Towards the end of week 5, everything happened in a rush. On the Thursday morning, Burl completed the Money Maker challenge. The next day, he was called to the coffee shop to Raise the Fun(d), which turned out to have been his tenth opportunity. I missed the moment when he became a Guitar Star, because I had the camera on the theatre, trying to stop him being late for work. On the way home from the theatre, he stopped off at the bookshop to buy
Flamenco Fever, the one piece of sheet music he hadn’t been given as payment for an opportunity – and on the Saturday morning, he finally supermaxed guitar.

Then, to finish off a perfect few days, he started Sunday by achieving his lifetime wish.

House 1 summarySkill: guitar
Burl (founder)Traits: Slob, mooch, inappropriate, loves the outdoors, virtuoso
Career: Music (Rock)
LTW: Rock Star
Supermaxed guitar
Building/property: The Enchanted Grill, aka Hogan’s Deep-Fried Diner
Unique rewards: collection helper, inheritance

With his tasks completed, Burl called the limo and left his little log cabin for somewhere larger and altogether more outrageous. Somewhere with a comfortable bedroom,

a luxurious bathroom (which he’s already messed up in his slobby way),

a hot tub with a view,

a private stage

complete with elevated walkway for those long guitar solos above the adoring masses (or trees, in this case)

and an overall design guaranteed to annoy the neighbours.
Next chapter