in inventory but it’s a lot better than mounting them.)
Vacation days used: 3
Days carried forward to next generation: 7
Generation 2Grayling moved in with her new husband and his older brother and found that Mortimer Goth was also living with them (I have no idea why, since his younger sister Lorie was living alone in the Goth house). The next day, the newlyweds visited the Town Hall to change their names to Landgraab (something that would be repeated in most generations thereafter – I occasionally remembered to change the bride’s name before the wedding).
Three days later, Grayling produced her heir. Flora was largely brought up by her uncle Malcolm, who had retired from medicine. The other three adults were busy. Both of the men had jobs: Jeremy had started off in the business career but wanted to be an astronaut, while Mortimer had become a natural cook and wanted to be a five-star chef. Grayling preferred fishing to baby care. All three of them were learning photography as well. Since Grayling and Jeremy were well into adulthood and the other two were elders, I extended the lives of everyone except Malcolm. Grayling had bought a food replicator with some of her lifetime happiness points and Pauline had filled it with ambrosia and baked angel food cake. Unfortunately, I discovered too late that the family inventory doesn’t move with the heir. Grayling went over to see her mother – I knew there was more ambrosia in the fridge. Not any more, there wasn’t. It had reverted to the basic fridge contents when she moved out. So Grayling had a makeover instead. Jeremy and Mortimer, both being brave, kept wishing for tattoos, which kept them from ageing very effectively until Mortimer learned to make ambrosia.
Grayling also had a second child, Charlotte (I still hadn’t learned about not needing utility Sims).
Flora started on her specialist skill as a teenager, which turned out to be a mistake. She supermaxed gardening three days into young adulthood, thanks to the gardens established by Pauline, Hank and Jeremy.
Then she waited for the opportunities… and waited. She’d reached level ten of the gardening career, so I swapped her into science until her lack of handiness became a problem. She hadn’t had any work opportunities from science, anyway, so she changed jobs again, to the business career.
By this stage, I’d finally realised that I didn’t need to keep Charlotte as a dynasty slave, so left her to do what she wanted, which was cooking. I was paying so little attention to her that it was a surprise when she came home from work with a fridge.
Finally, Flora’s Black Ops started arriving (for gardening as well as her job) and she was able to move in her last week of adulthood. I think if she’d left gardening until she was a young adult, she wouldn’t have had this problem – a lot of the gardening opportunities seem to be related to skill levels.
Home: Landgraab Estate, 10 Summer Hill Court
Heir: Flora Landgraab
Traits: Loves the outdoors, friendly, couch potato, green thumb, lucky
Lifetime wish: The Perfect Garden
Parents: Grayling and Jeremy Landgraab
Heir on elementary school honor roll? Yes
Heir on high school honor roll? Yes
Household NPC friends:- Mortimer Goth (ghost – this was when they were still allowed as NPC friends)
- Shaunna Dugan (paper girl)
- Kami Black (social worker)
- Racheal Naylor (repairwoman)
- Mimi Michaels (pizza deliverer)
- Raven Jack (firefighter)
- Misti Gomez (policewoman)
- Beatrice Vu (maid)
- Dommithilde Ruelle (tourist)
- Garret Meyers (postman)
Household best friends:- Mason Bernal
- Mortimer Goth
- Maureen Salas
- Jevon Salas
- Igor Oakes
- Angelica Aviles
- Racheal Naylor
- Shaunna Dugan
- Willow Herrmann
- Shea Poirer
Unique maxed career: self-employed gardener
Unique supermaxed skill: gardening
(I'd decided to keep the heirs' career rewards and skill certificates on display in their properties - which meant that quite a lot of them ended up decorating loos!)
Unique opportunities (BlackOps) completed by heir: - Stinky Bugs
- Outside Reading
- Uncommonly Good
- Outstandingly Rare
- Merging Towards Overtime
- Scientific Documents
- The Omnificent Plant
- Outstanding Tasting ingredients
- Great Plums
- The Fruit of Life
Building: Science Centre
Property: Central Park
Property fully upgraded? Yes
Heir adult? Yes
Tombstones (all large): Grayling Landgraab, Jeremy Landgraab and Mortimer Goth (Malcolm wasn't around long enough to earn even a medium-sized tombstone).
Set of items of unique type: Photographs
Total value: §108635
Vacation days used this generation: 11
Total so far: 14
Days carried forward to next generation: 6
Generation 3Flora married Mason Bernal and followed her mother’s example by getting pregnant on her wedding night. Mason was living with his parents and brothers in what had once been the Working Friends household. (In fact, at this point, there was still a Working Friends household somewhere else in town, consisting of Madison VanWatson’s children and grandchild.) I felt that there were more Sims in the house than I wanted to juggle, and moved out the parents and teenage brother. The older brother, Torrance, was a gift for what I had in mind for this household: ambitious, workaholic and evil, so he stayed.
After the usual interval, Flora popped round the corner to the hospital and came out, unexpectedly, with twin girls. Helen was the first to be named and so was heir, although Diana somehow lost a day at the toddler stage and ended up being a day older. Flora ran home from the hospital (in high heels!) carrying Helen, while Mason, rather more sensibly, walked back with Diana. About five minutes after arriving home, Flora was pregnant again. This time she had a boy, Jack.
Oddly, even though Mason's mother, Sara, had been about to age up to elder when she moved out, she managed to give birth to a story-progression daughter about a week later. Young Destiny was at school with her nieces and nephew and became a family friend. Her descendants were around for several generations.
I think Flora must have been rather bewildered by her family – there she was, a respectable Landgraab, with a husband and brother-in-law who were both criminals. It was probably just as well that she didn’t live long enough to see all three of her children grow up to follow in their footsteps. Torrance eventually became Emperor of Evil; the others all chose the thief branch of the career. I’d originally intended Helen to go for the Physical Perfection LTW, which I hadn’t yet played (hence the name) but she rolled a wish to become a Master Thief when Mason got his final promotion. In return, he wished for her to become a master criminal (23000 points with his ambitious trait!)
Since I needed all of the others to be alive and active for the whole time I was playing this household and someone had to provide a tombstone, poor Flora didn’t have her life extended at all. Mason and Torrance had regular doses of ambrosia. I’d learnt from my mistake with the previous move – this time a replicator full of ambrosia was left out on the deck behind the Landgraab house. I was a little worried that a burglar might walk off with it but it was fine. I left a teleporter there, too, and that proved very useful for members of later households who were in that part of town and needed to get somewhere else quickly.
Incidentally, this house had the worst plumbing ever. None of them were clumsy but it kept breaking. Both Mason and Torrance completed the Plumber challenge without trying, which finally fixed the problem.
Helen became the first (and, it turned out, only) heir to finish her requirements as a young adult and had to wait a few days before she was old enough to move on.
Home: Metropolitan Lofts, 270 Sunnyside Blvd
Heir: Helen Bernal
Traits: Athletic, disciplined, friendly, ambitious, brave
Lifetime wish: Master Thief
Parents: Flora and Mason Bernal
Heir on elementary school honor roll? Yes
Heir on high school honor roll? Yes
Household NPC friends:- Susan Carmichael (postwoman)
- Teri Magana (firefighter)
- Anthony Ferris (policeman)
- Alaine Elam (paper girl)
- Celina Guajardo (social worker)
- Marty O'Brien (babysitter)
- Lukas Burchett (pizza deliverer
- Roderick Dewey (repairman
- Victoria Alicea (maid
- Karima Maloof (tourist)
Household best friends:- Conor Salas
- Bert Salas
- Michael Salas
- Abbey Dorsey
- Edgar Robins
- Victor Bernal (Mason’s younger brother)
- Cale Adkins
- Arnulfo Cheney
- Rolando Cheney
- Celina Guajardo
Unique maxed career: Criminall (Thief)
Unique supermaxed skill: Athletic
Unique opportunities (BlackOps) completed by heir: - Going Pro
- Secret Techniques
- Bounce the Crowd
- A Package for You
- Chinese Delivery
- French Delivery
- Presenting a Portfolio to Clients
- A Better Criminal
- Grabbing the Llama
- The Complete Circuit
Building: Stadium
Property: Gym
Property fully upgraded? Yes
Heir adult? Yes
Tombstone (large): Flora Bernal
Set of items of unique type: criminal career objects taken home
Total value: §97625
Vacation days used this generation: 10
Total so far: 24
Days carried forward to next generation: 6