Sweet NothingsAfter enjoying a romantic dance, Marielle and Leopold stop to savour some liquid refreshment. Leopold: Marielle, would you prefer nectar with plasma fruit?
Marielle: Thank you for thinking of me, but I’d actually prefer one that is palatable for both of us, so non-plasma nectar please.
Leopold: What about the Lime Blush, it is made of Cranerlet Nuala grapes with a dash of Lime; or the Pomegranate Buff, which has overtones of flame fruit?
Marielle: Ooh, Pomegranate Buff sounds lovely! They both sound good, actually, but I love flame fruit and it makes for such deliciously complex nectar.
Leopold secures the Pomegranate Buff nectar and they return to their dinner table to appreciate it together.
Marielle: Leopold, Platinum tells me that you are painting a portrait on the easel upstairs. She thinks it has the hallmarks of a masterpiece.
Leopold: Platinum is too kind. I’m no Leonardo Da Vinci.
Marielle: Do you paint a lot?
Leopold: Not as much as I would like to. I have been doing technical drawings for many years now, but painting is my relaxation. There’s something cathartic about painting and oils allows you the convenience of painting over your mistakes. I think I heard that your mother is a famous painter. Do you paint?
Marielle: I don't, but I admire artistic talent in others. And I'd be happy to try it. I love to learn new skills.

Marielle: You said you were reading the 100 Books to Read before you Die list. Has any book profoundly affected you?
(chuckles) I think all good books make you stop and think, but I think biographies affect me the most.
Marielle: How so?
Leopold: There are so many with remarkable stories about their life achievements. Some are driven to succeed and others are smiled upon by Lady Luck, but they almost always have one thing in common.
Marielle: Really? What’s that?
Leopold: Almost every single biography stresses the importance of relationships above achievements, especially in their later years. It seems people blindly go through youth and middle age striving to be someone the world will admire, and it’s not until old age that people realise the admiration of the world is not as important as the love of family.
Marielle: My family is very important to me and I hope I never lose sight of that.
Leopold: Marielle, you are so level headed, I’m sure you won’t.

Marielle: Well, that was delightful, Leopold! Shall we go?
Leopold: As you wish.
On their way out of the Simlux Cinema Palace, Marielle spots the Love Tester in the lobby again.Marielle: They had one of these at the circus I went to with the boys. It's fun, if a little silly. Do you want to try it?
Leopold: I don't see why not.

Marielle: Here, I'll put the money in and then we both hold the handle.

Leopold: And what do we do next?
Marielle: We just hold on and wait for the lights to stop.
(chuckling): This hardly seems like a valid scientific methodology.

Love Tester: Naughty But Nice - Hey Now--Here's Hoping You Hold Each Other the way you hold Love Inspector!
Leopold: Oh my!

Marielle: You’re right, Leopold. That is not a valid scientific analysis.
(giggling) But it is fun!

Leopold: Marielle--before we return to the Mansion, I'd like to prolong my time with you just a little more. Would you like to go outside and ponder the beauty of the heavens with me?
Marielle: Oh, yes! It sounds so romantic the way you say it. I admit I'm not ready for the night to end, either!

Marielle: How about right here?
Leopold: Let me take off my jacket. I don’t want you to damage that gorgeous dress.
Marielle: Thanks, but that’s unnecessary. I’m glad you like the dress--it was my mother’s. It’s not synthetic, so it’s more robust than it looks.
Leopold: How remiss of me not to mention that you look stunning in that dress. My only explanation is that I’ve been enchanted since you first walked down the stairs this evening.
Marielle: Why, thank you, gallant sir.

Marielle: Why, Leopold, I'm surprised at you!

Leopold: You can call me Leo.
(softly): Okay, Leo.

Leopold: And speaking of Leo, there it is!

(gasp) And look! There's Marielle!

(puzzled): There is a star called Marielle?

Marielle: My father discovered a few stars and named one after me.

Leopold: How appropriate. You should be there in the firmament of time for all the galaxies to admire.

Marielle: (giggling) Oh, Leopold. This has been a magical evening right out of a fairy tale, but I have a full schedule tomorrow--oh! Today.
Leopold: Then it is my pleasure to escort you back to the mansion. Your coach awaits, my Lady.

Marielle: A girl could get so used to this!
Leopold Confession Cam
I have little to add that hasn’t already been said this evening. Marielle is as charming as she is enchanting. But for you musical lovers out there, I now better understand Freddie Eysenford-Hill’s song in My Fair Lady. Goodnight.
(humming “On the Street Where you Live”) Marielle Confession Cam
What a romantic evening! Everything has been just idyllic. First of all, this gorgeous place. It really calls to mind the glamour of the 1920s. It's just sumptuous. The movie was simply transporting. Such high calibre. And that jazz club! The food and nectar were excellent quality. That band was really jamming, too. And the dance.
(sigh) So romantic. Leo is such an elegant dancer, and a perfect gentleman. He was entirely appropriate with his hands and his gaze. That makes me feel respected. He surprised me at the end by actually making a move! It felt like a move for him, anyway, to hold my hand like that. It was sweet. Yes, it was definitely an evening to remember. Like a night out of a classic Golden Age Hollywood film. I suppose that's appropriate since we're in Starlight Shores! I'm so glad Maman let me borrow her gown. She used to dance in the jazz clubs too, wearing this gown. It's remarkably well preserved!