Author Topic: Rules: The Random Town Jump Project  (Read 124239 times)

Offline JudesSims

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Rules: The Random Town Jump Project
« on: September 13, 2012, 04:20:45 PM »
The concept for this project came about when my old computer wouldn't handle a dynasty or legacy past a generation or two. Moving to a new town with each generation helped avoid that problem.

The goal is to start with one couple in one starting town and follow their family through all of the Electronic Arts/Origin towns that are owned. The new genetics that are brought into the family can be very interesting.

Random Town Jump Rules

1. Randomize all of the available EA towns. You can randomize the towns by going to and using their number randomizer. You would assign each number a town and click the randomize button. There are other randomizing utilities on the internet that you can use as well. You can also use an Excel spreadsheet. I use an App on my iPad (or iPhone) called Random Master which works beautifully. Any new towns created by EA can be added.

EDIT: You may also use the Forum's town, Union Cove.

2. Normal lifespan.

3. No cheats except as noted unless there are building cheats needed such as Move Objects On or such.

MODS: You may use Mods if you wish to help keep your game error free. You may also use a Story Progression mod to ensure there will be a prospective spouse for your heir. If you don't like mods, you don't have to use them.

4. A "start out" money cheat of no more than $5,000 is allowed ONLY to have a house roomy enough for a child. No other money cheats are allowed. Use the "kaching" money cheat by hitting CTRL+SHIFT+c and typing in "kaching" (without quotes) for each 1,000 Simoleons that you need.

5. The family will strive to become rich.

6. There is no limit on when a child has to be born, but only a naturally born child of the heir can continue the legacy.

7. You may have as many children as you wish but only the heir can continue the journey.

8. You may choose any child to be the heir, but it must be a child who is conceived after the game is started.

9. No aging up until actual birthday.

10. Roll a random Lifetime Wish for each heir. The heir must achieve his/her Lifetime Wish. Spouse/others do not, though it would be nice to let them to achieve it. Each heir must choose a unique Lifetime Wish so if a duplicate is rolled, continue rolling until there's one that hasn't been used. I roll for the Lifetime Wish when the child is born using the same method as Rule No. 1 above.

Modification: Instead of rolling for LTW at heir's birth, you may roll for traits at each birthday and choose the LTW from one of the four that appear when your sim ages to Young Adult.

11. The heir will find a spouse before moving to a new town.

12. Each family (parents, heir and heir's spouse) will move to a new town as soon as the heir becomes a young adult.

CLARIFICATION: To move the family, go to Edit Town and save the family to your bin. When you start your new town, choose your family to move into the house.

13. The family will remain in the moved-into house for the entire generation.

VARIATION: You may either move into a pre-built EA house, OR you may build a house specifically for your family. You may not use a money cheat to be able to afford a house.

14. Heir siblings do not have to move to the new town but they can if you wish. It's up to you.

15. You may move the family with their house if you wish in order to keep items you may have acquired (such as a 5-Star Chef's refrigerator). Then, they can move into a different (affordable) house.

16. The game ends when the final heir in the final town reaches Young Adult age. This heir does not have to achieve his/her Lifetime Wish.

That's it. It is interesting to see how each town genetics turn out for each generation.

Offline Audren

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2012, 06:49:41 AM »
I'm glad to see this became a project!  ;D I probably won't have time to do this for a while, but who knows?

I do have a few questions, though.

1. Any restrictions on who the starting family is?

2. Can heir siblings come with the heir? 14. says they can, but 7. seems to see they can't. Unless I'm misreading something here.

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Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2012, 08:43:29 AM »
I'm glad to see this became a project!  ;D I probably won't have time to do this for a while, but who knows?

I do have a few questions, though.

1. Any restrictions on who the starting family is?

2. Can heir siblings come with the heir? 14. says they can, but 7. seems to see they can't. Unless I'm misreading something here.

Thanks, Audren!

1. There are no restrictions on who the starting family is. I try to make them a couple without children but that's not a requirement. If they have a child, they need to have another one that will qualify for the heir.

2. Siblings can come with the heir but they don't continue the legacy. Meaning it isn't necessary for them to find a spouse or have offspring and any offspring that they do have won't be eligible to become an heir. I usually let older siblings remain in the old town but bring younger ones along.

Offline MissPlumbBob

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2012, 08:31:15 PM »
I am planning on doing this project eventually, but it may be a while. I know it's not required, but I want to have all the towns so that I can continue for longer!

I am missing Moonlight Falls from Supernatural, plus Barnacle Bay, Lucky Palms, and Sunlit Tides. One day, perhaps after Christmas and my January birthday, I will be able to catch up with all the towns EA has created!
Check out my new story here!

Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2012, 08:37:21 PM »
I am planning on doing this project eventually, but it may be a while. I know it's not required, but I want to have all the towns so that I can continue for longer!

I am missing Moonlight Falls from Supernatural, plus Barnacle Bay, Lucky Palms, and Sunlit Tides. One day, perhaps after Christmas and my January birthday, I will be able to catch up with all the towns EA has created!

That's great, MissPlumbBob! I'm glad you like the project :)

Offline Cedia

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2012, 04:26:55 PM »
Had I seen this I wouldn't have made my own thread!  :)  I'm still learning these boards.,12802.0.html

Offline cndneh

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2012, 08:02:39 PM »
just wondering why this hasn't been stickied? Its a great project idea! 


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Offline Schipperke

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2012, 08:26:33 PM »
just wondering why this hasn't been stickied? Its a great project idea! 


I agree!

And as for it being stickied, consider it done.  ;)
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Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2012, 08:30:25 PM »
I agree!

And as for it being stickied, consider it done.  ;)

Thank you, Schipperke!

Offline cndneh

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2012, 09:42:18 PM »
YAY!   ;D

Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2012, 09:43:55 PM »

Offline cndneh

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2012, 12:39:22 AM »
And, thank YOU, cndneh!

You're welcome!  The town jump stories are currently my favorite and I keep meaning to do one of my own!


Offline ilovebakedgoods

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2012, 09:12:04 AM »
This seems like a really fun challenge. I think I'll play along at some point. I've been having a blast reading Ausette's Jones Family town jump story!

Maybe it's my sleepy brain (just woke up) but I'm trying to figure out how one would go about going back to an old town to see how things have progressed after a generation or two has moved away. This has nothing to do with the actual challenge, more about my own curiosity to see how things might have progressed while I was "away." I'm thinking that it would be impossible since each saved game has its own time "zone" and if I move a family from, say Riverview to Twinbrook, I don't see how I could get someone to go back to that old Riverview to see what's happened after they moved away. It would just be another save file wouldn't it? I suppose I could switch to the old (Riverview, in this example) save file and let it run autonomously for awhile just to see where the story goes.

Also, a question regarding the $5000 "starting money" that is allowed. I play with a mod that allows the sims to start with $25,000 and I really don't want to have to remember to remove it and put it back into my folder every time I play so could I just do a Family Funds to lower their money to what it would be if they didn't have the excess from my cheat (and only if they *need* the money)? I think that would be $20,000, right?

Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2012, 10:17:37 AM »
This seems like a really fun challenge. I think I'll play along at some point. I've been having a blast reading Ausette's Jones Family town jump story!

Maybe it's my sleepy brain (just woke up) but I'm trying to figure out how one would go about going back to an old town to see how things have progressed after a generation or two has moved away. This has nothing to do with the actual challenge, more about my own curiosity to see how things might have progressed while I was "away." I'm thinking that it would be impossible since each saved game has its own time "zone" and if I move a family from, say Riverview to Twinbrook, I don't see how I could get someone to go back to that old Riverview to see what's happened after they moved away. It would just be another save file wouldn't it? I suppose I could switch to the old (Riverview, in this example) save file and let it run autonomously for awhile just to see where the story goes.

Also, a question regarding the $5000 "starting money" that is allowed. I play with a mod that allows the sims to start with $25,000 and I really don't want to have to remember to remove it and put it back into my folder every time I play so could I just do a Family Funds to lower their money to what it would be if they didn't have the excess from my cheat (and only if they *need* the money)? I think that would be $20,000, right?

I don't think there's a way to go back to a different town unless you kept a save file of that town. That way you could play it again but the story progression wouldn't keep up with your current family.

Yes, you can use a Family Funds to give them the correct amount of starting money. The starting money is only for those extremely poor couples that need a second bedroom for their babies.

Offline ilovebakedgoods

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2012, 10:53:53 AM »
Great, thanks for the reply! I see that you've got a Sargeant family town jump. I'm going to go read that now. I love them!

